:Hrrri lrlK .. . r-r TiTTSTE! Has More Paid-in-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than -III Weekly Xeu-s papers Combined VOL. XLIV. NO. 51 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Till RSI) A V, NOVEMKFR 21. 193 m , , , , J W 1 . J . J- f- HEAVY DOCKET SCHEDULED FOR CRIMINAL TERM OF COURT WHICH BEGINS HERE ON NEXT MONDAY Three Cases Of Importance Like ly To Be Tried Before Judge Sink. The November term of Haywood County Superior Court will convene here Monday morning, November 28, with the entire docket devoted to cri minal casej, with Judge H. Hoyle Sink presiding and the State represented by John M. Queen, of this city, solici tor for this district. This term of court will have one of the heaviest dockets that has come up in many months. Besides a great number of minor cases to be tried, in this term of court there will be three major cases that are expected to be tried in this term of court. It could not be learned here just what cases Solicitor Queen would call first, as he spent all this week in court at Franklin. The three cases which will cause the greatest interest, will be perhaps, the Charlie Rose case; John Coble, and the David Clark case. Just which one of these three will be called fiit, if any, could not be ascertained here this week. It is tlvought that the case of Charlie Rose, 17-year-old negro, who is said to have shot and killed Will Ray, depu ty shcrjtF, early in September, will bo certain to be given a trial during this term. Rose was being, sought by a posse of .men and officers late in the. afternoon of September (Uh, charged with criminal assault, on a .r-year-old white gill at a local summer hotel. It was said at the time of the .shoot ing1, that Rose was running from mem ber of the posse when he came in contact with Ray, The deputy was shot between the eyes and lived only a few hours after being shot. Rose was captured a few hours after ; the shooting by Tom Lee, Jr., and Horace Duckett, and brought to jail for safe keeping Tuesday night. On Wednesday afternoon Rose was car ried to the Asheville jail in the rumble seat of the car of Kenneth Lowe, son of Sheriff J. A. Lowe. David Clark, of Lake Junaluska, is charged with killing Bradley Brooms, 28, of Jackson county on the night of July 26. Brooms was said to be walk ing along the highway near Clyde when he was hit by a car dTiven by Clark. Brooms died Wednesday night following the accident. John Coble, local man, is charged with killing his bride of 7 weeks, Moll Nichols, also of this city. This took place about the middle of October. At the hearing witnesses testified that Coble had been quarreling shortly before the fatal shooting. The shoot ing took place in a house across the street from where the Cobles were living. The scene of the tragedy was Smathers Street. The jury drawn for this term of court is: Beaverdam: R. R. Mease, G. C. Glance, Hubert Reno; Cecil: C. M. Moody; Clyde: A. H. Dotson, R. C. Jones; Cfabtree: Gordon Kinsland; Kast Fork: R. L. Fless; White Oak: W. H. Williams; Fines Creek: W. B. Murray, Theodore 1edford, Cauley Rogers; Iron . Duff: John Chambers; Ivy Hill: Rufus Buff, A. S. Bradley; Jonathan's Creek: Medford Leather wood; Pigeon:1 J. T. Cathey, G. L. Rrwin; Waynesville: W. Mack Holder, T; F. Edwards, G. W- Coble, K. E. Ferguson,. Chauncey Palmer, L. Crymes, SECOND WEEK Beaverdam: W. M. Coman, Claude Holtzclmv. Cordrdl Rus-ell, W. G. Rhymer, C M. Blalock: Cecil: W, M. White;' Clyde: John Palmer, C. E. Brown. II. H. Collins; Crabtree: W. C.vKirkpatrick; Fines Creek: Z. R. Sparks; Iron Duff: Erastus Medford; Ivy Hill: Jerry Howell, W. J. Jaynes; Jonathan's Creek: Ed Morrow, Char lie Owen ; Pigeon: Thomas Jlichal, B. W. Terrell; Waynesville: C, R. Allison, Ben Walker, H. B, Atkins, Ed Underwood ; White Oak; Sam Ledford, A. G. -Baldwin. . Waynesville Downs Canton 14-6 On Mud Field Friday Before 800 Drenched Fans Playing in a steady rain xvith the fiield ankle-deep in mud, the Moun taineers slid and splashed their way to a 14-6 victory over the Canton Black Bears here Friday afternoon before 800 drenched spectators who saw the once flashy players pull back-slides, forward stomach slides, and almost every other kind of playing that a slippery field xvould make. The featured run of the game was made by Allen, Canton full back, who returned a kickoff 65 yards in the final quarter. The field was so slip pery that the Waynesville man tould not get a foot-hold to get out after Allen. .",.' .". Waynesville's first tally was made soon after the opening kick-off xvith Bridges carrying the ball. Reeves played a prominent part in getting the ball to scoring distance. One of the outstanding feats of the game was the long punts gotten off by Eckenrod, Canton halfback. Time and time again this punter was called Haywood To Receive Additional Federal Aid For Needy Soon Plans Are Made At Meeting To Put Number Of Men To Work At a special meeting here Tuesday afternoon of the county Welfare board, the county school board, and W. A. Hyatt, recently elected chair man of the county commissioners, Miss Pearl Weaver, district supervi. sor of the government relief of the Western District, outlined projects and a program whereby Haywood county would continu? to receive aid from the Federal government lor relief of local needy. A discussion was entered into whert by public works could be done with the Federal aid money and em ploy only those in the county that needed work and financial help at this time. It is nott he purpose of the relief to give cash to those ask ing for help, but give them work on ptojevt that needs attention at Mt, time. However, it was pointed nut that families needing help and mil aide to Work will be helped, Lilt not an Ml ail such cases are given . a 'jiPH'irh investigation. ''-Mr. Hyatt explained I'm- the m w board o.f commissioners thought it -;'iu i;est to have a committee in each .-..liumu.ity to .report, all cases whom i .dp was needed to the central wel i'iVi e body at Waynesville and also .n .k suggestions of projects to u worked on in each community. This, p.an met with tne 'hearty approval if Mis; Weaver and members of the two boards present. One project that was Mentioned was the building of a sidewalk at the West ' Canton school, as the present situation there was considered most dangerous as the i00 school children S'-a-lK on the highway and are careless c.bout looking out for cars. Among the projects mentioned will include work on public roads, school grounds, and buildings, and public cemeteries. Reports of these pro jects will be made out within the next few days and sent to Raleigh. Several hundred men can be employ, ed on the projects outlined at the meeting. The wage scale will be in keeping with the scale of labor, it was pointed out Those attending ihe meeting were most enthusiastic over the prospects of obtaining more of the Federal renet tuna, wnicn win aid greatly in, giving relief to the. needy of this unty this winter. The question of obtaining Red Cross cloth was brought before Miss Weaver .who1 'said that, it would be necessary to appoint a local commit tee of women to. look after the dis-" tribution of this cloth before an order v. oukl be placed for this cloth. A committee o; four women was named and met with Mis', Weaver Tuesday night to complete arrange ments for getting til" cloth, for this : :-;'( .. '":' HOY KILLS MISTAKI-: HIS I'OIt FA THE I! IWHCLAR IS Tyler, was shot Texas.. Joe S. Alexander j nd killed by his own a on in thr hallway of his own honic when mi -taken for a burglar. WIFE'S COOKING a yoiiCE USES hi . Oakland, Cal. Two married (laugh ters of Mrs. Michael L. Connolly de fended their mother's cooking, but failed to convince the judge. He granted Connolly a divorceon grounds of ;"gastronomical indelicacy" otherwise cruelty. ,. upon to send the wet slippery ball far over the head of the Waynesville safe ty man. . , Waynesville resorted to punts seve ral times with Wyatt getting off nice fast ones that resulted in gains. Most of W'aynesVille's gains Were made through the line. The strong Moun taineer line shoved' the Black Bears back in their tracks tirre anl time again, v- The condition of the field prevented anyone from shoxving just what type of player he really was. Curtist Canton guard, played a consistent ! game, ana xx-as instrumental in Keep-1 nesville, according to S. H. Steven ing his team pepped to the point of 1 son, weather observer, Was 23 on last fighting, this together xvith Eckenrod's Sunday morning punting was the feature of the visit ing team. The entire back field of the Way nesville team played well. ' Khune j 15 seemed to be able to get off on runs ' much better than other players, while j Reeves slipped through the line time, and time again. Wyatt kept his op- (Continued on page 5) Election Cost This County Over 81,000 The recent election cost Haywood county $l,Otit.;;, according to a state ment issued from the office of the county auditor, W. H. Noland. The distribution by precincts ,is as follows: Beaverdtm," No. 1. $(54.53; Beaverdam, No. 2, $"!. 45; Beaverdam, No, ;i. $71.4.'; Beaverdam, No. 4, $02. Beaverdam, No. 5, $70.ti7; Beaver dam, No. C, 7:U4; Cecil, $44.01; Clvde, $4S; Cataloochee, tUlO.21; Big Creek, $31; Crabtree, $4!).50; East Rock, $43.80; Fines Creek, $51; Ivy Hill, $51; Iron Dun", $3(i; Jonathan, $54.45; Pigeon, $57.03; North Waynesville, $3(1.50; South Waynesville, $ti3; and White Oak, $41.30. 31ARI0N ELEVEN PLAY HERE, 2:30 THANKSGIVING Visitors Are Champions of West ern Conference. Will Bring (iood Team. The Mountaineer: are anxiously awaiting the final game of the soasun when they meet the Champions .of the Western High School Conference, .Marion's cloven on t lie local field at 2:,'!0 o'clock Thanksgiving -afternoon. News coming here from Mai ;oa i i shows that the visitors are bringing to Waynesville one of the best leani ever seen in this section. The .Marion team has played 10 games this season, having won S, tied 1 ami lost I. The ne they lost was to the Hickory eleven and then the score was only (! to 0. The average weight of the Marion team is about li.r pounds, the heav iest man weighing 172 pounds.' The mountaineers came through the Canton game in splendid condition with the exception of a few minor bruises. To date the local eleven has played 8 games, having ( in the won column;, 1 tied and one lost. Coach Weatherby stated that he would use the .same lineup in the Mar ion game that he used in the Canton game. If the field is dry Thursday, the Mountaineers will have the ad vantage of the Marion boys, but if the field is wet the heavy Marion team will. Have that advantage, although after the Canton game the Waynes ville lads should know how to splash mud. The game .Thursday will doubtless bring out a larger crowd than the Canton-r Waynesville. game, since it will be played on a holiday and then too, it will bring together the two outstanding teams of their class west of the foothills A comparison of games the following: played -hows Marion 12 Marion 12 Marion ( Mai-ion 0 Marion 13 Biltmore 0 Wilkesboro 0 N 1). iti). 0 Crossnore 0 Glen-Alpine 0 l.fnoir (i KutheiTordlon 0 Hickory ( Forest City 0 . Clilfsido 0 Marion Marion Marioii Mai ion Marion i 0 0 1!) Waynesville Waynesville Waynesville Wavnesville -10 0 1M 20 5' Svlva 0 Asheville Hi ( hrist School 0 Ilendersonville fi 1-' tank 1 in. 0 lilack Mountain 7 Brevard 1'J '.aiiton (i VV't vnosville vvnfivil1o Waynesville Waynesville li : lh the , Waynesville-Marion game there will be denty of I'attons. The Mat ion team has three brothers that play in the line bearing that nanii-, while . the flashy Waynesville end will be in there fighting for a berth on the All-Western North Carolina team. Red Cross Flour Is Ordered For unty ; W. C. Allen, chairman of the Resi Cross Chapter,, announced this Week that since the welfare officer had been appointed and. gone to work in this county, that he had ordered a carload of the Red Cross flour for distribu tio.n to the needy this winter through the welfare officials. . , The carload of flour ordered con sists of 220 barrels, or 43,120 pounds. The flour is expected almost any day, Mr. Allen stated. The Weather The lowest official reading for Way, The official records for the past few day; are: Pate Max 65 58 55 50 50 ' 53 Min 24 46 28 . 33 33 23 Rain .10 ig 17 ; ig 19 20 .21 $2,400 Is Received By County For The Relief Of Needy According to V. II. Noland. county auditor. Haywood county has receiv ed to date $2,400.00 dollars from the state federal poor fund appropriation and something like $800.00 more is expected during the next few days, thus making a total for the county of $3,200.00. This $3,200 is part of the $S50,000 received by the state from the fed eral government for helping the need of this state this year. Plans are under way whereby the county may objain a simlar amount after Christinas for the carrying op of this work. CANTON gTRL IS KILLED IN AUTO WRECK SUNDAY Two Automobiles Crash On Canton Main Street Early Sunday Morning ill Ian Scheni Champion Fibn instantly killed. employe of the almost ni any. win her .oil. Karl ss. injuries, ami lint he Nor icv ille, w it h a .hip in jury, and if- nit of what ri :ma oidahlv i ill' Intel -oct ion 22, sustained seriou Dewey Steven-. on. If burn hospital, in A f i act in ed jaw bone, deep lacei at ions a- i n ton noli, e saiil v . auii ll'oliiie I'lilliMon ;il : I' North Main in Canton at and Newfound streets 12::iu o'clock Sunday morning. Immediately follow iiig (he accident the injuted parties were rushed to thc ollice of l)r. . C. -Johnson where Mis Schenks (lied of internal injuries live minutes later. She -.'never regained consciousness. Dr. V. Howard Ducket t was called in to assist l'r. Jidmson. I'oss, her companion who was driv ing the ear suffered lacerations about the face and head, which resulted in the loss of much blood, according; to physicians. He remained in the hos pital rooms of Dr. Johnson's office Sunday gradually recovering, it was learned. , Dewey Stevenson, driver of the sec ond car was. unaccompanied, at the time of the accident it was learned through Chief of "Police A. G. Russell, vvlu was conducting an investigation today, sustained a deep scalp laceration, an injured hip and a fractured jaw bone, physicians said Kear that complica tions might develop from the injuries prompted Dr. Johnson to have him re moved to Norburn hospital early Sui. day morning. He was reported to have rest Ml Comfortably during the day Sunday. According to police I'oss,, accom mained by Miss Sclienks, was driving down North Main -street,- While Steven son was driving on Newfound street, Trafic lights had been extinguished at midnight. Neither driver is. believed to have .seen the other as they approached the intersection which is blinded by a stone wall. In an effort to avoid a eollisi-.m, I'oss is thought to have swerved . to the left, the Stevenson car striking lis auto The I'oss car plunged into the brick fiont of a building throwing .hiss .-lcneiiKs clear oi ine macinne Both machines Were, damaged. Char, lie Branson, first to reach the sei ne removed . . Miss Schenks from tin wreckage. surviving .-.hiss ."(clietiK- are: her mother, Mrs. Ellen Schenks, and the following brothers mid sisters : Mis,. K. ('. Payne, id' Canton, Mrs. Walter Kvans, of Asheville, and Joe Sam, of the Oxford Orphanage, , and Admn Schenks, .Jr., of the A hev;j,le l-'arin school; ". Mevenson is the sun ..or 'James Stevenson of Canton, add an employe of t he. Canton drug store, and an out standing Canton high school football star. -. -. I'oss, whose honie is in (ieoi gia, is an i rnpioye of the Champion fibre company and has one brother in Can ton, Cathey I'oss. ,.' . Nine Attend National Grange Conference From Haywood County Friday A party of nine from this county attended, the national Crange meet ing, in W'inston-Salem . last Friday. The party' attended the conference and took the 7th degree work. This is th(, first time in 40 years that the Grange convention has been held in the south. This year approx imately 150 Grang.? organizations have been organized in the state. The ritualism of the Grange is !-uill around the facts and beauties f rural life, and t' ads to develop a fuller appreciation of its opportu nities and advantages. . - . Those" a' tending (rem here includ- l Mr. and Mrs: W. 1. Smith, Jas. !... Robinson, E. 1. Pinner. Mr. Krancis. Rufus Ratcliff. Frank Leop ard, and. Clem Leopard,. . UOU WISCOXCIX HA.XK OF $5,000 Westbend. Wis. Three robbers '-''d up the First National bank here fl-'d with 5,000, SCENIC LOOP TRIP THROUGH THE GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK TO SEA TO BE ADVERTISED Col. Robins Is Said To Have Been Here, No Traces Found Humors Of Famous Dry Leader's Visit Here Have Not Heen Verified. Colonel Raymond Robins, national ly known dry crusader, who disap peared from a New York hotel the evening before his scheduled confer ence wun i resiiient neroon Hoover, was found at Whittier. a few miles beyond Sylva, on last Friday morning after a nation-wide search had been made for the lost man. Colonel Robins was found through the efforts of Carl Fisher, l.'l-yeai -old school boy, who saw Colonel Robin's picture in u newspaper anil wmto the (:tper that he thought the .sought for dry leader was living at Whitier under the assumed name of "Rogers." Saturday morning the Colonel was carried to Asheville and placed in ;i ! 1 ,.-iital there I' until Monda.v nig. ir observation Cp it he .liil not ivroe mil, I not remember ,.f In- past life. He it;, o any di.f High nam iiital .inyvme and if I he i vents lot ift-ogitii . but did ral u III Sa; in da ed her b' -l i e. ' I m and ITIOOM 1 Monday at eysii sans aid l-e iel'i 1 al da vs until late,! that the Colonel ilone in quiet for seve he regain-, hi- memory of the past. From t lie I ime 1 New York", unl il sei vice men were trail of their man ic disappeared fi 01,1 last Friday .seen', constantly on the It was feared for a time that he had been kidnaped by some of the forces whom he was work ing against in his crusade against whiskey. 1 hiring. his stay at Whittier. he. often took long trips into tho mountains and spent the day. lie told no one his business, and seemed to have money but never displayed any great amount. He received very little mail during his stay in the mountains, only :n occasional package from mail order houso which contained articles Of clothing. News -dispatches from New Y'oi k indicated that Carl Fisher will receive the reward for finding Colonel Robins. The amount was not revealed, but whatever the amount is, Carl says he (Continued on page o ) Stores Here Will Be Closed All Day On Thanksgiving As a result of a pet i1 ion passed around the city Tuesday afternoon, l!l merchants and -business, houses signed up lhat.they would close their stores and places of business all day Thursday in observance of Thanks- giving, business petition day. Those , Kagle Massii It is understood thai some houses that did not sign the ire scheduled to close for the igning the net it ion wei e: i, in and I'.'n Store-. Dept. Sloie. MeCraeken Clothing Cionpair,. .1. M. Mock. " C. II. Ray, C. K. R-iy's Sons. . Massie Fiirnituri ( i-vninanv. Wavtlesy ille Uook Store, s Ruth Ray lleauty hop. I. I". ICose. Martin Flectrie ( '.. Blue Ridge Furliituie C Sluder-tiarret! Furnit 0 W. T. Denton. Ferguson Crocery.. Way ne vi 1 1 e II a id wa 1 e I '.org in Brother-.. Morris (iro cry. .. (i. I '. Fercusoii. . Co. 1 it. Union Service And Football Game To Be Main Attractions For Waynesville's Thanksgiving Final preparations vx'ere being com- , pleted today by Waynesville and Hay wood county to observe T hanksgiving Dav today. There will be: little di- version triim the usual program of Jhanksgiving Days. 'In the morning a union -service will be held at the Presbvienan church at H o'clock, with Rev. L. Ii. Hayes deli verurg the ad- dress of the hour Special music ha been arranged for the service, and the usual large number of Thanks giving worshippers are expected to be present. ' At 2:30 in the afternoon the W av- nesville high school football team will play the Marion team, .champions of their section, on the local field. Outside of the two jex-ents named above nothing; has been planned Jrr the public. The courthouse and city offices will be closed for the day. The 'Yostoffice will he closed all day, al though mail will be placed in the boxes and in-coming, and out-going mail dis patched, bat thei'e will be no delive- Waynesville Will He Included On Route From Charleston To Park. A . cenic loop motor trip between the tirer. t Smokies and Charleston, S. ('., has been proposed by the Hen. I'.rsor.ville Chamber of Commerce which aniiotinti d that the Grady Hunt Publications of Ashevill,. will com pile and publish the booklet which will ihe self-supporting through the sale of advertising space. Mr. Hunt, xvho recently published the first booklet ever issued descrip tive of N. C. Highway 28. extending from the Virginia to the Tennessee line, forming a link of the Kastern National l'ark-to-I'ark Highway, has agreed to compile the material for tins booklet which embraces the Great Smokies, a number of South Carolina cities and the Atlantic Sea- hoard at t harleston. southern tt rniinal of the loon I'b t rip, chide ways Maiding at Charleston, will in. lateral and contiguous liiglj- P'.ssing through Sumr.ierville, George.- Hamberg, Greenwood. ov:M". li-.'vard, I'isirah National St Ci I , i ; r'a "'"'f. 'A a-. acs d'e, 1: y-on City, Hie e.il Siool.y M,.M., : 1 . ,',r i.,i!;i Mil ilk-. Penn Newport, rs. and Marshall. N.C. I'ae soul !i!-.,aiild sect ion of the loop ell'des Asheville. Mend A) W u I ! v, ( ' v:!. ;) ang don- r illiHi'oa si. and thence to -loll, co'liplet iilg th d l-bvi. al ami scenic surpass totir. T 1 er bookh draw i i aa 01 1 t. whi-'ii is to have a ' ,w-)-i ilor cover, print i m.i p, r I l,i oii;;iiot, ..in! at r.- il.1 1 i'lu re rati. I. i: de.-l;'.tied to mi lor tourists, live and friendly -ections it will Co an t xehMige av i! n. ..d: 1 . r .-.Mr ai-ye.r -co -op'-q-i 'ei; '.. CI:'.! 1 a ' l l tide I- I IV ami Ci . i-nu. i-. 1 ' ,' r -1 1 - 1 nt highways. Noah HolUiwe excel Mr. Noah HolUiwe'l, secretary of the Ilender-- inviile Chamber of 'Com-, incrce, ( nieeived the idea., He has received letters n:' eiidioseiiieni. to d de from the Chimhers of Commerce 1 ( lurlesion, Otangtdmrg, Brevard, Wayne vil e, Sparta' burg anil A:-he- X die. "A min i i:i urn o:' I ' ,t f ( copies will '" ,.: i-nte'- "'I tile publication will be Ik M up to a high standard," Mr. Hunt stated. "Kach Chamber of ComiiHrecr A-ill assist in :!i dislri, but ion of this literature to a selected group of interested people. Road logs, road mans and accurate highs way information will be included in the. contents! The publication .of our recent booklet m the Kastern Na tional l'ark-to-I'ark Highway con vinced us that the-,, is a definite de mand for this type of information" ne stated. 'i'hos. VV. Spurlock Joins Sluder-Marrett l!ndertak. in ('o.mpanji . As- Embalmer ,.. W. (iairell, (iv.iii..- of Sludei Gariett. Furnit tire, and Undertaking Coinpanv. announced vesterdav lb.it Thomas V. Spurlock, of Jackson'viMe. Fla.,. had joined 1 he firm a-- cm ha line and assistant, funeral !irn-tor. Mr. Spurlock's home 1 "i At.'.in! 1. whoie lie worked with soine of l.!n laige-t iinderlakiiie- e labhshiiien: ,' thuf city. Later he was -e'ln-pbiyed -lii Macon and Jacksonville in' 'oilier la , funeial homes. .Mr. Spiiiloi-k n.iiiis. (0 lilis city highly, leeiiimnenilcd '1111 with IK years experiepie i,'i liie un ... taking b;i ine-s. Hi- past -.cwuioc tions liave given a va t ied ( N nei jiii. in 1 he work. Mr. and Mrs. So lio 'k shave JUoVe.'t. into the kirkpati ii k Apurl lin nts. Spurlock, being a graduate i.uisi assistant to her h .i i ;md a i i ' n in that cajiaeity win-n. eal'i d tin. Was said. .Mr- : and : i'a ries; Sunday hours; .will he ob-c Most of the st.oies and businoi bouses of the city have signified '-their: intention of cl'osintr for the greater part .of the day and many, will 1 ii.s-od tre entire day. Places of business that remain open on Sunday's are expected to ob-erye. Sunday hours throughout the day. The housewife this year has found that the Thanksgiving dinner can be purchased more economically than at any time during tile past number of yars. A menu given on another page in this paper sets forth a boanti-. fal meal including turkey and all. "trimmings" which can be had for' about 30 cents each. . The usual number of college s;: dents returned home to spend t '", . holiday with their parents and friends. , Students of the focal school will, have a two-day holiday, according to school.-, authorities.. The sitme holidays will be ob erve i by Tuscola Academy, it was announced. . '