Page 6 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEEH THURSDAY, MARCH 9 to rsocmfTPA GE ... I lMeWS Eleanor Bushnell, Editor ....... Phone 137 "tS .1N.S STRIXGF1ELI) HOXORS MR. A XI) MRS. BARBER In continuance of the many delight ful courtesies' being extended to Mr. and Mr?. Richard N'. Barber, Jr.. Miss Mary Strinjffield entertained with a charniine,- bridge supper on last 'i hursday evening. An effective color scheme of yellow and green was used in the party appointment?- Spring flowers includ ing jonquils and pussy willow made a pleasing setting for the affair. Contract bridge was played at four tables after supper. At the conclu sion of the games the hostess present ed a lovely luncheon set to Mrs. Barber and :r tractive high score prizes to Miss Virginia Welch and Mr. Hen Sloan. . Among those invited were: Mr- and Mr.-. M. H. Bowles. Mr. and Mrs. Kichard X. Barber. Miss Mary Ash. worth Barber. .Miss Virginia Welch, Mi-.; Dorothy Lane, Miss Wilda Craw. ford. Mi.--s Virginia Carter, Miss Betsey Line Quinlan, Miss Mary (luinlan. Mr. Aaron I'revost, Mr. Ben Sloan. Mr. Dougl ".- ISadgetl, Mr. Carl-' (ton Weatherby, M r. Jimi.i'e N'eal, Mr. Wiiitmv I'revost, Mr. Dave Pelmet and Mr. Fred Ferguson. MRS. m l:l-:X IS HOSTESS TO I A' i. c. The llayw.iu-l Chapter . I" Fnited i I iaug!i'.'-rs of tin: Con i'edcracy met -on ! ; :!;;. iift.-nmon with M i s. .lohn 0i : he pre -id.cnt, Mr.-. !.c.m Ki!!i;K f ) ! ' -1 i 1 :lg. Ill ! h ' .V'M'.'le,. (if . Ms-. V- bel ( Mrs. C. F. Kirk- ;, i i i 'h -ei vi il a- -ei retary. M ' - -l-'lin i;;:n v. v a- ;a 1 1( " i j 1 1 e T (.. ! e,. ! '. : fc . . el!;! S e, ' h,- ( .,nillli ! - !'-..- e : 1)1 : -t- ,? -1 I i , I IV ', - - ; , (. r " e u a i a : i eji - i ! nwn t LEtUOX AUXILIARY TO MEET MOXVAY The March meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held ntxt .Monday evening, March 13, at 7:30 ,,V1.,..L- -it itm MiuAtiir Teninle. A full attendance is requested as impor-j t :iit business will be transacted at t His j time. Mr. Edward Kobeson, Jr. of New port News, Virginia and Mr. Garland Kobe-on of Greensboro, returned to their respective homes Tuesday after pending the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Robeson. The Messrs. Robeson came for the oc casion of their mother's birthday an niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Badgett, Jr. Kft yes'.erday for Griffin, Georgia where they will spend the remainder of the week as guests of Mrs. Barber's uarcnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norman. M IV. i. lav, was .if :t! i . I n e Mi I'.iial. A I.. ; ci : ' - ;: I r. Curtis Logan returned to St rsburgh, Florida after a fow visit at his home here. Mr. Logan calleif home 1 on account of the f hi- grandmother. Mrs. S.C . John Queen, M r. Walter Mr. J. Q. Allison, Mr. , and Mr. John Queen. .1 r. . Washington Thursday ( raw D. D. mote, r to at- inaueairatioii of Franklin D. Ml - ; K-i -i ,-, ,.,..1 Mr Tool .1., e. Jr., and Mr- M"llii . .cco'mpahieil by friend-' '.-.,, A h.Ville metered to Wailing-1 i-.-i Fi iiluy tor the inauguration of I '.! i ''lent Koii-'evclt. i . i.'.e M' Coy and a e.roup o.f :,.)m A 1 1 " 'ilia. I ii U l'iiion; Col- i i ', .i i in , i a i. w.-e'.-cU' ! ' I COMMIWITY CLUB TO MEET TO DAY The March meeting of the Com munity (Tub which was postponed last Monday will be held this after noon. March 9, at 3 o'clock at the club looms. The program which is under the auspices of the Garden Department, pri anises to be of unusual interest. A special feature will be the illustrat ed lecture on "Garden Landscape and D "sign" from Better Homes and Gar den. Hostesses will include Mrs. Rufus Siler. Mrs. Paul Walker, Mrs. W. A. Bradley,' and Mrs. Homer Henry. EX( !A( I EM EX T OF MR. CLACETT TA YLOR AXXOUXCED The following announcement which was made this week will be of inter est to friends of Mr. Taylor, who was for several yea is a summer resident of Waynesville : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed Tolbert, of Spartanbur; South Carolina, an nounce the .engagement of their daughter, Annie Laurie, to Mr. J. Clagett Taylor, of Sebring, Florida. The widding will take place March eighteenth at the home of the bride' parents.. r li OMA "S i I. I I! TO MEET .YAW 7', WEEK The March meeting of tin- Woman's : i lua will V In Id next Thur-day af, b ri.oeii. Man h at -'!:-';o o'clock at the .lie . :' Mr-. W. T. C),.v, fol'd Will) 'I i . .'. ' sinan as associate he.-'u-s. will have lii'.' a ''; e. 'i,.,, a en "Love 1 I'tvi sal A H.ieDow; i tile feg is g r un lku Mi : ,y ' ''.7. Mrs. W. M.Crawford, who has been 1 visiting her sister, Mrs. S. P. Gay, and Dr. Gay, left yesterday for her home in Newport, Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tillotson of Hen dersonville were guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. W. C. Russ, and Mr. Russ .Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Ralph Prevost returned Tups.' day from a two week's business trip to Cleveland, Cincinnati, Pittsburg,; 'nil Baltimore. V :'v Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carter and j Miss Virginia Carter spent a few days this week visiting in Knoxville, Tenn. i (go tn dljitrrlt imtiaij CHURCH NOTICES FIRST BAPTIST Rev. II. W. Baucom, pastor ',, Sunday school, 9:43. W. C. Allen ADs. M. M. Rhea of Iron Duff spent - uaerintendent. iVlond ty shopping in Waynesville- . ! Morning Worship, 11:00. .' Rev, A. V. Joyner of Canton was a Waynesville visitor Monday. (j.-tjij all B. Y. P. tf.'s of church meet. METHODIST Rev. Wade Johnson, pas'er The Church School meets u" , . Morning Worship 11:00, and ib-'&'' worth League at C:15. Evening vict. at 7:30. .Urs. Rufus Siler was an Asheville vi.-iti r Frdiay. Mr.s Adnrew Moore and Mrs. Hugh l.o , e were Asheville visitors last week. WEEK OF ERA YER IS OBSERVED AT BAPTIST CHURCH The Woman's Missionary Society of , Laoti-t church i- this week ob- ei '-. in;';. t Week of P raver for Ilomr I -Mission--. ' I '1 i -.-,-' seiviies started Monday af- i'. mi will continue- every after. a-i a -hi- week at -::io o'clock. The .! -crvh'e will be Siindav even s. n .y.. "At II a. -,e," will ' s' !, e f!i'ativ s of tile 7:30 evening worship. Sermon by pastor. Mid-week prayer service 7:30 Wednesday. 'lac I'niijn ''raver meeting will be M larch lath. S p.m . in the Meth- u. ; chuich with Lev. H. W. Baucom a !;ing the sermon. PRESBYTERIAN Rev. K. P. Walker, pa(), Sabbath School 9:45 a. m. Pastor's Pie-Communion da session room. 18 in this da-'-Sunday. Preaching by the pastor ! 1 ,;. Second Lenten sermon. ':, "The Christian Home-" 7:00 p. m. The Christian Kim,.,.;. Mid-week prayer service We j, ,. day evening at 7:30. REV. R. i: WALKER TO ',-. .- , AT FIXES CREEK Rev. R. P. Walker will pi,-,,. Fine- Creek Chapel Sundav . , i 12th at 2:b'0 p. m. Inl i! 3 TRAIN TRAVEL BARGAIN FARE 1 ROUND TRIP iron f?arr-,'&T - ii) A-VN i':,e a' Price-;. :"' .gi'art'l .:.ft 2 .b,b ! s: '.' s- '.. i ; '. a- s I 'a a' ia ti ... w ;,( , i ,,.,': :; , V i !; iii nr .a . , I ' .lav i i it in'".' ! o bis sister, M . r, ..i! Aikie . ami Ms, A', Mi-.. K. L. t 'oin iiave t'wiih v l''ergi! -en scs-J '.! ..'i ' ... a.. F. bi a r. . " iiecteil . ts- I ; .in: a : - V' r ai h "lb blaivhl.. . The . . a .;. sf tee.s aaugh- , ' . Uiee Mi t :e.::i and - rt !-ha e.. i:r. ,: i'ahiiia t fi- ,.rn: :-,f Walmu a n.- j. ' :' ' ' .'' . v, .f'.v' ha (iriaiaio. sects. ' . .J'.-. a.- i;i : San.jay they been ill .Ulan- : j s '" hi ga, w it s. 1 i'..s. Aael. a; ! ended' I. ::. lioy-.l. ,;,,'. -:' .it.aatban '"; ' 1 '' a s r a t-a i ssi ' t. a; ,: , - . a ' a .. b'e i ii .-s i ly . Ii; 1 e1' ' 7' :f ', ! 'si .:. '.:'i'-- ' i . ibibie '-nil ' aa ; es. ;- .Al.r, i-t ' - ',' 11". : I I .- !h- a . i ' -,i ' a on pt-ac !s liii i iiU a ,.Ht Si ;!( Miiit, i 1 " ! i ' :. i kr A. ':.'v- ;..iae. 2i I i'iiil Mar. 27 i ?.inti; .y .', . ."..:. 'jr. ,j:s.;e Sffftrtvi 'yi;''R;i!g-.' '.hH UK!( (.:,-:t:C,i h' TRH' t'TI.UlAN TARES ''"It" .l;ove ? Applies From '-vc '- oiir e;!.-'t ! Aeiil or. A. U. ACKER DFA AshtviRe. r ' sKl1 ... T.'ic and up t e pi ai, mi in i-'jicisil and S I'ii ii- Cuts . ..V JO ANN. '' :: BEAUTY SHOP- Looatori in same , -building.: with Ann lie Orr's Dress Shop. PHONE Ii. !:. T, i:o i. It-, aa I Mi t Minnie , Weie wesk-eiul M rs. Paul Maiiin. b.hvin Finchcr Timrnian .a it- . .and Nathan "Walker o( Clydp s at .Monday in Vavaicsvitle. .i r. V- '.Haj.n; . ,yas here t'runi aalc. Friday.':- ' ' . ' p ' ..,.iaa;L'. the visitor.-i here last week Mr. X. ('. .lames of Fines Cieek, .'1 i . .lohn Tames of Fines Creek w as :a'iie,;vil)e visitor Saturday, .1. . VV. A, Meore of Pigeon was here i L-ij iiit'.-.s Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C-. H: Med ford of Can- a p- nt Saturday in Waynesville. Sui-v we're equipped to do all kinds of printing: at the right prices, Prmtitig. A lot of folks; have it in their heads that we. do nothinfr except print a newspaper, but they are badly mistaken, for we have one of the best equipped job printing shop., in this section of the state. Bring Us Your Job Printing Orders The Waynesville Mountaineer PHONE 137 Opposite Court House MAIN STREET, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. a a! a-.' i's'ema Ma ai- wia'-i a t a-1., it sa .( i: -eia-boisi ('tiiioaaa mil is-,- , samaiis Miss Rata Wat; on, at t ." le-s itiauttuiatioii i f Franklin I.', t'oi'i's'i: in. V';' .-i-i.ri.iy,-: mi, If. C. last s;at us, lay. Ai i -s .Marnaret Hay, wln.i has .-.pent tee past month in Raleig'h visititie; her i ter.. Mrs. KsvboTt Brecce, returned 1-ist Friday accompanied; by Mrs '!: ia ee .an I yountr soil, Bobby. . ii-.- Josephine C'-abe left .Monday aar Washington. I), ('. where she will sas'id several weeks as the ,'Ufst of !aa- s'ster- Mr a M. J.. Collins, and Mr e.slli ns. ' ,Mr, aoi 'Mrs. jlavid Miller of At 'a.;: ..(ii ui'uia arrived Tuesday: for a few days' visit to their father, Mr. WW Milier. ' ....-..- s . Mrs. F. A. Anderson of Johnson City. Tennessee is the suies: of her brother, Mr. W.T. Shelt.ui, and Mrs. SheltoM. inoiiK the visitors here -Mondav were Mr. F. R. . Mease and Mr. J. K. I '.lite of Canton. ." M-. Krnest. Withers and Mr. C. J. Ke.ce spent Monday in Ahseville on business, .Tr., and Mrs.i.JacS Tuessei' of Sylva ; ea! Saturday in town. Mr. ( '. X. Buriiett of Pigeon was a U .- ; nosvi!let visitor this week. M rs. Thomas Rogers of Clyde spent Saturday shopping in Waynesville. ' .Mrs." James Wells of Canton was a via,itor in the city Monday. Mr. (hover Clark of White' Oak spent Monday here on business. ..' Mr. Ciu Messer of Crabtree spent ' Monday in town. I Mr, Cliarles Medford was here from j Iron Duff Monday. f I ': . j Mr. O. M. Hampton of Canton was a Waynesville visitor this week. M Mr, D. J. Noland was here from Pigeon Monday. t i.:. : pekjIanent.. - 'VA ES Kiii; five I 'e r nui ncn t wave 1 .00 fsederic, standard .... :.50 French. Oil Wave .!.73 . LOOK t?bf'-,--C YOU leap") I Our Cgs-t tump y - " i. fAliC ND iCtOAFCE t Don't jump ai conclus ions you can't eat the label. Talk the food ques tion over with some of your friends who pur chase their groceries at this shop and you will ccme to the conclusion that there is wisdom in their selection. J, C. ROSE Home Grocery Choice Groceries Phone SS Main St. ' 4 1 t. 5- and TIME 111 FIT AWAY THOSE WINTER r; a - .:'. PROVIDED .. THEY'RECLEAN Get out all your winter togs and send them to us for a real cleaning before you put them away for a whole year. . . ; ".' -;'.. They'll keep better, and will be much fresher and look brighter next fall when you bring them out again. Our charges are smallthe saving to your clothes will be more than you think CALL TODAY AND HAVE THEM CLEANED 11 T 1 lie Laundrv esvii Call .205-Wt ti Do The Rest" J I :4..-. A- 4- Jt.