mm mmwMmmmm mm. mm H as More Paid-ln-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All Weekly Sewspapers Combined VOL. XUV. NO. 14 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933 mYAND COUNTY City Will Accept yfi i oAitfifiKr, Checks For Wa HOLIDAY CALMLY Checks For Water And Light Bills nle-s Extension Is Made, The Hank Here Will Open In The Morning ,NK OFFICIALS MAKE CHANGE FOR PATRONS Vahinfelon Officials State That Vctunl Money Will Be Used In Mace of Scrip .... " ;tieiis' of Haywood county . ' W bunking holiday calmly imd v'ra-ly. llioif not being the lea-t bit ii'di-uiibaiK-e shown. Dm yVindav morning when the news ,' ,..ui that the banks of the na- v. rv t' be closed for lour Hays, vY"om the country came to town ',' Vv,,' mre about th0 holiday. Mon .,).,; wa the only day that there was n. u-Vabltf increase in the crowus i, 'streets, and it being the lirst v.' v and the regular meeting day .iK: county commissioners was re .',.,'Ji Me for many of them being here ..U' :!" enme in one group to see ';,l,ul a proposed road in. the lig.on lion of the county. The anion of - the people was not . , upared with that, ol Novein lH., . Tr:i when a number -i banks in Mn.-wftir-n closed their doors. late dispatches from Washington - - i M' i i .... V o,,i I n . 1 1 . Sect clary 01 nwu., Mavor C. U. Atkinson an nounced vesterdav that the city clerk has been instructed to ac cept cheeks on the local bank in payment of light and water bills. ' Tlie city tax collector, Walter Ferguson, was also notified to accept cheeks on the local bank for the payment of town taxes. It is understood that only a small percent of the patrons nav their light and water bills tv'' cheek.-, therefore, little Uiffi ei'iltv is exnected in collecting the 'bills. Local Inspector Now Ready To Help Farmers (Jet Loans s s. Williams Savs Maximum Loan Is S300. I rank 1' er.nusoii To Make Out App'u-ations. County Officers To Be Appointed By Commissioners Office Oi Tax Supervisor, Audi tor And Tax Listers Will Re Named. Commissioner Frank Davis left Wednesday for Raleigh to get certi fied copies of the bills recently passed bv the (ioncral Assembly relative, to 1 1 a v wooi il conntv. and the changes inaile in offices in the county. Special interest has been shown in the crea tion of the tax supervisor. Soon after. Mr.. Davis returns, the noard of commissioners expect to make .appointments to til! the- new name the auditor ami f,. t ontine' term e, and bsler: oinini: a '. o m: ami' h Hi., I l.t 'B'lilation.s for I'd production loans have been i tiV Secretary of Agriculture now available to fanners e unity l!.'!i rclir.s; to .. ,S.- Vivid ln-pcctor of .the Crop veriimg crop iued'. by .uid are ui this lilia-ni', i'roduc- u-r,. Hyatt l he appoint i, but. won!. . candidal, nv indicate w'nu-ld be r --lewd tint! nf tax upc i-h ,..i the : ciiiitv audit ;-. vi he apa :.nd ui nt s Davis would i- close tin of ju-t i. if Community House Project Committees Are Now At Work Site Committee And House Plan Committee To Meet A sain l'Tidav Night. The two committees appointed last Friday night for working out plana for a community house ioi Waynes ville and vie nitty will meet in the commissioner's room at the courthouse l.'.i.iiv niVht, -at S o clock to near im ports of the committee on selecting the site and the committee appoint ed to submit plans lot' '.he Inntding. i the meeting last Frid.iy night K. 11. Slt'etche.. was named genev diaii man nf i h'.- io'oject and -Mrs !' KirlvPati n k was named record c. ret m y, "he i iiminitti , .named for .selecting M'.e was eo'.apo-ed of Mrs. ,. M. ic, Mi-. 'I'. ! liwyn, and J. M. t'",' ..' I'hi-- committee .is schod- ,i 1., ,,.! -it !::;( this afternoon ami to'- the uu D; City Election Will Be Held Un May z At a meeting and the board tit Thursday, it was the citv election t if the mayor aldermen last tirtlered that n- the election : lie audi ml currency would be circu-j i hi the place ot script- or mun , if'u. ates. U Hovd; president of the First ;nal Hank here stated i)i an in with this paper that 'nobody will lose any money m the r a m 1 tional Hank."' ' j M-. liovd also stated That with-j drawals last Saturday' were very little,. different from the average .viui n... and that the deposits were norma . "'rive people seem calm and taking it all in the best of nature," he con tinued. The First National Bank ollieials have been accommodating their cus tomers by making change for them and iti'-o accepting payment on drafts as specified by the treasury department it V:mhinB-ton. Unless further extension is made for national banks, the bank here will up n 1 inlay moining as the fom-day banking .holiday proclaimed by l res ilent Roopevelt Sunday, will be up at that time. It is the general belief here of busi ness men as well as some banktis, that an extension will be made on the holiday until some definite ac tion can be taken by Congress which meets today. , I'racticallv everyone thought that strict restrictions would be made gov erning withdrawals. , .Tiiera! survey of the business houses showed little decline in busi ness. Most of the business houses were accepting checks for . amounts of merchandise bought. Postmaster T L. Green stated that onlv a few had withdrawn money from the postal savings department, and that those taking their money out v le doing so for a little needed ia-n "We noticed very little change in business except for an increase in .. rVmin tnres and oil companies are sending money orders to the home offices," he continued. "We are meeting all demands im MthdiavaK of postal saving but so far they have been verv small. 1 he people are taking the situation ti y calmly," he concluded. Groups of business men stated at different intervals in conversation u- ow nrt.01. that, tbev felt that ---- , this was the beginning of better busi- taei ortict-. Mr. W illi'am i:i 'Wayiuwville. jl r. Willia m - ina'tie ilio yesteroay: of tn V.' of the V.' gion; i; n:er.. can olilam U'.e nec innatkm ahouf the rcquiia ct from liii'. Application a reviewed bv the ciiunfy ic iiiutiai iU 111 ! WOU'ii j v, being i i tlir j n!' iervi; or pective M'Cl'lVe Dill -, tha.t have ar.u 1 1 : cc a t'ue i'l'op' . F. Isu'k nai ,lec Mat il .liaVv i - the ceil olfoiod. nied to submit I iiuiiiling weiAi , I lirest tie'ol'ge, iiciuber of this . .several plaup ut ted. of a Mayor and tine,, members of the board of aldermen be held on Tuesday, May J. Frank 1- Ferguson was nam ed registrar ol the election, and ,1. C; Patrick .md W. .1. Camp bell wt'ie named judges. No definite announcement was made as to who any of the can didates would be, but it is under stood that several have express ed themselves of then inten t ion of being candidates. Sin.e there remain-, ies.-. than two months hefoii' the election, i; i expected t hat the candi dates will soon n aiakini'; their announcement -. 'Ph.. nie-ci: ,-uv ollieials are: Mayor. C A. Atkinson; Alder-tte-'i, li. 'I'. Aleuser. 1'- N. Maie.' and .1. M. Palmer. i iradle-J)ais Co. Ijiivk insurance Finn oni j. AL en ton :'e..-r;tMT I illSl tl'f S Will IU ill - i ictl On In ( oniu'i t mil v ilii c:il Ksliilc r.usiiK-ss. DICUS PROPOSES ADVERTISING OF THIS COMMUNITY Would OrKanie Wayiu'sviHe District ChamIor Ol ( m- nu'iu' In Immediate Dit. or II. INKS PLANS IN LETT KU TO THIS I'Al'KU Now Civic Organization Would Have Everv oi;ition liepie st'tided On Hoard ' Jlear It Kditor; occurs to the writi i t hat th: vicinity should nre;ani.e an aiiveiti; intr mediunv, for instance, a Waynes wile District Chamber of Commerc. ciiaiprisiii"- and takine; 'oi Lake .lima hr ka, M affile, llcllwood, and all west ,i . i 'i ml IJni..- in- ni vbe ;lyra' -ville and Ivy Hill Tow in a their eotire':,'. i hat !. ni. u. c tin ilu -hi an Some liiereHiinf tveiM kn Lite 1 1 c th: -full' d .ni've very body :c ciialines an oppoi ! unity to , uf the uriiani'.alion thereby a - ceopcia.tive inidy !' souls all to benefit by the park et'ier I'uftered ninveinein - "' , uordinatio'i would, i!' ill. lead lo unlimited benel'tt ceaiinueity at lano-. 1 be t this iiio ellient could he sir. titf meed if properlv ader, '. '.'mom In t ad to one Tim . ti.iunknno comnaiiv here ie- iioucl businc-s wa- normal and no increase in long distance tolls had i ntnA , tVin nast few days. 1.11 IIV'Ll.Vi VI A- 1. v.. v. i " Business is going on in a regular lnanner," an ofhcial stated. The manager of Western Union, rto-oH that ,ii little increase in messages was noted Monday, but since back to normal. "Practically no money at all is being sent bv wire from Waynesvnlle." it was said. While nearby cities were experien cing a number of robberies, the city ,.ia, .Urt-iflrv rlonartments here . fJUUCt: lllll Sliviui o had not received a single such call from residents or business nouses oi tho county. Although several places outside of the county called here for local officials to be on the lookout ror alleged criminals that were thought would pass through the city. Word received here from Canton w-s that "everybody was smiling and lingly happy and looking for a might future." d to have taken nart in robbing a Sylva store were arrested in Canton by Canton police and members of the sheriff's depart- ment. . a. li!!li'.tuU i 1 ollieers, ."sary' -ih-nr. ills di will then advisory committee then certified imd towanl ed to the' regional ollicc at Washing ton for final apiiroval and action. "The regulations this year specify that only those who cannot get loans i lsewhere are eligible for loans 'from the $1)0.000,000 fund authorized by congress. Loans can be u-ed only for crop production, and reipiire the terrower to reduce his acreage of cash crops ISO per cent under last year, unless ho does not intend to "plant more than K acres of cotton, 2Vi ai-ros of tobacco, 20 acres of corn, 2 acres of truck crops, 8 acres of pota , .s and 1" acres of wheat. "The maximum permitted to ally I one person this year is $30.0.00. or in lac case ot tenaius, ine mmi m"'") to t Hants of any one landlord within a single county cannot exceed $1200.00. Tiic actual amouiit advancetl by 'the. authorities- will -depend upon the bor rowers requirements. A 'first lien or mortgage on the crop will be reouired. The regulations require that loi'.ns be vejiaid on or before Oct, tllst, 11K!:1. Interest, at 5 Vis per cent deducted in advance, will be charged. "Since the loans call for a hrst lien on "the crop as security, the borrower frequently has to procure waivers from prior mortgages or rights. If the applicant is a tenant, or is farming contract for deed or. SO- ...,n. ,1 Tiritrnet.. or has given a . .iii.i . , orior mortgage on his lil.'.o mps, tnt '.,;.,,it;.,nl: ctiito In. must secure th '....:..,.,... tii. Mutual owners of the land, and all prior mortgage holders. 11.' the applicant is the owner ot tht and and farms it with tenanis or nhare croppers waivers tit i-uiii ien- -nt or share croppers must - bo se cured The regulations turtner sjicti- ' that the person waiving hih. pntn ights must agree not to, dispose of his rent note- mortgage, or other se- f-,ritv without lirst naving ooianieci he written consent ot a duly auinoriz d. agent, of the Secretary of Agricul ture. . , "TUc vuor.ilhtintis make it. uniawiu.i for any person to dispose ot any crops given as security tor any nui ia. and provide lor nne ami i"i '-'" rceulations al o leuuirt tn it each l.m rowpr ncree to plant a gainen loi his home use and sufficient acreage to furnish feed for live stocK. Since headquaitirs are m untamed t womiocvillo .for several counties. and for the convenience of the farmers o. th s county, aiiangtmenis iwve H. n made with Frank Ferguson at the court house, to make out ..applica tion's for this county. Farmers will find the forms, and information needed at his office. Since the borrowers are required to pay the registration ami noiai.y fees this year, it is suggested they L . t t.Vi time the application is made. If not it requires a special trip to the court house to mm wit- Field inspector. i-- 'Ihe 1 !i mten by c hi'.! actor lived in H: !' .1. A. el' fradci. he day I i-,aiiil.v an mountuin tin! often visit ami others who Nell :f i ' I i e 1 1' -11 liill'eiel ...'lie 1'V ''l i I! v: .1. A .n. the- int.'it'stinn character va John Mehatfey, a s blacks nnth v. b lived about one niib sout h nt ay iiesvii near- llaxelwood, nod nm a kiwU- of smithing ami repai v'. ,lis chief hobby was hell ni; -sine vshich he was an expei.f and ns I.HI were in great' demand t hi oin'liout th country. He had a t raving f'oi uew" as he termed it, cd Aunt Debby McGet disposed of the stun. . . , I'urehasitig his favorite drink, ol which he would then jiartitke reely, he would go home at night when it was about time to retire, in ww i. li. wne whi.M mm. w is in..t .epiimand him hi the sever, i tennr. tie would (ienianu ii.-i -y the threat of break, in- a P ale .or . saucer or some neeessaiy. " " ; ar-.u-le. Tibia retused to heed. .vainine: an i he woultl -ar.y out h, .hreats'. result was a ! ihe time they weie witn.n.i .'"'"" .-Hllicient for the laiuny u". h":W'' i... .., home very .Tintd and Tdda went into a rage, and as colt ee was aa e .. .. '. '"h . ,. .i...a,;,r ho woultl i-top Ptc i rnih, ttiiimi.if, . - ,.. ,l,,.t..,t ,h,! to destroy the '.' ' . , l i i ;.. C'.iled to heed 111 effect, he threw the con nee ' -- i ',.... carelii! Wfiei noor am. hoc " m's, --.7 . M v. ' ..v,.,l his foot he ran the spout "e iv"-"-". , . :.. c...i 'I n. re ef the pot thiougn ins . . . ,. . .... '. i,,i. T. called n Iddn lot She drew; the spout out oi. hi I'".'.1', , . . , .. i... ,. doctoring, to do . I 110.1 nan ,,. .- , and .I'.hnT. tr-ated h.mse! ,a for sometnne, . aim. vauuv - . a regular customer. O'Mallev Assisting George In Training Boys For Meeting ...... . .. . ..,..,,.., vesterdav. that I O O'MalUy, toimer profc -llTd boxe was now -",h'n' in training the boxing ami w. ;- class of local boys lor the annual t.uraament which wil . '.e h-ld m Vcvilk on Mirth 21 2. lht loctl team will rav. ' 1 I,rt name m eich of the tla-c arid l p"r' a mathbcttei t im than ' lst year , irntf I in invita- ( hrest ijeoige. " ? ,ho t,on to anvonc wishing : to join Ihe tla- to get in toucn w.ut . -ate no expends attatheu to tho clais :arttick:es; Found -Ret'ently Were Not .Vuisse's is Said l. II. I nclei wood ssavs Mini Mas sov Used Ditlerenl ivpe Ol CailrulKes Than '1 hose I ouim! Ueeentlv. c conip: ' I USUI.. ; in .KM. n i . 1 1 i .. aiil'ht the ' Way ,1 wil loii' W ay ii 1 1 re-, lie ii I I ! ili..;il. , win. a fed ainpa. 1 hrei i;' i ' a ill ('eoi:le hy the and miiuireil at flic,, about tht ntlv found in thought to Iv.iVi Sam .Massey. a the days of 'do, Among the interested , gating th,. possibilities ridges having been the Mn ni Massev. was. M, il core have stoppt'd The Mountaineer four cartridges rec a t'reviee nf a rock heei. Ilu. iiionert v of I'ainous character of mis investi jf the ('.art pi:opi'.rt.y ' td' Underwood wdio wa Massey. Mr I Older who, I idges were mil lit.e Massey, 'Saul's cart) idges these," lie said when Sam's 'gun was. a these cnitridues are Well, acfpiainted with t ys t hni the line the in Mi. call d b'. win t' larger than inspect ing them, sinule .- I'.i.l and made for a l'i aio, by Hi. Nev it iiiive L at i iii!' in. oi ance I'O mi ;' in I iile eiiiiniain handled . '.n ance. The linn of I'.radley I la is i-, eom posed of W" A liriitlley and Ii." N Davis, both wiil known in thi.-. count y-.. It was' stated tiiat ; the new firm would carry on ail liusim -s of Ihe hrm and that the change in ownership Would not ' ll'eet in aiiy way Inisines:. thai has heen transacted hy the form, er nia nagei' and iiwiic.''. Mr. Newton has no delinite plans ft, r the futii'-ei he said. Ho intends to remain in Wayncsville for "'orne .inn-, and .possibly permanently. Students Observe "Better English" Week In Schools "'Hie .Speaker's Ten ( omniaml-nu-nts. (ieid And Pledge" Are I si'd As (-Hide. for nil'. h - each at,, -i i li'ioe. i. v. ia- iiis'hc ee a lie . I tie ! -ai'iv ' ,',ei .i ni.-e the , . I a in - a n i i 0 ' Tbi. will be I lie einpl'iyinelli n v ami hear olbi' ..I'lee-'. that I ho ucat iioi-. such as u-cs, ineichants, eallor; , land owlle si I v." di recti bodi anon fac' nrop i or n f .a a a l e,icii P.eople " hotels, I lawyers rs, civic aiul iiiiceltaneons, organie ami ,,,.,, ii.t Sinn,- reiireseniai.iv "i'i" . , ',. i i,,,i., ive lint it's ....n-eventalive from theii direct am in lieu of the ill recto! . i ,.,,a i,,,, t F I in1 ui'""j ....... could be belter servetl sliouiil a " ,.,, -a rv to appoint special Commit tees lor special purposes they. ...... ,1.1 l. ...iiiiiieleiif tt do tllli COlllse. lliiiini . r- . With an active ami .ati-iniio tarv much detail, work woultl be I'roiiv the shoulders of the board ing them free to utiliw in more profitable way retary woultl, ol com.- .1- in un- in.o'j -- , . ... ...l.. I., li... unilllllel as l with us, HOC otll.V n. ee- been the case Iteretotore. bu. f..ii . .. It is very i ciil m llaihie -es I of di I' ll,, ird s, tloc- clubs. each from r:.v oi' : t" ;i ..,ilh Ihe nresident t , I II I I. I ! ...... . I il,,. mi'lhod ol electing irs from tin believe. floor. -ami by all concerned their , anil act .' that. sccre 1 if ted leav- energie- the sec ; I'.o.-'.e-'- , ill visi' an 'ipriiuv lard t ,1 thai ,il eon- shot gun," he continued. . Mr. Underwood's fathei K UnderW'ood, was shot, by Massey when Sheriff I'i. ink Davis and his party: were trying to capture Massey. 'he bullet that struck Mr, Under wood weighed an ounce. He lived many years after-being shot, however. The'ciirti itlges were recently found by Sam AH'lton, and are on display tit 'l:e Mo'.mtttineer office. Fire Damages House ere bunday Fire Sunday morning at 9:40 o'clock as people, were going to Sunday School, stlest royed the roof ami other wise damaged the home of Deck Bry ant 't'L'i'o. ii.i the negro section ot W.,1.,.sv-i11.e The estimated loss is i. t, S'r,() wnd S500 with no insu- ra a e... The ii re. d isco ve red i n th e roof, was supposed to have been caused by a defective flue.' The tire department fvpontled quickly and reached. . the Irai'kliiig as it burst into, flames from the i.-.f. In a short while the fire was "mier Control. All furniture was saved. K STERN STAR OITICEKS RECENTLY ELECTED Governor J. C. Bo Ehringhaus ex tended the North Carolina banking holiday to four days to conform with the federal bank holiday period. Play To Be Given At Junaluska On Friday Night, 7:45 The Junaluska Parent-Teacher A.-ia'ion arc sponsoring .a play, "Th" p'nster's Conversation," at the I ' ;.:;,. a school Fritiay night at 7:15. , , ' , The plav is full of laughs from the beginning to the enu, .aim i tainment that I will make you forget your troubles, one of the sponsors said. A small admission price of 10 and 15 cents will be charged. he sain. , , .!, nmktuU a t held tveij mi,- MassieRemoval Snlo RpcrinS At 9 O'clock Friday In the adveTTolumn. oj th.j week's paper, , l,e . , , ; Stole announce uie p' h Removal Sale, which begins morning at 9 o'clock. . Hugh Massie, manager of the htore, i.i M;. f,n h. entire stocii sam mat. ., . i Thp had been reduced for this sale. Ihe owners 0f the store are ma." effort to reduce their stock and cl nate the expense of moving it into their new building which is expected to be completed in 30 or 40 .daj.s. iWork on thc new building has been progressing nicely during the past week, Mr. Massie stated. Wdvnc-villi hapttr No 10) Oi d'l of 'he lastti Star, was honoicd Thui"-d iv evening by a visit from the Di-tri' t Deputy Grand Matron of this district Mrs Minnie K Lewis a mem ber of Easter Star Chapter No. 2, sheville. who made an inspirational address to the chaptei and visitors Accompanying the District Grand Matrrn were Robert Marshall, Mary Marshall, and Ruth H.Morris, all of rs ri.onii.r Nn. ?.. Asheville: hm- ma B Bramlctt, of Asheville Chapter No 191; B.B, York and Maude U iun;, otntpl meetina' Inursuay night, Waynesville Chapter No. 165 .h . . . f!i,ir,cr nfficprs to serve eiecveu uie """"" ----- for the next year Ruth Green worthy matron, W J Campbell, worthy pa tron; Ruth Burgin, associate matron, J M ewton, associate patron; ;bdna McGeen, ' secretary; Mary Oakes. treasurer ; Bernice Parses, conduc tress; and Ada Palmer, associate conductress. l'tipils of the Waynt -ville i '-w.. tlip .:,.,,,l,i lhi week all, n! i.-e IV i lilt ''"l.lct- ter Knglish y,'et'k." and are following ten rule-, as a -tamlanl. The pieilge anil, creed is.'alsh iiing -tud-it il and eiiiphasied: s7 I A A.S A. A ( ''I" Wl M lTS . Hegin with a positive, eoneret!', striking -statment. Tell your audi ence something at the. .start that will ;.,. :,li,.' i ret attention. I. Hold the attention by employing :s many eleineiit "!' sai 'ety as po sthle, especially the eoncrete. :l He concise. Avoid . tieing tne .some. Try. to make or." word do the work of twos 1. Use plain language.:"-.'Avoid: hne phrases. You .'ire not there to giv the audience an ear' full but a mind full. '.. 5. Talk; to tin .simpie- intelligence in the audience:, yon win tow n ev. j thing higher up. ti. Taik to the hack, row of the au dience: you will . reach everythinr clost r in. : 7. Be natuval ami direct. Sinct.-rfc it.7 im lrills. . ' y ,,., i. ol,,., !,- and. tdeaiiv. A jumbled . sentence a w at ted sen ItincA . ti Do not i'oriict live centra t limi.rhr, nt vour sneech, . anil no not let. tr,e audience forget it- 10. Kinish strong and sharp. l-I.F.DCEK FOIl CIllLDliKN I i,i il,o ITnilcd Stiles e.f Amen ca 1 love my country'.-, flag. I love my country's language. I promise: i TVint I iv i 11 not d' I'oner my nmin.rv'a snepch bv leaving off the loot oi.lloVilp nf words. 2. That I will pav good American "yes" and "no" in place of an Indian ( ( out ue ott n ire t ' .timate the imoiint oi , Wiiiild come 'from the 1 ' tact of a tacit ui set l ei... The average tourist, u ,, , w i h; per l l lilll iii", ' .... v.- e-etting in touch with wiaievei " desires might be, from business . . i : . .la.i.moili I'd When 11 ho i iv. aim im ui. -re .Iocs net get this service, an" -' j.have, with the Great Sinokv tains National Park, golt hot, Is. antl other (Idd-giv.-n ......... ,i v....i,i. to mi' that truly asleep; to our advitntagr ,..i... aniK in this VC SOIIII l.nv: . . bv this or .some other method. ' 1 should like to, have your .... i.,e.ll as all of the leaders ,'cti.m to this suggestion '. . i.u, ... -iwriision a- r-v method to bring it. about. . ( i un i '- tin) I'hain- i;,,, ,,t lated Moun- eolll'ses. adv'tn we an 's unless ilireetioil reaction el' this d. if fa the be-- Here Since Jan.l M: t, of tte. riii'i'-e i'neli-e. since .lanuaiy i. t." Shadiaeh Smith. Unth Sue Gntt Itl-ka. . li, a-. Villaue 'e l'el! Waueti of .( anti i;,,. ' I , mntan ar,,l V;.v::e -ville. uh ' i f f 1 ' ' SurieM of ( an on. 11 Summey. and bone of Canton. Homer lhompsoii Mavie I.iiwerv in ' a Frank P,u.:''net-fe, , Thplinn Chambers of IT n I) s ' II guson of l ines Oreek. 11 Alleti of Candle: lis ot ( anton. 't t - in 1 I iliowin;'': l ,-' .lam, .' in . of Mrs,Wm.Fincher,75 Passed Away Friday Tennertil services were held Sunday at Vnvn Prepk for Mrs. William FiTirhpr. 7o. who died at her home on Crabtree Saturday. j, j.vr-1-t Ferguson and Rev. Von conducted the funeral. Tin tieccased is survived by , her husband. William Fincher. and four children, Charlie, John, Cameron, anu iSiora. fitd I " ( o of Cer.l. Hi 1 M ti ' K 1 I . of ( anton. ai-.; Kdna Ri rivtle and i mJ ei'.'.-'.v. -" Wilt I 8 i 1 W n ia Queen i-i.-ress of Heaver.iam. and la'Tidall ot Weodrew. , and M.iir'.e lloitzclaw io r,T arh'if.n The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones. Jr, was buried at Turpin's Chapel last Saturday. 1 lA'OV (.' ML'SSh'H VIES Aaron C- Mcsser, 75, of White Oas parsed awav last week. Detailed in forma'ion could not be had in time for this week's paper.