Page 8 Elaborate Armistice Day Program Ar ranged For City (Continued from page ore) 11:00 One minute silent prayer in memory of dead, followed by prayer by chaplain. 11:05 America by audience. 11:10 Short address by Command er W. A. Bradley. 12:20 Sonp by audience. 11:25 Introduction of speaker by Commander Bradley. 11;30 Addrrss oy Judge Thoma L. Johnson. (2:00 Salute to flag. Song Star Spangled Banner. Adjournment. 3:30 Football game Waynesville vs. Brevard at high school field. 8:00 Barbecue for ex-service men and fainilies at Masonic Temple. Vote of About 10,000 Recorded In Haywood Largest One Ever Cast (Continued from page one) sheriff and police during the night, and one or two celebraters were ar rested and placed in jail. At midnight the crowd began to leave, but several who were feeling "above the average" were out in front of the courthouse giving their views of the day's voting. Their audiences were rather small and inattentative. The Waynewood theatre had a rath er large crowd Tuesday night to see the picture and get the returns on the screen by Western Union 'and The Mountaineer. After about 10 o'clock it was conceeded that the Democrats would retain their huge lead through out the night and the crowds, both at the show and on the streets began dwindling down. Grover C. Davis, stated in behalf of the board of elections of the county that "the board appreciated the man ner in which the judges and registrars held the election, and also the coopera tion given election oilieiak by the voters. Not a single complaint. ha been made, or a vote contested, and we it el that everything was fair and square." County returns were .slow about coming in, as they do not have to tile before Thursday. The returns gather ed by The Mountaineer are not .official but are reliable, having been gathered from the judges of the different vot ing places. The official Vtc will not change the figures in the tabulation on page one by 10 votes either way. WHITE OAK WHITE OAK (Special to The Mountainee.) The people here have been putting in good time, work, ing tobacco through this rainy weatlu er. Rev. and Mrs. Kennedy Messer from Panther Creek were visitors on White Oak the past week. Mrs. Mes ser stayed with her father, Mr. Cleve land Fisher, and Rev. Messer spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. La-wson Teague. Rev Messer filled his appointment at the Baptist church. He nreached a very interesting sermon that was enjoyed very much by the people. There was a large crowd at tended. Miss Beulah Ledford spent Satur day night with Mi;ses Dora and Alice Hunter here. Mvs. Jnnmi: Conrad and daughter, Lucile. and Mrs. Klla . Duckett from here spent Saturday night at Mr Jarvis Hunter's on Riverside. Mrs. Sallie Sutton, who has been very ill. is reported to be recovering verv fast. Mr. Meriet Parton from Jonathan's Creek spent a few days of the past week here with Mr. J. D. Duckett. David Parton from Cove Creek has been hauling pulp wood from here for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Woiley from Sandy Mush, spent the past week-end here with Mrs. Worlcy's mother, Mrs. R. W. Greene. THE STORM The dark, sullen clouds hung somber and grey. They teemed to be beckoning sunshine away. Thi thunder came out with his voice of might, He seemed to be saying, "Come on with the night." The lightning takes her Khavp knife from the rack In a zig-zagging line she cuts through the black, a The pent-up storm comes down in. her might And the life in the forest tremble3 in fright. Marqueta stone. tvit Rlack tortoise rim glasses, IFinder please return to Mountain eer office. Reward ltp Want Ads STEADY WORK GOOD PAY RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmers in Haywood County. No experience or capital needed. Write today. McNESS CO., Dept. P. Free- port, Illinois. 1P Seen and Heard at the Polls A Democrat and Republican talking. "I'll bet there's a Democratic land slide, 'cause all these folks here look like good Democrats to me." Republi can, -Well, there aint no telling these days, they's so many wolves in sheeps clothing." A farmer from Fork. "1 about .starved during the last four years, and if Hoover is elected again, Ittnow dang well I'll pass out." "Is your old lady voting this time?" 'No, said she'd vote fer Roosevelt, and I left 'er home." was the con versation of two Pigeon men. "Has prosperity got out your way yet?" "Yep, it got there, but it sho' didn't make a visit long, and besides it took what little we had," 4Y,iis a Cataloochee resident's reply. "Sho' be glad when this thing is over, 'cause I've chewed so much of this campaign tohaccy that my teeth are getting loose," said a well known Waynesville observer. 'Someone hung a Roosevelt tire cover over the front door of the courthouse about noon. Voting in the commissioners room at the courthouse was like a bee .hive, but everything went off very quietly according to doorman Turpin. Benches were lined on the walk out side the courthouse for the spectators to look over the voters coming in and out. Many women mingled in and out during the entire day, especially dur ing the afternoon. Several women were active in bringing voters to the polls in their cars. In the North Ward at noon 537 had voted, f rank. I' eiguson expected a vole of -1000 before 'sunset. Kas-t fork was polling a :nd in for more big vote tickets. and had to im "If Roosevelt wins it will be just uit I've been saying, 'cause he's the best of the two," said a Crabtree voter ite in the afternoon. At the South Ward voting place, a arge viowd. stayed throughout the dav. At noon 700 had voted. vote of 2000 was expected. The halls were jammed to capacity. Officials' reported little trouble from the crowd. Several "were feeling too good," one official said, but were sent out of the voting place. 'Many cars bore signs "Democratic Car," Even several trucks had this sign on them. Brevard To Invade Mountaineers Field Here Friday, 3:30 Mountaineers Tied Black Mountain In Hard Fought Game Last Friday, 7-7. After dividing honors with the Black, Mountain team last Friday on the Key City's.- field when the Mountain eers failed to overcome a 7-7 score, Coach Weatherby put his .team through tough practice the first three days of this week in an effort to get the boys in condition to romp Brevard here Friday afternoon.- the Armistice Day affray. The Mountaineers second team fail ed to hold the Black Mountain team at a crucial moment last Ft i lay. Coach Weatherby took his -first stringers out in order that they could rest, as only two nnnutes .remained in the quarter, sent in nis seconti team, out tney were stiff : and . cold and failed to hold, and Black Mountain -made their only score of the game. The first Mountaineer team was out playing the Black Muontain eleven when the first touchdown of the game was made, but after the Black Moun tain team made their long dash and score the Waynesville boys were not able to pull themselves together and put across another tally during, the game. Little is known of the Brevard team, although they have a reputation - of usually getting what they go after. In years gone by. the Transylvania boys have usually been--considered a threat ening team from the very first. Coach Weatherby is ready, he believes, t stop any onslaught that, the Brevard eleven might use. The first team will be used against the Brevard eleven until a "good-size margin'' in the score has been attained, GOOD REASON T?acher of Hygiene: 'Why must we always be careful to keep our homes clean and neat." Little Girl: "Because company may valk in, any moment." SAUNOOK ITEMS The people, of this section have shown much interest in the election. Judging from the number of cars leaving here for Waynesville, all the voters went to town on Tuesday to cast their ballot in the election. Visitors here this week included: Mrs. Plemmons of Spring Creefc, who spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Plemmons, Mr. Rufus Hancy of Buffalo, S.C.. Miss Blanche Arring ton of Enka, and Mr. Wess Henry cf Willets. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arrington. Bessie and Ruby Arrington motored to Dillsboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rhinehart spent THE WAYNESVILLE Sunday at the Lome of the Tatter's parents in Marshall, Mr. H. H. Eavenson. who is work ing in Lenoir, made a recent visit to his home here. Friends regret to hear of the ill- ne,s of Mrs. G. A- Smathers, . It isJ hoped tha she will soon be well again. Many people from this section and elsewhere are expected to attend the musical show that will b? at the school house tonight. o- -o CRABTREE 0- -0 CRABTREK (Special to The .Mountaineer. rilev. L. 15- Hayes, providing eider of th,. Waynesville di.trict, preached an interesting oi r:s.n ft .the Methodist church Sunday al ' rnoun. Alter which the i'ouuh ua terly conference vU.t held. Rev. R. G. MeCIamrock left Tues day for Winston-Salem where he will at lend conference. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Noland hr.d as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leath erwood, Mr. aiyl Mrs. Jack McCrark en, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Noland, Mr. and Mrs. Orvilla Noland. Miss Cleo Caldwell spent the week end in Waynesville with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H McCracken and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McCracken spent last Week-end in Ashboro as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ridge, Miss Mary Towles returned to her work at Enka Monday after spending sometime with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Towles. Miss Bonnie Noland was the guest of Miss Anabel McCracken last week. Jack Williams, who is attending school at Cullowhee, spent last week end at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Williams. Miss Emily Palmer and Miss Ana bel McCracken were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McCru'ken Saturday night. Mr. Guilgcr Palm.'r alio MrJamos Kirkpatrick, who are attending scnuol at Weaverville spent the week-end at the home of. Mr. Kirkpatrick. Mr. ;.nd .Mr . Cavl McCracken the week-end 'with rokr.iees Silver's Cove. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Noland Sunday.-with' Air. and Mrs. spent ii the spent Sam Hipp--- (V E. Williams has ; to Colum- Ida, S. C. on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Noland of Ashe ville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Noland. ' Bo-n to Mr. and M i'-. R. C. Me CIamrock, a daug'iter, Eva Gray, on October 28. Mr. a'nd Mrs. Claude Kmsland and daughter of Ash"l!e spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Palmer. Also Mrs. Riley M. Ferguson. XOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. BERTHA MELTON, Plaintiff VS. IRA MELTON. Defendant. The defendant, IRA MELTON, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for tne purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce on statutory grounds. That said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House in Waynesville, North Carolina. in the 21st day of NOVEMBER. 19l!2, -m answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand-d ir. wiid complaint. This, OCTOBER 18, 19:52. W. G. KYER3, Clerk Superior Court, Haywood County. N C. Oct; 20-27-Nov. ;i-10-17 (-GHW XOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. AMBROSE' 'PRINTING' COMPANY, :-t. al. ' I.AaE JUNAI.USKA METHODIST ASSEMBLY and SOUTHERN AS M-JMBLY. A!i persons having claims against hi Lake Junalu-i-a Methodist Assem ly and the. Soul hern Assembly, ; the leftnd:invs above named, wir take. no tice that' thev are require.!, "oy en order-made in this cause by His Honor, :T. iliiyle Sink, Judge presiding at the September Term of the Superior Court of Haywood County, to present their verified claims to the under signed Receiver of said defendants within 90 davs from November 10th, 19 or this notice will be j leaded in tar of their recovery. This, November 10, 19S2. JAMES A I KINS, Jr.. , Receiver. Nov. 10-17-24-Dcc. 1. XOTICE OF SALE On Monday. November 28th. 1932, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., at the Court House door in the Town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, North Caroli na, the undersigned trustees will sell at public out-cry to the highest bid der for cash, the following described premises: Lying and being in Haywood Coun ty, Nj C, and fully described as fol lows: Beginning on an iron stake in the North side line of Ballew. Avenue, said iron stake being 85 feet in an east erly direction from the North East intersection corner of an alley and Ballew Avenue , and on the North side line of Ballew Avenue; this intersection corner being 100 feet Easterly from the intersection of Academy Street and Ballew Avenue, and runs thence North 13 45' East 132 feet to a stake; thence East 50 feet to a stake ; thence South 4 West 118 feet to a stake in the North side line of Ballew Avenue; thence S. SO' w 70 feet with said Avenue to a MOUNTAINEER stake; thence N. 73 45' W. 6.66 feet tn the Becinniner. Being the same property conveyed to the said H. B. Reeves and wife by deed dated March 5th, 1015, and re corded in Book 53, page 27. This sale is made under, by virtue of and pursuant to fhe power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust -xecjtad by H. B. Reeves and wife, Annie Reeve?, to Union Trust Com pany of Maryland and Insured Mort gage Bond Corporation of X. C, Tnwtees, dated April 15th, 1927, and recorded in Book 21, page !. Re ord of Deeds of of Haywood '-:unty, N- C to which said record c'Yi -e:ice is hereby made for all the terms and conditions of the same. Union Trust Company of Mary land, Insured Mortgage Bond Corpora-Jon of N. C, Trustees. --. :;-j0-1'i.2-1 MGS NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Friday, December 2nd, 1032, at ten o'clock, A. M. at the court house door in the town of Waynesville, Hay wood County, North Carolina, I will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands, lying and being in Waynesville Town ship, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a maple, corner of No. 17, in a low gap in ridge, and runs with the lines of said tract, S. 7- W. ISVa poles to a stake at upper side of flat and foot of hill, N. 85 W. 146 poles to a large ash; thence N. 74 'W. 92 poles to a stake on top of little mountain in West boundary line and Plott's line; thence with his line, S. 22 W. 5 poles to chestnut, corner old tract; thence S. 42Ms W. 49 poles to four upright stones in small hollow; thence S. 87 E. 29 poles to a black oak on ridge; thence S. 2 V. 52 poles to stone west of gap of ridge; thence S. 89 E. 19 poles to a stake; thence S. 87" E. 322 poles to stake near said Hyatt's residence, corner of old tract and in line of lo. No. (I; thence with said line N. IVa' E. 7K'i! poles and 5 links to stake on top h' ridge, corner of No. 17; thence with -aidline, live calls: N. 7X& W. IW'i poles; 2 - I. - to stake, S-. :I2J W. 12'i poles to stake on ridge, N. 77 W. 26 M: : poles, 5 - I. - to stake, N. 1,2" YV. l-Vii poles ti sourwuod. N. 77 W. 19 1 1 poles to a fitake, We.u M poles to BEGINNING, containing one hundred and sixty-three (l'i.'i) acres, more or less. Sale made. pursuant to power of -'-alt tonferred upon me by a deed of trust dated May, 1927, executed by -P. E. Hyatt and wife, . Maggie N. Hyatt, and recorded in Book 19, at page 211, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, to which deed of trust and record reference . is hereby made for all the terms and conditions of the same. This November 2, 19II2. GRADY BOYD Trustee Nov 10 17 24 Dec 1. '7 Had To Take So Kind of a Laxativ ' ilvery Day, " He Says tiai-Hon Soft Mass Pills Regu'ated My Gowets Perfectly." "I tutferva un enron I ir constipation for tweiitv Venn t tmullv renclicd t h point tthc.-e i naa lo n1: some Kind of luxa- I tue every Hay out all they did til to puree my bowel? find help me tor the lime rjeln? Sariion Pills ornrurht me mv first unci ivn'v I Instills relief riifi retaliated my bowels perfectly I ann i ne lleve there Is another laxative ill: tr.:-ii in the world " - M P Hnnvnocl, 70 Le:iox P Rnrhesler N Y ( " No Longer Have To Dose Myzelf Vv iih Harsh Purgatives ' ' Will Always Blocs the Dnv She Started Sarrjon Soft Mass Pills. 'For the first time Inf" sot years I ujn i nave( siie to dose ni'-.-elt with .- iiwk harsh puinivtlves An iMW ' my troubles Rlth eon- stipation una nmous nes were Iv $kin.:; 'has chanr-ed lo clear, hr:i:hy color These . p. lis are dUfcient front any plher laxative'. I hae ever u.-,ed, I'll al 2 1; ways hioss 'hp c!nr I frinlt ft friend's r.tlvlrp and -started, taking thchl.''rvrrs. A S Tv-ntoax, 321 Lime Ave.. Long Ceach. Cull! He Never Has To Take Laxatives Of Any Description Urr-; Cathartics Almost Daily Be I; l-le Took Sanon Pills Por more than ten .pars .1 . suffered, from , or.stiPiitJcn P.nd an In- . iMive. icvrpid Ilvpr I iinrl to take sortie sort of laxative or cathartic everv day It has now bosn tl-lrtj days since I toott Ear Son Soil Mass PUls. .uid I no longer find It necessary to take pills or laxatives of any kind, lor Thomas C. ( am perfectly regulated." Matthews. J.441 :Wazee Etrcet. Denver. Colo Is Now Perfectly Regulated! First Time in 15 Years Wan Continually Taking Medicines Without Lasting Benefits. "1 via contlnuallv! taking physics and lax ative but could find nothing to overcome my dreadful constipa tion Thanks to Sargon Soft Mass Pills 1 now. for the first time in fifteen years, have reg ular and thorough Dowel eliminations This ts the only laxn live l ever used that iBSnl-' l r v A. Vfaj worKs naturally and easilv witnoji ihr teas griping ot upsetting effects " Mr Ellis Warner 541 E "Cnd St Pnrtlann Orecon m This Remarkable Medicine may be obtained from Waynesville Pharmacy I NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE ' of. a nc tnDTH rARflllMA. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. WHEREAS, ,on November the i 1927, J. F. Shelton, trustee for Ralph Knvkend all. executed and delivered a Deed of Trust to W. J. Hannah, Trus tee to secure $l,3f)0.00, with interest, due thereon, for J. R. coyd, wnich amount was payable by install ments in one, two and three years, which D;ed of. Trust is duly recorded in Record of Deeds of Trust Number 22 on page 11 in th? oflice of the Register of Deeds foi Haywood County. Default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust and having been requested by the owner and holder of the notes secured by the same to execute the power ot sale contained m the saiti Deed of Trust: I will therefore on December the 2, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., at the courthouse door of Haywood County, sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction the land described in said Deed of Trust as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEING THE SAME land sold and conveyed by Al den Howell and wife Fannie Howell to W. L. Kuykendall and Oliver Carv er, bearing date of the 29th day of January, 1919, and which deed ii duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina in record of Deeds Number 55 page 80, to which deed and record, reference is hereby made for the one half interest conveyed by said Carver to this tract and the other one half interest, already being owned by the said W. L. Kuykendall and -which said tract is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a Cucum ber corner and runs North 32 E. 10 poles to a staKe in the field; thence S. 72 W. 80 poles to a black oak on side of ridge; thence up the moun tain a follows: N. 39V&" 35 poles to a Chestnut Oak; thence N. 54 W. 24 poles to a Chestnut; thence N. 10 Ms W. 12 poles to a Chestnut in the Boyd line; thence with his line N. 73 E. 20 poles to a Locust; thence N. 20 E. 88 poles to a Birch and a -Chestnut in the Hart line; thence N. 09 E. 25 poles; thence N- 34 E. 15 poles; thence N. filVa" E; 19 poles; thence South 3(;'i degrees East 55 poles to u black oak, J. L. Ferguson's confer; thence R. .(. E. 100 poles to a stake; thence S. 72Vi E; 80 poles to the beginning,- (.obtaining- 117 acres more or less. .SECOND TRACT: -Beginning and bring; the same land conveyed by F. II. Moody and wife to Oliver Carver bv deed bearing date of April 11, 1919 and which is duly recordqd in the office-of the Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, North Carolina in book 55 at page 580, and which lantl- are more particularly described as follows: Beginning on a stake on the East Bank of the Branch, Carver's corner and in the Howell and runs with the same N. 72 Vs E. 52 poles to a Chest nut on too of Pine Mountain ridge; thence down the same S. 10 W. 26 poles to a chestnut by a large chest nut stump; thence b. w.-oi poles to the Rice line; thence with same S. 70 W. 16 poles to a stake in Carver's corner, thence with his line N. 23 W. 44 poles to the Be ginning, containing 10 acres more or less. THIRD TRACT: Being the same land sold and conveyed by Thomas Rathbone and wife Martha Rathbone to said Oi L. Carver, by deed dated the 10th day of March, 1913 and which said deed is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, North Carolina in record of Deeds number 40 at page ISO, to which record reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of said lands, which are more particu larly described as follows, towit: Be ginning at a Black Oak corner of Good Health Depends On Mineral Balance Lee's Mineral Compound With Vitamins Builds Bodily Strength and Vigor by Supplying Needed Minerals and Vitamins In the light of recent scientific di cdveries, leading Physicians and Health authorities agree that the human race could be practically free from most ail ments, and could live to a ripe old age if the system could be regularly sup plied with a sufficient quantity of the ssential Minerals and Vitamins. DEFICIENCY OF MINERALS The process of refining modern foods; bleaching of flour, rice, sugar, etc.; tor getlicr with improper cooking takes out of our foods the very things that God intended wc should, have. ACIDITY DESTROYS HEALTH As the Minernl content of the body is lowered, slowly but surely the acid con tent of the Bystem is increased until it finally reaches the point where the oreans of assimilation and elimination -annot perform their natural functions. Our Dowers of resistance are lowered. Disease germs creep feito the blood. The jvstem becomes clogged with impurities Various aches and pain appear, and before we realize what is taking place, we are on the very verge of a physical break-down. MAKE THIS 10 DAY TEST Convince Yourself! Stop dosing yourself with "patent medicines," harsh pugatives, oils and cathar tics for just 10 davs. Go to your nearest Druggist and secure a bottle of LEE'S MINERAL COMPOUNDS Take it regularly, and watch the results. YouU b amazed at the feeling of renewed strength and vigor that soon appears. No nar cotics or alcohol to "boost you up" but a natural method of restoring health ind energy. . CURTIS CUT RATE AND OTHER GOOD DEALERS Or Send 99c To Lee's Laboratory Atlanta, Georgia THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1932 Erastus Wood's land and runs thence m 72iA v. 7714 Doles to a stake m a fie'ld: thence N. 23 W. 9 poles to a i. ' , XT in-LL V 9A UueumDer; xnencc ii. -poles to a stake in a branch; thence S. 23 E. 44 poles to a stake in the Rice line; thence with the Rice line S.70" W. 25 poles to a Sourwood; thence a westward direction 82 poles to the Beginning, containing 25 acres more or less. The above described lands is situated on Purchase Moun tain in Jonathan's Creek Township, Haywood County, North Carolina and the same is to be sold under this ad vertisement as above indicated for the puipo-e of satisfying- the said Deed of Trust. This the 2nd Dav of November, 1932 W. J. HANNAH Trustee Nov. 10 17 24 Dec. 1 "SARGON SOFT MASS PILLS ARE DIFFERENT FROM ANY LAXATIVE I'VE EVER TAKEN. THEY DONT SHOCK OR UPSET THE SYSTEM IN . 1 THE LEAST." Sargon Soft Mass Pills are not Hka nny laxative you have ever taken They are so gentle and thorough in action that there Is nothing about them to remind you that you have ever taken a medicine, and most re markable of all, their directions call for a gnyiual reduction of the doso until the j)ofnt is reached where you no longer require a laxative of any kind. This remarkable medicine may t obtained from. WAYNESVILLE PHARMACY kii rriii mart JftV i ana IT II SHE C1URJTS tcluen youre in PAIN I Insist on genuine Bayer Aspirin; not only for its safety, but its speed. Take a tablet of Bayer Aspirin and some other tablet, and drop them in water. Then watch the Bayer tablet dissolve rapidly and completely. See how long it takes to melt down the other. That's an easy way to test the value of "bargain" preparations. It's a far better way than tcsticg them in your stomach ! Bayer Aspirin offers safe and speedy relief of headaches, colds, a sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis,' lumbago, rheumatism, or perivdic pain. It contains no coarse, i ri Hating-particle.-, or imt)iiritics. AMAZING NEW FORMULA Fortunately for humanity, science has found a wav to prevent mort ot.ib.ese conditions. -After years of careful re search and experimentation, a new ana remarkable formula has been perfected- This preparation, known as LEE'S MINERAL COMPOUND is a scientific combination of the eleven most e;eiitia) Mineral Elements of the human Vdy combined with Vitamins. U vV in any, a patent medicine Is more in the nature of a FOOD "1T.VL IZER. By supplying the systcai n-ith the necessary Minerals ind Vitamins, it aids nature in Quickly balancing the Mineral content )f the body o ibat good health laturally To'dows. BRINGS K.ICK RELIEF Stomach disorders, R.-cli ts adigestion, hyperacidity, "heart - bum," as, and bloating soon yield to Oils amazing nat ural compound. Constipation and At tendant ills, such as nervousness, head aches, biliousness, bad breath and sallow skin, soon give way to a 'eeling if renewed strength and ngor. SSS-: : : W . :- &

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