I Society News Local Items SOCIETY PAGE o o Eleanor Bushnell, Editor - Phone 137 j Mr. and Mrs. Carol Bell spent a fw davs this week in Charlotte. Mr. E. L. Linton will leave Satur day to spend the holidays at his homP in Raleigh. Mr. It. N. Barber returned Iat week from i. two months' business trip through the southern states. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Caldwell and children have arrived from Mars Hill to spend the Christmas holidays. Mi Harrold Haynss is at heme from Mars Hill College to spend the Christmas vacation with his mother, Mrs. V. A. Haynes. Miss Doris Messer. who is a stu dent at Mars Hill College, is spend ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.. T. Messer. . Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, who have spent several months at the Clevewil I "Apartments, left yesterdaj for their home in Philadelphia, Penn. c Miss Fannie Johnson will arrive Saturday to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Johnson. r Miss Charlotte Hatcher left yes terday for her home in Dunn. North Caiolina where she will spend the Christmas holidays. Miss Nancy Crockett is leaving to day to spend Christmas with her parent. Hev. and Mrs. S. R. Crockett, a: their home in Franklin. :j: :; Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Connatser will leave Saturday to -pi'inl th0 holidays :.: their home in Sevierville, Tennes- Extra Special! PERMANENT WAVE $4 Expert workmanship. Sham poo and finger wave included. Special Shampoo and Finger Wave 75 c Ruth Ray's Beauty Shop PHONE 143 Just Received NEW SHIPMENT Silk Dresses Of season's newest styles and shades. Shown in hyacinth blue, grey and in gold nugo tine. In all popular sizes prices range from $10.50 up NEW LINE OF TURBANS See T.hem In Our Windows Ann de Orr's At Ruth Ray's Beauty Shop. Miss Ethel Craig is leaving today to spend the Christmas vacation with relatives in Henderson. North Car olina. Miss Louise Edwards left this morning for her home in Cedartown Georgia where she will -spend the Christmas holidays. Mr. Woodson Jones is expected Saturday to spend Christmas " with Mrs. Jones and their young daugh ter- Nancv, at The Georgian Miss Janie Tucker left yesterday to spend Christmas with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. P: W. Tucker, at their home in Lincolnton. Mr. Sam Cabe has returned from Weaver College to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mr-,. J. F. Cabe. Miss Evelyn Morgan and Miss Caiolyn Haynes hav arrived from Mars Hill College to spend the holi days at their respective homes. Mr. Wayland Newton is expected tomorrow from Fairmont. West Vir ginia, to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Newton. Miss Elizabeth Wil'oorn, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wilburn. is at home from Asheville Normal for the holidays. Mr. June Smathers, who is a stu dent at Davidson College, is spending the holiday- with his parent, Dr. and Mrs. John" H.-Smathers. Mr. Charles Russell, who is at ing Wake Forest College, arrived this we k to spend the holidays with his mother, Mr.-. D. M. Russell. - Among the Asheville visitor:, Wed nesday were Mr. and Mis. Sam Plott, Mrs. C. L. Crahl, Mis. Horner Henry :r. I M i -i - Abide Fay Henry. ' MUs Martha Neal and Miss Babbie Way arrived Saturday from Salem Colli ge in Winston-Salem to spend the holidays at their respective homes w Mr. Carleton Weat'ierby left this morning for his home in' Faison to spend the Christmas vacation with his mother. Mrs. C. E. Weatherbv. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dickson and 'on, Lyon, are expected this week-end from their home in Durham to spend Christmas with relatives - Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Beam left yesterday afternoon for their home in Gaffney, South Carolina where they will spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkpatrick are expected this week-end to spend Christmas with their parents, Dr and Mrs. W'. L. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. R. P. Walker left last Tuesday tor Anderson, South Carolina to be with her father who is critically ill. Mrs. Walker will remain there for several weeks. Miss Mildred McCracken, who is a a -tudent at Duke University in Dur ham, has returned to spend the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. L. McCracken. " V Miss Patsy Hill returned Saturday from St. Mary's in Raleigh to spend the ( hristmas holidays with her grandmother. Mrs. Charles R. Thom as, Mr. Hugh Kirkpatrick of Tampa, Florida is spending the holidays with Mrs. Kirkpatrick :md children" at the home of Mr.-. Kirkpatrick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coble. Mi s.n. Jewel Hipps, who is a student at Peace Institute in Raleigh, re turned Friday to be with he- parents, Mr- and Mrs. John Hipps during the holidays. ;. Mr. Eugene Carter will arrive to day from Lexington to spend a week vith Mrs. Carter and their daughter, Miss. V'irginia Carter, at their home '.t the Clevewill Apartments. Mr, Fred Crawfo -d, member of tho junior class of Duke University and All-Southern tackle, arrived Sunday to spend the holidays with his mother. Mi". W. T. Crawford. ' Mrs. W. T. Blaylock an 1 Mr. W. B. Ferguson expect to leave tomorrow for Hickory where they will spend Christmas with their sister, Mrs, A. A. Shuford. Mr. and Mr.-. Carol Bell are plan ning to leave tomorrow for Live Oak. Florida to ,snend the holidays with Mis. Bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W'. H. I.yle. . : Mr. Charles Badgett will arrive to day to spend the holidays with Mrs. Badgett and children at the home of Mrs. Badgett's parent.-, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Denton. Mr. M. E. Wright, who is a member of the faculty of the Waynesville High School, will leave tomorrow for Aberdeen, North Carolina where he will spend the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bowles are leaving today for Atlanta where they will make a brief visit before going to their home in Irwinton. Georgia, to spend Christmas. After Christmas they -will spend several days in Titusville and Miami, Floiida. Miss Annie Albritrht, who is a mem- L-?r of the faculty of the High Point High School- has arrived t spend the holidays with her parent-, Mr. and Mr.;. M. F. Albright. i- Miss Louise Strin'jriield arrived yeste-day from Fassifern in Mender sonville to spend the holiday.-, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stringtield. Miss Martha Mock. ,vho is a senior at DukP University in Durham, re turned to her home Sunday to spend the Christmas vacation with her par ents, .nr. and Airs. J. n. Mock. iM-. Jimmie Trowbridge of Chicago, minors arrived last Saturday to spend the holidays with his brother Mr Mason Trowbridge, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Garrett Mr. F. M. Pratt, who is a member oi tne tacuity of the Waynesville High School, is leaving today to spend Christmas at his home in Winston Salem. M iss Joy Whitlow returned yester day from a weekls visit to friends in Asl-eville. ShP was accompanied by her brother, Mr. Dick Whitlow, who is a student at Asheville High Schoo - Dr. and Mrs. S p. Gay and yonng son. Parker, Jr, 'off Tuesday for Dr Gay's former hemp jn Fountain North Carolina where thev will n,.n,l the holidivN Mr. Garland Robeson spent last week-r-nd here ;s the guest of his liarenK Mr. and Mrs. E. J Rohe.-on. Mr. Kobeson was en route to his home m Giwnshor-. from Nashville. Tennessee. Mr. Don 'Hyatt, who director of "thletics at LoUisburg College in I.ouisburg. N. C, is expected today to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hvatt. Miss Virginia Gibbon; of Ham'ef North Carolina ni!l I,,, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. -Heed during the holidays. She ,viil ai rive next Mon day. Miss Gibbons was a 'flatmate of Mr. Mint Reed at Duk ; University Miss Louise Rotha arrived yester day from Salisbury to spend the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Rotha. Miss Rotha is a mem ber of the faculty of the Salisbury High School. . Mr. Jasper Morgan arrived yes terday from Duke University where he is persuing his studies for his Ph D. degree and will spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. ind Mrs J R. Morgan. Miss Henrietta Love is expected to. morrow from Raleigh to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs Hugh Love. Miss Love will have 'as her guest during her visit ac home. Miss Ruth Wamble, of Raleigh. Wagons Footballs Tricycles Kiddy Cars 1 w 1 Mis Harriet Morrison of Lake Ju r.aluska and Miss Helen Medford of Waynesville, who are students at N. : . ''. W. in Greensboro, arrived yes -'. iday to spend the holidays at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Richeson have as their guests Mrs. Richeson's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Evans, of West Plttston- Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mr-. Evans arrived last week and will be here through the holidays. Miss May Crawford arrived last Friday from Boston, Massachusetts to spend the holidays with her mother, Mis. W. T. Crawford. Miss Craw ford is majoriing in physical education at Boston University and this is her first visit home since entering the Univeiisity in the fall of 19;J0 Miss Mary Emma Massie, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, T. N. Massie, and Misses Elizabeth and Edna Gar rett, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Garrett, arrived yesterday from Greensboro College to spend the Christmas vacation with their parents. Miss Martha Stringtield arrived Sunday from Duke University in Durham to spend the holidays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Sam String field. Mr. Thomas Stringtield, who is a student in the medical school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is expected this morning. Mr. Ben Atkins, Mr. Bill Prevost, Mr. Sam Bushnell, Jr.. and James Harden Howell. Jr., students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, have arrived for the hol idays. Mr. Frank Hodges of Providence Rhod,, Island arrived las'. Fiiday to spend Christmas with Mrs, Hodges .'Hid children at he home of Mrs. Hodges' parents, Mr. Slii,l .Mrs. James R. Thomas. Miss Ka:iyn Queen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Queen, relum ed Sunday from Duke University to b,. w:!h her parents during thi holiday-. Messrs. James and John Queen V rill'fu,l T'..: . - ,.v ,;,,, wiuveis'ty oi .orth Carolina yesterday. Misses .Marion and Edwina McDow ell, who are students at N. C. C. W in Greensboro, arrived yesterday after noon to be with their parents, Dr and M-s C. H. McDowell, during ;the r d.days. Miss Isabel Ferguson and Mr. dames rerguson have returned from a week s visit in Washington, D C wL V8?" jinl('d Miss Fer"son in Winston-Salem where she is a mom "f faculty of Salem College1 and they motored toWaynesville. . Mr. and Mrs. Horace Keener and Kniv''-n a? lewil Saturday for Knoxvr le. Tennessee to visit Mr Keener's parents, Mr. and Mn A O Keener They will also is ' Mrs te",rat--.M'-1 (XT! " 'vo'gsion, lennesse? iferru GUtrtetmas Many of us are getting old, but there are lots of little girls and boys that know there is a Santa Glaus, There are many Wives, Sweet hearts, Mothers, and Fathers, and while we say times are hard, and I know they are, it is up to us to carry on and do the best we can. I can't imagine any Mother or Father going to bed Christmas Eve and not putting some thing in or by their little one's stocking. I said before, we all think times are hard, but can't we sacrifice something besides the joy we bring the little ones Christmas morning? Re member them with the best you can afford. Then how about Father and Mother? Just Base Balls Air Rifles Scout Knives Pocket Knives The above items and many otjier useful things that I cannot list because this advertisement costs money and I want some left to use in practicing what I am preaching. I send you and all yours best hopes and wishes for a Merry Christmas. "The Old Hardware Merchant" W. T. D 76 Main Street Mr. Wi'ila n Sloan is expected to morrow from Vaii.ierhil: University in Nashville, Tennessee j spend the C hristmas viearion vyith his father. Mr. Hugn Sloan. ' Mr. Joe Sloan is also expected tomorrow from Sou-h Georgia State College in Douglas- Ga. to be with his father during the hol idays. Mr. William New, who is a student at State College in Raleigh returned Sunday night to spend the holidays with liii parents, Rev. and Mrs. Al bert New. Mr. Albert New, Jr., who is a junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is spending the holidays in New Ycrk City as the iuest of his sister, Miss Mary New. Mr. John N. Shoolbred and Mr. William Shoolbred motored to Kltea bethton, Tennessee la: Frila for a few days visit to Mr. and Mrs R.-K. Wood. Th.v returned Tuesday ac companied by Miss Mary Wood and Mr,. Shoolbred's sister. Mrs Horace Frost, who will spend the holidays wdth them. Miss Elizabeth Bau'om, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. H. ",V. Baucom has re turned from Meredith College in Ra,lr tigh to spend the holidays with her parents. Mr. Herbert Baucom, Jr., who is a studnent at Vaks Forest, is also at home for the holidays. Among the stulen'.s at Western Carolina Teachers College in Cullo whee who have returned to their home in Waynesville for the holidays are the following: Miss Fannie Pear'le Felmet. Miss Louise Frye. Miss Mildred Medford. Miss Margaret Ashton. Miss Willie Gay Lampkin, Miss Caroline Alii on. Miss Ethel Leopard,. Miss Mave Davis,. Mr. Hugh Sh lton. and Mr. T. "... Bramlett. Mr. and Mrs. Em -t Withers mo tored to Atlanta. Ge l'gia last- week and returned Friday accompanied by their ,iaughter- Mis; Hester Ann Withers, who t- a -student at Agnes Scott College and one of Miss Withers' classmates, Miss Florence Pi-ostnn Mi'-s Preston left Saturday for Belmont where she will spend the holidays. M-. and Mrs. W D. Smi.'i and Miss Bernic,, McElhannon and their neph ew. Mr. Han-old Horv.ioll, are leaving today for their former home in Kossuth. Mississippi where they will spend the Christmas holidays. They will bn accompanied by Mrs. Smith's sister,' Miss Thelma McElhannon, who is a student at W, C. T. C. at Cul lowhee. REV AND MRS. JOSHSOX TO ENTERTAIN Rev- and Mrs. Wade Johnson will entertain the members of the Metho dist church and their friends inform ally at the parsonage on next Wed day, December twenty-eighth, from four to six o'clock in the afternoon and from eight to ten o'clock in the evening. almost anything in the Christmas Spirit will bring joy to their hearts. ' Then boys, you are not worth a darn if you don't make TIIE GIRL happy with a memento of the "Happy Day." In our town, the merchants are doing their best to help you. My business is to sell HARDWARE, and I believe because of the "hard times" that you can, to a great advantage, find lots of things that will make your Mother, Father, Sweetheart, Wife, Children and other relatives happy on Christmas and the days to follow. We list some of them. Clocks Silverware Watches Percolators Flash Lights Electric Irons Baseball Gloves Curling Irons EN TO Waynesville, O.V SICK LIST AT HAZELWOOD Mr. Lee Fisher is still confined to his home on account of illness. Mrs. Martha Arrington is Elowly improving after a serious illness at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Walls. Mr. Clyde Fisher has been ill for several days with a slight attack of pneumonia. SOCIAL EVENTS ANNOUNCED TO MAKE CHRISTMAS MERRY Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Long will cele brate their twenty-fifth wedding an niversary On next Monday evening wdth the most brilliant affair of the season. About one hundred invita tions have been issued for the oc casion. On Monday afternoon Mrs. J. W. Reed will entertain at an informal tea dance in honor of her son, Lt. .M. Woolsey Reed, of Mt. Clemmons. Mich, who will arrive the end of the week t spend the holidays. Mrs. Reed will have a second in formal dance the following day hon oring her, younger son. Mr. Jimmie Reed, who will arrive with his broth er from Mt.' Clemmons. More Society News on nest Page) c SHAKING- HANDS WITH SQUARE MAN 15 ONE OP ThCj PLEASURES OF LIFE.' FAIR and SQUARE When you deal with a Irian or a store fair in its methods, square in its dealings, truthful in its promises and you add to this a painstaking service that's a pretty good shop to get acquainted with. It's a matter of business for us to talk about ourselves it will be a matter of good busi ness for you to call. J. C. ROSE Home Grocery Choice Groceries Phone 88 Main St. N N. C, it

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