THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1932 ' ' ' I THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 The 317 club members enrolled in the 4-H clubs of Cabarus County pro duced $9,106.18 worth of products this season. The net labor return was $5,057.03. The 54 sweet potato curing houses in Gaston County are all filled with .g good grade of sweets. Certified Irish potatoes in Haywood County produced at the rate 240 bur.h els to the acre as compared with 160 bushels from ordinary home selecteJ seed. . 1 t Four pure 'oied Jersey bull- from thp Shuford farm in CaUwba County ! were purchased by Edge;ombe fann ers recently. "0-o-h..WiII you really d .. Santy?" "SURE,--ni Bring Thera---I Have All My Toys on Display at Ray's Variety Store, go and see them J Ray's Variety Store ''Headquarters For Toys" 1 Give ttem Mie Ccttunmticaticn .A TELEPHONE C4s a Christmas gift, a telephone is unusual, and most useful. When you give your family a telephone, you give a service that will run errands anywhere, any time, in all kinds of weather. You give your family ready access to friends, which means many pleasant social gatherings that might other wise be missed. You give a certain protection in emergencies, for who knows when it will be necessary to call the doctor the police the fire department ? You give your family a priceless gift quick, easy, two-way voice communication for every day of the year.' Think how much it means to have that familiar instrumentthe telephone forming a link between your home and the outside world, and you 'will agree that the telephone has all the essential qualities of the ideal Christmas gift. And the cost is so small that it doesn't begin to com pare with the value. It is wise to order now, so that Christmas day will find your telephone in place, ready to serve. Southern Bll Telephone and Telegraph (fjffl) Col ism THREE 1 Fordson Tractor (used very little) 1 '29 Model Pickup Ford Truck 1 '30 Model Ford Coach SEE CALL OR WIRE JERRY LINER Lake Junaluska, N. C. Phone 263-J DISTRICT ROTARY Soco Gap Road Sur vey By Highway MEETING IS HELD IN WAYNESVILLE (Continued from page 1) from the crowded section of the coun try. Mr. Jack-on told of a recent visit to the northern market ami what he saw there in the way of machine im provements. "Machines are taking the places of the bread-winners of our homes," he said. "1 saw in New York one machine that was turni'ig out n.ore work that; 50 men ordinarily turned out, and only one man was operating till:- machine." "There are at present twelve mil lion )eople out of work ill this country, and it seems that little can be done o create jobs for them. We now have a surplus of everything, we have got to adopt a new way of living," the speaker continued. President Hunter, of (. ullowhee, said in the course of his address that the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, would mean more to this section than anything that has come this way in the history of the state. F. Roger Miller, of Asheville, a past president and now serving his second term as chairman of the inter-city relations committee of the Asheville Rotary club, told the council that four new industries have definitely decid ed to locate in Western North Caro lina and are now considering sites. "A dozen or more important new business enterprises are in prospect for the near future," he said. "Pros- uectiv,. purchasers are considering two large resort developments which will add greatly to our present facilities for the entertainment of tourists. More than a million tourists will visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in IblSo. Advertising Needed "Western Carolina's greatest devel opment as a 'tourist center is just ahead," Mr.. Miller declared, and he urged the impoi tance of national ad vertising for the i egion n a whole. : "In P.'"1, a year of 'great ami gen- Nil depi e Moil." he said, "the inns and hotels of I 'a ihun PJ, OOO.POtl tour.M- ;'. and a revenue final ill.:, moie than .Si..wO.iMH)." lie said that "co-opei a' . planting competition aMiniv.1 inanities; .f Vc-!e:ii North and this, the most import Official on Wed. (Continued from page he vie) that i-narge ot '.he survey, said that his surviy .-hows that a road from Dell w, o,l to Sik-o tiap, a distance of eight an. I a ha'f miles, with a thirty foot i r, J wii not cos: an ex: rnia lepoited nier, u:al- euo'.t .iav .1 : s ihe ( ai '.lit eiilia, thing in a general loll,, is emeiil of the civic that has happened already the achiev organizations." Ad orates Regional Body Mr.. Miller advocated the oigoiiii'a tion of a regional planning council to embrace representatives to all the groups and agencies interested in the social and economic advancement of the mountain section as a whole, lie argued that this method is needed to co-ordinate the activities of various agencies engaged in special endeavors by operating independently, to plan an orderly program of develop ment, and to give definite direction to ideas irenerallv accepted as logical and desirable but now lanquishing for lack of support. "Western North Carolina lacks regional entity," he said, "unity of plan and purpose, co-ordinated init iative and activity, a working and effective organization devoted to the advancement of the region as a whole. We have unlimited resources and op portunities too numerous to catalog." There are more than 500,000,000 persons in the world who can neither read nor write. ive amount money, m fact Mio cost of such a :..:i will r.ot bo the average, i ., : so rough as the Smokeniont au. and will be a better road and a. . -o ililHcuit of construction.- He . i ;mu tlnve would probably be a . a: LbhUHIO cubic yards of dirt to . . : i aiowd in the strictly mountain ous part of th,, road- that is from a ;u tit one mile above Maggie to the gap. a distance of three and a half lriics. He said that his report will be ready to be made next week, there being only a few details to be worked out. This road. Mr. Marsh said, will be a verv beautiful one, for the most par. :traight. no sharp curves, and the purely mountainous part of it about a seven per cent crade. He stated, however, that it will bo jn. caample'te if thp road does not go on through the Indian Reservation to connect with Highway 107 at Chero kee, a distance of eleven miles. Mr. Marsh said. Written by W. C lAlen. eriiing H'SS of it ! several i clock weeks Mr- Mrs. C.C. Ridge -Is Buried Last Tues. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday af.ernoon at 2 o'clock for Mrs. Clarence C. Ridge. 55, of Jack son Creek, near Ashlxiro, North Car i 'ina, who died at her home Monday following nu remembered in Ida McCracken a popular moni a. (he Haywood . , ,1 bv h. , bus Mrs. Florence M i ( rai ken of alherw ood. ol . Glenn P.ovd of a !,l - I ). Kill li te.. ..n.l W. II. .Iiiiiahiska. Ialiv- attended count v: Mrs. Jerry Leather- in on a J a liberal allowance on your OLD RADIO Through tpecial arraQtment with lh manufacturers of Ma ttic Radios, we arc enabled lo make you a startling offer on your old radio, to be applied gainst the purchase price of a New Majestic. Eisht beautiful new models, all the latest ad vancements, lowest prices in. history, including Majestic tubes and Federal tax paid. t his Sh aunt v t 1- Ridge uutv :i as at on the fa school - Kidga .11 1 foil , an I M , ,1 . ( : a a I 'r a. T!-. fat ai ('11.' ,1 n. will b. Mi-s e time . tilt y I'. 1 Mia Like dd from Jerry R. Smathers and wife to the said S. A- Copney. dated Au gust 19. 1908, and i recorded in Book 26 page 185 Record of Deeds f Haywood County; EXCEPTING from the above that portion of said lot heretofore con veyed to Janey Modre by ded re- t h.l in Book page Re. k of Deed of Haywood County, icfaance being made to said two ' ,is far a full ''.cription of said . t aa 1 said excepted lot. Saie made pursuant to the power '.'it'. I upon ,ne by deed of trust , .u'cii by S. A. Copmy dated 2,i;h lt2!, anil recorded in Kiv.:. a'" Ibed: of Trust N'o. 2t5 page if!, ia th olllie of th Ia'gisier of ,!i.' - , ;' Hayvvaad County, to which :. '"'(- is made for al the terms : a 1 ., .nl it ions of the same. Ti !b m. i; . 1 '!!'. STAMEV. Trustee NO I'lCK OK SALE t)n January 5, liHW, at eleven o'clock a. m. nt the court house door in the town of Waynesville, the undersigned will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property in the town of Waynesville. to-wit: BEGINNINC, on Walnut Street 150 feet from the R. B. Osliorne corner on south side of Walnut Street, adjoining the lot sold to one, Revis-, and runs S. 45 W. 150 feet with the Revis line; thence S. 42 E. 4:1 feet with J. M. Queen's line to the old State Road; thence N. 56 E. 14(1 feet to Walnut Street; thence 7,'i feet, more or less, to the BEGINNING, being the second tract, of land deeded in a deed from C. E. Ray and wife, Minnie Ray, to Sol Shehan and Carl Shehan, dated July 2, 1920. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING from the foregoing boundary all of that, portion of said lot above describ ed, lying on the West side of the curve on tile East side of East Main Street in the town of Wuvuesville. Sale made pursuant to the authority of the Hoard of Aldermen of the town of Wnvnosvillc. Iir Mi ki-i- follow i :- v ra I from thi .-,' Mayo.. Mrs, Mi-s He lie McCracken, Misses i .anil Anna Pcile Met raekeii. ami Glenn A. l!oyd. Cows on the farm of Bryant W.illin and Lester Price in Madison County returned a pasture rental of $.'1.50' to $4 a head per-monlh al'i'T paying the cost of other feed and labor. AIM I 'SlSTIlAtoK'S SOTICK Iliiving' (U vlified as administrator of the estat,, of W. I). Blalock, ' de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the state of the deceased tt exhibit them to the undersigned ni Hazelwood.r North Carolina, on or befor,. the 15th day of December, 15)3.1, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their r(e covery. All persons indebted lo said ei?tnte will pleaae make paymen.t imme diately. This thi 15th day of Decmebr, 1932. T. L. BLAVl.OCK. Administrator of tho Esti te of V. I). Blnloek, Deceased. Dec. 1 5-22-2!-Jan. 5-12-1.1 t IV 4-4- 4-4- J What Price Health! V 4- J- J- Y'OU may "save" a little by doing your own washing, but will it buy back youth? NO woman ever "s;ived" enough by doing her own washing to make up for the sacrifice of youth and beauty and health. Let us lift this BURDEN let us make each washday a holiday in which you can do all those exciting things you have always been too busy to do before. , Just phone for service when your bundle Is ready. Waynesville Laundry "Call 205-WeH Do The Rest" -H-M-H t 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 .i. 4 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 4 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4 4- 4- 4- 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4 t Massie Furniture Co. Main Street Waynesville N. C. A DMINISTItA THIX XOT1CE The undersigned having qualified ns administratrix of tho estate of W. S. Patter-on. deceased, all persons hav- Inir fluiniK iicainst said estate are 'h..ri)iv notified to nresent duly sworn ttiiiemi-nts of the same to the under- siirm.d on or Ix-lore December 6, 193.1, .,r this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery thi're.if. Any per umif; iiw lebted to said estate are here. I,v notified to oav the amount of Said indebtedness' 'o the undersigned at once. 'I his the -It Vi d ie oT l)"cember, P).'i2. MRS. Itil, I PATTERSON, Administratrix of V. S. Patterson, .); X-15-22 :;;-i a ti. 5-.1 2 deceased. XOT1CK OF-.TRIWM'H SALE On Monday, January 2. PC!:!, at eleven o'clock ;i. m. at t.m courthouse Nor in the Town of Waynesville, II;ivwood County. N. .('.", I Will a at, public outcry to for. cash the follow and premises lying uesville . Township. . C. : BEGINNING Thomas 'Street. ,,:.") f i.'niT of FIint Alley -t ( et and running N. rtlil feet : thence S. .40' eh thence S. 4- (leg. 10' thence N. 40 deir. W.- sell the hiKhesL bidder ij ik'-cribed tani's ami being in Way lla.v.v(,ol County. I'.ast.' side of ct from tho ami Thomas 3 deg. ::o' E. g. E; 50 feet ; W. IMS feet; villi Thomas Stn et to the B l-.GIN N ING. and he ir, i' the .s.'ime nronerty conveyed by Charles Conley and wife Josephine f'nnle.V to William Gray and Clara fir. y by deed dated -August 15),. 15)18. which said deed is duly on record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County in Baiok of Deeds No. 50 page 428 to which deed and record reference is hereby made. Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon me by deed of trust vecuted by William Gray and wife Clara Gray dated March 12, 1925, nnd recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 15 page 119. Office of Reg ister of Deeds of Haywood County, to which reference is made for all the terms and conditions of the same. This December 2nd. 1932. GEO. H. WARD. Trustee. Dec. 8-15-22-29 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday January 2, 1933, t eleven o'clock a. m. at the courthouse f)oor in the Town of Waynesville, Havwood County, N. C; I will sell at public outcr to the higiiest bidder for cash the following . described lands and premises lying and being in Way nesville Township. Hayweod County, n. c - A certain tract of land in the Town of Waynesville whereon the said S. A. Copney now resides, which lot or tract of land is fully described in a aOtll dav ( TOWN III' f Xovemb... !'.'.! WAVNESVIEI.I' Bv J. II. ilowi .1. .'.'' ( I.M.h Ml. IN . ; I A i V, t of 'Citi.'.e v. W.ivm- il ai-; '!ii. ,1- ! iViiie, N. C and : t ; ! r u v ol .miiisi 1 1 fen JU V! "Jib (c), Consoliilated nil icisoas who have .nst the abo.e named bank y notified to present proof at avnesv Hie. N. 1 .. on the 1st day of February, 1' liuic to present claim on or be I re the above (late bars the claim 1 1 . j I presented except as to the assets i,. t.'ie hank m the hands of the Com missioner of Blinks for the account ot said hank it the time the claim is presented ('injection to Uit. allowing of any claim may be made by any interested person bv filing such obiect in the pending action in the office of tho ulerk of the t.ourt of this county and by serving a copy thereof on the Commissioner of Banks Ou the Li quidating Agent of this bank. This the 1st day of November, 1932. A. M. BURNS, Jr., Liquidating Agent of Citizen Bank & Trust Co.. Waynesville, N. C. Note: In filing claims for Cashier's Checks, Bunk Drafts, Certificates of Deposit or (!ertified Checks the par ticular instrument must b( surrend ered when Proof of Claim is pre sented. Nov. 24-Dec. 1-8-15 XOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES-. TATE Default having been made ia the payment of the indebtedness secured oy a t'l'ain deed nf trust exe.'ilted to the First National Company of Durham, I neot por'a ti d and the l.'r.ion Trust 'Company ol Marvl.-in I, l'rus teea. hv Zhll 'li; MUSE ;.ml V E R NKTTE S. M USE, his wife, . " the first day. of 'July. PCS' .ni the I .tails-. hei( in. (le. crihed. said -ileed of trust baiiig ..recorded in Book 21, page 524 in the (jtiiee (if the K"gis:er ei Ileeitn far Ilayc. ooil County, North Carolina, (: iir.dai'sign.'d wi I la having II i a so i 'i:i,t'. kil . by th hel ler .i.f . va: in-. t btvdnes.-, ofler for sale at public auction, to the highest .bii'dcr for . c a b. at tie- ciiultliou-e ijiio'r- in Hay. .ve.o I ('ounty. North ( arolina. at : w'i'ivi (rclock iioon 't, 1 liURSDAY, DlM EMBEK 15, '15)3? .. ! a 'leads (!e.'cribr d in said deed of vh' i to-wit : ni'diJaNlNG en n-.stak'i, at tiu in-, t '.((;:.: of the Northwest margin f. Spring Stree t wi'.ii Northeast mar gir. of aa .nn.:.nv- I stnat arid -.las . ' nc Xiirt1, '." --. nia: r ;." ai Spring . a-tna't N. ir',.il"Ltr 'as Past 75 ffetti. a a'.e, cjrntir'' of li. Siiiatdvers' prop erty ; (hence with Snuahers line 2 taiii:, as t.o.ia'A.': Nort.i ."! (w-;;i-..cs Vi a t -15S fei t to a stake: ttien North 2 degrees 1 ( Ea-t 250 fet to a a t i.e, 'Smathers coi ner in the Jor.r.sjn line;, then with the Johhuon. lir.e North 70 degrees West 103 feet to a stake; thance South 2 degrees 10 minutes We-t 330 feet to a stake in the North margin of an unnaineda street ; then with sail street . 2 calls:. South 87 degrees 50 minutes East 50 fci't -to. a turn in ' s::id street, then Sauth -a(i (Irgrets East 151 feet to the BKGrXNING. being lots 114 and 12'5 inclusive Tf the George Smather3 property and a lot 75 feet by 151 feet knr.wr. ni the 0. B. VViison lot. The purchaser at the foreclosure '-ale assumes the payment of all un-: paid taxes and street ; assessments against the property. The Union Trust Company of Mary land h .ving resigned as Trustee as in said deed of trust provided, the sale is 1 eing advertised a"d 'conduct-. : ed fiv the undersigned trustee. ' This: 12th 'da'v' of .November. 15)"2. , W. G. BRAHAM and T. L. BLAND, Receivers, First National Company of Durham. Incorporated, Trustee. Nov. 24-Dec. 1-8-15

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