i Has Mar.' PaiJ ln-Jvamc Sub:crib.-rs In H.iyu ., ,J C-tmi; .';..; 1 HV.'A.'. Vu ;;... CombmsJ .VOL. XLV. NO. 1 WAYXESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA iiil HSliA';, 1)1.1 K.NIISER -!!, lit;!2 Bapdsffeiect ;FasiorsAssociationJwiiat Happened In Haywood -!': unt.v lwu. iltVydw. 74, v n ammr i ear t V V. ('. Allen !s Hec-IeeU-c! A- (lew enil Sucei am '"itv.t l.tiwtn ii IK - in ;' J. !.. (. K. i a;a ,; i . i i. '.)!!, li. an,! ; 11. A . CICI ' ri M ... i . 1 , i .". . ( '. A hea ; Mipei ai! eeent , Kilv.'i!'. ! i :i tin y. '. ( '. '.;.: r-i. k; a- ..m Mi-- i;i:i.!.vv 'I'im:; . ot Sl'fl (lil! . M l - Svihi !-.; H. I). Hisi.n; piniiisi , Mi. Newton., i rail iu .-upt 1 young- itpU F.dwin I 'a;, mediate, Mr. II, W. Unuc, Cvii .1 a: S. K. ('(innat. !; primary. 'Mr-. .!. 1 . Mvniraii; rv:uV ruli. -A r K. !'.. Full.-;-; licnu', .Mi. . T. Ciawiaiil. Tye Calhev Dic Of Pistol Wound Sl.iloiU Who K ( haifted With Ikioiiii", Hold In Jail Tye ('aiiii'v, who was luit through the breast wit ji a revolvci' last Friday lii'lit in I'ifrooii' township, al R'Kt'dly Uy Sam lilylock., at. whoso home .'.'the tias'cdy 'is said tvi-hav.' v curcrt, dit'd Tuesday mniiiin' about 2 o'clock at the llaywoad county hos pital. Funeral services were held Wednes day afternoon -it tht. lioiue. Inter ment was in I'ethcl ceineterv. Full details of the tragedy have not been jriven out, but dtice:s said that athev was at the home ot IdaylocK about 12 o'clock at, niht when the pistol was tired. The hall entered the left breast a little above the heart and passed through the 'body and out at the back. 1 he coat that ( athev was wcar injr at the tim,, was brought in anil it shows that the ball passed through it. Cathey was brought to the Haywood county hospital about. 1 o'clock at night and an examination made at that time. Sam lilavlock was arrest ed bv Shei'ifl J. A. Lowe and charg ed with shooting. He said that he had no recollection of the aifajr and would make no statement about it. He .was brought to avnesville and lodged in jail, where he is miw confined without bail. Th,. slain man is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. lom Cathey; four brothers, Hugh, Joe, Ray ami Howard Cathey; and two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Matheson and Miss Betty Cathey. SICXA TOR IIO!( Rh'YXOLDS IS HIGHLY 110SORKD Senator Robert R. Rev-ieUls -was highly honored the other day by V lce- President C urtis, who, allowed 'Our Bob" to preside over th0 Senate -for twf hours. : This is an honor that few Senators, old or young, ever enjoy. England-Walton Staged Their Annual Christmas Party Last Friday Night With Over 1200 Hazelwoodians Present Continuing a custom established some eight years ago, the England Walton Co. gave a Christmas party last Friday night, Dec. 23rd, to it em. plovees at the Junaluska Tannery in Hazelwood. It was a gala night for the emplnvees and their families. In fact it was reallv a community affair, a practically the entire population of Hazehvoodmen, women and child ren turned out for the occasron. A mammoth Christmas tree, thirty feet high, had been erected on : the lawn at the tannery. Pinnacled by a brilliant star, the tree was resplend antlv draped with glittering ornaments set off with nearly a hundred colored electric lights. With a background of mountain darkness, the brilliantly lighted tree presented an alluring picture- The tree had been placed so it could be easily seen from the mam highway, and many motorists driving through the town paused to gaze on the scene with admiration. The program for the evening start ed at 6:30 o'clock, and by that hour the tree was surrounded by fully 1200 men, women and children, who had assembled from their homes m Hazel wood, and the nearby mountain coves. All were joyful and happy. A double quartette from the Women's Husici I. V, . 1 , , . , ' - M tvlav r.4 - , Li 5 h L ill. i ). IMI'i MAN i j I. ; IK . ,iUI' jllll H '.'I 1 ii I , v: i hi'i n in tbr:-f. iv!."-. Iiat l" aa'.i,-, ! 'l-.l!',!1',.. ai-.lvlMWlcdiJ'rlHiai: i'f 1 hi I::!'" I f ai !. a:! y hi' t iic 1 1 1" ';'!' ' A la 'Hi ' : fiur pU-asure t- sia vr. Thv : . ' iTU- I tisti ii t is maut Up' nf t wt'iity-'tour pasii.ra! 'd)av;rv lia-Uulril ;m iliv-i' ;uc Andrcwe.- i:i;,' -:,n City. I'an'am. Krgnklhi; 'Mui-i'hy Sylya -afnl Wayiifsvilic.-. I'lyd-jaia,. lu.-lai led ihc liiitii'i' dis'.i'ii-l in annynit .neral cont'erein h :(a ( aa.l.i w'r.ii h paid only. iia. we. paid S4.:lt.lMr mf.;' I i ; va.mpi'! i; or. t ur ' ;:i': ::, mmv thm: any group of wnmi'il iti tl: crpl Murphy and Way' v. : .lien did bettyv' than PraJiklin who make h" ;i;V! Woman's Mi'ssion'a a nail.' v-!":e h . n .y c la-a i -en' women it her uiii'ar a' -1 i t rift e -M-.-ivili-.. Thve t lie women, of (-hviin that 1 lie S. ei '.-,' ' i ganized in;- our cluireh win organ ii'.ed there. Our Sund fy schools rai -i ii moi'c money than .my o'hoi' school ii! the district exeept I'anto!!. 'Only one pastoral charg,, laieui more J'..r Volunteer Kin;;donl. Extension. . Meie. ovi r, there were six ell :rir:'s that paid a larger salary to the'r past irs thun the pastor at Clyd L'.JunaluyU,. was paid, Of course tnis might be veri, ously i nter) ret i' d ; hut . it is lily opinion that our ne'pl..' ara nioi e 'mi's. j sionary in their at'i't: ie and ideals. Only three charges have more I,p wo:'t:h League momhe's.: vvhile the I menVvership of our W; ?,I. Se; number j more than twe..lty-tv.o other cimrches. I The Macon circu'' iead the di trict j in adilitons t th ehurcii memLership, i having added' 112. ("lyde-Junaluska has second place with added on profession of faith During the folic t'orafe only two e ll's o: meniber- ias the: . of Clyde church died. Last vear was tne inst ol a dual arrangement naving l oth I Ivde and Junaluska grouped as a nastoral charge. Long's was placed on a full time basis at the laty session nf our annual conference and ihe pastor moved to the Lake Junaluska c m munity. This was a rather daring thing to do in these hard times; hut knowing the people as we do, :here K nothing to . fear. Th, next move will be the building .of a par-.in.ige. The enterprise is now under . consid nation and in all probabilities a new stone and brick hnno for the new preach?r will be -''eeied this confer "'? year. The "Lord's Acre" plan, adapted to our local needs wnl be launched this year to sup):ement the church's income. Club of Waynesville sang appropriate Christmas carols, which were given rapt- atj&entfon by the a-semblage, and greatly enjoyed. . The singing was ac companied on the violin by Colon Mc Innes, a member of the tannery execu tive staff. The sweet strains of the violin added greatly to the choral numbers. Following the musical program, the s'ound of bells could be heard, and from out of the darkne-s. there dashed to the scene the tannery auto truck load d with packages, in the midst of which stood Santa Glaus in nerson. The role of Santa was enacted bv a visitor from Pennsylvania, who is spending the holidays here. In simple language Santa Claus explained to the audience just what the real . spnit of C hrist nia i resented, and whv it is an .. . on for. the giving of gifts to those we love or in whom we are greatly interested '. Santa said he wa? nresent on this occasion to express the good will of the Lngland-Walton C o., towa -d its employees. On behalf of the coi.ioanj7 he expressed apprecia tion for the royalty, the depundability. and a Ticiency of each and every employee.-.. He said the reason why the leather from the Jurjfiluska Tannery tuontinuea on page o) . :i;.p a ilee I n..e;. ai .e n-iaia! -v.- !,e.-.i-: ehare-e.l k.itj:ii'.r i - are ht-mu a-.a in I'-avl . Me.' -." Fa. i a ae . . ua: a f EIMiUARY v IU'! e;,ie!'. judfrin;!Jl- for olle-thl!'.l ;a :. "-oil -. M agist rate l-'ran k lleeii he1 Is 'Jiilt two-thii ci - ' e lion-, i-.atiie; , ill 'Mica, oeam.'s .return-, fair pi old to ope. ator.-. Over !?',00 for -'mouth's run is-.receive,! :by. W. T. .T.Iuylock ...l;.F. ( a he is named siiiierinlendeiit u f ;oi"'i ,-an;i ,'u. Ila.elvvood. (, linii'lial ('our; opens. : -'1'mtT Trtiie is: found gii.ilt y of 'manslaughter; 'Lai ge-deposits of leldspar fo'un I in Max I'atch section. l-arni meetings are held in cuiinly, with large attendance. Slate prison camp at lla;;elweid opened- February 1 ll.th. l'ark commission . makes appeal in park pledge suits. .!. A. Francis, writes brief history .if' county. : Merchant.- are ready for bargain commissioners Ured To Retain Farm Agent Office Ilavwood ( ount iioard Hears Views Of Manv ( ilizens Th,, 'county commissioners held a special session Tuesday for the pur l.ase of hearing (ielegationswho wish ed to (iK'sent their views upon the question of retaining the-office of farm agent, for I lay wood county.-: . After the hearing the commissioners' adjour ned saying that they Would, pass on it at their next regular meeting Jan uary 2. James L. Robinson, farm agent, pre sented, to the. board an outline of his work for the past three vears. After him,, the following ,4-H boys made pleas that the board retain the farm agent s office and Mr. Robinson: dor don Reynolds, of Reaverdam, and Robert V. Howell, Jr.. of Jonathan Creek. Following them, the following- spokf, for the retention of the agent: Boone ( agle. of C Ivde, Luther I'less and T. L. (rwyn, of Last Fork, li. V. Plott. of Ivy Hill.' Robert W. Howell. L. W. Hall, W. T. Hairier, and Albert Howell, of Jonathan. L1 Wells. Horace Kdwards, W A. Moore, C. C. Hanson, and Luther Smalhers. of Pigeon, Albert Walker of Orabtroe, C. L. Allen. T. L. Leopard, and Honner Ra, of ,inc fit and FI O -borne, of C anion. 24 Make "A" On AH Subjects At Clyde Superintendent R. (.;. -Cannon of the Clyde high, announced that 21 ' stu dents 'of the. Clyde school had at tained an average of "A" on- every subject during the .third month of tne school vear. Hign School: Adeline Rogers. Ailmi Hughes, Carrcdl Cilance. Uuth McCracken, Carlton Cormo. Huaert M.cC,rackc..n. Neztuf ; ine.s. Cioneva Wines. Marv Hipns, , Rilev Palmer, Kmily Palnr-r. Kate Kinsland. Elem'-r-'n-y RcIkkiI: Lucile Cathey, Mildred Shuler. Helen Dotson, Jack B-.tle. Francis Hill. Dewey Chambers, Gene Clark. Milton Brown. Vivian Francis. Mary Jane Fish, Billy Haynes, Gilbert Battle. Tae a' ' : : 1 , i . leil I . i I : I he . sea-. if i We 1. :'isiiii Sain Rob eaieiidate f turhel ha -.a'a! n VV. ;F-alela! ! Haywood e, ( handier t..r Mai eh ' -Tin it an hv.Kiik iiig' in Tile lilst 11 ; ao.eiiei -s- h.ni ell ; .- .e'nate. I I 1 ea a i n, - t ii u -.. mi '..e'i'it'..' ;, ( ii ai ...an.-':"' ir-' -i ad to inry, ' - - ; - if a ' Hi i in e l ei: lmilUet .- ft h , expivled. i aa;:lt .,n,l i ! urged wit I . Mizxi IT- , a . iiow to May "ei a few hauls fell Mend 17 th. It wi inches deep. ' 'RVi-e II.. Ilowi'll aiii"'Uii.es ( audi dae v for t ax i-ol le, tor. atiiiu. d (in pagi- tinee) Wake forest Alumni Meets In ('anton Tomorrow Evening AIJ MM AM). STl'DKNTS I R;K1 TO li 10 I'KKSKNT. Wake Forest alumni residing in Haywood county and students now en rolled at . W'aRe Forest will have a 'banquet at the Imperial Hotel in Can ton tomorrow evening. Ilecember .,0 1 he occasion is being sponsored by members of the Hay-wond club at Wake Forest, of which .Charlie dwell, of Canton, is president. Wallace ( ig dell, alsp df Clinton, is vice-iiresideiit and Herbert liaucom. of Wavnesvilie is -.crctary. Mr. deorge Pennell of Asheville will deliver the principal address at the meeting. All Wake Forest-.alumi.il and students- are expected to . be present at this banquet. . . Jiiinor Onltr I it it id Anuritnn Mi- ( h'tnit s W'ti ircxrillc (lonncil No," - 371! . All memoers are .requested to be present at the next regular meeting, luesday night, January -ird, at 1:M for the. installation of the new officers for the six months; also to arrange for and" decide .on date for contest supper. ' J. W. Burress Dies Tuesday, Dec. 13 December 1.'!. 1!K12. J. .W. Burreas ;va ; taken bv death. He wa aorn J-'.nuarv 2i. oe:ng 82 years. Id months and 20 da, s old. lie had been sick for over a year, bin, taken e-ie.;: lv ill a' -out throe w'eeks before his death.- lie had, been a -member ol "h.V I.arttiy church for years, but at the time rlf hn deatrt' he was a "rmber of the Baraorsvide Lapti:-! cnurch. Ih i- ii 1 b c'lii li n lest ipi-lin" '.nd ''ack. all of W avn.-ville: l.'.U nrJ ( rnlil ,,f lTov,llll, H Vl , 1,111 .lull ... jlc.i.i i , .in wiu and Sara or Brooklyn.. N"a- "V ork four sisters "nd three brothers and a '") r fran Vhil iren. lie made hi? homo with his oldest son, Jesst Burress. He v n 'aid to rest at Tur. pin's Chapel with Roy. .B. B. Caldwell and uncle Bi1! Pruitt attending the funeral. lie'. ; il Ccl .i'i ( !!isi enci nr .1: .'.', Ml' V 'fra.lle. ,.i' la ",.e i ' : I'ial -f ila II. I Km i rai faae i.i -- :; ;t i I i ; i ail i .iail, I Ha VV, ee I ( Olint v Swa in i-oiin; V. All .ill" - 'l,e . ::e .'I lal 1,1.- of l he: Hal I I til l I, 'a- -I I"- 111 - in !'. S' 1 1 1 1 I 'I. I : I i fe:-. ar,; .(ei cres' I iii-.i-.e,' PI ope . 'I'l ': 1.- if 111 eave !i ee a i ' i : :; ei V . , I I'f. ni- a, 'II . ! i- en ;,.,,..., t" Uesville nvel t iic Jim , t ;, ;,. (J, h, nan i'.i d. si i , , el- a eel :) Me waariv f leai in;-- I . .f :. a,.: ellle !;,'..- a;- i ae Hie fau eal th,. i,,,., .;,. j away, an ;ic. ,js:nait ' i i - v v iM ,,, ; gross I'riiiii ilul nninl low.-.. J-..I-vi.,.'c. I yillo, Mr. lira ll.-v said. 1 M,'.l..-7,N II Kill I ' I I or about -ix miles, the. f adi oa l parallels llo.'i.way No. t'S I Doll wood, and from that point it parallel Highway No. 'i!i:i. or what is heller known a." 'lie Soeo (Jap highway, for iihoiil Hi orb , who:-,, i plunges into the boundaries of the national pail, it I id. eonl inries In ' the 'crest of 'the llreat Smoky Moinil a ins iilimit Hi miles farther oil. Thai ooi'tion of 'tin. railioad from llellwood lo W'yele I'ork, a .distance of aliout nine miles, is in the liny, of (he bed iif r Lc Soeo (lap highway that lias been surveyed in the last seven weeks. The survey shows that the proposed highway will coss the rail road at on,, or more points.' It will be necessary for the railroad to removed liefnro flip actual const riie tion of the Soeo (Jap highway (begin; . V) KAMI I. IKS AIDKI) in rnu PRO.IKCT I'l and Rogers, ol ( ruso wood and logging contractor., are now en gaged in fulfilling their pulpwood con-raett-ecently obtained from fhe C'ham inon I-ibre company, ( antoii. A pj rx imatelv oO families are gaining a live lihood from this project- Assistant Director 01 Park, Cammerer, Says dienerai Deve lopment Of Park Will Start In Ab')ut A Year. Progress Pleading -i(i,ei ai development 'of the Great ( nor ( atailoochee- - Thi si; will, he con Smoky , Mountains National ... Park ( ducted, ami maintained by the gav.ern should be started by. the National !'..;., taaether with '."roads' and trails. Park service within a year, since wol'.ji tree lennes-ee side, our ma)or believe all. lands will have been ac-j ;;a r-pihg-. he!;dq'Jarte rs will in Cade's quired by that time." says A. B. ( ram-i merer, assi-tant. director ot national; )arks. 'Although . W-e do not plan to lC .ny leases in the Smoky park until v.a h :;ve acquired all of the land, we ii? allowing a few persons to stay there -i rnporaf ily to a Iford over-nigh i jtaofiing place- for liiii.rco.-.Ue use iiid to dtriers who have proved them selves ol value to us,'' Mr. ( ammcrer said. :;- Mr. ( ammerer explained that after all of the land has been. acquired, the park service will begin general de velopment in all scctrw.s. Tworuv- year leases will be iet to individuals fir Pl TY1 r,Q n in :. t'll -ill Kl qllnn.f.! f ii o ..in v, in uiiunru build hotels or provide other park ac commodations or amusements w-ithm the regulations of the park service development plans. "On the North Carolina side," Mr Cammerer explained. .. .. will con struct major camp sites and facilities at Smokemont, Flat Creek and Up- k ' : 3 i S I-), it . ,., A. V -,, he 'and Kol.en I; U'eFne, 'yv.,,. .,i,. , lit.-, i !e. e'n I. ml ao'- an! !' !-'. i-'une ,i Method' a- .-el lee- I elli-neh 11, ..the II, "ili, !a: ale- . ree ! ii held i-e p l.'hl. le V ad, Ilia r una 1 1 u a. . i iltetei , .,..., 1 le . le otlaa ; ! A . "' Ill.l'H ea r ef -.-1 ' ';:. an, I v ! 1 . i ! a i'ev i 1 . I iii e- W yi h. . 'l .1 lie , n .. ii ei.ieai l w 1 1 . 1 . . i . ill': a i I'a'liieaieis were (;. K. Kav. !. II. I'evd, i:. '. Mai'M'u. p. ).. Turhvlill. i: '. II. .Vl.ellvv.K.II. and . ( . Alien. i "i:ti Hreese U luoed On Moiran Son in I, aw Of ('Ivde I!. Kav, Died Satindav Aller !iiel Illness In lalei"h Fnneral iite's To'i'.' Itnbeit H. Iliease. who died ill Italeigh at 1 .1 -. i.i'cloek Sat urday niorning, w-ei-e i-.i.ndiielod here at. noon Monday at 'he Kpf.e.ipal elaiieh. , The Kev. Albeit' New o;)i eiated. Intei'iia iit . wa .-. hi (ileeh Hill i chief i'r . I'alibeaieis were F. 1.. W ither .ill I Alden Howell,- o! WavM ,-vi'lh Fan! Ilalli-di, ,,f Atlanta; F. li Itriir-s. ,,f '.aleieh; lr. M,-Kee, I'l e Ml I d ; It' red Miller, llrexaiil; .laseph Silversteen, Ihev.-nd; and Steve Adaim-, of A he ville.' Mi'.. Iireese .'was horn i'l ( 'ha .' le-t oil ill .A pi il, TXS.l. He had been a resi dent of llaleigh for 'about 20 years. He was engaged in tire ..insurance hiH-. tiess- and his occupation took him to almost every seetioii tof j In state. Ili' .w.'i.-. niariied t a ai's .i.eiiiiii' I-;.. Ray. .ia'.ifh-.er f Mr. and Mis. t'lydo II. Hay, ef Wit,vne-:ilie.;. ,'iii'iut i ight ye;us ago. lie is suiviveil by his widow; ;. one child, Kobeit, Jr.; two brptbeis, VV. K. iiree.-e, of iirevard arid . 1-,'dmond, of- Milwaukee, i.-t.oii-sin; and thrie sisters, Mrs. J. M. Alli son, iif fin ard ; .M i s. K irksey, of I'iekens, S.. ('.. and Mi-s Ma, .tati i Kfeese, of St. Augustine, Flae cove. ' air. i anunerer said that the oo.UUU aires pf the. Ravenford; l.unih.ei' com pany i ; the only large tract and prae ieaily . :dl of the land remaining .'to e aequired' by . the park service on the. North Carolina side, the l.".,iidil acres of the Byrd. estate, having been contracted for and the 2.000 acres of the Suncrest Lumber company ha v.--ing been acquired. "We are not yet ready to report :on. progress of the Aavensford ileal," Mr. ( a nine rer s-'id '' "T .- .Sivncros't com pany deal requ , msKieraole time and many conferytive.-, but -i was suc cessfully terminated. , . Ravt1ifftrd negotiations are now under .w.-p- ard we have reasons to believe that this and some smaller tract ! in North Car olina and Tennessee ?-i;,l hsvo lWr acquired within a vear and park it velopment begun lart-e scaV.. On concessions ;,t,-. i7ar"irer ex. plained that thes?',a',p..,,'' '.iroperties (Continued on' page 3 ' 1; t.. :a .r

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