fHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1932 Page 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEEH Local Items Society News "AGE 9 SOCIETY P X Eleanor BushnelL Editor Phone 137 '.OMMUN: y- CI UB re GIVt PRIZED F0R GARDENS In an affjrt no: only tovar-i tag growing of mo.-.; po.'fect 'mver u?" r.lso a general iai.jt n-nient of borne ('rounds ..u 1 Howcr gard-ns the Garden Department of tho Commu nity Club plans to set aside a week next spring as the local Garden Week. The date, which will of ne cessity, be determined by the weath fr conditions. will be announced later. The members of this department of the club, which have worked for years for the growing ii better flow ers and general beautification of the town, feel that with the Smoky Mountains Park at last a fact it is more important than ever for Way nevsille to look its best. In the final analysis it becomes a personal matter, for if the owners of every bit of property in town improved it y plantting witih shrubs with the touch of "color so pleasing, that is given by flowers the town would be a more attractive place both in which to live and in which to visit. The garden,, week will be for Way ne.vlilLa township. Every one can enter, for there will be a variety of classes,, which will include the well planned garden in its entirety to a single flower bed or plot. All plant ings entered are to be opened to the public during the time designated as garden week. The prizes will be an. nounced later and will be awarded according to the planting, arrange ment and condition and improvement. Any one interested in the de'ails may secure further information from 'Miss Caroline Alsteattei. Chairman of the Garden Department of the Community Club- MRS. STRIXOFIELD A XI) MISS A LSTEA TTER JOIST HOSTESSES A delightful social event this Week was the square dance given on Tuesday evening by Mi's. J. L. Stringtield and .Miss Caroline Al Vteatter at their home on Love Lain-. The affair was given for' the benefit of the Waynesville Library in con-? ii.nu;nee of the diminishing' parties sponsored by the I), A. H. The home was thrown en suite anil an abundance of autumn leaves and chrysanthemums were used to dec orate the rooms, forming a colorful setting for the dance. Miss Hebe Gilmer met tne guests tit the door and received the silver of fering. Excellent., music was furn ished by Arthur Sheehan's string band. As the evening drvv to a close the guests were invited into. the dining room where v buffet supper, consisting of Boston baked beans and Urown bread with accessories was served. Mrs. Andrew Moore poured coffee. Those present incluis J: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Colkitt. Mr. and Mrs. Lturiston Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Coin, Mr, and Mrs. It. L. Prevent Mr. and Mrs. J. M Long, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Campbefi. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. Linwood A One of the J Best Foods & ,U5, US TKXDKll ( I'T Siring Beans ION A- TKXDKU I ill Sill D CORN RED RIPE OMATQES 4 25c . . m , K i . RICE PEA BEAMS IVORY SOAP 4 cks. 19c CLEANSER 3 cansJOc RAI sccSoSlsl "pte 25c S ATLANTBC GiaH. Mrs. It. U.Mkhcll, Mrs. An drew Moore, Airs. U. I'helan, Mrs. Sam Plott, Miss Dorothy MeCraeken, Mis - Mary McNem '.r:i, Dr. Lancister, and Mr. Grady Rogers. FAST UAYXESVILLE P. T. A. HAS MhETI.XO At the regular meeting of the Last Waynesville P. T- A. last Tues day night, a motion was made and carried that the organization change monthly meetings to the first ucsduy of each month, rather than the third Tuesday, as the former date conflicts with other public meetings. Mr. Connatser gave some main points on the district P. T. A. meeting 'which he attended in Marion last Saturday. Mrs. Linwood Grahl. also represented East Waynesville at this meeting. Business matters were discussed and recorded by Mrs. D. M. Simons, acting secretary. Mrs. Doyle Alley, president, urged that all present, former, and eligible members make an effort to be present at the next meeting. The association is striv ing to double its membership, and to make the meeting really .successful, we need a representation from every family. Patrons, piease further your interest and your child's interest by being present at the P. T. A. meet ings. Publicity Chairman. P.IRTHOAY PARTY Little Miss Thelma Ann Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones, (ntertained a number of her young friends last Thursday afternoon. November tenth, at her home on Cherry street, in celebration of her sixth birthday, Gaines were enjoyed by the guests until thvy were invited into the din ing loom. Here a pink and white color scheme was effectively used in decoration. A lovely white birthday vvJiv with six glowing pink candles he 1.1 central place on the table and tin' .-.a mo color scheme was noted in detail in the dainty ice course which was served. ' The small guests included: Betty Smith,' Faustm,, Howell. Gay Howell, I Jetty Mo-risoii. Lillian Sawyer, Mary Malonc Kirkpatrick, Theresa Alley. Lvelyii: Jane Simon.s. Hetty Messer. Mildred- and Margaret McRorie, Gladys Walker, Peggy Swearinger, Ruth' and Hilly Davis, Humor Henry Plott, Buddy Morrison. Henry Mes .cr,' a'liil Hiilie Swearinger. m m Alls. Andriw Moore left yesterday tor Greensboro where she will spend a few .weeks as the guess of her (L ughter. Mrs. Cary Page, and Mr. Page; 'Mrs. Moore will assist her daughter -in receiving at a tea which she is giving at the Greensboro Country Club on Friday. . Dr. and Mrs, J. F. Abel left Mon day morning for Birmingham, Ala- bam!', where Dr. Abel will attend the meeting of the Southern Medical So ciety. They expect to return Sat urday. Grandmother's c 11 cirsri7c ANN IWJK 1M 1 1 1-: t ill IT IOKA TI.NUi.lt swi.i r No. 2 Can 3 ms. ICtc 3 lbs. 10c OLD DUTCH &-.PACBHC ROLLS PRESERVES Jar i&W MRS. WILLIS SPEAKS AT C.l.V TOX . ,1. R. MEETIXC The regular monthly meeting of the D-:c:-.,i Hell I.ove chapter of I). A. R. ,a ; h. 1.1 la; t Wednesday afternoon in Canton with Mr-:. H. 1). Set rest. Mrs. Sit ran Hayne:-, and Mis- Louise Slaughter, as joint hostesses. The members assembled in the club rooms in the Y .Kidding, which wjs decorat 'd in white and yellow (lowers. The iiii t ting was presided over by the re- 'int. Air". T. Lenoir Cwyn. During the business period, officers nd chairmen gave reports, among which was the report ol Mrs. h. Ju. Camp for Crossnore, a report from the Washington tree planting by Mis. Kufus bner, and ibe last word from the vanishing teas given by Mrs. Kate Moms. After the business was finished the meeting wa turned over to Mrs. J. Howell Way, who introduced the speaker of the afternoon, Mrs, R. B. Willis of Asheville. who spoke to the chapter on "The. Critical Period Fol lowing the Resolution." Mrs. Willis presented her subject in a most inter esting 'manner, giving the human side of the tria'-; of the new country in .such a realistic way, that she verily turned b;:ck the pages of history and i.i"de her audience liv; for the time being with their ancestors. She rpoke for the years prior to the learning of the young republic carry ing hi r story up to the federal con vention. Following adj:n.u .nine, it. ;hj hostess is served tea and sandwiches and a .-'ici. ! hour was enjoyed. Specially r .ited guests wre Mr:-. .1. Handy Ki. kpatriel: Mis. J. ' . I'aih v, and '! s. W. C. Ge.ri is in. MRS. l.()S; HOSTESS AT TEA A pretty a 'Hair among the many social events of the fall was the diminishing tea given by Mrs. James M. Long last Friday afternoon at her home in Ha.elwood for the ben efit of the ' Waynesville Library. A wealth of autumn ilowers lent harm to the home- In the living oom chrysanthemums in shades of yellow were used, and in tb(. library iii'i' colors, predominated. The din ing room was decorated with' yellow -chrysanthemums!.'. The table was cov- red with a hawlsome lace cloth over yellow and centered with a bowl ol gorgeous' single .chrysanthemums. .Yellow ' tapers in glass holders also graced the table. Tea. was ooured I'ioin a lovely silver tea service. The first hour Mi's. Long was as sisted in receiving by her mother Mrs J.-W. Weaver, and little Miss Doris Colkitt received the silver offering. During the second hour Mrs. Long was assisted by Mrs, James L. Rob inson, and her small daughter, Miss Mary Robinson, received the offering, In the dining room, where Russian tea was served with small cakes and yellow mints, Mrs. J. P. Dicus and Mrs. Ben Colkitt poured tea the first hour with Miss Lmilv biler and Miss Lois Dicus, serving. Mrs. R. L. Prevost and Mrs. S. H. Bushnell poured tea during the second hour and were assisted in serving by Miss liaseltine swift and Miss Martha Dicus. About sixty guests called during the hours from four to six. SEXIORS HA I PARTY: The members if th' Senior Class i.!' the Waynesnll Town-hip High School ' .-scmliod. at. the home of iiss F,i!ccnia Hosr .-i on last Satur day evening for their first .social meeting of the yc- The home was thrown en suite and hi autifully arra!ig-:d throughout with hrysanth'j.n,u',iis :.nd other.. ..fall th;v I i s. . .Miss ;'tiio :vler Freeman was in charge of th" ganH'i which furnished the entertainment during the even, ing. I'uncli and eak(, were served I rem an attractively appointed table. .".' Aniui'.g those present were: T-liss C'-iniee -McKlhann.i'n and Mi.-w liessie Boyd of the high school faculty, and Misse.s Jean Morrison, Louise Moody, I ouisa Tluvekston, Carmen Plott, Hilda Liner, -'Elizabeth Sheehaiv. Sibyl Underwood, Mary -Glee Ferguson, and Hattii" Siler Freeman. Messrs. il'aul Davis. Glenn Wyatt, Harry lirendlo, I'orter Greenwood, Scott Peeves. Fisher Sprinkle, Ray Burgin, Ptifus Summerow, 'nn l Robert Hen- itlVeK.s . ; Li an rri v part) ci .v i: ) ' MRS. LEE Mrs, It. L. Lee entertained at In 1,1, i-i, in I'lt-t N'iI nvil-nr oirpniniv in honor of her niece. Miss Virginia C Tt'-r, of Knoxville, who, with her parents, -Ur. and Mrs. Eugene bar ter, is spending the winter at the ( levewill Apartments. The attractive home was artistical lv ndnmeil with n colorful assort ment of seasonal flowers. Contract bridge was played at three tables and f l-V,,, ,.1,1.,, rf Vi ffnmp. Wv .timmic Xer.l received a double deck of cards as holder, of the high score. As the concluding feature the host (A.c ufv.w,l a fl.-,l trhl f lit .;nlrnl pnlll'Sf Gu?sts included the honoreP and Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Smith of Can ton, .Miss Mary Quintan. Miss Virgin. l'lr.li Klmnnr Riisbnell. Mr limmie Neal. Mr. Aaron Prevost, Mr. Hen Slonn. Mr Ralnh PrCVOSt. Mr. Dave Felmet, and. Mr- James Fer guson. . . irO.lM.V5 CLU'! TO MEET Tho 'Woman's. Club will meet this 111:1 ii.'uii t " m . Mrs. J, Ilardei ' Howell, with Mrs. TV M ' Villinn si a!r?llt hostess. The nrorram e,n "Midiaeval Tales" will, be in cha-rtr? of "Miss Robina Miller. .. ' , '' . - A I' HI HOPS' HI Kb SOCIETY (Contributed.) The i'ii.e Tree Troop of Girl Scouts which was organized m our h.u-n ;i!i.:r a ve.sr and a half alto is .apidly becoming the most absorbing! feature in the lives ol its memntrs. Heeau.se of the interest aroused in birds by the nature study of the sum mer the girls are becoming members ol ih Audeborn Bird Society. One division, of their work which the girls especially enjoy in signal ing. ihe project which the troop is now working on is a play taken from part of Jean Webster's book. "Just Patty," which they hope to present to the public soon. About two weeks ago a number of th.' girls, accompanied by Captain Smith, went to Asheville to a Girl Scout rally meeting. They returned enthu-iastic over the worK and the progress tf the troop here. As tht. girls djsird to aid in the raising of money for the library a Girl. Sc.-ut tea will 1w he'.j Wednes- Ly, Nov Pi. I'i.Kt.- at the home ef Captain Smith. Any girl betwee-i the age of 10 and IS years who is interested in be--oming a member of the local troop should attend the meeting on Nov. 20, 1.'S2, at the Central Elementary school building as that day has been set aside for thP consideration and reception of new members. !i ETHEL P. T. A. TO MEET TO MORROW Th,. Bethel Parent-Teachers' Asso ciation will meet in tho school audi torium Friday evening November I at T ::." o'clock. Tin- '.u"'.i!il, ' ! ' . It- "Father's ".'ight," nl t;.e ;,-.;i'.i:'H .- ur.i. ious thai ill i i". ; attend AX.XOU.XCEMEXT Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie David Hunn, ( I Waynesvilie, announce the birth of ii daughter, Blonnie Dale, on Satur ;! :vn. iiiiier 12, at tne Mission !l..:-iitel, AshMlle, N. ('. Mrs. Bunn was before her marriage ..!: ; ! !a Fineb, of H'or.ider-on, North ( 'aiolina. 4 ... . .'07O.V Al'XILIARY HAS MEET 1 he November meeting of the A .vricati" Legion Au-xilinry was In : i last ;Mond;:y - evening at the Me.soaie Temple. I l-.e business session was devoted :,i iepolts of the chairmen of all standing committees. Following this plans were made for activities for Thanksgiving and Christinas. I11RTII AXXOlX( EM EXT Mr." and Mrs. Odin G. Ilueil. of Buellton, California, annoutice tho birth of a son, James Rul'us, on Mon day, November 14, at St. Francis Hospital, in Santa Barbara. Mrs. Buell is the former Miss Josephine Thomas of this city. -It M Mrs. Walter Hawk and niece, Miss Sara Taylor, of Taylorsville spent several days in Waynesville last week en route to their hom,. from Andrews where they have been vis iting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Martel and two children, of Boston, Massa chusetts, arrived last week and ore making their home at the Kirkpatrick Apartments; Mr. Martel is connect ed with the England-Walton Company. Miss Elizabeth Miller left Tuesday! for Taylorsville where she will spend some time as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hawk at the Hotel Campbell- 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Connatser and Mis. Linwood Grahl represented the '.ast Wavnesville Parent-, eachers' Association at the meeting of the western district of P. T. A. .held in M-i rio.it Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. , J. Paul Beam motor ed . to their home in GalVney, South Carolina Saturday where Mrs. Melm wii! spend .a- week visiting relatives., Mr. .'Beam retir-tied Sunday morning. AI'sm-s ';eie:i Greene Hov.e Neland .i l l Pearl . .'anv... :-ae:nliei s f the r:t.'iilty of' th? . Fines '" Creek Hipr Seh.vo!. -.pent S.'.t u f.l iv -hel ping in ' Vaym ,- if '3. ''-"..' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mock had as I heir guests last week-end Mr. W. C. Kirkpatrick and son. Mr. Alton iXirkpatrick, of Graham, and Miss Mildred Lynch, of Mebano. ; J; Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stretcher are nenoing this week fn Birmingham. Alabama where Dr. Stretcher is at tending the meeting of th? Southern Medical Society- '.' ' . .''.'.: Mr. and Mis. I.. S. White i.nd eatighte-.,i ien; last week-end in Pc"ola. South Carolina visiting rel atives., '.--. - - ?ir. .'ind Mrs. Guv" Massie .'ind Mr. in! Mrs. '.:. ,L Recce attended, the Air Show at the AshcviPe-Hen lev-1 ."iville Friday. . '".. : Miss. Anna Lee. Gib'os. who has been .visiting heir sister, .Mrs; C- M. Dicti-,' and. Mr. Da-.: :. left .Monday fir l er home in Atlanta, Georgia. -1: Miss Mary ptringfielil-: : vi'jited L iends at Convci'-e College in Spar tanburg, Seuth ' Carolina last weekend- . Mi'-'i W. L. Hardin, Mrs. Lauriston Hardin and son, Bobby, and Mrs. N. Medford were Asheville Visitors Monday. Mr- Prevost, who i a student ;u tlie L'niver ;ity of North' Carolina, .pent last week-end with his par ents. Mr. end Mrs. 'A. 1.. Prevost. m m Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perry of High Point were week-end visitors iii Waynesville. Rev. and Mrs. 1?. P. McCraciten ri Clyde spent Monday in Waynes ville. Mr.-. J. ('. Rose and son, Marcus, visited relatives in Gasto.nia la-t week-end. Miss Fay Gibbs I "ft last Friday for Tryon where she will visit her moth er for several weeks. Mis. Isabel Fuvwe has moved from Smathers street to her new home on .he Haze'.wood road. Mrs. Sarah Smithson of Asheville spent last week-end here as the guest of her mother. Mrs. Zeb Alley. Mr. Ralph Prevost and Mr. Ben Sloan made a business trip to At lanta. Georgia the first of the week. Messrs. E. B. Rickman and W. A. Moore of Pigeon spent last Wednes day in town. Mrs. .1. R. Boyd, Jr. and Mrs. Thad Howell of Jonathan were Waynesville visitors lart week. Mr. Charles McCraeken and Mr. N. C. mes were among th(. visitors here from Fines ''rean last Thursday. : n Mrs. Albeit Fergu-:',!' ara! Miss Aitnit- Low F"i .ruson of C.'rabtrec . "ere visitor., in Waveesville Friday. Mr.;. Hugh Hayius and Miss Lois Met'raek 'n of '"lyde were viistors hi ! .' Sat urdav, it'td Mr-. I.. lames el' C'raD-sp.',.- FiiiUiy in Waynes- . i:h . Mr. Charles Medfor.d of Iron .Duff iiunl,, a brief visit to Waynesville 'a-: week. .Mr. .vnd .Mrs. X. J. Rush of Culla .ej.t, spent Sunday heu with their (laughter. Mrs. Paul P'oaton. '..' Mrs;' R 0. Covington of Asheville visited friends in Waynesville last week. Mr. George F. Anderson is spending this week in Newport, Tennessee on business. Mr. W. O. Goode is spending a few days this week vidting friends in Atlanta, Georgia. : ' Miss Nancy Ormsbee spent last week-end in Charlotte ais the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ormsbee. .', Mr. Rufus Ansley of Alabama was a week-end guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. F. DeLacy, at The Georgian. Mr. E. L. Hinton and Mr. George Rotha attended the Duke-State game in Raleigh last Saturday. . Mr. Orville Noland of-Crabtree was a .visitor in Waynesville last veek. , 1 ' i i A FEW I FISK FACTS ' ABOUT PERFORMANCE Nobody ever got any more out of a product than one put into it. that you will agree. And that Ls just as true to tires as of anything else. Know what you are get tin"; before you buy. .See the new inmroved FISK aywood Rear Alexander's Drug Store 3 CHURCH STREET H. D. JOLLEY Waynesville, N. C. Mr. Z. V. Ferguson of Fines Creek spent Wednesday in Waynesville. Mr. Robert Russell of Asheville was here on bus'ess last week. Among the visitors here last week was Mr. Tom Rogers ef Fines Creek. :,; Mr. F. E. Haynes of Clyde was here on business last Wednesday. Mr. Earl Ferguson of Jonathan spent last Wednesday in Waynesville. Mr. a. B. Curtis of Canton spent Thursday in Wavnesville on business. Mrs. J. D. Cathey of Pigeon spent Wednesday shopping in Waynesville. , Mr. J. H. Gossett was here from Medford Farm last weak- Mr. Jarvjs L. Palmer of Cataloo ihee spent last Wednesday in town. Mr. T. J. Davis'.of Iron Duff was a visitor here last Veek. Mr. W. W. Haynes 'of Clyde spent Thursday in Waynesville. Mrs. Sam Queen of Dellwood was a visitor in Waynosville last week. ' Mrs. Lnuise" Tweed of Asheville spent some time here last week- Mr, Boone Sentelle of Pigeon was here on business Saturday. Mr. Charles C. Smathers of Can ton was here on business last week. Mr. C. T Nct-ris of Canton was among the visitors in town Saturday. PROSPERITY 5M I LES ois The fair and square FA I R and jarE The sunshine of prosperity streams through our place from our quality stocked shelves to our customers. Let our wholesome foods find their way fro your coqk 'ry. Health is prosperity. A good grocery shop is a purveyor of both. J. C. ROSE Home Grocery Choice Groceries Phone 88 Main St. Tire Shop TIRES W

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