THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 Haywood Club licks Brevard Boys Doth Clubs Put Up Good Exhibi tion of Boxing and Wrestling , The Brevard" Athletic Club went down in defeat in four of its six box bouts with the Haywood County Vthletic Club which were held at high school gym here Saturday night be fore one hundred and fifty enthusias- UCliawey Patten. Waynesville's 160 Dound football end, was matched with Ellis Brevard's 166 pound best bet. Both' fighters put up a game scrap, but Patton realized after the tirst round that he had no easy task and in less than two minutes of the sec ond round put Ellis on the mat by a knock out. . ... Douglas Moore. 125, Waynesville, won over Foster, 116 Brevard Robert Lowe. 133, won a decided victory over Dumas, 135, Brevard. Lowe proved to the judges and fans hit he is developing into a skilled hoxt-r with plenty of kick in his ounches. David Hyatt, 130, Waynesville, won i poor decision over Calina, 136, Bre vard Hyatt showed plenty of pep iml landed many times to Colina s head and body without much effect. lVlin-i had plenty of stun and landed several punishing blows, one that put Hvatt to the mat for the count of nine. r, , Ritchie. 133. Brevanl, Rave daddis. Waynesville, a good ucMiig. 140. :ind was mas. close zof Ritchie is a good boxer er from start to finish. The boxing exhibition between Gar. 'it ,,,,,1 Face Sawyer, 10.r, both ,,f Waviu'sville, resulted m a ilecisnm lor Sawyer. R (' Cook. 14o, Waynesville, g . draw with Brown. UK Brevard. Greenwood. 185, Waynesville, and Constance. ISO, of Dellwood, toughl i. i draw m an exhibition bout. Fred T-Vrguson. wrestler. 100, Way-iiesvdle- won a decision over Grogan ot Canton in a fall m les- than two minute?. 11ev and I'otha. 210. both of Way. iiesvilie, in an exhibition wrestled ten minutes to a draw. High Spots In Address of Gov. During Governor J. C. B. Ehrmg haus' address to the General Assembly on Monday, 13th he brought out the following: Rnefley, my proposals are these: 1. Preserve the credit of the State by balancing the budget, even at the cost ot a sales tax: and make sure Common Colds Are Costing U. S. Nearly Roosevelt $5.00 Gold! J. C. B. Ehringhaus Billion Dollars Year Piece And A Cham The common cold, although rarely fatal, costs America well over three quarters of a billion dollars a year, according to Samuel L. Antonow, of New York, an investigator who based his estibote on surveys by scientists and educators. There is an average annual hiss provision to keep it in balance or pre-'of 2 1-5 days work by every worker m tne unueu, saui .miuuow. "If we multiply this figure by the number at present employed in gain ful occupations it gives a total of 8b. 000,000,000 days lost a year which at an average daily Wage of $3.50 brings the loss tx industry alone to about SM0O,0OO,O00. Add "to this the addi- vent an imbalance bv making all ap propriations subject to budget cuts. 2. Preserve the school opportunity in economy by the provision of a lump sum, with a board to administer it, as hereinbefore pointed out. 3. Preserve the homes of our citizens from the foreclosures which present ad valorem taxes threaten, and reduce i tional estimated loss of $450,000,000 the tax load which now weighs heavily upon them, bv abolishing special levies for support of extended term. 4. Preserve the highways and our g:oat investment therein from the waste and hisses which inadequate maintenance provision would certainly entail. 5. Preserve our institutions and de pal tments from the destruction which too heavy curtailment threatens, to as the result oi ineniciency ana cost ot medical fare and medicines and the monetary annual loss reaches more than $750,000,000.-' Heie are otner claims about the common cold pointed out bv Antonow: Cilice workers are nine times as cold ridden as taxi drivers. Thin people are more susceptible to colds than tat people. Those who wear little underwen Jobless Girl Sends A five-dollar gold piece and a gold chain, treasured possessions of an un employed girl, arrived at the White House Saturday with an accompany ing letter from the unidentified writ er tv President Roosevelt offering the contribution to the nation. The letter was postmarked Brooklyn, N Y. There was no immediate way of learning the identity of the girl and her offerings were turned over to the Treasury- Ifcr letter read: "My Dear Mr. President: "In these days of complicated hard ship I have been wondering as any one else who is conscious of the situa tion must be, how I could share to help the country to get out of its diffi culties, i.. "The five-dollar gold piece which 1 was keeping for the last two years for the sake of its sentimental value rep resented part of the gold that is need ed to keep the currency sound and re- 22 Men Is Navy April Allotment The Asheville Navy Recruiting Sta tion, has received word that the quota for this recruiting District has been raised to 22 for the month of April. This will allow a lot of boys who have been waiting for some time, to be en listed. There are plenty of openings in the Navy for men who can qualify. Boys who are interested m the Navy are urged to call at the Recruiting Station or write. The office hours are from 8 to 4 each day execept Sunday the end that they may continue to arid take little exercise' have the few- . 1. - - , u.. , . serve our citizenshm and ui enure tn youth of our land lor better service to the State. On this rock we. shall build our State and the forces ot ignorance, inequality, depiession, and despair shall not pre v.ul against it.- (i GIRLS KILLED IX H'lris were uurneu 10 ueaui lire following an explosion at ianada Match Faefoi bee. Several others we l. were mjuiei :'St colds. bitty pel- cent ot all disabling di seases and To per cent of pneumonia stmts with a cold m their early stages. The young medico coughed rather gravely. "I am sorry to tell yvui," he said slowly, "that there is no doubt you are suffering from scarlet lever and, as you know, it is extremely dangerous and extremely contagious." 1 he patient looked toward his wife: 'Dearie," he said faintly, "it my credi tors call, you can tell them that at last 1 am in a position to nice them something." The lionevmooiiers were driving tVll.Oinh tl,.. ....milr.' ,.1,,,,, ,1,..,. 1 .. store if not prosperity at least nor- V , , .... .. ...... ..... malcy. And here it is' Mr. President. " '"i" ' l"? I am : offering it to you together with '', ; 1 , to, ',a,S!" ! , little gold chain, the only jewel I j unVras the motor car and brayed ,,,ssess. It isn't much, but it all 1 have. ! H-.fci ousl.v. 1 haven't even a job." . The bridegroom in a tca-in;: way She signed the letter "An halo-1 1111 lu'd to his wife and teniarUod: ueiauvo oi yours ; es, she said "by mai - MONEY invested in Quality Fertil izers is money well spent. See our lines and get our prices. Hyatt and Co., Phone 43. IF YOU GET UP NIGHTS Physic the Bladder With Juniper Oil Drive out the impurities and excess acids that cause irritation, burning and frequent desire. Juniper oil is pleasing to take in the form of BU RETS, the bladder physic, also con taining buchu leaves, etc. Works on the bladder similar to castor oil on the bowels. Get a 25c box from any drag store. After four days if not relieved of "getting up nights" go back and get your money. If you are bothered with backache or leg pains caused from bladder disorders you are bound to teel better after this cleans ing and you get your regular sleep. "The Waynesville Pharmacy, sas Bl'KETS is a best seller." adv. Amen ROBBKRS SIOP FOR MKNTS KKFKESH- Dave Harris Heard ; At Rotary Club Fri.;w lie Daimlilei lio Kan a t Her Itcmarhililo inerieaii Weekh I a lirilhth Lord be a ( horns dirl I'.xperieiues ill the Mauamo .1 ud'j-es: Hod ( om. Ret cice M I . W I h surv )jie; 1) 1 M. O. Stain WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed In the Morning RariiT to Go If you foci sour and iunk nd the world looks punk, don't nwallow a lot of alta. mineral water, oil, taxulive randy or chewing Kum and cjpeot thorn to make you giiddinly swoct and buoyant and full of sunshine. Kor thov can t do it. 1 hoy only novo the lmuola and u ineiv movement dotn t Ret at I lie caUSi'- Tho reason for yotir down-and-out feeling w your liver, ft should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your uoweis aaiiy. II this bile is not Honing frooly, your food doi'sn't digest. It just, decays m tho bowels, (ois bloats up vour stomach. ou have .1 thick- bud taste and your breath is foul, .kin often breaks out in blcmishiw. our head e-li. s find v.m fool down and out. our whole s" t. m is poisoned. Il takes those food, old CART rilt'H 1.ITTI.K 1 1'II.I.S to net these two I of bile llowKu: ln-1-v and make you o.l '-up and Op." 1 h'-v eoMtain wenderfo I ...unless. Kot'.tlo veK'laho' i:lracts, amuzil I., n it eotne-t to malum: .tin- bile How Hut don't ask loi-lucr p'li :. Ask for ( arter n -. .ii,. l int fill. Look r llie name ( arter s I .1 It.- I aver Tills oil the red label, kesellt a Mihsfitute. 25e-at all stores. (j)l'.iUl . M. o. Ihon'.as Rei.'e.- s ticoi ge ami imic.h e i '-'it 1 1 1 m ilK'.pusI Inn seeond h ( arilna. i i'W ni(ii) nt On I'rulay evening, -Mai eh IT. Jit Bethel (irange had an oiien nieetingj at Bethel, which 1 think will help to iromote the work wondert ully. Ab Ihey hail come to our open lvieetii g at Hit idifl" Cove m: February, we felt i hat we should help them out as they lielped us. Out of our forty members there were twentw-two wno made the trip to Uethel and a lew others who were not inemner-'. As our grange in Katcliti Cove was started before 'heirs, we have a better idea ot what it is. Although, alter their hard struggle to hud members and get tartetl. (hey now are lighting and using what they have. Our Master. K. C. Francis, W . 1. Smith and Hugh Rat riitl' the three who installed :he olh rers ot the Ratclli! ( ove tirange, were asked tu t l fun. nil i t p. 1 1 u 1 Hethel olli t . II it -"liicaning- nt '.UO'.i oi ofT:- J hi: iH-nig a it-liv H 1 I -.iKt tr i i a the fhc.'o two Or; 11 x i ( an mi etToi-L- beiiif tb II tl . inev i i i till. .el out ,'ir ('onimunu.v. nges are -the only tv so far- but there wide to git hers arted. I'.oth Granges are working ud and al -o working together to try improve their county, community and their people, Do you belong to a (.range I li not, why not'.' the Grange needs yon and you need the Grange. .Reporter, lTUHLR I'M W( 19 Loosovelt's Record For Ten Davj A& ... (V Toijntrv'p Leader - i' IN FAGTOKV ,, .. , - ... , .. ; I he i Alier uiey iuki wthen nai "hui.-.n - , , ):'friluit(l With el SnmUo's Hat- na there was Horn the cash d. awer o. was i ne -peaM-r at i Ameri,'..,,. It.n il Iron, M,r i tlu,lan ice erean, v.mipaiiy, two robbers luncheon u the botai.N club her ,.. -i ; 1H.shv. . ....) .... i f i.m i 'iv ''11 Hi (J IK1- ' ' t ',1' while thev paused to eat two M . . 1 1 arris st ressed uic ', nip . ; ain-. --- o missm... .i.i.. - . ., ci,; . ,., ,f !:,. ..ieje club ot I . m .' jih 1 ..f th '' V.m lu.-t,... ihehdne -tool la.K on ' - ,.,.. value ot lunldiin" oi .n;nc;nnn' , on ' vrr ..n..;il. i rv rasl. m.u lior. i . siructive lor the urn ation t . im in help .-u m e ln-lter. 210.000 ASK 1'Oli WINK l..w. I ., i. . ..T... .... . . v .. ' . ne s:ie:iker I- ! e iiem oi t ne ; ; . I. t Pen oiid be ho! i e i n : ed. Organization representing 240.0U0 " . Men ( lub oi t m. oii. h . n 11:1- ilian-Amerieans of (aliiorniii. sent, Mncc 1 1 . M -iss. in i ha- -pent .J0..,- a imn);!iei'ship ol abut. ... . , . ,., , ssages to President Roosevelt and 1 tKiP.PhO on it- slate highway system. ' ' i r V ' t' r .alitoiniit'ongitssmin d; in ind ,,u t onU , . ;n tin pR()0 , , - -J egali.ation ot light wines togetli-1 state is lol,l., niili s. exwusixi oi , ,, . . .. .,, ... ' ' ! , ' ...,; .,,,1 . ill.,..., d ,u union n an s, at v .tl and t o 1 o.. I none i. vvitn Deer. cu, i elusion s ihh AlI 'flCJ r d i-, i . enn exhibit flowtr, , ,h 1 U.dcs l'f 4 fcfcVl , , i t I ii ill the enter . f tin mi II(,,, , t t iiv&& WleVfk ? ttkUt'U .fa) a U 1 J 1 ! V . V lli-lllg It I ,1,. -i ,', ,11, luce "IT ' ' d i iv. Jf SLLULtOM: 1 ne iM.-iL-tnan exliilnts. a flowt ti a t.ii'lc in the center of the Maix. show that tin container is up. he td.ices a s-crccii between it After a 'hori permdof magic-'tncaiu the m i'i ( n. I hp astounded audience "er-. ;!fl. covered to the shoulders in lovely Ih, i rem the "einptv container. Where did slit EXPLANATION- u i was hulin is a trap duo the I here l rr Hole large en 1 1 I behind tne urapc o in the Ivottoiu ot the ij;h to allow her to era "illrd "InaKKiatis- icathcr 11 - nt a ina-eieian s otnht. I h: ;r lunie and a bathun: can csed- into Miiail tpacev mj. :d the flowers exnar.d-. hen he r i 1 itifi 1 riving irnm.' 7'S I'&W TO IVMLA'D OHO ITS MORE FUjST TO JlMv'C In hi- ten davs as !' lnv I). lloosevelt has record : Ma h j P. ociaimen bank and c snlent, Fi achieved a n war th-- xtional ruAver. holiday, assummi die 1 C ongress into sessron March iMaich Asked Congress lOf em erfreney bank legislation. His message was- read at noon, the bill was oas -e ! by both branches and signed into, law ten hours later. . March 10 Asked Congress for pow er to cut half a bilh-on off f ederal expenditures. M i' h 11 Tho Ilou-e pa t 1 n economy , bill unchanged. ?Tai h 1' ih, Sen it( b e i consider the measure. The President asked ( for immediate legali zation of toeer. . Man h 11 The Hou pa--t,i tne requested beer bill. The Senate pushed the : economy measure- towaras pas sage. : Looned for next is a farm relief proposal to get aid to. the farniei- m time tor this, year's crops. Held m abeyance also is his plan lor a 500, BOO'OOO bond issue for employment.. . A (nek frequently worked in cigarette iic! c r 1 1 s i i i f s f 1 i e ; Hit s u u n 1 1 1 a I 1 1 1 1 1 el n e s s in n cii(arcite eomes tnnr n)-y(wrn.u priitc'-ses of inun.ilaeliii e. EXPLANATION Ai r vif ircl -rclfcs today are niatie m jnodern suni tar I icloi : s v. ith " -tl i'c i.i icl in cr. -.lit luti' o'((. id m.iiic nt'i.e' civ li .ii f-llici s, I .li1 si l , inferior toliiccos reeun-.e mot e itfen- ;llt sive ireat bacco'.. ! lie re;ii idiltcTt i li-aeeov. tli.if :i i c u t.ihne' (). tne inii'Jcr c us i I , - l-f BUILDING M VTT RIAL and -upphe can be bought from us at a saving aw all times- . Inves;igate und Co., at the Depot. Hvatt "c';nfii fi-v, ,u '.in, iical rCn'fCH-M'iiic nunv : $f - " . ,h ':.n,els .,a,c ........ n., ' JrS&?H" W ' M .".. .lu, cool iI,x...J'..r...,- ' devour tas.c tctu.o . Pn- cw.v.i" nil. i -a j';i,5V , t s n' f 'A ' A A Hsiy bWM fesL Lioo -) - . 'Zh rs? v ; srn v ILJi" i j, a ma r c ii i i. s s iiji. i n

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