M ! . i ... ,:t ' '. - Page 4 THE WAYNE&VILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 193i SOCIETY PAGE Society News Local Items o o o Eleanor Bushnell, Editor Phone 137 ti-rryfills observe fif tieth AXXIVERSARY Amidst :hc c-nt;rat illations and fe licitations of a larg.1 circle of friends and ii'l;iti'i -Mr. i.nd .Mrs. I'inkney l.-jfayette Turbytill entertained 'fur -day evening with a larjje recep tion in -.-eh-'iru'.ioii of their trnlden wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Tuihyliil were nurricd Fel. 7. l.M-.'i ir, the 1- ra.-ii-is Reuse i-t' tin- (Joodyear ''ace. i ;U: of the old land marks of the to'.', i wher,. tin bride's parents were Hvinj? at the time. The cere j 1 n I n :ts performed by the liev. Mr. ('anion c f (he Methodist Kpiscopal i'kasv' Mr. i;eoie;e II. Smathers, new of Asheville, but formerly a res idem . f Waym-villf. was the groom's U's't 'man. T.-n i.rJ.-U' ;a- Miss Julia Catherine. 'i'..U-. i (liiUKlitcr ..J' Joseph Manson Tav .'id his wife N'atu-y Sh-K.-k. the !a:: r .t'.nir the grand daughter of S 'io,ik. i ariy pioneer in llay- nunty and famous llcyolutiun- H oeil v - Jii Tin- e.r. Ti'.r..i, ::.' a:.-, .i i! ,i:..vv ! !- .! busi'.c- Mi. I a: urn v.'i.s the son af Klkanuh and I'lum.i Campbell and in Catawba county ami il:i- -er'.iun and estalilished v.h". :. quite a young man. ; Mr.-. Turbylili h.-w spent, .i;''.v y. af ( tlrvir mar m u'i.y'r.e-viUc where they i-;;:' ir-n have bti n identi ...'ii'.ii while activities ;..! ; arc held in the high : ,. c .untii'-i.- f I'iemi .. Ttuy ! un.'l four daughters, .1' v, 'ire.-.-ut for tile ccie I'inv ;,). a toilow.-: Mrs. : .!' A -h-viHe: ( 'i;:ir!' . ' New Y.rru C.hy. win v n so :ai"d with .the Mu- A ni lib tiar He yc n au-M-.i'i- .. '.. le . CIA .ii- county, :i i at 'pre ale iegisi. Mrs. John ' '. Kc Mrs., .J. C. a.".d I'inkii! ,; a- i .'i:.".t;, Xe'i., from eiii a mum. tun- of his W. Ta:o, oi Martin, of Turner, of v l.ai'uve.U ! r., ha of . Waynesviilc. ijiy occasion the Tmby- ;. ii Vini '. w ,s .''throw li i'tv' suite and U i.;i: i! uKy den.rated. in qiuintities of "jt(is, wilenduias, snap diagons.. .ii:,l i in T.ivrnionizino; shades of 'O'aiVc aio': v cilow. Kccoivini; in the icceptio.i were Mrs. Woodson .lo-i, s ami Mrs. AV. l. Nrison, ,ot Ahcv;!'c. bath niece, of the in'ide. In :h,' :ii;'.v i'o.,rn, whert. th h.and : - .no aii;l loveiy sifts. siKniticai.; of .n. o:hom i -;:i''. were eivdi 'plav i'..'::. ''I.' V'.'y, (,;' and Miss lie-sic Uc0,l o-.id'i. .Mrs. Charles ' l!uii;ii' .Ik K'ae it- iKiok. , le l.iv'.nii' ! (Hun -nr. an.t .'.li s. w ith Hi ir ebililren, a i;i .oui is wife, Mr. ami Mrs. !. N : : of ( ,ast;.!iia. alio M r. and In tl Turb; .'T! a !!.!; Mrs. ,:u" -ae.-. ir. -U : s. .J Jet' iv. Were ; )w:;. 'Mises Miss(s I ur '.j'acl. low I'o-, L Mos: in:; t v ; Mi . I'll T.i' t ' ! .' c' : ' ( Mi i, 'racken, the h iter a iv ' lrid". l't ccr.' U. their ;v!i!l won1 a l e.'uir.- ci'epe wi ii .: cor- i-o. 'I ho quests were i'c: 1 I cei'i lie' i'llr by :s, a niece, quests to the' ilininj; i'irne t .1 . Ih ;:. t am! I l.'i'e .M iss I '..'coy .Miss tlussie Mi'.i tin i .-.erviiiLf !,y the fol- laiu; (.t..utrhter. 'Jl tile' !i,sts: la!- i and Kuth Hensun. the Mildred and Frances Tate, of A s h t ' i ! ! e, ; . n (1. .VI i s s ( .' a t h ( r i n e ,U a r t i n . . Tiio dinii r tahl; . vas eoverol in a ereani lace el th and centered by a , .arge three-tier wedding vake on .the top of w:ikh v.as placid a miui:.ture i'i i'.:e ami groom., while at either end i'f the table w;ere bowls Of yellow loses with iei iiery. flanked by hold i i coatainine; lighted tapers. The sure o;,a'''t and servir.fr tanks were simil:'.r!y lighteil and- ' arranged in l,.'ivis ' ,f rinses. The quests wele pre sented ;i'.tiaot:e favors ir. the torm 1 gobien vctiicin bells ry Kugenui ', and Louise .Nlai'tin and Na'icy Turner. . mall grand daugha.'fs of the hosts. Among the. out of town quests aside from those previously mentioned were Mrs. S. (.'. Satteitinvait, of At-;.;il-a. Mr. ami Mr . Troy M.ady, of Kiika; Mr. ami Mrs, i'.d Isenhour, of Charlotte; Mrs. V. Stevenson, of , . Kaieigh ; Mrs. ; Minnie . Towles, ,of C lyde ; AI r, and Mrs. Frank Camp, bed. of Canton; and the fo'dovving from Asheville: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Fcl L. Turbytill, Mr. and Mis. J. A. Krwin. Mr. and Mrs. V. 1!. Nelson, Mr. &nd Mrs., L C, Rousi r. . ' Mr., and Mrs. Manson Shook... M r. and Mrs. K. 1. Rhihehart- may craw ford is guest at . SUL THERX CLVU TEA Miss .May Crawford, prominent member of the Southern Club at Bos ton University's Sargent School was a guest at a tea given for the club by Grace Gull. Del Air, Maryland, at her Boston .residence, Saturday after--: noon.. February 4. Eight southern states were rtpresehted by the 14 girls who attended the meeting, w hich w..s in the nature of a revival of the club, since it virtually suspended ac tivities lasi year during a dull sea-on. ,. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Isenhour and daughter, Miriam, of Charlotte, were guests of Mr. and Mrsj R. Q. Mc ; Cracken Tuesday and Wednesday. They were here to attend the anniver sary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Turbyfill. .'. ''" Mr. (Jlaymer McCracken was here ( from Crabtree Monday. I tTERESTIC, MEET IS (1 OF L I C. HELD I On Friday afternoen. February Mm. 0. Ii. 'Martin and Mrs. Noble Carrett very delightlully erilerTameii the Haywood Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy at the home of Mrs. Garrett on Pigeon street. A good percentage of Member answered tlit, roll call. After the usual opening exercises and the business was transacted a splendid program w..s presented by the hi.-toria", .Mis. ( . R. Martin. Mrs. R. X. barber bad the paper of ;he afternoon. "iV-rUi Carolina First at 1! thel." Tie subject was handled rt i most instructive and i ntertaining manner. Mrs. W Swift ic'.ul an interest ing art iei..- on Sidney Lanier as poet, musician, ami Confederate soldier. It was given especially to commem orate ;ie birth of Linier !.1 years ago : li.it dat . Stuart. The Fighting Man," written by Thelmar Wyche Cox of I.cuisiana" wa, read by Miss Nancy Kibi n. February tl was tht. 100th ;.irtiui..y anniversary oi Stuart's liirth. At'icr. llie inovrani Mrs. Martin and Mr -, il.iiiett .'.. v ed l'ef i i-diments. Tio- n'.i'o' lag -ioljinu ncd to rn. ct with Mrs. i 1. C.cc. ii .' ih- .ir t Friday in Maiei,. M iss X oicy Kiilian, I'u'cib i' ;.' ( baii'iiiaii. : i . .l..V.V 1 1 E rarty f ,.'. ;; it.';Rj:stis;- evext '"'.lu.'h ii.tvn': " cciiU'is in tile oene :i' Mid , Ilia! v ill i'c riven by t ii. Alio ricasi Legion Auxiliary on 1 i.iy'eveiiii-g. I'o ouary I I. This i : ii :,inual a n ai.' a ad i t iie large f 'ii lii of the year. Ih. fcllowii :; c.'ininvicii have I't'eli aciioiH'ceil by t.:.c jo-.-ident, .Mrs. K. ', i a.; ii-, n v.; I ioir. Mrs. W. 'T ..... .1 : . ; ii ;': iiinciii: . Mrs. liny .-...rib' (! ;' inr.i'S, Mrs. .). Harden lev.. I;, a: .ao. eioenl-. Mr,. M. C ii,. ;ii; .i!"i i d etisine:, Mrs. Iv. 15. ' ''HI!:'. l'b.' ! voinfiK wilt b.e featured prim o .t;,.' crimes i." several tan dance ,oi..;'n ': . .by .lifrle Mi. llilda Way. V' -.s (,ARRi:rr uoxoitvu : at (;i;EEXsr.oR( ) coeeece .diss I'.lizaeet.h Can ai . daughter of !i. and Mrs, Ni.ale (iarrett. who is a oicllibc: of tlie sophnlliore cla-s lit clr. ei -.;c,ni ( (dlege- was rect ntly hon. iei by lief ea.;sina;es when shy was. eb .led: president of lludsnn Hall. .Miss (iarre'tt. ii! o has the;, distinction being a nieiaber of the Ntcrfeiit : t'omieil i;i in ;b,. .-ophoniore A. '. i'lite. ii' Mai blelieud. .i';u'., Mis. "I". iioulcli -.ii, of Asii ,;ind. Ly., Mr. ,1. F. Sliiebis. of New pi it. Tenn., and Mr. George F. Aiui dei'soii. of I'luLalelphia, t'eiin., olli e'ials i .!' :iie I'ingilUol, 'alton Coil'.- paiiy, were bcre on l ueiae.: -, a ; week-end and were gue.-ie .'it flu. I lott 1 l.i F .ya . lion. .1..; i ;.' 'i n! b;; of Ha'..;Vings., .iii.-k.t' arrive I .Monday : .io attend gold, I '.lei line el' j'j m? . .Mi'. and Mi.-,. : 1'. 1..; bit b. lili. lie will' 've ! in a :.o Liiic;..in Nebraska this Week i " t vi'itrt ".be legislature of ' t hat -lis .'lar.i'uei .te . alas.- ie. who has 'ii miking iui- iioiiK' in Sylva for ' , pa 1 few mon.dis, is i-peniling this .. ek lu re w ith her parents. Mr. and -o V: . '1'. .N.. .Mii.s;.ie. .Miss Massio has as her guiot Aliss lie-sie McLean, o: Atianta, Georgia. -Mr. CharHie Turbylili,. who has a position with the American Indian Museum, in New York; City, arrived Friday for ii week's visit to his par ents, M r. and .Mr.-. 1'. L. Turbylili. -ir. and . Mrs. CL Lyle jones and Mr. and M i s. ; George II. Ward of A -hceilL'. w ere VYaynesville visitors Su:!,iay. Mr. W id is also attemling e.eui'.; here this week. Mr. C. 1 1. Cotiklin, Jr. and Mr. W. i . i.iackburu,. of I'iiiiadelphia, retin- syiv.oiiiv otiicials (if Rbyle !i Pilk- Kigain, sp:nt l..:t week-end here on business. '.".' '.. Mrs. L. L. Raymond, of New York City, . who is. -a frequent visitor to Wayntsville. . arrived last .Friday . and will spend several weeks at the Hotel '.(Faii.e. ' '. ' Mrs. W. W, ; Norman of Griffin, Georgia is spendinig this week here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. X. Dar. btr. .nd Mr. and Mrs. T. G.Boyd. Among the visitors here-from Can ton last week were: Messrs, C. 13. Medford. Wallace W. Wells, and C. D. Moi-tt.. ,.; . : ' '. t, r, Se ','' Air. C. J. Ray- who has spent sev eral. weeks, as tiie guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt, left Sunday for his : ".: i:i Winsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Russ spent la", week-end in Ilendersonville as .guests f the lattei's parents. .Mr. and Mrs.,; Foster Bennett-. ' .Mr, Churloi Badge tt returned to Kno.vi!!e, "Tennessee.; Tuesday after spending the; '"'.week-end here with Mrs. Badgctt and their young sons- Among the visitors here from Clyde Friday were Mf. C. B. Jones, Mrs. Glenn Brown, and Mr. D. I. L. Smath- Among the out-of-town guests who attended the iiftieth wedding anni versary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. '. L. rurbyfil! were: Mr. and Mrs. J. YY. Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Turbvlill. Mr- and J. A. Krwin, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Rouser. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell, of A.-htville; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, of A-heville; and Mr. and Mrs. Troy Moody, of Knka. Among the visitors here from Clyde Monday and Tuesday were the fol lowing: Messrs. Thomas Rogers. M. A. Leitherwoed, C. C. Hill. J. M. Haynes, George C. Haynes, J. W. Shook, Ceph Clark, and Tom Craw fardi -, t Mrs G. N. Henson of AshcTille and her guest, Mrs. Wiley Ii. Stevenson, of Raleigh, were guests at the anniver larv celebration of the fonntrr's par ents.' Mr. and Mrs. P. L. uvhylill. Mi.-. R. II. Mitchell left last Fri day foi' R'.leigb whole she i.s spend ing .soVtral day;- as the gtie-st Of her daughter, Airs. Tom Tabaforni and Mi. Taiiafe! id. Mi. and Air-'. John AY. T:ite of A. nevill,. wt re gate-ts of tho latter's ,1'. , .dr. and M i' .-. I'. I.. T'tirbylill. 1 Ii r.O;;v evellllg. .Li.t: M ! e e; the visit '.rs in te-wn Aioaiiay Vies. i R. Winli.'lil I;. I.. Sen- Chv'U'r Co;'b;n e. ami .!. N. Ale o ai II. 'ii. .1. K. bb'lbi bi i,i' Y .ii ha - int...; Ab'iidav. how w : I W. A. Moo .iMiono i In- vi itoi Tue May. ;,t I'l'.cll W..: ill Va.Yll':'.-Ylbe Ali'. AV. 1... I!ru!. linv.' ami Air. I'm :.;;,' ..id ii eke 'i f (bid t re.', wcv.. ' ;,,; ;ville visitors. Aionday. , s A.i;so K. 11. bbieiiweii and Ayj. toilet llyat'. (-.iff AsiieviUe vi-iioi'S .biUirdav. ; ;'.. . li s. I). D. Ferry ,'i'f Sylva. .was; the ',,a; i of tier father, .Mi! C. Aliller. . ; i M ouday. Ai, ssrs. Julur Y.Sii,.ok aie.1. i'idwiii. Fii"dn r of Clyde were iimoiig the visitoie hei;e las: week : S, ;i: ;:. All'. T. B. AlcCracken oi" Fines i 'l oil-: wa' ammig llie visitors jn town " 1' i bi.iy. ,...' Alesiis: R. R. .Mease and Albert i .iiti: were lure from Canto'i Alon Vlay. . COXTRACT CLVn HAS EX JOY AREE MEET The Contract Supper Club and a few additional guests werc. delight fully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Bell at the regular meeting of the club on last Monday evening. The Valentine motif was carried out in thf. party appointment-. High score prizes to Mrs. Ben Colkitt and .Mr. Carol Bell. Those pre sent inc luding members and guests were: Air. arid Airs C. 'C. White, Air. end Hi's. Wihord Rly. Mi. and Airs. Carol Bel:, Mr. and Ah. Horace Keener. Air. and Miv. Roy ('umpiiell. anil Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colkitt. IP 4 METHODIST ( IR( EES REOROAX- he it The circles of the .Methodist church .have been reorganized and new officers selected as follows: Circle N'o. 1. Mrs. G. C Davis, ehaiiman; Airs. Rufus Siler. vice chaiimah. Circle No. .Mrs. C. E. Ray, chair m.."i; .Mrs. Gladys Burgin, vice chairman. Circle No. :5. Air James Alassie, i'hai rir.an ; Airs. .Homer Plott, vjice chairman. Ciicle No. 1. Airs. C. ('. White, chairman! Airs. Wilford Ray. vice ebai rniiin. i AI X1UARY To MEET Ti . "iegu:ar mi'iithly meeting of ;i; Aiiie.ic.ui Legion A'UNiliary wiM .( f'ebl net Aloiiday evening, l-'e'eru-.11., le. a' 7:",il o'ebick.ai file AFc-onie i i'liiiA . Ii; 'e-ses f, ; ,,. an eing will be: Aiis. Iar.t lluii'iii. .Mrs. George i ..'.! and Mis . Iblna McGee. .Y fuil a.t ndaiK',. retineteii, I. ''.! FY'S Cl.ri: TO MEET The .l''ebi 'ii:: ry nueting cf the Wo iiian's Club will be held next Thurs day al ls, iioei!, bebi'Liary Fi; ot ') :c. .',: Willi lii,. -John Cjueen. Airs, t . :. :s;; al ii Airs. . L. AlcCracken ;, .' o associate,.- nostesses. .',-. apei- I', r. ;be afternoon will ;;iv. a oy Alls. II. . BaUcom on ... a .it-el. "Stories of LiH'e.l Color." the 1!-: .oete i 11 1 can I Its , . i . A. MEET IXC, I'OSTROXED l b ! " ii nary meeting of the Fast . '.v:"....o, I'arent-'l eaehers' Asso c tieii. wliich was, scheduled for last iv ; .;.. tvuiing, will be held next 'rue Via v. evening, February . 14. . t ubs meeting was . postponed in eiib,. to give ih, .members an oppor ; in oy. to. attend the revival services ii ills rresiiyterian church. lI'i.'..f.Y'S VISSIOXA RY SOCIETY TO MEET The W'emaii's .Missionary Society of the Alethoilist church wi'l menf. Miss Helen Green of Fiiu s Creek th ex t Tuesda.v afternoon. Februaiv -jieiu Saturday -In. oping in AVaynes- j i l. at '):' 0 o'clock at the church, i ilie., ' '".".'.. "A' .; ' - Judge .and Airs, John W. Xorwood Mi'. U. L. Ales.ser of 'C'rabtri.e was I l' V asliiniiton, i . ('. wore week-end a vi-i:io- in Waynesviilc .Monday.' .....''.' iiioge !. 1;., ( b'ineiits, of Yalker ' ; i - a i;iie i a!- 4 he Hole! I .e Fiiine. Ai,'. ila'pii I'leio-l made i, busines:; i :o I r Atlanta-. Georgia hist Week. sir. ( hai . Caldwell of Clyde was a. visit.ii' in Vaynesville last Tuesday. Air. T. W. Ferguson of Crabtree spent l ist Tuesday here on busness. " Aliss Billie Haynes of Clyde pent Y ( 1 1 n e s d a y s h o p p i n g in WaynOsvill e . ... .. Air.' W. H, Henderson of Canton was here on business last week. Mi . Addie Wells of Canton was a Waynesviilc visitor .Thursday,". Mr. Givvcr Clark . of White- Oak Thursday In town. 4 . Air J. H. Gossett was a visitor here from: Aledfonl Farm Thursdiiy. . ;vu; st of lr, and Alio John Smatli- bis.. Judge and Airs. Norwood were in route to their home from Lumber ten, where they went to -attend the funeral of the former's mother. Mrs. YY. L, Norwood. '. Airs. Wayne Battle, of Sylva, who is teaching in the Bethel School, spent 'the week-end with her parents. Air. and G. C. Plott. Mr. Battle was also a, guest of Mr. .md Mrs. Plott on Sunday. Airs. Cnil'rcy Turner and children of E liner- New Jersey arrived Friday tii attend the Fiftieth Wedding anni versary celebration of Mrs. Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs.' P. L. Turbyfill, on Tuesday. .'''.. Air. and .Mrs. G. N. Henson. Jr: have returned to their hnmp in Gas- tonia after attendng, the fiftieth an niversary celebration of their wind liarcnts. Alii, and Mrs. P. L. Turhyril). COMMUXITY CLUE HOLDS MEETIXG The Community Club held its regu lar monthly meeting in the club rooms on Alain street on Monday afternoon. The president Mrs. Ben Colkitt pre sided. After the usual opening a busi ness session was held. Reports of the officers and chairmen were given. Among these of special interest was the report of Miss Caroline Allsteater, ehaiiman of the garden department. She -poke of the spring work being i. Inline d and called attention to the prog; am which was to be shortly given under the auspices of this de partment. Airs. B. IJ. Bunn, ehaiiman of Edu cation told of the meeting of the rep resentatives from the civic organiza tions of the town at which time the .voik of the''education committee was outlined and of the piogress of the project being sponsored by her de paitment. Mrs. James L. Stringfield, i ha i i man of legislation spoke of the activities of her work, giving a re port of the communications sent to the representative in the Legislature. Following the various reports the meeting- was turned over to Mrs. Sti ingtield, who introduced the speak er of the afternoon, Mrs. F. L. McKee who gave a splendid address . .Mrs AleKee devoted the first part of her speech to some of the high lights in her. experiences as a member of the State Senate, stating that she felt the pioneei, in the work, that she was le ing the fiist woman to serve in this .aparity. She outlined some of the ,'imijo,' bilk, that were passed during !1 Legislature and gave eon-ilu.-'-trat ions of what they had in the life of the state. She of the Bond tloating hill and feet, of the Road Law and the i'l.iisclidation of the maintenance sys tem She spoke at length of the-Mc-j I. vaii School Bill ana stated that it i ,w:s the forerunner (fa new school j iaw that she hoped w mid embody an' eight months term l school. I The latter part of her address she eon.'ncd her remarks to .the .require ment of a public official. She urged ihe women to enter politic., stating that the time was ripe for women to fun 'for office. As some of the re ouirements she set forth the follow ing, an ability to get on with people, a untiring preparation, by study and reading, of the affairs of public life, a knowledge of parlimentary law, and an intimate knowledge of taxation in all its farms. Following lAIrs, Ak'Kee's splendid talk a social hour was enjoyed during which time the hostesses of the after noon, -Mis. James M. Long, Mrs, M. C. Green, Airs. J. L. Stringfield, and Alls. Roy . ('ampbell . served tea and sandwiches, ,. Fi F.I.H FIT. CHAIRMAN Lee Davis deceives Degree For Lawyer Lee I 'avis, It! other of Grover Havis. unmet' Holi'eitor IVr this district, who j-as.-.ed the state bar examination in Raleigh last - week, took the oath f office here, .Monday before Judge J, II. Clement, pi esiding judge. - . Air. Ha vis received his law degri e from l)u;ko University in UUl. While a student at Duke lie was an out--taniHiig football player and was cap-' tain of the team hi senior year. He was prominent in other activities and l popular member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He has a host of fiiends here who congratulate him on his latest achievement. Air. Davis will practice in Waynes ville with his brother, Mr. Grover C. Davis. Ohio is visiting her mother. Airs. Car rie Withers. YISITS BROTHER Mr, Rufus Browning of Ifopeweli Virginia is visiting his brother. Mr Hugh Browning. BOOSTER CLUE MEETS The Hazelwood Booster Club wil hold it-; regular monthly meeting a the Waynesviilc Township Higl School Thursday night. This is to b the annual "Ladies Night" and dinne is t(. be served by the Hazelwood V T. A. The Valentine motif will b carried out. Each Booster brings hi wife or "girl" and a large crowd i expected. A very interesting pro gram has been planned under Mr, J Pr.ul Beam as chairman of the pro gram committee. HAZELWOOD P. T. A. MEETS The Hazelwood P. T. A. will hob its regular monthly meeeting Tues day night. February 14th at 7:30 The meeting will be a Founder's Da program and also a social meeting All the patrons are urged to be pres cut. OA' SICK LIST Air. L. (,'. Waddell is recovering from a several day's illness. Air. Roy Robin -oil is recoverinf from a severe attack of flu. Airs. Bill Filer is recuperatin fioni :;n operation at the Haywoo County Hospital. HAZELWOOD HOXOR ROLL Fir.-.t Grade- - Aliss Thompson. Freest Snyder. Second fi i ade - -Aliss Munin. Jane.te Burgin, Hazel Davi-, A fa lene Filer. A rbuius " McClure, Doroth; Milner. -Mildred Rogers, Doris Ruff. Second tirade Aliss Leatherwood. Car! Griffin, .Mildred Gaddy, Car McCracken- Welch Farley, Third Grade Aliss Leatherwood. Ilia Arrington. Third Grade Aliss. Tucker. Alary Lee Alley, Betty Alley, Belt; Arlington, Aleta Dicus. Edith Queen Dorothy Richeson, Maybel Wilson Frank Arrington. Richiinl. Bradley Lester Burgin. John Summerow. Fouith Grade Aliss Crawford. Jack Daggenhart Lillian Messer i.indcy Turpin, : Opal AlcCracken Jiaimie Milner, Clifford Hamilton. Fourth Grade -Aliss Burgin. Sarah McClure. Fifth Grade Mis .Pauline Ray, Fifth Grade Airs Bill' Hyatt. Jim . Jack Richc'son, Billy Stringfield. . Knight. Lowry Rob: .Milner. Sixth Grade Mis.;- Garner. Helen Rogers. Howard Collins. Seevnth Grade Air. Beam. Alary Potent, Ma'oei Wyatt. Mil. dred Bremlle. Customer: "Why do you wear rubber gloves when applying that hair restorer to my head?" , .Barber: "That's to keep hair from growing on my hands." .A MAW V, .4.'Y. Ei c- , ) hlth Can say " V VOOD BVC -r Air. Bill: Henson. who is a stiid.-nt -t , i,., 1,.; .i- - , M,. , ir,,,,i, u., . , , - t. n "i uuutriMij. m .Norm Carolina, .... -.- oi vijuv i nas returned tn Chnnr. h i. .f,., here oil business' Thursday. t,ii,. o, ..i.i. . -.. on- guuieii we.oairig OI niS fri ana parents. Air. and, Mrs. P. L. Airs. Jinynie Boyd of Jonathan .-pent Friday shopping in Waynesviilc'. Air. TV. ft Ferguson of Crabtree was a ysitor in the citv Friday. - s s . Air. P. F4 Campbell wa here from Canton last week. . : '' Air. R. T, Boyd vas among the Joaa.than visitors in town Saturday. .', -.. Air. G. W.Burnett spent Saturday in VYaynesville on business. . . ; F. L .Safford was here from Fines Creek Saturday. .'. Mr. W. .P. Best of Crabtree was a visitor in Waynesville Saturday. Air. W. J. Noland of Fines Creek wa ", AV'aynesville visitor Monday. . ' . :" -' Airs- G'. P, Woodman has returned to her home, in Asheville, after spend ing the week-end at the Hotel IeFaine. Airs. E. I.. McKee of Sylva was a puest at the Community Club meeting last Alonday afternoon. ' - ..- . Mrs. June Kincaid of Dillsboro was a week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs- G. C. Plott Turbytill Air.- Henry G. Smithies, who at tended the funeral, of. his brother-in-law, Air. James L. Palmer, has re turned to his homo: irt Arlington, New Jersey. H 4 1 Air. Fred Smithies left Thursday tor his home in Fall River. Massa ehusett after a .week's visit to his lister, Airs- James L. Palmer. . . :'. Mr, R. N. Barber returned Sunday from a several week's business trip through the Southern States. , . - . ' , . Airs. Joe Tat0 and Mrs, Woodson Jones were Asheville visitor Friday. Airs. R. X. Barber, Mrs. W. W. Norman, Mrs. T. G. Bovd M cthy Lane, and Aliss Mary Barber motored to Asheville Wednesday to attend the meeting of the Morning ciusicaie, at v.nicn time Mrs. Richard 'Barber. Jr. gave a violin program. ....-::. v Aliss Bertha May Corbett; who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J, P, Dicus for several weeks, left Satur day for her home in Whitgville. A burglar in Indianapolis, Ind., stole Ray Taylor's radio, thereby solving i lojiui o jiiuuicm ui wneener 10 Keep day from a week's business trip tc j when the radio was being used in the Hazelwood Kev ; JUST ARRIVED Born to Air. and Airs. James Kuy-j kendall Wednesday, February 1st. a sin. James. Jr. .. RETURXS HOME .Airs. Edd Argcnbright returned to her home in Washington, D. C- Sat in day after spending six weeks with her parents, Air. .and. Airs. E S. Clarke. . -.".; ASHEVILLE VISITORS Misses Ruth and Hazel Brooks of A. heville spent the week-end with their aunt. Airs. T, L. Mcllone. OHIO VISITOR Miss Annie Withers of Cincinnati, i IN GoOEy TROUBLE ' J Pr v Old.-Man. Trouble is scar ed to death when he finds a pantry well fil 3d with proper foods. I ry your groceries here . nd en courage a happy, healthy appetite to make aces at trouble. Good 1 -lorning., pure foods! Got J night, trouble! J-C.KOiiE Home Grocery Choice Groceries Phone 88 Main St. TTinminiiiiri----iri i 4L0VE PIRATES OF HAWAIF' Given by High School Music Department at High School Auditorium Friday Evening, February 10th ;:;:,:V;;:-;; Admission 15c and 25c ' , -i i