THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 Three Things Are Required In im proving Pastures a fertile soil, adapted seed mix tures and more seed per acre are three Glials in successful, permanent TaCe building in North Carolina. 1 t outlined by A. C. K.mrey dairy vtl'ion 'specialist at State College, JbeVthree factors are too often over looked bv those attempting to balance !km- farm operations through the ad. ii-lm of livestock. It is loolish, he ,v" io attempt to establish a good nature on land that is too poor to lJa a 'rop profitably If the land H rt- fertile enough to produce a i crop of com, it will not produce tr-k.J crop of pasture grasses, p. -curing adapted grasses the .. ,,! Ui is to find out which grasses h'Vvc Survived in pervious plantings. V, .,. inv North Carolina counties, the hi'-d herds, Kentucky Blue and grasses have outlived others. ! i,.....' n,i white Dutch clovers ...... ltf legumes which seem to dim generally adapted. Given" a fertile soil and adapted u,es the next factor is to seed heavi'v enough to secure a sod. Kim- '. ,in,i that the usual plan is to make, thni sprinkling of seed which jeh time io cover m QUACKS By I. B. A. QU ACKER I. B. A. Q. would like to be one of tho-e big I'ekin ducks with a quack mioortant enough to bo able to quack what he wishes to regardless of per sons concerned . . you know, just to express his honest opinion.-. . . . Ld Howe, lli Rogers, etc. call a spade a spade not a well shaped heart. . . . They don't mind they say about Tammany, the Prcisdent, etc. . . why can t 1 express my feeling on our "ounk tea" affairs? . . Tammany's in. 1 ue nee may extend to the four corners of the earth . . the allairs that I men. 'en mav extend to the four oi Haj- v.-.hkI . but maybe those big quack crs are more than that many times bigcer quacks .' . . . bS.3 butp?her &ftJK. eic!! Quality Of Tobacco Brief News Items largely Determined By Grade Fertilizer Tobacco Expert. ?Si Largely Determined nervous on next Bunaay s outcome. . . Bet the church roll is larger than in '29 . . people in distress take time to think. . . More people attend in ';i2, 1 guess, if they "have some rags i ) wear and enough flour to make baby i pice of gingerbread. . . Isn't it annoying to have a mis-deal when you are playing bridge . . well it'l be more annoying than that if :hi "New-Deal" they talk so much :bout is a mis-deal. . . I li'i.r-rstand that France encour ages its people to marry . . we dis. .wii'age it . . . it's usually a live or -r: hundred dollar line m Haywood . .. tor -ehool teachers . . when the guilty " r1 .- sr. id marriage is discovered in the middle oi a class it means resig nation at once . . our motto is: "The - nlove all e st' well, suppose a teacher doe; marry . . and people will get married in spite of all we ee.n do to teach them better. ... I don'" want to marrv a teacher. . . Briefs: AMiv do people leave part oi" the dessert ? . . Wasn't it good . . . the cook iail to wear a cap? Running short of cum due to the drought last summer, a group of Johnston County farmers cooperated in buying 2,000 bushels recently. Care Should Be Taken In Select-j fifteen Pitt County farmers shipp ing PrODe'r Tvoes. SaVS Flovd. jod seven cars of cured sweet potatoes last week and others will ship four additional cars. must he a 1 ree vvnv ei ) ",.n.1 When thu hot summer sun Many people are good for boosting h' i ,li irriissos .are killed, thorn ji Ives anil their nronertv . . the V " V 1 tlkant 'sUnd of .grass and le-1 same olios are usually quick to knock. ( . .. ,.,nltrelv cover the land ,,itmv iwnnl and nronertv . . . Have ..i,.. 2,.f killinir by summer heat i jU-ard traders tell how a horse is only lll)V.. a.-minpr wether ;ume:i , ,,,!v .it secured. , until they buy mm . . .men ih-s ., ,,'t.i-e, he recommends not less a ,.,,, iatch or Gallant I" ox or both . . . ....... ,...n m m HO pounds ol giass seed an .um w,fn ., ear . . but. still 1 live to, ji(i ., , miiI mivs a good nuxtuie lor one jua!. omi? (lVner tell me his car went ,-. ,,. is follows: 1.) pounds ol oi-l in.. high up Canton'.! stee)est street. . i . . ,.w s; 111 pounds ot iienls guiss, , v t , :j, rjKht this side of the , , v.,., y. (himpion Hank . . and a horse might , . l" lorecd to second il ice was oil tlui' v st reel. . . is greatlv influenced Dv me Kind oi ccmmcrcial fertilizer used and now that growers are planning to secure their mixture for the coming season, the question is how to get the right kind at a given price. T-or five veers, we have been con-duetme- about 15 demonstrations a vear with leading growers in attempt nig to hml the best fertilizer mixtures tor the different sections," says E. 1. Flovd. tobacco specialist at Mate I id le ire. " 1 hose demonstrations have shown that an S-.i-o is the best mix tui(. on soils where tobacco grows to plenty of size and an S-l-ti mixture is suitable where the crop dues not normally trow to a desirable M.e." But there is more, to conside,- than i, 1st the analysis, Movd says. 1 he ,li,l tl- sereen fail to close soon nliosohat.. makes new g-rowth anil .fgh' 1 read this eohinni to see helps mairitv; nitrogen gives. growth v Mr Kuss. who sits m that rus- and potash makes for quality. A clviM- cuts out. . . Why ilo you ask small annuiiit . of chlorine is bene. - '., . ..icit -ivli,.,! vim ioivo no but over two percent is nannilll. nt ion of them accepting.' ... . I M -v I nt g.ris in 1 com oi wavin . iii.: . . n.,11.. c.:viv ITi,, gicwth and quality of tobacco ... , ....,., ,.nn,.ts ., ,)f llis best tops ot tobacco grown on deep, sanuv and following a crop of lespedeza. Tw. illy w hen lv wat Mi tin : t Old ; nt nig !. s pounds ol Kentucky ."i pounds of Dallis grass; ..f v lutt. l'utcii -dovei' and ..i common lespedeza. .eed this mixture on each acre Itblish a pasture sod. lvim- arc pi to ', -. no! K't'd. !:llne;: shoo n that I know i 1 I ' y wlier M;.r Mr ill: nelH'ial . i n u slu.tild 1 in mos! tobacco fertilizers, larnieis ivho have used dolo- iiuestoue m the last few years lv do not need to worry about client. 1 he magnesia controls ilson lountv fanners have pur chased some -1,000 ot lespedeza seed so far m lit.'!.'!, reports lountv Agent W. L .Adams. Mxleen la.Mii tanulies are now sel ling regularly on the newly organiz ed curb market at Lenoir m Caldwell county. Alamance farmers who have tanned hides at home tollowing the recom mendations ol the State College am r.ial hunsbandry department repou good results Some 'hides are tanned Willi the hair on to be used tor rugs in the home but most are tanned tor loathe:'. MiiH one 'Tcrlerl Marriage" was wH"kcd b ton iiiticli money. A real iile '.oi id v drama unfolded in the i Aieeruan Wccklv. (he iiiaga.ine dis llnloilcd idli ne! Similav s K.M.I I ! MOUK AMKKICAN. A talkative Austrailian parrot gave evidence in police court in Adelaide, Washington., and convinced the judge that its master did not conduct a speakeasy. IF YOU GET I P NIGHTS Physic the Bladder With Juniper Oil Drive out the impurities and excess acids that cause irritation, burning ami frequent desire. Juniper oil is pleasing to take in the form f BU RETS, the bladder physic, also con taining buchu leaves, etc. Works on the bladder similar to castor oil on the bowels. Get a 25c box from anv drug store. After four days if not relieved if "getting up nights" go back and get your money If you are bothered with backache or leg pains caused from bladder disorders you are bound to feel better after this cleans ing ami you get your regular sleep. " I he Wuvnosville l'harmacv, sas Hl'KKTS is a best seller." " adv. lUst le iv living n:P. .ill pi lYell; n ( I Klov. md enly I i i It ss - nan. a i WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rnrin to Go if von f.'i'l Rour and suiik ai.ii tin1 worl.l ...s iunl(, dun I 8wiill..w a hit. of . : :'rl':il l O .T, ml. I:t ill l o I'andv ir rhl'H .1)1 . .1111 and rx!n...'t tlu'in to mal.i. vou sud.l. i.l v.. t and I'll. .;. nl and lull of fuiudnnc. . . I I.. V 1 oi l 1!" ,1 . I !l. v i.nlv in.". .' 1 .." in. 1 1 im-tn . 1 K ' .' ri v.. ir il.iw n and . u. li -.1, I pour mil .i.' .i ..ur li.iiv. Is .1....: I 1 1 .nil 1 lv. v ur 1 ;n the 1.. '.' . y 011 . .1 ir h. I I ! 1, Aen Farmer Finds Musket From Garden v Pavs A Good Income " the pe auk '.heir lu.d.v --i. ch able hankci . . n-h to keen our count low sen level. . . . S 1 1 1 here . . . faging a 'ri 1 .:irt'( -t eoiintv should 11, le I' ;i 1 11 1 In v Inn e iioii'' v t roiii inki !.: I'd in mi and nut. d. 'id ' . . or 0101 e I 1 r.mi col oulv a iv wliv tl'.oti . n prefer udtv - . 4 "iS ''. tsi ; . , " 1 - . . .. , 1 1 , ; :! ,si'- N . ' ,f ' J 'IM K '", i. l')X S''A" !. 1 i.' KM If1 A. It" ) I ' I 1 'lv ,vi y At , ll - w v.. 11 1 4M Jk i - At tv 1 ' il l, ir vV 1' Ws Vl'lVlil ' Wl 1 I V A J, 1 ' III J 1 fc 1(1 I 1 PI I ' I lii'i'i s. on ml ; o :1s . ' illowor. cabbage. Luna 1 111! I : i' 1 1) in l;i edthtum, he li.'id a small acreage 1 i.i 1I01 , ml 1 a pU ! 1 n and ei'cr-oeariii1..- strawberries i win whit h be j'.lu the surplus. No itemized ac e .uir. was- kept of these sale.?, Nis ivontrer says. A new feeling for men past fifty If voti"-- lo.l yourself qrow systemr icaliv oi.i, l.erc is a.wav to stimulate yourscl) without .the., slightest harm, ami, in fact, with cliects beneficial to the entire body. -: 1 his method of stimulnting a slug gish system to new life is a doctor s discovery, so no one ne?d hcs,taLc to try-il or believe in it. It is a sane, sensible way. to keep keenly .alive. .! he only medicines vou tak" is. a -noss likeable and remarkable svrup "Viae with fresh herbs, ;iclive sennn. tid pure pepsin. The bene his are man v. and far-rcachine. Its nr.nie diale effect on the lower bowel acts rid of h.i.nennt! poisons better than a powerful laxative. In fact, vou will need no other laxative if vou take an occasional spoonful of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. If vou regard vourself in fairlv RoodjieaUh-now. vou might still find afW a week or two of this gentle tt.milntion that vou were only n a stale of half-health before. It makes an aniazmt! difTerencc in the wav one fee's, cspcciallv at nn ace when one inclines toward auto-intoxication. (Daily headaches, failing appetite and tiring too easily are apt to be svmploms of a toxic condition.) Womn, too, get decided benefit from a icw weeks', regulation with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. ij if J 5LE US:OM l:t lij.l.n. ihe niki r . nrcscnt-a :( rt .i le 10 lonnsl 1 ivii lovely performer x Ih c.ik liotiic- ami Limp cliiiiiii'. ss before the eves of llic aiHlienreyand.tlnow the jaL'ired pieces into a box already tilled u ith i.r.;in fl.-is. I hev step IwrrluotrJ into the box and tit. v; ri Oriental dance in die glass -without in- rurv. EXPLANATION: 1 he performers toughen their feet in a strung so lution of alum water and thoroughly rub them . Willi pulverized resin before they appear. I hey (li row the freshly broken glas around the i Jiis of the platform. 1 he glass on which they artuallv do dance is very thick, heavy, and hied or ground so that die sharp edges are rounded off. I he girl") just prrlrnJ to dance on the sharp glass. r 1 I' rTS FUJV TO J? . . IT'S MORE F17JV TO AiVOW Soi'Rc.-. : yianw Staae In i'v Albtrt A. 1! One of (lie tricks of cigarette advertis ing is to pretend tluit"l leat Treatment" is an exclusive process, making one cig arette better than any other. EXPLANATION: All cigarette manu-, facturers use heat treatment. It is a routine process of manufacture. The first Camel cigarette ever made was manufactured under the heat-treating SS5Bw8s J ffci J!$V jJMwM . Copyrlchf, 1U33, H. J. Reynolds Tuhaao t'jmpany 'k V vf1! i5SSff.'' process. I-Acry one of the hillions ol Camels produced since has received the necessary heat treatment. Marsh, Taw" tobaccos, require inwti- nive processing under high tempera tures. I lie more expensive tobaccos, which are naturally mild, call for only a .moderate application of heat. I leaf treatment never can make cheap, in ferior tobacco good. VTp5" It is a festt, wet! known by T' leaf tobacco experts, that Camels are mads from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular brand. o This is the most important statement ever made in a cigarette advertisement. Vei4l1 its words. Consider what it means. Then try Camels. Camels are fresh . . . in the air-tight, zc'elded Humidor Pack. iVO TRICKS . JUS7y COSTLIER TOBACCOS IN A MATCHLESS B L E X D

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