: Page 8 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1932 THE WAYN ESVILLE MOUNTAINEEK ! 1 A1 Smith's Singing f Makes "Hit" In N. Y. I Sings On Benefit Program New Work Admit Much Applause. In iew lorK.- l he music cn.ics were in a lather of laudation over the de but of a promising new sinffer Mr. Alfred K. Smith of the brown derby Smiths. Mr. Smith Kave his siinjfinj? voice the ai" for the tir?i time publicly recenWy at th;1 weekly eommuniity sintf. a benefit affair. He said his participation was "just a happy thoupht that dawned on me." "II Sipnor Alfredo Smeet," as one critic in a swoon of excitment called him, sailed right up to a challenging vote without shifting gears, and his voice rose above those of the COO others who had joined in the chorus. The critics thought it was great. Even headline writers became ecstatic and called him ''the happy warbler." One customer said: "He took that D like he took Mas sachusetts in 1928." Signor Smith presented a limited repertoire from some of the early music hall composers. His "wow"i number which spilled the critics out of their seats was "The Sidewalks of New York." He seemed to put every thing he had into it. As 'the reporter for the times put it. "The Nightingale of Oliver Street" threw into his work all he had in voice, spirit and body especially the last mentioned. He kept time with his head and his hands. . . When he wanted volume he ben over, stoop ed down and then jumped like a cheer leader. It was a good idea. He got volume. An unfortunate phase of the af fair was the failur,. of the critics to agree on the range of 'the artist's voic The Times called him a promising tenor, The Herald-In bune referred to him as the "brown derby baritone J" Critics on other papers had not quite mad,, up 'their minds. "When the "Sidewalks'' was over, hignor Mimn nuxlestiv moved as t:u:ugh to call it a day, but the ap plause, was uproarious; Cries for "Kncore!" filled, 'the air, no end. The tenore leggiero, with artistic appre ciation, of the needs of the occasion, returned and launched into a num ber beginning: "Oh. the night that 1 struck New Yawk "I went out for a quiet walk" . . . His auditors were puzzled. Here was a new Al Smith. Maybe it was "Alfredo Smeet." They wer" un familiar with the song. But they recognized it qulckeiy enough when he reached the chorus with its: "The Bowery, the Bowery" , . . Before 'the recital was over, Mr. Smith had sung the "Sidewalks" thi ice, and as hP depatred amid such "bravos" as Caruso might have en vied, he grinned happily, and said: "I'm glad you liked it." "What are you studying. John?" asked Aunt Maria. "Economies."- "I don't see no use in studying that stuff. If it's forced on you, you gotta practic,. it." lm-.A117j T TJ ioiai vote in L,asi Election Exceeds Record By 2 Million Total of :$9 .Million Votes Cast; Over 22 For Roosevelt. V ariy complete return- fiom the (,v. S "1 'ctioii .-how 'the American electorate toppled three records in . ,' ti.i- a total vote at least IW.OOO.OOO 1 . (iov. Franklin 1). Roose velt 22.'M-l,HK and President Hoover i ."i,r7r,474. This huge tola! with more Chan .'SO states complete to date, js an increase of niii'e than 2 000.000 over the pre vious high of :!.7SU,(!(i9 polled in the 192H Hoover-Smith election; the Roosevelt vote is the most ever given a winning candidate, and the Hoover total is a liew top figure for a losing nominee. Seven minor party candidates re ceived 11,008,164 on the basis of re turns from all but about one-twelftr of the nation's 119,041! vesting pre cincts or districts tripling the minor party balloting of four years ago. Mr. Norman Thomas, the Socialist Presidential candidate, kept pace with the total gain, his 805,813 being more than thrice the 267,835 he got in 1928 and bringing him within probable reach of the Socialist record of 1920, when Eugene V. Debs polled 919,799. Mr. William Z. Foster, Commun ist candidate, received 69.104 votes compared with his 48,228 four years ngo when he ran as he Workers' Party candidate. Parents Of B. Y. P. U. Members Invited To Attend Service Sunday An invitation is extended to all parents of the members of the Senior B .Y. P. U. of the Baptist church to be present at their meeting Sunday night at six-thirty o'clock. j ijroup a o. .; wun .Mrs. Joe i.iner as is eantain will be in charge of the service. The topic for discussion is "Peace,! : War an:l Intel national Relationship." Those taking part on the program are: j Katherine McLaughlin, jenaon Ross, J. P. Beam, Margaret Milliner, Obera Underwood and Mrs. Joe Liner. A cordial welcome is waiting all young people. JACK PIIILLIJ'S LEAVES TOMOR ROW FOR CALIFORNIA Mr. Jack Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Phillips, who is a studsnt at Georgia Tech. will leave December 9, with the Tech football squad for Berkley, California, wherf, Tech meets the University of California on December 17. Twtnty-eight players will be taken on the trip which will be made by rail to California and by boat through the Panama Canal on the return. The boys will have an opporntunity to stop for a brief stay at interesting points across the continent and will spend one day in Havana, Cuba on their trip. Lespedesza seed Harvester number 17 arrived in Person County last week to be located on the farm of A. E. Huff. School Children ATTENTION Get The $2.50 Gold Piece j "Have You Driven the New Ford?" See the New V-8 on Display at ABEL'S GARAGE The above words spoken to the right men in Waynesville, Saturday, December 10th, will win $2.50 in Gold. Ask Everybody Saturday. Find the Man With Your $2.50 in Gold The movie manager was furious. "What's the matter?" said his as sistant. "Is anything wrong?" ''Anything wrong!" Ae snorted, "Why, you've advertised for next week: 'Smiling Eyes with a strong cast!' "Tit-Bits. Ruby Travis of the Taylorsvilh section of Catawba County raised 102 turkeys as a 4-H club project this year from which she secured a gross return of $205.84. The poults were raised from four hens. APPLES Golden Delicious Black Twigs Stayman Winesaps Starks Delicious FIREWORKS Firecrackers Roman Candles Sparklers Torpedoes THE ROCK APPLE HOUSE Barber's Orchard On N. C. 10 WAYNESVILLE, N. C. NOT OPEN ON SUNDAYS MANY CASES ARE HEARD IN COURT Minor Cases Consume Greater Part Of Last Week's Time In Court. "0-o-h..Will you really ..Santy?" "SURE,--ni Bring Them I Have All My Toys on Display at Ray's Variety Store, go and see them : Ray's Variety Store "Headquarters For Toys" The following cases were heard be fore .Judge U. Hoyle Sink, presiding at the November term of criminal court, with John Queen solicitor for the district appearing in behalf of the state. Wednesday Virgil Hannah, Failing to Pay Hoard Bill, Continued for Term. Claud Banks, Reckless Driving- RE: J. E. Rush ordered by the Court that the forfeiture hereunto entered again st J. E. Rush be stricken out upon the payment of the cost of service. J? crest ' Willis, larceny, hard labor in State prison at Kaleigh, two years. trurney McMehan, larceny, State prison for not less than 18 months nor more than two years. Caney Murphey and Kennedy Mur phy, N. P. W. L. M. M. Moore, Assault, N. P. W. L. Hardy Rathbone, C C. W.. not a true bill. Pink Rathbone, A. D. W., not a true bill. Pink Rathbone, C. C. W., not a true bill. Jake Stamev, Embezzlement, not a true DiU, Horace Trantham, public drunk, not a true bill. Doyce Dills and Woodv Smith, sale oi liquor, not a true bill. D. II. Clark, driving auto drunk, not a true Dili Norman Pressley and Charlie Pres- sley, assault, defendants off on pay ment of cost. Vincent Holland, abortion, continu ed. Ellis' Fisher, disturbing the peace, T. N. I-eatherwood, slander-EE: Will Russell-Witness brought in under capias instanter. Bv order of the Court Will Russell and T. N. Leather- wood ordered in jail. Dick Smith, V. P. L. defendant or dered confined to the common jail for (H days to be worked on roads. Newton Leatherwood, slander of weman, fined $100.00 and nubliclv apologized. Klbert Meadows, ..forgery,' 0 months m ilaywood Count" jail. Monroe West, public drunk, instan ter process stricken out. . U, I'ord, worthless check, pay ment of co.-t. James Jarvis, larceny, state prison not less than ,- nor. more than 5 years. Arthur Luster, ku'eeny, state prison not less than 2 years nor more than " years. . Steele Mitchell, larceny, state prison not less than 4 nor more than 5 years. r i ea iiurnett, V . IV L., continued. I PERSONALS i 0- . rj Judge Will Smathers and Mr. Ab bott and son, J. B. Abbott, of Atlan tic City, N"w Jersey are spending a few weeks here as guests of Judge Sir.athers parents. Dr. and Mrs. IS. F. Smothers- Mrs. J. R. Hipps returned to her home last week from an extended visit Co her daughter, Mrs. Hallett Ward. :ind Mr. Waid at their home in Kichwood. West Virginia. MRS. HOOXE HAS QUJLTIXG 'ARTY A dcightful (occasion this week was the all-day quilting party given on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. J. K. Boone at the home of Mrs. Hugh .uassie on Haywood street. The Massie home presented an at tractive appearance in its decora tions suggestive of the approaching Christmas season. Luncheon was served at a beauti fully appointed table which was graced with greenry and red berries and lighted with red candles. The afternoon was spent in social conversation and quilting. Mrs. Boone's guests were: Mrs. W. T. Shelton, Mrs. W. S. Patterson, Mrs. W, A. Grahl, Mrs, George W. Coble, Mrs. R. Q. McCraeken, Mrs. D. L. Schuhofer. Mrs. W. L. Kirk- patrick. Mrs. H. G .West, Mrs. P. L. Turbynll, Mrs. C. E. Ray, and Mrs. R. H. Blackwell. LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET NEXT WEEK The December meeting1 of (the American Legion Auxiliary will be held next Monday evening, December 12, at 7:30 o'celock, at the Masonic Temple. Hostesses for this meeting will be Mrs. Koy Campbell, Mrs. I. J. Brown, Ml-s. Oeorge 1'lott and Miss Ida Jean Brown. -An ELECTRICAL GIFT Will go over "big" with her. Give her something- that will make her household tasks easier modern and timesav ing. SEE THESE SPECIALS Peculators $3.00 up Waffle irons $6.00up Toasters ... $1,95 Heating Pads $4.00 Heaters $1.50 Up Philco Radios $18.75 To $295,00 MARTIN ELECTRIC COMPANY PHONE 31 ThP ' quality of breeding hens on the poultry farms of Rutherford County is now far superior to that which existed when blood'-testing was first begun in the county. In fection of bacillary white diarrhea is the lowest that it has ever been, says R. L. Sloan, county agent. 1 ' M Want : Ads FOR SALE Fancy paper shell pe . can five pound bags $1.50 post ,jiaid, direct from our farm, South ""Gn. Paper shell pecans are noted for delicious flavor. Try a bag. Larger quantity . write for siple and nrice. Can furnish shelled pecans. Cabbage and Ber muda onion plants, 75c per 1,0000 Dorris Seed Co., Valdosta, Ga. clerk's offic for use the of Mr. Ernest Moody. Kelly Howell, Grady Honey cutt not guilty. Virgil Meadows ami Jack Moody, non suit. Dixie Henson, V. P. L., not a true bill. Waldo Sutton, Elmer Green, Glenn Kingmore, L. and R. not a true bill- Calvin Trull, larceny, not a true bill. -Monroe est, driving car drunk, N. P. W. L. Monroe West, public drunk, pleads guilty, fined $10.00, Will Ray, forgery, pleads guilty, state prison from IS months to 5 years. Ervin Phillips, reckless driving, not guilty. J. P. Ciane, W. Taylor,; reckless driving, not a true bill. J. P. Cratue, W. W. Taylor, A. D. W. not a true bill. Oscar Banks, B. & E-L &. R., on WANTED: Couple to be married ddring Merchants Exposition and Trade' Festival Feek at Cham pion Y. M. C. A. License, ring1 and minister's fee furnished free in addition to many wedding gifts for bride and groom from Canton mer- i chants. Paul Henry, secretary Canton Merchants Association. chartre of breaking ;in:l entering stuff. veige .ueauows, iriacly lloney-cult, ! prison tor not less than 18 months1 Kelly Howell, Sam Morris, Clay Dona-, nor more than 3 years On charge of , larceny, state prison fur not less than I van, Tom Howell, Houston Leather wood and Jack Moodv, A. 1). W. Clay Don a van, Tom How i each 'ordered to pay one. fourth court costs and $50.00 into clerk's office for use of Mr. Ernest Moody. Sam -Morris and Hous ton Leathcrwood each ordered to nav one fourth court costs and $25.00 to I 3 nor more than 5 years Charlie Foster, . V. P. L., defendant ' called and failed, Instanter capias is-, sued. . - j Gordon Kinsland and A. S.. Bradley, j Verdict: Guilty as to reckless driving not guilty as to assault. THREE BARGAINS 1 Fordson Tractor (used very little) 1 '29 Model Pickup Ford Truck 1 '30 Model Ford Coach SEE CALL - - OR WIRE Lake Junaluska, N.& k Phone 263-J FINNEY OF THE FORCE By Ted O'Loughlin K'wtCTB Nwppt Calm AMD THAT IS VouR. Llf-rue: WEPHEVk' WHO S NISITINQ1 VOLl.' I SUPPOSE VOLl FIND Him VERV INTeRESTiWG- WELL, HE SHURE ESPS US VERY okw WP. ALWAVS IS OM 7M6 Gq WANTlM' to DO SOME THING- ...OR, GO HI.AC&5, wnei7 are You 5aiN TO -TAKE ME TO TH' ZOO, AUNT FANNY? I vANTA ffo To TH' ZOO NOW' r Always Making a Monkey of Her tfOT NOW, MICHAEL Vfe KKIOW WE. UiUF COMPANY- AN' WE CAWT LEAVE WHILE WE HAVE A ViSjToR. I KnA MICHAEL. ME LAD YE I I 1 HEARO WHUT YEfe AUMTI6 II I TOLD VBZl TH' IPEA OF ( L 1 WANTlM' TO GO SEE. MONKEYS ,, 1 ' :. vv"" w - J ..--"I AW- ! WANTA C , x x :',. j SO RISMT f T l'r I ' WAN TA GrO I? V f"T" ' XT' z r SEE TH' , Jl-J, W I 1 ViiU

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