IrpimsnAY. JANUARY 26, 1933 titVill Meetj M Make Flans ror immunity n o u s e THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page .Cantinued from Page 1) World Fair Points to Path of Tomorrow ilsMonc IV. aiit'ii up1- ..... '-.rousrht out- , VV'a general outline of tne pro- ui been presented, a general V"f wa" made of the matter, ;. ;he opinions expressed during the ;U that every organization c.Vnmunity would back such ,:, and would go after it hard ,v, , , ",-e" it finished." ",.'.,;, v.js tarried for the ap A " .". ' r rnresentativc from .rization in the township to Kl .,' v night and appoint a gov.- r' i ..;r'm and several committees "" v''gate :he different phases ot '-pV-fer'aking and report back , . .'rr later to a mas? meeting. , -h course- of the discus , V p Bunn called on several to ,'',--' their opinions, and 100 per . . Vl re f'i' the movement. Mr. ', xplained that it was the.orig. i,,U'iiion of those starting the ..inert to use labor in erecting the ,".,'.', ling as furnished by the relief offi t f the county , . , - , m.. .: ,t The mru ui v-uiu- V. A. Hyatt, stated when that the cost of labor in ' .... . i i .in ...... ., . . - . iiuiuling was aooui ov ici l! ; '.-aid, "1 feel that we nectl ' ''..,,,,,,; , house, and also a com- i'V -IKnl, out l sugge&i UUIL - erne city tnat nas a nouse , . :V:e and see what it is cost jW. ... "crate, and then we can sec 'h.: w,. are getting into." Mr llvatt went on to explain that . ( an fully pianneu piujeui, wuuiu (.iiSjr to achieve than one jumped at tastily. , . Mayor C. B. Atkinson was not able n attend because of sickness, but sent ., message to the meeting that the city afiuld be glad to cooperate in any way would back such a movement. '.Mayor L. M. Richeson, of Hazel "!, also unable to attend, sent a imilar message. i c. A . George made the statement Mt several members of his boxing and wrestling class had told him they jere ready to donate up to $25 for 1U 'erection of fh'e proposed comrnu rtv house, ! A statement was made before the feting that it was thought that tht Iropery just this side of the cemetery fpfmerly ased as a golf driving range. nild be available for the community (lOttM.'. It is understood that the (own would be glad to accept the property and cancel the taxes ano 4reet assessments against the prop erty. t Those present representing organ options included: Dr. S.P.Gay, Ro i'ary; Ernest Withers, Chamber of Commerce; Sam Knight, Hazelwoou Hiwter Club; W. J. Campbell, East ern Star; W. A. Hyatt. Spanisn Am rican War Veterans, and County 'V'mmis doners; AU.P. Ledbctter, K. f.P. Lodge; Mrs. Frank Ferguson, Woman's Club; Mrs, W. H. Liner, :vic 1eague; Mrs. W. H. Luther, ' .ivic league; Mrs. G. Lowe, Civic league; Mrs- M. C. Green, Eastern Sttr : Mrs. D. M. Simons, Eastern .Star; Mrs. C. H. McDowell, D. A. R.; Mrs. C. F, Kirkpatriek. Woman's :)oh.' .Mis.- Ida Jean Brown, American ! .i gi'en Auxiliary ; Mrs. R. N. Barber, 'Vi.nian's Club; Mrs. Noble Garrett. I D. ; Mrs. John M. Queen, U. D. ''-.'.: Mrs. Leon M. Killian, U. D. C; Mrs. R.H. Blackwell, Woman's Club; H I). Bunn, American Legion; C. A. liiMige. American Legion; Dr. R. H. n ti her. Rotary; Guy Massie, Amer i n Legion; W. C- Rusk, Rotary; Rev. I. W. Haucom. Baptist church; W. D.' vmith. Rotary; Father Fayette, Cath ii church. Others present were Jr-..:.-W. A. Hyatt, R. II. Blackwell. ''rank Foiyuson. Jr., and J. M. 'Vilmtr, r( presenting the Board of A i' !i nnen. At right The graceful east tower of the "Sky-Ride," now rearing its head 628 feet into the clouds. Its twin is being built across the lagoons 2,000 feet away. Below The ultra modern rocket cars are double decked and will hang suspended in mid-air. affording a bird's eye view of the exposition. They were designed and built by the Goodyear Zeppelin Corp. 1 40 Boys Are Now In ! Training For Boxing ! And Wrestling Meet C. A. George who is training a group of local boys for the boxing and wrestling tournament to be held in Asheville soon for Western North Carolina, stated yesterday that he would have a better fum this year than last. It will be rt nembered that the Waynesville boys won three Tf the events last year. Workouts are being held each night except Saturday nights, at the high school gym at 7::U, Over 40 boys aie attending the classes, and taking part. Mans are being made to meet the ('ullowhee team in a practice tilt in the near future. Anyone wishing to join the clas- should see . A. George at the W. W. N. C. Cafe, and make arrangements. There are no charges, it was said. Drum of Catawba County 101 broilers fro 4 11 baby pureha-ed before Christmas and is now. selling tne nroners on tne t'harlot'.e market. Key raised clucks A rruck load of i-upons. turkeys and chickens was sent to the l'hiladelphi market last week by 42 Yadkin Coun ty fanners at a net profit of SS97.04 t.i the growers. WALLS NOVELTY rOMPANYSOLDTG R. V. AND Wm. ERK t Continued from page 1. U,it, iie will enlarge the area of dis 'nbmim. That will be his chief con 'Tti for the present, and when the numiicr of orders begins to increase. ' he is confident they will, he will .: urn his attention to the enlargement f tlie output. Both- of these men have come tc Waynesville to live. R. L. Erk has wife but no children, and will oc apy the dwelling on Pigeon street N'longmg to Mrs. Lillie Harbeck. Wil :i;im Erk, whose wife died some years ( wul live with his son. The plant, of which they became ' ner, and proprietors, is on South Vlain street in the building formerly (cupied by the Swift Motor company, he building was some months ago ''tied up. for the work it is now beinj iM-.-i for. Story Hour For The Children Will Be Held 3:30 Saturday The children's story hour will meet Saturday aftenjoon at 3:30 o'clock at fh,. courthouse. .The children will be wt at the front door by Mrs. B. D. Hunn who Will conduct the story hour 'or the Woman's Club, which sponsors 'he story hour for the month of March. An interesting program has been arranged for the month, and the mothers of the city are urged to see "hat their children take advantage of 'he hour. .Saturday week the president of the . club will entertain the children in the dining room of the LeFaine Hotel at 3:30. All children are cordially invited. WAYNESVILLE GIRL WEDS MR. K: PURCELL Of interest to their many friends was the announcement Saturday of the marriage of Miss Virginia Seay, jf Waynesville, to Mr. Kefmit Pur coll, of Tulsa. Okla.. which was sol emnized at Clayton, Ga., Saturday, February 11. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. W. M. Harrison, of Balsam road- She received her education at the Waynesville High School and the Norfolk Business college, Norfolk, Va. She is a granddaughter of the late Captain A. T, Ducan. The groom is the youngest son of Mrs. C. H. Pur cell, of Tulsa, Okla. He received his education at the Tulsa High School and the University of Oklahoma. The couple will make their home in Waynesville. Mr. Purcell has a posi tion with the England, Walton com pany, "f Hazelwood. . PARENT-TEA CHERS COUNCIL An interesting and enthusiastic meeting of the Parent- Teachers' Council was held Monday evening in the Board of Education office at the county courthouse. The first vice-president, Mrs. B. D. Bunn, pre sided. Many items of business were discussed, i'lans for an orientation day for pre-sehool children were pre setitod. It. was urifed that all local units of Parent-Teacher organizations make plans for a clinic for pre--ichiol children, and a summer round up of all children entering school for the first time next fall. Booklets :ind materials givinir information on this matter were distributed. All Parent-Teacher groups were asked to sponsor study courses, the tlv.'ine to be" "The Child and His Prob lems." Presidents were urged to pre pare detailed reports ot .their year s work, before '.he school year 1932-33 closes. The importance of the correct o!--rrvance of Good English Week was stressed. Instructive talks were made ny Supt. Homer Henry and Professor B. I). Bunn on the proposed school leg islation and the nrobable outcome. It was brought out that the North "arolina cducation'-.l. sy-tem faces he greatest crisis since tile Civil War a til Re-Construction . :"vi -l. The i u b 1 ie was u rg e :1 t o rally t.) ; he e a u S o t1" education. The group decided to send mes--Tges and letters to the members of 'he educational committees in the Senate and House of Representatives is well as to our own Senator and Representative, urging that the cause hn o-ivn its; .ricrhtful NnrtVi rnrolina. and that no further cuts in educational appropri ations be made. w -.t GOOD ENGLISH WEEK February 28 to March 7 is Better English Week. The purpose of this V:ervanC3' is to create in children and grown-uns a greater apprecia tion of tho English language when spoken correctly and in a pleasing voice; to ' create a dlesire for choice English and an enlarged and varied vocabulary ; to create a sensitiveness to over-worked and slang expressions, careless enunciation, incorrect pronun ciation and errors in grammer. It is hoped that the use of good English in our community will be further emphasized by the proper ob. servance in the clubs and schools as well as bv the general public, and MK!t the King's English will have fewer abuses and as our mother tongue receives a more careful study as to its correct usage. . . . . Thomas Hill, grandson of Mrs. Charles R. Thomas, who is a student at the Episconal School for Boys in Lynchburg, Virginia, was brought home last week to recuperate after n illness of several weeks- Mrs. Thomas went to Lynchburg and ac companied Tommy to Waynesville. S O CIE T Y Continued from Page 4 A TTENDING EDU CATION A L Among the vnstors here from iron CONFERENCE IN GREENSBORO Duff last week were Mr. Creed Welch Mr. and Mrs, Noble Garrett are and Mr. Vance Jolly. spending some time in Greensboro this IVtei (.-aying his prayers): "And plea 'e make ( yrill give up throwing sloiie- tionei at ma. By the this before." wav, Fve men- wpp It ntt.pnHin'fl an Educational Con ference conducted jointly by North Carolina Funeral Directors Associa tion, National Funeral Directors As sociation, and Casket Manufacturers Association. Mrs. Charles Badgett. Jr. and young son, Charles, III, are spending this week in Knoxville, Tennessee with Mr. Badgett. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Connatser spent last week-end in Seviervillo, Tennessee as the guests of Mr. Cpnnatser's par ents. M:-. -'Mi ni v Brown of Iron Duff was a Waynesville visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ferguson of Crabtree spent Saturday in town. .' .'Miss Helen, Green f Fines Creek spent Saturday shopping in Waynesville. Messrs. George J. V'ancourt and R. B. Overton of Canton were here on business Monday. Mrs. Annie McCracken of Crabtree was a Waynesville visitor Monday. Among the visitors in town Monday was Mr. Albert Howell from Jonathan. Prof Fred L. Safford of Fines Creek was a Waynesville visitor Saturday. ..''.' Mr and Mrs. G. R. Ferguson of Fines Creek were visitors in the city Monday. M rs. Eva McCracken of Clyde spent Monday shopping in Waynes ville. . - Mr. and Mrs. Grover ("lark of White Oak were Waynesville visitors Monday. Mi he ''0 . John Campbell of Maggie was on business Monday. Mrs. Sarah Jane Moody, mother of Mr. Oliver Shelton, who is ill at her home in Dellwood, was slightly im proved yesterday. . Mr. (Miurles Lee of Macon, Georgia is spending a few days in town as the gue-t of M r. and Mrs. R. L. Lee. '. Mrs. Edwin Davis and young daughter, Edwinu. returned to their home in Decatur, Georgia Tuesday after spending several days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Boyd. Mrs. Boyd and two small children accom panied Mrs. Davis to Decatur for a week's visit. Rev. and Mrs. II, W. Baucom left Tuesday for Winston-Salem where they attended the the State Conven tion of Baptist Women's work. Mr. .Benton "'Green- of Fines Creek was a visitor in town last week. . Want Ads FOR SALE Fresh milk cows. Price reasonable. W,T. Shelton. Pigeo Street, Waynesville. Feb. 16-23-Mar. 2-9 pd Diner: "Waiter the portions seem to have got a lot smaller lately." Waiter: "Just an optical illusion, f ir. Now that the restaurant has been enlarged, they look smaller that's all." WANTED 600 Cords, of Tan Bark at 18.80. Come in and be put on the book. J. M. Mock, Mock's Depart ment Store. Trost proof cahhauJ: plants FOR SALE CABBAGE PLANTS Charleston, Jersey. Flat Dutch, Succession and Copenhagen Market"-60e per 1000; 5000 lots. 50c per 1000. ONION PLANTS White and Yel low Bermuda COc per 1000; 5000 lots 50c per 1000. Shipping daily. Dorris Plant Co.. Valdoxta, Gn, Feb. lt-l()-23-Mar. 2 WANTED TO BUY seeond-hand ad ding machine, preferably Burroughs will consider any other make. Must be in good condition. See R. C. Mc Uride, at Eagle 5-10-25C Store ltc. FOR RENT unfurnished apartment in best residential section. Address or call "Apartment" The Mountain eer, phone t :i ltc. 66 Out of Siaht Out of Mind" Says The Old Proverb This Also Applies To Busi ness Houses Who Keep Out of Sight Through Failu re to Advertise K((r Your Name Before The Pub lic Through The Advertising of The Mountaineer and The Public Colums

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