1 THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 7 THE SECRET OF THE HAUNTED HOUSE by MARY W ILLIE ROTHA Jimmy and his father were passing t'-e "Haunted House" of Barnesville, on Oak Street. It was a desolate look ing place. The paint which had once been white was now dirty and peeling off The green shutters were hanging on one hinge. The weeds had grown cd around the steps and between the -ones in the sidewalk. Most of the windows had been broken by small mischievous boys. But desipte all this one could tell that it had once been a beautiful house. "Daddy," said Jimmy. "Why do they call that a haunted house?. It doesn't look haunted to me." "I don't know, son," replied Mr. IVownlow. "People say that old g-ran-.n v Becker used to know the man who l:'ved there. .Maybe she could tell you about the house. Let's not talk about it now. Did you have a good day at school today?" "Yes, Sir," replied Jimmy. They talked about school during the rest of their walk home. The next morning was Saturday. Jimmy didn't have to go to school so he decided to go to see granny Becker. Granny lived alone in a little white cottage 'on the outskirts of Barnes ville. It was a pretty little cottage with roses climbing the wall. In' the little .garden- were hollyhocks, pinks, ami sweet alysuni. When Jimmy arrived granny was making doughnut-. She was a littb woman with hair as white, as. snow. One could tell that she had once been a beautiful girl though she now hail wrinkles in her face, Granny had on a little white cap, trimmed in very pretty lace, a black dress with soft uowy collar and culls and a .-lilt white apron 'with ruil'lc around the bottom. She wore silvor-rimniod spectacles. She was glad to see Jimmy ami im mediately gave him some doughnut which he took with delight. When he iitid eaten three of the delicious dough nuts and started, on'. a fourth he asked, 'Ginnny. why is the house On Oak S: i eet haunted ?" Jf Jimmy had not. been so young and so anxious to hear her story he would have seen granny's merry little grey eyes fill with pain. "My dear '"child," she said, "that house 'is not haunted. If you will keep it a secret 1 will tell you about the house and how 1 came to know that it is not haunted. I had. a very beautiful daughter named Phyllis. She went to school in Philadelphia. While she was there she fell in love with a young man and he loved her too. When she consented to marry him. he built that house on Oak Street. Neither of them were strong, but they loved children and decided to have a child ren's home. When Phyllis had gradu ated front school she and John were quietly married, and after a short honeymoon they moved to the new house. They were very happy in their lovely home and I grew to love my new son-in-law. lie was always so considerate of me. "About a year after her marriage my poor Phyllis fell down the stairs and. broke her hip.. Nothing- could be done for her and after three months ol intense suffering she died." Here granny's lip quivered and a tear ran down her cheek to be quickly brushed away with a dainty handker chief which she pulled from the pocket of her little apron. . "Phillis' death," she continued, "was a great shock to her. husband. Has health, began to fail. He shut himself up in the house and refused to see anyone, I offered to stay '.'with him but he said that he'd rather stay there alone. He was heart-broken. "Two months later I went to the house to take John some doughnuts. I called him several times but he did not answer. Then I began to search for him. When I looked in the room which Phyllis had occupied before her death a horrible sight met my eyes. There, lying across the bed was John Get Mieg Any little soreness in the throat grows rapidly worse if neglected. Crush some tablets of genuine Bayer Aspirin in some water, and gargle at once. This gives you instant relief, and reduces danger from infection. One good gargle and you can feel safe. If all soreness is not gone promptly, repeat. There's usually a cold with the sore throat, so before gargling take two tablets to throw off your cold, headache, stiffness or other cold symptoms. Bayer Aspirin relieves neuralgia, neuritis, too. You may use it freely, it does not hurt the heart. B A NO TABLETS ARE GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN WITHOUT THIS CROSS dead. The room smelled strongly of chlorr-jrm. On the dresser I found this note: 'Dear Mother, I can live no longer without my Phyllis i am sure that you will for give me for doing this for I am going to be with her and I would not have lived much longer anyway. Please forgive me. John' "After the funeral someone thought he saw, through a window of the house, two white figures walking arm in arm. Of course it was his imagi nation. So, you see, my boy, the house, which was. to resound with the patter of small feet and the voices of many small children, is not haunted but broken hearted." A noted Presbyterian, preaching one Sunday in a western town, was asked by the soprano for his subject, so that she could select an appropriate solo to follow the sermon, . When he hesitated, she said: "Never mind; I'll listen carefully, and before you get- through I'll have something selected." The sermon ended, then camp tho selection, "Sometime, somewhere, we' understand!" NOTICE OF .SALE OF LAND Under ami hv virtni. of thu ;i nt lot, i conferred by Deed of Trust executed bv ItOe Smith and wile. Dot ho Smith dated the loth day of January, 1 S2t and recorded in Book 22. Pa ire 3iH. in l lie Ollice of the Kegister of Deeds for Haywood County, J efter-on E. (wens, Substituted T 1 ustee. will, at i twelve o'clock. Noon on j THURSDAY, APRIL I;;.. 1933 at the t our! House D.'or of Haywood j County in .Waynesville, North Caro jlina, sell at public- auction for- cash to jui.e highest bidder, the following land to-vvit : BEGIN XING at a stake hi-the Western margin of Balsam Street, 150 feet North u the Northeast intersec tion of Balsam Street and Carolina Avenue, and runs thence with the lines between Lots Nos. 22 anil 23, N. SI degtees 30 minutes W. l..'. feet to a stake; thence N. 8 degrees ;iO niinutes E. 50 4'eet to a s.take; thence S. 81 degrees Jill minutes E. 1 ; 1 1 ) feet to a stake in the West side of 'Balsam. Street; thence with said margin of Balsam Street S. 8 degrees ;!( min utes W. 50 feel to the BEGINNING. BEING Lot 'o t" in Mli-1( VII af Grimball Park, as per survey and Plat of J. . Sehoolbred, recorded in Map Book "B", Index "G" Record of Maps of Haywood County, North. Carolina, This sale is made on account of de fault in payment yf the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, A live percent t -V i ) cash deposit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This the 8th. day of March, li).'!:!. (27(i:i J HF PERSON E. OWENS Substitute Trustee No. 35, Man l(-23-30 .Apr. (i. . NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO OPERATE MOTOR VEHICLE CAR RIER AND DATE OF -HEARING THEREON As required by Section o. Chapter BIO,. Public Laws of 1027, notice is hereby given that application has been made by George II. Bramlett, for a Franchise Certificate, authorizing the operation of motor ve'nicles for trans porting passengers between Waynes ville and Mt. Sterling, Highway No. 284; Bryson City and -'Newfound Gap, 10 and 107; Sylva to Topton, 10; Top ton to Topoea, 108; and Topoea to Bryson City, 208, over the public high ways via the intervening towns of., and that the Corporation Commission will hold a hearing on the said- application in its office at Raleigh, N (.';, on Tue's--day, March 21, 1933, at 10.00 a. m. & Tlt&t ELECTION NOTICE At a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Waynesville heJd at the Mayor's offi ce in the Town of Waynesville. on the second day of March, 1933, it was or dered: That pursuant to statute an election be held at the usual voting place, to-wit, at the court house in the Town of Waynesville, for the election of a Mayor and three Alder men, for the Town of Waynesville, on Tuesday following the first Mon day in May, 1933. to-wit, May 2 1933. It nis futrehr ordered that Frank D. Ferguson be and he is hereby ap pointed Registrar of said election and J. C. Patrick and W. J. Campliell are appointed judges of said election. It is futher ordered that said Reg trar proeevd to open the books-1 for the registration of voters, as provided by law, and thai said Registrar and judges conduct and hold said election on the day hereinbefore set forth, in provided by law. This th'tth day of March. 1933. HKDVYli; A. LOVE. Town Clerk, No. 3.; Mar. 9-1(5-23-30 Tkrsri-:i-rs sai.f By villuo i)t the power of sale con : .tiled in a certain Deed of Trust made by C. C, Medford and wife, M a del .dedferd to Wachovia Bank and Trust Company- Trustee, dated May .". 192S, and duly registered in the ollice of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, N. C, in Book of .Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 22, a. pa:i Til, to which reference is n.M-cliy made; and by virtue of the : -i :i; : ,t aijon of the., undersigned- as i'lti-Jie effected by a paper writing ! faring dati- June 1st, '1!32. and rc cordi .1 in said ollice of the Register of iiiv'i- for Haywood County. N- ('., ".i-ii uo-titution having been ef-'Vc-vo i:: the mannei- provided in said 'id ol trust, t.lv .undersigned Suc-c.--or Tni.-lec will on Friday, March '-'I i- H."3, ;tt Twelve O'clock Noon, .! a: vnUVw au.-tion, for cash, ill the House Door in the city of Way- -. vilie, County of Haywood, and Man- of North 'Carolina, the follow ing lands and premises, situate, lying :i':d -in -inji' in the Town of Canton, County of Haywood'. Slice of North Carolina, to-w'it.: lid, INNING a stake in the South margin of Boxwood Avenue, and the- Northwest corner. of Lot. No. 8. a ml ; uns t hence with (he line of Lot No. S S. 2 ' :i.V W. 12. feet to a stake, tile common corner of Lots Nos. ! and b; (hence N. 87 2.V W. 70 feet to a stake in. the East margin of Bix wood Avenue; thence With the East margin of Boxwood Avenue, North two -degree's 3o minutes Fast to the curve on a radius of 20 ; thence con tinuing along and with the margin :of Boxwood Avenue to the Beginning, the Northwest corner of Lot No. 8. Hi tug Lots Nos. ti and 7. of the W. S. Martin Subdivision of the M. J. Mc.ars Kslal.e, as per survey made by J- C. Haynes in 1-1125 and designated as "lio.wood Terrace" and recorded in Map Book "B": Index'B", Record of maps of Haywood County, North Carolina, to which map and Record reference is made for a full and com. jilele description of the -sanip. Being the same propcrtv convoved to the said C. C. Medford by W," S, Martin and wife. Mary Martin, by deed dated May 2ith, l'2(5 and .recorded in Book 72, pagi 35(5, Records of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina. This sale is made after default in the compliance with the terms and provisions of the deed of trust above referred to, whereby the power of sale contained therein has become operative and after failure on the part of C. C. Medford and wife. Madel Medford, in -complying .with the terms of a stipulation dated September 20, 1932, entered in an action pending in the. Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C., entitled "C. ('. Medford and wife vs. George II. Wright., Suc cessor trustee, et al" .whereby- the power of sale contained in said .'deed of trust has become absolute. : , GKORGH 11. WRICrllT Successor Trustee, Februiiry 28th, 1933. No. 2:)-Mar,. 2-10-23-30, NOTICE OF TUl'STEE'S SALE On; Monday, April 3id,, : '. . . ) eleven o'clock, a nr. at the .-court liouse; door in the town of W'ayriesvilky Hay wood County,, North Carolina, 1 will sell at public, outcry, to the highest bidder . for cash,, the following, tracts I,- parcels of land lying and being in Ivy Hill Township,. Haywood County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING on Fork Mountain and on a stake, old hickory - corner ,of Boyd Grambell tract , and runs with the line South 16 poles to a branch corner of Sheiton boundarv; thence up the branch with thV, Sheiton boundary, N. 30 : K. I'i poles to a spruce pine; thence N. 40 E. 54 poles t0 a birch; thence N:-23 E. 40 poles to a balsam; thence N. 5" W. 11 poles; N. 10 E. 20 poles;. N. 5 W. 40 poles! thence N. 80 W. 40 poles; thenceN. 5 E.. 80 poles, to two birches at forks of branch; thence up West fork, N. 40" W. 40 poles; thence N. 4.5 ' W. , 74 poles over , the spring head and up the, hollow to a stone pile in a rocky branch below Indian Spring Tract; thence with the same, S. (50 W. 20 poles to a small white oak by the trail on the East side t the ridge, corner of the Moun tain Fork tract; thence down the ridgo with the said tract S. 30 E. 80 poles to a stake in a field near a scrub lo cust; thence with another old line of said tract, S. 22 W. 127 poles to a chestnut on the West side of ridge and trail;-thence down the ridge, S. 53 poles to the BEGINNING, contain ing 136 acres, more or less, said tract known as the McGee "Tract. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at the corner of Indian Spring tract at a small mountain oak, and runs S. 30 E. 80 poles to a stake; thence S, 22 W. 127 poles to a stake; thence N. 30 W. 80 poles t0 a stake; thence N. 22" E. 127 poles to the BEGINNING containing 50 acres, more dr less. This tract is known as the Fork Mountain tract. Being the same two tracts of land described in a deed from R. T. Boyd, Commissioner, to Claud T. Francis, dated December 23, H'20, and record ed :n Book oS, page 545. Record of Deeds of Haywood County, N. C. Sale made pursuant to power of sale conferred upon me by deed of t.u-t executed by Claud T. Francis and wife, Leo Francis, dated Auffust ;i. i;i27, and recorded in Book 24, page J., Kccout of Deeds of Trust of Hay wcod County. i ..is ,"id day of March. 1933. M. G. SfAMKV Trustee No. 32- Mar. i-li-23-:iu. NOTH'E OF TUl'STEE'S SAI.E-. On Monday, April 3, 13.13, at elev en o'clock, a. m. at the court house diior in tile town of Waynesville, in Haywood County, North Carolina, I will sell at public outcry, lo the high tst bidder lor cash, the following lot of land lying and being in the town of Hazel-wood, and more particularly de r.ci ibed as follow s : BKH1NN l.(i at a stake at the Southeast margin of Slate Highway No. ID, 117 teel m a Westerly direc tion from th0 West margin of the new street, and runs thence with the line between lots Nos. 2 and 3, S. 3! 30' K. 1 lo feet to a stake in line of lot No. 25; thence with said line, 51 W. 12';, feet to a stake; thence with the line between lots Nos. 3 and -1, N. -12" MO' W. 1-io feet to a stake; thence N. )1 K. with the Southeast, margin of said Highway, b feet to the BEGIN NING, being lot No. 3, of the Pre ost Park Addition t() the town of Ha..elwood, as per survey ami plat of I. V . Seaver, made March, l'.'2t, and recordetl m Map Book "C" Index '1'" ollici- of Ihe Kegister of Deeds of l:a wood County. :-a!o inade pursuant to the power of s.de conferred upon me by a tleed of (rust executed by Jere Davis and wife, l.ula Boyd Davis, date( April 21, l',2li, and recorded in Book 17, at page 2tU), Record of Deeds of 'Trust of Haywood County, lo which refer ence js made for all the terms au.l conditions of the same. This 3rd dav of March, 11)33.. J, K. MORGAN No. ;i;i -Mar !)-n;-23-:;tl Trustee NOTICE Ol i hi Moiitlav, TUl'STEE'S SALE April 3, 1033, at elev en o clock, - a. in. at the court hoiisi1 door, in the town of Waynesville, Hay- wood County, Noith Carolina, 1 .will sell al public outcrv, to the highest bidder lor cash, the following lands and premises; lying and being in Cecil Township, I lav wood County, North Carolina, and more particularly des en bed as follows: A tract of land known as the Thus. )rr place, fully described in a deed from W. J. Haynes, Commissioner, to W. IS. Ferguson, recorded in Book 27 page -105, Record of Deeds of Hay wood County, and the same land .con veyed to V. D. and Lon Rogers by deed from W. T. Blaylock, Admr. et al., dated September' Hi, 1012, and recorded in Book 30, page 2(i(i, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. Also a t ract of twenty acres of land whereon the parties of the first part now reside, conveyed to the said Lon Rogers by J. F. Justice, by deed recorded in Book 53, page 224, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. Sale made pursuant to the power confei red upon me by deeds of trust executed by Lon Rogeis and Wife, Blant. Rogers, dated December 27, 1023, and recorded in Book 10, page 102, Record of Deeds of Trust of Hay wood County, N. C. This the 2th day. of 'February, PJ33, j. R. MORGAN NO. 3 1 Mar. 0--30. Trustee NOTK E OF TUl'STEE'S SALE On Saturday, 'April 1, 1933, at elev en o'clock a. in. at the court house .lo or in Town .of Waynesville, Hay wood "County, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash; tin following described lands and premises lying and being in Wayni s yill.e Township: 1st Tract: BEGINNING at an iron stake, 3 feet . East of the Southeast corner -of the J P. Dieus tract, and running S. 80 10' W. 258.!) feet to inr iron pipe, the Southwest corner of the J. I. Dicus tract; thence N. 1 " 30' W. 115.2 feet along J. P. Dicus' West boundary to an iron stake; thence. S. 85" 3:0' W, 40 feet across th,. end of Balsam Street to an iron stake; thence S. 00' :8'. W; 204 feet to an iron stake; thence S. 4 37'. E. 200 feet to an iron stake; thence S. Si 3H' W. 513.3 feet to an iron stake on thc. East side of Belle - Meade Avenue; thence S. 4' 11' E. 102.0 feet to iin iron stake; theiice S..: 85 1H' W. 2435 feet ! to the center of Al iens Creek; thence meimdering .the center of Aliens Creek as. follows-: S (5- 31' W. 20.5 feet; S. 38 29' E. 57 feet; S. (!!!" 2' E. 50 feet; S. 77 E. 44.1 feet; S. 80" 41' E. 71 feet; S. 10 21' E. 83.1 feet; S. 0" 14' W. 35 feet; S. !) 52' W. fiO feet; S. 20 12' W. 125 feet; S. 7 30' W. 32 feet; S. 23 12' W. 45 feet; S. 4 37' E. 140 feet; S. 30 48' E. 100 feet; S. ,85 12' E. 00.5 feet; S. 30 20' E.,50.1 feet; S 3 3'- W 02.8 feet; S. 48 35' E. 51.2 feet; S. 25" E. 50.7 feet; S. 33 34' W. 50.1 feet; S. 40 4' W. 50.0 feet; S. 50' Ki' W. 50.0 feet; S. 3(5 !)' W. 40.3 feet; S. 29 53' E. 57.8 feet; S. 12 10' E. 51.2 feet; S. 37 28' W. 62.8 feet; S. 8 12' W. 50.5 feet;. S. 11 20' E. 51.7 feet; S. 35 31' E. 01.(5 feet; S.4 3' W. 150 feet; S. 15 7' E. 49 feet the. Southwest, corner of the tract; thence S. 80 34' East along the line of the Ed Bright heirs land, 1155 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 80 52' E. along the line of the heirs land 200.1 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 10 8" W. 2030 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing fifty-seven and six-tenths (57.(5 acres, more or less. Being known as a part of the F. C. Welch farm. 2nd Tract: BEGINNING on an iron stake, J. P. Dicus', Waynesville Country Club and Bell Meade corner, and runs with the said J. P. Dicus 1 line N. 80' 30' W. 270 feet to a stake in the edge of the road; thence with the said road S. 86 E. 180 feet to a stake in the center of the county road; thence with the center of said road eight calls as follows: S. f0 E. 270 feet; S. 69 15' E. 145 feet; S. 82" 30' E. 200 feet; N. 76 30' E. 250 feet; N. 61 30' E. 200 feet; N. 79 " 30' E. 200 feet; N. 50 E. 100 feet to a stake in th0 said road op posite a locust; N. 32' E. 200 feet; X 25" E. 125 feet; N. (53 E. 100 feet; S. t 30' E. 075 feet; S 25- 45' E. 100 feet; S. 41 W. 77 feet; S. 82 30 E. 22(5 feet; S. 72 15' W. 7S feet; S. 52 30' W. 23!) feet; S. 35 W. 17S feet; S 1 30' E. 1410 feet; S, 74" 50' W. 72(5 feet; N. 10 8' W. 2030 feet to point of BEGINNING, con taining (il.3 acres be the same more or less. Sale made pursuant to power of sale conferred upon me by deed of tiust dated September 11, 11)28, exe cuted by Waynesville Country Club, Incoi porated, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 22 page 202, Ollice of Register of Deeds of Hay wood County, to. which reference is made for all the terms and conditions of the same. This .March 2, 11)33. GECV 11. WARD ATW-Attv Trustee NO. 30 -Mar. -30 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having 'qualified as administrator of live estate of F. ( . Haynes, deceased of Clyde, N. C. AH persons having claims against said estate present them to the undersigned at Clyde, N. C, on or before March I, 1034 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their locovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make pa'vmont al once W. V. Ilav'nes A. T. Haynes Ereoutor of I-'. C. Haynes estate, NO. 28 Mar. 2-0-H5-23-3o". April 0. .lt.l.'.VS't'.r'A'A' .V077C-.' I be undersigned having qualified as .aiumibt rat rix of the estate of Joshua Fitzgerald, deceased, all persons hav ing claims against said estate are heteby notified to present duly sworn -t-i'.eim nl-- of the same to the under signed on or before March 2. 193-1. or ibis notice wiil be pleaded in bar nl' tht recovery thereof. Any persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to.. pay the amount; of said in debtedness to the undersigned at once This the, 2nd day of March, .1933. Mrs. Charlotte Fitzgerald. Administratrix- of Joshua Fitzger aid, deceased.- No. 27 - Mar. 2-9-1 i'.-23-30-A pr. 15. ,1 ,l,7,S"7i'.-l 77i7.V VD77( '.' The undersigned, having qualified as administratrix for the estate of J. L. Palnier, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present verified -..statements of the same to the undersigned on or by February 10, 1931, or his Notice will be; pleaded in bar of their re covery. Persons indebted to the said estate are hereby 'notified to pay the amount due to the undersigned at once. This (he 10th dav of February, 1933. ADA S- PALMER. Administratrix of the estate of J. L. Palmer, deceased, 25 Feb. 23-Mar 2-!" Hi-23-30. A ItMIMSTHA TOli S XOTK 'E Having .qualified as ailministrator of the e-tate of W. M. Francis, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this i.s to notify all .persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at ( lyde, North Carolina, on or before the 18th day of February,-. 1934, or. this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make payment immediate ly; This the 18th day of Feburary, 1933. C. R. FRANCIS, Administrator of the Estate of W. M. Francis, deceased. No. 23 -Mar. 30. SOT1CE OF TUrSTEE'S SALE On Monday, March 27, 1933, at 1 1 o'clock - a. -ni..,: at the courthouse door in the Town oT Waynesville, Haywood County,. I will sell at public outcry to the highest, bidder for cash, the fol lowing described lands and premises lying and being in AVaynesville Town-;-hip': BEGINNING on a stone in the F'rancis line, corner of. Lots Nos. 4 an I and runs thence with the line of Lot No. 4, N. 18 deg. E. 1520 feet to' a rock near the branch ; thence N. 14 deg. 30 min. E. 55 feet to a stake n the branch (at the junction with an- .,:her small branch) ; thence S. 42 deg. 15 mi'i, F..; 335 feet to -a stake-; thunce N. 79 deg. 15 min. E. 40(5.5 feet to a rock in the Reeves line;, thence with the Reeves lUie South 168 feet. more or le. s, to a stake (Reeves South west corner m line ot Lot No. 6) ; thence with Reeves line N. 88 deg. 30 min, E. 4(54 feet, more or less, to -a stake (Northwest corner of Claud Medford. 37.6, acre tract) ; thence S. 1 deg. 20 min. W. 1200 feet with line of. said Medford tract to a stake in Francis line; thence with Francis line N. 87 W. 1417 feet to a stone (black oak gone) ; thence S. 70. deg. 30 min. W. 152 feet to the BEGINNING, be ing Lot No. 5 and part of Lots Nos. 3, 0, and 7 of the Hardy Liner, Sr. lands near Lake Junaluska as re corded in .Map Book "A," page 45 in the office of Register of Deeds of Hay wood Couty,. Sale made pursuant to the power conferred upon me by deed of trust executed by Hardy Liner. Jr. and wife, Bessie Liner dated September 1, 1928, and recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 22 at page 275. Office of Register" of Deeds of Haywood Coun ty, to which reference is made for all the terms and conditions of thc same. : This February 24, 1933. J. R. MORGAN. Trustee. No. 26 March2-9-16-23. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, the 20th day of March, 1933. at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the courthouse door in the town of Way nesville, Haywood County. North Car olina, the undersigned, Trustee, will sell at public outcry to the highest oiauer lor casn, tne lonowmg de scribed lands and premises, lying and being in Haywood County. North Carolina, and fully described as fol lows: BEING lot No. 3 of the W. L. Hawkins Addition to the Town ot Waynesville, N. C. said Map recorded in Book No, 30. page 446, and de scribed as follows: BEGINNING on a stake on the North side line of State Highway No. 10 and runs N. 2" W. 150 feet with the line of Lot No. 2; thence N- 88" K. 50 feet to a stake, corner of lots Nos. :; and 4; thence with the West line of Lot No. 4. S. 2 E. 150 feet to a stake in the side line of State Highway No. 10; thence with Highway No. 10 S. ss . 50 feet to the BEGINNING. Being the same lot of land hereto fore conveyed to Albert and Gilbert Reeves by deed dated November 24. 1925, and recorded in Book lit!, page 373, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina. Sale made pursuant to, under and by virtue of the power of sale con turned in that certain deed of trust executed by Albert Reeves and Gilbert Reeves to Union Trust Company of Maryland. Baltimore. Maryland, and the Insured Mortgage Bond Corpor ation of North Carolina. Trustees, and bearing date of May 1st, 1!)27, and duly recorded in Book of Deeds of Trust No, 21, page 07, Ollice of the Register of Deeds of Haywood Coun. tv. North Carolina, to which said deed of trust and record reference is hereby made for all the terms and -tip illations of the same. This the 15th day of February. 1933. Insured Mortgage liond Corpora tion of North Carolina, and Un ion Trust Company of Maryland Baltimore. Marv!and. Trustees. No. S -Feb. Hi-23-Mar. p.-.l-H! XDTiCh: (! s. EST. u: 1 77-: or i;i:al I tefau it ba ing oeei pa nieiit of Die indebt made, in the Iness : ecurod h- a cor ifV tie- I atn ileeil ol l rust exeeuieu t National l o., of Dur- hani, 1 nt and Ihe Union Trust Com-. "OMI. .', ,. ,1 IK I l Of pany of Araryland Trustees on the first day of J uly, '-11(28.' by (i. M. I'agle ami wife, Ellen Cagle, on Ihe lands here in described, said Deed of Trust be ing, recorded --in Book 21, page 526 in the .-.ollice..'- of Register of Deeds for Haywood County. N. C, the undersigned will, having been so re quested by the holder of said indebt edness, offer for sale at public .auc tion lo the highest bidder for cash av. the Courthouse door in Haywood Colinty, N. (',, at twelve o'clock noon on Monday, March 20th. 1;)33, the binds described in said -deed of trust to-wit: HKGI NNI NG at a lake at the in tersection of the South margin of Norlh. Main: Street; with the West margin' of Newfound Street and runs with North Main Street South S'J degrees West 134 feet to a stake; thence South 1 D- degrees West 120 feet to a slake, the corner of Lot No, li. thence with, the line of said Lot South 7 '.' degrees East 130 feet to a slake, another corner of Lot No. 6 in the. West margin of Newfound Si root ; then with said street North IJ'.i degrees Fast 179 feet to the BKGINNING. The purchaser at the foreclosure s b' assume the payment of all un paid taxes and street assessments against the property. The Union Trust 'Company.' of Maryland having resigned . as Trus tee, as in said Deed of Trust pro vided, the sale is being advertised and conducted by the undersigned Trustee. This 14th day Fehruarv. 1933. W, G. liramham and T. I.. Bland, Receivers, First National Com- pally-, of Durham, Inc., Trustee. No. 21 - Feb. 23-Mar 2 9-Hi SOT ICE OF SA1.F OF ESTATE HEAL Default haying been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a certain deed of trust executed to the Firts National Co.. of Dur ham, Inc., Trustee on the first . day of September, 1928 by Paul Camp and wife.'.- Edna Camp oil the lands here in described- said Deed of Trust being recorded in Book . 21. Page 49.4, in the office of the .: Register of Deeds for Haywood County. N. XV, the undersigned will, having b.-en so re quested by the holder, of said indebt-. edliess, offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse - door in Haywood County, N. ('.. at twelve o'clock noon on Monday, March 20th, .19:!3, the lands described in --aid deed of trust, to-wi: : BEGINNING at a stake on the East side of Oak Street, which said stake stands South 40 (legs, 30 niins. .West 150 feet from, the intersection of As sembly Avenue and Oak Street and runs thence South -19 (legs. :!0 mins. East 100 feet to a .-take in James It. Thomas line; thence South 40 (legs. 30 mins. West 100 feet, to a stake in James R- Thomas line; thence North 19 degs. 30 mins. West 100 feet with, said Thomas line to a stake in the side line of Oak Street; thence with the East side line of said Oak Street, North 40 degs. 30 mins, East 100 f eet to the Beginning corner. ., Being the same lot of land convey-, rd to Paul Camp and wife, Edna Camp, by deed dated November 23, 192(5, and recorded in the Register of D Is office in Book 71. page 228, : to which reference is hereby made for a piore perfect description -of .-.-said lot of land. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale assume- the payment of 'all 'un paid taxes and street assessments. This 14th day February, W. G. Bramhani and T. L; Bland, pany, of Durham, Inc., Trustee. No. 20 Feb. 23-Mar. 2-9-1G

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