THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1 Pap;e 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Local Items Society News rETY PAGE Eleanor Bushnell, Editor Phone 137 -.X t :.rn has i x thrust :. :.:ket the as day MRS- BIRTH AXXOEXCEUEXT ir. &r..i Mr-. A. I'. Hem-n .-: , !t CUT: TO MEET SATER DAY Mu-L Ciu.' will meet Sat-i-r.y :.. . January 2- a: k .". -x Miss Frri-rrivka :armers Of County , Receive Checks For " Wool Sold In June cm,; r,j;uanu, deeply ;r. v.;fe. was 'on - business . t e i leaving enough n y the- rent. He reeo-ive i t-ai broke. Land.vrd m.-.' Sj!.ASi : :v;.- : -;tr, a; W-::v:-r.. !. C :. - a:..-, r. :,:tr ..-: S .,:..! :.,v . R - Thur- , . :.. : ... : in c--.v January .". Mr.s Hugh Xa- x M . U , -?..ik :.-ro; :-.. i .-, k the v. u. : ..n- r.ei-;. .it tr. - : '; jks..!1 t'ht- v-.-n-.;r.i nv. ! -vi-i Iiv;- 3kttf the n-.em-e.-i .:. niagar.nes to . the'' H.vv...-b ' "urtv hu.--b.t- :.:::-:-, e k Mr.-. .... ..... M-- c. H. MtPoweli '' - ' - H P.:; w-u a--1 ! tr.f . , . . ' . V .-' -k - t. 'T-t- '.v -')e t I M: v N la: -. r. : M ' m .-- ... - -.v.; ? re v:. t ..: .t. v ..vO', r ..".. ;!. : " .'.ur- ar. 1 v in. tarrying : : ow ami -e .arlrg - I. - Tr. -ir-rison : : ;,r..! .Irs. -. th-.- r. T.t cor:. I --..- rri-k wa ;."-v: t- I pot v. : : ' ,. i with t v n '. .".r t: ut'.at s . -itvi ,';-y J'hH ar.,t a. . t r -. !c i: thr Mr-. V A. - Hu:--:-. Mrv -- S r". 1 r . I.-. ;:..::.-! . ":: - Nf-: Cat-., .ci.te t '-vk. J -..r.i... - i K. I!' rrtj : r: : : .. h '1 Ut at'vr t..- "k1. t-t K-i-rii- r.j:e a tr.c frut. Mr a:' Mr- (" H "a" ::. I. v.- !...-.,.. ' Mr-. M. H. B-..w:e?. lr. ; ' r vica?":; ai I;r?t- Krrr.a ; I. j.- I'a '..: .-(!. rr.vttored to ' ; :r.y ' t sec ".Strange! ' tr.v 1'....: . Theatre. J K. w hrrc thi-v i.r.'T srrptli: to UK sb.kY- l SAT VIS. AY Si' ',HT '. .:.'..: ..a "v 2- i - v-: ..- ' V. . N j i :". - .' ... a invoice- j : ' ::.! - t.-" . r with I V a -.-.' v,!:. I:, .v. i:af:i:kH. Mi. will. HE HOSnp.KD SATURDAY '.It- .. 'S. Bar:r and Ml.-? Mary I;..: ; ;:te!tair; with a large .i .r, r. .rise M-s. Richard Barber 11 . : t ; t--. - r.rt i-'-, ''t next Saturday . : . r. t : :r. thre e to five . V.ock. at t'.r.: r Love u; tw..j "r.ur.v!ri-j g"Jv?tA have i.-.v.'te't ; .':'. '.;:!' after- AH'jIYS HAYSES RE-! i ,'a'. I V. . ; .. --ent ;.er rout Tr.: - r.a.- n'ear.t !'n r .r.t.-- rer .jr.d :v..r. a!! tr.e woS. .'l' r. )r:atter whether tr. r: .v -o'. i-r to In' :."' the 'i;a:er : .tr.f- be-t. Vs-1 r! lf;2 tr.c )j-.1 haf ."2 .cr.t,- ' ;r this ! h.raway .-ijrtis :r-vRt lV:r.t;a-.. Mien., recently. a large- otr :at;ve- mirkttir.c - -.:t'i. w.-:,i organiz-atior:? have helped j tive farmer on the outside as mucn 1 '.r.c wno joins. 1'hese' .arg- ' . -i.t't-ratiVes have iter, organ an it-r the cf the Fed Farrt B-rd. ?ai ! Cc medj . iraiiedy and MvMery 1 as ' ma Funnier 'I han Anything on hy j Stage I'resented in a New York he i orce Suit. See The American V jh. the Magazine Distributed ' Nevt Sunday s BALTIMORE AMI r; i l A.V. Buy it from a Local Keprese 'E h'O of: . H a". MARS Hill. RES'il.I'TloXs ... ur :-. .: a V. I'. Leathenv .: ... ha-' b . ::ar; h Ti .u:t: hi. -t. a; I'TTERiXG I have in 'stock 5 ; '.oub'e beaded galvanized gutter '- ..; fjrr.ish and install same !'ic per f-:-t, other makes t.f g'J a- cheap accordingly. . Go.d m r x: r aint i'.5. per gallon. L. A. . ler. Jan. 2-1 ;n ThE LEvEU THIS IS.. AIR AND SG.UAfE PACE At : !'- V. P.! ' rli::a- w. .- V. : ,rc.i-- ' . V. r.ioi ' :.. It'- Mis. ' ' ir -r. r' F tl M -- M..t ;' : ;. .. .-'A'S.' SH' 'OllRKU G1YES ;': A. R. RESEF1T TARTY L'-'vely ail it appointments was tr-: tea j.'.en last Thursday after :.: - r. cy .Mrs. J. X.!bred The aifa'r was given as a contintiatk-ri of tts s'-i-s :" parties which are r-rir.e --.rts-H iy the Dvrcas Hell I, vt ' - .; t-.-.-. I' A. R. as a mat uah bt nerlt f 1 C thi chaptt r and the Wayr.esvilie Library. ; ' . The h.-ue was attrabtiveiy ar .ange.i :-. va-es of spring Sowers. The re:, t a '''. which w; covered with a. ir.'.e os th wa- centered by a bowl of ; rink 'r :--.. thanked by candles at the 1 u: mors. Tea was pou'rei V-v 1 Vvs. H ' ra.e L. Frost cf Eliiath-' Tern :oste-s TV, -e jruc-t .;st inc.uaea t.-.e. to., cw- xc: Mr?. R. H. BUckwell Mrs. ST. Grave;.' Mrs. Harry R.itha.: Mrs.' Lames Killian. Mrsl Xoble Garrett ; 1-L-- v,' H. B..u. -on-. Mr, Lt-m Killlar.. Mr- Jant.s Harden Howelr Mr Oliver SheL: '' Mrs. P. M.Killian ? Mr- .? V.' Svaver. Mrs. James M. -L !.-. Kate M-.rn- Mrs. C. Mir.-11. M.S. Robert ' Stretcher. Mrs.: :h. J R. vt n Mr- J. P. Th.u- and .-j-;s: Mi-.. Frank Hodees. Mrs. J.': W. Rev :,. Idi.-. 'C. H. McPow-t 11 Mrs.' Finest, Hvatt. M- M Pcus. ' Mrs. Air- : New. a-.d l Fran-1 s , R- be- ;r , -i ' ..t tbv i'e:tr..l th.-i'..-- church 1:. -Vsherk; 'ir.ii : the address at r le-rytc-rian . cnurcn Pv Ut. "'.-., by. bull n. - .--etciry of Foreign .-i ':;.:;..? :c : the Presbyterian, church: v an i Mr ... R. F. Walker. Rev. and .' ' . Landrum, Mr, :ar.d Mrs. H Harle.k Mr. K. S,' Harrold - AMei? Mr. H, f Lindslev and : J. r. R-, .'.is Fucene Carter and. Miss Vir ginia .. Carter returned Friday from and Charlotte where thev n ve been vi-itimr fi r the past three V ' s. .Mr. arter acx-ompamed 'h.;;)) t, ayne-svillr and returned to . ' met tht first of the w eek. ituroa v "e Will attend dr. Aar r. Frevo-t b-ft S Xt w Yv-rk C:tv vhere . Mr. Ralph Frvv and ! a'r r ire market. He is expecie'd ti.iay arcimpanb.l h-v Mr. : "i n r :-,v st M-rt .'Reed left Sunday for i. ..v h .eld Mb Cie.mnv-ns Mich- ran. Lt. Reed returned Friday from twr weeks' visit in St. Petersburg. . ri-:a and sner.t the wee'k-er.d with Parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Reed. 11 -- h'.,: , -. Mis- I'' r.s b--r. and Mr. Ha: 11 Haynts. : - -e- t - a- .Mars-Hill College .-pent -.! . -. ..-.:.: .. : t r : . : respective rs. ii.i.E ssviTEb ; r TEST'; A:r :ny:;.;tKn has ten rece.veu- ty' a- 'Mrs. : V;:-e-n Far. r r f Columbia ; S. Uth Carvlina'ar'y.. las: vCek for rere- Ae . : .. . a -.'.t-t.-.. i.HV- V.--1 to Mr .-.r.- Mr-.. Anna B-.-vili-- an; daughter : M :-. K. Y' V. ; : tra- A.iger ..".tc :r i tr.e uhyeilmfc: ctitiner..' - t the H.u-e.r Jvsiah te unveiling eeremerr.ejsi f t t tt c Tattnal: Cnar-er U. S. P.. ttt ctmc- . ''. e t ! Charles Xeal haii rit::rne.i to memory of Alexander Gray Raifcrdh: hom. in Win-ton-Salem after a n Fe : ...-.1 y Is. at Savai.r.ah Ge-. r- ! ral days' ''-. visit to '."his' mother. . I . N ,ai. 1 ... Mr. The invitation is ester.ded to' merr.-1 ers. of the family and state cffLtrsi. b;; ': Mr: and . Airs. Tern Lee. Jr. spent t- .iaierv..ra iact trie-, .-ait Wr.J Hi Asfievii..e as eue-sls by from the,' M: rand Mrs: AV. A. G--a.-or. and dv w here :h-. . L. 1. I 'av.- . .-; ed. " themselve'! ''-.:' .. ' A ::'. " tht bit--r r.eic frint Can- i.n :ast. ;-,vee.s ...were:: Messrs J. S. n-.r-.- F. Hi Holland., a- ;' K V. Ko.iand: : . : .. .:. :: .. : : . :n : :e: .. r: ' .':-:... r: 1; b. ... .. ' 1 -.'irr h,r rient,. - Id.-- Kate- Li. - iclannk r t n in.,- ;:v i an ton' Saturday after 1- ' iral days" visit in Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pkus have as tr.trr gutt Mis- Bertha May Corbett. vr:te:lb North Carolina. Mr R.. L. Prevest returned Friday tj -m a business tnp te. Parliiigtorti S- uth Carolina. Mr: Albert Alx-i has returned from, a two weeks' business trip to Hot Springs.' Arkansas. M i.i.E) HOST? t i na-i il'TY Mrs. - work where ' l tk. fen; a rhemrit nam.e! tv : Th y A: ho d Smith and ;. who are tciutintr the laying Hawaiin guitars. b mus.iciar.'.s have broadcast i r amber of rd-dio; stations and i-ive many enjoyable selections c f. e cening: . '' use present to -. r. v the ccca ;: e: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hyatt. :;-d Mrs. Tom Lee. Jr., Mr. and Mr- Si White. Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Walker Mr. and Mrs. M. G. W: lir 1 I - T-v -r- smatn.r, and Mr wii .)) earner uurino: rast v. .A-;.e:.,e were sv: vi. -it- 1- raturdavi Mr. Fr.-nk Hardin was . a week-end -t at tr.e LeFair.e Hotel. Mr- L. F. Perry ,.f Aihevilie vi. :tei: friends here last w:eek, Mr. T. tl. Hayhes of Clyde was here en business la.-t week. .... ..Rt:v, and Mrs. Rp. M.-Cracken of 1 ; y-c -pel:: Saturday in Wavnesvdle ':'.' Mr. F. U Hintorr spent lastkweek end in Raleigh viisting friends. ' 'is Faye Kilpatrick of Hender ; nv: na a ccerte-d r. -rv:.;:--'nr1 Raih Ray's .Beauty Sr. -p. Miss Kil patricK is a graduate of the Greens- t-auty school and has. recently returned fr-om New- . York where she attendee t.r.e . National Hairdressers Association.. :'..:'' .. T '.' C. -j:: jv.nn J.arr.ess. an- l r 1 , James of ..Fine? iCrei-k we- s'rf. ' .visitors olonaav. Month Has Been Mild January hak b far. S. H. Stevenson. een ' a mao mc dO iir.t ixa. weather obser ver . .Cnly several times 'since the has the thermometer reading iron freezing or lower. Charles MeCrirv Fines here Raif.rd: ' eastern ; ; -e-.-r ;r i 07 EM I ST OF .';'.. Th'i 'Y AS S, GAl'pY ASSOUXCEP Mr. and Mrs, Harry A Ginam -f Salem. New Jersey have announced the tncaeement ef their daiiirhter.1 Miss Virginia Girtain. to. Mr. Thomas S Gadiy. of Waynesydlie. Xa -i-.-fnitt late has Sen set for the wedding, k -. :-j - Mr iGaddyk r. w resLdrhg. . in ',V :.'.-:..-.. X.-v Jer.--. y. . : : ' Jit's-: R. : t: W ,-d and: Viaughterb' M --;.:--:-' W..-..i. ..nd Miss l.i;. Welfe e-f ."-r.l'i a r e-t n 1 1 n. - Tenr.esc-e:. rttumc-d ( -.. th;:: r.-.-me Sun-aay-.afttr sp-chding" th- week-end with Mrsk Wood's far-1 .;v:-'A;-.--,d Mrs. John X. Sho-oibre a. Tntv-vk-ro:aocom-nan;eabv ilis'Mary:. Alice Puritan. . sis? ---f. Elizabethtctt. F-.TT Ioai-el: Feriuson has re'urnei V';ns::n'Salem- after sp-endm? a :aVs with her mvther. Mr. J. Vi . s .'..iry tr.n eid .srer.: .as: bnry as the iruest G. Pe-rk-r. ,, F... "V.ide--:r were : hero fr Crar tree Lee the '. week-end . Mr. w .'. Ill t.n L r-.e-K wa- amonc the visii Tuesday. '. - . t . - - . . . -ii. an.: .urs. . v w::,iams- and aaughters. Misses Kate. Artie, and cucv' iliiams, were Waynesville vis; itors .Wednesday, k , ( M r. J . P. :Qs nies i of. . Crabt ree ' spent M-.'": lay here n business. ;:.. Mr. W. .1. McCrary.of X!yde spent Tuesday in town. .'" k -' ..' . ' ' I M:. W. A- Mo -r, : !'ue - was mere on. business-Tuesday.: . - - - Mr. F.: Sorrells w-as among the visitors he rt.-from. Cant o-n'Tuesdav?. R. Q. I O . ' In. t" t-:-wn . tel r, .T. n i',-gy Tol: -abtre'e. spent ,v - the rds-week . ... . Pate lo 12 i: 14 i .-, 1-;. le 1 ; 21 Max! 49. ofJ -44 ' of "0 " b4 b2 k4 M:n :e to Rain . 1 ...i : a e it. : ; a-, r t : oi : . r.vr i aV.t r.t-r i.irnily ar ;::- .at'nt' -'ibtm:"::.:n. v"--f"Vin'- -v.1- througn - nvany ;. . ;-.r . alv 1 : t j iy to as-;-: hoi ,ri : ner- In any way we may : e al io an .: t na; she , .rr.a:.- .ic .-ire ...... '. k.. ib:i!-d: aat.. tp t:i- s ;--.r.t.'-- f .true : -. .-".i-. ..n. hi.-n. ..r:d v cr.ien- we hereby 1 ner.i.y and kwil'ihxly sjbmit to ; :?::- iwho ;co v. .s -0 e: rob and toe. ! ' -:c:tb.l t.. unduly arflic -etv of' H.s children; ". ' ' :'' ' ! Fourth: That, a cupy ef t :.'--.. ies-i oiutions be given the Leatherwood family, a copy inserted on the- min utes of- both our Quarterly Confer-) ence and Church Conference Records, j end that a copy be sent the Waynes-' Mounlsinr-er ir,r T-ki;A-;a Signed . MRS. R. C. LONG, MRS. ANNA M. GLOSSER A J. MeCRACKFX Com.mitteei Mrsk John Huart. who i 1 O -aiil . r hQ -J iea uncer. the same roof w::h ver husband for 22 years a a stranger, was given a divorce at Sp-vkane. Wash. 1 4 FAIR AND SQUARE Fair competition is the life of trade. We've set :v hirh standard to be fol lowed by the grocery shops in this town. Our customers are proud of our superior service. If your appetite is keen for the best food stuffs it will be delighted with' the as sortment of table joys we purvey. J. C. ROSE Home Grocery Choice Groceries Phone SS Main St. i l? 21 .-.-) 42 4 1 0-1, i50 ' c6 ' DR. I. B. Fl .NKE (CHIROPRACTOR) PaJmer Graduate Office in residence halfway between Waynesvi !e and Hazelwood on No. 10 Rates Reasonable Consultation and Examina; on Free -'21 . "N" . v who was :ren.- K-: .-.t-eae-nti ir.g to. boost' the sale of ...e ----- ;'no.egrapn. ;ust tn.r.K now .y e w:'.; enjoy looking, at this photograph when you grcw: up. As you look you'll isay. 'There's Jeannie. site's a nurse: there's Tom. he's i.a .'uatte, an t " 'And there's teacher. came a vo: class. sne s aead.; trrm th-' 1st-..- " -Vt Each 3 Service ixenaerea 1 rz. guest cf'Mr. -.. Guy. Medicrd oi CI;. d.- s; cr : -ay -h Waynesville shcTf ittg. 1 OS Le-aisf-- rMrCracic-i-n.: 'Ar.hie i " Ikcnati'd .Lcis .Hayttes of -Marsf F-crida, ;i:ed fr!ena? hfrp ls:' Fr:nt;r ! ;-s-ior - Mr- X. C. James : ; Fities Criek was in town Monday. . . . . . - --.?s olarcaret ' ..Tr-rrotr- ilr. J. E. James cf Crabtree trti 1 Miss Ellrabrth Henry. Miss Jr-jtrhin & Rewards us & by enabling Fetter Service Garrett Funeral Home W; Tiosvre rtsttor :3s Trc-eti- PS e- Ie- i ' .-. Among the'-' 'visitors' here iloniaT lir. was' Mr. G. AV. Burnott of Pigeon. 1 Tnurs nr. X. C. P-ovrr cf Clyde spent aay here or. tustness. i Cabe. SS Bi Lane Quinlai Mr. V 'wesvilN C tf ' ! Homer Carle, of Canton. Mr. Fred - ' Kermrt Furceu. Ot2jJj, A Message to Parents About the ?iano The Piano is the basic musical instrument. Piano '. instruction is the foi dation of all musical training. Many conservatories require a year of pia 'study fo.r all voice pupils, violin pupils and students of any otl.vr instrumei the piano a necessity. The piano is the nkost predominant instrument in industry and in statesmanship. Compose use the piano. Band and ( chestra directors use the piano in making up their scores. CI urches hote Y. M. C. A.'s. recreation centers, lodges and orcanizat kins of every kind fi the pion a a necessity. The piano is the most predominant instrument broadcasting: oyer the radio. Every well ordered home must have a piai is the center of its social life and as a means of development f ur its childrc Consider some of the things piano study ill do for child en: 1. It enables them to have a fuller enjoment of life tl rough hearii inusic more intelligently and appreciating it more keenly and throui being able to sing in harmony With others in a group in church any other society. If you have tried to sing in church or in any oth group while seated next to someone who sings out of harmony. "i will know how hard it is to prevent yourself from becoming a Phai see and thanking the Lord that in this respect at lea t you are n as other' men are. . 2. It developes the mind, strengthens memory and cultivates accurac Dfecisioit. concentration and other qualities. 3. It promotes refinement and person charm which in turn hrir social preferment. 4. It develops leadership. 5. It affords recreation which is both churaCter building and cuntrihi j tive to the pleasure of others. j 6. It brings financial gain thrc -h .'teaching music and singing or pla: I ing for pay professionally 14 any 'boys and girl -. work -their -wa throuch college bv their '-musical, ability:." -Others- earn money nef i home by singing publiclykas soloists, by singing- in church choirs, h ' leading church choirs, by pla ing 'piano or.-, organ kin church, by i'la; ing in small or large orchestras, , The-above and many more advantages, co'me- to tbov0 ho learn to pn ; iuce music, but not to those who only hoar it, ! Over l.ftM.l.OkO children iii the I' iiit cd States ar n.. taking piano le: i sons, ours should be anion g' their.. " I'!.,, riches', tiil,l is poor withot; ; hiusical training.". ' . . The praise of jour children after hey grott w ,11 sound go.d to yo ; if you give them the dvan uses hat come with the produce nvusi. - w.ll be proud of your children and ill reiojee thu Vovi gave them th Miss Ma rgaret String field Teacher of Piano. Violin. Cornet, and Inst ruments of Oi chest r; 1 ' A

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