Page 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Oihr iflmtntamrr r Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Phone 137 Main Street Waynesville, N. C. W. C. IlUSS Managing Editor P. D. DRATOX - General Manager Owners Published Every Thursday SI B3CRIPTION RATES I Ymi- - $2.00 (J Month- - 1-25 3 Months 65 Subscriptions payable in advance Entered at the post office at Waynesville, N'. C, as Second Class Mail Matter, as provided un der the Act of March 3,1379, November 20, 1SU1. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 193. EVERGREENS AT THE COURTHOUSE Quite a bit of interest is being manifested here on the planting of shrubbery and the land scaping of the courthouse grounds. Practically all of this interest is being shown by the wom en's clubs of the city and of the county. About the only interest any men have shown has been by the commissioners and one or two others directly connected with the matter. The Mountaineer is of the opinion that no county the size of Haywood has a courthouse as beautiful as ours, and certainly not a finer view and surroundings than Haywood's and anything that can be added to this natural beauty, should at least be in keeping with the building and its environment, and not done "ship-shod." The women's clubs maintain that a land scape architect should be brought here to lay out the grounds and place the shrubbery; while the commissioners feel that the county treasury' would not warrant such a thing, when the shrubs .that are donated can be set out by local gardners. Each of these have their points, and can readily be seen through by the opposing party. We believe. The women go farther. They say they Can get the services of an expert gardner here free of charge, if the commissioners will let him take charge of things. The women will even go so far as to give suppers and public entertainments to raise money to help pay for some of the evergreens, they say. We enjoy looking at flowers, evergreens and trees as much as anyone, and we believe there should be some of all these on the court house lawn, but just where we don't know. Per haps the women and the commissioners can get together on the expert gardner matter and get him here to decide and satisfy all. This paper will back any movement to get this done, but in any event, whether done by an expert or not. why should the beauty of the courthouse be hid behind shrubbery ? It would be better to plant shrubbery in front of some of these fallen down houses on Main street, and hide them rather than hide the beauty of the courthouse. Although we feel that some evergreens would help at the courthouse. Last week at the Rotary Club, Judge Clem ent making a short address that hit the nail squarely- on the head, in referring to the cause of .so' much crime today. Judge Clement sumed it up in six words, "Lack of training in the home." The speaker cited incident after incident where this was true. The average youth today does not have any responsibility and runs and does what he pleases when he pleases, and in many cases he finds himself in the court. A parent does a child a great injustice to let them have an automobile, is the opinion of Judge Clement. GETTING THINGS DONE Judge J. H. Clement holding court here for the first time last week certainly pushed things along, not at a "break neck speed," but he kept moving along. Judge Clement remarked during a conver sation, that when he had anything to do he liked to get it finished and done with. What better motto could the world adopt todav than that? The general tendancy, we find, it that we like to put olf things and follow the line of least resistance, but we usually find when we get to the end of that line we are swamped under in work to do and little accomplished. We have never believed much in the groundhog as a weather prophet, but we admit he certainly is a good guesscr. A smile pays bigger dividends on the in vestment than anything we know of. DON'T EXPECT CHARITY WHEN YOU DON'T TRY TO WORK As spring approaches, and the call comes to everyone to go out into the wide open places and work in the gardens and fields, we wonder if the destitute families of the state can see where they can help themselves and not depend entirely upon charity for another winter. This winter hundreds have been kept from sutfering by the relief workers of this and other counties, but now it seems it is the time of year when the destitute begin to make plans to care for themselves from now on, with the aid of the relief worker in providing seeds and so on in a few instances. Most everybody was given help during the past winter without a very rigid investigation, , but from now on, we understand that those not willing to help themselves will be given little or no help in the future. Plans as made at the governor's office along this line has just been received here and reads as follows: "A comprehensive state-wide farming pro gram designed to produce a sufficient amount of food and feetstuffs to supply the needs of North Carolina's destitute families has been formulated through the joint efforts of the Governor's Office of Relief and the agricultural extension division of North Carolina State Col lege. "Four definite objectives are proposed: "1. To aid every relief family living on a farm, whether owner or tenant, to produce food, including gardens and farm crops, and feed crops of sufficient variety and quantity for home consumption and to conserve fruits and vegetables for winter use. "2. To transfer from the cities and towns to farms as many as possible of those families now living in town but who have had farm ex perience. "."":. To promote subsistence gardens in towns and cities. "1 To establish, under competent super vision in the vicinity of towns and cities, com munity farms -on which relief workers -living in the towns would produce food. "The central administration of the pro gram will be in charge of the-Ciovernor'h Office of Relief and the agricultural Extension Divis ion of State College. The details of putting the plan into practice in each county will be the responsibility of the person who is now serving as relief director, aided by a local advisor coun cil composed of the present relief committee, the board of agriculture and representatives of the public. The county farm agents, home demonstration agents, and teachers of agricul ture and home economics, in counties where such exist, will actively assist the county relief director in carrying out the program. "Already steps have been taken to put the program into action. Letters of instruction to agricultural extension workers and county re lief directors have already ben written by Dean I. O. Schaub of State College and Dr, Fred W. Morrison, State Director of Relief. "The leaders in the movement feel that if properly put into effect it will virtually eli minate the needs for public expenditures for food and feed during the coming summer and next winter. As an added incentive to promote the movement it is planned to deny financial assistance to destitute families in the future unless they agree to produce their own food." RATTLESNAKES DO NOT JUMP Contrary to popular fancy, rattlesnakes cannot jump, writes Dan. Heard in the Febru ary issue of "Hoys' Life," the monthly journal of the Boy Scouts of America. A rattlesnake can .strike only the distance that his head is reared off the ground. And Mr. Beard asserts that a rattler's age can not be determined by its rattles, saying: "The rattles are subject to accident and a very old snake may have only one and a very much younger snake may pos sess seven or eight." Mr. Beard also reports that although "he has handled and seen all native snakes under all sorts of conditions, he has never known of a snake to swallow its young when in danger." MOST MURDERERS ESCAPE IN NEW YORK .- CITY '-'- ' "New York City makes it officially known that there were 439 murders in that vast com munity during the year 1931 and thirty con victions," points out Don C. .Seitz, famous newspaperman, in the February issue of the "Moose Magazine," monthly journal of the Loyal Order of Moose. "Thus justice was met ed out in a little more than one in fifteen cases, which indicates that the chances for getting off clear arc pretty good. On its face," writes Mr. Seitz, "this is a horrible record." Some farmers enjoyed the recent Wintry blast, as it gave them an opportunity to attend court without being classed as not wanting to attend to their business. WMLILI MDGIEIRg; BEVERLY HILLS. I made a fast 'trip in an aeroplane the other day. 'That is 205 miles an hour in a com mercial plane, regular passenger run. Hut it made me think of trips I had made in the same type ol plane. A fast one with the legs pulled up, that I used to makt. trips in. That was the famous plane owned by Hal Roach the movie producer that makes you laugh in the theatre after some of our long pictures have either made you cry or cuss. But making this last trip my thoughts naturally went to Captain Jimmy Dickinson, and its of hi.ii that I want to talk about. One of the finest pilots, one of the finest men that it has ever been my fortune to meet and know. Here he was flying all around back and forth across the U .S. in a single day carrying Mr. Roach or his business associates on the quickest business trips ever made in the world. He was in that same plane of Mr. Roaches, piloting Mr. Edmund Loew, son of Marcus Loew of the Great Loew circuit of movie theatres. He and a friend were making a tour of the world to see their various theatres. They had shipped the plane to Aus tralia, then flew all over Australia, then flew it all the way from there to I China, then from China across India, 1 essopoiamiu, rersia, to cario, men the whole length of Africa, and were on their way back and into Europe, then home, so you see they were on the very home stretch. Bad field, and the engine stalled on the take oft'. Up only a little ways, no chance, crash, other two safe. He went. Why, none of us know. Judged by every moral' and manly standard that anyone who knew him could judge, fate dident give him a square deal. But maby fate dont run those thing-. Maby somebody- sees -onifbody they need and (hey just teach out and .'-rt em. Well if our Supieme Being needed a real man. He used splendid judgment- in. His seicc-ti'-n. lie will be :i worthy addition to that company, m mailer huw .-select it iiv.iy be. They will be .proud of. Jimmy. 'Mrs. Rnaeh and her friends who are not a viation cnthu.: ia.- l.i at all, but would ;.o to Siberia with Captain Dick-! in-rift. "' He is the only pilot that I know of that ever Pooled a nation.' Loach and Loew flew to Santiago Chili !th him iii four or five days, some oi.ii i. dou- time, to fly -the Andes the next morning to Buenos Aires. They le it earlier than they had expected. Well its a military field, and they dident properly check out, or some technicality, (maby it was the start ing of technocracy) but anyhow they just took off. The andes . to Jimmy was just a -high hedge fence, and he took it in stride. He made Buenos Aiies for breakfast. But Chili com menced getting hot, all kinds of stor ies, two movie magnates had taken a lot of gold out of the Country, and all kinds of yarns. Well they then went on up the coast to Brazill to Rio Janeiro. Now I made that trip around and on up the east coast of South America from Rio Janerio, clear up to Cuba and Miami, but it must be done in a sea plane or amphibian. Theirs being a land plane solely, they had to come back by the west coast like they had gone down, so Chili (figured they had em, because they had to come back through there, but they figured without Captain Dik inson. He looked on the map and saw that right straight west of them was Peru, but about three thousand miles awav. Well he finds one landing field away out there just north of Para guay, at a place called Carambauy, which had only been approached from the south and not from where he was. So Roach said, "Let her go Jimmy!" And he did. Roach savs it was the greatest flight he t.ver saw, and those American pilots on the regular runs down there say it was a masterpiece of navigating, and judgment. So he hit the Pacific Ocean north of Chili. If vou dropped down in thosc jun gles there was no hitch nicking to town. Thev after wards got it straigh tened up with Chili. It was all a miss understanding. But that trip of Jim mys was no misunderstanding, that was a real fact. Just before he start ed on his last trip he come up to my house to talk about a long hop of about nine thousand miles that I had just made a few months before, from Singapore India to Cario Egypt. There is just one line across there like a western trail for the early 4'J'ers. Owing to various .'difficulties there was no way of getting the body home for burial, so one of America's finest men, member of that new and adven turous calling, lies buried with the great Victoria Falls as his headstone. The next long trip I make is going to be that trip from Europe to Capetown, the whole length of Africa an,d I am going to those Falls, but not to see the Falls. 1!)33, McXaught Syndicate, Inc. The Waynesville Mountaineer, . Waynesville, N. C. Gentlemen: i.N RK LEGISLATIVE ACT PER MITTING THE CUTTING OF CHESTNUT AND OF ACID WOOD ON YOUR WATERSHED. Does the people approve of human beings walking and working, cutting and otherwise contaminating their watershed ; It seems a dangerous way to raise such a .-mall anion: that will bo se cured, by the sale of this chestnut and ucid wood, your water may be contaminated and destroy many lives from this invasion, it is unthinka b!e that the iisk should be taken for such a small pittance, especially as a considerable income is derived in Waynesville from tourists stopping there and if they learn of this they ...;n ;.. w.,..,...:ii : 1 1 win give iiujucaniie a wine uertn. If I were not so much in love with Waynesville and did not desire it: welfare so greatly I would not men tion this to you, because I would not care, but if you have a few cases of typhoid fever your .tourist business will be destroyed for a long time. Assuring you of my great interest in Waynesville and hoping that you will your influence to get the people .:o. consider what they are doing, and with all good wishes to you, I am, Yours very truly, A FRIEND OF WAYNESVILLE 24 Years Ago in HAYWOOD THE . COURTHOUSE GROUNDS (Written by request.) Mr. Editor: 1 notice that work is going for. waul rapidly on the courthouse grounds. Those who are promoting this work are to be commended great ly for their interest and public spirit, but I am . wondering if there is any definite plan for the planting of trees and shrubs, I mean by that :.ny phn of an experienced landscape architect. In the first place I fell the keenest disappointment when I attended the tret- planting sponsored by the va rious wo men's .organizations of Hay wood county and iw that straight low of trees set out ii'ound the drive way. There is no . )ot in all the world where nature rets anything out . in straight row: v The proper placing" and tho proper, grouping the Ltijte trees in their proper .place, the evergreens in theirs and smaller : hi ubbcry aecordiagly make all the difference in the pleasing effect on th-.' eye and mind of the beholder We are all experienced amateurs when it comes to landscaping, and personally I would no more trust an amateur opinion about it than I would a plumber in an operation for appendicitis. By all means an ex perienced hand should have designed a plan and it is not too late now. I understand that some public-spirited men near here, who are trained in this particular line, have offered their services free. Certainly we as citizens of Hay wood county want it done right. We do not want to look at it the rest of our lives with a feeling: of displeas ure. We do not want future gener ations to pity our mistakes- We do not want outsiders to drive along our streets and highways through the centuries to come and criticise our poor taste. Let's do it right. MRS. W. T. CRAWFORD Feb. 14, 1933. (Taken from tile of Feb. 12. lftOy Mr. J. G. Jones is awarded vt-r.i; or $5,5U0 for the loss of a leg v superior court here. "1: generally conceded that the v.. . diet was just and right.'"' New law firm is formed here. II, i W. T. Crawford formed partner-!.:; with Messrs. Felix Alley and T. ('. Picklesimer. Waynesville was visited by a : i. rible electrical storm la.-t Frida-. night. The rain fell in torrents ac companied by a display of lightnin and thunder. Advertisement of the firm of Le. and Mock reads. "Returning Prosper ity. We find by comparison with our sales for the last year (that we are running $1000 to $1200 a month ahea.i of last year." An advertisement for Mitchell, Mc Cracken & Co., is advertising men clothing at cost, with the heading, "A Dollar Saved Is A Dollar Made." A legal notice for the town of Way nesville relative to a change in water works act is signed by Mayor J. R. Morgan and J. H. Howell, Clerk. The Embroidery Club met at the Kenmore Hotel last Friday. Among those on the honor roll for last month were: William Hannah, Frank Davis, Hearst Burgin, Bonner Ray, Bessie Boyd, Lois Harrold, Joe Tate, Linwood Grahl, George Ward and Joe Turbyfill. Ha. 22 YEARS AGO IN HAYWOOD (Taken from file of Feb. 17. 1911 A long list of court cases and ver dicts are given in this issue. Governor Kitchen is expected t ar rive and deliver address. Headline, "Trans-continental road Coming. Men at Work Tennessee Line and Forces to Be I'u'. On A: Other Points." A big salvage sale' is now on at Leo & Mock's Store. Dr. Thos- Stringfield left the first cf this week for the Eastern part of the state whera he will begin the in spection of the military companies. Editorial: "Advertising as a force," It is so unique, interesting, scholarly. and timely that we feel every reader of the Courier will not only be highly entertained by its perusal, but great ly informed and benefitted. Oh, how we do need advertising, or publicity for Waynesville and Haywood County. Wonderful possibilities lies in the future for this section, and advertis ing in the wand will change them to realities." CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our husband and father. Mrs. W. M. Francis and Children- "Dp you remember when we met in the revolving door?" "Goodness, yes! That was when we started going around together wasn't it?" JUST A TIP- You need no longer throw those old shoes a wry. Just bring them to us and we'll return them to you al nost as good as new. "The Trade Is Not Closed Until You Are Satisf.ed" THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP E. T. Duckett, Prop. MAIN ST. NEXT WESTERN UNION Brother Of Mrs. Zeb Alley Dies A- message was received here of the death of Mr. James Davis, native and long resident of Clay County. Mr. Davis died on Sunday, February 12. due to pneumonia, and was buried Monday af teroooTi near Hayesville, X. C, Mr. Davis is a brother of Mrs. Zeb Allev of .Waynesville, N. C. . Bewitching Beauty Sinks Into a Pauper's Grave. Petted Darling of Gay European Resorts Tastes Life's Bitter Dreks. See Her Picture and Kead Her Stary in The American Weekly, the Magazine IMstributed Wilh Next Sunday's Baltimore Ameri can. For sale by all newsdealers and GREATEST -tuUsr health! s?puua- Ci- Answer:- ( HIS . ,AI1 The Money in the world can't balance the scales if health is "being weighed out. It means more to you than all of the other blessings designed for your enjoyment. Our greatest asset is the proven purity of the goods we sell and our reputation for polite salesmanship. Alexander's Drug Store PHONES 5354 1 c x r .Cm A' ... newsboys. 6