V Ibis ifcspilSlIBifi Hs Mors PaiJ-ln-lJi'Jtlce Suj.nvr. In Hajuool County Than Ml kl fiA; Xeuspapcrs Combined WAYNESV ILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Till RSDAV, APRIL Li. 19:5: VOL. XLV. NO. 1 Naming Of Superintended ducaiion Causing Much OfE Commen Three Candidates Are Seeking Plate From New Educa tion Hoard. IV h p- 'the mot-t discussed topic i 1 ,- .lav m Haywood county D "who gng to be county supermtendo.u of education'.'" Dtir III ri ': eva ry It 'na- lb. .1. I ma r.l r .he oa'-t Wcio-. in.i ; -..I --intf about he t-. i- the in :i in mmc ' l'ouo of Haywood tint:' , al"V-t citizen -. ipic and displaced the beer discussed dcprcs-M:'). '..ne'-al Assembly i- expected in, the throe numbers of the wio were electid last Jane I'll The members elected a.ie primary wrc, H. Arthur ., Canton; R. T. Messer, Wav .i.i d Ihiin. r Cngle, Cant"li. ,, .nber .d' the board stated in U,-ia! capacity that he expect hoard would meet about ; Monday in May to take up u i- of naming :h. county sun-lent. O.-h the it he 11 in rin It has 'ids. a movement been runrorim neiv mat is under way to get the member from Haywood in the genci- al assnibly to Ket a bill through which would provide for a members on the iKiitrd instead of the three elected. There seems to be little possibility o! this beinjr done, according' to state, mints t'rum those closely connected with the two representatives, hach of the three candidates stated that they were also opposed to any such action. ... The office of superinlenednt has not been declared vacant, but the ambi tion ot several for the office has brought about the discussion. Those now in the race lor the oflice includes, the present superintendent, Homer Henrv; . Thomas Reeves, principal of the Saunook school: and Jack Messer. teacher in the bylva schools. The person named as superintend ent by the board of education will take office July first. All three members ol the board are beinK approached daily bv interested jiartus urging that their favorite man ue ffivc-n the office when the board meets. Just what effect this will have, n anv. will not be known until alter the board meets. As far as thai Koes.. the board has not vet been confirmed but there have hut few. if any cases in the state Where the .legislature did not confirm those re ceiving: the largest number of votes in an election. . . It has been expressed that, there 1 .a. posaitlity that the confirmation of the board be withheld by the legisla ture, t'tit there is little probability of that, it seems, and it is onlv a matter of form before the three elected mem bers will be officially named a-? mem bers of the board of education and bcfrin their duties in that capacity. And of course, one ol the first duties is .that-of nannnir of a superintendent of education. It will be remembered that during the primary last June that this mat ter was brought into the tight and some campaigning made along this lino. Quite a bit of campaigning is now I being done by some candidates fori the position, both personally and through friends. Ono of the candi dates was asked if he had a state men; to make through the columns uf (. ontinued on back page) PLANS TO ERFCT PARK ENTRANCE SIGN ON 31AIN STREET STAP1 iarse ElectricaF Sign 0UK1 Point Entrance To Nation al Park. Mucn interest has been create"! here , m the park entrance sign on Main street since Oscar I. Brigs, sup- pnntcnHnllt . Af ihei .it.... wnt..i. null street department, erected ai miniature sign in Massie Furniture Stwp win dow -showing how the proposed park sign across Mam street at Depot street would look. Plans are already underway to raise funds to erect a sign lust like the ..miniature one. which is electrcally equipped and built so as to attract the attention of everv motorist driv ing on Main street. The sign is to be the width of Main ;stated '" '"" street and 25 feet above the street. ! - Funds for ercctm;; t.y-.y.-.i. -The arch will have the words, vfcast-iraisc-d by. nopular .sub ; : i; , . . n ern F.ntrance To Great Smokv -Moun-; Mrs. Hedwig Love, city cleik bdn a heen named treasurer for the 1q rrrn n ,rritf nK'rMin. ,);n,r hlniv ' anil pointin1? down Depot street will have "Soco (lap 14 miles. Highwav 281."! Three six-inch steel posts will be erected and the sign suspended from I them. Posts will be placed at . the-! corner of the bank and at the court-1 t In This Comity Heads Kotarians i 1) 1U N B. D. Bunn Elected Rotary President; Dr. Gay Sec-Treas, New Foard Of Directors ed F" or ( omin ear Hecent Meeting. Elect At 11. 1). Bunn, superintendent of the WaynesyilI.e township schools, w.i elected president of the lo.'ii! R'llary Club last Friday by thiv newly elect ed board of directors wdio were 'chosen the week before. According to Rotary rules, V. I). Smith,, present piesident, assumes the duties of vice president. i Dr. S. P. (lay was elected secietary treasuier. t0 succeed . I.. I.aiiipkm. The board oT directors elected were: 1.1 1). Bunn, Dr. R. H. Stretcher, Ern est L. Withers. W. T. Kainer, . ( . Russ. and Dr. H. P. (fay. The local club was one of the strong contenders for the cup which is offer ed each yetir for the best attendance in the district during the year; Among the 'many thing- sponsoic ! by the dub is the young people's work, Hoy Scouts an 1 (fil l Scouts work. ' , There are at pn-ent alnut t'b inem bt'rs in the club. Local Man Gh's formation 0t Bev Drinking HI The first direct :n.i e ! for" on peer in was brought back, by e-n, local mail c irtier in lio;. ' receiv lihcVn .statcs H Mi( i ic' - .and -r roti.pr. V. C. McCratken. .wito haw turned from AVashrig' i.i. - G.;II. McCracken sai,i." i -. ini posiiile for -anyone 1o ;, on the .'!.2 per cent n- er.. I i! J Us re- believe it rti drunk id lii.t Pfc a Oiunk person !! " he lime I was in V i 1 i nt, ton " "Women, and young gil ls ing it-, tea, at nil cafes, ami e s- ems satisfied with it. . I hurting the 'bat-wing' ha-' concluded. , ; dri'.ik 1 dv in i h ' h e curb, .'while the third will he on the curb just in; front cf Waynes viile Pharmacy. 1 r,e sitni will ne 1 shape, crossing Depot street anfl.;.t!so. main street. - Mi Briggs estimated the osi of building the sign of. stiel and sheet iron, and painting .'would be S-.-' Tb sign will be erected by the env under ti-- dnecion of Mr. 1 ggs. 1 ne citv to also furnish Itee the n"ht--, .So charges ar(. to bo made for the cr-tve-tion of the sign by the city force. ; It is the intention of Mr. Bnggs.ro 1). p-in woik at mice anu have it com pleted by May . first... . . '.'.-.', Calhoun and. Davis, local s:-n paint in? cencern, painted the stvmti'f sign. and have contracted .'to: pair '.' tlte large ign at a minimum cost, .ir.. j: 1 "L iii !) , and has cam- ..nair-n. and anyone wishing to (loii.n towards the project should leve the.. donation with her at the citv hall o. send check made payable i0 Mrs. JAe. The American Legion donated Slo towards ' the fund at, their -egular meeting last Monday night. ; , if S- s s v 500 DELEGATES ARE EXPECTED : AT CONFERENCE! .Methodist Cor.t'vreiue Women To Mold Three-Day .Meet in;: Here Next Week '! ' -d ; Monarv Mchodi; church ia-t minute plans for the Western Nc feience which vy.!l r-.H-.-J. y. Wedn. son ;y . i tin here and tth i is busy on preparations arolina Cor.. 1 i here next Thursday. Mrs. J tka let; M. Long reported ye rs had !. n iv.-civ vd from agates .mferen 'IV I -.1H!, - chain n' v - hoivi. - ' el.i ' M . to at - nuii v ma I Place I I ;) isitor- Uii-s and tt.e : una atu 1 .Mr-, i . :p.v i.t .ii ia da . ,i 111! I to t iMVli ar: I 1.1; -e in laiio: Dr s Naomi Mi-. W. Ii 'J 1 -.'K. '. 1: r Mv.'iee. arl Mi' l!ui how, China; of (Ireensboro ; '. : - vill-; Mr mill., a: v M Ditrhr;!!:. t m . Mrn. K. I... McKoe. Miss Margaret (.r-y. ot W in-toii-Salem : ami Mis.--es Ruler and Floyd, of Brevard Institute. The coniiiiittee in charge of enter, tainnteiii. with Mrs. J. Harden Howell as chairman,' announced that a recen tiui will !e held for, the visitors in the dining room of the church imine-. -ii t.elv following - the. first session j Tuesday night. .An automobile ride' through the apple -orchards .and'.; (.Continued on oack page) Way nesville District Chamber Of Commerce Is Organized Mrs. W. H. .Matthews Is Fleeted Secretary Of .New Hod v. Wednesday. Action taken last Friday night at tile second mass meeting AtaveWay nesville allij siirr iun ling tei ritoiy anothi i Chamber of Cuii'merce. .The new organization being 'known a- the U iiynesville 1 Msli ict ( liambi-r of Coin-iiie-rci.', and organizi d fn'r the p;;! .;.; -'; of advi rt isine ihi- 'ciii; mini itv an : tiling a b-.'tti r ; immunity aieii'iimen!,- v 1. 1 ! ; i. n - in ...Ii'. At he nie'-tiriL; Fiidac night, C. M. !'. t ard. - wa ' I'lei'li'd jij ('--iib-nt and Rii-'l- X . Uarbf-V, - Jr... va - named vw' 'S'idellt. I At ti s-pecia! meeting tu Id Weiilie--I day af -ernoa:i at t he LeFiiiric Hotel, 'at, W-hh-h' .'!;" "were pr.ent, ! epre-1 oi ing 1 th" ditrerent organizations .and bus iness enterprises ol the Communily. i.rgahization of the Wiiyne.-villi' l).!.i' trict Chamber of C'onime.rc!: got inrfer way'.' ' '".-' "''". Mrs. V. B. Matthews was electeil Kccrcttiry iif the oigaliization, but at. her request, this was Jo ft. open until she -could confer with the newly .elect, e.l bo .rd of governors. The meeting Wednesday. adopted the e.-ns; it niton and by-laws drafted by toe 'K. .'Johnson, V.. B. Ferguson, ami VV, A. Braiiley, vhb . were named on thiv "-coni-rtiittte last Friday night. .larvis Allisotti (ilenn Boyd, aiid R . M, i'ergu.-oii. iill farno rs in tii.- ui.-. 1 1 i. t . were named to. form, an organ za! ion. jiithidr respective cn.mniunitics. ; :. Others named to represent difTer ei.it groups, or organizations included; Paul Hyatt;, . hotels; Mrs. tSoDe! Ga'-rett, boarding houses within Way nesvi e .ill'-. I ail .iieiuoiu, iiiiaiuniE ii , ' 1 M. Ir 1 ....... I'i,n'i Xn ' tlni torrirorv outsidn ofi V.'ayne.-ville; James Atkins, to repre sent Lake Junaluska. Plans, are underway: to make a :."fm .vsiiio drive in the near lutuio. Other . committees appointed were: ( anvassini' . cornmit'.ee: Lee Dav. -., Hichard Barber and Jarvis Allison. I'.udgcL committee:.' jtiuy Massie, Mi--- ('- F. - KirknatricK : and : Paul Hyatt;' :''-. '' -..-.'.'- v'; A week ago last Friday the plan was presented to a mass -meeting,, and after much -, discussion the , plan wa a-lnpted. but at the reomst oi the minority, no oflicers. were . -elo ic-d in order that the matter migi.it be pie sented to the diret'tois of the Yaynt' ville Chamber of Commert'O in, the hops of getting the two organization?! together into one organization. The diie'etors of the old ( hamlx r of C.im merce could not he gotten together because some wore s;ek and others were out of town, but a stau-mem. vvas sought from each and ihe K-neial oninion was that the old Chamber of ftommerce continue under the same charter and under the same organi zation set up. . " Under this situation, tne mass meet (Contmuod on back page) 2 CANDIDATES OUT FOR MA Y( it. 2FORALDERMI Atkinson And Y, T. Shelton Kate For .Mayor. I'. V. Mas-sex- Ami lh.vk Tuipin For Aldermen. hi l p Until Wednesday 110011. 'J cu ilidates for mayor and 2 for members of board of aldermen had tiled or an nounced that they woul he candidates in the city election which will bo held 011 Tuesday, May Mayor ('. H. Atkinson is a candidate I., succeed himself, and V. T. Slu Uc ue'l known, business man aunounccu in the column-' of ilv... pajicr tliul lie ' ; cat-uiidaie for the ntlice. I'll;- two that have tiled for. bourn :iM, i mill are "I'ock" Turpin ana V. i-'-ev. Abimt ted that ibey do.i ii othl - end t" ciiU'i iae ill' i t hi'" e'.:t dai :.i :l .. iinouiu enieiit. w i'-hine' in i'ii! mayor or a ulci nu i . !leilwb: l oe. clorli e.-; ..-II'-, on or Ue.t'0! !v !i ice i one a1 " . , 'for tiliuK I;1rsl Vzr (V- Mini Shipped Wn!?ie&::; i id "(li ife :!(l-Ton 1 wo )i ; idv or .Moved I'lom ; : ( ars Are .shipping. . r i. presidei.it of the Kui'Oku Mica Company, announced Wednesday that the lirst car of mica was shipped yc-terday afternoon. The car had about ol) tons in it. M r. T.owi stated that two other cars were ready for immediate shipment. Tin" mica is being mined at the (ii'.i-sv liidge .Mine near Balsam. This is cue of the county's newest enter prises, and the prospects are very encouraging, according to those en gaged in the work. Mrs. Coolide Is Visitor At Lake JiinahiskaMomn .Mis. Calvin c I idge, widow ident, who is at Tryon ami f the late ex pre. pending .s-o met ime i Western North Carolina with nds :a!u. , was ka la- visitor Monday it 1 .1; ( 'ooliil'.'e di.ove around and told Jam's Atkins, and manage!.,, that I In Mie- !:IK -i.ilic p'u t v was .'i'' beau" ; 'I LABOR RELIEF KAMI'S WILL RE BUILT NEAR IIEH" t nemploved I rom Eastern, l.ities Will He (iiven Work In Park Area. .' .I.. i:!i.-' 'Kiiki'n.' suiierintcuden: flf. th" 'Oi v it - -Siiioky . .liiuntain . Nation.-il i'Hi k ii.liH ned lo his hetiduuarteVs; a t '(iatliijgb'iiitg this ; wickt. from Wadi ii'gfoii to- preiiare - for the CoJislriictiosr of four laliur relief camps in the park. tiu (if which: will be in V.'S'"l:! ;or::Ui .( arolina ..One -.of the ciimjis will be built .at Smib'ur-t- "-hear hero, and another ut ;.! . Sterlinir Host oilice. , These sites. I have been selected by the park official ;: '.,4- U...... ... ...... i'.ux,. Kir 'riill I'll .'ui nan: n ut oi'i"""" " . Koosevelt'..' 'nut it is- certain that . h certain that W ill follow t he rec o m m 1 d a t i o ; , o f t h e park service. Meii will 'he brought from the cor). gcstc'd (astern cities Mid given work in these camtis of reforesting the Park and national''. forest.- areas. . Before the -men are sent- to the camos they a: e given several weeks training at army headiiuarters to get them in shape lor, the work. The men will be given their board cl d i ilirv of S'O i month Of thi amount between $20 and $25 will be sent direct to relatives for support while, the work is being done. It is the purpose of those at the hi ad of the work to have about 250, OdO at work bv Mav D. Of course a few hundred will be worked in each ca.mn. Mr. Fakin stated that about- 8 Per fit ef tbe la'ior used in the camps v.-m'd be local labor. Th" local men iv-ud1 act as foremen of the work. Tie nl-o .staged thit the farmer-- would find a market, for their pr . 1 w f-tbe-e camps. A numher of camns will also. If e-tnblisbed in Tisgah National Forest. Commissioners Call Meeting Of Taxpayers To Discuss A Revaluation 01 Real Estate Commencement Speaker :''.-.'Xi wA' a?-".' K WOi. . Ki.iWA'V hi; ii I ( mi l ii exercises' wiM.i in,("H 'HIVI1'" 4 lHIi ' )6 ii' a .horizontal 'Vcductifti is .niadm HlUnliM A I ML' that il is cstimatml thai tins iv - i(ii'liuii would 1)0 hel ween anil Misses Morrison And ( amphell.o-, U.'t(.n( Tin- revaluation "I Keceive llth Honors In ! property in sonu' cases would noi (ir-idnatiir' Class ol' .".I 'aitionut to thttf inurh in lmiu.- ( 'oiiimcnci nieiit exerci- nf tn-. AVayncsville .Tow iisbip schools will lib- gin Friday. Aprir2S, with the : elc- . i i . i. i i: .... ii,..;. i.tio. ineaiarv -..I'lKiinr, u r C-: t bat evenug Tlie- lirst i vent ::i tne g,.:iliutmj; ei icises of the se ibo i bt-s which is ctimposed of bt emu.' w ill be Mil. commencement serin ei oil .hm'h.y eveiiiiig, April HO, ;,i ,h Ivh schotn 'auditorium, but Dr. O. .1. Candler. ;m outstanding Methodisl preaiber of A.dieville. Superinteiiileiii M I 1'u'io an noimced thai Miss ao.in Morrison, daughter of Mr. ami Vi . V. lb dar i i our of Lake .1 una Ills I. a, b'al noolc an avi'iagc grade o; SC',' for tbc four year'- high si'lic! ;,n,i was naineii Vabdiit nri.an All Marjoiie (.''a-oipbell. daiigh-'cr ,,f .VI r. ami Mrs: K. I '.. 'ainiibel, of llazi luoiid. was named salu'.a .oriau. M iss ( ':i inpbeH';; a ei age grade for the ri.r ve:r.-; in. hiirli scbmil was : till.!)"'. ..:..:....; i: i . i. , ... . . ., , i . . , , i nose receiving iiunoi a me hh.mi for their: four vearV average grad - were Sam Carswell a nd ' "Kiigi-nia ,.soii This vear the two student.- in each grade receiving the.' highest' average for the year were named to serve as marshal - at all t be coiiiinencemen! eveici-i's. The chief marshal was the -one receiving tin.' highest grade in l!,.. (.ml 1, (Vriiile .'I. ii .. , Those named as ..marshals were a - follow ioiiows: ; Ivighth (JradC: I'atricia Biaadt ' , Ninth (irade. Mary MedtVrrd am1 Miry Willi i Kobi Tenth Orade. Abbie Fay 'Henry. chief inarshall, ; .'Flora -. (libson aw Niorine i.owe. -. :.;:::;.ininaliius will begin ''li Weiira-.-., ( Continued on ..;a"i; , iatt''4 ) : ni 'Swimming' Potd, lt;i Room And .Tennis 'Courts Included In .New Development. (I v ( Mil M One of the largest an1 most ii'-auti-fid rerreation centers . in , Western Xorth Carolina, is now. undo? const na tion on the Belle -Mead holdings . on the. -i.'ti! iisb'e of Hiizel vvnotl, adbbn ing the Country .Club Golf Course in one of the most , scenic settings to Ik found, in the whole country. The pto ieef lias Iieen '"under -wav for seVera! months but has been kept quiet, and is 1 a revelation, no w to anyone v. ho visits, the place:,, ('. AL Dic.is is the owner and pro moter of the' development, that, would do credit ao any recreation center in the United States. The BelleMead property of which this center is a part includes all. the land on H igh way No; 10 between Hozelwond and the Country Club eighteen hole golf rouse- The owners or Belle Mead are ( M Dku II I i k n J L lb i f hark N l and T I dwvn Mr. Dicus bought from them the prop erty upon which he is now buikliiig i MEETING TO BE IN COURTROOM TUESDAY 10 A.M. All Interested Tai;i er-. Are Trued To Attend '.e1iiit: Here On lM.h. 1'iti' tli'.n'il i' ( 'i.tj'iiy-'t '.iiinu---.--iniH'i';- iii -I'l'i'ia! -i'.--ii:. ta'tc I'm sd iy ilt'i'iilci! tu call ,i ihmss 'lie.-; in;.:' !' t he volers id" 1 lay , mill ( 'mutt -at Id u'i li'i'.. 'I'iii's il;.y, A ; il ii IS. in iii: rutin - mmi I ' l , -Mil - : 1 1 . 1 1 I ', , til 1 i 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 ' J i:'.:, ! !,! ! v. iii'1 In r t to tt. ojil.- i. (tip: ''' t ut .1 til :.; ri vain;1 lion n j i .-'."I 1 ,' in I !'.i m ' - . - - I !,i i i "i,;;!! i-i'ii,i 1 it'!. I ! ' i . ; : 1 1 'i i i . -. i i m i m.ursi' llii'V sit best, Imt tlx l!:: c !"' ' 1 ' t . ' "i-:: Ihe mass iiiceliii. al which tmm tJiev can ili'lormiiit' t i i ; sonti- tton anil more in oUlci I Al ter I I'v de'.ds ,f the in ini- , 1 i . :. . i, .. .1 ;,', I t he , "')"!l'.', , ; j ni known, the gene; id ex: ,..,),, ,- U(,.; ibat it was a '-spleiidid 1 1 j . . ... . .i, ., I.--,, e i.i I Heir I ia 1 1 pi I'.i'i C"i l"'."l" !)., ''.'..,ii.ruii!l.s- to voii-e tbt ir opinion i be mat ti:. "''. .. , , Some counties i Western Nortn Carolina have already: made a hoio zontal reduction, some amounting t" 2" per cenL and niore. The hoard of commissioner:, stres. -,., the fact that they are an.Mous tha' a large number of taxpayers be iire--ent at this meeting and heln determine the best way to go about the revalua tien of real estate in the county. ; The ollicial statement of the-.com-iiib siimers reads as follows- "Tbe- Boar.l of County Coniini sioii. ,,is have announced that a public. .,-: ing will be held in the i ou it f.ioln at Wavnesville, a:. 1 0 o'clock a m on Tuestlav, Ann! IS, P.i:!:!. to. determine whether- there shall be a levaluation ,f rial est ate in 'Haywood county, or i I ,,- li , 1 1-i 1 1 1 it : 1 1 reduction. Ihe Ala .y ; ,, , i IC 1 cl: inerv Act recently iia d l .tu leneral As-cmbl v niak' s it . -optiona bwitb the Board id' ('oiiii.iis-ioin-rs ,t IIUISUI'-- I'lllll'l . .MO "I"". ""'' "" inissimers are anxiou- to ascertaii .1,.... ,.,,.1 I,, i.i -in I in I'lllll the wishes of the neooJ. with regard, to a revaluation. All .inti -re-ted tax payers are urged to ai 'id t it; - meet-. 'fig.:. ( Signed ) Board "!' '. oi! 1 '"-nimi- .. . . Sionet i ' - ' -- -. : I ')!,j jyy j.f-" jj)'p. 3 , - ' 0 . .-.'.,, ' , , J Ct ' .'M,:. I)If lis .Nhi h ; .Miter, , -id. an-:, a';'.;;': The l. . .. T:l .o- , I .'.'hi feet u -. in a:nd - O C ' I' t'K :: : and h ad,' the' , ; ; . i -. s ?.'- ;t-'"-h:r by l o :n r:;te to .-: wo for. .on thirty .-and the depth of Fach se,r: adjoining pool, 1."." wide, with wal's bi:i!t ock. .Is 1 cacl-e t vi Way; V'tin. , f hild: i n big-'h i'lKh.-. thin! ; v M.ii! seven-' to ion- is -en.. ; ia :by.- an irmi ( )n tho' u;ipe :'-.,,i nlot .fo r. V. ' l It : '.:":.' .-..- l'OU'.V id'; - , . .10 - ?.: -SUS':' ;'.::-.g s-.i iiig---. i'md othc: ;;imci;.t; that chiljre: no: thcast side of" th htldren i'ieatioii ikes ('in i bath house, two stories h-ijr.v, "miti-iV. Stone, with two cotr.- bitt: I i v -

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