THURSDAY. MARCH 30, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 Plight Of State University Evokes Expressions From Nation's Leaders Iteplore Proposals To Cut University Appropriations To Point Involving Irreparable Damage. Show Esteem In Which In stitution Is Held Throughout The Nation. Bethel News for the seventh The pupils who have u. Tailes follows Fits; l h:imb secured honor month are a-- Cause Of Death Of Fain Russel, 30,' 1 Local Boxers And ' UI Lanton, hull Kemams A Mystery j Wrestlers lo Meet l r . w W m 1 ' a isrevard L lonignt -on. nr - To Tin- Mountaineer) tinction. It has a name ami p'a.e in pA, mn x c., The plight; the educational world. It should he '.leLVeitv'o'f' North Carolina. -a matte, of State pride to maintain -Vi- -villi her sister institutions, the tits well won prestige. No policy -ot thools, departments, the agen-; economy can be- justincd which re heahh an , welfa.e which are suits ,n inevitable loss, di h.-ult ,t not ne 1 with rreparable impossible u, ovor-ome the lean ;l'jmo' annihilation in some ot the years have passed. ' ..'0'-il- for appropriation cuts that. Gerald U. Johnson, associate editor V- been made to the General As-1 Baltimore Evening Sun: "Every nickle 1 Vu- has evoked expressions from, the State saves by cutting its support niU' , O". r ,U.. i- ..u.. T -..;....,...;,. ,. UI ; ,1,,. In. run fil li:e :i i . . . ?o i V m, 111 tin ii-"h liade . Avi .itev j). 1 a:i. Clara Brown, Ava ; Hanson, Ret ha Hob Moore Shorrill, Kdilii dwards, Mark Kussell. Muriraiet T.iviov, V'' Former Canton Official Is Found Dead In An Automobile Recently. .iff ' d: .:. e! t on tah'well. Van Muriay. Second Grade: Ma Bum. Hyatt. Kieuilie "tirislopher, Cat he v. I .oi s Fanner. Nancy 1 li '1. i.- a n. t. .lo. Evch n i.-h. Sue West, d 1! lumerous leauers """"h""-'. f; -ountrv. who without any desire to .,.' North Carolina what it should do "bout its ov.n institutions, wish to em-"vi-isize the esteem and reputation in h'ich the University is held among -.eople everywhere. Extracts from some ot these expres .,, which have been received by .resident Graham and others, follow: K I'. Keppel, President of the Car ,etre Corporation: "The people of the tate have the responsibility for main lining the University at Chapel Hill, but that University is almost as much ;4 national institution as is the Library f Congress." Walter Lippmann, author and edi or "The University is one of the im portant centers of American intellec tual life, and would be not merely a i,ss to North Carolina, but to the whole nation if its work were serious ly interrupted." Glenn Frank, President of the Uni-jer-dtv of Wisconsin: "It will be a national calamity if ways are not found to preserve the distinguished -juality of the University of North Carolina." Owen D. Young, financier: "The riends of education everywhere will .-specially hope that no tragedy may -omc to the great University of North "arolina." Charles A. Beard, historian: "A iisastcr to this University would be i deei) injury to the cause of civiliza- ion iti the United States." A I-awrenee Lowell, President of Harvard: "The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is known all ,-ver the country for the good work I-oiT if bns bepn dointr. The State and h country will be much poorer if -Chapel Hill suffers a severe reverse. James It. Angell, President of Yale University: "The University of North Carolina has won for itself an enviable position as one of the truly great universities of the United States. I ,-annot, believe that it (i. e. the finan--ial situation) is so serious as to justify the ruin of what is by all odds ts (the State's) most significant .lehievement." John Grier Ilibben, former Prcsi lent of Princeton University: "I re . gard the University of North Caro lina as one of the first universities of 'he South in -power, influence and dis- it mam- i o -s not to mention the contemptuous laughter that suehj economy will evoke in the rest of the world." Newton 1). Baker, Secretary of War under Wilson: "I am deeply concern ed at the shrinking support which the State has given and is proposing i. give to the University." Ellery Sedgwick, Editor the Atlantic Monthly: "I sent my son to the Uni versity'of North Carolina because my friend's at Harvard College assured me that the South has not another Jike it, and, in simple truth, it hasn't." Similar expressions were received fiom: Joseph S. Ames, President Johns Hopkins University; Carter Glass, United States Senator; Williarn J. Cooper, U. S. Commissioner of Edu cation; Henry Siuzallo, President Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching; David Lawrence, Editor and Political Writer; Arthur W. Page. Vice-President the American Tele phone and Telegraph Co.; and Albert Shaw, Editor Review of Reviews. ei'.t Ku lavnie. ii G ;'.de: '-'i "! ' Bum.' a: re: llightowei, Carrie Mann, E . Vlehaifi.v. .Norma York, Clovi Way Abel, Howard Buinotn Cuthcy. Kay Cook. Colma n, Robert Justice, Edwin Lone s Powell, Vcinon So'ic'.r. Way,; KelU. Mild-. 1 1 1 i Edith ?.a . Pipe-, lame Hans. tharli Stamey. Fourth G;adc: John Abel, Sebol BliMiette. Bradwin Hargrove. Sum Welch, V.iugli Williams, Bertha t'abe, Fannie Fanner, Edith Mehatl'ey, Mar tha Mo oc, Joy tsboine, Uorthy Pec nik, he:e West. Mo.:elle W out en. Edith York. Fifth Grade: Bobby Beall, Fulton Buniett, Fredrick Hyatt, Lenoir York, Edward Jol'.nson, Verdon Singleton, Kre.l IJ.-idlotr. Billv Sheffield. Fay ( hambers, Mary 'Donaldson. Mary Hyatt, Will.1 Alae Bright, ( athenne Justice. Sixth Grade: Benton Cat hey, Guy Cogburn. William Donaldson, James Queen, lash Chambers, .Martha tog burn, l.ucv Erwin, Mildred Hargrove, fathom lienson, Betty Medford. Eula Lee West, Mildred Burnett, Evelyn la r .l.-.L Fiida'. k- The ' iatc, . V. First Geoi g Saint THREE DO(iS KILL Lil SHEEP ON JONATHAN beep (Continued from page 1) Howell said, there had been no killing going on. One incident was related. John Dyer, caretaker for L. II. Bramlett, decided to sit up one night before the dogs were killeif, and watch for them. He stayed awake until about 12 o'clock and dropped off to sleep. When he awoke next morning, he found IS dead sheep scattered all over his place and the dugs nowhere in sight. John Parian and Sam Morris, -who were in the dog hunt, are credited with having killed the dogs as they were trying to escape, ns jih, no ...n er of the dogs has been found. Girls For Sale S101 Japanese Farmers' Abominable Practice of Sell ing Their Daughters Into Slavery Ex plained in The American Weekly, the Magazine Distributed With Next Sun day's Baltimore American. Buy Your Copy From Your Favorite News IH'al er or Newsboy. Printing!: Sure, we're equipped to do all kinds of printing at the right prices. A lot of folks have it in their heads that we do nothmg except print a newspaper, but they arc badly mistaken, for we have one of the best equipped job printing shops in this section of the state. Bring Us Your Job Printing Orders The Wayncsville Mountaineer PHONE 137 Opposite Court House MAIN STREET, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. TRAIN TRAVEL BARGAIN FARE ROUND TRIP $4-50 CHARLESTON, S.C. Account Magnolia Gardens. On Sale Mar. 31 Apr. 1 Limit Apr. 3 Extension lrivilege Stopovers Baggage Checked REDUCED ROUND TRIP PULLMAN FARES Tne Above Fare Applies From See Your Nearest Agent or, A. II. ACKER DPA V-vv-'j. Asheville, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Seventh Grade: Ben Brown, Mugn Frady, Robert Welch, T. F. Wells, Betty Sue Cathey, Mary Lou Hardin, Virginia Hill. Marie Powell. Berdine Kigdon, High School: Charles Beall, Charles Frazier. Glenn Hardin, Bill Hyatt, 1 .nn Murray. Charles Oshoino, liois Aldvich, Janette Cobvurn, Audrey Piesslev, Winford Rigdon. Edith mev, t'lov.l liurnetie, auer c ui- ... m.l.l. ir:i...... verson, I'.tlwin livavt, ma-oie nwn, Weave', Shetliold, Norman Plott, Deanie Frazier. Tom iiyatt, Joseph Francis,- Kunice Francis, Virginia Ds lsabelle Blaylock. Curtis Mease, Ralph borne. Hazel Taylor, Edgar Mehatl'ey, Evans, Judson Mease, Mary Gregg, Laura Chambers. Theio were 2S.'i pupils who were mither absent nor tardy during the month and the total gain in weight for the month was IlOO pounds. The school is not able to announce the commencement'- program. The Junior-Senior Banquet will be held Fridav night March a 1st'; The elemen tary school will present a cantatia in the" high seliool auditorium Saturday night April Hth; Sunday night April !lth the Rev." II. W. Baucom, pastor of the Baptist Church of Waynesville, will deliver-- the commencement ser mon; Senior Class Night will be ob served Wednesday night April 12th; Thursday -night the Seniors will stage the annual ' Senior ..Play, and Friday nicht will occur the graduation exer- cises with tne itev. v . uiiv. t: Pastor of the First Methodist Episco pal Church South of Canton delivering the literary address. The campus beautificatron program still in progress, The school wishes t.. .....,,if,, lo ni knnvv (( to l ie h nil LO U Illl u".. ..v........ , ., benevolence of a number of our mends ;,nd patrons. Mr. Hass ( agle donat ed the use ot his trucK lor two nays. Mr. Rufus Hardin gave the use ot nis teaiTi and wagon a day; Mr. Frank Wlells :ind Mr. C. r. I hristopner do nated some HO loads of gravel; Mr. E. B. Rickman made it possible tor us to properly build new roads and provide for proper drainage by giving us ma terial for culverts; and Mr. I.wery list ice donated i.i locust posts. Debating Team Went to Asheville I .ast Monday Tin- debating team of the Waynes. .;n... T.uhiiv Hiirh Srhofd. eo:,i- v, I........ MiaD ..4 Miss .OTine liltwr, .1110 I'"- f" '" ." ... . ,i Hattic Siler Freeman, Altred ivnune, llllll 1 "11.V1 x..--. , . 1... .- Wnralson Jones and Miss Vanci. Crockett went to-. Asheville Mnnrt iv fci-ninc to take Part in practice debate with Asheville Hign t?..u..i nvn im,i.arv t'rt inn SL.-iLe-wiue Ol II""' piVlllllINlHJ ... triangular debates. uncial rites for J. Fain Russell. ;0, seven vears Canton's deputy city and tax collector, whose mys s death last Wednesday balfled investigating olliccrs coroner's ju.y, weie ' conducted .. afternoon at the Methodist em! liiuicli. South, in Canton. Rev. Dr. I harles .. I larK, ol -i. He was assisted by the Rev. Joy nor, pastor ot' the Canton Baptist church, and the Rev. - Lemuel Granger, pastor of the Andrews Episcopal church. Buried With Masonic Honors Mr Russell was buried with Ma- .-onic honors at the Morning Sta-4I cemeteiy, three miles southeast ol , 'anion, beside the grave of his father.' Dr. Joseph 11. Russell, one of Hay wood county's pioneer physicians. Members of the Canton Masonic Lodge No. ."S, of which Mr. Russian had been a member for several years conducted beautiful but simple services at the grave. He. is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ruth Russell, and one daughter, Nancy, five years old; his mother, Mrs. L. II Russell, of Asheville; four sis ters. '.Mrs. J. O. Kinsland. Mrs. R. E. Bass, of Canton; Mrs. S. D. Moses, Washington, D. C, Mrs. Ralph Moss, of Asheville; and four brothers, Dr. J. M. Russell, prominent Canton physic ian, A, G. Russell, chief of Canton oolice. G. C. Russell, of Canton, and Fred Russell, of Asheville. Active Pallbearers Active paiibearers were: J. Bovvden Smathers, Jodie B. Smathers, I). M. -Smathers. L. T. Russell. Ed Williams. and Fred Williams. Seventy-uve per sons, including the local police force, ittoineys, and physicians, were honor try pallbearers. Mystery continues to veil Mr. Rus sdl's death. He was last seen alive n Canton Wednesday morning around 10 o'clock bv his brother. Chief Kus sell. When Mr. Russell was seen again it approximately 2 o'clock that after toon, he was dead in the rear seat of Xs own automobile which was driven rnto Canton by James Sorrels, 'AH, ac companied by' Bert Grogvry, ,ro. Both Giogory and Sorrels were said by ollicers to have been in an intoxicated condition at the time. An autopsv, conducted at the J !. Wells funeral home in Canton, Wed- i i I- 1 ' . I J nesdav evening at o o ciock, oiscioseu lignt bruises about Russell s head and face. The autopsy was conducted under the supervision of Dr. J. L. .Jeeves, count v coroner and ( anion ohvsician. Gregory and Sorrels, who had been placed in the city jail ut lock pending investiration, were re moved to the Wavnesville jail at o'clock Wednesday niirht bv Sh Jake A. Lowe. A final coi oner's jury investigation. held in the city hall Tuesday aft pi noon. tailed to discover sullicient evidence to hold Gregory and Sorrels respon'i b!e for his death. After 11' witnesse-. including Gregory and Sorrels, had testitied, the eoroners' jury returned the following verdict: "J. Fain Rus sell came to his death in a manner i unknown to the iurv." The iurv de- ! liberated over the evidence lo minutes. ' . Soriels, who testified that he ic-j I membei ed everything that took place (after he met Russell and Gregoty at ! 1'ay's blacksmith shop about 10:rM o'clock Wednesday morning, maintain ed that Russell came to his death from ! natural causes. Ho could not account for the slight bruises about the head land face. Sorrels said that Russell slumped forward in his car while they were en loute to Canton from the Allen's Creek section above Waynes ville sometime after 1- o'clock, noon. Wednesday. He said that he loused up Kussell wiio sain: iai,e nie in Arch (meaning bis brother, I lnel sell, of Canton) at once." Sorrels further testified that he failed to notice Kussell again until he stopped in front of the building of the Champion Bank and Trust com pany at Canton around '2 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon. He said he did not know' Russell was dead until O. B. Lycifly, chief of the Champion Fibre company police, called his attention to the fiict. Whether the Havwooil county grand jury will pursue the cause of his mys terious death remains to oe leaiueo. Insofar as the coroner's jury is con cerned, the case has been dropped. for the next V months of Send $1 The Atlantic Monthly jJake the most of your reading hours. Enjoy the wit, the widsom, the companionship, the charm that has made the ATLAN TIC, for seventy-five years, America's most quoted and most cherished magazine. SEND $1 (mentioning this ad) to The Atlantic Monthly 8 Arlington St. Boston After winninu 'lvt' o! lnt' chant pionshio events in the Western North Carolina Boxing and Wrestlinjt Tournament in Asheville last week, the local boxers and wrestlers are all set for their go with grapplers and boxers of Brevard Institute tonight at the himh school gym at 8 o'clock. The Brevard team will be a differ ent te am than was here several weeks ago, at which time the locals won overy event but one, it was announced. ' This will probably be the last ap : pearance of t he teams for a time, it was learned. Last year the locals hrouirht home three championships, and this year added two more. Those winning this year, were: Fred Ferguson, heavy weight wrest ling; Joe Bryson. Jr., heavy weight, boxing; Robert Lowe, light weight, boxing; Johnny Reeves, 100 pounds wrestling ; Leo Buekner. So pounds, boxing. Collins of Canton won sec ond place in light heavy weight boxing. C. A. George, 'trainer of the bovs, said he was well pleased with the showing of the boys, and expected to bring back more championships next year. "Mother," said a . little boy after coming from a walk. "I've seen a man who makes horses." "Arc you sine'.'" asked his mother. "Ye, ".he replied. "He had a horse nearly tinished when I saw himjhe was just nailing un his back feet." '(Bo. to (Elturrlj imtimir e PRKSBYTKRIAN K. P. Walker, pastor Sabbath School '.): lo a m. Pastor's Pre-l'oinmunion i lass in session room. 1 1 in. 'i" aching by the pastor :(( p. m. The Christian Endeavor. Mid-week prayer day evening at 7:110 service W'ednes- MKTHODIST Key. Wade Johnson, pastor The Church School moots at 'J;45, Morning Worship 11:00, and the Kp worth lx-ague at '.:l.r. Evening Ser vice at 7:30. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. H. W. Baucom. pastor Sunday school, !:-15. W. C. Allen superintendent. Morning Worship. 11:00. 0::i0 nil li. Y. P. U.'s of church meet. 7:J10 evening worship, Mid-week prayer service 7:.'!0 Wednesday. 3E 3 Stop SIM n DISTRESS AFTER MEALS Relieved By Black-Draught "I had sour stomach and pas." writes Mr. Jess Higgins, of Daw Eonvillo, Ga., "and often I would have bilious spells. I read about Thedford's Black-Draught and be gan to take it. It relieved roe of this trouble. I keep It all tho time now. I consider It a finn me'Iieinc. I lake a pinch of Wae'k-Drausht nfo r ds . when I m-d it. It hflps to pr. vent sick hoadache and to keep svstem in koo.1 or'kr." (Jut a packae- at the store. Try it ! Sow jou tan-net Black-Drauftit in the farm of a SYRUP, or CmuMinN. and the public you will forget overnight THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER "The Outstanding Advertising Medium In Haywood County" 1

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