THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1932 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN SUPERIOR COURT Federal Land Bank of Columbia, vs, R. Winfield, et al. On Monday, the 20th day of Febru ary, 11)33, at the courthouse door in the Town of Waynesville, Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, at i 1 :U0 o'clock a. m. the undersigned, Commissioner of the Court, will sell at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands and plenu ms, lying and being in Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, and tally ilesjiib ed as follows: Ail those lots, tracts or pa: eels of land containing respectively ir .'!- acres, 8;i.7d acres and -12 acres, located, lying and being in -Ueaverdam Town ship, County of Haywood, .State of North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses as will more fully ap pear by reference to plats thereof made by R. V, Justice, Surveyor, No vember, 1923, which are on iile with . the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, i FIRST TRACT: Bounded on the; North by the lands owned by the Smathers heirs, on the East by the lands of Jody B. Smathers, on the South, by the lands of Charlie Smath ers' heirs and on the West by the lands of Smathers heirs. Containing 65 3-8 acres. SECOND TRACT: Bounded on the North by C. B. Smathers lands and C. E. Medford's land, on the East by Mrs. Burnetts land and the lands of E. L. Rhinehart, on the South by the lands of Jody B. Smathers and the Smath ers heirs. Containing 83.7li acres. THIRD THACT: Bounded on the North by Mxs. J. H. Russells land and the Smathers' heirs land, on the Bast by the lands of R. Winfield, on the South by the land of the Smathers heirs and on the West by the land of Mrs. J. II. Russell. Containing 12 acres. This sale is made pursuant to, under" and by virtue of the power conferred upon my by Order and Judgment of the .Superior Court of Haywood Coup J. M. Palmer, T. G. Massie, J. N. Schoolbred and C. F. Kirkpatrick, and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the South margin of Hazel Street, 325 feet and five inches from the intersection of Walnut and Hazel Streets, and runs thence South 10 degs. 45' West 175 feet to a staKe; thence South 82 degs. 30' East 4S feet and four inches to a stake; thence North 12 degs. East 175 feet, t j a stake in the South mat gin of Hazel Street; thence North 82 degs. 311' We.-t 5U feet and live inches with Hazel Street to the BEGINNING. This being the same lot of land con veytd by VV. 11. Luther and wife, Lil'la Luther, to W. R. Fiancis, to date .September 15, 1112-1, and filed for reg istration on the 15th day of Septem OjI, l!t2-l, in the odice of Kegistei of Deeds, County of Haywood, State of North Carolina, iecoide.1 in Hook 03, Page 303. This 17th day of January, l'J33. CAROLINA MORTGAGE CO. Trustee Jan. 26 Feb. 2-U-1G No. 7. Beeause you have occasional spells of despondency, don't despair. The sun has a sinking spell every night but it rises again all right the next morning. XOTICE OF SUMMOXS AXl) WAR RAS'T OF ATTACHMENT NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. HAYWOOD SUPPLY COMPANY, a Corporation, V. J. F. PLESS. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above action entitled was issued against the defendant on the 16th day of January. 1933, by W. G. Byers. Cierk of the Superior Court of Hay wood County for the sum of $350.00, with interest, due the said Plaintiff, which arose on a controet and was reduced to judgment and certain money- paid into the Court under the decrees of said Court, for lands sold, on which said judgment Was a lien; ty, North Carolina, made and render-1 the said defendant will also take no- ed at the January Term, 1933, of said Court, in the above entitled action, wherein the undersigned was appoint ed Commissioner of the Court and ordered and directed to sell said land to satisfy indebtedness evidenced by note and first mortgage on said land, and that the same be sold in the in verse order of alienation to Hugh Medford. Suel Rhinehart, t lumpion Bank & Trust Company, and if said indebtedness and cost is not-satisfied, then sell said lands as a whole to satis fy said indebtedness. This the Kith d:tv of January, l;j:j:j. M. G, STA.MEY Commissioner of the Court Jan 2t! Feb. 2-9-10 No. (! NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained in that certain Peed of Trust '.made' bv W.- R. FRANCIS and wife, ELIZA BETH R. FRANCIS, to CAROLINA MORTGAGE COMPANY, Trustee, dated the 1st day of June, 1920, and recorded in Book 12, Pago 271, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the notes thereby secured, and : the holder thereof having directed that the Deed of Trust by foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the. Court House Door, in the City of Waynesville, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock, ncion, on .Monday, the 20th day of February, 1933,: anil Will sell to the .highest bidder fur cash, a certain lot .or parcel .'of land :n or near the City of Wayne.-villo. Township of Waynesville. County u f Haywood. State of North'. Carolina, and more particularly discribe I a- follow.-:. Being in Waynesville Township Haywood County,' North Carolina, and tic,, that a Warrant of Attachment was issued by said Clerk of the Su perior Court against the property of "the defendant, which Attachment is duly returned lief ore said Clerk, at the time and place mentioned for the Summons to lie returned, which is at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the 18th day of February, 1933. when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted, This the 10th day of January, 1933. W. G. BYERS. Clerk of the Superior Court. Jan. 19-20-Feb. 2-9 No. 5. NOTICE OF TK I S TEE'S SALE located mi Haze! St of Wavnesvilk "oc.t in the Town ning the lands of WARE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed In the Morning Rarin' to Go If you (vol scur and R-infc and the wor'ui looks punk, don't pwaltow a lot ot- Ml:s:. minora! water, oil, laxative randy or chew :r.4 . trum and expect them to make you suddt-nl sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. Kor they can't do it. They only move th.-. howels Hi:d a mere. movement doesn't at the cause. The reason far your doui-andut .. f,.('Hntf is your liver, It should pour out (A t rounds of liquid bile into your bowtls daily. If thibiie is not flowinc freely, your fori 1 r. ,sn't digest. It just decays in the .tow is." Sas bloau up your stomach. You have :. : - o-k. bad tiisto and your breath is foul. . ptci ti pf'-n breaks out in blomishes. Your hes i i.:id you foci: down and out. Your he'. : system i. poisoned. U takes those ecw), old 'CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS to. get these t pounds of bile flowing freely and make you ieci "up and up." They con-in wonderfir harml"s, R.r.tie vegetable extracts. amaz,t. when it comes to making the bile flow freely : But don't ask for liver pills. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills. Look for the name Carter Little Liver Pills on the red label. Resent V substitute. 25c at all stores. 1S131 C M. Cu. On Monday, Fehruary l.'ith. 19;!.'l, at 'eleven o'clock,' A. M. at the eourt house door in the town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, I will sell at publie wutery to the high est bidder for cash, the following lands and premises: BEGINNING at a 'hickory corner to the Harris land, and runs North 52li,'' East poles to a stone in Rocky Branch witnesses; thence down and with said Branch as it. meanders, three calls . as follows: South SI ,' Fast 3 a4 poles; South 12J East 9 poles; South about ST' East. 70 poles to a stake in Ueaverdam l reek; thence upl and with said ( leek, seven calls as follows: Noith !0 West 12 poles; thence North 9i- West S pedes; North .)" Eitst 12 poles; Noiiii 25 ' East 7 polvt; North to East 2o poles' LS poles; North 2'i West '10 pol .vorm si west polo.- to a .pine stump in Harris line; thetue With-said Harris line, two : calls as follows: South 72 .Mi' West 127 poles; to a white oak Glade corner; thence South l.V Eas. 7:i poles t.i the .BEGINNING. - centaining e 7 aci es, more or less. Sale -made pursuant to power of sale conferred upon me by virtue of a deed j of trust, executed by ''. W. tireon- and ! wife Jessie Green'., dated 'October .'51 ! 1929. a;jd recorded in Dek i. page 20."), Record, of Deeds of Trust .of Hay-' ! wood County, t; which said deed of trust and record refeience D iioieby made for. all the terms and .conditions of the same. 1 This 13th day of January. 19;!:;.; -;' j " . M. A. l.eatherwoo i "Trustee IJanv 19-20 Feb. 2-9 MGS No. 2. i , NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA COL'NTY OF HAYWOOD. I'nder and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by Samuel Lee Howell and Wife, Wilsie Ross Howell, and ('. E. Howell, (widow), to J lie Rahdgh SaviiiL's llai.k and Tuist Company, trustee (the undti sitine.l tsustve having succeeded to the right-, atid title of the named tru-tee. under Chapter 2u7, l'ublic I.'iw.- ut' L'.'llJ, which said deed of trust is dated March 1, 1927 and recorded sr. Book 20, 1'atre 2'J. of the !:::ytvo.,d County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the indeb tedness thereby secured and m the conditions therein secured, the under signed trustee, will on monday, Feb ruary 13, 1933, at or about twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse door at Waynesville, N. C. offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described property. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing eighty-six and three-quarters (86.) acres, ino'e or less, situate lying and being on Jonathans Creek about seven miles from the town of Waynesville, lying in Jonathans Creek Township, Hay wood County, North Carolina, having such shape, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof, made by C. D. Medford, a surveyor, December 7, 1922, and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of E. H. Howell on the East by the lands of J. H, Alli son, on the South by the lands of Rowe B. Howell, and on the West by the lands of F. H. Moody and Jonathans Creek, and being the principal part of a tract of land described from Rowe B. Howell, et al., to Samuel Lee Howell, dated November 7, 1917, and recorded in Book 19, page 421, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, to which reference i.- hereby made for a more complete description of the same. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10' r of the amount of the bid as his evidence of good faith. I his the 13th day of January, 1933 NORTH CAROLINA BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, Successor to The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company,- Trustee. . J. L. Cockerham and Robert Weinstein, Attorneys, Ral eigh, N. C. Jan. 19-20 Feb 2-9. No. 4. nesville, North 'Carolina, and, Being lots Nos. 15, 16, and 17 in Rlock One of the S. J. Schulholfer ad dition to the town of Waynesville, as J of ridge North 51 West 4.08 chains to a white cak; thence North 45 West 0.65 chains to a stake; thence South 54-30 West S.64 chains to Public thence with the center oi j-i.l.-.t r r it m-jii a a anir; nil : i-iiimji: ecord in the Register of Deeds office, 'said Road South 46 East 4.65 chains Havwood County, North Carolina, in Map Book, page 36. Aiso lot No. 13 in Block One, or Section One cf the said S. J. Schul hofe." addition, and also lots Nos. 7 and S of the -aid S. J. Sthulhofer ad dition; also lots No. 14 in Block One ,.f -'.aid S. J. Schulhofer addition to j the Town of Waynesville, the !a.-t I ii-.ciit ioiie ! let known as the Thorn a.- Brown loi. Also lot- Nos. 9. 10, 11. and 12 in Block line, lot No. 9 f: .nt iog oO feet on .Seymour Street; thence 1 . ..lining 1ST feet to Shelton B...nch: t::er.ce v.'.tn ine Urancn to lot -No. io; thence ftoir. the Souht side of said : l : a k to Seymour Stitet lot No. lu front. ng; thence 193 feet on the Noith side of Shelton Branch and with said Branch to lot No. 11, and thence back to Seymour Street lot No. 11 fronting 50 feet on Seymour Street and run ning thence on the North side 193 feet to Shelton Branch; thence with said Branch to lot No. 12; thence back to Seymour Street; lot No. 12 fronting on Seymour Street, and thence run ning on the North side 193 feet to Shelton Branch, and runs with Shel ton Branch to the North side of J. Fisher lot; thence with said Fisher lot 183 feet to Seymour Street, the last four mentioned lots, that is, Nos. 9. 10, 11 and 12, are fully described in a deed dated the 27th day of Sep tember, 1919, from S. J. Schulhofer and wife to S. L. Queen, as registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County in Book 54, page 199. Said lots herein conveyed are described in a plat in Map Book "A" page 30, to which record reference is hereby made for full description, i . 1 .11 .i-:- i i- to Glenn lates corner; inence nu Tate's, line North" 54-30 East 8.64 chains to the beginning. Containing 4 i-ci-es, more or less. And being the . a;:iC property as conveyed to J. M. !'rawfc.:i hy 'Deed dated March 7th, 1929, which said deed is duly record ed in .he o.T.ce of the Register of : , : ii'.tyv.vjd County in Book ., tlv - to v. :-Lh deed and record ...'.--' i - 1". tie by made. -a, !c pursuant to the power if -ale confeired upon me by a deed ; t;-u.-t .--'."ecutcl by J. M. Crawford -ia-vd Augu.-t 25; h, 1930. and recorded in l'..,-,:-. of Deeds of Trust No. 19 pa;. 24. O.iic: i f Register of Deeds of ;;a..v jJ County, to which reference la;, ie for all the terms and eondi-;;.-.S!S of the same, and demand having been made upon my toy the holder of .aid no;es and deed oi trust to sell same as default having been made as presented in said deed of trust. This the 24th day of December, 1932 G. C. DAVIS, lee. 29-Jan. 5-12-19-26 Trustee a sassafras, containing 32 acres mor or less. This 2nd day of January. 1933. MRS- CARRIE RATHBONE, Trustee J. E. J., Attorney, Jan. 5-12-19-26-p SOT ICE OF SALE the Iot all adjoining and lying be tween Shelton Branch and the Street. Sale made pursuant to power of sale confer) ed upon me bv virtue of a deed of tiust executed by W. A. Lef ller, dated August 25, 1925, and re folded in Book 17 page 10, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, "i his 13th day of January, 1933. J. R. Morgan Trustee Jan. 19-2i'; Feb. 2-9 No, 1. XOTICF OF TRl'STEF'S SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Relieved Dy Taking Cardai "I . was weak and run-down: and eufferea quite n bit with pains In my side," . writes Mrs. Nick Bar ranro, ol Beaumont, Texas. "I was nervous. I did not rest well at night, and my appetite was poor. "My mother had used Cardul with beneficial result, so I decided to take it. I surely am glad I did. for it stotped the pain in my side' and built up niy general health. I took seven bottles In all." Cardul la sold at all drug stores. Default having been .made in the payment of the indebtedness, secured by a certain deed' of trusf executed to the First National , Company of Dur ham, Incorporated, and the Union Trust Company of Maryland, Trustees on the 'lirst day of July, 1929, by J. C. Allen and wife, Ella Allen, on the lands herein described, said deed of trust being recorded in Book 21, page 472, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina, the undersigned will, having been so requested by the holder of said indebtedness, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Haywood County. N'. C, at twelve o'clock noon on Tuesday,, February ii, r.'o.s, tne lands les.eribeil in said deed of trust, to- wit: BEG INNI NG at a stake in the west margin of Candler Drive south 1 de gree West 105 feet from a stake at the intersection .of Candler Drive and Thompson Avenue and runs thence North 1 degree East 105 lee; to a stake at the intersection of the west margin of t aivller Drive with the south margin of Thompson Avenue, thence with, the south margin of Thompson Avenue Nortli S7l- degrees we-t 1 : 7 1 feet to a stake, then South 1 degree West 105 feet to a stake; then South 871- degrees East 197V leet to the 'beginning. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale assumes the payment of all un paid taxes, and street assessments against the property, . The Union Trust Comnanv of Mary land having resigned as trustee, as in said deed of trust provided, the sale is being advertised and rondnetp.l hv the undersigned trustees. . This 7th day of January, 1933. W. G. Bramham and T. I.. Bland, Receivers, First Na tional Company of Durham, Incorporated. Trustees. 19-20 Feb. 2-9 No. 3. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a cot tain deed' of trust, ex ecuted by J antes M. Williams and wife. Lillian E. Williams, to the un designed trustee, dated October 29. 1932- and registered in the offico of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County.. N. C, in l.nok of deeds ef tru-t 25 a; page 179. to which refer ence is hereby made, and tie fault hav ing been '"made in toe payment. o.f the indebtedness-'secured 1 y deed of trust thereby the .power of s lie there in contained became operative, and demand having been made upon said trustee by the legal holder of said indebtedness to . exercise the ' powers in saul deed of trust contained, the undersigned trustee Will, on Monday, the 13th day of February, 1933, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon in front of the courthouse door of Haywood County in Waynesville, North Caro lina, sell; to- tile last and highest bid der for cash, the following described piece or parcel of land, lying ami be- imk ria.vwooci Louniy. .xortn taronna. and described as follows: An undivided .one-half interest in the following described property: BEGINNING on a double . hestnut and a sourwood. M. E. Snvder's cor ner in II. B, Plott's old line of lot No. 2 and runs South with the If B. l'lott line 151 poles and 4 links to an ash. Plott's eld cornet'; thence W. 07 poles to a chestnut in H. P. Plott's old line and 4 2-3 poles- West of E. Arrington corner; thence North 21 : East 131 poles to a flit, stn ut ; thence Nort'i 3 East 24 poles and 11 links to a t hestiiut on a ridge ; tiience. 1 25 Ea.-t IS pole; are! s links, chcstr.nt : thence 32 ' .East- 20 no! lnk ! -a chestnut: thence' N. 14 " 2.' poles and Is links to a c'ncstnu: in th e !;r of E. S. Arvi-o; . ;:! Road : '.hence North 11 East 19 poles' an i 21 links to a nck, M. E. Snyder's corryr:. thence E, 25 pole-, to the BEGINNING-. Being the same prop. '. 'ty conveyed to said Ora V. MehafTey b;: H. B. Fiotr ami wife, by deed re". NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. H. Gossett and wife. Ethel Gossett, to the undersign, ed Trustee. I will therefore on the 30th aay of January, 1933. at 11 o'clock A. M- sell to the highest bid der for cash, at the Court House door in the Town of Waynesville, N. C, the land hereinafter described as fol lows: Situate and lying and being in Clyde Township, Haywood County,! North Carolina, and bounded and more particularly described as follows: Be ing Lot s Nos. 1 and 2 of the map and 'nlat of the part of the H. C. Medford Farm, lying on the North side of the State Highway, leading from Canton to Waynesville. as surveyed by R. V. Justice in August, 1923, and mapped by J. C. Haynes. A copy of said Sur vey, and. map being duly recorded m the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County in Book page : with right of way to a spring on the South side of the State Highway for the free use of water there from. Fsr a full description of said land and premises reference is hereby made to said plat and map of said land of said survey duly recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, also right of way for a pipe line now in the house for use of water from the spring for said house. Default having been made in the payment as set forth in the deed of trust from J. H. Gos?e"t and wife. Ethel Gossett, to the undersigned, Trustee and demand having been made upon the said Trustee to sell said land by the holder of said note? and deed of trust-, to said deed of trust as recorded in Book It. n'.ge 300 refer ence is hereby made for the full de scription of said land an! the power of sale therein contained. This the 2Sth day of December. 1932 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Or. Tuesday, January 31st, 193:: a; eleven o'clock, A. M. at the cour hou.-e door in the town of Waynes vili Haywood County. North Carolina, will seil a: public outcry ty th iii;;iust bidder for c:sh, the follow, i,. .Ji ! an I premi-e.s, to-wit: Lying and being in Wayntsv;!. Township, Haywood County. Not: Cai'wlna, and lying and being o: Stat. Highway No. 10, near Lak Junaluska, and" being a part of wh is known as the Kindred Reev property, and. L.-ii. INNING at a stake on th South margin of State Highway V. la which staky stands in old Line' line and a corner to the property sob- by Harry Leo Liner and others to Le Gloria Heights Corporation, and run. ning thence from said stake with margin of State Highway No. 10, ir an Easterly direction to a stake stand in the center of the road leading tf the Liner Cove Road; thence running with the center of the Liner Covi Road in a Southerly direction t where the Liner Cove Road crosse the Liner Cove Road Branch ; thence up said Branch to Liner line Gloria Heights Corporation Linei line) ; thence running a Westerly di rection with the old Kindred Reevej line and Liner liner to a slake, tht ibeginning corner in the margin of State Highway No. 10. This deed is intended to convey and does convey all the lands belonging to the party of the first part lyine- South of State Highway No. 10, and West of the Liner Cove Road, and adjoining the old Liner tract, and being the same property on which the party of the first part is now constructing a residence. Sale made pursuant to power of slip conferred upon me by virtue of a deed of trust executed by Mrs. Lizzie Reeves (widow), dated October 0. 1928. and recorded in Book 23, at nage87, Record of Deeds of Trust of Havwood County. GEO. H. WARD, Trustee. Jan. 5-12-19-20. J. BAT SMATHERS. Trustee. G rover Davis, ..Attorney. Jan. 5,-12-19-20. vona s li TRUSTEES SALE Notice is hereby given th.n under the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed by R. L. Ra'thlxme ariti wife. Delia Rathbone. to the un dersigned trustee, dated April 23. 1920 and-registered'. in' Heed' of Trust j Bind; No. 17 at page 230..' Office" of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, i Noi-th CaroKn:;. dt fault having, kor'-i 1 made -in the' paymitit'o;' th-'? debt sc cui'ed. thereby, and the nolder of. the d i t having demanded . that the un .'.e.; . igned trust ee exercise said power "t sie, and sijll the property thereby c -tvveyed, ;;s provided in said deed of trust. THEREFORE, on Monday. Febru ary fi, 1933, at 11 oVlock a. m.. at the Coiii't House door of Haywood Coun ty. North Carolina, the ' undersigned w.ll offer for sale r.nd sell to the high, ost bidder for cash that certain tract NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM MONS n y run lic a ro.v STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. II. R. MEDFORD. MAE MEDFORD. j The Defendant. Mae. Medford, wii take notice that on the 9th day o; Janutry, 1933. the Plaintiff above j named Commenced -in the Superior I Court of Haywood Cousty, an action, las above by issuing a summons and filing an affidavit to obtain service by, publication, and that said action d for the purpose of obtaining an al). solute divorce by the . pl iintlfT from , the defendant upon Statutory grounds, and the said defendant will take n, tice that she is required to appear and. answer or denuu- to said ct m -pi-nut iti the. office 0f the Clerk of the Superior Court cf Ha wood County it . the Coui'thrjse. in Waynesville. North Caroliivi, within 30 day's iron. tne 11th day of February. ( March 13,133) or the plaintiff will apply to th(, Court for the relief prayer, for in the complaint. .' This the 9th day of Janua.-y, 1933 W. G. BYERS. Clerk of the Suporior Court. Haywood County, N. C. Jan. 12-19-20-Feb 2. . 1 1MI XISTRA TRIX XOTICE Jan. -NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE On Monday. February 13, 1933, at 1:30 P. M. at the courthouse door in the town of Waynesville. Ha vmm,) County, North Carolina. I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands and premises, lying and being in the town of Way- COl', P I Tl -lOllL- finn "(111 . of ,.,..,.!.-'. -uJa -F'Z -v -I m.ndJy,n. -being in Fines Carolina. ' ' '"' - This 9th day of January, 1933. . BURG IX PENNEI.L. Jan. 12-19-26-Feb. 2 Trustee. XOTICE OF SALE UXDER DEED .-". OF TRUST -..; ,, '' north Carolina"" haywood county On Monday, January' 30th. 1933,' at 11 o'clock A. .V'. a' the Court" Hon, door in the : Town of . Wavne;- ille. itaywood Courty-.. N", ir t wfl; 'tl! at '.ti'ic sale to th-. hig i -; bidder 'for cash the land hereinafter described. i mg - ml being is Iron Duff Town ship. Haywood County and riesrilii as follows; . Beginning at a stump uii. toti. oi rmge, i. ; . LraVford's corner and runs with the watershed i Creek Township. HavwooH Cntint,. . North Carolina, and more particularly j Beginning on a sassafras, Parker comer tnence l, , poles to a stake at bridge, thence, down the branch to' a small apple tree on the bank of the branch, thence 4 poles down the o.ancn to a small bunch of sourwoods -f"c-',thence UP ridge S" "i '2 . 2o poles, thence S. 50 W 18 poles, thence S. . 51 W. 1 9 ?i poles' to a chestnut stump on top of ridge thence down the ridge N. 42's W 18 poles to apine in Hipps line, thence wuh Hipps line to R. Nolancf's corner to. a. Spanish oak on the. top of the "I. .ge. thence North or nearly s0 a conditional line made by P. V. Dotsoh and R. Noland down a ridge to a pine. thence North or nearly so through in tit. on or !.!; :t ice undorsignad having qualified a . d; ;:.trix of the" estate of David yd, ii. ie.,.-ed, .all persons havir-.'' ; again. t said estate are heiei d; to present duly sworn s;at" of the saniy to; the u; deivig'it l.:fo"-C January 1. 1931, or t! Will be pleaded in bar of th recovery thereof. Any persons indi-i ed to s.ud estate ari herebv notifir t-' pay th: nesr.-to.thc amount of said indebted- undersigneu it once. '! ii:-' the 4th dav of January, j'V;.;. . MISS MINNIE BOYD. Administratrix of David L. Bovd, Jan..- 5-12-19-20-Feb. 2-9 Deceased. AD.VIXISTRATRIX XOTICE ! The undersigned having qualified a administratrix of the estate of W. P. Leathenvool. deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present duly sworn statements of the same to the under signed on or before January 9, 1934. or this notice will ibe pleaded in bar of the, recovery thereof. Any persons indebted to the said estated are here by notified to pay the amount of said indebtedness to the undersigned a once, Thia the 9th day of January, 1933 MRS. W. P. LEATHERWOOD, Administratrix of! W, P. Leather- wood. Deceased. THE FEATHERHEADS on Jan. 12-19-26-Feb. 2-9-16 . .i .... , luiner ' ByOtborn ... . ;'"'' " - - - ".' n.nww.Mw , T)t . 1 ' ' ir . . r - TT- , .j -r , . . ., fT r riayea on fvettle Urums , -E FATS READY VET? ' If!? t SAW A GREAT STUKJt N Z.. - 5- " '" ' '''' 'XWELt. THAT .'--"'"S '" V ' r 3 TODAY-AL TUMA-MAS Cunt tuevER- j ; COW Boy SONG- i . i. . -Lsg' ) S A CLOCK THAT I M STEAD - I SAt! V'OLl . T I SUPPOSE HOME ON t 1 .."I : ALMOST;. -THE CHOftUS OP 7 V '2,f7:f? I wr-"woiii-'': WOULD AT i" . f -I ( T,ME GOES BY TU MES P l SONG WOU U LEAST BE. : ' fT. TJ '

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