V Page 2 ! Si,, m t Published By THE WAVNESVILLE IRINTIN(, CO. THE WAlTtESVILLE MOUSTAlNtiKR Main Street W. C. KUSS P. D. rJKAlo.N Phone 137 Waynesville, N. f. ... .Managing Editor General Manager !,. rer.- 1 Year 6 Month, 8 Months Pubb-iied Every Thursday M H: iJII'TION RATES $2.00 1.25 .05 Sub.-.i:p'.h:.; payable in advance Enteied a: t.';v post office at Wayr.ysvilie. N C, as Se -ii. i Class Ma;! Matter, a- provided der the A ' (.f Marc!) .1.1S7S. NV v:r.le: MO. ::!! TIIl JiSDAV, MARCH 16, 193:j THE l'KOI'OSi;i) WAVNESVILLE DISTKICT CHAMIiEIl 01' COMMERCE The Mountaineer has boon impressed with the large' number of comments made 'favoring the proposed civic organization of a Waynes vi;le District Chamber of Commerce by C. M. Dicus, which va published in last week's paper. Not all of the comment made has been in lavur of tin- proposed plan, however, and those expressing oipo-ii ion to it were as sincere in their views ;i- those favoring it, but we find that the genera1 opinion is. as far as revealed the p!an. hall continue to support any and 'which we believe arc uplifting betterment of our community,', e time we are always willing to those seeing things differently. iiieni space, in accordance with quickly as those expressing our THE CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE Our sympathy goes out to the citizens of the nation who lost heavily of their property and in many instances members of their fami lies or loved-ones, in the California Earthquake. As terrible as the earthquake was, it also had another side to it, in that it made the rest of the country stop thinking so much about thp bai.k situation and look at the suffering and , .-onow wnicn nact befallen the western shore of our nation. Many people throughout our nation have been comparing everything in life with gold and .vih-c-r, and during the past few weeks they have stuck even closer to that ihun with the scenes of devastation of the California aitlHjuake in their minds, we feel that many ih look beyond their financial troubles and isualize the suffering and sorrow that can really befall a nation. And again, we repeat, our sympathy goes "tit to all those affected in any way by the earthquake, but since it had to happen, it seems Unit it was indeed a blessing that it should "-uir at the crisis of the financial situation i bring our nation face to face with the fact, '-bat, -'even as bad as the financial situation u',ls' U,erc' ai' mn.V things that could have ''t n much worse." urea in accord wit Tnis pap.'j all movement and mean in but at t!u ' -a give vieu VV shall iM our pohVir-,, a 'sentiineiii '-. Commerce, no matter what With ;.iiis clearly before the people, we in- -;'r. -.-i.-ii- from the citizens of this sec tion iii TCfi U'd to the proposed Waynesville Dis- u in. v .iia their viivv It in; 'hau lb. :iiii .') j. ! lie re is,, v one haviti may oe. .ot be that there is some better plan in- proposed by Mr. Dicus which A into force in this community. If iei l that it is the civic duty of any , a better plan, or an ammendmcnf to Mr. ,c...s- proposal, to come out with it and let the public, know of it. 'I in- riper takes tile position that under Mr. D'euV pl.ui. the 'over-burdened few" who hac nm,, n;i this work for years will be Kien askance, both financial and moral, in 'ryni, .,,t Uu- proposed program, or a simi-I'l-'W-u,. which ue feel will mean the be ginning of .'M-ttei- times in Haywood county. N' i'tlt. and expressed ourselves on many .occasions, of the need of advertising thi . " Parts of the country -from " l'rm '!l "I"' tom-i.ts. prospective home- -He.-s industries.- , is extremely ,;m' '"" ' 'h.m,.s men and women to ; ;;""! v r rt ;uu' fln;i,u- p"n winch 1 edec .e.yget this done, but we feel that thete a,. ,K!stmg in tin- territory, as set: out enough people with civic pride ;;n ---tion ,f!his typeand ,,,";;';;!;:,mrJi:!,ii' mu.it v ;","'t,V,e("''Nnflhecom. Z 7lr;; Vrnmu:.ly wv mean v rl 'ns ',s-t take this matter ' J' organisation and send in to this of wliat ?: f Jovv t;ut the (ireat Smoky Mounlains Na ncv, r f ' 'eal,ty' and located it e n : , any,Oth0r Xoith Carolina citv, this ?, 7- - ,mmC'J,a,e action in advertising this .section ,s. most important. tnat the people of our nation -u-e come to w ! v to vu l, read the letter printed elsewhere n th,, ,,,tfi vvntten by Mrs. Matthews. If al TT he Lrouht out bv one Poison. . ust what could be done with the entire community behind the movement" A Vv .vRM(, TO THOSE NOW ON CHARITY LIST i1 Wi'lii :nlr! l.u y, .11:..' 11 '. euuiu.v omciai last week, that those now on the charity list and receiv ing help would be checked on and all those not planting gardens and trying to help themselves would not receive aid next year. This same official told us that a record was -.being made of those who were offered jobs and relused to take them because they felt that the county will care for them. These persons will be .-omewhat overcome next fall when thev hml that they can no longer depend on charity. Citizens in each community should inform I hose now receiving charity, just what plans are being made for next winter, and should try l make the "destitute" realize the importance of having at least a garden. We believe that next 'winter it is goinir to be a difficult task to get charity assistance. WHAT COULD BE PLAINER? Last Sunday morning Rev. II. W. IJaucom pastor of the First Baptist church, brought to his congregation a most timely and uplifting message. lie used as his text, a scripture verse that seems was perhaps written just for this nation at this time, II Chronicles, 7th Chapter and 14th verse: "If My people, which are called by Mv n.i ..1. 11 . . . J ......, Mian numoie themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wick ed ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will .heal their land." A few of the remarks made by Rev Mr l.aucom were as follows: "This seems to be a cure for the world's ills. "A cure for the depression "The world seems to have forgotten God, ..-. Learnings ana nis warnings." MiEE TEXT BOOKS iJear Editor: H e have recently noticed much agi tation against the proposition that would furnish the children in the pub lic schools of North Carolina with free tf.t books. In fact. df.nlnr.ih UI. o "Uj ?eenl sme of these agitators .school officials who make no reser- "iuuns m ttieir rlenounci-mont ,,f c.,,.u I ,i'i.i "fcw .juii a plan. While we do not maintain V"" 1Jet Lext nooks could be easily furnished in this period of financial unrest. .f An Koiioi.Q i, I progressive plan that could be grad- -"v iue a reaniy without placin" a financial burden on the people 01 nnr ct-jtu f e :x in icici, iL seems to us after careful research and study, that il vvuuiu lessen u unmK' k, , ,. ujw siau; as a nnif cr,u ,i nnw.Uo,.,. . vu'u I'ui vimac oook., much cheaDer th;m ih inri;,.; dual. After all the str ,u,. people. The elimination of middlp. na-ii, which would be effected by the lieu text book nl be a saving tu the masses who form our state. Klee text books "is. furthermore projrressive imivpmoni ....... I .. . ... v "linn KUli nana in hand with compulsory educa- uun. t construction comoanv would not deem it a good policy 'to' ask its workers to labor without tools. Neith er should .1 s-chiuil. nuL- It.. .,,,.,:!. iv.-i UJ11S LU tidy without books. Under the pies, lit system we i'nt .,.,,;.,. j - "v. ii'iuiii- till- i-nucl s narent to fumiih .i.l- t..ki,... ami blackboards. Of course, 'we ex-pe.-t some large tax payei s ami some oujf:s wunout chilt! ren m scliool to o:.iosi' such a movement. ...L-.-s n.iviny; inc live text book system are well pleased with it. Ivich "I them, we believe, ale above North l':iiilina in the educational standing, it is om- belief that prtigics:; hum con.e oy the education ot the masses. I'hc pno,. must be furnished as well as the more tortunatc. Funds cannot be supplied for them separately. It is impossible tu know who needs the help. Even then it is em harassing ::n:i retards unw poor students. We believe in allowing . parents who so desire to buy their children's text hooks, kniiuiniv th-o .-n,.! . ,.:n be few in the beginning and will grad ually decrease to an ..insignificant ntinioer. Ihe question of .sanitation is hardly """" menuoning, u so our librane and other book lending agencies vvould nave Deen in the discard oiip- a in Thus we believe, that the plan of i.vc le.vi oooKs m me puniic school it .North Carolina can soun be made a roauy anil thus fm-nisli n motlvn lion. ior tiie onward march of civili.a iiiiii, Respectively, PAUL T. (il'iOGAN VV Tlffiy VWrw ... A 4 . t XI LJ Ij 1 ..7 Piincipals in Haywood County jCtlUUIS. . ZEBUL6N VANCE LETTER FOUND Was Written In 1854 By Famous Statesman Of This ! State. ! THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1933 MrS. Joshllfl V,t?CrnrtiA ... 1. - 1:.. . IJ- i ,7 niio lives on Highway No. 284, just out of Way nesville, found some time ago, among tne papers of her late husband, a letter from Zebulon B. Vance, to J. A- li. fitzgerald, a lawyer of the ami me father of .rnsV.no r;t 24 Years Ago in HAYWOOD (From the file of March 12, -Messrs. S. C. Liner and J ) i. cis have the contract for a i,.',- e.rald who died here about sixmonhs fsTbeUh ago. Ihe letter is dated October 13 , v buiIt ,at ,0,!C'e- Messr. i 14, and is in an excellent state of V?"m a.,so have the coru preserv-ation. '! remodeling the room recentb- " pieu uy me waynesville Disn I The letter relates ts a proposition to sell .Mr. Fitzgerald a buggy and to ijom me latter a number of vol umes ol some reports, or law books, the former governo,. of North Caro lina and late senator of the United -states tells Mr. Fitzgerald how he may get the buggy and suggests a price that hp wool, I h .;ni... .i i i c ""'mK to pay lor the books. Senator Vance's handwriting, as shown in this lerti- f ; i . iciii, ano onlv ijne word k-u ,v,i.t.,ii...i ,. ' a ie- markable circumstance inasmuch as v anee must have nrd tv,, m,. Ba.-k, the wonderful old book that made perfect spellers in the davs long gone, according to some jiresent day devotees of the old Blue Mack The letter follows: Asheville, Ot. lo, ls.Vl "Mr. J.. A. IJ. Fitzgerald "W aynesville, N. (' "Air. Fitzgerald "'Dear Sir, 1 received vuuix this mornniLf on the eve of ,mn.,,t r,. Jladis-on County and hasten to leply. 1 oli can get the buggy any time vo'u will send for it. One horse will s',,f bee to take if home. Now as to the icports. I have not learned your Jince for them yet, but suppose it'will 111,1 exceed uie usual price of the book sellers. I saw a letter to Mr. Alerri mon from . I, Hut, and Co. of Fay etti ville in which they offer i'ofty-two volumes for line hundred and "fifty four dollars. The carriao,. f,.f th-.,t puu-e nere would be somethin"-. ot course. Judging fiow this, ( should suppose that something in the neigh- oo.oooa oi.uu would be a fail- price lor your books. Please let me know on this head. Not know. whether you wouhl buy mv bue-gv or not I h.,,l ellt it to the shot) tn'havi, umu .!, t. JWi,,v Ol 1 (lone unon it.' anA tmruw ...... i j better. not sent until (this is the mis SDelled word tho lot ..r tl, i. " -..v iu.t yi tut- VVt'CK lest the workmen min-ht nnt i,o.. it " .-.t "i HUH It nnished. "Your.s very Respectfully , . "Z. IJ. VANCE" It is not known how thi.! t,..r, -- ...... L.v.-vav trade was concluded m, , , dispell..,, j-.. Ihe salary of the ni-e,M ' now be $75,000 a vear inst,-. W'' $50,000 as formerly. " "' "' 0 Miss Clarine Lee has returned , a visit to Miss Lillie Satterthw-'. Los Pinos, Cuba- "" The interior of the Wavre-ii", i j narmay has been treated to t . J coat of paint and presents a v,., , handsome appearance. " ' ' Major and Mrs. Hugh A I re turned Tuesday from a veiv ant visit in Raleigh- ' 1 ' The Waynesville Hardware iv pany has gotten in its car load 'nf byggies, and they are beauties ,,, Those who wish to see them hal i ter come soon or they will mis Ml, :ng them. Aliss Lois Ilarrold entertained a f -of her little friends Friday afterim, ' on the occasion of her birthday. The. Bridge Club was delightful entertained by Miss Sarah Strin-'' field last Saturday afternoon The following young people vu,, . oyer to Asheville Monday nigh- ;,, Nat Goodwin in The Master Ihnd Mr. and Mrs. James W. Reed Mr- den Howell. Misses JIcFadyen : Wither?, and C. W. Miller." Jr CARD OF THANKS Editor Mountaineer: It h told that a certain young lady in this town kneiuls gloves on. This act raav kcem ouf ., r . i . . i . i , , . " . ol si.yie. out tnere are others, too. We need bread with our shoes on. We need bread with our pants on. We need bread with our shirts on. and uniesss Limes get Detter we will need bread without anything on, and our ...:n i.. . 1.. . - , .. . . ii.iLiou win ue a uaroen ot ititlen if we (ion i get oacK to serving the Iiord r t i.... i.cl a nvi uusy. H. B. FREEMAN. 810 Men Are Given wv r v -w-. . Work Kv Wp tarp Here In January Total Of $3,806 Is Paid For Ser vices Uy Relief Organization. We Want, tn thn'nlr M.-c T;f. r f --- ........ XIIOVJI1, 1 1UI. v cwnioil. TflPll rv DHH mm .. f P1...1. , " l'"l'"-s 'i i,iyue xlicn Sehnnl. nnl fy,r.,ln c ci.. i. lor the beautiful flowers and service shown US dlirinir Vip tll.sn..,. I. .. . t, 111111.00 ttiiu iieatii ol our brother, Robert II. Havnes. Haynes Family. CARD OF THANKS 22 YKMIS AfSO IX fl. y't,i',f. The debate at. Tnse.il,. ..,,..,... night wsa the best th.-'o ,Z boys have engaged in. The (itesti, was: Resolved that the United Stan is Endangered by Bad Govonme,y The affirmative was argued by V, f Underwood. Charles C Francis, ami R. .V Leatherwood, for RatclitV t'ov, -and Herman Kinsland, S. B. Aledl'oid' and Grover Davis for the negativi' The judges were Sam Queen. Austin Moody, and Mv' Ron-era ti cided in favor of the affirmative. The ladies of the Alethodist church gave a reception Thursday evening -a' the residence of Bishop and Mr Atkins. A beautiful musical program" was rendered bv Miss Mn,.f R and Mr. Tom Davis. Miss Hilda Wav gave several readings and was warmi'v applauded after each number. Miss Minnie Boyd returned the ki-t of the week from Raleigh where "ho has hcen for the past two months Book Agent: "Now here is a boni ntitled How 1 Wm-fcn,( -nr.. vn r. Profit. Farmer: "I haven't got iinv'time to read fiction." We wish to vnvne-t- : yV uui sincere thanks and appreciation to all our friends for tViiatr m., - ... ...uiij, n.inuiiessL'3 during the recent death of our son and brother. Mr. and M re l T rr..u.. mi i ...... . . iuiuyiiu a Family. "The bluff, cheery optimism of the ate Senator Frye," said a friend. couia not brook a whiner Once-' at a dinner a whiner seated opposite Senator Frye said dolefully, 'I : have onlv one fripni nn inniw .-.- - ,j ny dont vnu e-pf. nnntlip.. aid Senator Frye." ROOSEVELT'S CAHINET PRESIHEM ROOSEVELTS B4XK n ' DRESS We suggest that those of our readers who d-d not hwr President Roosevelt's address on bank,nir Sunday evening, turn to it in this issue and read every word of it. The average person knows very little about the banking: system of our nation other than how to make deposits and write out checks, and only a limited knowledge of that. Our President presented some interesting and educational facts in his address and it is orth the time to read it u impressed with the fact that u,nt rranklm D. Roosevelt did not follow he trend of the day by shelving the old men, cue- contrary tne majority of the men ,ur memuers ot his cabinet have passed One writer stated, "It looks as if President v.fK is tooKing lor guidance through this stress and strife, both upon the wisdom and sZ.'r 01 the enthusiasm and vLiuiLy Of youtn. Wo learned ihn ti-., ,i , . members are as fo low ?ri, U,etCa0inet work o" " became , , ; tS I0,,w- iiull, secretary of ht'e was no work available for them state, 61; Woodm. xecrrtan- nr tl' f Dern, secrearv of,, nn. n":f' '4' '1?..:,"bs reformed by these wrk . ,x "minings, attorney general, 62; Farley, postmaster general, 44- -i, ctary oi navy, 70; Ickes, secre tary of interior, 58; Wallace, secretary of agri- -vr- p 7-' ' 'SGcretarv of commerce. Go; . L.n,s, .secretary of labor, 49. Durins- the mnntk ,.(' T., mp vi.n.... .-: i . ... ..il nc V k'l'n llrrtrl ,n t U .1 . HI LUIS COUI1LV and were tiir ln.f... n...... Lneir servi- pes, according to official figures just . i.uauu in ivaieign. A total of -S r.i! ... ......1 1 x. ,, "ivii neie employ ed in North rami; j,,.; t ' 1 , .. - uuuus January and paid from relief funds, according to statistics rele , ' .v-..t.y Minn uie Governors office of rplipf it,. i (.)0,000 was .Da d out in ;ihnroxini;ilplv (!r, -0,000 which was spent for all relief month. uu""- 'T'l .. inese ii'in-p nitio.,4.. l.i. ..1 f- a- 1 ; , """V"'L- Liiiiu aooui two-thirds - nf. thn . e 1. ... families in the state were working "i t c it ii.rriir.n 1 .... .....1 mi rtu. invj, iu-ceiveu. xne otners were lnvon ii;rm.t .,i:., .. 1 . uuvvi. itiiL-i vuner "u.-,v ,10 one in the family BE OPTIMISTIC But Remember You Can't Keep Your Chin Up With Run-Down Heels! Bring Your Shoe Repairing To THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP MAIN ST. E. T. Duckett, EroD. NEXT WESTERN UNION was Leading that an inventor has perfected a machine capable of resoling shoes at the rate ol 1-0 pans and hour, the parent of several active, growing children will be inclined to wonder what one of them in a family size would cost.- Ex. ' The old saying that "talk is cheap" seems not to apply at Washington where, during the current session of Con cress tha p ing speeches, resoluti . . -.Ktiiaiuii 01 xe- Jinnn8 " fPrted &S avera in excess of 4000 per day.-Christian Science Monitor. ers vary considerably, the reports snow. Alwiivs thnir mn,ti.j rtf "-"""LiLULcu worn of one type or another which was for the public irood. such n v.;,vv,... pairing , and beautification, .hn J house building and repairing, street repairs and construction etc In r- , , ' to tut- hoik ore formed by relief labor , I pub he improvement which could never have been realized except for the present emergency. Such projects were oppwipH unn .i.. .i . . , . . " f "1" auer morough -....-.cwu.i uy 10t.al puollc oHwials and always were launched only when it had been -determined that the work -..... ,,wuiu ue 01 genuine public bene mnm tiir'1!?? 92,me (watehing huddle on theifield): There they're at it again" I do hope Bill won't repeat that story I told him last night." i - ..,.6,,.-,u IOr a 'ja,n Amenran. Rcmnrii.ki. . a " ri w thty, Br l,.ish Girl, in The Ameri. can Veekv. h M.Tr3,;r. ... ed With Npvf t... . " ,,MaJ o iajiimore A merman 1..-. 11 " v Answer,:- m your own "home ! We sell ., r,.,- , st a,d home Sard nurses. tnit8;",:;6 a,rrutrf Tr,iab,e home remedies ment from b JL T m B"y a COmp,ete a80' peroxide t0 ar"ica' from inine to Alexander's Drug Store PHONES 5354 7" ' "7 11 irom your ocal dealer or newsboy.

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