-THURSDAY MARCH 16, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PREVOST NAMED HEAD OF W. N. G. SAFETY COUNCIL Large Number Of Manufactur ing Plants Represented At Recent Meeting. The Western North Carolina Safety -oiim held its regular meeting in cafeteria of the Swannanoa- high ;;ho.l last Tuesday. A large number people attended. Hint represented were: American -n-.a" Corporation, Sayles Biltmore Iulune-, Ulu I'apeiboaid lom ,,,v, Champion Fibre Company, IUns L M, Carolina Powei and Lignt ompanv, .Unagusta Manufacturing k mpany. Beacon Manufacturing corn van v, and others. The following ofhceis were elected, i- 1 Prevost, Unagusta Manufacture "company, Hazehvood, chairman; " n Cook, American Enka corpoia r uauhanman, t. C lout Shj i '-.pt-rboard company, treasurer and :;,,!.n McFarland, Sayles Biltmore B'eacheries, secretary. " A social hour was enjoyed and re freshments were served. Joseph M. Turbyfill Tlie following obituary was pub lished in the aa-tings (Neb.) Tri Lane recently: wLu..y of Joseph M. Tuibyiill as U;.r, by lic.iii 1'. li. Lie at the burial service: Joseph Mansun Turbytill entered into the Great Beyond on Saturday morning. February IS, at 7:40 o'clock in the St. Elizabeth Hospital, Lin coln. His death was due to pneumo nia, having cotnracted it on a recent viist to his ancestral home in North r vol i n:i where he attended the gold- ding anniversary his .iai". hours in the bos- his life, and with W. D. Smith Offers To Assist Farmers lings le fa a re rnKT! llUl'Cil f 1 1 a 1. 1 A r oil have vegisterei fit-.' salt' now. is wanted and cmalos or pure 1 i sheepmen want id" and ye we go: n oxcha - l.r We iJ i he: W. nnpoi- i ,1 M H regis several ils. o hi.1.1 Civile en we ents. "During his last nital he battled for u: .. ..,..,itn.N Mild iintlllllslll h ill-- li.su.ii .-., ...v.. , turned to his devoted vwi'e, who never left his side and said, "1 will pull through. Don't worry about me. You are tired, so please go home and rest.' , , , ..K .h'v -.11 that love could sug- .... . .,t't,.r nil that science could do. like the brave and gallant kmglu, he passed calmly and serenely out ot this world at peaie with Cod and man. ... -The salient facts ot his lue are these: ii,. ,v:w bom forty-two years ago ::. ..1.1 i.iimmimwt'll 1th of North 111 Ull- W'i w . Carolina. His ancestors were stunix ... i i...i....,t niAiuwK who toueiit in aim H4iuii i""""'" . , Hi. i IJi.vnliit inn. anil they u lit ii""""" : . ' , . ,, played their part in giving birth 1 .. .... : i l.. lil..u(- iew nation conceiveu in 1...11.... , He was a bachelor of arts ii'oni ishington ;n;d LeO V. niversity. I.ex ton. Va., and a bachelor ot laws ,-i the Lniversity of North Caro i at Ciiapel Hill, two of the Small -M famous and. cttltur..! in.-titut ions. nent eleven months over-si as :: BEVERLY HILLS. Well know is just what I read in the pa pers, and what I hear through the static- Now that the inaugural is ail over we got nothing to do hut just sit ana see wno is going to help who, and why. We- have waited all -this time to see what could be done, and it anything is done it will he a .- ur- I prise to us. We have about give tin the idea of being made rich overnight, but we do have hopes of something falling in our lap. Henry Ford is think ing up the banking liu We will a! deposit. 11 2 Good News Items,,.. mg silll to hoti s in Hi it in some old when yon w; there. Mavb eii't !iei c in whether Folks have btful that" lie here 1 w.tnt f it r fri D. SMITH. w ; . e on. 'You . even si! an you ait pafi ML art ill i ! u 1 1 iteil nig rv W t IK' 1 1 1 - t w a- n:i; 1 lilVI- d par lithe: I will -to plumb .has sonii' you say when you put you want it back "v in got so used to being ih is going to let cm sav this money back. Well then he puts it in a separate radiator, or tunneau. or spare tires, but anyhow nt it its supposed to bo ' you don't tret am inter est but heretofore it has hem' maybe you don't get any principal: So he is going to tix so you do get your roll back. That in itself will make the bank a novelty. Ford always comes through with .'onio original and mighty .good ideas wht n the time conies. This .scheme la: M r. Hoosevelt is talking of down Ti aiiess.v Valley where you i factorv, all that ii i work d has b n: 'arm .'ii i lone I Miclii fa. mi is- Mr. jan. II - and ord bey in .if the I i FOR .SALE Ad: v iV.r Upon At untv 111: him --. the A 7-Koom furnished house and three and one-ninth acres of level cleared land. Located on Highway .No. 10 at Hazel wood where railroad crosses highway. Outbuildings a n d house thoroughly painted. Nice lawn, plenty of shrubbery and many young fruit trees. Double garage, and a 130 foot drilled well at poarch with double-action pump. This is a real buy. If inter ested see or write nt n ion. .Judge Turby.tVil Knights of Pythias. wit- vestryman, cerelary i f the elmreli school was lii;t: motto, vo: try meeting m : of town, and little tiilnapping. ( which till H.S. L.Smith, Owner Waynesville Route One A:r active hi t In bis church lv ,.-.-i' t nit treasurer, . i ; rv. one time ii 'r.eher. i 'uncfualit tie never niis.-ed a inless he v, as sii k or ho was never late. At the time of his de. ill be wh ra. nrber of the Nebraska Legislature in the state hou.-e. in , Lincoln. He introduced the resoluttno for an- m vrstigation of the state rai.lvav com mission and the feasibility of trans ferring its work to ano'lier ioo, .um lie headed the committee to do this work, ; "1! was my privilege "oh la-i -.Saturday to go into the beautiful hall of the legislature, and I was taken to an empty chair and to an empty desk On that desk .b a l.uge puce of crepe emblematical of death. And there were, also, lovely and fragrant flowers symbols of love and affec tion This seat had been occupied by Joseph Manson Turbyfill. The house and the senate paid him every pos sible tribute.: and I was gratified at the many encomiums. In conclusion, let me say that in Judge Turbyfill, 1 discovered the high type of American manhood, the home loving husband, the ardent pa triot, the public spirited citizen and the humble and devout Christian. He exemplified plain, simple living ....j u:i, tuitil-inir Tt b:is been said iinu inju nil"'""!.- -v - . ., that the worth of a life lies not in its length but in: its intensity. Here, wc see one who was mttrked by an in tensity of thought, purpose, action and aeromnlishments. Mankind is unable measure such a inc. tor n is im measurable. So the flower. that I would lay upon his tomb, iv, the forget-me-not, me mblem of enduring affection, and my prayer is this: uoo grain. "" entrance into the lana oi iigm. joy, in the fellowship of the saints." '.iiii hall "ii h P I a i i : lat u tli ! h . OUl iiuina! oil hing 1 hat shun h it's !;iiii::ippin iiiofatoi ium.. t a'i over , r: tilings. V tliree or f ever '.'thought of I !' il'-t -o Mui'i their ilei:t. The) to think of. let's iv to pay ours. We a fasi thhikin.tr i ;ple. Y ut e ei vthinir to relievi tei t ion. prdple is a nd yon to say that there evi'l' be" punished iv baviiii; count rv are mignty good the light v't Vtii for Europe lit- yeais ago. but nobody iv for us. W e '-aid, don't hav fii pay k ns t lin e yea rs o we don't hv.ye just naturalh' a bad t bought the fanner, it t Methodist Will Meet. In Franklin Sunday Afternoon Insist on genuine Bayer Aspirin! Not only for its safety, but for its speed. The tablet .stamped Bayer dissolves at once. It gets to the seat of pain without delay. It is many minutes faster than any imitation you can buy, and time counts when you're in pain! For quick relief of headaches, colds, sore throat; neuralgia and rheumatism, periodic pains, and other suffering, slick to the tablets of Bayer manufacture, AH druggists does not depress the heart Pi.rbiJirify F!1Hpr W. ITavos is cal- ling the pastors and laymen of the nr,tA.n ,r,A thp a vnesville dis trict for a pre-Easter conference and fellow-shin meeting in tne rranmin fcwV t viir. i' v v arcn i a. L1IU1VU -' " Appearing on the program win De Rev. II. R. Cornelius, who will conduct tha mrniniT Tlr-v Wade Johnson, who will give "Echoes from Asheville Con ference;" DT. K. I - WaiKor, paswr ui Waynesville Presbyterian cnurcn, wno ...:n ..iji.- tim montmir fm "Evance- Wlll ilUUlll" .iW in1-O lism;" and Rev. W. G. McFarland of Andrerws, who will speaK on easier. tu loilicc, nf ilio PmnVl in church will serve tea at 5 o'clock and during this Irvwshin ntvriod Mrs. j. in. viurii , ...... , - . Will give a tea tame tain. Vespers at i:w win oe conuucieu by Rev. J. H. Carper of Murphy. It is expected that all the Metho dist churches west of Sylva will be represented. Attendance on me of Haywood County pastors and lay men is optional. but to keep him from losing his farm, and. the funny part about it the hunk er didrnt want it. Hut we just thought well we .always htive foreclosed, why do anything. dif I'l ren :, givinir him some m-ore years to pay in never 'iit'red any ones mind Now we are all sitting pretty, jf we owe anybody we just wave to 'em and holler "Moratorium- happy Morato rium to you!" You sen '.he fellow that loaned the money is always .better able to lose it thtm thi fellow that borrowed it, the fellow that borrows it blows it in and never uses it. for the cause that he bor rowed it, but the fellow that loaned it., he never loaned all 'that he had, he only loaned what he could spare, so if he could spare that much, why h liiih.nt need this that he loaned. So you see the Moratorium dident hurt anvbodv. and then its an awful e.ty word anyhow, its like propa mda; and a lot of new things tnai we have scared un since tile war. ... The' '.difference between doing thing for money and doing it for noth. nig makes it legal, ho hall the enjoy. pent.no is folks paid to spread some io that will aid somebody, and the whole' country is clogged with propa ir'iml., intiiii-n it 11 ;nii V I in 1 V ht, clllirnr ed with house flies, measels, and cramp colic but all in all its a greai, counuy, iiu th.. hovt. and worst one I ever lived in. n n d I been living in countrys for ri vinirs nevr. .November loutn. 1 was born on election day, but able to tret dected to any thing. I am going to jump out some .).. 'j .iu inHofinnt.p' pnouirh about ua iiii'i iv iiiiiv'"- everything that they will call me a politician, then run on a piauuim. mark, and hp v. ected unan lJUl-.Sl.illi in"....., " --" imouslv. then reach in the Treasury and bring back my district a new hr-wW m tunnell. or dam. and I will be a statesman. As I say all I got to .1.. :.. t n,,il,ilnrl un cnmiirh on publll affairs, and I am slowly becoming that way, I wouldent bet you ten cents that this is the month of March, everything is so cockeyed. So look out. Rogers is becoming a politician. McNaught Syndicate, Inc. LIBRARY NEWS B. D. BUNN SPOKE AT BETHEL LAST FRIDAY Threp new books have been put in circulation this week. , "The Sheltered Life" by tl'en u-ias-I than anything this gifted writer has WTitten before, and is the story of a famous Southern beauty Some consider it her finest .! - ' 11 u v ii. The very popular Warwick Ueeping u i v t nt rallpd "The Eves of Love," which is said to be the most charming love story he has ever wnv ecu. . ; . . . Bv far the most unusual novel max. J . i 1. 1 : .. 1v.iv has come Deiore tne puuui; m nMoirnifiwTit Obsession by Llovd Douglas. No attempt will be ,a f rrivo an lnklmt? of the treat Speaking on "Leisure Time and the Practice of Citizenship," B. D. Bunn, superim.enueiii. ui uic ""j'"-" hioui- , township public scnoois, ieai.ureu ie in store iur wre. rr r. , regular meeting of the Bethel Parent-. say that this is a booK aec.aeuiv -Teacher Association in . the school au-of the ordinary. Don't miss reading) ditorium Friday afternoon. t The Bank Has Opened and reels Are Hond y Buying At hme --Join The Throng Of Thrifty Buyers M i- j i :':" -';' ' - : - - " ' ' 1 '. ' " it:;;" 1 ' ' ' -r. " - - . APRIL SHO WERS, Advertising, in a manner of speaking, reminds us of "April Showers." On first thouRht, we think it's "all wet" because it costs money. But when we see the profitable results tha't grow from the small initial investment. . . . well, we're all for "more rain." MORAL: If You Want Buyers To Pour Into Your Store, Keep On Showering 'em With Consistent ADVERTISING "The Outstanding Advertising Medium In Haywood County" Page

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