I V 1 VOL. XLV. N0- 7 WAYNESVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA TlirKSDAY. JANTAUY 1, 1933 i 150 Members of Older Boys' Conference Are Expected Here Friday c Methodist C h u r c h j jyiany Thrills Are fforc i tV IT., afiw THREE SCHOOLS IH COUNTY ARE CLOSED BY "FLU" Hethel. Cruso And Kock Hill Forced To Close Iiecau.se Of Influenza Epidemic. 2 CANTON MOVIE t v t si v m HOUSES liOUuui BY J. E. MASS1E Will Continue To Operate 1Ocal Theatre, HuysS Strand And Colonial. Tn Rp Hpadnuarters For Three-Day Meet Boys From 18 Counties In West ern North Carolina lo Be Here. Promised In "Once In A Blue Moon" Cast of 150 Local People Rehearsing For Play Next Week. Are Osborne Says Interest M In Farming In W. N. t. Increased During 1933 3 m. : .1 Viqvo been madn for P lrittj piano ----- - :u 0ntrtain about 10U SerTrf the Older Boys' Confer .r nr,.t,. North Carolina ence 01 . . c . ,, which meets here on Friday, batur V i c..-j.r f hi week. Head- quarters of the conference have been 1 , , v, Wethor st church, c siaoiisneu i n. - - v , and will be under the direction of C. A Witherspoon, 01 tnanuw, ciate inter-state secretary of the 1. M The conference is comprised of boys from the 18 counties in cstern ., i; on. heinir held INOrin taroiiM "'ct-in unde- the auspices of the Inter-State Y M C A with cooperation ot tne ll'i-Y and Rotary Clubs of this city. The initial session will begin Jriday night, January 20. at 7:30 o'clock. During the conference a number ot hr -mill he heard ln- promineni. ? . r Iduding (V N. Walker, trust oflicer of , ...!..,; Powlr nnri trust compa- ny. Asheville; Paul Elliott, of Western Carolina Teachers college, Cullowhee; Fred M Waters, oi iivihici . city superintendent of schools, and others. Delegation- will be made up of be . . r c .1,,, ui.tY, ti'hnnl of vari- ous communities of Western North Carolina The conference is to be lor dutusMiig boys' problems and to ar rive at some program of efloit that ,,V , t.,tn.v ..Inmr everv line of high school boy's activities. 1 he theme of the conference will be "Christian Citizenship" On Saturday night a banquet will . j. il.. .1,'nimr Villi OT tn6 be st.ageu in tuts u , , Methodist church. This is Pted .. u . t thk hip-h liehts ot the ll 'LM VllV v ---r-- conie rente. The members of the conference are ......i;.l in the homes ot Deing cirn-i loiiivu citizens oi uie , . , i. f,.,. the three (lavs ot the conference is as follows: Friday 5- 00 p. m. registration and assign naent to homes for entertainment. 6- 00 p. m. meeting of program com mittee. Delegation leaders and dis 1 . CUSSlon luautin. , t D. Bunn chairman prosiuing. Songs. elcome by il.arry Brendle. Response by Doyle Roberts. (Devotional message and praver Business: Roll call by delegations. Appointment of committees,. Announcements. . Address: "Christian Citizenship ,by P. L. Elliott of Western Carolina Teachers College, Cullowhee. Benediction, Mr. Elliott. Saturday, January 21. 9:00 a. m. assembly. -Songs. Devotional message and prayer. 9:45 a. m. business election ol olh a m. discussion group. W. D. Smith h. P. Miller Fied M. Waters A. J. Huchins J. M. Chambers II. Bueck (7 Rev. H. W. Baucom 11:45 a. in. .reassembly. Reports from .discussion gioup. Secretaries. IiuTininn. Ainouncements. 12:15 Conference photograph. Adjournment fur lunch. The afternoon will be given to tups of special interest in and around Wa- nesville. , . 7:00 p. m. Conference banquet. Songs. . .Special Music. Invocation by Rev. H. . Baucom. Address: 'Mr. C. N. Walker, trust ill., branch Wachovia Ullllt I ...... . - Bank and Tru.st Co. Sunday, January 22. 10:00 a. m. regular Sunday School hour. Assembly, mam auditorium. Songs. .. Report of Findings Committee and discussion of report. Resolutions. Final message, Mr. Elliott. 11:00 a. m. regular preaching ser vice hour. (By C. R-) 1'rcparations are rapidly Hearing completion for the production of "Unit ill a Blue Moune. tue V" edy drama to be stu'geU m the high Bcnoi.1 auditorium, Wednesday and jn.uisday. January an f, - Kotiry i-iuu. xe j -used to aid the Boy Scouts and Cm Scouts of Waynesvile. -,. i'he main cast has been having splendid rehearsals and they promise to give a performance that will bt 1 ,h ...l f.., .1. M. l.ong oi llazelwood as that laL jolly old King C(.lt. is one ol tne ouisu..u. ...t He falls in love wun -u.. M. Kellett as uuie io- " imagine the unusual commnauon - . the comedy .theo two line cha -t,.,s will allord. Mrs. W. 1. law. loul 1 the Lady of Yesterday ha. hand in the romance ; ...... nlonir. 1 here is u ,.,o :m i Didenuc of mfluen- . :.. .. ...vtitvnK of the coun tv. three rural sciwin i-l-v., and Rock Hill, have closed for a period of at ieas a wit f - er, it was aiwioumcu i'- j at the office of Homer iiroj. Four teachers of the Bethel school facultv were absent trom scnooi u. cause of influenza and about 2& per "... v.0 ir,n ctndenLs of the school. Wlien the teachers of the school realu- ed the situation tney leiim-u the school close in an eliorv 10 the epidemic. ,' There are C teachers in the t . uso faculty and about 215 pupils compose the student bod. It was reported that several cases of pneumonia were in the Cruso section. . More than one-hulf of the student , , .1,., p ,,.! Hill school 'were II nt from school because .f inHu , and about one-fourth from the! JZt t n closed schools on Monday i" r .... , i i ....... i r,ii. ,f this week. 1 he s.noois n" day afternoon. , flineer yesterday that'll! the lownshi,. houU tlie.e wa. ' , , -flu" but not enough t0 be alarm- Will ter.- mg. there cent of clu d it s have When he hei su; can- w "--'i' ........... .i. . ..v..., romance between Betsc.N is.,i.,i n. Pierrette and 1" i all happily mcndid ,n the end Ai Ll i'a.un gives a line impersona . , .u with two musioa tu.n oi u.e unusual well cast as Yum Yum. a thinis w-" . - i li.ill isnt ioni .'. 1 A4 n if Vi All t m down and we piete wi-i"-v , Aii 1 . Allev. goo.i one. - - ,inirU,ar Li your eyen- . - . ,,. Paul Beam as the loreauoi a u t.the plot of the p ay auu NCry line acting. "-"""V" ' V ta ts a spell ol gioo, , -""-, hears as Death anu mw '"' 7 Moody as the negro butler full ot terror. Both are wen Since this Alasque.aoe nlace in a Business wens ' - show opens wun uioui.u - . - , mess men lounging around in ;th imr iokes. The action of the pU lllg -or. .... i a nirers are starts .wmie uiee ; "7 " th, on the stage, A renearsa. men who have been requeued to sing will bP held tomgnt y""1.".' 7::(0 in the high scnooi huu. ...... Another large group oi i-. ness men will be guests at the Mas- uerade Ball. Each man " ates some well known character both S dr, and actions. They are intro duced bv the clown and will enter- ain you .n such a way that you won t .. A rrtnlftp list Will Ot soon torgeu """f, - , found in an ad on aniner 1'".;, , This group oi im-ii ... . (Continued on page 5) and almost good more than 1(! 1"' body 'absent; Last week three tea nt from school hecau i.idemic, nut an few cases -of pneuiiionm i' t being not the student mli-nts. but non be seriously il . I" "Ihi"' :ire 'said were ab- e of the recent back at .their liunn reported among the considered to i--e t t- n.in....... nw-pr the Wayne wood Theatre here, and. weu Know business man , . . .i i nt r.nmmeree. last local wimiiw' , ,, ., 1- t l. S Tfl-I 211111 .UJWlil.. wees uuusiii. ui-- - w n.1. a oti ,,i iiu I ... - - meant.--, v .-- , , Odom, former owner. The sale -February b. u. -.-;. ctntivl vesterdav that , xi.. on.i would continue ocai vuane nvv . .. .. .. tv,ot h.w been adhered to tne jwiivj v..v - - ftu at Canton in tne uf-ii.wv.. V 1 1 V Hi' " i l.--t.-m.l ihiir. Mr. 3iai! make Wavnesville his neauqua -although he will make daily .; to Canton. While figures governing the-saiL .. ..,..,,. l, I il was estimated ,, .i .nt i nrried in the two m''1 'l 1.1,, air-Tieuatc amusi meiu iuiu--v.- , siiiiHHi to $10000 H was learned 1. TV! 1' Slll-I k (T, UlUIHlll.,,. . . i .. .. iiml owner ol I Hilton nusmi---o .i,..i Colonial t heat iv ouih.i.ik, Mas.ie had a- umed the 1. i,e o C.Umial building for a period ol vears. It .'was further announced tlirougn .. i. a, .., r ( ii nt on. . .. .. ... .',1.1 II ( 1 . ! I A , I I . V'i i..- .... 1 1... miners, that tli . .. i .i i,.., Iih: , ,ne-, owned l raiui uu.iLt. c , . i, oi ;n .,(' A iiiiii'doll. V I1-, had ,.; i , linked for a period ol liv it,. M KKio The Strain .'!..r.-, located on Main street. Th I H 11 . I v . Community House WW Si J Project To bet Underway loday Meeting WilTTie Held At O'clock At Courthouse For Discussion. i Oslxirne Kc-elected Chairman Of Hesional Committee During Asjieville Anniversary Meeting. th,. M r. the ti e IV( ii i nl :me. and only in Practically all o be of a mild lire -me- sie and Mr. Odom are u few instance form, those J1MO AMU v ' attacked confined to.thn than a tew iiavs. Francis L. Fisher Psickps Awav Early Tuesday Morning Merchant Of llazelwood Dies Krom HiRh IUocd lressure; Was 111 Six Weeks. !'.,(.. Mr M: ., :..... '..,..,, f I'linsiilerabu' expel i m.. i i.i, ,in i:inie to I anion l'"V,.' .,,'.:' m,,,i at which time he ol ,. ,,',,.. I,,.,- best talking pic l ere.i m"'" ....... ;i nres He assumed -the . manageui.. th..tri when it was til tne i uiuni.ii ' " ,' , in') i ... ,,,iMw n June, ly.t iiieneu w mv . . i ,. . '.ii,,,,!,! t iheiitre is coiiKideied .i. ...i- . ,,, 1,1 he one of the nio noderii houses in --- , i in, n I-., evnerienco has ..;...i i,;, into many Ol l:ie fu- "UI I n " """ "- ... , ing towns and cities oi for the past. 20 years. Francis L. Fishe. of lla.elwood. died 7(.wo)il Tuesday ... .i. .. r , ft'.. .1 'l(H'K ill H i r.t in Joyner. the 1 the Soutl paper. 10:15 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) $6,000 Verdict Is Upturned In Favor . w . 1 1 Of Mrs, HarbecK Wavnesville Woman Sued Wool- worth Company For $, 000 in Damage Suit. , age Till, merchant it Ins home in 11a- vtnirriiYlir at SIX an illness of about ..l u;.u i. non ijjennuiv.. U'H'K Willi . -vices were held from the Hae'wood BaPt cnurt. ; ten oVIocK A. m- 1,1 V (J rem Hill .emetery Rev A v of I anion, . ; .. , L.indruin of Ha7U.i.f lh(v7TVXr wa. o member of the ,)(1!lld of aldermen fllavUwooi Mi Fisher wa- a native of JaiK- tha- count v n- I' ,olVunn Kiinly Brown richer ai-o . . - ,.,u..t. He had neen a -H.IehKl, vi here he was in bu-inc, for a number of years, Heside hi- widow h,. leaver 1 oui .... i irttii'wii f in nt, i niropfrs Fleeted Fnr Rnildinir And Ioan Association ... A l( (trr:inraiion flic Almost To Half Million Mark. Thix afternoon at :1:.10 o'clock m the magistrates courtroom ti uu third floor of the courthouse, a giu muosed of representatives . non each church, the Legion Auxiliary, ai d civic organizations in Uie vomuiu..u,v will meet to det-ule on a date for a public mass meeting wlucn win i held in the near future lor the ptirimse f securing materials and a site lor .i ;.,.. .,( n iNinimunilv house, or i ne i n ' "' ' . , , a , -I l:.... ... I, i,iil II . M. y Ulllionn; hi '" This work is being sponsored by tlu local post of the American l-cgum. V committee composed ol eleven members of the Legion organization met Tuesday night and liscussel ii... mni'l me- and otlier puins i - Kii,L oliMses of the new projei i. . I,,:,, Will. be erected for the pu''Pse ol r. ii, .ivminnit v and not an sei viii i "' . . . ,t ingle or group oi "fi"""-'" was noiniou nui. he welfare oflicer of the ;""lv , . i. .. , i i, l,i n hc j a 1 ras stated inai " ""K" , 'f. i .i. ... I., ereel ine ihhhhhh i i Mm " ' r . ,1. . ..i... ,1,1,1 be secured, even u. 1 , , . , In- Legion comniiltee ion u.v. with this opportunity in thev would solicit other organizations. nod individuals' m an -en on the site and inaterials f.,r t ie erect, m f the building. WHICH woum mi ' .' eider of a gymnasium ana a.M ........ iTiuling rooms and o m. - co,. . where the tune could ue pus.-vu '"" in an uplillmg eiivimnuiiu The Legion committee ,s y""i f the following: . v.. m....' , - ,, ,1. t . rati UK, ' . , committee, B 1 minn. ; lorn Lee,.). , I A ";;' " ' , (' C W alker, v reil i: .-" '"" Omipton and W. 11. lturgm. There has been more mteicM. in farming and its wiproyeme.it in Western North Carolina during the past vear than in any year of its his tory, II. Arthur Osborne, chairman ot HnM;,ina1 pniinril'OI tnO VV. IS. 5-10 Year Farm Program told a nut t ing of over 500 farm leatlors at the l'laza theatre in Ashevillo luisday night Mr. Osborne was reelected .ii, i i l-ni ii n of the regional cominittee. Mr Osborne had charge oi me p; ma.n and Bruce WVW, of Asheville. introduced .the -speakers ot the meet- The speakers -included H. L. Hum mel, rural sociologist for the state of Virginia. He told of community plans and how to organize groups no, only for betterment of community nurkcting, but of eomimiiiity hie. V S I'apy, "f Atlanta, manager .,f the W hile L'rovision eoi"i.-o. " Mih idi 1 1 of Switt and Compan, . -ulained "The Valu.' of a Livestock :,.- t;, .... ;..m Hi- ti:iv M.irkets." Mr.-, .lane S.. M.-Kimtno'i hcao el N, H-th I'l.volina's home oemoiisi ,i t;,in agents, spoke oi ill" necessity , ' i'H hiding woiiH 'i i-i comimuiity or ; ii, ..at ioii 'work- . A ii.nili.-irv of .u lH' vi-nu ntsi ltii in-r . i. . r. i il ni-,1.. i.i,, unit year n ine ." r-- llig. ,,t . ,1 givei wlnt Mr. Osbori g-ouo 'h".pi who i'o i;:t;i () th.'' lirst speaker s.u'y pieeliug f Iv 5-10 yonr pro. ra:h";,nwyi a schools, teacher school-. Mi- in the Susie. 1,'iuliar a so a I'.iein. j i.T.i . Wajnesville Township and a Min, Clyde A Filling Station Is Bobbed Wear Here For Second Time The sM.khold.is of the Home Build '. ..i i ...... a w -mi inn met at t ne mg aim i.mu. . , , )V, courthouse Tu m!.i night for their annual meeting and the election of di rectors for the coming year. Secretary J U Bovd n ad hi- le p,;rt for the past .;.r and ed on it. i "e ivi"" resources of the organi.auon . i ... most a half million lolla.s. Mr Boyd mafoimal statement stated that un der p.tsent conditions the dnecto.s tVsati,Vdwiththebusin.ssof he .: f.. iVin nasi vear nan organization i" " -been satisfactory. . The duet tors elec u-i ui j - L, .1 Hatt, i . r. wi, n ... Bu'hn.ll, Mr lorn m ring .-., - . '. i.. vn i;ll...r ( . N. Allen, K. Morgan, r ... i, -'",-,' . , , i - no' n 1,11,1 - - Farm Agent Work Continued, Made . . . , 4 .1 i M.mi inp (ii l armeis .m" Dusincss Men Met Wnn oCmmissionerw. Phe thing to do is to go back a d ( luate the piople on the va ue ol ,1U. woik of a county "gen , I h. -man Hva.t told a g.oup ol farm . ul(1 hu-mess men that Utiod the n m.ssioner's room to its .apa.ity Vonday morning win n - . intam.ng the names of huj. eN 'f , ..;..tu men: farmers. 4-H ( lub boys , 1 1 ,..,.i uresented to the resume in th'i were, I). I, I'l-evost Boyd. The director night and ele.-t year. s will oflicer.' riieet Monday fvr the coming had in Mrs. ges on L. A Miller Buys Stock Trom George McElroy Announcement was made this week that L. A. Miller, local plumber, had purchased all the plumbing supplies of the George McElroy Plumbing j-, . T ot-a .Tiinnln-k-si and has oiniJiiiij . " - , i I moved them into hi place of business i ver lict of $6000 . in favor of the , -. i--- Vnivl bv a tury l i piainLin . - Tlavwool county Supn.oi Court her t oMock I ridav areuoon , .-e of Mis. Lilhe C. -: ff W aynesviui.-, "" .- . ... worth company, of Ashevnle in which Harbeck aKed lor f o - f ininries received while ai uic ore of the defendant in sriev uiv. Tiv verdict was returned follow.in!; , of the hardest lougm; iegcu u ronrt here in ties stageu in ui ,ui K-veral vears. The case went to the, 'irv at lill.l O ClOl lv aim ."V j- j liberated unt.l 5 o'clock The charge !!f Judge H. Hoyle Sink to the jury .asted for more than an hour ; Mrs.Harbecli sued tne x. . - worth company for alleged negiig- , . i r mnnmi t'r i jui- :in the evening oi .....v.. 7 . in placing slot machine scales in front f its place of business in A-hcvillc. which she said, caused her to lan ,n the sidewalk and fracture her hin She said she was forced to stay l n h.nit.aV for- many months and hat she has never recovered from her inJMrsT'Harbock was rcpre ented dur ing the trial toy George - Ward and : T vie Jones, of Asheville and Jo seph E, Johnson, of Wayre-vme. ine defendant company was represented bv J- Bat Smathers ann .viuoie o. -on. of Asheville. and Grove- C Davis, of W7aynesville. The presentation of evice began Wednesday afterno . dudf-I Thursday atiornni o -vhen arguments of counsel were be- Ofticers Capture Another Set Kohbers hile l)kin, . For First ( roup. Of Mk Dorothv Lee Burnette, 205 Died Wednesday A. AU at .-( nit stoPPld t U.n. the miles, east Uigiiway 4 M r in , t the rock of nd Wednesday ni'.n. , r.hrvsler tourmj - ....,1 f ' v l nine lining station, ipo-ut . -h.-i-e on the Asheville i,. Air Woodward,. 20, di rator i.i ab;ut :s rifled ) tooK Officers went but the f the station wane uowu w.v. 50 yards wmie im- ;. trie cafh register; of --a! ions of g-'s. ' M r.-; Wood ward can- -h ia-n Wh( 111 lUUi I'V'v a-nni' lmnivjuio'-'-'j ' i j .i". ... - ,o'.h 1 vl made tneir ts-i" lr Canton officers immediately It t f0i W ivnibvillc and on the way th.y ere attracted by a fire in the s,d3 the roi-d and stopped to inveMigau S found th.ee men burning o a .. ;,ti i nn n new set Willi n had jut be' n toll':i fr whV Fillmff Station county. . The men wei(, supply of t(acx-o, ( shop tools were found Thev were turned over county authorities. . r m. ... The robbers that held up the C. anU C. station escaped. This is the sec ,nl time since the first of the year that this station has been held up. The alleged robbers of the first hold up were caught several days later, a.- .i,.. 1 t'ii Itiirnelt MISS I '! . 'i ' - - , . . , Wednesday morning at 2-:'. "l . . r i- it..n ii v-m . .. ii i iJLt:'. the. home oi .in. - With whom she was boarding, , . v.. :n !. short while, parents, M r.. and. Mis. W.: L.-Bu. ilettt, Sf Swannarioa, we, e at ,her ,bed"ide Miss Hurnettewas a nmuerof the -. ... f I!i.iS.i. N-hotil. ,h! L'raduated last year. -at v - . ii. ...,u.,n where she wa at c uii".t"-M , i . ;r.nt member ol, tnt I i'.UT :lrn; I1,:- i She Hei c. T. r. was a popular the. Ridge- n I'luncomhe ,n it ted and Wi-reft-es. and ' : car , ; -(:, mi be Alnha i also her of. hi Sigma .sociewji. ,. -;r'.s.'.',!.:" lub, and an inter 'V':' , She was ta entea aionK ,.. j. ing won; the. medal i : h. staU- wide plai writing p,.trf,o She was a memner oi mv: , - uapt.t ,hur,ii oi ; hr Mi's Uurncne i-, ' narents and threo hi other,, William La.l, CTde, and lalmadge. Funeral service, will be he W this afteinoon at 2 o'clock at the leetree S&LSr.ne01d Tneetee Cemetery. - .. . i. iili hit? returned to , K:-iinvwood County Hos- v r underwit an opera- ion for appendicitis.. immissioners in an enoi t u, the work of rounty agent. county. .... f.,f th.,). Mr. Hyatt stresseu imb i-" .:. r i i,v was needed among .: , r,l f.i this VVO, . . L" h. .,id "vou are getting .aiuiiiuKin . ,,fi,.,. .1.. ...-.il, 1... iirniect. allel along niceiy ". .vf- -- i . tv,..i unviVrul communities ,,, ml tet pi aem. .in.Y favor of the county agent work fuu "Unless farmers are; getting ; -full o. f i, county agent it will, be useless to spend the taxpayer's mone L- the office," Mt: Hyatt cmitmtH'd, "We inns: also bear in mind that tne finances: of the county, are this time- and every .corner, mu-si, .. :..' : ;,,.,i,.r tfc s;i vf us from niiv.mg tuc. . in- "i - " ,,..., . to h fault on our obiigations. . Several members in the audience: nude statements after Mr. Hyatt had deluded his talk, that the farmers, in. their repective eommuniti.'S were from 75. to HO per cent for the con tin ..a nee:., f the .county a gent s vork Thn fact was also presenU'd to the i . !). in tii ions had all been ined of free accord of he signers and1 that. no high pressude had ton brought about to get their names , , During the course of Mr, Hyatt s ..i. . v,o cni,! that th, board had a number ; ,of letters that gr " -. : ;i ..,1-rails ask nar that er .,:,; was ;,l the first anniv i iuii, in cliariro of gram. "Pre a. 10 Year I'arni program was. l.iuiulud Ueiemhe. 11, l'.MI, luie m tins theatei, when Fi.deruk L. Mur i.hy and Charles l' Collisson explain.. ,, the 'Minnesota I'lan' and how it had - revolutionized production aim marketing methods in the Northwest. Our program did not actually get under way until the chairman ot the county men's and women's committees-met the first week in January, l!i:!2, and--organized themselves into the 5-10 Year Farm I'rogrnm regional council. This group, realming ine diversity of Western North ( avolina, the gieat distances of the lounliis from one another, decided that un less regular meetings were held the enthusiasm- aroused would die down and nothing would come of the move ment. ' , "These people volunteered to meet in Aheville once a. month until th rough spots of the program had been ironed out and it was generally "' - iv' the pulilie at luige. "v council met live times in Asheville and once at the big livestock meeting at Lenoir Gwyn's farm in uaywoo , nun m the lnt si month' Ke.ii , ug'that these mee ings weie ot ivh an inspirational nature that it would be wis,, for interested ciu.ens in the different counties to attend them, the council was cut nno lour livisions, meeting in different, towns ii mm i n vitation. Kight of these hH'al m. .tings weie held fro u ugust f'p-st to December first, Mteiideiice ha i. ranged at all these nieel in,;s from 10 to -10. th 1 egi.ining of th vc iiiei) coiiiities took iiU-'i,,T h;i. :. K.;nu- 'lid ll'o'.' Uiolerst use; ir.lt have- sine- hctiUTi 's e-radiialiy tniivirig. a. j"CtlV( pro 'il many things changed. "'1 he v ry Vi ;c-.i'ia-blii'.h' which we"e i tint y ag V VVll nis: aiu have n show the e ;1 will x 1)1: been cn d. tnan :r, l its to' k-t-udy of iorniity ill why liiletei'.y !.'- t thing , u.mty wi carried to nts home ie;es-ary yas ile ; programs, . ill the - peojite ilenionstration . , I 1, ,T"I .. agents, vocational teacueis. v...-v.tv... live -marketing: organ Nations,- county and commiiiiitv committees, aiol t ie weekly and daily newspapers. ...-this tnovemelit couhl not have sui'cceded ii,,, uiiiiiKirt nf all the -above. Wholehearted co-operation ., and I wish at this time, iaih and every: of these , i tn I" a--i '.a-, x 1 ho ; Farm program has not nntiir - anv agricultural -co. but has tried to act as ; oriranization - to foster ag-.'Ticies. '-i:i '-) -i ihii'id agencies 5-10-. Ye tried - to nioth- and . sup- agent. office not be rein. county A spokesman from the county stat - d that his two boy sold tobacco for i higher price this year because they had been taught to grow the tobacco through the 4 11 ClUlX ine ann um.. was about M0 increase for each tioy it was said. , , Ano'her argument was presnuu. (hit t'.e average Iramer neeueo . this time someone to lead an ouecvj them in marketing their catti,. anu f-rm produce. : . ' The commissioners did not set any Vfiiifi. f'ate for another hearing on h-, matter but left the matter where t was with the exception of having heard more comment from a laiger ( Continued on page 5 ) picmnit. anytning m oven bodv inti rented tfumr-ntal anu in iniproving rural (Th, economic full text conditions. will be published Mr next Osborne' wc k) talk County Oflicers Attend Con vention In Ualeih The b-:ar r.ty. W. -.'.s a'.ni Ith' F. F. 1 of commissioners:of this hat: chaun an Frank k F-t tu km m tig'ther M.tv Jr . count' ''attorney- i -.! board. stit"-w;'' ' :nis-i.'o V- nd K d w i n H a y ne s , cle r k t o if' Monday to attend a f rountv Com n session in Raleigh. The officials were scheduled lo re-tu-n to the city Weiri-diy afternoon here. gun.

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