ill Page 6 i'HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MARCH 1932 Cartridges Thought To Hare Been Property Of Famous Sam Massey Gang Are Found In Rock Near City Cartridges Like Those Used In War Between States Found Huried In Crevice Of Rock Last Week By Sam Melton Near Caves Formerly lTsed By The (Jang Of Deserters Headed By Massey, . , cartridges believed to have F- llCel, Ma, Wa : last in ) - 'i f; II II " -! ! t'IU! h re ili .M J. . Illl, V car! i i ituim ii kl - . ters i! ur tiie property of tho famous Sam -i y gang of deserter during the 1; -twei-n the States, were found v i'k in a vrevicc in a large rock a-t Va ne-vilie on . the Charlie ,!: iMrm l.y Sam H. Melton, who i : -aking 'he tlm; icck for eon thm wvrk at .he hospital, huirr r--k was broken in the ! 'k I'T - th- oid crt ridges were Willi,- I .viilcli ! u ii a i : u'k hi t yngim. led m ..- the s tlie 1 four w i t h to ai en))'. 1-, a 1 1 i i (nit ,; fang i ire , am! ti. -. v:i. ml win!,- lHil;ing lor anotner i insert the drill i. cartridges about h-' crecico. ( onfederate vc:ter. an. I identified the mii a.s those used war. they were found in the a v vicinity where the Sara gang made their headquar- cavos. -. large carti idi-e ; measure hes long an 1 ar" 50-70's, while i -mailer cnes are 32's, All ' the cartridges were covered i.i'.l when found. They seem a i- a.- good, as r.t'W f-xcept the is ir.iowh ' dull. : belief of .Mr. Swayngiir. ! :iat the rail: dg.'S Wore it- pei-y -f Sa.ii Massey's mi wer-' '.id in tim rock and e. 'I he i . ; i t i i . 1 1 ..I' the rock viV.-u -tile cal triage:-: mm? . '.c- ' tmr po.-sio;;. . ie. t i.i cr t n aid ... tile i IV I ..'. i memo - t the 0' Three Haywood Boys Are On Honor Roll At Wake Forest College i- irs. semester honor roll at Wake FV-r.-st College, releaser last week by :'.; Urar Grady Patterson, contains t'ie itimc: of throo Haywood county m :.. They are R. K. Nowton of Waynesville. son of Mr. and Mrs. J M. '; ,-wton. and two Cauton men. W. W. '' " iill, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. -.r iill, and Charles F. Owen, Jr.. son R-v. and Mrs. C. F. Owen. NVvton is in tho graduate school writing a Master of Arts thesis in hemistry. Cugdill will roceive the! i.Heiielor or Science degree this ii,-ini. H is vice-president of the Haywood County Club. Owen is in hi.-, first year of medicine. He is cap. an: of" tho basketball team, center on Mm footb'ill team, un(J is president of .. he county club. J:i order to make the honor roll a . . i '!--! t V scholastic average must be - ""). as 90 per cent. "Haywood County men, for some ' a son or other, have a way of mak g M down here Mr. 'Patterson said. corded in Map Book "A," page 45 in tne oflicc of Register of Deeds of Hay wood Couty,. .Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon me by deed of trust executed by Hardy Liner, Jr. and wife, Bessie Liner dated September 1, ..iz, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trus; No. 22 at page 275. Office of Register of Deeds of Haywood Coun .y, t i which reference is made for all .he t i :ns and conditions of the same. Thi February 24, 193:!. J. R. MORGAN'. Trustee. m' . 20 March2-9-10-23. 1925, and recorded in Book 66, page j above entitled cause, and the execu 373, Record of Deeds of Haywood ! tion of Geo. H. Ward against W. C. County, North Carolina. McCracken. and the execution of Hay- Sale made pursuant tor under and! wood County Farmers Federation, .1; .'XJSTRA TRIX XOT1CE The undersigned, having qualified administratrix for the estate of J. f', deceased, hereby notitie.-: persons having claims against said .ate to present verified statements '-': .-arno to the undersigned on or ay 1-ebruary 10, i'j.JJ, or his Notice .vii; Le pleaded in bar of their re- overy. Persons indebted to the baid estate re hereby notified to pay the amount u- ti the undersigned at once. This the 10th u'jyof February, 10.33. ADA S. PALMER. , Administratrix of the estate of J. L. aimer, d-ceased. 25--Feb; 23-Mar. 2-9-10-23-30. by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Albert Reeves and Gilbert Reeves to Union Trust Company of Maryland. Baltimore, Maryland, and the Insured Mortgage Bond Corpor ation of North Carolina. Trustees, and bearing date of May 1st, 1927, and duly recorded 'in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 21. page 67. Office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina, to which saul deed of trust and record reference is hereby made for all the terms and stipulations of the same. This the loth day of February 1933. insured .mortgage Bond Corpora tion of North Carolina, and Un ion Trust Company of Maryland Baltimore, Maryland, Trustees. No. IS Feb. lC-23-Mar. p-9-16. SOTICt: OF TRUSTER'S SALE A II; J ,TI' OF . I j MIS' IS Til. 1 TOR .V wait in tliat i th :ii,ul, : in )i.r .- Cock ad for .-1..H1 1 ( oi:- j on tli ; ! fry -, -' vj . ink hei-w vsy V:;-i i ;.' who -ondii in i're.-' ivd; Ola.-:." : 111,, l; tVI'l.ll: as of the Count ! J. hav .u e II '. i:l !-. - it i:- i"!-;.'!,y given fj the ' '...idei-igned J. S. appointed by the Superior Court cr' iiay . ado.inistrator of the '. vVt viy. deccas'-d. All i im.i tj p;-'. ir.' agjjnst said jent thein for o..i his date ;.urc 1 1 !1 'en 1 oai i"- i n-.o.-i, .. I'. i. N. Wf :ODY, On Monday, March 13, 1933, , at eleven o'clock A. M. a; the courthouse door in the Town of Wayne-:ville. Haywood County, N. C, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands r.nd premises lying and being in Jon- thun Creek Township. Haywood it;-: .iiiClNXINU at a stuke in the cen '. e of the public road and in the line oi' ice Ellis Howell land, and runs thisies .-.ix calls as follows. N- 89 ?. 454 - feet to a Spanish oak vuiiip, S. 7S?4 deg. 495 feet to a stake, N . i'i ) :U deg. E. 511 feet to a sour . :;; S. 50 2-3 dog. F.1204 feet to .Spanish oak. S. 77 deg. E. 528 feet ; :i stake at a bluff of 'rock, S. 29 !i e . . . 1 ISO feet to a stake, corner ,! t.act conviyeu to J. ) Bovd and lm.. against W. C. McCracken, each of which executions having been di rected to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Haywood County, I will, on Monday, March 6, 19S3. at eleven o'clock A. M. (being the first .Monday in March.) at the court house door in said county, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said executions, all the right, title and in terest which the said V. C. Mc Cracken has in the following de desribed real estats, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: Being the fust tract described in that certain deed from W. A. Palmer, Sheriff. :o Craw ford McCracken, dated August 1916V and recorded in Book 47, page 405, adjoining the lands of L. C U:-. miett, LaFayette Medfoi-d, Tru man -UcCrac-Keii. and others, and ly ing Lnd being on the waters of Camp Ui-.;iifi in Waynesville Township, and BEGINNING on a chestnut on or near the top of the leading ridge, corner of V. M. and J. M. Tate's I... ids, and lot No. 3, and runs with l.:e s-id lot N. 11V -W. 43 poles to .. .stake in the North boundary uf the -. I tiaet; thence with said line, N. 10' 11. 127 poles to a stake (che-i- m:t- i near 'or North of an old .'a::: iheiu-a N. 63s 20' E. with old line,-125. poks to a - mountain Snan- which stake is also in the T T L , - L.ove oi-huku, ana runs branch seven calls as follow 25' W. 360 feet; S. 5 lu feet; S- 24 W. 310 feet- W. 206 feet; S. 29 15' v' x, lo - 10' E. 90 feet; S. 30 . fc-it to a stake at the net., branch; thence S. 70' to a fence post; thence S. 7 194 feet to a fence post; th :. 30' E. 140 to a fence rmst . f0! i'-i'.'l Li, -.Ma i AUMIXISTRAYOR . XnTJi'E n, pra. -.- a.od'j . and ! lit.-. ' tiro.- OOll , fit a I' y, ( i nc vcre He here, eyes i his e.s of the the. lo h- -- : Woo, i - 1 V. In in :" aiid S win !. i' at ,!i:i sliotr,! re'.ulfi h eaves aiid , ihir v whet''' i found. Old1 'en found in s. heated 'h thet .--ii t-p and liog- ! il-.e-lll tnr food, captai'ed at Qualla 'o:. Tlieina-- and his regi- !! viit'it while enrou'o threw sonic dirt in the guard and tried to make only to he shot in the calf i oy the guard. Sam lay in a liarn for a montii until . and hvn he took to the d M a.;-e - w:i - r a til th iipc. 'gait', it wa : said. - a!- said that Slirritf Frank n-J -omc depu ies trapped' Sam .I h'-a-e on the edge of town, -l made, iiis escaiie through -a 1 tne. of the deii-tities shot ar-.l hit liiii! I'e.wii'ii the s. Sam- titiiek mi tlic draw, I, :ia' lire and hi; one '.'in by- t!i name h'- thii'h. th Cn How'. Doctors Treat Colds and Coughs To break np a cold overnight and re lieve the congestion that makes you cough, thoiiHands of physicians are now recommending Culotabs, the nausealess calomel compound tablets that give you the effects of calomel and unll wiilmnf the unpleasant effects of cither. One or two Calotabs at bedtime with a glass of sweet milk or water. Next morn ing your rold lias vanished, your system is thoroughly purified and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for breakfast. I'at what you wish, no danger. ('alotab.-i are sold in 10c ami ,'15e ,acb tiffs, - uvv.g stores. : (Adv) AD Vll.NiS ! KA 1 Oli'S NOI K K i ;ir, i a l .ire ti in is ' .,e tii-jm :-..rtI, ittV of i'i )! t ::..' the uiilei-:. iina. c ii or jileadeil in i.i Ail perser vi!i 'lease 1 Jy. Thi: the IS:h day of r'euurarv. 19 -id C. R. FRANCIS, Administrator of the Estate of YV M. Francis, deceased. No. 23 Mar, 30. Clyde, ltlv notice w.i! ;ir of their relovery. is indebted to strid es-.a .:,.!:e ia.Yineiit in'metirat t i y de ! (,f even d..t,' herewith ; with tne hue of tract last ::c;l two .ails as fo'.iows: N. t I min. V. '.MO feet to a dog- ' . i Mi-' feet to a ;takL. in the : ih" jiifdic road ; thence, with ". :.i,e public road, N. 5 - "- i f -it to the I-i EC INNING, iag 1 ' 1 j t eres-, mere or . less mi i v 'i' ; r:: plat of J. ( '.' iiaynes u!;v .'.'.- J":il. an 1 1 eing a part cihed in a deed C"!dvell to the !-' ans. et ah, id, and reco'.'de.l Record of Deed-: X. C. 1 ! ii'i'!:: (U Allison A: ison is. i:;; a;',-: 579 j-.t: reliant- lU-j 'IV 0. 11; on top oi Camp Branch,' unci ;ice with the branch us it inean- .-j. l'S'-j" E. 35 poles; thence S. i;i i.. Ls poioi; thence 55', E. 1. -es to a mountain Spanish oak '.:..' tcji of th-' main Pigeon and hi .ml i leek; thence-.with said calls a.-, foihiws: . ;ij. E. 30 S. 31'--. !:. 32 poles;. S. 50" 10 poles; S. 42" V,'. ; S, .d poles; (if,- S. 73' V. 14 ;;(,les tu a stone on :-i-i i.iuuntai:: a; junction of i..,j;' r.dge; thence duwii -stiid rio'c S I -cV As:. .yw ..-I ' mud red u; -n TRUSTEE'S SALE ful In! .ill.-. Wile th" and i 'his 1 i.-iv::ng .,ualilir tne e.-t:!te of E. iyde, i'. s.uri: hem K'T a;:anisl i tne uiei. r-igneii ' lie lore ."Man ii 1, ,ii oi iiie.nn'h ia e: ai ii.idc'iited 'I o as ,i i m.ili.t i alor ! . I (ayne.-. deceased All jie.soiu having aid estate preelH it ( Ivtle, N. 19-. iia !" hi : Ilea I'. I'l A I 1; 1 . I- --..'-U.-.2:j-c;ti. ,o: i KUt i'o.v 1 do' lint - Rut one wary, It i ind in niv ktiiiw ju.-' thing n; not in. je.-t. whttt is lies'., hes me somewhat U:iiiSTRATh'l.X - on ; dictiotiarv. I hai'. a blue hack spelling book And in it.-, pages I .would look. Kut those words of the long ago In this in w atie don't have a show. But one thing sure 1 will find out Just what this thing is all about, :And so I'i! ted you, not in fun, I'll go .and' ;isk Pmfe-Mir liuhn. . No doubt that he can give the " At leust for this I surely hope. I'Ve always like.). ii,-!)!.,,-.--,' - "t; it:!.-'w- tiie teehnocrats. lope' Hut I w . ro: under, jtnt-d having ijuaiilied as adinini.-tratrix of the estate of Jo-hua f itKgeraid, ileceasesl, all persons hav ing claims against said jtate arc r.eia by notified to present dnly sworn .-tate.'nents of the same lo the under signed on or before March 2. 1934, 'in-- rhis notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery thereof. Any per.-ons in iebted to the said estate are hereby notified to pay the amount of said in dtinedness to the undersigned at once. This he 2nd day of March, 1933. Mrs. Charlotte Fitzgerald. : Administratrix uf Joshua Fitzger- a.o, iet cased. No. tiT Mar. 2-9-lo-23-30-Apr, By virtue uf an order of resale made by Hon. V. G. Dyers, Clerk Superior ourt, on February It!, 1933, the un- dei'-igncd Carrie Rathbonc. trustee. u:i Tuesday.. March 7. 1933, at 11 o'clock a.m., will sell at the Court ilou.-o iliHir id' Haywood County, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash '. h.:it certain tract of land lying and being in Fine: Creel; Town shi'v Uayv.nod County, North - Car d.t.;,: lie-cl'ihcl ;; follows: I! ginning on a sass.i f r;i-:, 1'aricer's s uer, l hence 17 )i!e.-: to a stake at hri'l'-e. thence down the i ) rainh to mall apple tree on th bank of he branch, thence 4 poles down the r.-Mvh to a -smtill bunch oi' : o;,rv.'mds ! 'Si. fence, tflervce up: thi- ridge S. i! : V. 25 nale.,. thence S, 5fl'., IS J"?!- -. tht;!Uf S. ol W. Id.1; moles to ci.e : . i:t .-tump on too of ridge, mm " down- the ''.ridge N. 12 W. IS ,';! a pine in 11 ipps' line, thence with lU:;s' line to U. Noland's cor--' - -' t ' Siuinisli oak on the ton of '! ' I oh', . thon,-,. V.-ll, 1 , dial line made by P. V. 'l.)ot R. Noltind down : ridge to power he. I of trus.t '.-.:t d by " V.5. T. '-. .iae." and v. if'--su.k - P., Ri.iue'f. dated July 3d. 193L ait:', i worded ill it ji-k of Deeds of T; u.-t. No. 2d at page 27) in ollice of R of Deeds of Haywood Coun ty to which icferenc.; is m:id.' for all t!i t--rnis and colutitiohs of the same. This February i, 1933. A .T. WAR!), Tru-tee. No. if:--Feb. 10-23. Mar. 2-9. ; them- . n. ;i 'J') poie 2 iiok.,: ; to n.' .- ;-. ,. , Km.;, i ..' "oi ts-two and Lei;. 30 .Mows: X. 2' :'. to V, . : )ieh.. ; . S. 7 X. OGi:.- W. W- C,7 pule. ; it-iiiiing one ( 142) : acres g the. .fai.u hU W. 0:. W. 20 poles; pole.:; 'chestnut -.-ah ; ; thence H-y '. 7si. lo o ooie; BE- hundi'ei! more or jroiierty 30' E. ;2 feet to a ma; a corner; thence N n- to the center of branch; ti, said branch N. 21 E. )2 .. 1.5' E. 218 feet; N 02- ,' N. 11' 40' E. 44 feci branch about 200 feel ' of the line to a stake in tl. side of the road; thence Western side of said roas OH1 fee: to stake; tht-;:c - , 2 'JO feet to the county , .' with said load N. ' Z'-j ; i. a stake; thence N. Hi fc-t to the point of th P!i,. containing lVm acres, n; aldo cartway from bam read, and being the Km! to Crawford McCracken b. corded in Boo!; 03, p,.gi- i: of Deeds of Haywood Cm; EXCEPTING from :h, Kscribed tiyct of land t;,, pisre -.m p;'.:-cjl of laud allot s::i I ',V. C. jk'CYu-ken by i us ir. ; h.-niettesal, which' -v i i'e-r-HI,e,l tVdi.:. BEGINNING at- a stake 1: lie road Southeast front dairy farm and runs Nortli Ea.-,t otitside of barn, to cor;, r. Latk earner o; di -.x A-ith the North end vV.-. t with the fence to ;j So :d ; thet.ce . Kh the :.; ;, ti trie BEGINNi. inciud,. sy bam. t!ie dwelling tontaining o 1 (1!: 1 di;;. Eel,:- J. .') 9-10-23-M XOTICE 'ed to the said Hiram McCraek- iahala Shrlton h;!;; reco iV.-'ol'-.j) in 1! refer itch aid ;1 d.ed ill the ollhv of .tile; lis :,f ii'.ywoosl Couii o.': di ;iav e 353,' et seq. dee i -'by nr .de. : ec. XOTICE I OF SALE OF FSTA TE RE A I ndei- and -by vii urn or .,.j - ani fUvUj.-ri.ty cmfaineri in thai certain deed of trust, dated January 10th. 192H, 'and- iccoi-led m P.ook 20, )age 12S, il aywood Cotmiy -Registry..-executed by J. C. Xorris and -..ite, to ine e Hizens .ati -nai lir.nK ot i;ai- cigh- N. (.'.. Trustee, d'ofau't having been made in the payment of the m de. ti !' e-s sreure,! tiiei'eby, w hereby tin entire aemunt of s.i I indebtednes: imht, n.litii a -id gi To Hi ,1 to .;:io-,v o F!: !,c il V(-'coJ te' a1) -;'!t 'i .His: wheft. 'I'm at" t-'i-:inocrat;; -for cur denio.craey. t'-chnoci-iicv. - - ' I d-.r. M. ' Ne w . . Two Haywood Girls Receive High Grades e i'TII E OF TRESTLE'S SALE .i Monday, At !1. fa :-,-::-; :-eept i'i''! i - were: s McDov. . eritii' .il '; A .rec- v' .-in i-eni-r ori tat ions !-, r- v The '!' nor nital ev : f a . No ;iv- r-,o by authoritii 2 . -indents of the Woman's ;hi' .i I 'niv. r-i!y of North !,'.'. -last, semesti-r mad'; ex hitrh ' scholastic .. -irat.ings.. " -'-' girls, Mi Marion ophomore, and Miss K'-th-, '. Clyde. . . . "."'. mi will be given March 4 Mho 152 students, Invi. ' : 1 ready l;cen issued. i !1 .-'reception is an -an-n: : hr school. , '-; ''.''. B was onsidt-red ,,' - mipile.! the r,). March 27. 1033. at il ' si m., at the courthnuse door in the Town of Wayhesvilk. Haywood County. E will -ell at -public outcry to :h highest bidder for cash, the "fol lovviiig described; kinds and. premises .yit.g an.J being. in. Waynesville Town- i lie. t In nee North, or nearly So, through--the field to the beginning corner on a sassafras, containing 32 ai res niore or less, excepting, how- v'l-, frorri the above described land, tract of three acres, more or less, described in a deed dated Nov. 6, 1930 ''oni R. .. Rathbone to T. M. Rath bone and recorded in Deed Book 80, i'.i'je 371, office of Register of Deeds ot it aywood County Sale made pursuant to said order i f court and under tho power of sale ciht-imed in a deed of trust executed by R. i.. Rathbone and wife, Delia i.auinono, to the undersigned trustee, i dated April 23. 192(, and recorded in I're Is id lrust Hook li. page 230 o lice of R gi. tcr of Dieds of Haywood ( oiinty. Tbis ,2(lth of Feburavy'.-. iy. Carrie Rathbone, Trustee. I. i,. J. Attv. ' N-'2.1 Feb. 25-Mar.2 hc.'itn": due and ia vaiile an Ii.. i:i,v bi en made by the said e.te upon the trust. thi'i'iin to;a-iveit:se and m-H '-,-- j Ci ty i!e.-( ribr-d in said deed of t i iindt rsiitned will oiler for '.' , ash a! iitrdie' ' auction p ; ' inirthoiise door in 'ty nesvil!.e. 1 V od County. N. ('.. -it noon ei H.iuty. I Mil. l t(1.. ;it(- ih -.-! il l :' real estate: . All those certain lots Or pji reels .id' I ltd lying and .being in Waynesville t- v, nship, Havwood ('ountv. Nortli particularly de- denKin,1 .Ider of named mjliop. fst, sale p; the -'. .May m Sa't. folh'.w- .i ;-j:,:id trtet adjoining thi .o t : KeiGlNNlNG at a iargc roe oil the Soutli t.unk ef ('ami ; running Smith 28' ,mi1i... to a crooked ash en the Nortli ia;::. or a small branch pointed by ;i ::u;:ih of willows, poplar and dog- w.-uu ; thence b; .38 E. 17' poles to a stone in .the branch ; thence S. 75 1 W. 40 links to a hibuntai'n Sptinish o;i!i; thence t. E. to a large chest ma.: stump and small chestnut; thence North' 4' East '. 70 links 'i. er.ii' X. 73 " E. 23'-, poles and 4 Cj a stake mi point of a f idge, 'roi ii,;:" -:, corner pointed bv a chest ::ut ; thence with Browning's lin... N. K. 3 iclcs to a stake- in the i.iaocn: tmnice down the branch, two tails: S, H5-" W. 19 Pules; thence N. 001.. ,-. 10 Doles to the BEGINNING. OF' SALE ESTATE of ih-t'uuk having neen ma s .viieut of the. indebtedness u 'of tru ; i. t j nit am. : IX (0) acres, more or Ui'lGlNXlNG .m ra.. it-is line, corner ' Mi's. .Heig:ho:"0(! We tell plumb- off tli' : hii- whilp he wuz shinglin r jt ' Mrs. Whyso: "Didn't hi awful?"' Mrs. Heigho: "Ayful is no name for it he fell right into her be.! of --weet peas." -I' Hardscrab- h'.s house wife feel a .stone in the of Lots Nos. 1 iit ' o .arei runs thence With -the -line '- No. 4. N. 18 deg. E. I5-td fee: ' ' - - n-. ir t'o- ''.r;m. h : th.m.-r- . s i iU s. 30 ii. : a. E. .".5 f. et to aistak i i the branch (at the junction with an -:;:; r. -small...., brand)-) ; thence S. 42 j., mm. II, 335 feet to a- stake; '-'i' see N. 79 dig. 15 mill, E. 100.5 feet to a rock m the Reeves line; thence '..i n the heeves line South 108 feet mere cr k to a stake ( Reeves South west corner in line of I.oi No. 3); ihrmm with Reeves line X. 88 deg. 30 mm, 404 feet,: more or less, to a Make CNorthv, est corner of. Claud .'k l::'-)' ii 37.0. acre tract ) ; thence S. 1 Meg- 20 i,iin.. W. 1200 feet: with line of -:;hl; Medford. tract to a stake in i ra.ici line; thence vvith Francis line N. s7 W. 1417 feet to a stone (black nn gone) ; thence S. 70 deg. 30 mm. .V. 152 feet to the BEGINNING, be ing Lot No. 5 and part of Lots Nos. 3- 0, and 7 of the Hardy Liner, Sr.! lands near Lake Junaluska as re- XOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE C. . Haywood County-'"North Car die undersigned. Trustee. Will public outcry to the highest for .cash 'the. Ifoliowine- de- Monday, the 20th iav (.f March at 1 1 :n o clock A. ,'tl. ;-1 the ivu! t-o.-use door in the town of Way itesviii-. lin;:. '! at i ! :er : e.i 1 ,;-.ds and premises, lying and b' itig in ; Haywood County.--North ( at o.imi. and fuily descrilK-ll -'as fol lows : -' BEINC; b.t N... 3 of the W. L. n-twkins Addition 'to. the Town of Wayne ville, N. ('.. said Map recorded in Book Xo. 30. page 440, and , de- fin- as ioijows; ti r.ui.N Al. I, on a stake on the North side line of State Highway No. 10. and runs N, 2" W. 150 fect with the line of hot No, 2; thence X NS E. 50 feet to a stake, corner of lots Ncs. 3 and 4; thence vviik the West line of .Lot Xo. 4. S. 2" E. 150 feet to a stake in the side line of State Highway No. 10; thence with Highway No. 10 S. 88' W. 50 fee to the BEGINNING. Being the same lot of land hcreto- ( aroku.i, and more cribed as follows: BEGINNING - at a stake in the in tersection of the Southeaster margin ol the Katclirl Cove Road with the A.estern margin of a New Street or Kpad ; and runs thence with the West arti margin of said New Ro. I or .Sircet South 4 degrees West 30u feet to a stake; thence North 86 degrees Wt st 348 feet to a stake ; thence North 4 degree East 207 feet to stake in the Southern margin of the Cove Road; thence running witn tne southern margin o fthe Rat- cliff Cove Road two calls as follows: South 88 degrees East 218 feet to a . take ; North 02 degrees East 152 feet to the point of BEGINNING, contain ing 1.8.3 acres, more or less. - Being lots Nos. 12 and 13 of the Turner Lands as per survey and man 1 - 1 T . II- n '. 1 n.iaue oy ,j. u . leaver and recorded in -uap uook "C", Index "T", Office ot , Kegister of Deeds , of Hay wood County. Nortli Carolina. being the same lots conveyed to the said ' J. C. Nor lis and wife. Fay. Norris. . by deeds dated June 4tn, from I W. Ferguson and . recorded in Book 74, page 450, ijKl.-. November 1st, 1927. from D. J t-oweit anu.witn, Aial)o Howell, and re 'croe;! in Look -, page 35. R. con of Deeds of Haywood ( puaty... Net t! Carolina. ' . This 9th day of FoBniary. 1 .:;:;. : North Carolinti Bank. V.nd Ti u.-i Company. Sticcpssor . to Citizen' National. Bank of Raleigh:. N. C. r, ,. .. Trustee. "By: D. M.Cci-hett Vict -''resident No.. 17 Feb. 10-23-Mar, 2-9. 1 it N. t.iv-the XOTICE OF SALE i XVER EXE. CUTlOX : 'EXCEPTING, from the first tract sty acres deeded to (.'. J.. Camp by deed heaving date January 10, 1907, ml recorded in Book 1:3. page 431. Ke.ord of 1eeds of Haywood County, X. i '. on Januaiy 11 , 19(17. ' ' '' I ' TR ACT: BEGINNING a ;i l iie -iiiut mud eacumber the : be irmiiiiie, clirner of the on which Minor ..::.-'.i'( .id us-.1 ii -jy., imdlthiiiice run- V.'. 21 P. to ;i Spanish mv X. 21, K. 4(1 to. a hick West -l!) nules : thelice .:.. !-.... n. mi pol-s t-i hne of Filli 1 i -ii-m .ii.cucc i i iioR's to a sour- '.v:;..(i ; ihence b. .15 polos to Minor No: wood tract; thence- with th,. line m ine .uiaor orwoooi tract to the tirAil A iM.Nb. containing twentv-six acres, more or less, and being the property conveyed to W. C. McCrack en by deed recorded in Book 53, page i-rj, itccora ot Ueeds of Haywood v.ouniy . THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING on a stake on the old Fitzgerald line. .-aui stake being a corner of Med f ord's tract, and runs with Fitzgerald line S. 39 30' W. 279 fe8t to center ioau; thence with center of road N- 00. 30' W. 59G feet to a stake in the center of the intersection of an nother road; thence with the center this road X. 39'' E. 370 feet to a Make, W. .Clark Med ford's corner; t hence with the said .'.Med ford's line S. 52 ' K, 598 feet to the BEGIN' NINO, containing 4.41 acres, being yiii.nmw- properly conveyed to Craw uvd Mc.Ci-fcken 'oy deed" recorded in bomi ,, page 115. Record of Deeds ei-;aiii ; de th;i i-irst National iv. - !),. i.:t. it. inc., ami the t'liiot: d ; ;i .- i, ,t paiiy e.f Maryland Truaee-- , ..,..vv -i..y ei" July, K2 . l,y (.-. 4i', i ',. , ).,,.' wi;'e, I lien Cagle, on ti; 'ia.s:: i.-'m in ib (-: ibed, s..j.l llecd m' Tu:'.' in.i:' recorded in . Book 21 oar- M in the otlice of -: ' le: :s for Haywood ('ouuty . i ttt: l. i'signeil will, iniving "kM; ';,' ... 'iU. -led by the holder el .;,;,'( i;:,;.',:. di:e-s, oli'er for sale at. sui. 1..- aa tion ;,. the highest bidder tor uisiu ' the Courthouse door in ilavwuuo . County, N, C at twelve o'clgck 'iioi'i. oil Monday, March 20th, the lands described in said deed if tru-' to-Wit: BEGINNING at a stake at Mr,, n.. tersection ol' the South march, Nortli Main Street with the' West margin of Newfound Str With North Main Street ,' Snath degrees West 134 feet to the ncc South i4',i degrees Vn -feet to a stake, the corner m' L ., (k f hence with the line of .-.m; South 75 Vi degrees East J.'wi' '.-' a stake, another corner of I. : 1 in the West margin of X. Street; then with said sti, : llti: degrees East 179 Me " t, BEtllNXING. The purchaser at the 1 m assumes the payment ; si paid taxes and street a tgtunst the propertv. I i iiii- i tak'.-t- . rust 11. si; o -0 l' T i ne i nion . Mai viand 1'tiv'ti tve. its ra said m-'d. c.'o: s;,ie and i inducted Trustee. k hs 1-1 til day V.', G. Bramham an i 1'. -.Receivers,-. First Nat;. . pany, of Durham.-' Iii c.v Xo. 21 Feb. 23-Mar. 2-9-1 Feb 'l-'-n 'tlal V- XOTICE OF SALE -OF ESTATE i:km .lay wood County. FOURTH TRACT: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF. HAYWOOD. : IN THE '-'i'-in;; COURT. R. -I- F. ABEL VS.- fore conveyed to Albert and Gilbert1 Vx ' ' 1IcCRACKEN. Kceves by .deed dated November 24, By 1 virtue of the execution in the BEGlNNiXG o.'i :n;.:iK in t ie rpn ei- ,C ., K u ,,IH i.l.l lll-ll o. creek) below - 'J, A. Fisher's said MtiKe being, on liim -center 0f road omlmg tJ ihe A!den Howell, Sr. imsic oy r 'smcm- of J.A. Fisher and a;. -am orattch .with it meatt-o- s '-- ' E. Ml 2 feet; to a stake ir mo cen-er ofsaid bvancti; thejice S '., V'-Mi said Urtinch m. feet to -a .'- f,r.i . the; Westerly side! of said d aimiij tnenc . S. .44 ' K, with . the ve-tm-.y edge of snid branch 150 vv ! a staKe in the ed -" I m tiie old Fit mace, with tne Fitzgcra'd i'l "IV W .VIA ... ' '" - . i, . iet ; to a ioa 1 above J. A. : Meuford and h : ine center ' - et to the acres. T.e ,of said i;gci aid line; i-h-a- S. said lair.'-. m center i.sher'- . .;,:;.: , - ' : ..' ' '.ii t.i :. ' Cag e corner: then.;, :. i f said road N, 3S F BlkilNXINC;. contnH e .si i c .--S, ar.d tiemg ,the " to v. U. McCracken lecurtu m 1-took 70. lands con- by deed imp-- oor: r; i T-i..i, i- tt : Tte '"' "-ecoiu IU..VU1 naywood L'oanty. HFTH TRACT; BEGINNING 0n a staken the center of road leading from Hazelwood to Francis Default having been mad in 'm-: payment of the indebtedness 'h-'w.A I by a. certain deed of trust eM ctr M' to the Firts Xational Co.. ef Par ham, Inc., Trustee on the Mir-; .lay of SeptMmber, 1928 by Paul Cair.p ai..d wife. Edna Camp, on the lands' hert-.,-in described, said Deed of Trust heii't; recorded in Book 21, Page U'l :i the office of the Register e: Deeds for Haywood County. . C.. :!". undersigned will, having b n: -e r . quested by the holder of ,-ai i ;-.-ieM edness, offer for sale :'at ntii'lii' am- uon to the highest bidder lor ca-.i the Courthouse door in H.syw County, X. C. at twelve oVlol ': ,-" on Mondav. March 20th. It-'.-. ' ands described in said Me M . '" - " te-wit: BEGINNING at a stake m: jr. side. of Oak Street, which ' ' stanris South 40 degs, 30 -r-t s .. 150 feet from the intersecti v : :'; A stmlyly Avenue and Oak S ; ;' runs thence South 49 d.:r-: ' ; : ' East 10.' feci to a stalu : -i:-"':" Thomas line; thence. South s ' . 30 inins. , West 100 feel Mo a : '.''. Id--:' K- Thomas line; then. '9 d.g--. 30 miiis. West P"i : :Mv: said -Thomas- line to a .stake -siile line of Oak Street: the'- '"' tho East side line of said Oak .i"'" North 40 degs. 30 mins.; Ea-: M j ' to the iJeginnir.g corner. Being the same lot ofMamiM ' M 'i Mo Paul Cdmp and v. if' ,' '!: Camp, by deed dated Nov.: i ; -1920,;and recorded in the Rori " ! Deeds office in Book 74 :-. . r to w hich reference is herehy it,- ; - - f' more perfect description! ' " .-:u 1"! of land. The purchaser at the f M--S?!!-1 assume; the payment ef ;; paid taxes and street assessmt'M - liiis 14th day February- I:1 W G. Bramham and T. L; J Receivers, First National Pny, of Durham, Inc.. Tru No. 20 Feb. 23-Mar. 2-9-16 Isiiiii he l T

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