Society News SOCi Eleanor Bushnell, Editor ETY PAGE Phone 137 Local Items MRS. AVERY SPEAKS TO l. 1. r Of exceptional interest was the meet "(f the Dorcas Hell Love Chapter "I tlic Daughters of the American Revolution, held on Wednesday af ternoon at the home Stringlii Id, who iva 'eiviiiK' ht-r gues s by James Aikins, .ir. Sj the- afternoon wore: Morris and .Mis. A A-heville. both mcmhi ivard liiiiuiiiihe ChapU of Airs; Sam ssisted in re ;!' sister, Mrs. rial giiest of Mrs. Gilbert ('. Avcrv, of s of the Kd- of that place l'rr-i-eding- the pi'iigiiiin ;he recent Mr. I'. I.enoir (livyn, presided over a !".iin-s- (ssion. During this time various reports were given, Among v: '' ""e of the chairman "i I'aiii .! i Education, which in the -cin-i oi ;hi- chairman of the eom- li. !'. Walker. Mrs. Kate iented She stated that 'as tin- twenty-tilth anni 1 tiie presentation of the ! occasion of the annual a contes: was of unusual The handsome trolii medal .VI, pr ' 1A Uh CIV IC LKACVK ELECTS I A A H OFFICERS I Ihe regular monthly meeting of! '" ( '.vle Civic League was held last i Tuesday afternoon at the home off Mrs, Grady Ropers, the retiring' Rres-1 :dent. with Mrs. Norman Penland as assistant hostess. Ihe St. Patrick motif i!e; i f.itintr the home. 'During the business session which p. Tied the program several reports -re given after which officers were ; f'e 1 as follows. Mrs. E. M. Green ;.sident; Mrs. Pat Cole, vice presi- nt; Mrs. Grady lingers, treasurer; ''I Mr-. Devoe Medford, secretary. i quests ol tlie alternoo?) wm w; used a i ie . Ml': .. 'Atkin Ihe t liy liay liurgin and the lei- second went to Gor- . while Richard Queen re. radio mention. It was de : similar medal he Riven 'i high school hoys, anil 'e Hampton of Canton, was AH- cners of the Civile Sp hostesses sorroii u Qnlri " "': "wiul hour winch followed iiusme-s meeting-. i-iv-cm were: .jrs. ,J .'ree- ' ' I'Mi-, VIi, (, M ( K 1 i h Mi - Pat Cole, l a .Hennessec, Mrs. Devoe Med-Mi-s .Nell Collins, Mrs. Jud "" xu- ' M Clan, Mi - C '"'"'y. Mr.s. c. Havnos. Mrs. ";; l'.nsdahl, Miss Hazel Stall lit' ("I Sil;i 1 I,,,,. . U: . . M,-s:! ''S AJC Im (.rooks,. Miss Mar '"I -I-'-e Gi: : Under. en M l CM MUX TV CUM! Hours MEETIXC, Vvith a large iunnoe.1- t,f nu-mje-r.-'"'" ViM urs W .. t tnt tegular .Uaii-h I'lv-etinir oi uie Community Club was ''"' 111 li,c' 'lub ,'uums on Thursday Ii. 'l he mcefin..- u r, rt 3 r, .,ul-,l ben ColKitt, president. Jl Mrs. Kri ..icGce, Mrs. !r. served as secretary, reports f special in ' ioilowintr: Mrs. ljynr, ' education repurteu MakinK- Institute whih- ''1' the three fed- jwn would begin on at the Township ' .he suoerv-iuii.,, ,,f 'Ui-.e !;.!. 'Mrs.' Bunn tated that th- schooln were lietter Sueech W....L- fi..., . annual dress mik- .1 . , "tr Lunivai ne pins nt fmulated ami 'lai'e of the -'iis Mary Ruby Davis week-end in Caiuon as the ns Mary Hooks. 'pent last guest of Mr. am guest las' Oi' Xorfo Mi the Kuest Friday and Mrs. ('. V.liel week-end Mr, , nyinia had as their Uovle Drive 11 Stroud of Greensboro wa of Mr. C.K. Weatherbv Saturday. til a i nt i'llKUl t Home ui. urther jst i vin ! the el.: for .'.'re 1 e in Mr Prevo week. . J. M. it were Long Ashe and Mrs. R. L ilie visitors la Mr, ml g'Ue: Mrs v. ilensin, Jr.. was a week. oi ins grandparents, Mi P. L. Turbyfill. hooi pointed. the hieh a connnittee t prizes was up Mrs. this vv J that :l-e i'-e;, publi the Wold CI U Dn chairman of i i ,..f i. i mil- inei uo .-trying to she I 11H the seh. aniatic- an- of her com ell enouiJ-h '' the club to al which is giy winner in the ljy the club for w It I "h- JO!" Non rtti viKu .-. Ct.-ii. , ' l.".L41fi. ouulii ,-j ' i , . wnere she will visit Mr -ul Mstti Mi. I ntn Floral Display In Park Will Bring Many Tourists Here havi - eliai'gf Set-rest .- Maiy 1 '' the coi .'nnoum .ilore I'm Mi l'h ie con Sara li alley as the amittee. ed that sin-! the dimin- i w amount ' y. ' !'. HAS '!' I 1 1 , ."C' e : oi it.l a, ei SOCIAL n n : ine-i1 1 1. Chai let',- M-etin l'oiii i I ' t 1 1 1 Ie ai H'ivil iimoi lire !us'e a l! i'. r. h,: tile Sunday Schou t church. featured I lire. :i u. Ki -ai n. piiz in. .. Mi i: Pi e !i imp Hi t'itli tab limit v Cli sprin- adh all ii -o m.:l 'e made ;' picnic j. .ad of t : atiiui. i'lue pr were Asbevil 1 chb- t lu lu irst an; sell o nriett: nd Mr Mi A del C. e.-H -Morris of Asbeville, -ler-ted district leader, who i nued at the state confer, introduced. Mr-. Morris liy, staking the pleasure tlje nieeting and r interest and cooiieral ion tin Avery, who had the n:i- b.e -afternoon.- was next -pre. She made a most impressive ilsi- .establishment of the State-"- Government under the it-ion". In herjinnine; sh( spoke veins h-ading up to the adop tiie contstitution and of the M of the great men: whose -i wi-dom and iorsight made st-oi-y, Slie then outlined the the new country trvinir to its- destinjr-. She eomnareil ihe probh-imi of yesterday and tod iy in such an insjn'rational manner, that each one present felt a renewed spirit of patriotism ;md courage with which to meet 'today's struggles. Following the ini eting a delightful social' hour was enjoyeu. ol of JUt .(all. ergu- Itov 'alio -life; ,,lcl.: ilinn v e lir'h tk ('; h.'ssie ifghlin, Cu - -n i: lhin,-iii lev. oil,! ..;-. i -: Kditi Kat. ;:'--- Mergaret Iliouiij Mary Snyder ami Iter I'raneiv. (ii Vliu cC. Q-uinl tre; pre eond ;m ; sure .U r ide: vie thi.- (' NtaiJ Ant! elreiP J.000 Specis Ol I im(MS Trees Are Found In I 'ark Are;i. il; (in (So to (Hiturdt 0mtiiiig ( lll-KCH .NOTICES FIRST JiAPTIST Rev. H. W. Haucom. pastor Sunday school, 9:45 W. C. Allen uperintendent. Morning- Worship, 11:00. : G:30 all B. Y. P. U.'s of church meet. i:o0 evenine- wnrshin k.. pastor. Mid-week prayer service 7:,'J0 Wed-suay. METHODIST. Rev. Wade Johnson, pas. The Church School meet. . liip 11:00, ami t at li:15. Eveni! Moining Woi-: worth League vice at 7:30. Sundat. PRESHVTERIW Kev. li. I'. Walker, pastor boath School 9:-lo a, m. -tors Pre-Conimunion cla- -n room. ik in t), '1A' Si Vlssl(j yo.s7 COPAL CHURCH Kev. Henry II. Chapniar ary fr0m Andik, Alaska, duct the services a; Grace church next Sunday, Mar, eleven o'clock. -IV .v. !AY upui la las achiiiL; -comi l.i : Chr-i.-ti p. in. d-week e veil in e- by the pastot 'iiten sermoi an Home " The Christian prayer seivic at 7::;o. i.. 111. subject new iaska e Wedne: Chapman was bom and , spent his m mlik and Fairbanks. He his work next Sunday. The public is invited to a ivice and hear Rev. Chap An.lik ilazei wood -New 'S Due ami n Irs. T'. sident, , Mrs. l''rank flu h: nil Will loll Mrs l Siler H. W ,p candl siun fell on ulav i'-e served l lovely present In . Mr. I!.iii-o.v ihe anniversary the akt the his nt I-. -ioh umbers by M i" iiUsine.-;.-:ni. much assemhb d ssion the j) Played to 11- "The.' Flow twi ret' .Tin i i. sO( ie EAST 1 1.1 YNESVILLE Sl l l I :LA SS MEETS J he Kast Waynesville P T A Study ! lass met on last Friday even ing at the home of Miss Mildred Craw- lord. Miss Crawf ord presented the lesson -ui the subject, "A New Force i" Ed. utation in an interestinc-and instrne tive manner. Fourteen; members were present. 'Ine next meeting will be held with .ii.t.i naisy ioyii on r riday evening Vlaich IS. All members and patrons oi. tnt -school are invited to attend iliese classes, hom i s c lui: io mi LT TO DAY -inu oman s Club . will meet this anernooii at .i:.,0 o'clock at the home oi wr- w i (. taw foid with Mi, J 1. Loman as associate hostess Miss KoPina Miller will be in charge I o; a special Art I'rograin which will tie piesented duriiig the afternoon audi ui- l II McDowell will have the paper on .riove Stories " 1 X I'. mwr ..... 'v"s. u.'YV. Miller who spent several days here as the frue.sts of the former's father. Mr. C W Miller. rriuay lor their homo in Atlanta, iiL-oiKia. iney were accompanied by -wrs. l.. r. Kirkpatrick. who will be tneir guest in Atlanta- for several flint.. t . . r.r:i.. .. . , ... . .j.. -ci-.. rvii KpaiiicK will also visit her sister, Mr.s. George A Niles, ami .nr. in ues in orniin, (ieorgia a ME I llohlST Visxinv.i i Tilts HAVE HUSIXESS SOCIAL MEET1SC, '"ima:i-s Missionary Society i i'M n joint meeting with the Young woman's Society last Tuesday even ing in the dining room of the Metho i' t church. K: i h niember present brought sun. I'T and the first part of the evenini? Was in the nntnro nf o -w.;.,i t-u ---. v ,itt mi aiii- uiM. ; After supper the first lesson m Uliy COUSe on Christ on,l TU C "... - .... unit itn- rm rig Kingdom was discussed by Rev . naves. he .second and T:iai l fth- .All H'ttl I... , , ""v 't v in oi: lar-en up tomorrow evening, at 8 o clock at which time Dr. C N flnrl- ia.-,Loi oi me Methodist church at (..anion. wi make tho tnU- s .i i ... i-'-v vik- uie ciose ot the services light refresh HH'nts will lie sevvoyi LEACI E MVL'TV u iTir WITH MRS CARRE 'IT 1k- League met at the home Mi-.-.. Aoble CJarrett on Inst Fi-fvl,;,, ftei'iioon. ; During the liiisin'otsu n.,. ... . "t-.t -it'ii tne ciuo 1'iiesi'd the time for "cleatl-up week" i d tided on the first week after ' .'A (ommittee was appointed purellase gifts for the County ine when thn ,. I,.), i. .'. ., , . ... -" "" "naives a visit that institution, at Fast,.,- t;, it . . " "v . 1 V' me conr tiRTriti u i.;.... T v"' vv ti . iiiiiiiiit nvflu il D II T'lllrt 1. t. .. , . - ' "-in iv i president euenueil c nhs it-hn i .ii.-iuisMni me "'t- .too . to r women. D(. Mi Till. t r -d a ; !!,! n-, v vv4 1 C W Oe. 1'owi I'liem. ' ng was then turned ovei line Alstetaler. i-hiiii-m.-m irden Departiuent. .wiib had ' the program; of the aftor i!h the assist:! in tit' ;,V lhiinlan, she gave an illustnited iire.n "Lansciipe (ia-rdenihg ah iu'ii." whieii whs m-,,l through the courtesy of the magazine iiuer and 'Garden." . Each 'e.-nuie ol her talk-' w.-i , ill.t,. . ,..,i.i . . ' ;' HlU.lLltUfll v.ii i iieautitully colored latern slides nasneci on the screen. She opened her remarks with the act that landscape gardening- must lie ccnsidered an art and not a science and the importance of keeping up' permqst in mind the thought of br gini.ed beauty. AH types of beauti lUl ellects possible -in nlanned ay,iJ t,.i .,. i , , .: -.s ut.-ie uescrioea tronv the rau- -".cipa ouiiaing to the simple small ,u"K" owi eK-h showing the funda mental principles of landscape art fi""1 ""ik each. Miss Alstcatter emphasized the fac that the character of the planting .iooiu a nome iiepenus largely on the Uxhltectlll'Jll ilosio-n tu' u,.. She spoke of the part garden structure ami luiniiure have in giving charm u s-tjlc and design-. She descrihed a l'lOUS tVDf'S nt "--nnnlo o.wl -Al. ..' -"-' i .O M11U luviv tens. suitable, to certain locations During the social hour th teases. Mrs Rnfiw SSilA p J Hv.itt, Mi, W A Bradley, and andw ithe-, and cakes Special guests tnp. aftcrnnnh wnrn lv n:i o i... the organization being sponsored by the ( ohitiulnitv Club e-. of plant ire i on the Dogwoods, ini-'nones, :; 'l':iieri.!!.s otl bailed cine Utiny -dopes, in a rl ---'.' -easnii. Of a in kies is tb, is, tin i'e spe-similai an ci iilinent, uiy azaleas. ot Sr i inn to h, in an "'ei tli Ante Jedbuds, e -mi. inc., mooiiroots and ler species growing in the -' and ravins or ."on the the early ilovver 'ticular interest in large vnrietv of ,le Sylva: I .ii. )!. '( bit. iv i. -o-ue i i oi the ,l,s known l'ing lound in tiies-j moun '' ot the specie found lien science and aie vet .lb he ileus nt b ue v.- as -any cultivate as, iris, bluets, Vjn iling arbutus add ti spring Dlossoniinc- he ll v', J) i n :ai plilox ieties, nia catch the glory period in be done hv rlnh talk the hostess e . Miss Laura Jones of Asheville was me gue-t ot lriend, in anesdU Saturday. . Mr. John W.Shook and Mr. AI. A Leatherwood of Clyde were Wavnrs ville visitors last week ' Mr. William Cogdill and Mr Don Cogdill of Canton were here on busi. ntiss vjaturaay. Among the week was Mr athan. visitors in town last r,arl t erguson of Jon Mr. Charles Caldwell of Clyde wai a Waynesville visitor last week " ..vui.uiu ieaunerwooa was a visitor nere lrom Jonathan last week Kev. K. I. McCracken of Clyde . 4 e-.. i 1 - -Tr ... J .iJcnL oaiuiuay m vvaynesville Mr. Jennings McCrary was among the visitors here from Clyde last week Mrs. Andrew Moore and a party of friends motored Xo Asheville Monday Mr. Fred Lykes of Asheville was a Waynesvillo visitor Friday. I V.WfA 1P SOCIETY VFrrs A T II A PTIST PA i?snT a nv TU W '"".'vMinju 1 he omaii s Mr tile Lantkit churr-h TioM -Jfe ron..,iA. meeting last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs II - W -R,nm. tu. .... --- ... xnv Molly Hen-en Circle was in -hnr oi the program, which included re poi t.s ot the lnston-Salem conven tion by Mrs. Baucom and Mrs J R Morgan.- e . ...It was decided at this meeting that t he society would give a Father and Son Banquet tomorrow, nroni n rr i March 17, at which time a Royal Ambassador chapter will be organized V? MRS H RBER WILL ES- TERTA .V- FTtm A V vvx t x7r Mr. and Mrs. RichaM Barber, Jr. will be hosts nt"o Kk;.i -ax - . v Hiu-uillllLT 10- moi row evening at their home on Love Lane. Invitations have been issued o ,ippi oximateiy twenty-five guests Ml- n,i 1T II- -r. '!.. .kuss had as their guests, on Wcilra.i u. i.x tors narents. Mr- vnA it- r'.i... - - mis, I-USIIT inmnett. and sister, Miss Myrtle Ben nett, of Hendersonville. by Mrs the sec. made a MRS. CLARK HAS HOUSE PARTY AT HEPCO Mrs. O. P rim-t t it-- i..... tained a number of her frionc , n hcu-e pirty last week-end. The guests 'nc in led: Mc m;i,ij m-.., 6 vf. . . """" voniz. miss Maigare Walker, Mis, Kdna Fer guson. Miss MnU m-.i. ,-. . ' ... -ii.ii k,. hit. j3ee "avis. Mr. Jule Nobnd, Mr. Claude Mr Ben Wright.6" ft I A DE Missrnx au- i.w'irT.e II LIS UI1H MRS I'EXL n 1 he Woman's MiKlnni...'cn'..:..... m civde Mothn ij; Zi," e he home of ,1,1 - "uu. i er, mi ( etll spcncei assisting. . - ' 111 1 TI i ine devotional was led ud Andeison, attei which '.r, Mr.. IIur,t Jllstlct! lie hostesses seied a salad course ' ter the meeting. Mi s Vi Kilpatn.k will leave turdav. tn nttonvi n, t.. ; li , i ;.' .-'.- on! iniernational t ie ennsjhan.a IIote ,n Npw 'ti fiom Mondiv through ' i'msday next week Mis, Kilpatnck - .M.ineaed with the Jo-Ann 'beau y iS', ' TCnUl 0"PPd ln the n l rrc"s ,hoP I)ur'nff her un:hoJp,ck'uvi11 ,peratc 10RY HOUR XEAT S' 1 TT"nn a - The Children's Story Hour will be conducted next Saturday afternoon at 4 o clock m the Commissioner's room at the court Vinncn On last Saturday afternoon there were sixty children nrini i,.: r of till u,e l aiK. icare orchids may be found in, the ravines and secluded localities. The types of plants vary with the altitude And t m Klnf,.;.-' j - -- v.,v u,vyiiiiK periods or the same stiecies ;ire Int..,. -u:u altitudes. ; - Kne, Ot paramount inftve .c , , uu Lru. visi tor 111 the Crent ...:n u . , - n, ot, tnt. tlOWers. Ot the l-hnil-nrliiiiHrn. j ... . "-te'iut uuu , moumain laurels. . Knt re nwiinhin Mopes lovcnng thousands of acres will be blanketed in the flowers of these showy mountain shrubs, in June ... -.cii. i ne purpie rhododendron mosi oeautllul ot a the variolic mows in great masse, along the tops ot the higher ridires. The hmrelo .,. to be found in profusion at most ele vations, the u-reat f inirfil nc I?lv,l,wl,.. . " ... ivinuvnn.ii- uron maximum fills ntio ,.oii., some .of ihn oVti-i.l.., !,;... .. j- ., ..,, ui-nij; . loot in diameter at the base and twenty or more feet in lieio-ht -,. An area ot i'hoHn(lonili-f.r. ,,-k;..i. ...:n oe ot particular interest to Park visi tors this season, is found on h I unm ...U .. i- ftm ... . : . '"- nut oi r nomas Kidge. This area is easilv reached b isitois, h motoi to Aewfound Gap thence bv"the In dian Gap road to a point where a new tiail has been built down the Thomas Ridge. For .three miles this trail, will traverse a vast flower garden High ways and trails through other parts of the I'ark lead tn Urm . e t-i ...Ur. ;,i weese Friday, Mai I'--, ilarii'y ' Haywood County -,. -Mr. Jerry E" Clarl ! 'it.v- Teniv. is visiting i -lr, ami .Mr-, l.utlu , iii'iuli' of Knka spent 'itii the former's sis Mellone. Ar. anil .Mrs. Joe Ii 1 K :stern -Carolina '" i"" i' visit 'In tb,. .,i ' I sun .Floyd Dc VYil.-.o. '- 'rav.-i' Smith. Mis. Alii, t Ci-a 1 .ovedah! Ruth Laura Ir. , Camp stella S Wagoni'ob! VViiicliesti M- :rd, T. V. Da Frank Trull. Thompson. Fair Webb. K a n 'I.... .M. M.- week' '.:;, who remain.. i'wood County If ''tinned the lattc -'t .Jiiblle:oll es family, r I'oweio- ami the week-enii i'r, M r-. I-.'... '.-'tli and eons ive.d Uisi vvi ek : moeher, Mrs. ((i"te ill a' ;;iUi. Mr. part or the I Spring Football i To Take Place Of Baseball At School M ; son o itives Mr. .'he h .Mei Port t 1 art . Hooper vi.-itiiij: am rel spei an I i here (ileilll F.'11-n.-ini' tiii.l v..,,. ii.. week-end at Murnhv Ir.; Pewey Brendle qf Lenoir spent week-end with Kit, rn .,.-!.. POOSILR CLUB ih h T? i lie Uazclwoofl nL-f,,- '!( tamed the teuhns of the Haelwood .. . xi evening at the Town Jmly members and guests I!111, l,,esc"t The pics.dent, San. "-tni, was in charge of the nieeting ... i r-ii.uui-s oi the club spoke o" important questions pertaining to the community, especially the solving of the overcrowded condition of the school A very delicious dinner wa church. y 6 ldd'eS l the Ba',t,lt high iieiiiK bei'H prac- 'Oiie to the condition of" the ehool athletic iield, which is railed, baseball and track hnv postponed and spring football tire will be held instead. Co'iieJ, vv erby stated. Last Monday t he ii r. t workout wa. held and 4:1 candidates responded t the call. Thirteen of these have pl'iyed football before. Tho enthusiasm and manner in whic-lr the boys practiced was r-. niarkab e. aceor-rlino. r.,,.,.,1. it'...i. erby. Since the postponed, it is expected that a de cided improvement will be noted in next fall's football team. - The football field is being leveled. i MAR) hododendron. this hour. It had not been definitely decided yesterday who Mould tell the stories ... t.u ay out an interesting program will be arranged for the children. Bushnell spent Mr. and Mrs S w , ... IIXJU.-IU1CU spent a-t weekend visiting their son, Sam Bushne Jr.. , Chapel Hill and Mrs Bushnell's s.ster, Mrs. J. D Bivins, and Mr. Bivms in Chapel Hill. .' Miss Francei Ti ...- j i.. , e- i.i.uiiieu to ner home in AeVinrn x. , w vl,It 10 hPr ndparents, Mr. ii j iuia, i . I,. nrmm TipS MilrJrPr TI he guest of Miss Mable Wark at Hejiro lat week-end. Increase Is Shown In Sunday School Membership Here Results from -t.m pnmnoi f. ,4,v v.I4,ftl, i yJL nc w members of the Methodist Sunday ocnooi were shown Sunday morning .-.. .l was notea ..mat the young men's Iibl ....... , i c.,-ii tc uo memoers. ine class was divided into tn-A ,i; visions some weeks ago for making ...-mi memoers. Deing designated ... ..- auu uie oiue.s. with the un derstanding, that the group that bi ought in the largest number of new V", VIS 1,1 a K'ven period would be ine nonor p-nesto of o . ,. , "u " "iiint'i serven in the dining hall of the church and - , oy me losers. The young . -..... Miioa win serve me dinner mole aunnay remains for regis , 1.". ::""'trS' nfl the SUPP" "'t i" ii snori time. H- J. Rlofln 19 tllQ rrrm 1 , "- Rtnciii super- intendent of the Sunday School, Hugh is 'HISS K IS SIlWtriTltOTlr C 4.1, v;;.,v' 0 vi'e aauit "viuiLiui-iii, ana w. A. iiradlev , - we young men's that is putting on the drive. n.ev wane Johnson, pastor of uemotiist church, is the teacher the class. class The the of Iirect telenh 4.--J : J.: ueen "fffjuiattu Deiween tjhile and On tbp -""sc, iiiLTie man j, telenhonps orn w.r....i . .. ur- u- I '"""cu l"- montn aoinugion, u. L. it IK firsf t0,f,Phone exchange in the State of California was opened ism 7 ?e&rl "g0: on February 17, iots, at San Francisco. ' .IZALII oo a ELEMI Si llnrM 1 1 ... .. iiunor ion lor February 19yj Seventh Orade. J. 1. ucam Vnginia Wh.tnei, Ma.j I'o eat Mable Wjatt, Mildred Bundle, ILu moil Kogers ' Grade, Frances Garner ilelcn Kegels, Howard Collins, Car oi luatt Uouglas Holsonback iiith Grale, Mrs. Knight IUCnebon' 1Jllli "Jatt, Billy : Miss Stringfield : Ida. Mi lie l.rnvn.. ie.!:... i. ,,,-., r "J-"- "uun i-reasman. ' ""'"ie nay, nay iruett louitn Giade, Mi-s Burgm. b.-ia McClurt I loia Mae Smith Raymond Henry. " U"' Miss Crawford. Jack Dagenhart I illtan Mes,er ?' t ciif.' Seated ''"""y Milner, Frank Thnd Grade, Miss Tucker Meta 1 icus, Kathryn Blalock. Edith een, Dorothy R.cheson Mary Lee Alley. . n;i T , 'rtt ',..: f, "-"Kt.oii, tester iiur- tm Thurman Smith, Cathenne Davis Miss Leatherwood. Viririnia VVil&nn ii . . Ilia Arnnglon. lrUctt Welch' Fra,l,e 1S,S 1 eerwood. Uelch Early. Ada Coffev Cirl -Jn. Frederick Vaughn, If viullllV, VIarcrtiv.t TJl-l-.i .. rarns, Ralph Ywns .iiss itiartin. Aralene Filler n: "uwuir,. Dorothy J her, Mil drcd Rogeis, Helen Smith, Doris Ruri WE RE AS H4PPV ran CAUSE Web FA If? AND SQUARE You SEE1 J :i: AR AND 5QUAFE We have every light to feel pleased because of the compliment. ry at tendance of Jiap;y pur chasers who daily throns our establishment in quest of good fc-ds. We serve them faithfully and well and they tell their friends about ur. That keeps us pretty busy you see. J, C. ROSE Home Grocery Choice Groceries J ''hone 88 Main St. Peru. 1,000 in " ' - . " ' ,.- "7" DO NOT QUIT When thtngs go Wrong, as they sometimes will wTZ rad yU're trUdgins seems a Phi", When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you heave a sigh. When care is pressing you down a bit Rest, If you mu,t-but do not quit.' Selected. I t':4", i-;,,. 6