THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 BETHEL-WOODROW o- As part of the citizenship program of the Bethel School the students con ducted an election on Monday, No vember 7th. Ballots were pa-oared for the county, state and national tickets. Over throe hundred pupils voted three ballots. It is noteworthy that out of -all the pupils there was only one ballot out of the better than nine hundred ballots cast that was in corri't "iy market!. The Bethel basket ball players play ed their first game of the season last Friday night with the Clyde High school at Clyde. The contests result ed in victories for the Bethel girls and the Clyde boys. The same teams will clash again at the "Y" in Canton Friday night November 18th. The honor roll for the third month is as follows: Eleventh Grade Mae Henson, Florence Reece, Wand rose Pipes, Lucy Plott, Laura Cham bers, Judson Mease, Mary Gregg. Tenth Grade Joseph Francis, Harry Rogers, Ed gar Mehaffey, Norman Plott, Virginia Osborne, Eugene Francis, Florence Warren, Deanie Frazier. Ninth Grade Edwin Hyatt, Francis Medford, Mable Wilson. Eighth Grade Bill Hyatt Lenn Mlrrav Charlto Osborne, Lois Aldnch, Audre Pressley, Winfred Rigdon, Lura Sellers, Edith ftamey. Seventh Grade Robert Welch, Betty Sue Cathey, Jtfary Lou Hardin, Marie Powell. Sixth Grade Martha Cogburn, Mildred Hargrove, Mary Jane Mitchael, Myrtle Murray. Fifth Grade Mary Hyatt, WilLa Mae Bright, Cathren Justice, Bobby Meall, Fulton Burnett, Fred Hyatt, Verdon Single ton, Lenoir York. Fourth Grade Bradwin Hargrove, Sam Welch. Bertha Cabe, Joy Osborne, I rone West, Mozelle Wooten. 'Ihird Grade Howard Hurnette, James Cat hey, Hd'win Long, Wayne Stanley, Piercen Wilson. lhirlvn Rumgarner, Hazel Frady, Edith Ilightower, Norma -York. Second Grade Lois Farmer, See Kelly, Irene Rus sell, Francis West. I- irst Grade Rubs- Ashe, Marv lilavhvk, Clara' Brown. Ava Chambers, Audrey Shei -rill, Fdith W c IK, .) 1) Ldssaid-, Muk Russell, Manuel Grant. The pupils who were perfect in at tendance for the third month number- "SARGON SOFT M .S PILLS ARE DIFFERENT FROM AMY LAXATIVE I'VE EVER TAKEN. THEY DONT SKCCK OR UPSET THE SYSTEM IN THE LEAST. Harmon Soft Mass fills are not, like any laxative yon have ever taken. Thoy 'are so s-eiitle nnd -t'lioro'is'li In anion that there is about them to iciiikKl you .'that you liavo over taken a medicine, and most re markable of all, their directions call for a RTudiml reduction' of the dose until ill" poiiH 'S readied where von no longer require a laxative ol any Uiiid. ' remarkable medicine may bo obtained from. W S I LI PHARMACY. I it! I I i i X AVavuesville- Waynesville Wliite Oak l.'lyde . I'KI'Oll ..lonathan Ivv Hill . . Iron OutT ., Fines Creek Crahtree Kast Fork Cecil Cataloochee Big Creek Beaverdam 1 Beaverdam 2 Beaverdam 3 Beaverdam 4 Beaverdam 5 Beaverdam 6 TOTAL, s,-;i : -M4) ':;' Mil ft' ftM Season's First Snow Falls At White Oak Will'::: OAK -(Special tc The Mountaineer.) Rev. J. Y. Davis from Catl-tree, who is pastor of the I'ig i;. Baptist church, tilled his -regular ;pdntmf!!t here Saturday and Sun iay. iie delivered -a very interesting .-crmon e;uh time. A large crowd attended. The pvoplv here were very much .ar .wised vakv early Satur day morning and find the first snow of the season. It has been cold since thtJt time. Most of the people are now busy gathering their crops. Mrs. Mary Hunter, who has been very sick. is reported to be some better. Misses Rena, Marguerite, Wilma and Peter Messer spent Sunday af ternoon With their uncle. Mr. Clark Messer. Among the 4-H club boys from here Saturday at Waynesville were: Jar !Vis Teague, Arlo Hunter, Baxter Conrad, Jack Clarke, Ned Clarke, John Williams. Teagne Williams. Jarvis Messer, Robert Ledford, Paul iLedford, Jse Jenkins, and Athol Holder. The ones that won prizes were: Jarvis Teague, $2.00 on to bacco, John Williams, $6.00 on pota toes, Jack Clarke, $3-.r0 on tobacco. Robert Ledford, $4.00 on tobacco, Jarvis Messer. 11.00. Miss Annie Mae Conrad .spent 'Sunday afternoon with Miss Neta Mae Duckett. Miss Ethel Caldwell from near Waynesville is staying down here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter. Rev. J. Y. Davis snent Saturday night with Mr. an 1 Mrs. Joe Hunter. Lawrence Messer lost one of bin calves recently. The following poem was written by Mr. C. W. Kirch, of the Kirch Company, Sturgis, Mich. It is pub lished in an illustrated booklet and sent to their dealer organization. We agree that the following is WHAT TlIK WORLD NKKDS A little less knock A little more ease ' A little less reck A little more please. A little less spite A little move dear A little less might . A little more cheer, A little less tax A little more right A 1 1 it jo less or A little more light. I A little less stick A little more fun A little less kick A little more sun. A IJttle less lak,, A Tittle more give A little less lake A little more live. A little less law A. little more love A little less claw A little more dove. ; L'Knvoi A little less pull A little more rope A little less bull A little more hope- ed 28o The total jrain in weii: hi, for t he I third 'month' for all pupils, over and above what the tulal wo i edit, was at the end of the second month, anninnts to !'!ii pounds. I OFFICIAL RETURNS IN HA State Senate Ilell.-e 'Be p. l.'ej.i: ;, r nl' I Iced s riff X r l lKit 1 7 :i l ;:) 1 - i it ! n :? l j 3? ;: i ltr.s :i ki 117,1- ifiii 12 os i!o; Ml 14 42fi z'-r, it 41 x til 2Hi. 4D3 : 2 77 412 4.4'S Kii 2 lit 127 .21 'J 12C 204 l 21 327 141 329 137 33." 1 t 124 ICC 125 124 392 3?0 390 305 161 "313 310 316 114 167 118 164 1)9 196 109 193 103 194 101 19S 49 49 40 17 34 37 42 37 23 54 301 211 296 .13 289 221 283 119 286 lit 12- 428 243 428 245 416 2) 291 258 293 257 291 260 264 227 274 219 272 225 336 230 337 224 331 23S 6843 2961, 7010 2906 6738 3204 0958 AXTI-K1SSIXG DOCTOR LOSES Seattle. Wash Even though Dr. Daid C. Hall, University of Wash ington health officer, insists "kissing is unl-ygenic." he admitted that rules against it at college are futile, adding that "the physical urge for i motional exp: essioti transcends all man made rules to modify." HREAK POOR 1177' AVIO Lansing Mich.-Hueves . unab'u to hivsk in a door a: a Lansing stole rc cci'. 'y lo their own strength, ran automobile to the entrance and .n:. -hid it in 'with the bumpers. " Had To Take Sorr -Kind of a Laxative Every Day, ' ' He Says "Sargon Soft Mass Pills Regulated My Bowels Perfectly." "1 lufferw witn cDron le constipation tot J . f twenty rears I finally l Nf reached the point I when I bad tg tat I - " ...3 aoma kind of a laa- V. tZ. ul V - f j the dld " Pu k . ji1 jFf mj bowela nnd help ni (MKST'r''' for Ui time being. I & 'TL Barron Pllla Drought I lNkawTI- m my ,lr,t onl' n'" " 1 luting relief. They regulated my bowela perfectly. I don't be lieve there l another laxative like these 10 the world." U. P. Barwood. 70 Unoi St, Rochester. N T. " No Longer Have To t Dose Myself With Harsh Purgatives " Will Always Blest the Day She 6tarted Saroon soft wati Kins. Por the first time ln tlx years I don't have to dose my st 1 1 witni narc-h puricatlvee. AUI my troubles with con stipation and bilious ness were ended by I Surgon Pills. My sklnl has chAnged to a clear. I liealtliy color. These! pills are different from I anv other laxative 11 luive ever used: I 11 sl- wnvs liliss the duy 1 t(ok ft Irlend s ndvice nnd started taking them." Mrs. A. 3 Vrcloaz. 311 Lime Ave . Long Beach. Calif . He Never Has To Take Laxatives Gf Any Description Uiecl Cathartics' Almost ' D.iily De tore He Took S.irgon Pills l-ur more thnn ten -.ears 1 MillVreil Iniltl amst-.patlori end nn"ln .itive. torpid liver I !id to t:ke (,:ne hort of laxative or .cathartic almost every day It has now been thirty Idnya since I took S6n Bolt Mass Pills. and I no longer rind It necessary to take ntne or laxatives of any kind lor I am perfectly -regulated." Thomas C. Matthews. 1441 wazee btrcet. Denver. Colo. Is Now Perfectly , Regulated First Time in 15 Years Was Continually Taking Mdiclnes Without Lasting Benefits. "1 was continually! taking physics nnd lax atives but could find notliliiK to overcome my dreadful consulta tion Thanis to Sarcon Bolt Mass Pills I now. for the first time in fifteen rears, have rca- ular and thormiRlit o o w e 1 eliminations This is the only laxa tive I ever ur.erl that I work's naturally and easily unianit the least (Tt'lplnt; or npsetthii! ef(.iT'. " - Mrs Ellis Warner. 04! E. tjnd Bl..-. i?urilaiirt Oregon This KOinarKaDIC ilC(IICine ' mav-be obtained from Way ires vi lie 1 ha r m aey i ' 1 1 : 1 i l 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 X I IS .iu 11 1 I mm -WFll It',' OIOIOISSIOIICI i re. 1 it4 l l -i tin. : ; t 4 7. 1 234 CM It 1 17 i I 2 tiS 1 T t't) 1 1 H ' 200, Sa 1 I '.",. s'y ' I 1 41 i 20 j 4 1 . 410 2t,0 : tl,l 27", 4e.-, -12!' ; 22 217 ,12:i 21! 214 121 4 :i r, 2r,2 3'J'J 2 7(1 1 itl 330 1311 33S 131 32S i. 143 .129 120 392 121 394 397 390 24 312 30 6 313 123 168 117 171 123 149 102 103 194 101 195 103 126 1 92 49 47 50 48 36 36 35 36 35 297 211 216 . 29S 298 213 289 114 130 281 121 432 241 ' 422 251 424 426 246 296 255 281 271 290 289 270 222 250 247 2 69 221 335 228 30S 263 330 23 2 2906 6842 3044 0903 6954 2025 RECEIVE JAIL SE.XTE.XCES Tillamook, Ore. Elmer Williams. William Campbell and J. B. Monroe weie sentenced to two years each in th penitentiary here for chonnine a pig to oeath with an axe. on a spree. They wire foiled guilty . : e yir.g projn rty. liquor ot d' .AT nrrs ,101; i ani.u'tiU.', .Ua-s. Xiivertisimr tor a job v.i an tfufnmubife poliluM', a liar, vai'd .-: tiiit iit ilescri'oea himself as hav. Kig "a -trong back and a weak mind." it, s'.e; job. too. CASE REVERSED Wthington. Nov. The supremo ci.un Monday reversed a conviction of Wiiham Orau, Newport, Ky.. in an iiv) M t'aiit opini. a infolving t he rights t prohibition agents to search a pri vate residence where there is no evi dence of the sale of intoxicating liquor. NOTICE OF TKl'STKtrs SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. WHEREAS, ,on November the 1 1927, J. F. Khelton, trustee for Ralph KuykendaU, executed and delivered a Deed of Trust to W'. J. Hannah, Trus tee to secure $1,350.00, with interest, due thereon, for J. R. Boyd, which amount wa-s payable bv install ments in one, two and thiee years, which Deed of . Trust is duly recorded in Record of Deeds of Trust Number 22 on pae 11 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County. Default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust and having been requested by the owner nnd holder of the notes secured hv the same to execute the power of sale contained in the said Deed of Trust: I will therefore on December the 2, Ii.'i2, at ten o'clock A. M., at the courthouse door of Havwood County, sell fo:- cash to the public auction the said Deed of Trust b ehest bidder at land de.-cribed m as follows: H Kl N'C THE FIRST TRACT: SAME land sold am onveveil hv Al den Howell and wife 1 tlinie Howell l Hiver arv 2111 h dav of I to W. L. K uykendall an ler, bearihjr date of tin jar.u'a rv. I ;M '.'. and yhi. 1 erordi'.l in the t i;li,: i d rd is duly . , ., i 1 . . ii. aunty, Neil :'!(!-. Xii'i !n ar. Una n: ir,o sti i wh 1 (too 1.1 i ( ference half inlen la this ti interest, : I hi'M'by made for the one t iti'iveyeii by stiid 't'itrxei n t 'ahd tile oilier one half Ireadv .beilijc 'owned by th. said V . L. Kuvkendall and whicn sum tract is inore particiilarly di'scribed as follows: 15 1',( 1 1 N MNt ! oil a Cuciini ber corner and runs North ,2 E. 10 poles to a sUute in the field; thence s. 72 V V. so 'poles to a black oak on side of ridno; thence up I he moun tain as folhiws: N. ait'j"- 35 poll's to a Chestnut Oak; thence N. 51" W. 21 poles to a Chestnut; thence N. H '. a V. 12 poles to a ( bestnut in the Hoyd line; tlience with his line N. 73 E. 20 poles to a Lncust: thence N. 20 E. H8 poles to a Kirch and a hestiitil in the Hart line; thence N. )!)" E. 25 poles; thence N- ,M ' E. 15 poles; thence N. 5.1 I'.. 10 polos; thence South MM-j decrees East 55 poles lo a black oak, J. L. 1' oriruson's corner; thence S. -I1-' E. 100 poles to a stake; thence S. 72'.s E. HO poll's to the beu'innini.', containine: 117 acres more or less. iSECOND TRACT beine; the same lain If. .Moody and w ife by deed hearint,' date ;.tid wi'a !i is duly .ollice of !ho Register ood, ( '.Hint y. North .55 at piii'.e 5S0, and li,o' (, iiai I a'tlltu iv is- Begmninir and conveyed by V. 1o Oliver ':(!' vec of April 11, 1!M!I ( corded in the of Deeds of Uny Canilinit in book 'which land are c r i bod as follows: lleeiliiiill;!- nil a st:tl: Hank of the liraiich, . :imi in the Howell :,h. tin , Has eorne ih ill YWOOD COUNTY -l.l s ' illeetcr Si S ' I I ",.! 207. .1 -". 2S1 ;2li2 129 l-H. 1 2irii -fill l"t: .411 1 s:i 2 0li. "it! 2 73 2;i; I 2 l o I 5 2 I 2 :::, 31 !''! 1 . , i I SO . S2t "' :-.'!. ' : Sll .431; ,'241 429 4l3 20O 4 1 ti 217. . 127 . 217 201 204 134 208 : 143 342 140 143 3 3 142 333 147 124 1 24 1 23 24 3')l 3S7 390 31 '1 69 31 1 318 154 128 161 124 160 117 172 172 104 J 92 11. 187 109 39 18 48 . 46 3G 41 36 36 37 211 297 217 301 209 296 217 121 279 119. 292 114 279 121 246 .424 247. 427 430 221 ; 261 288 263 207 290 260 221 216 266 225 2 38 318 24t 34. 2 26' 338 ; 2924-' ' 6887- 3047 69 0 2873 6936 2986 same N. 72? E. 52 poles to a Chest nut on top of Tine Mountain ridge; thene2 down the same S. 10 V. 26 pok s to a chestnut by a large chest nm stuw.p; thence S. 32 W. Si's pates to tnt to the tiice line: thence witn .i me S. 70'' W. Hi j ii t'tii vi-r's corner. I line N. 2r W. -I I poles to a stake thence with his poks lo the He ll) act es siH.rv 01 c'lnnin'. iMlUtutiin;.1 less. ; THIRD TRACT: Reins the -.tin.-jhind sold and ecmeyed by Tliotua I Rathbone and '.v tfe .Martiia Rat tibatie to said O. L. Carver, by deed dated the 10th day of Maivh, lt and which said deed is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, North Carolina in record of Deeds number 40 at paire 1st), to which record reference is hereby made for a full and complete description of -aid lands, which are more particu larly described as follows, towit: Be ginning at a Black Oak corner of Erastus Wood's lund and runs thence N 72'2 E. 77 '-a poles to a stake in a tkdd; thence N. 2;1 W. Ii1 poles to a Cucumber; thence N. 77V E. 20 poles to a stake in a branch; thence S. 23 E. 44 poles to a stake in the Rice line; thence with the Rice line S.70 W. 25 poles to a Sourwood; thenc a westward direction h2 poles to the Beginning:, containing 25 acres more or less. The above described lands is situated on Iurchase Moun tain in Jonathan's Creek Township, HaywvHxl County, North Carolina and the same is to be sold under this ad vertisement as above indicated for the purpose of satisfying the said Deed of Trust. This the 2nd Dir- of November. 11)32 W. J. HANNAH Trustee Nov. 10 17 21 Dec. 1 NOTICE OF 1UCSTEKS SALE On Friday, December 2nd, 11W2, at ten o'clock, A. M. at the court house door m the town of avnesville, Hay wood County, North Carolina, I will sell at. public outcry, to the hig'hest bidder for cash, the foliowinft lands, Iving and heme; in Waynesville Town: s'hi, and more particularly described as follows: KMC 1 NI Nt; at a ti'iaple, corner of i N 17, in :i low ; with l he lmi W. IS'- pole.--of flat and f I !G"t polos to il V. 112 pole i I tli mount rn K'ap s v.f to a in ri ainl 11 II: said tra !. :' tl a1e at upii" oof of liili, N. H,'. a Itn'tvo ash; I henci . to a stake on t'o' in W est liaund.'t! j I me ai line, h corner and I'lotC ,s "" W line I house with hi .pole:'; to cliesimil t hence S.M2.-j'-. W Id frarl 11 poles to four upright tones in ' mill's small hollow ; t hence S. to a -black oak mi ridn tlience S. tl' west of gap W pol to st one of ndge; thence h. M to a stake; tlience h. S7 I to stake near -aid Hyatt' l!U poles tt22 poles resilience, corner o! ld 'ract No. l; thence with E. 7S poles mid o top. of riilire, ..orner with said line, live , :uid in line of lot said, line "N.. l'i links to slake on of Nil. 17; thence alls: N. 7S' W. w 2 Pa pole-; " 1 to st ike, ri-., poles to slake on ndgi ! W. 26 .poles, .5 - L - to slnko, N. 02" W. 15' poles to sourwood, . N. 77" W. l'.Pj poles to a s'take. West 14 poles to BEtilNNLMif "Ciiiitntniiig. one hundred and sixty-three (Hi.'U acres, more or less. I Sab made 'pursuant to power of rale ' conferred . upon, me by a deed of t rust aled M.i , 1027 i m i lilt d h I' I I'vatl and wi Mu'cie N 1 1 sail and recorded Record, of 1 )i look I'd, at pajre 211, of Trust of ll:r.vv, nod ( .'oii n.ty record all the same. This , to which deed of trust reference is hereby ni:i b and for t he torn ml, iiidit ions '.i 'i'riislee I Nov 10 -17 21 Dei (tenet!- h;k iifi: 2 1 7 1 1 i r 12 3 7 1 im; i 1. 1 1 Iter 21s 11 :, v.Y 407 397 1 8 . 10 2:;'s : 270 13.1. 145! 13 42:1: 2- I III 21 210 It -410' I I 0 2,1, 20i; 142 32'. i:o 3 11 1 ,0 32N 13 1 10 13 20 i n 3K(i 401 21 1.3 287 Jl. 31? 111 174 121 170 ,118 184 198 109 198 109 198 108 199 11 46 1:0 45 11 41, 11 35 40 3 34 4 4 33 29E 218 295 217 295 218 277 124 '79 120 27i 125 424 223 430 399 . 242 278. 26. 286 l', 25.8 253 235 261 236 231 312 331 '11 320 6679 3146 ,6911 2993 6800 308 XOTJCE OF SALE On Monday, November 23th, 1932, at 11:00 o'clock A. M.. at the Conrt House door in the Town of Waynes ville. Haywood County, North Caroli na, the undersigned iru.-tee will sell a: public out-cry to the highest bid. di r for cash, the following- described premises: l.yinjr and Im in.c it. Haywood Coun tv. N. C.. and fu'dv described as fol lows: Bojiriimiiit,' en r.n iron stake in the North side line of Baliew Avenue, said iron stake beint 5 f.-c-t. in an east erly direction from the North East intersection corner of an alley and Baliew Avenue , and on the North side line of Baliew Avenue; thi3 intersection corner beinjr 100 feet Easterly from the intersection of Academy Street and Baliew Avenue, and runs thence North 13 45' East 132 feet to a stake; thence East 50 feet to a sta,kc; thence South 4" West IIS feet to a --take in the North side line of Baliew Avenue; th?nce S. 88 W. 70 feet with said Avenue to a stake; thence N. 7.J 45' W. fi.fid feet to the Beginning. Being: the same property conveyed to the said H. B. Reeves and wife by deed dated March 5th, 1015, and re corded in Book 53, page 27. This sale is made under, by virtue of and pursuant to the power of sale contained m that certain deed of trust executed by H. B. Reeves and wife. Annie Reeves, to Union Trust Com. pany of Maryland and Insured Mort gage Bond Corporation of N. C. Trustees, dated April 15th, 1927. and recorded in Look 21. page 64. Rc vord of Heeds of Trust of Jfiaywood County, N- C. to which safif, record reference is hereby made for all the terms and conditions of the same. Union Trust Company of Mary, land. Insured Mortgage Bond Corporation of N. C, Trustees. Nov. 3-10-17.24 MGS XOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA. II A V WOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. AMBROSE PRINTING COMPANY, a al. LAKE ,1 UN ALU SKA METHODIST ASSEMBLY and SOUTHERN S- - ;"'M'U. ' All persons- lia v',i.r claim.-'- :.i.C"iimS life Lake .hinahi-. a .Mrdlioiiisi. A -cm.. -ly ::ikI the Soiilnerr. A-semhly, the ' f. mlanl-s a'nive us. mod va 1;im- .io liii' that they-. are ri.iuu'e.l. iiv i;n erd.-r made i" this cause l.iy His -Honor. !F. lliiyle Sink. ,l-.i lee iiretdiliii.n' ;it th0 September Term of the Siipei'loi' Court of Jlaywooil I'ounty. lo present (heir siril;c(i claims to ill, tinder signed Receiver ,)f said defendants wit hill 00 o.'.ys from November lOth, iy:!2, ni' this notic will be i-leadi'il in of t heir recovery. This. 'November Hi, l;i2. JAM Eli A i bINS. Jr., Receiver. Nov. 10-1 7-21-1 )eci 1. oiice or snvo.vs S I A IT OP NORTH ( AROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. BERTH A M EL PON. Plaint iff VS. IRA M ELTON. Defendant. The defendant. IRA MELTON, will, lake notice that an action-entitled as abuse has UOrn commenced in tii(. Su perior Court of Haywood County. North Carolina, for tnc purpose of.. oUaining an abso'tite divoree on statutory .r"otinds. 'Mini said defendant, will further tiUe nnlico: t'eal .! ! .require,! to ::ie v r ';' the olli.s. Df the .'Clerk' of th-e . Siiperior- Court .-f aid C'junty K (!; ( ',1111-1 Hease i,i Wtivni'sville, X.'ii.t'i Carolina. n:-i (iie 'ibt v. of . ;'V;-'Mlv)';, !)o2. 'iml hnswei or liisiiii-!- e tlie foton'aiiir id said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to tht; I court .for the relief demand-':! it-, aid I complaint. , , . . , ,i, , . i , i - n , , ) o , . in I HIS- ill It IIH'.,H. I, IOO -. W. C. liYislLS. Clerk Superior Court, ILiywood ('ountyi N C. ' 'v : :'0-27-Nov: :;-10-17 ICII'V : ovt i r rrnucArix E riwiMoxs . i. i roi in ;!AVvv!(;: !'!'i;:TY, .-" :1N 'Tii.!' set',:! COURT.: :i;( 1: " vs, u. ' (ii , hort; ( 1 1 ;.t riu's'!' c , Mt'iiTfi ACE ci rtli 't )RA Hi ..M. LATTnUvii. EX- ' 1 1 i bl , , l I r. LA T- TIM. 1 '.' Th 1: I I'll Ii-' 1 1 "l net', la- i. i at ltl 01 e,', etitiCe'- (liviilua.liy, tailicl' til' l .1) Lei'ii cotiiiiienced and p. i'a.i: t ill the. ip; 11 or .ou-r)L- of l lay wood V.'nmt;,. i.Nwt'h (.are'iita. that- iti stud -action, the plaintiff seeks to have a cer tain Deed .of Trust he hi by it sii'ciared a (irst and prior lien against a. c 'rtain lot cf !:i'id located i 1 fir .year: the 'lown ot WaviiL'Sville, lvnifr at aha intersection of Smathers and Govern ment streets and being lot Number Six (6) of the Harbeck S.ublivis:er according to a plat duly iec,rded in Plat Hook "15," Vac "H," Registry of Haywood Count;, and itekiiij further to have said property sold under foreclosure anl " pundino; the outcome of said action, seeking the appoointment of a Receiver to collect rents from said property and to other, wise protect nnd preserve same; And the said defendants '.vill furth er take notice that the are lequired to appear at the oilic ot ihc Clerk of Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty, on or before the 28th day of Dec. 1932, and answer or demur' to the Complaint in said action and at. the same time to answer the-. Plaintiff's Petition for a receiver, or otherwise the plaintiff will apptv to tne Court lor the relief demanded m said Com plaint and Petition, ft: W u. BYFRS Clerk pf the Superior Court; This 28th dav of Oct.. 1932. Nov. -"3-10-17-24. S. M. R. . V I P.' ' Li AM

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