tHI'RSDAY, MARCH 2, 1933 THE WAYfcESVILLE MOUNTAINEER JPage v 0 to littrrli gnutday ( Hl'RCH NOTICES FIRST BAI1TST jev. H. W. Baucom, pastor ,i o. 1 w r Alien lay scnoin, ..w. rtendcnt. Worship, 11:00. I ,, ,,'f II V. P. U.'s of church meet. ,i ' vening; worship. Sermon by M i-wie k prayer service 7:30 Wed- METHODIST Rev. Wade Johnson, paster The Church School meeU at i':45, Morning Worship 11:00, and the Ep worth League at (:15. Evening Ser vice at 7:o0. PRESBYTERIAN Rev. K. P. Walker, pasior Sabbath School 9:15 a- m. Preaching by the pastor 11 a. in. Mid-week prayer service Wednes dav evening at 7:30. Ti: .1,X. .'fell! - - '"'I- r - What to do About Left-Overs By Jane Rogers I i-'FT-OVEIt vegetables the cup L ,i nous or half cup ot carrots, ... M..;l'a problem In kitchen econ ,m. that often taxes the patience - tin- most .thrifty housewife. hates to throw away. Pno-l Moil, especially whcn UlC1'0. is, ; eh ,ee tUat it inifibt be converted ',-to .;ne tasty dish and be made (V for another meai. . j ; !. m is really not as com i Hough, as it seems. Almost ; i ti 1 1 caok book will offer a , ,,f ..u-.tostioiis in the form '-, cr.Hins for a CUP of peas, 'rtrinis beans, or some cooked ili;. t can be made into a de ': ra ssi role cf voir tables, ,w riiou;;h to form the main !,-,, lui' boil or an appetizing ',;,;, ,,'i:.biiintion for the eve Moulded .-veRCtabln Minp.; are other possibil : ;!i leftovers. ... .ne rule, however, tlmt i ';,!.. :y.-, lie observed. The i' !:vor mu&t bo restore;! i .united When tmal! por ,( ..(dce"(l veeel.-.Mcy are j,. ' tlv. " -ftn!! kept it is nalusv.l that much v; 'ir.a! flavor will be lost Ike peas' or carrots a "flat" .- n' entdly overcome by usinr; ti! the three accepted seasonings. r.Mt. pepper and a dash of sugar. Every? one knows the functions of sal! and pepper, a rd the sugar j;ies -1 lour: way toward Mev.dinK the u: iYu'tti flavors ami rertoriiuv their natural sweetness. Contim in si c'.u i's have bmn rv. ocnized the value cf sw?nr as a third penor.i in the preparation of fresh or canned ve!olablec, secret which they kep' for many years and which peril, p.; explain why the dishes of many of our fa mous hotel chefs ha-'e b-eoiiie na tionally recognize' for their dis tinctive finality. prepared. i n't rjj member, i een't believe 1 can add ,v what has been said. Where's vmir brother, Xeigibov Freddie? Freddie: Aw, he's in the house play big a duet. I finished my part first. r rimmg: Sure, we're equipped to do all kinds of printing at the right prices. A lot of folks have it in their heads that we do nothing except print a newspaper, but they are badly mistaken, for we have one of the best equipped job printing shops in this section of the state. Bring Us Your Job Printing Orders The Waynesville Mountaineer 'HON E 137 Opposite Court House MAIN STREET. WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Anv little soreness in the Voroat grow apidly worse if neglected. Crush some tablets of genuine Bayer Aspirin in some water, and gargle at once. This gives you jnstant relief, and reduces danger from infection. One good gargle and you can feel safe. If all soreness is not gone promptly, t&A. There's usually a cold with tne sore throat, so be;-x -ling take two tablets to throw off your cold, headache", stiffness or other cold symptoms. Bayer Aspirin relieves neuralgia, neuritis, too. You ntf.y use it freely, it does not hurt the heart. NO TABLETS ARE CENUINEB AY E R tpipfc WITHOUT THIS CROSS -v : e r WI'LIL ii:-.VKRLV HILLS Well all 1 ..n.-.w is just what I read in the pa pers. Now jus: what has been agi .at.r.jr the natives here lately in the a ;y el printed matter? Mr. Hoover's eel cauple f week; airo is i : 1 1 i'r.-'i in t:;e n.imls :;inl edi'.oiials oi our press, but no man should ever .liakv a spet eh after someone at the .;.!U- dinner has read or recited, (.this woman did a kind of a ero.s neiwceli :he two) Lincoln's liet'.ysliurp: Ad diCjs Veu see it was Liiiu'lnV hirth. i y a;ai the Kepubliean in New York were coiebvating. 1, it liaiint luer. Tor Republicans in N. Y. w short. of a cause for cole; V.'i ecee.din;r .Mr. HoovitV w naa re.;, I Ltnc.dnV. s)u a uiii' faieo bundled wor ia-j piainor-i words. Tin re .1.- .. fii a loinedian that stand it. Well Mr .-.-v. a.l Un.c wi rd Fishing Regulations Given By Eakin For Streams In The Park l.H ouM . e ira'.ing speech .n the in. t w ;1. , Well some eeii. i;.o.n.'y ds lonjr, and s not a child cant under' Hoover goL llow Homst Lincoln - welt not m ule his spevh as it has had any eil'i ct em othei He left it as ;:n e . ample i eue evei' . followed it. You this r.'.dio Rive - y-'ii a ju'etty . ,i : i.i-; Hu.w tiiiiii: i-ver. l'!i.leat got a t : oil 'i ''ens i at a'i reference to ii.m by . eJini speakers, ind a K'eat r n :i ,i:we' . o. . i'li: i"i i !-, i.s pi eeh w 'lieli ; il'aii ' a- they pei ta'M ;." u--- a rii i'!e 'in! be f..ct. 1. th lb l.I'en' ou t. what .oi' puolii stated. .March :', pri' j. IL Lakin, superintendent of the .re t Smoky .Vlountains National Par, jiave out las. week the follow ing statements: or t no inlYrniation of th the followinj; trout tishint; .ions in force in the Great Mountains National Park are U;an season. Tennessee to November 30. Open sea-o.n, North Carolina 111 to Auiru-t ill. rilv limit, 20 lish per person nr .lay. Site limit, brook trout ti iiuhes ;r kjlp;h, rainU.w trout. 7 inches in enjrt::. Smaller trout must bj ' '' r.:e.l to ,he waters. 'iship.c; permitted only with l'o.i held in 'hand. Set )o!es prohibited. Night tishine; proiiibite.!. Fishine; prohibited in -.reams closei- ; i'.-.e purpose o!' rest icking. All ' i' i .'.reams are plainly indicated by signs. 1 i e ;e l e,;uiations been pr- '. a..'. .:! in ordi'r to assure better li "aim;. Kaneers and patrolmen have been instructed to vigorously enforce them. I'ark siiv.'ims have been amply toeUei with small trout and if the aehiiif.', public coopi f. to ei-nd lishine. can bo si'cured in the park in two or 're.;, years. 1 :.!." fur: iier "in : i, e llia.ib'y I'on; f Vi): 'aloft I'i'ver in the North far. 'i'lna .-c;i.M of the park is i lo ed ':i Mie; lor the purpose ot' restocking. Th. follow 'ne; stri:iMi- in North 'ivwlitn .I'Oin 'iii n e'oed: Twentvmile Get Your Baby Chicks Early ti i l ni l rr, . 1 T" I . . 1 I . l II "U ! 4 T An.UHnn rure urea niooa-1 esitu, ivocks, neus aim une us. j We hatch every Wednesday and Thursday. FARMERS FEDERATION HATCHERY Asheville, N. C. W. A. BRADLEY L. N. DAVIS oi i. v a at li alia. I t p., atla'r I iti an ai ry. I ticker p;n lever i.i :, and ii New i ' ' . 1 n'o.M i;at :o: a ail'air..-. l,'.,."ii roiiabl '.Uiia-ner is the dtiaibe t semiile ;inyvbeie' in th -'.ma'l town p.'oile will out ol . eill lor read ir up with tin no..... foi iret eiu- t into 1 v, hi; .Sherrys, after the 1 ashionaOlo re ''ullies show one The o e r ,'t i n u-ell vi if ..'i w you un- ipa !,e .a iiij? 1 n-i 1 will O , , I i taur;uit. 1 1 , l 1 1 1 lo TV. -'V ain an I . ,' i ; inev I n e ' .wimr '-' ' e:i: 1'o-e vat er.. anin tie It'iv. k. am earns v Cr. of T'for I Deer, in Te , k. Ki Little e', and Creek Ilea nu ltivct Wos! 'New." said the hypnotist. "I s ko si-is iiiaa force i every;.liinj, ' 1 1 old on." yol led a m a n in I. vow. '"he "We-, lae I? 1 1." the IF YOi: (,'ET IT NK.UTS I'll vsir n-i- acid and f dt 1 I the out - iliai cad-' freipieul desire i; to t nke in l'S,' the bladder Olio i-i ,y a- ebtn:ity all air lainiiiu' lmeliu ' he blad ler s t; loa-t" initar bow id - some you nail like They for (me of the V'andc rbiit ladle . and I thoueil;, 1 bn.t some KJd material at the linn, 'th" : .i ar ue of Na.ions was in the lu lith of its ai'Kunn nt- Ireland and. Vinlan l was .fussinc, .disarmament was a he. d. line topic.. Willani Hamloiph Hetirst wa- sittinji with a party of friends a. one ol' the taoa -. cll he had Irinl these s un..' little jokes of mine over at ;!- Fidlies show, and ! biee.ed out there lather cocky thinking I had sure tine material. uen never saw jokes hit a loom floor ami slide oil' hose did. Those add dow- i , iii , 1. .. 1 aers, and those yount; ueaiuanies nu more lead a paper than 1 had .-shakespeare. Mr. Hearst was dyine lauK'hinK', but not at the jokes. He was laughing at me out there dyinu'. So I can appreciate what .Mr. - Hoov er wae up against. They dident know who Was on or ile the f,ol Knew they were on velvet wa : Ihen two . nights lati r after 11 ;!u. vo I went to iSing Mini; and Old a diaw for them and I never had as well read audience in my life- T'ncy dident mun' a gag. ' Kvi'r sieej then I have always felt-we. had the vrong junch in there. They have paper-, 'ami lvagizines in there and r. a.i ad the. time. T'f.lking about Mr. Lincola and his speech that day at (Jetty, 'nu i g, he w a not what, is always, humoro'.'.s:;;' -referred to as tho "Principal Speakev.' And this little speech . of Linc-du . dident go over so big, but this (Aher old man that got up there ;.n,i rave., for an hour, they thought he wa eat. Now-. 'nobody knows his name .r a word he saiile ; He just .talked iiims df right into oblivion. '1 lay s v. Lincoln wrote his going up on the .i a.n in :. day coach, on the back of an, envelop.'. . Kvery. speaker thai . get s ;o enimeiTioiate :um tinng or ollief .llould ne locked up'in a day coach ana a he come- out with over three hun dred words then he should be in -ca. tie car and make it to the stock. Its funny how they use Ihesj ia mous men of ours birthdays to not pay tribute to his .memory, uut pu. wei some party hooey. That the man in the grave if he could hear it. would get up and denounce the whole aa;-ii'. It's "Lincoln and the great Republi can party, and Jefferson and the gnat Democraie party." Neither man would know his party if he coinc back today, and neither one would admit it if he did known em, .so .Mr. Lincoln you and Mr. Jefferson have got a lot to answer for. McNaught Syndicate, Inc. Hladder "iVitb Juniper Oil the iivipunl ;e,- a':. I owes i ! I a; a i .nil, oi: i n ,,i v e. .lunipe.r oil ;. the form 'of 111 -physie, also eo'i , etc. Works on to castor oil Op a 'iac box front an.T A ft or l our day:'- if no! get I ing up night s" go your money. If you are bothered wit IT li.'ieliaeiie or leg pains aused fiom bladder disoialers you are bound to feel better after this, cleans dig and you get your regular sleep, '"ITie Waynesville Pharmacy, says lil'KKTS is a best seller." adv. he Irug slore. 'elieved of liaek and "get WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE And You'll' Jump Out of Bed in (he Morning liarin' fo do Ii you feel iwur ami fink ami Hi'; wi.rl.l looks punk, don't tm-ulkw n l.rt .f '. mincrol waler, oil, Inxntivf cii.ely or ) -to: ram and ..xpci't Ihe.m Ii. ii:ik- you mxMi-niy. swept and buoyant and lull l mmslniH'. they ran't ilo it. Tlo y only movo III -loowils ind o ni'-v movn:'..iit doiwi'l tit "'' II," raiisi'. Tin' r.-a '! for your n j.u. et a . (INK is your liv. r. It. h..uM "ir. oil I ;' " -r,ii.l8 nt liquid bill- i. an your bow.)" I.uly. . u ihW I'ih' is "' flowintf (n-ely, your I" y I ,e ,. ,,'! ihLOi. it. iii.'t iiuiMys 1 ',;n bloats (i yo" slortiaeh. . -: ... u . i.'''i?.t"i . . i,.;f i (i. ii i-.N e-e in ..ii. yon I down and "' .... - i 'Ui i;' poison' o. 1' I' i '"t Itioo Sood, ''ti! - y. T! tJVI-lt fl'lj s ' .,',! of ! ii.. !!..:.. If ! ' ,.t "ap nv. 1 '.-.'' T .. ; r..:-t ..,,' r,:,t-..''vo,..:e,.l.H-. a . ;,.. n if-i.-oiii.'S to nl.oair,' llirt l You bay" i-ata- ( ' I'1 'AK'i'l. i.) in;i H,:l nil.' -,"!,' :t or' IMH .'...- tV--ok'.b.r 1 A-l- !' SUPIUSE IJIRTHDAY PARTY Corrine Wangenfeld was given a urprise birthday party by her mother, jlrs. Wagenfeld. Monday night, Feb ruary 13. h. A color schem of red an J white was carried out in decorations. Games were enioyerl by the friends ? t f Miss Wagenfelde Those enjoying . Miss AYagenfeld's hospitality were: I Misses Mary Willie Rotha, Susie 3 T oKo no P'miW Siltr. Thnmnsine ! Stringfield, Jane White. Haseltine 5wift, and Martha Way. "The man who is singing carols in the street wants to know if you can help him, sir." "Impossible! I can't sing a note!" Bradley-Davis Company WAYNKSY1IXE. N. V lNSl'KANCE IN Al l. ITS BRANCH KS HEAL ESTATE IN Al l. ITS BRANCH KS SEE I S FOR KKNTAI.S - 1NSI lANCK - SALES SERVICE Ol'K !1()TT(V l'HONKS .121 - :iS.l-W - 107-W I'RESIDENT-EI.ECT ERANKI.1N D. UOOSEVKIf vasih(; ton. i. v., mauvu I r 5 KO( individutils M) TRIP. FROM ASWE IF1.E Sold March 1 ( : Fimif March 10 9.50 I 'or capita parly fare H.t or inure 'REF)r('KI). ROl'NI) TKIP PFLMAIS FARES Piopin (ionale round dip lares from other points..'' See us about oriranizinj; party or more at low lota) . " "COS!.' :''.' Call on your local aent or address A. II. ACKER DP A Asheville. N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM '.medicine: that brightens people's lives Fortunately for most of us, 'a slate, of happy health does not depend on slrcniith. But like any other piece of riiacbinerv, the human machine must be, properly regulated to run right. There is a simple nier hs of rculat ini' the system. It mi'lies un amiizing diilerencc in the .way your 'organs function and. the v. ay you feel. ', . 11 pays, mrM men' and v. omen to try thi:. regula-tioii: Yon may consider vniirself in fairlv goo! health today, and ;dU r only two weeks' regulating realize you were only half olive. 'l hi.-.'' means- of stinnikding tbe svstcm to new life is a prescription, and it is knov.n as Dr. Caldwell's Syrun I'epsin. It's derived Irom fresh herbs, active s";.na, fixl pure j-epsm. b:crv drungist .keeps, it on hand. ' '"t tome" today,' and take some tonight. Whole households have blessed this familv doctor's prescription. It has saved old and young from sluggish ipclis--and from downright sickness. It's the only tonic you rnav need; the only laxative you need. It is the most likeable and remarkable medicine you ever tasted. Try one bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and compare your condition with how you felt before! !l,l2"'IHI "I!"! ' ,' 2- I- -I- t--J- -1 I- -I- -I- -I- I- -I- -I- -I- ' Sp rln g lime and TIME TO PUT AWAY THOSE WINTER v 1- - .;. cl ;'- PROVIDED '- sr''.;;; ; (iet out all your winter tojs and send them to us for a real cleaning hefore you put them away for a whole year. ' ; They'll keep better, and will he much fresher and (Kk brighter next fall when you bring them out again. Our charges are small the saving to your .clothes;, will be more than you think ('ALL TODAY AND HAVE THEM CLEANED Waynesville "Call 205-We'll Do The Rest" ! , 44-4-4444-4-4-4-4-44-444'4-4''H-'l"H - I I- : . ' : 4- Jim 4. I 4-4-4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4-4-4 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 4 4- 4 4-4- 4-4-4- 4 4 t