THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1933 PAGE SIX THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER HAZELWOOD NEWS HAZELWOOD I'. T. A. MEETS The Hascelwood I'. T-A. hold its reg ular Monthly meeting Tuesday. April 11, lj:::i. Prof. J. I'. Heam provided in the absence of the president, Mrs. John Blalock. A musical number was Tendered by Mi-s Eva Lealherwood. The nominating committee reported the following for oflicers for the com ing t .11 I'n -id nl Mi I M lln n son; vice-president, Mrs. John lila lock; secretary. Miss WHda Crawford, and treasurer, Mis- Janie Tucker. THE ROOSTER ClA'i: TO MEET The Hazelwood Poostcr Club will hold its regular meeting at the Pres byterian Hut Thursday. April Id. Kt:;:i. The meeting- will be in the interest of the Hazelwood Hall Club. The speak ers of the evening will be A. I.. Pau ister, sport writer for the A -heyille Times, and Paul Jones, sport vvri'ur for the Asheville Citizen All P es ters are urged to be present. The ladies of 'thy Pnwbylerian church will 1 serve supper. - OHIESTA T l) I'AY AT HA'.EL VOt)I SCHOOL Tue.-day, April 1, will be Orien tation Day at Hazelwood School. At this time ull the pa rents who have children starting to school next year are urged to send them to school for the entin day. Tin- two first grade teachers. Miss l, 'Th nnpson an" Mrs.' Hoy Campled will n ; or I mm ' th tliildrei' in t)c: i- j'vni ii v.-iUi regular erhiio! i.e'.l-.'U'c and 'Ao:s. a: .lAYOOh ! OM'': 'Jit it; a a. .1 ' TULA'S owing will V- the prurai1 VOO'I coninielii'ei'.lept : I athletic truck gii -ciieul bvtw. v:i cLiii l: i;i the town-hiji. y April 2". at -'clock, T;iii-. loin I 11 trade-, ' two four Wei pri iia.-. Dunwir .!, grade- r Victoria and Lilt sixth grade and li f th grade and by Mrs. KnightV (iveii at the kin- 'Pool-. Mi "The iifth I'olk." ).v th. St-ringlieid'-. Magic Word ' grade Will be ZPlwOod building. Friday, April 2-S. at X Vluck at Vat Hazehvood School the -even ill . grade play, "Twenty Years Hence," and the "Bachelor's Reverie,'' will be given. Monday, May 1. there, will be reading and declamation contest hfc twet n the seventh grades of the town ship a: the high school auditorium in the morning. The afternoon will be given to a track meet between the schools of Uay wood county. . On Monday night, May 1, there will be a seventh grade commencement at the high school auditorium for all lb seventh grades of the township. HYLLLWOOD .' 1 S.; EE J'AJJi DEIS (i IMPROVED The Hazelwood Ball Club have leas ed the land on Brown avenue border ing: the railroad for a ball park. Jh9 ground is being improved by the un emplo,cd m.'i I he tit-, hau been trimmed, stumps blown up -and burned, and the. grounds will be leveled and suriaceu, which will make desirable park. very THE SEVEWTH GRADE PARTY On Thursday evening. April Gth s party was given at the "Hut" , on Church street, honoring the members : seventh grade of the Ha.. ;.1 The pupils and teachers gathered around an attractively decorated table the clas colors of blue and white be ing use,! m every detail. -After several toasts and .-hort talks iK-jicious retreshments This was followed by until- D'el, i,-k- - ' - were served, -pirited jjame.- J. I'. Beam. Miss Frances Garner, Miss Mary Stringtield, Miss Margaret Buna,,. Mis., Janie: Tucker, 'Miss Kliza! ctri Martin, Mi-s Kva Lea'h erwood. Miss Lois- Thompson, Mrs Sam Knight, and Mrs. Puv Campbell . Misses Mildred Brendle. Jessie Piigg-' Hazel ( 'arringer, Vema Mae Chap man, Willie May: Cope, Ethel Duckett. Dorothy TOdwards, Emm i Gentry An na Bell Hyatt. Edna May Kuykewiall, Bertie- Lo Limey. Francos---Mel-ean- Tyree.:McCi-acken. Mildred AicClure; Mai . , i 1 i m i ,1 , i i i pi, , M'lr i . 1 u m e and Ha 1 j;, . .inson. Gladys'we!!. Kdn.. Sum:,). i row, Hasehi-.. Swift. Virginia While i ner. C! ira :a! Mabe! W'yat'. Rath 1 McCiure. Hazel, and Sadie Ariowaie-l. and M, J i 1 1 a i-t 1 illnia-i 1 i ) r. (e.-d Cadily. 'Gordon emivv. .' K. Kuyk.nda!:. Jr.. Winston. Moort! Ha i llriti- I I Si h V r,u Jaoe Wahlr derv. o Smiley, Jack Smith, . Pv Fre.l Troutman. Roy .. and mston Davis. Jack I l CERRRRATES EIRTIII) AY 0:i ia.-t Thursday afternoon liltle M1 iin Clark celebuu d no seventh anniversary bv inviting sev eral ot her. little friends to a pavfy at her home- Nursev jig-saw- pu7-7-lo and an egg hunt were eniovp.) hw .-.H Lois .Caddy won the prize for finding tne most eggs and was given X lvg.. Jbunny rabbit. Easter colors wee used. After playing outdoor trames the children came into the dining room where a large yellow birthday cake with white candles on it adorned the table. The little hostess blew out the candles and all the little guests were served ice cream and cake. The following children were pres- ;ent: Samuel and Eloise Knight. f Richard and Betty Jane Bradley, Lc". fter, Jr. and Betty Burgin, Fletherand SPhylis Ferguson, Edith Summerow, IT.inei Mi or Ruth Medfnrrl T V. Davis, Jr., Ruth Waggenfeld. Baron i Clark, Dot Dagenhart, Billv Blalock, pj., Calhe Clark, Raymond Henry, Dot Blalock, Earl Rudisal. Margaret Bla- t lock, Kathenne Cope, Kenneth Comp- 'on, Arclene Eller. Katlienne Blalock. ! Emmet Eller, Edward Fortnor. Joy bandrum. Sydney Rudisal, Bdly 1 Hoyle, Lois Gaddy, Ernestine Clark, I' Kenneth Farmer, and ihc -little hos tess. - . Baseball Team To Be Guests Of Boosters The Hazelwood Baseball team and sports writers have been invited to b:; the special guests of the Hazelwood Booster Clu i at their regular meeting tonight at the Presbyterian church Hul. The Indies of the church will serve the supper. The meeting will h.-gin at 7:30. EXERCISES W BEGIN APRIL 28 ( ( 'ant iiiued from Page ! ) t day- April 2tilh, and continue until i- i nlay, April 2ritli. This year's graduating c!a.,s i-smalli.-r by ten than last year's class. Tin,- difference was explained by Air. Buim because a new rule made this year that any student not having at 'cast VI units could not enter the eleventh grade. Some students wait until their senior year to make up a number of units and it is rather hard t, do, be explained. Those not having tiie !- units are kept in the tenth grade until they are made-. In this way it eliminates the expenses some students go to in ' preparation lor graduation to lind that they have tailed in -ome subject after al invi ta ions have been mailed. There a' re X. in tlii year's Lcnlh L-i cie. Ol' this number "M-i4. Hunn -;;,!iif ' tliat a c m-e rvat ive. e-linia!e' thai T.i of t he.-e would ! iii m-U ... ' . : ' gra.lua: ing cla s. .iminf (r Superin tendent Of Ed ma! j Ca u sing Comment M 'on! imied front, page 1 ) tlii-t paper. His reply was: '.'l'ni mak ing 'a clean fight for the oilice." Detailed information on the topic can. 'be had from the court !i ouso or oil strict corner gatherings. During the past 12 .yea"s -ibc 'fol lowing have served as superintendent of education of this eountv: 1!21-'1H24. A C. Reynolds. -I!t2.1-U)2.-).. F. L. SalTora. P,)2r.l!)2!i, W. C. Allen. l!i2!l.H):Hi, Homer Henrv Kc. li. A. Sentelle was suurrmtea cut for a period of 4.0 yeas, Jaclc Gar uer held the office several years be tween the creation of the office in the Kit's until 1920. Publicity Man Is Here Gathering Facts For Article John V'arasour N.iel. special rep resentative of "Golf Illustrated" is iiow in this section in connection with his second article on Western North Carolina , which is th.. lith of a series of articles entitled, "Motoriny; Among4 Southern Links." In these articles Mr. Noel describes tiie golf courses'4' and dwcl's on the it sort attractions (if the loValPies -ci4i'"ed. Tiie article . he is now working on will oe chiefly devoted to the Great Smokies, through which Mr, Noe! made ,4u entensive trip. He will feature 'av:e . .!:. at the eas tern tilt-ranee'.' '';! ..."'..'' Hepiints .if the .irtie'e vvill b,. made iin, sol,! to the different bote!-, , .-im-i -4,.s of commerce and foli'-. iir.s houai's in hi- teriitery; The e.aa, e' .the .1'riiited inatt.e- Mi left blaii'; .m, 'orics and eLii.". forms of ad a s b.i.:;;. Found : The IVrfe. l W She's Hoallv a ( oruiosil ol Many Prelly Girls. See flu- iliuMrau '. i!i- fle in I he Aineriiaa 1' ee!,!v Mauazine 'Distributer! i! :-. ci I i-,ii- d.n s Hl IIMOU1 -OP bit . I'i ale bv newsboys and nev, sdea'"!s- I am selling I he eber lalehke Flics. If Weber Makes I hent (he Fish lakes I lu'in." Denton's New Hard ware St .ire. Music Club Plans Annual Easter Musical Program . I he Waynesvdlo Music Club wishes a. ,ne Pr. soyterian church, to invite the public . to Its annual Faster program which will be given Sunday afternoon from 4 to 5 -o'clock T his n a lomt Faster service anil it is hoped that the congregations from all churches will be present. Included on the program this vear wi'l . minibus by outst Hiding i-it. ing mii-ii ans j, wrll i mtilxis of tbc music club. 500 DELEGATES ARE EX PECTED AT MEETING (Continued from page one) around Lake Junaluska has beep planned for Thursday. Wednesday will be observed as Waynosville and Asheville District Day and additional visitors arc ex pected from throughout Haywood county and Asheville. All se.-sions will be held in the Methodis4, church, beginning Tuesday night. Fishing is great sport and the Tight tackle is at IXenton's New Hardware Store. jl TO SING IN ASHEVILLE I 5 " HI 1 I if; - m I-A WHENCE. TIPHKTT, famous radio aitist, inuvie star and 'opera singer, will give a concert in Asheville, April 21 at the high .- chool. 175 Farmers Make Applk'ution For I a i-murs Have Only l ew More Davs lo Make ApplitatKUiK I or Loans. biank Pegu -on, who i-- assi-liug fa rim i.-4 in making' ou.( iiap-.i - fr .-roi) loan . -; a ; e I this we.k I!;.'! a ppri i -ea:il i'.. tin hicis el' tbi- ceiinty bad made a pd i. al a ai foi: b'an- agfiegii.4! iiej.' a t ntal "t about ii,"' : t l i om l ii 1' ( del ai e iye i n mel; t . 'fbe aveiage loan i- i'i.r .'iTb, Mi. P. . j-'iisen :- ,'id. 'I In- iiiinieiani loan i lor $2." while lie ii I.;. i in u iii is for $;il(M. Several have inade aopibatron l' i c the $25 'nans, and a few foi' .tae S:!tlO loan. These loans nie made against the crops,, and bear an' in e-;:eM. : i ate of live and. one-half percent. All applications for these loans must, he in Washington by the last of this month, Mr. Perga ,on said. All ap plications are expected tu be. in by April Ibth. Practically everyone mak ing 'applications for these loans receive the amount applied for. Young Farmers Are Given Opportunity To Get Fertilizer Through the courtesy of the Chil ean Nitrate Kducational Bureau, In corporated, each Young Tar Heel fanner Chapter paying the PK12 !.".,'! State dues will be donated r0(; pounds of Chilean Nitrate of Soda for use in 4 conducting '.-chapter projects in. corn, or tobacco during the year 1 !);;, .-Following are the general rule. which 'must be met by the ehaptei member's- in order to benefit from thi.. donation; I. IJent or secure in some inanner the necessary laiuh for -one crop year, for the crop to be grown. li. Apply the full .Mill pounds-of the Chilea.ti Nitrate of Soda to this crop.' Other fertilizer ingredients may be iidded to the Chilean Nitrate in order, to balance the neees-ary plant foods for cotton and tobacco accord ing to experiment station recommen dations. The best cultural, methods in ace r.lance with the crop and the locality hi which grown should La carried out: on this project. I. The i rep must be planted, cul tivate, harvested and marketed by chaster members or under the direc ti n and .-uporvisioii of the chapt;", member's, b. Proceeds' from the side of t ii pi oiiucts of the crop must be appli Low a rds better e.juipjiing :! V. T. II, P. ch'tpter room, foi chapter supplic a id i : p- n-es of growing the. ciip. 'file fi.inils thui secured must not be tl st ..! for purchasing school '.rhpplies... i; The land necessary f or the s liap-te.- project may ' secured . f rom a c'na member, a local farmer or arty individual who is interested in furthe! ing the Future Farmer work, 7. The scope of the chapter project shall lie from. two to live acres. S. Unly improved seed as apjH'ovea' by the North Cai'olina X'rop Improve--merit' Association may be use-l . i'oa. plaining the crop, t'. The proiect shall be planted in c. '!!. or tobacco. Some other c ro;-. may ':" growii-' how .'ver, provided it i if ma jor importance in the communi ty and. permission is secured from the State Advisor. - 10. The chapter project cannot take the place of regular : project, work of individual: members on ; their home farm.- '.-... . II. A report on the costs and re ceipts of the proiect will be required records as are kept on other projects. 12. If interested, fill in the applica tion form, page 2, and mail to Rov II 'I homas. State Adviser. uState Col leg? Station, Raleigh, N. C.. by April l.r, ,1933. For further information see V. D Smith at the high school. Dentist: "Which tooth do you want extracted?" Pullman Porter: "Fowuh seben. suh."- ' .'...."" ' "Can I see the Minister of Agricul ture?" .'.::" "Well, he's very busy, madam. What was it vou wanted fro see him about?" "Well, I have a geranium that ins't doing very v.-ell." ' - j .;",..s ,''.'.'.'.' J- 1: .e five lessons for beninners in fly fishing, they are in a little book and free to customers Denton's NEW: Hardware Store. (go to Glljurrlt mtuag PKESBYTEIUAN Rev. It. P. Walker, pastor Sabbath School !;4o a. Pr-acbi.'.g bv the past- m. I 1 7 : 4 j 0 p. in. The Christian Pndeavor. Mid-week prayer service Weunes .' evening at 7:ii0. MFTIIODISI' Hade Johnson, pas'cr Uiv 'lb Church Sciiool meets at 'J:40, Moiioiig Worship 11:00, and the hip worth League at i):15. Evening Ser vice at 7:o0. vices each evening at X:0u bj the (la-tor until Fa-ter. Attend trie "One-Vin-( fno'' Revival. F' id .y afternoon at .'5:45 a special servie will be held for the children. Special music furnished by the high school orchestra will be a feature. Sec that your children attend. LOCAL NWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 : . '. T. C S i t I'E.XTS T Sl'ESI EASTER AT HOME i p.- ; :,i We-'eri' North Can ; I .. . : Miiee'e in Clllluvv If :' a i e ' J. la.b. of ' be week I ", ,' " I-' ' a ,,1 1. III. . m'.ng the. . . ,:, y. 'i..i aiv i Mii.'cte e : ';;;i!':- I!eai4i r elmel, j, , ,"'. . , i -, . Albdca! '.Medfoid Mar , 1 V ,!,ie (.-ay hsmpkhi I'.. ,,i;. ,-. .Vd- n,, Ptiiel l.rniainb Maye I la:: - an a M.s r-v iy;l S!u !t"ii, Jelfrj l-'recenias, and T. P. P.ramlett. ; c. S ITDESTS A ll. I . I .' .','. 4.17'i '.'.''.' Y ' week's soring vaiauie.i at the l'niersit,y of North. .Carolina at t'haiiel fliil begins Saturd iv aiid the f'Vb.wuig boys are expw.ed Frid'.y nail Saturday to visit their patents: J. lives yuee'li, Pen Atkins, Saai liu-h-ive l. Bill Pri vost, John Murphy. Janie -Harden Howell, and THoinas String field. uIih is a student in the medical school. WssfA li'l SO( II. I Ml i.l lt, POSTPOSEI) , The meeting of the Young Woman's Missionary Society of the Metiiodisf church, which was scheduled for last Tuesday evening, has been postponed until a date to be announced later on account of services, at the church this week. Mis. . L. Hardin returned to her home Monday from 'Washington where she has spent the past several1 months with Mr. Hardin. Mr. Hardin who is secretary to Zebulon Weaver, will . cumin in w a ningLoi) until congress adjourns. P and Airs. Albert big this week for Myrtle Beach, South '"'" -""'ia wnere tney will spend several months. Their son. Albert .u j,- Who is, a student at the Univeisity of Aartn ( arolina, will loin them at the l'cach and spond the Easter holidays. !f: -V ' Arrs. J.M, Mock : and Mi s Maiy Mock Iff: last Friday for a week's vi-it to Miss Martha Mock. Who: is a ;bideiii at: Duke University. Miss Martha Mock will 'accompany - ho mother and sister home the end of the week- and'- spend the spring vaca-io:i Hon. Westmoreland: Davis, ex-governor of Virginia, and Mrs. Davis stopped here last week for a brief y t ' o io I' to th. ii horn, in I i. burg. Virginia from Mianii. FlorePv Miss ''Elizabeth Pauconv a student at ilerwlith College, will arrive Sat urday morning from Raleigh to spend (he Ea.-trn- vacation with her parents. Rev;. and Mrs.' H. W. Baucqm. Mi Vai th i Nial nd M Pa' ie Wav arrived last night from Salem College in Winst m-Salem to spend the E:: -ter ho'idys v. ih-r respec tive, hbnies.. ... Among the visitors in town Sa.tur dav were Messr. Kov Medford, 1. H. MtOa.kcn and C I Hill, , ' ( ib tree. Misses Isabel and Maw Harris Hubbard, of Asheville and Mr. Rus sell luckier of Tieidsville visited friend in Wavnesville Sunday ...... Mr. and Mrs. R . II. Blackwell spent 1 1st week-end in Lenoir as guents of Mrs. Dlackwell's sister.Mrs n C. Martin, and Mr. Martin Mr. W. A- Coble of the Stale Reve nue Department spent last week-end heie as the guest of his parents Mr ami Mrs. George W. Coble. Miss Louise Rotha will arrive Sat urday from Sabsburv to spend the week-end with her parents. Mr. nd Miv. JInrrv Rotha. ... Mrs. .T. L. Palmer. Mrs. J C Ros pnd Mrs Fh McGee Wr v 4-hevill vr-itors Tuesday ...." "Trs. ,T. K. Boone so.-nt last wrek eid i-i Andrews as the guest of her on Mr. Mark Boone I huve overvthing vou peed to ca'ch Trout. Come see me Denton's New Hardware Store. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. II. N . iiaucom, pastor Sunday schoi y:45. W. C. . .llen -uoerintendent. - a g v. in 1 1:0). bib'O all I!. V- I'. U.'s of church meet. 7:.'50 evening worship. Mid-week prayer service 7::i0 Wed nesday. ( F, Fi'lM Oi'AI. ( H I IU H The Three-Hour Service will lie held at the Episcopal church on (iaod Fri day. April 14, from 12 to three o'clock In the absence of Rev. Albert New, Rev. George L. Granger, ot f anton, will have charge of the services. At the 11 o'clock hour on Paster Sunday Rev. Henry H. Chapman, mi--sionary from Anvik, Alaska, will con. duct the services. .'!,'. Al. P .H4i'!l -t' C .tliiibi.rg. TeiDiie-.-e a:i ; a Wiy.i; v:,'l vi-i.''r I-:..- i clay. - -.' a;,-, !e-e VI ie' i y e;4 Jeead all : . :. ,'atni4 -lav ;-iiiee,i':'.'- In a ics- Vl!!e. y. 1 -P b . I 'ociilli '' "I' i!e:u entailj wa he;,. u!i Ini ities.- Sat'jrdiiy. M r. Krl F. rgu. on of .Jonathan v es a W'ayiiesville visitor last week. Mr. T. II. Deaver was here f n in Pigeon Saturday. If! Mr. 15. 15. Caldwell of Mars Hill vis. ited in Waynesville Saturday. l: j V P"v. Hannah J. Powell of ' ecil snent Saturday in tiie city, i " Mrs. F. K. .Maye., of Crablree " Saturday shopping in Waynesvill-. dis ; Janie -Tucker spent last week. en4 at her home in Lincolnton. iln- M ,('4 Stanley and . Mrs. Inez ' Mie -hiille visitor Satuiday Mi. tt. I. Sorrels of Canton was here on business the first of the week. ( H VMIJPJU OF COMMERCE IS ORGANIZED HERE fCantinued from Page 1) ing Friday night proceeded with the i.i... ;..,, ..4x... . .. . i - o.o.-eiM -as inert1 were no new plans or ammendments presented t the meeting, .-, The meeting was much "calmer" than the one held a week ago, when practically every pel son present, made seme expression from the floor. The last meeting was almost the 'opposite, as very few made statements at all. One expression made from the floor was that sine., there were two similar oigani-cations that this should create enthusiasm and start things moving, as: it would , give each organization a littie competitj'on.. '..I here was an idea among some that the new organization could not get a charter undo, the nil me- of Waynes ville D; -trict ('ha ml ier .if Commerce. O'chei s seemed to think that this could be easily done Rials and Reels are lower in price Ihan lor several ears Denton's New Hardware Store. 4 CI CZi CiE. . Mm Let Us Help You With 1 Your Painting Problems We Know PEE GEE and what Conditions it will stand up under 4- Tor five years' we have been selling PEE GEE I'UMS and we are yet to have our first complaint. This is not a new line with us. We recemmend this paint with a conscience. i Waynesville Hardware Company R.-G. COFFEY, MGR. Phone 71 POLITICAL 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR MAYOR 1 lurebv announce mysell ;i candi date for Mayor of the town ol Way nesville, subject to the wishes of voters in th" election to he held Tuesday, Mav 2nd. W. T SHKLTOX. FUR MAYOR s announce mvseh as can.L reidection lor .Jayer o'. vilie at the city election Miy ill a'ipreciate your support. C. 15. ATKINSON. P. T. A. Officers To Be Installed On Monday evening, April 17, at eight o'clock, a4 the county court i house, a public installation servict- will be held for the installation of uH officers of the respective Parent Teacher Associations in the Waynt"-4-ville township. The committee on r. tertainment from the Parent-Tea.-b.-i Council has arranged an interestira.', and varied program. The Parent-Teacher membership the faculties of. the various school -in the township, and the interested public are invited to attend this meet ing. FOR SALE Fresh "milk rows. Pric reasonable. . W. T. Shelton. fitpd PLANTS FOR SALE Tomato plants lialtitiiore. Marglobe, Red Beauty. Sweet Potato plants Tri umph, Porto Rico, Nansy Hall and Dig Stem J.i , ill Si 00 pei 1000 Cabbage plants Charleston, Jersey, Succession and Copenhagen! Mark et. Onion plant? White and Yel low Dermuda. all 50c per 1000. Pepper plaiits--i:!u!l Nose and Ruby King, $2.00 per 1000. Send remit tance for prompt4 -shipment. Dorns Plant Co.. Valdosta. Ga. Apr, G-1. '5-20-27. FOUND One Hunch Ke.Vs near Hazelwood. Owner may have same by describin? and pay in"; lor this advertisement. Apply Mountaineer Office. Ml N NTLD foi Rawleigh ( it Routes of 800 Consumers in Cities of Wavuesville, Svlva, Hazelwood and Marshall. Reliable hustler can start earning $2i -weekly and in crease rapidly.-: Write immediately. Rawleigh Co., Richmond, Va Dept. XC-1 1..44,, v. FOR SALE One 100-galIon kerosene tank, one .aO-gallon motor oil tank, one pair IjOO-pound capacity plat form scales. Write Oliver P. Cole, Route b Waynesville, N. C. ltp. A Yoiinir Heir s Search for a .MkJ- ern I iiiderella and ills I wo Disap pointing Romances. Set t he A men van Weekly, the Magazine Distributed with . Next . Sunday's BALTIMORE AMERICAN. On sale bv newsbovs and newsdealers. LOST - P.LUK LLI HLR DRI, ' (,ASE with zipper Listening. Con tains New ork Life In-urance pa. pi i Rewaid Hugh J Slorn, W aymisville. N. C. Hod 5--I- ' 4 VARNISHES gWALS STAINS IACQUEBS RU5HTS Main Street Want I Ads I

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