THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933 iHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page Hazelwood News . Mr. TRUSTEE'S SALE U ': W ! ,nd Mrs. H, E. Teague spent ...i viitinr m Moreanton ir;,:iito' Falls:-Miss Helen Teague .. I home with them ior a visit. I'. G. Stump spent last week in ...t. Tonn. im business. :',, Mrs. Hubert Liner and i "in i McKay were . hopping in .),. i -i -st week-end. i;, ;-.u!- Bell spent the week-end ': e'l'e folks. .,. Mi' . i'. S. Iienhcld and Barbara, of Lenoir spent m, will; ,Mr:-. Benfield's ... Mr. ami Mrs. J . K- McElroy. r'annco Scruggs of Lenoir wcek-eii-i here with his fam- .. i Mix. G rover Turner of Le vW.injr relative here and a.vncsv ilh' ,,. Mary Nooks and Minnie i , "C:;i!;! spent the week-end M, . and Mrs. Paul Martin. ( !:aule Miirjfun of Lenoir spent , k--nl with his parents. Mr. ,; i -. Lob Morgan- J. V. Me Kay spent Monday in ,-ille en business, Miller of Kobbinsville -vis- Vi- parent. -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. , baring the. week-end. '; TO SEW YORK -. .1. 1.. Robinson and children Thursday for New York where v. ill join Mr. Robinson who is in , - nell Universtiy. They will be ;x missed in the community. yoCXC, LADIES' CIRCLE MEETS ng Ladie-' Circle of the I'i'i i-byterian church met Ma'tie K. Clark Monday. Hi !:', Miss Klene- Fisher pre . !n absence of Mrs. L. M. , T hf topic for the evening A I'ter a very interesting .,! and badness discussions a t hour was enjoyed ivy all. ;. cui) meet) so , l!a-:-'i'!vooil Booster Club will ret.ular monthly meeting - ' ,y 'night. March 9, at the Town 'I'm. promises to be quite an meet inns;'. The teachers of Iv.ond Elepienlary school will .. ii .i..r guest-. The Tidies of the i, - rioirch will serve dinner. An nee of 1I0 per enet is expected. . cox ('I I i E ILL i.. M. Cox is quite, ill al the .ve-d County Hospital where she mken Sunday... ' .- ". i .w.'.oy y: no's. LIT A!. : . l-dlis Son ells left 'Monday for o.te where he will go to a Char h -1 1 t t n ! I'm- :iti migration. Kf7l CUSS TO N EWl'ORT NEWS Arthur "Kni'trht left -Monday for port. .News, Virginia after speml--i veral weeks with rleatives. 1 , : By virtue of the power of sale con. tained in a certain Deed of Trust made by C. C. Medford and wife, Made! Medford to Wachovia Bank and Trust Company. Trustee, dated .Via;, a, 1928, and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for llavwoud County, N. C, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 22, at page 79, to which reference is hereby made; and by virtue of the substitution of the undersigned as Trustee e'"-ted by a paper writing t earing date June 1st, 1932. and re corded in said office of the Register ai Deeds for Haywood County. X. C., -a;h substitution having been ef iected in the manner provided in said dssd of trust, the undersigned Suc cessor Trustee will on Friday, March 31 t 1933, at Twelve O'clock Noon, oil at public auction, for cash, at the Cotir. House Door in the city of Way- nesville. County of Haywood, and S .ate of North Carolina, the follow ing lands and premises, situate, lying a 1 1 biir.g in the 'lown of t anton, C.umtv of Havwood. State id' North Carolina, to-wit : BEGINNING at a stake in th .s ,a:h marsrin of Boxwood Avenue. and the Northwest corner of Lo; No S and runs thence with the line of L ,t No. S S, 2J :::' W. 125 feet to a -lake, the common corner of Lots N'os. 4 and 5;' thence N. ST" 2.V W. TO feet to. a stake in the Last margin of Box wood Avenue; thence with the East margin of Boxwood Avenue, North two degrees 35 minutes East to the curve on a radius of 2D'; thence con tinuing along ami with the margin of C; xw.'.o.l Avenue, to the beginning, the Northwest earner el' li or Lots N..s. o and ' ' Mart in Subdi Lion .!".' a rs Estate, as per . ( . Havncs in i'.'2i tain Fork tract; thence down the ridge with the said tract S. 30" E. 80 poles to a stake in a field near a scrub lo cust; thence with another old line of said tract. S. 22' . 127 poles to a chestnut on the West side f ridge and trail; thence down the ridge, S. 5o noles to the BEGINNING, contain ing l.t acres, more or less, said tract sr.own as the .McGee tract. j K . ONI) TRACT: BEGINNING at tie .orncr of Indian Spring tract at a small mountain cas, ana runs . on E. -SO pedes to a stake; thence S. 22 W. 127 poles to a stake; thence N. I'M' . M) pales to a stake; thence N. -2"' L. 127 poles to the BEGINNING . oi'iaining 50 acres, more cir less. This t:act is known as the Fork .Moantam tract. Being the sann. two tracts of land E. 49 feet the Southwest corner of! the entire aoniunt of said indebtedness L.-Liibed in a deed from R. T Commissioner, to Claud T. 1 aite.l December 2".. l'J-O. and j. in Book ,")S. pagi oC'. Ilei t Hayweod ( ounty pursuant. C Ui Deed Sa -ale I'onfei red iiust exeuted by t and wife, Leo Fram lt'L'V, and record 21. Record of Deed wood Count v. This Mill dav Boyd. i ancis. ecord ord of C. f me tv lU'eil ot aud T. Frajn'is dated August d in Hook 2 1. page of Trust of Hav- N. power the tract; thence S. 86 34' East along the line of the Ed Bright heirs land, 1155 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 80 52' E. along the line of the heirs land 209.1 feet to an iron stake; thence X. 10 8' W. 2030 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing fifty-seven and six-tenths (57.(5 acres, or less. Being known as a part f the F. C. Welch farm. 2nd Tract: BEGINNING on an iron stake. J. V. Dicus', Waynesville Couatty Club and Bell Meade corner, a-n.i runs with the saw ,i. 1 . incus .ine N. S(C ;UV YY. 270 'oot to a stake in the edge of the road; thence with me said road S. StV K. ISO feet to a stake in the center of the county load; thetuv with the center of said read eight calls as follows: S. 50 E. 270 feet; S. OS1 nZ E, 14.5 feet; S. S2 t'.O' K. 200 feet; N. 70 30' K. 250 feet; N . i'.I 30' E. 200 feet; N. 7b 30' E. 200 feet; N. 50 E. 100 feet in a stake m thr said road op- a locust; V 32" E. 200 teel? .ot I. lire funniest comics in the world ;;re -found each week in The BALTI MORE S 1" N D A V AMERICAN ''iiuih's favorite Sunday 'newspaper; Muy.-joup copy from your local news dealer or newsboy. ; -. "Ba'xwo. :i: ,'i.ip Ibl'l of maps ef l reliu.i, ti r; !' l)!et.' i-ll'-l t'e'e same id C C aud wife. iv 2t;th . nage ivweed. No. of the V. the M; j. survey made by i and designated I Terrace" and recorded "IT' index "15". Record HayuM.iu County. North which man and Record made for a full and coiu. intion of the .".-line, li.-uig propert'i' conveyed to the Medfon'l by W. S. Martin Mary Maitiif- ly ''ed dated 11120 and ri curded in Book 350, of Deeds of '. iiuntv; North Carolina. This sale is made after default in the compliance with the terms and provisions of the deed of trust above referred to, 'whereby the power of .lined therein has become and after failure un... the ('. Medford and wife, .Made!, ill compiyino- wun ine cani -- 'e con: operative p n't of C. MCdford, El.ECTIOS SOTK E .At" a meeting of the Mayor and Hard of Aldermen of the Town of btyaynesville held at the Mayor's offi- im the Town of W.aynesville, on the .t,ik1 clay of March. 1933, it was or ) red: That pursuant to statute an lection be held at the usual voting f hu-u, .to-wit, at the court house in D" Town of Waynesville, for the W:inn of a Mayor and three Alcier "jeii. for the Town of W'aynesville, n Tuesday following the first Mon day in May, 1933, to-wit, May 2, 1933, it is futrehr ordered that Frank D. i'trguson be and he is hereby ,ap-j-ijirrted Registrar of said election and J, i . Patrick. and W. J. Campbell are appointed judges of said election. It. is i'uther ordered that said Reg !.r;.r proceed to open the books for . registration of voters, as provided . law, and that said Registrar and . ui;ges conduct and hold said election o'. the day hereinbefore set forth, as rovided by law. This the 9th dav of March, 1933, HEDWIG A. LOVE, Town Clerk. Mr, :4 Mar. 0-16-23-30 of a stipulation dated September 20. 1!i32. entered in an action pending bi the Superior Co-art. of Haywood County, N. C, entitled "C. (', Medford and. wife vs. George II. Wright,. Suc cessor trustee, et al" whereby the nower of sale contained in said deed of 'ri'.st has become absolute GEORGE II. WRIGHT Successor. Trustee. February 2Sth, 1933. 'No. 29 Mar. 2-9-1(1-23-30. NOTICE OF TBI STEE S SALE On Monday, April 3nl, !b eleven o'clock, a m. at the court house door in the town of Waynesville, Hay wood County, North Carolina, I will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following tracts, or parcels of land lying and being in Ivy Hill Township, Haywood County, North Carolinav and more 'particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: -BEGINNING on Fork Mountain and on a stake, old hickory corner of Boyd Grambell tract , and runs with the line South 16 poles to a branch corner of Shelton boundarv; thence up the branch with thP Shekon boundary, N. 30- E. -.16 poles to a spruce pine; thence N. 40 E. 54 poles to a birch; thence N, 23 E. 40 poles to a balsam; thence N. 5 W. 16 poles; N. 10 E. 20 poles; N. 5 W. 40 poles! thence N. SO W. 40 poles; thenceN. 5 E. 80 poles to two birches at forks of branch; thence up West fork, N. 40 W. 40 poles; thence N. 45 W. 7-1. poles over the spring, head and up the. hollow to a stone pile in a rocky branch below Indian Spring Tract; thence, with the same, S. 00" W. 20 poles to a small white oak by the trail on the East sid4 of the ridge, corner of the Moun- if Mar M. (I. 1953. AME Tru.-t posile N 25 E. U feet ! 01 ' 10 1 50 eet ; 220 50' i: No 9-10-2:1 .(!!( E (F 1RI On M-onday. April n o'clock, a. m. at loei- in ( he town o ST EE'S 3. lb.).: the court :' Wavnesv i - v I li se : bid, land t.elu 1 die I od Ce.antN I ai. nublu ,ler tor ca ivine: and , a iid i. f.uloW .- ,,iMN(; . .eat t margii , North Olltc! , sll, tile f being In no re par Caro to th, SALE , at eiev- hou-e He. in ,na, I high ng lot iV n of S. U feet; S W. 239 P'- 30' I 72ti feet ; point of ti 1 . ; N. 0 feet ; W. 7 et E E. 100 f 25' !5 feet; S. S2" 72 15" W. 7S feet ; feet; S. 55 . 17s 1110 feet: S. 71 N. 10 S' V. 2050 BEGINNING.' cou- ai re s be 111 same inori teeU; S 50' W, f.:et to '.lining or less. Sal,, made pursuant to power ot sale conferred upon me by deed ot 1 1 list dated September I I, I92S, exe cuted by Waynesville Counm Club, inco: poraied, and iecortied in liook of Dei'ds of Trust No. 22 page 205', Ollice of Register of Deeds ot Hay rmoiI County, to which -refeiynce i terms ami I'onilit ions became due and payable ami demand having been made by the holder of said note upon the trustee named therein to advertise and sell the prop erty described in said deed of trust, the undersigned will offer for sale far cash at public auction at the Courthouse door in Waynesville, llay w.od County N. C, at noon on Sat urday, .March lMh. i-a.i... the jomow i ig described veal estate: .11, those certain lots or parcels of I ml lying and being in Waynesville t unship, Haywood County, North Carolina, and more particularly de--ctihod as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the in tersection of the Southeaster maigin of the RatclitV Cove Road with the es:ern margin of a Read ; and run:-- 1 hence el 1 St ree to a , St N, rl sake d' th(, 10. i 1 , I tee! - an,-Nos A 5 i nia. lor all sa me Mar, h 1955 ;eo. w 50 ARD T: usi i U M I MS I A TOR'S NO i It E to' ; th. 12'., U line be' 30' U. 51 i., rid U MG, V. ei li ! 15 :' with g. li n a belli: a - v. i ; stal oi- N .'1 to , I tie" an ,ol. I nea to , ill I 1. N t hoiu ma i N. la .ci . V. s ; Addilioi t, as per eai-r. mane h. I ;n ol DEGIN: he I'le luuii of piat of -Cib, and Index "I'" Heeds of i'le jiouer - by a deed Davis and dated April Book 17, at ds of Trust, which refer- ternis an I rei ord'-d ill Map Book "( " bfli.-i- 'ii 1 he Kee i.-l ei o; 1 1 a.,- vvood County. S.u'ie. 'Viade pursuant to in' sale i onferred upon im ,f ; list .executed by .Iv. i e w'ife. Tula Royd Davis, , 21. 1920, and recoided ill page 200. Record- of Ik e; of Haywood Comity, to eiu-e is made for ;U1. t h conditions of the .same. : This 3rd dav of March, 195:'.. ,1. r. mou;an No. 55 Mar 9-10-25-50 Trustee NOTICE OF I'Ul SI EES SALE On Monday, April 5, 1933, at elev en o'clock, a- m. at the court house door, in the town -of W;i. nesville, Hay wood ('(Hiiity,. .North .Carolina, I will sell at public . -oiitcry, to the highest bidder tor cash, the following lands and premises, lying and being in. Cecil Township, Haywood County North Carolina, and more particularly des ci ibed as follows : A tract of land known as the Thos. Or:' place, fully described in a deed frpni W. J. Haynes, Commissioner, to : B. Ferguson, recorded in Book 27, page 405, Record of Deeds of Hay wood County, and the same land con veyed to F. 1). and Lon Rogers by deed from W. T. Blaylock, Adnir. et al., dated September 10, 1912, and recorded in Book 30, page 2iG, Record o; Deeds of Haywood County. Also a tract of twenty acres ol land whereon the parties, of the first part now reside, conveyed to the said Um Rogers by' J. F. Justice, by deed recorded in Book 53, page 221, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon me by deeds oi trust executed by Lon Rogers and Wife, B!an(. Rogers, dated Ilecember 27, 1923, and recorded in Book 10. page 102, 'Record of Deeds of Trust of Hay wood Count v, N. C. This the 2Kth dav of FVbruai y, 1955. J. U. MORGAN NO. 31 iMar.- 950.. ; Trustee NOTICE OF TIU STEE'S SALE i l .aims ig ipiati -late of le, N. C. agaiir-l . Die um ,1- befol .' a .1 n 1 1 n i s ; i a , ; ice vi coverv. AH per :i P!e; 1! . . A i said er-ir Mar le.nie I ay ho pe iso w:1m', h I at .( 195, I bar havir.s. nl N. tin-. 1 il,'H pl'es l NO. 2 W. A. ' '.reeiuo IS .Ma ndcblt ,1 to -aid o pavmeir, a! ,,a, !la'r . ot a lie,: 1'. C 9 o-: II ay ne . ; 50. Apr -tat: 0. ; -'. in: n:i. orn -. 'Ills ulidcr-igiu'i! Iiaving- qualified as adminislratrix vf the estate of .io-hua Fitzgerald, ileceased,, all. persons hav ing claims against said estate are 'hereby notified to present, duly sworn statements of the same to the under sig.ned on or before March 2. 1931. or ;hi: notici'; will be pleaded in bar ol the'' recovery -thereof:- Any persons indebted to the said estate are hereby ilotilieil to pay the aniotnu of said in 'b!;: Piess to llu' undersigned at, Once. Tlii , Tie 2nd day of March, 1955. Mrs. Charlotte .-Fitzgerald, Administratrix of .Joshua Fitzger ald, dec eased., No. 27 ; Mar. 2-9-10-25-30-, Api 0 AhMIXISTh'ATh'IX XOTICE The undersigned, having qualified a- administratrix lor Hie. estate of ,L I.. I'almrr, de. cased, hereby .notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present verified statements of tire same to-the undersigned on or by February 10, 1954, or his Notice will be pb'aded in bar of their re covery. Persiiiis indebti'd to the said estate are hereby -notified to pay the amount Aw to the undersigned at once. This the 10tb d'ay of February, 1955. ADA S, PALMER. Adhiinistratrix 'of tire estate of , I. E. I 'a liivr. deceased. 25- Feb 25-Mar, 2-9-10 30. or AI'MISISTRA TOR . XOTICE i "'die sl'hat Oo'iv' has (. b i'k of tin is her . the been ; Supet wood per,.,' estati (S IL P J. " Some men and women fight colJa all wintw loag. Others enjoy the protection of Bayer Aspirin. A tablet m time, and the first symptoms of a cold get no further. If a cold has caught you unaware, keep on with Bayer Aspirin until the cold is gone. Bayer Aspirin can't harm you. It does not depress the heart. If your throat is sore, dissolve several tablets in water and gargle, lou will get instant relief . There's danger in a cold that hangs on for days. To say nothing of the pain and discomfort genuine Bayer Aspirin might have spared you. All druggists; with proven directions for colds, headaches, neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism. B A NO TABLETS ARE GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN WITHOUT THIS CROSS E - R. : On Saturday, April 1, 1933, at elev en o'clock ar m. at. the court house door in Town of Waynesville, Hay wood .County, I will sell at public outcry to the. highest bidder for cash, the followiiie' described hinds and j premises lying, and being in Waynes ville Township: 1st Tract: BEGINNING at an Iron stake, 3 feet East of the Southeast corner of the J. P. Dicus tr.ael, and running S. 80' 10' W. 258.9 feet to an iron pipe, the Southwest comer of the J. P. Dicus tract; thence N. 4 30' W. 115.2 feet along J. P. Dicus' West boundary to an iron ."take; thence S. 85 30' W. 40 feet across th0 end of Balsam Street to an iron stake; thence S. (!0'' 8' W. 204 f eet to an iron stake; thence S. 4 37' E. 200 feet to an irn stake; thence S. 81 30' W. 513.3 feet to an iron stake on the East side of Belle Meade Avenue; thence S. 4" 44' E. 102.9 feet to an iron stake; thence S. 85 16 W. 2435, feet to the center of Al iens Creek; thence meandering the center of Aliens Creek as follows: S 6 31' W. 29.5 feet; S. 38 29' E. 57 feet; S. 69 2' E. 50 feet; S. 77 E. 44.1 feet; S. 89 44' E. 71 feet; S. 10 21' E. 83.4 feet; S. 0 14' W. 35 feet; S. 9 52' W. 60 feet; S. 20 42' W. 125 feet; S. 7 39' W. 32 feet; S. 23 42' W. 45 feet; S. 4 37' E. 140 feet; S. 39 48' E. 100 feet; S. 85 12' E. 90.5 feet; S. 36 29' E. 50.1 feet; S. 3 3' W. 62.8 feet; S. 48 35' E. 51.2 feet; S. 25" E. 50.7 feet; S. 33 34' W. 50.1 feet; S. 46" 4' W. 50.9 feet; S. 56 16' W. 50.9 feet; S. 36 9' W. 49.3 feet; S. 29 53' E. 57.8 feet; S. 12 10' E. 51.2 feet; S. 37 28' W. 62.8 feet; S. 8 12' V. 50.5 feet; S. 14 20' E. 51.7 feet; S. 35 31' E. 61.6 feet; S.4 3' W. 150 feet; S. 15 7' by given to the undersigned ,)....-S. appointed by tb'-" ier ( 'inn ! of llay- Count.y, admihist rat br of i tie df I . V. Woody . (leceaseil. : All s. having claims against said are 'notified to present them for payment; in one year, from this, date this notice will be )!.faded in bar of; any. recovery. All - persons in debted' to said estate are .notified to par.' them at, one,, at the home, of tire . aid .1. S. Woody or. U. TV D. No. 5. ' 'ar.C.n, X. C ; This the litst day of February, 1935. .1. S. WOODY. ' . Administrator (if J. V. Woody, de ceased. ' No.: 1 5 -Feb. 2-9-1 t;-23sM ar. 2-9. ADMINISTRATOR S SOT1CE I Having qualified 'as alniinistrator of the' estate of W. M. Francis, de ceased, late of ' Haywood County, North Carolina, .is, to notify; all persons, having . claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Clyde, Xorth (Tnrnlinn. on oi before the 18th day of February. 1954. or this notice will be nlrnded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make payment immediate ly. This the 18th day of Feburary, 1933. C. R, FRANCIS, Administrator of the Estate of W. M. Francis, deceased. No. 23 Mar. 30. NOTICE OF SALE ESTATE OF RE A I? Under and by virtue of power and -uthority contained m that certain 1eed of trust, dated January 10th, 1928, and recorded in Book 20, page 128, Haywood County Registry, and sxecuted by J. C. Norris and wife, to the Citizens National Bank of Ral eigh, N. C. Trustee, default having: been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured thereby, whereby, m a i ;t in eUtll -take; uegi r, t i n g Tut el w c Del to if .In: 1: ' i iu: lie Ni'W Street or with the West- f said New Head or t degrees West 300 feet :bence Xorth Ml degrees ! I., fee! ;i -take; t hence Last 3b, lect to a e eulhern margin el the ve Read; thence running ie Sie.'i'.hci'n margin o ('the R:U- ,. Koad tun calls as SS d,e-giees Las! 'J1S f North lit: degrees La-' .....iiit ' BEGINNING, 3 acres, more or less. .- ,ts Nos. 13 and 13. I a nds ..s p i sli r i'V ai y ,1 . W. S. n i-r. and I'u.ek "1 "'. Index "T" istec of Deed-. of Nor II! follows: .'.et to a Ci! feet contain- ! of the md map 'corded ". Ollice Hay ( ounl tic -aid V,v N, -ami .1. ,11 I'S fro ( ( arolma. lonveyeil Norris and deed date,) l-Vrgusor, page l"'b. lorn l. .1. widi. and :., Record r. Nolib ,1 '1 li 1. (;. 7.' SALE . Ma ro! A. M ... a 'I'oWll I ,-, cash, hi,., I,, i I i 1 1 in i-1 s 1 r in -Cieek 'ion y :. I ' I ( , 1 N I I I ' t li, , ill;.,' ne' an I be court i' Vraynr t '.. I 'u ll lug lir a I described I beiiii'; in liio Havwood at I sell itlder lands ,1 011- a 3 II 3 the lit ir.-e ,l:i anil in d, .in si ump. . X. tib-'i d i oil ; '. a Spanish to a stake deg. W, of tract wife, bv ca I f v:. 1 : :.0 oak. to at I -ISO conveyi deed ol tb ! lie ccir the lino id runs ows. :N. 1S9 Siianisb .oak . ,lb.i. fed to a 11 feel to :i !-:r dog, IM 20 1 I S. TV dep. K, ': a bin II' of roc feet to a si a to ,1. .1 veil d:it line id' Is as I'ol lilt) fl'l't. cal W. stake, sour- feet to .V.!S I'eet S. l!!C , corner Boyd and hcrewit b ; tract last flows: N. to a ilog- t heiu'i inen: joiieil t wo TS dee. 1 I mill wood, W. 1 10b feel to a ,-tak,, in the center of llu- public road; thence with the center of the- public road, N. 5 deg: L. abb 'feet to tile BEGINNING, containing 1 1 'V acres, more or less as per stirvev and plat of .!. ('. Haynes ina.le duly lib, 1931. and l iug a part nwc .lands .'described m a deed Mlisop Caldwell to the n Evans,- et al., 19.30, ami ri'coriled P.) Record nl' Deeds of. the frohi aid dab'd .ll'SSII' Kssie Allisi ( le'.ob- I IS .k k:!. page b 111 I: of Havwood ('ounty. N. (' Sale, ihade pursuant to the povvef cohJ'erri'd upon mi' by trust ,o., ,-ut, d bv ,W. ,'T. Haiiier and wife, Fannie B...R-ainer dated. July 31. 1931, and recorded in Book ef Deeds of Trust 'Na.-.2ii at page 271 in olUce of Kegisscr'of : Deeds of .Haywood Coun ty, to which reference is niado for all tin1 t i'ii! s and conditions of the same. This Februarv 3, 19:'.:'.. A ,T. WARD. Trustee. X,,. t Fd.. 10-2::. Mar. I!-'.'. ; NOTICE OE TRI 'ST EE'S SALE On Monday, March' 27, 19:',3, at 11 o'clock a. m., at the courthouse door jr, th" town of Waynesville. Haywood County, I will sell at publu-outcry to the highest bidder im r,y. ing. described I .yibg and being in cash, thi- tol amis and, premises Waynesville Town- shi NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, the 20th day of March, 1933. at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the courthouse door in the town of Way nesville, H.ivwood County. North Car olina, th. undersigned. Trustee, will sell at p.iblic outcry to the highest bidder l.o cash, the following de scribed 1 nds and premises, lying and being in Haywood County. North t. aroli'-'a and fully described as fol lows: BEING lot No. 3 of the V, L. Hawkins Addition to the Town of Wayne - villi, N. C, said Map recorded in Bxd; No. 30 page 440, and de .vi ited as follows: BEGINNING on a stake on the North side line of State Highway No. 10, and runs N. 2" W. 150 feet with the line of Lot No. 2; thence N SS E. ."( feet to a stake, corner of lots Nc. .3 and 4; thence with the West line ot Lot No. 4. S. 2J K, 150 feet to a stake in the side lint of State Highway Ne. 10; thence wihh Highway No. 10 S. S V. 50 feet to (he BEGINNING. Being the same lot of land hereta foio convex ed to Albert and Gilbort Reeve- by deed dated -November 24. 1925. and lecurdei! in Book 00, page 37:',, Record of Deeds of Haywood Countj, North Carolina. Sale made pursuant to, under ami by virtue of the power of : ale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by .Albert Reeves and Gilbert Reoos to I'hion Trust Company of Maryland Baltimore. .Maryland, and the Insured Mortgage Bond Corpor ation i f North Carolina. Trustees, anil bearing' date of May 1st, 1927, and duly recoided in Book of Deeds of Trust Xo. 21. page I Register. of Deeds- oi ! y , A, i t b ( 'a rolina, ib "d "I' : i u-.( ;,nd rei lie re I o made fo r all I li-,ilnt.i.,r- of 1 be , ... . - . t iiriavy y on a stone m uie. Fraiicis. line, corner iif. Lots Nos. 1 and - 5.- and runs thence with the line of Lot. Xo. 1. X. IS deg. E. 1520 feet to a rock near the. branch; thence N. 11 deg. 30 mil'.- E. 55 feet to a stake n the brani'h (at. the junction, wit h an other small branch) ; thence S. 42 deg 15 min. E. 335 feet to a stake; thence N. 79 deg. I " min. E. 40(5.5 feet to a rock in the Reeves line; thence with: the. Reeves line- South 168 feet more or less, to a stake (Reeves South, west corner in dine of Lot No.. 3) ; thence with Reeves line N. 88 deg, 30 min. E; 464 feet,, more or less, to a stake (Northwest corner of Claud Medford acre tract) ; thence S. 1 deg. 20 min. W. 1200 feet with line of said Medford tract to a stake in Francis line; thence with Francis line N 87" W. 1417 feet to a stone (black oak gone) ; thence S. 76 deg. 30 min. W. 152 feet to the BEGINNING, be ing Lot No. 5 and part of Lots Nos, 3, 6, and 7 of the Hardy Liner, Sr. lands near Lake Junaluska as re corded in Map Book "A," page 45 in the office of Register of Deeds of Hay wood Couty;. Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon me by deed of trust executed by Hardy Liner, Jr. and wife, Bessie Liner dated September 1, 192S, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 22 at page 275, Office of Register of Deeds of Haywood Coun ty, to which reference is made for all th" terms and conditions of the same. This February 24, 1933. J. R. MORGAN, Trustee. No. 26 March2-9-16-23. 17, ( Mlice of the Haywood Couii t which saiil on! i eferenee is the terms and line. t'i- ;l.o 1 5th day of Fein nary. 1933. I ii-nr. 'd Mortgtige Loud Corpora :;on of No,-th Carolina and Un ion Tiii-l (-'onipanv ol' Maryland Ibil: A Oi l ( ''-. "Marvl 13-23-M 111.(1. Trustees. 9- lb. "," SALE ESTATE or HEAL piiym-. 1 having lei'o ni.ole in thi' el' t he 'inde'-'ledness . ei tired ' b: : : ; 1 1 1 i deed of ! ri: t oyerlllcil tb firsi National ( o.. of- IHn; r Ine:.' and the I.'hio!i Trust Com- , v i rvlamt I ru'gees on ine hi-m. , la W. i f 'of .lulv. 192S, ',: I lien ( agio, I, i-i-ibcd. sa id recorded in the ollice ,b. lor II a'v win- by ( I, Al . i ' igle and mi i ho 'lands Irere Dced of Trust be- 21, page 52ti (if- iiegaster if d County. N. ('.. tins III! nod will, "having been so re- miesled bv the" ladder of said' indebtr idnes. (ili'er for sale at puldic auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse 'door in Haywood County, X. ('.- at twelve o'clock noon oh Monday, March 20th. .1933, the lands described in said deed of trust to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake at the in tersection of llie South margin of North Main Street with the West margin of Newfound Street and runs uiilr North Main Streul South SUM:, degrees West 131 feet to a stake; the nee. South '. 1 1 -. degrees West 120 I'c-'l lo a. stake, the corner of Lot No. lb ibenci, vVit i the fine o! saul L.W. So.itb 75'.: degrees, East 130. i'eet- .to a stake- another 'corner of Lot No. '6 in the West margin of Newfound Street; then with s. id street North II1- -.degrees East 179 feet to the 1! KG INNING. 'The .purchaser at -.the foreclosure ' assume the payment of all un paid taxes and street assessments, again-a the property. The Lilian Trust. Company of 'Maryland having resigned as Trus tee, as in said " Deed of Trust pro, vided, the sale is being advertised and conducted by the undersigned Trustee. ti.Ij nil, Vi'iiTiiin-v. 1933. Y. G. Brainham and T.'-L. Bland. "Receivers, First National Com pany, of Durham, Inc., Trustee. X. 21 Feb. '.:.".-M a" 2-9-10 "' XOTICE OE: SALE OF HEAL ESTATE ..' D,, 'fault, having been made in. the ji.i,, ineh't '; of the indebtedness secured by i certain deed of t ru t executed to the Firts National Co.. ..of Dur liam, Inc.," Trustee on the first -day", of September, 1928 by Paul Camp and wife. 'Edna Camp, oh the lands here in 'described-, said .Deed of Trust being recorded in Book : 21 , Page 49 1, in the" otlice of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County. N. C, the undersigned will, having b-!.. so re-'. by the. holder, of., said indeb.t rditess. offer for stile, at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door, in Haywood Countv, N. Ca at twelve o'clock noon mi . Monday, . March 20thV 1933,, the lands described in said deed of trust, to-wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the. East side of Oak Street, which said stake ; stands South 40 degs. 30 mins. West 150. feet from the intersection of. As sembly Avenue, and . Oak "Street and runs : thence South 49 degs; 30 mins. . East 100 feet to a stake i:i James R. Thomas line; thence South 40 degs. 30 mins. West 100 feet to a stake in James R. Thomas line; thence North 49 degs. 30 mins. West 100 feet with said Thomas line to a stake in the side line of Oak Street; thence with the East side line of said Oak Street, North 40 degs. 30 mins. Tast 100 feet to the Beginning corner. ,-, Being the same lot of land convey ed to Paul Camp and wife, Edna Camp, by deed dated November 23, 1920, and recorded in the Register of Deeds office in Book 74. page 228. to which reference is hereby made for t, more perfect description of said lot of land. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale assumes the payment of all un paid taxes and street assessments. This 14th day February, 1933. W. G. Bramham and T. L. Bland. Receivers, First National Com pany, of Durham, Inc., Trustee. No 20 Feb. 23-Mar, 2-9-16