age 6 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1932 HISTORY OF THE POPULAR SONG-"AMERICA" (By. B. D. Bunn.) There is probably no song in our hool books or on our patriotic pro rams that is more familiar than Vmenea." However, probably very 'W of us know the history of this ng nor do we know that there were riginally 8 stanzas. To those who are itertstxl I am giving here a partial istory of th song and also the 5, G, and 8 stanzas. Since "America" was lir.-t sunir in ubhc on July 4. 1832, special at mtion was paid during our ourtn ol July celebration to honor -ev. Samuel Francis Smith, the lan who wrote the song. Dr. Smith as born in Boston on October 21, ou. as a1 boy he attended success ively a "dame school," the foreign er of the modern kindergarten; the ;iiot School; and the Boston Latin chool, in all all of which he showed inusual talent and won many medals or scholarship. At the age of sev nteen years he entered Harvard ollege. He was a classmate of Oliver Vendell Holmes who, in one of his lass, reunion poems "The Boys" vrote this quatrain: ' nd there's a nice youngster of ex cellent pith; ?ate tried to conceal him by naming him Smith : But lit shouted a song for the brave and the f-ce Just rend on his medal. "Mv country, of thee," In 1831 William C. Woodbridge, a noted educator of N?v York, visited Germany's public schools, particularly lor the purpose of bringing back any idea which might be adapted for use in the schools of the United States. He learned what every good German knows, that -musL- has an important place in the life of the people and in School life. as well rniKvinnnH,, some of the school music books brouirht oy mv. w oodtu-Mgc were passed tta'ntially as they are sung today. I did not share the regret of those who deem it an evil that the national tune of Britain and America is the same. Cn the contrary, I deem it a new and be: utif ul tie of union between the mother and the daughter. "1 did not propose lo write a na tional hymn. I did not think, that 1 had done so. Some weeks later I eat it to Mr. Mason, and on the fol lowing Fourth of July, much lo rny surprise, ho brought it out at a children's celebration, where it was I sung in puln'c." Ed'.var.l Kv- ci'Ctt Hale, then ten vears old. w;is one l the children in the choir. The original manuscript of tha fa mous ..Ming is now treasured by the Harvard L'nivi'rsity library, to which . .a !)t(iue..tlied !v Doctor Smiths .-(in in 1 !14. In accepting the gift W. ('. Lane, the Harvard Librarian wiote, "This is one of the most pre cious bits of original manuscript which any American library could desire to own." Our glorious Land today, 'Neath Education's sway, Soars upward still. Its halls of learning fair, Whose bounties all may share, Behold them every where On vale and hill. The safeguard, Libertv. The school shall ever be; Uur nation s nrnie: No tvrant. hand shiill mit While with encircling might All here are taught the Right With Truth allied. Grins and Chuckles "What a terrible writer 1'oits is! Hi i, ace s'.-nt a letter t:j Smith-son, th'- jrccfi giocer, asking him to send some tomatoes. "What happened?" "Well, after Smithson had used it for a passport to France and Spain, and a- a driving license in Italy, he played it on the piano." "We better make a front-page story of this wedding." remarked the editor. "Why?" asked the society reporter in surprise. "They aren't very prom inent people." "That mav be," he replied, "but this is the first account of a wed (Ihig you have turned in for ages that hasn't held a last line, "They will reside with the bride's parents." --'.'ircinnati Knquirer. Police Chief "How's that mur der story?" Cop "The same old bunk! They catch the murderer in the end." '.' . C. N. Y. Mercury. bad alone, to Lowell Mason, a talented musician and pioneer in the intro duction ol music into the Huston pub lic schools. Mr, .Mason was not a .tudent of Gorman. He ask-d Sam uel Francis Smith, who had an ex traordinary facility in languages, to make translations from the. German ' or to write new verses which could be set to the German music. "On . a dismal day ' in .February. 1832, looking over one of these book's, my attention was drawn to a tune which attracted me by its simple and natural movement and its fitness for children's choirs," wrote Dr. Smith years later. "Glancing .-it 1h r:,v.,n ,.,..).. t the foot of the page, I saw that they were patriotic, and I was instantly inspired to write a patriotic hymn Of my own. "Seizing a scrap of waste paper, I began to write, and in half an hour, I think, the words stood upon it sub- Beneath Heaven's gracious will The stars of progress still Our cursc do swav: In unity sublime To broader heights we climb, Triumphant over Time God speeds our way. Grand birthright of our sires, Our altars and our fires Keep we still pure! Our starry flag unfurled, The hope of all the world. In peace and Light impearled, Gi'd hold secure ! "What's the idea of the Greens hav ing French lessons?" "They have adopted a French baby, and want to understand what she says when she begins to talk." During an extremely cold spell in the I'litrf SiniiTwl rtrtimfi.,,,!nn gummed the works of a thermometer nung ouvsiue me t-namoer ot com merce buildine- and th worst it rnnlH do was 72 below. Along came a man bundled up to his eanrs, but :-till shivering. For a moment he gazed at the themometer then turned away in disgust saying: 'Ain't that ju;t like the Chamber of Commerce, anyway?' " Algernon ( reading joke) : "Pawn cy this, Percy, a chap here .thinks inui a looioau coacn has jour wheels. ' Percy: "Haw! Haw- And how many wheels has the bally thing?" "My daughter's music lessons are tun- to me." ' How is that?:i "The v enabled neighbor's houses 'Just what good have you done) humanity?" ;.sked 'he judge he-t ing sentence on the pick- to lcr pas Docket. "Well." replied the confirmed crim-j inal, Tv - k-pt thro? or four detcc-i tivis working regularly." St John's Teleeram. , It was approaching midnight and the young man still hovered around the door. The stillness was sudden ly shattered by a loud crash up stairs. "Gracious, dear" said the swain, "wha could that be?" lfeplied the miss, "hat's just dropping a hint." Pelo-Mele. timid "Oh," papa Whv won't you marry me to buv the at nan pnee Gazzettino Illustrato (Vienice.) "What's the matter with that guy?" "He is complaining to his wifP that hi.-, stenographer dresn't understand him.'' Louisville Courier-Journal. Father Fntz?" Daughter "I man who know.' its rciTov.s." Fathei "I -te a w-'ul , Deutsche Illustriete i Berlin.) will -nly marry a life ami has learned Granville County farmers haw started an onion growing project as a source of cash for the coming y?ar. "And here, I suppose, is another of the horrible portraits you call ';'rt'!" snorted a cross and near sighted old lady in an Oklahoma City antique snon. "Kxjcuse mo, madam." said the snopiveeper quietly, "hut that is a mirror." .VA;il ( IIJUHMX'S HOOKS 1'he .following books have recently been placed on the shelves of the local- library. The Patty Hooks (o. by Carolyn Wells. Bouquet Hill, by Jane Abbott. Corey Takes the Scent Trail, Smith. A Boy Scout With Bvrd, Siple. The Arrow of Tire, Snell. A Boy Scout Round the World, Huld. Mystery Boys in Ghost Canyon, lions. (Bought with Mr. Th money,) I- - WIU III I'U II L1 1 II air would disagree with me." , Hubby "My dear, it wouldn't dar?!" Humorist. HOW ABOUT THE CHILDREN'S SHOES? Get out last year's school shoes and send them to us and we'll return them to you good as new, am! the cost will be very small. Don't wait until cold weather sets in sent them today. Next To Western Union Telegraph Office THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP MAIN ST. E. T. Duckett, Proo. NEXT WESTERN UNION "Did you t vcr hear a fisherman e th,. trill iV" "Yes, 1 hea.-d one call another a liar. With bowed shotilde-s llomsr Smith entered his house. His ' .dragging feet .shuffled their way through the front hall and into the kit-hen whore his wile was preparing the evening meal. The smile failed from Mrs, Smith's face as she noted the woebe gone appearance of her better half. "Homer!" she cried, --.Slumping into a chair, Homer Smith 'stared straight ahead with dead cys. "Toll me, d.-irl- illL'." l)p;ltitif hw vjil'p. -iV. i.nmn i,i. to Homer and lifted hi, chin in her hand. Homer Smith moistened his lips with his tongue. "The worst," he said dismally, "has happened." "No!" cried Mrs. Smith, aghast. "Yes!" said Homer. "This afternoon just before quitting time the boss called me in and gave me the busi ness." , Thev wcrn cfintnH tuirncn V,rt tolOn y wv v.v ui'.J ,ui; ihuic from each other in the restaurant, ine weanny octogenarian and the gold digger. ' ' W i 1 1 vrtll man-lr i. it T V. . . .. health rejuvenated?" he asked. "I'll marry you, all right," she re plied, "but you leave your health the way it is." American Legion Monthly. There is -. wvvo.......:. .v. ... a Santa Qaus Mother "Now, do vou know where oad little girls go to?" Molly "Oh, yes they go almost tverywheri"." Everybody's Weekly ( London.) SI (tearfully) "You said if I'd marry you you'd be humbly grateful." T'" (sourly)-.-"Well, what of it?" Sir.? "You'rn not- von'rw mi"iml.l ling hatefully." Boston Transcript.- SEE NEXT WEEK'S Mountaineer An Announcement of Importance Will Be Made Then A Message of ECONOMY Will Be Broadcast. THE FEATHERHEADS . . : ''' Sending byRemote Control I T 'WELL WELL QOSCOE 00 SttU iKOV0,FANNV- BO0 I f ' IF 50Mf30DV MOTHEQ WOULD I 7, nr J Vf MV BOV--sbwt,R'ra A FINE MANNEQLV LITTLE" 4 y LpuT HEQ EAQ5 ON WHEELS, IBE ClTV A A 1 i r4A)P PI SnDt ftF FELLOW IN) SPlTF OF TH9 GOSSlPVOL J l STPPET. qEANIMG DEPAOFMEWr COULO D6ESMr SQUAPE US 1 X O r)nPP VOUCH AK10 Tv4E CQACKEO OL" GOAT f OBTlCE . AM' WElSvS FATr4EQ VfoC ALL WE02ACKS WAT As B B VfeTwE! tVW HAS FOQ t6P n ROSCOE'S FOLKS PULLED j 4 v. H ATJp HOUSE 'ZAp, S GOES ON THIS I J THW THS WftLLlS JJU HKNG' T. .WHERE I ' Hft WHErV-' PUT H WtREi ) PrTvENT S VlGHT V WkWW J TH' ONLY PyrNM xTV 0NN PLlW SE? ' OU WANT ) W VWT ' V IVUI r :'.. r-v wkw fMK thsCSn-)(. t.h npll frAo ; N i X . y S l L