i Page 5 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1933 SOCIETY Eleanor Bushnell, Editor - - - PAGE Local " Items Society o o o a News Phone 137 : ... i r W I i i "' ' ' Mt:irns; i,.f. i--: '!';1! 1 !;t WL'-'k-' p't nmunitv ke held i- rtr 1 ,,'e en Monday altt-i- ", '.,-. on Main street. .' ','V .-Ve-it. Mrs! Bo:i t'olkitt, (m : !- ( ' -tr. hns'ne-s session ... I HUi niK ehe OU. an ': '.' resting repm'.s v. ere giM'ii V;r-;-;.,."l.:!aivmcn .f departments ami ."',.,1,1 committees. ' n'mioii was mad, to write U the , , v U:n-d of Education arfc.i ! ; .. il,, limner Henry, the presem ;n " . Superintendent of Education. ' , V:,;,,",,' in .cognition of l.is -er- ,.t1iurV was made o.t the !i ' o.rd ,.f Miss Norine Lowe. ' yf.i' won the Community niuK' and was sponsored on her ,! Hickory i-ecintly to compete in . .... .ttf.f ,viv oj'ntist.. , . , u, . 11, n t'ulkit,, by virtue oi net -Ku 4s president, will represent Ihi It -hi- annual state convention, J ,irh w.i'll meet in Ruleijrh this year. :,ir- 1'iiies M, Long was elected as. .'iUcriiate. A motion was made, Instruct the secretary to write a u i "i appreciation to Mr. ( . I. Readies of Asheville for his interest ,'" dices' in landscaping the court . Miuare. Mrs. W. Matthews spoke to the , ,-, jrardns: t in-i 'proposed. District of Coinmerce and also '.','') '"of the work she has U-en do ;wa'd giving this section the --... .Iixerveil nublicitv She abo .ad several lettcls she had received . ;.nsvr to sonie of her coninuinica- ihe lmetin- was then aimed over Mi . H. I. liunii. chairman of Ed naii'm. who had charije of the pro gram of the afternoon. She present w .Mrs. M. (. Stamey. who talked on. Tile Trend of Modern I'.duc itinn." dr.-. killel then illustrated certain atu.e.. in Mrs. Stanley's talk. by ....-,f.;!iir th.' methods' of teachintr Latin V- 'She' hail V'lh her twelve pupils em the iiiu'ti school with whom she .'-.-monst rated her methods;. Mrs James Atkins icave a resume current events. She wa - followed V a vocal duet by Mrs. Luetic Foy :.i Mrs. I.. .M. Kicheson who were a ompanied I y Mrs. Si. .II. Howies. . ' .MtireiHI the social hour, the hostesses the afteniooii, Mr'. Jack Way, Mrs, ; ...ro! Cell. .Mrs. Paul Walker., and :: : Hen C.ilkitt served tea ami Cakes. :( W-'',' KEblSEH, '.Hi, CKLK IWATIJS niirnwAY Master lloiv.ee Keener. Jr entef ;.;.ined' :i Krouji of his little frienda ,',!'.:iday afternoon at his home on riavwo.xl street in celebration of. his ..Kirn birthday anniversary. The euests were entertained with .i, Kastar egR-hunt and with variou? sanies. Bobby Creen was lucky win-:-.r of the prize in the egg hunt. After the games the guests were '.r,vited into the dininff room where the ' Vest's - mother..- Mrs. Horace- Keener. m rved a dainty ice course. The colors i pink and green and the Easter otif were attractively used in the .tcorations and the refreshments. Those present included: Bobby and, ris Colkitt, Patsy Gwyn, Charlie Way, Clara Louise Bell; Gladys Walk. Rosemary Herman, Shirley Colkiit, Lilly Hannah Billie Davis. Or in Coin, Kred Martin, Jr., Bobby (Jreen. Jack "iVorthiiiH-ton, and .'-.Ellis and Nancy Keener. 1H. l.AXCAS I FA! MARRIES RICH- M()I OWL tf jial interest here is '.he an- 'n .uacemen: tr-ade la-t Sunday ct tae ! marriane of Dr. Newton bans Lan- caster and Miss Marion hallaiv. Honch ns. of Kicnnionu, uibihm, :i:MA ..l.L' .'. . ll .V.s ".is irair.a l.ai.ipkin was wmu i r .-i .- Id mclal and .Mis-. Susiv i-l'-a -t'c.ii-.l the S'ld pie-e in . ,i".htli annual re idin con. est P.m.-ored bv the Pn.r.ialic I'epait- " ' .i i w. S'.t.! i.... -l 'of i he I'ommunitv iltr lor f: S v Vash hi i t' TivenJ.no. i, tne Waync-viib; T-wn.hip it . t h d been kept secret until! llih Sehoei on :.s, 1 m-day nioiiiin, t e dav of the wedding The xvc-, ,t he , cool amiiterium d !., ,, nlov was performed by ir. Joseph K M er I-r, emau ) ; !'"','a.' ... ' ...i.. V...-L- Uimi'Ih Prcs- -..e:,::oo by tl'., llldco-s. ?'M" ' , " , Mr . C .Uitt. P tiv.enan ciiurcn. ' Dr. Lancaster, who is the s..n of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lancaster, of ilendersonville. has been practicing '.n Waymsville for over a year, tter jrraduiitinK from tin- Virginia -Medical c alette at Richmond he serve .1 his in ternship in the Mission hospital ill Asheville. It was while attending college at Richmond that Dr. Lancas ter met his bride. .diss Mary Kirkpatrick i- spending s .:e.e time in Ch ,i K r.e . visiting hei r, ihec. .Mr. O V. Kirkpatrick, and . . Mr.ijMtrick. Mr. N. I.. Ce'. l ish of llo-tea. Mass. - : n .nig a Week oi tell davs here en bu-ivess am! is a guest at the Le Kaine Hotel. Mi. Dave Sine'air of Wilmington Mr. N S. Whitake.r. of Mars Hill, v, a a week-end guest of Miss Mary, who is with the Federal Land Bank. D iiiu r. a! the homo of her parents,! is spending several day.- at tile Hotel Mr. an i Mrs. R. N. Barber. Miss Elizabeth Carrel: wi'd arrhc Saturday from Creensboro College to seem! the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Noble Garrett. : m i, nt oi ;e -ided during ' :ie di .. p.:; '. ,.!;... .'.nd tu; :ie,l ' i:e nv. m Mrs. T. Leu:.- tlwyi:, mem- I' '' the -,i am:, ii,' i am: ,'it uc, xv.; , ..: the a -s, nee of Mis. R.K-Camp-:H . .r.;;n. took ch-t. g,- a.v 1 i ;; r.t. -d the im e.il and gold, ie -e. i i... ae. nib ' : of the Coninra',! Cub have 'avll groat1;- !; .cl w;'.h i... ,- ...,- cotiivsi a'ld w ith Mrs. Lancaster is the attractive! , , . i 11.. . M 1 young iiaugnter oi -ir. ami .ui, m. L. Hotichins, of Richmond. Those witnessing the wedding were: Representative Zebulon Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hardin, and Mrs, .N p. Smithson. of Asheville. Cpon their arrival in . Wayncsville Dr. aiid Mi's. Lancaster will be. 31 home in the cottage formerly occu pied by. Mr. and Mrs. Lauri-ton Hardin.- Jr.. on Love Lane. ' u.c nKore: iitgl e:le, I : test- w el !i te-t to schr ion. p. ii n a 1 1 1 i 1 1 g 'foe I. ,. tale ;; si; ocn by the a i .. 1 '., : anna', ion i " i o'm tie bnal e m lie i d.v gi'.- A . on the .''It Mrs. Clirisiopher Cril'.vndon left i .st w eek for her home in Chapel H til after a isit of two weeks to her mother. Mrs. Charle-- Uuinlan. M y. and M rs. .1. U. Lath un and ehil , I.- .le.au-t and Lot , V. .-pent Sunday in .Uhevllf as guct- of Mr. and Mi's. ! ,'iOin- turn;. ; Ai:-. K.lith i!.. I'd of lb . dei's. aiville j. i- mi, ii i. - .'. .:as here this Lj. week as the Hem s . Dr. I baric- Pa'dgett- of l-'orest City isiie, 1 I'liend-- in Wayncsville Sunday Letame. Mr. and .Mi'.-. June KincaiJ. of Dillsboro, were week-end guest, of :he bitter's parents, r. and M i s. ',. C. Ptott. .Mr Hazel Willi. im- Crabtree spent Monday in tivn. I (. . . .1, Him .i T . Mis. O. ('. Ilamilu n nest of Mi-- Kli: abetll TIBBETT .t. ,n i' : miss i-:i. McOLi: rs i-arii HOSTESS Little Miss Edna Kathryn McCee was hostess at a lovely party last Monday afternoon when she entertain ed a number of-her little friends in celebration of la r tenth mrthday an niversary The feature of the afternoon's en tertainment was an Easter egg hum in which l.enoia Ma.. W.iiker Won the prize an Easl-'i- basket Idled : with candy egi Mi which the gue .,.,! ." ! Elr...titl: , " , M-..I-S At n bv w ;re re a ,s; r. ny i bnsieni Lay Henry l ia r r i,. - I': , We- ( Till lie, . Jt.iionv Grahni Diplomat. Mvrtie Martin. , " l.u.t.v Teazle," Seen, 1. bv Si.sie Mcbaiie. .. . t -aohnny Cabin Diplot.na! bv Marv Joe Howell. -I: i of Sharlott, . by. Mary (ilee lergU-ol l.adv Teazle," Seene 11. by Jose phine Plott. 'Sam's Letter," by Drama Lamp- U'n'n..e. Going of the While Swan." by. ly. fKg-. , . - ,:, ' llat ie Slier f reeman. - anv; gaims were enjoyed alter ..,!( lim,y Crahm, Dipbmiat, ch the guests weie invited into tne , ' i ., ',.,. ; ' .lining room. Here the Easier idea w ;s further carried out in ileeoi ations and refi-e-hnlents. The table was cen tered with a lovely birthday cake with lieh'.od can, Ih's and each guest re reived a basket filled with cand; Eas ter eggs as a favor. The guests present included: Ale, a Dkus, .Martha. DieUs lelfora Ma Walk-r. 'Miriam Northingipii. !,et,v P.urgi'. AilelV Balilvvin, Lois Massie. Ruth Burgin. Ma rioiv Morgan, Glady Martin, Colline O'Ma ley Let Movvdv- Catherine Jones J- P. DicU,, Joe Simmons. Capers Green. I aul vvil,v .Timime O'Malley. Leo Buck- 1 ,',.,, Martin. Je-se CroU- :'.j Malory Martin, and Eli McGee. . Mis MeGce was the recipicm ... many lovely birthday gifts. . Mr. and Mrs; Hugh Massie and Mrs. Rufus Siler returned Iuesda om a few days' visit in Charlotte. During the visit they were jtuesis. v Mr. and Mrs, O. Y. Kirkpatrick, Miss Mary Emma Massie will ar . f,-,-, ti.,insiinro I ol- nve tomorrow i.i- - leg, to spend the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. I, r- Massie. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Goukien, of Tallahassee. 'Florida, are expecteu todav or tomorrow to spend . . . . ii. Ilr , i no With .Mrs. liotiiuen s in,, oi-. Mrs. ( . H McDowell. .'RS : i,M. KILLIAS IS f.. IK C. HOSTESS -Friday afternoon Mrs. D. M. Ki!-:;-,n -oui Miss Nancy Killian' were at Vo'nie to the members of the Haywood ivhapter. of the Daughters of t'ae Con- k-(ieraey for the regular April, meet ir.g. Mrs. Leon Killian, president, pre-..I-i.il- Plans regarding the district meet :.:i, which will, be held in Fraiiklih -;n Mav 1 were discussed. Mrs. J. Har i. ,, Howell and Mrs. .'Nobel ' Gar.-ett were rlected as delegates to repr.e ,-r, :he local chapter, with . Mrs. R. II. , Hlaekwidl and Mrs.; R. Roy Campbell as alternates, Mrs. George Plott had the paper, ei- subject being: "North Carolina U.st at Appomattox." Ill a most m- t esting manner Mrs. Plott gave, the neroie deed s of the soldiers of North Carolina- who' vvere in , this battle--.-v'ith an account of its importance in .-! he making of history. ; .VG70.V .ir.7..i.r HAS APRIL . ' .MEETISO The regular monthly meeting of the. American Legion Auxiliary was helt ' ,- t Monday, evening at tha Masonic ' Temnle. '.:' ' Very little business : was transacteu . at. this time. However, it was decide;! ;.i .send Easter greetings to. the two ... f-.a tie nt s at OteenWho are assigned to t'i'a unit.' Among the college students who are -. -recte ! this week' to ' spend the '.: spring holidays with their parents are Misses Harriet Morrison, Helen Med '. ford, : and '.Ed win a nd . Marion Mc .Povve'.!. from theAVoman's College of the University of .North Carolina at Greensboro. , Dr. and Mrs. N, F. Lancaster, v. hose marriage in Washington. D. C. was an interesting event, last Saturday. irrived Wedne-day ; and will make their home in the cottag-j recently occupied by Mr- and Mrs. Lauristcn Hardin on Love Lars. Mr. R. N. Barber returned Saturday from Texas where he ha- sp;nt the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norman will arrive tomorrow from their honv ;n Giiliin. Georgia to spend Ea-Kr with their daughter, Mrs. R;cl:.u',i L'ai! cr. Jr.. and Mr. Rarbeiv Miss Doris Mes-er amiMiss Carolyn Hay lies,, students at Mars. H ilk Cailege, will arrive Saturdav to spend the week-end at their restieetive home'. They will be accompanied by sfvvra elassiiiates who will ;'. bo, their "jest.-during the holiday. '" :.' . Among "the'. Waynesv;-ille vi--itur - -.in Asheville "'.Saturday. '! at' -:vl the Fasliiair Show at the 'ic.jyge A'ander-liilt- Hotel were Mrs. Hen rdkittMrs. T Lenoir Gvvvr. ;i':d Mr . P.. H Mit. :::. ' airs. Andrevy'Meoi'e .-)( .t Saturdaj h; Asheville and parLicipule l . in ilu.- i- a- hi'-;'. Promenade" stag, il for; the Junior League by the Ladies Shi p. a the Geiirge A'anderbilt iiufei. Miss Louise String!:' Id. student lit Fassifern, will arrive today, from Henderson ville to spend a few day wit h her nan lit.-. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stringlleld. ; . ',- fi.s .f.-.ei-: Tiir,.ns lefi. Sundav for T?:il..irh 'where sh- will resume her studies at .Peace. Institute after a week's visit to her. parents, Mr, and-. Mrs. John Hipps. j .' .Misies : . Mildred McCracken and . Katherine Queen will arrive tomorrow fr;;m. Duke University to spend the, Faster holidays at their respective , homes. ' . ' . i , .- "-' -1 Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Bowles returned I SimTn'v- from a week-end visit to. Mr.-! and Mr-.. J. J. Stone at their home in j Andrews.. ' ... V 1 o ' oo ' .. , 1 .. I . . . Hie lliar Storv. by wueen oosioe Winners of the medal m previou v , ai's were; I . ;,; Anna dean Plott. li'-JT, Mare.aiet Ashton. , t ;..!', Louise Campbell ;t;i. Mary Emma Massie. , Pittn I'.velvn Morgan. l:,.:,' Kanpie Pearl Fclmct. lit: Norine Lowe. : Judges of theconte-t: tbisyea were Mr-. Nobel Garrett, M is. 1 ! Swift and Rev." H. W. LauCom. : ' i:i- i:riT I !: .RAM Sl( E:iS EEL A EE AIR The Easi Waynesville 1 . sponsored a very success!' uL Pi'og rum oi, la d- Tuesday nid.t. lor the bcielu of .ai-ing funds to be used m con nection With the school. 1,,,-ge crowd enjoyed the progiam which consisted of the following num- tu rs: Rabbit Dance ami i am-n- ... -Minuet, given bv pupils of Miss Lois linggs , - Thresa Alley. Nani-v Keener, Nancy Jones, Betty Mowdy, Eloisv Martin. Bebe Medlord. Bettv Moin son Carol Louise Bell. Doris Colkiit. Shirlev Colkitt. Barbara Ann Boq. Allele 'Baldwin. Martha Mav Wvcht. ,la., e Wyciic. Jane Dudley I'i'aneib. Mr.-. Fred Martin accompanist, Solo number given.- bv little M:k' Tneresa' A lie v. 'lap Dance given bv Snake Garrinn er. Ha Grei n aceompimist. The Old Familv Al ann n: e e .' i i v cia ses i fan East Wavnesvi!! Sc'n , i High Si hool mie;l. (pnrtc' : Editn Jiaucom Mvrtie Martin I Hi.- Mas le. and Edwin Poteat. Instrumental (juarti t : b'.iul iavib i'rank .Miis-i", Edwin Poteat, and Mr Pral t , instructor. Trio: Miss Mildred i.vvfo'd, Mis: ; u killiaii, Mrs.' L. E.: (ire, . Mrs. Jo.. i,. .lohnson..- c -o p.u.i '. Ibe; ding. "Jane I rm S vent . en, . oy Nii ine Lowe, At the eUi-e of the orogrnni by spe. cia! rciue-t Dranki Lampk in gave the -" ...i'lc'- which v. on b tne niedi in : Ir- ' ili'd, Schii ' . c'i k - : b'il '.1: ' vt e :.. .. - i .., n: i'! ' , Make The Week-End of April 21 Complete UK Alt I.AWKKNCi: 1115 UKI I'SINC I KIDAV NKiHT CONCERT PRICKS Room with priale balli incluil im; dinner and lircal.la-l the tnl lovv inu morning : Tine Person s:t- ' '."wo Persons " Thru he our nnesl. . .and do your, pring shopping SaUnda. "' w ill eniov the home:, at niosphcre el this holel. . .ami Die market teeming with inanv selecl ions. Ayhevillo-Bilimtn'o'.. IIOTKI. o.xlfiii at Market TlIK WOIM.D'S (JKKATKST KAKITONK LAWKKNCK IN PERSON SKMOK HKiU SCHOOl. AI DITOKU VI Asheville--' - April 21 Popular Prices SI.. id. S2.00. Students Sl.dd (Plu Ta) Plume iir Write for Reservations Oaverie s rharmacy ti M all Slree! Phone 1 11 W'v strivf 1 o dis- a sincere. 1 hou.uhl yjy lul manner which lt?V will const i 1 u t e a j. comfort 'for the liv fo int; ami a mark 'of 6 respect to the dead. Garrctt 1- : i- I- i i- i-i--j- I- i- h' ' v Vs . V Now Is The 'lime To STORE YOUR FURS . :. . .:- .j. .j. -j. - -i- - -i- -i- -i- -2- -2- -i-J 1- I I- '. We offer a compUle lur -sloramv vervice, ilh Ihe best laciiilies. eiirl rtorkiiien and linesl tefrijic. 1 alien vaults oblaimible; Willi warm weatliei ho approaclanu. now is lire lime lor u: vNiN(; a.AziN(; srouixt; ki:m(Hh:i.in; ui:p.ikin; . . . . . . . .... $5,00 . .. ... .. . . . . $2.50 $U)0 ti,o A U ' Furriers our l ur coal cleaned, ulu--ed. insured and sloretl lor. The same scrv ice on lur trimmed clotli coasl Slo:ie oldv lor as lillle as . Phone 7S1 ASHKVIL1.H Haywood Funeral 'tS -Home m ... . .. ... f m .. . ... t rl Phone l-V. Mam M r- Wavnesville, .. ('. Q: . - M . . Easter Time Calls For FLOWERS , ..,i::t el: a 1 '...'- ---lo.dd. - '.,' ...:' . i'ai. i.t'-T(.;:eii.e.r.- A--ee;a-"dl , ; : ;.' to- that'k eacii . s.'.d'l very :. un v): i benii d to'make 0a- -ati'air- a -uc- e s by: tabinK part in -the.' proeram n:! liv I'umim; out to -, the ' -'i ,.m. 'Mfs. Doyl(- Alley. President. I. rs Li ftDPlN rv. j yy U H V-M CJT ""I ' ' ' -s EA'iLEte n-! ' HI U - -. X V - I 1 r ' Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Reeves and Mrs. j Roy Francis returned from Raleivrhi Sunday where they vLited Mr. Fran-' cis several days. . . I Miss Rurah Oshorne and Mr . Jor-i Konl" ftf CsintnTi were euests of Dr nd Mrs- V. L. Kirkpatrick on! Sunday. Arc you planninu 1o hear Law ri m e 1 ihheft sins in Asheville. l'rUlay, April 21 . . . IHKN Make plans to enjoy a famous Snulhern .Mammy meal in Ashe v i lie's Popular e CREIGKtON'S IiESTAl RANT Popular prices. ';.. family at mosphere V , and the best food obtainable- is yours,' J . . LUNCHEON 3oc DINNER 50c DON'T MISS THIS TREAT ! Next to Bon Marche 1 ,1 - v ; V V THK K;;ter joy thai smiles its way into your heart finds a content mcnt in your well-f'edness if quality-fciocei ios assisted your Easter msrn meal. At the Fair and Square store you will find a de licious assortment of gro ceries that will justify your judgment in coming here. ..';.. ;;;;::J;G,;R0SE:;;v; Home Grocery Choice Groceries I'hone 88 Main St. . e ' --ViA.-hV, .; t -;. . A "-f''i' "y Wl 1 ' E l lowers express a sentiment that no other ilt could pos sibly express. (i l K I I. O N K K S We hiivc l"veiy s,.l,.eti,ir. t'1 choose I'n.iii ih'is year. I'onu' in and select yiur,i'.hice. . . . EASTER (OKSAtiES SI. ."(), S2.o, s:;.ll(l. S I.U0. S.").(MI SPE( l.M- PRU Es ON AM. EASTER I I.OWERS Wi; 1 I Li:;iCPH FLOW KRS N H LIU: CLYDE RAY, Jr. Florist PHONE Sf if - -s . '.T!.! ,...J ..(wr r '"""y'1"1 '-It.''; '-;' ...... 11 1- . Vf ------- 1

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