1 t-l. i ri i . .Li,, V.--j si'.:m'is Combined WAYNESV1LLE, NOUTH CAROLINA czr7 VOL. L. :ru;-.--.---..'- - 'if' a) ) $1,800,0 Cist From Tax u gXandidates Seek Place On Board of Aldermen; TUp Out hor Viavor 1 111 VV - DELLW00I) MAN KILLED WHEN HIT BY TKUI K Alleged Driver Of Truck And Brother Hound lo Mipenoi Court. 1,500,000 BULBS BEING PLANTED NEAR THIS CITY Two Carloads "Are Received Hy Mr. Kirehoff From Oregon. 21 Tons. St shipment of 10 Per Cent Cut Is Made On Real tstate in uniniy By Board Here Thursday I 1 il... 1., .-.v.. Warm Election" Is Expected Here Since So Many Are Out For Office. The to . date of arc V. sun, Plncintr At Seven Proving Popular With Public Here ., .,. Cnv Unwell, cliarg ' , n ,wlau,hn, in the d. ith ol Hail.o.1 num. , - thl llk. " " . . i... 1 1 ,i ,.,i , i i m i uro 1 1 1 1 :l iy.i iv --- i .t .. :wt sauiriiav rr i ..,- i'hini' over 1Al ' v. . , .. .i ('in iWhoil two ci ... n.. hi iwul WtlCll 111 i.1 v Ii.ivd Trnin VMi-;i'" at ' " .. i. o.v).r. h.itw was receiwu - dvivinir a li-uexiiy 'ul11 l-;,,.i,mV mitionally Known Merchants Find That Public Cooperating As To Clos ing Hours. 1- ioUis of Way nesv file will have minate two-thirts oi tic .. eking ofle m the citv elet . i -- vt.. cinnt. as ex- or anu nn.c ' T5feitJSt r -a f Shelton, and Frank D. I' ergu Jr. ,;,.,t,.s board of aldermen ."" " y 1 Ma. tin, 1 . W I.. Hardin, J-., ' Will Mitchell, uociv im M.,s,ev and L. M Kiinai rio mno.itv ot the candidates an . Ttto o great amount o. lay, whicn was "'The t eVea.on campains aic Hs2ll eontined to about to weeks c l " .omnnicninE H"u . :.t OI reai v.r --. ,, l.v o s neciiK iw. nprted that since tne mine - ,Vnin'e a recent peviuon. ' . i mcllt ion-' i 1 1 . endsPd,d not to .rt cn- paiRnints until the ofhcial list ol can didates was made known. . and turning over on n m. a- ; - held for the ennnna, ' . , wood county Supertor-aurt hat on wnes in July, ine prvn..... ,, i ,..f(iv, Mnirisiruie i .! p. Ferguson o'clock. . . . ..1. . 1. i.l 'I'll 1 IV ) norist, woo " . . of choke land here for prowmp th 1 U,t I V7 tlowers aim irwiM. Brtlest t ansnaw. .." ' The hud are: Wav, V. The oirinn 'r, friends up intt day, . .l .,,,vev i.f the merchant of Wavnesville revealed tnai im ; "T . , . ,f ..,-..n ..Vloek WHICH pn.vinK. very satisfactory with all -.1 them. . . ..ThO puWio is TYSU way, ami seems w ; , ..v,. with us." one merchant s ated VJ "use are not worn out - ; irth::;s I'" APBr' as could Tuesday morning at 'H'f 1 N . 10 ahout a mile ..J!:1:1 V1, m the Asheville road. :,.,,. tor the prosecuuoi, ,,o.... - :,,,...! that there vvJre PMt on the stand. One eyc-w.t - , t Jtas - n J;.,,,,;,,,,,,. buUs in the ,, to the tragedy, nunc "' "I" t ... W1U hear lloweis uns ihovvf 12 yea-, told of the oeeu, mw. ,s hipn U 1. f m, , tl,!.t he W the liu" " ., l.t ; am the oun , , i i-'iiiyi1, into v i iv ( pui i" 1 1 rollIKH'U .1 i u i . i , . , I ii ivwonrl Officer Dies From Three Pistol Wounds Constable James Chambers Dies Soon Alter Hemg Shot Saturday. i :ioo Present At Mass Meeting Held Here Tuesday To Discuss Matter. will he The were where which I bulb:-. omuie i s aynesv H.i- ..- : - ul hour, as they promised w""! 1 ....ii'. m,l two men, who, he saw , I s' zev and Huliert Fowler, were walk in, " the hiirhway. I ho -ck h testitied, apiuaieo i' i .1,1. lie and turned unci, m saw a break upon the pavenient , and the en tl,ms smelt like whiskey. I Hubert Fowler t. st.hed that he nv a ,.:,.. when b'oth -of WaiKOiK . an,i. rt unit -c:iY Hie i ' " marked about now u Fowler saul that ne M "h . ! (,ms:md dolla thewav. hi" "'.J , toi Ml, K,ho,T 1 Several other wum.. - v ,.,( , ,,,, t.stat iv hut t hev saw (in,. . !--- ,,- i i . i iiiirsei v in 1 1 im diipment of buM.s r,.ce.ved he UL ti.an.o 1'ass Orego M r. KirebotV !,;. a Un'Kj U n ,M.,)Ws both .I'owevs and thi "in' the vlnpnuMit there were isalids of the imin- l T ve r " S r rmwhi t,; bulbs were shipped, h nn nV - SO. oni, of these hu b , .) Uiere we.e perhaps, 101 ... 1: ; I lurs. T'iie freight a ion. SKKluni. inuir ,,,,,,,,1 In 'i lllll a hill utln the shipment anioui, -M ; of th Sloan s. it wa used 'jf.' acres from. 1 1 riv t 1 and altempt.inu' to Uvas tired upon allei a' I four times, three o them say int "W'1,0 whiskey in the In-' was iken M. Welch farm 8 In Hazelwood Race The lace toi aldermen m Haclwood Jes promise of being as ,nte,e,t .nK rtheVaynesville .ace, as here an -2 vandidates out for that piatt, M only one has tiled to. nuo. Jim Skates the hme .-can- K , ... ...i ...,t,ii. nnwpr to lias-i the liazeiwoou iu.t". i sentences up to two years. Thoc fikd fo b..ucl of aldc.nun 1 HaAdwood aie a- tobim KniEht L N. Richeson, Whitener I ic vost A P Ledbetter, ( Kde lVhe. W n Snvdir and Wawience XT,.r rViotnKar Of lien ajiimvi Commerce Making Subscription Drive Apple Orchards ITjiAUCVlVU a" Largest Ouhaids e.u nnc, Oder Unsurpassed Scene j When In Full Bloom. : Barber's Apple' ard will ben full bloom about the 2th ftn ntKcording to a statement from R N Barber this week. Every year hundreds of peop e j'r I thl miction await the -- date of the u. orchaids so inav 1.1.1 , t The Barbtr onhaid has a 11 000 trees and is one oi the mo ioSful-cene,lobe found anwhon when in bloom. The Barber orchard has about are wpected to he in bloom about the same period scene, all 01 the odor ot (rvH'W- in,bows. repre- prosecution. V. Jr.. A ue, a.., . nesville, defends, the accused and, ;;;!;,r-ui.;;oc;uy1iow;en been preparei bulbs ( 1,., 1 'on highway No. ''0. i-i... s!l, 1.1,1 farm lias 1 III . 1 I...... . " the. phu.tmg 01 ii, ;s;nl With Ml novo ,. ii,,,,,!.,. farm, is ex,iecle.l u a . V , .;,,,,, ' . .IMI i t'S il 111 ' ' 1 , 1 : . U,. ln h. x " ....... oenl'l'll ( .lift H IinilllU Ul -f, , ... ,1 TV.,, motion, however, vv uvv ", ' tlni Mr. K ircnon ,Santn variety not Rntwppn i"400And 500 Women - i ; m rk Milf Attending uonieren 1 insp.ring Messages" Ue H. ought 7 (, ft AsSdUhly To Conference ... 7 . 1 Leaders I-Htween :io.. and olW (ie'egates retr ,,f the. annual -..-moii ot w.,.n) Missionary society 01 . North (arolina conference of th. 'Methodist church here. :'h'V 'v('ni!,i:-. ,.. f U in.-n w-wnpsville Townshiiv . Kde-I ,,f ronti ' ei. ', 1 (, L r - Act Stops Proceed- lrairu a in. f Gf 3 n. assist v. - - -;- - Ml 1' Elementary track Meet Set For 21st V.w Law Ulovvs ( tmlinuat in Of Wlion l or ear. Local 'Firm (Jets Notice. 1,,n,,nll s,vices for .l.jiHH.s tham l , 's who died m the llaywoo.l county hospital here Sunday a U" , ni,ou about o'clock Iron, a nsto wii.Ll aliped to luiv,. been ml u;U I bv Marshall Jenkins ,sa u.". , ', about 7 o clo. K ai . - diurn. Har.e'i' a. .Cove t.cek a UASn h fto'r- Wiiy .o.-s.,, wo.e . - .;,,,. ,l,,oh at -2 o'clock ill me na,,i.. at I m 1 ,,k i , 1 , , lenki.is s a l.i'geu "'' " . drmkmg an. rinsing i. dist.,r aneevm the store when 'Chambers, who w.'s "!' WaS S!'m ' :: . . , kins, he mid altenipi.iou ; '. .. , , ,.,,, of the shots laKiiw ,),!, two l then, s, , m. k "V - ; slightly I- IIH' 'VU uMV. .." hi.'- w,-.r . through the hm.y ''''".'.,,, ,. I'lie third ball strut k t"' '-" 1 ' i... ( hi. bivwood Cha.nbers was cai mm ,,i suiulav county hospital, where he died Sunday alternoon. ... ,, i .....1, Jenkins was sei.eu -. , : , cnv, W.ll -UW, and hrmj 1 " ; , eU, three wh" w.oe a I w.Kin the sm. iihk .,,v' v ; , . S:,;,.h', to Wayne i die and iod-ed . Ja ;.nk.ns was Kivena hearing Tues .., before Magistiiile 1' rank I eit,u tin who boUiuMuiu over to Superior . ,.ii.t chi.rgetl with .nun e . line Of Mr. Chamber s ncgnhoir, l.u riends made the following com- .A . .. lKini be cam. l", ' ? ' ,:i s i in hlit... Who , ,o,uaM. ,.m his ved his .em. ...... 'm-.. , hv hi ..... II.. veils: SUI Vivni "j ,k'OUnLI. " .' ... - luor. ,1U we i,.u -:;',,' ...., many hrotlier, aim .' 1V-,. nvul.- ,lther relatives. W "v , Kev.. h7'rVKe me v Messer, t1lliciating. and Kev he nnt.ly , , H;lvWood 'itt hv b.Sr shot while on mincer that ha- Jt V ,,,. hs Last duty during the -paM . " . ., p"-!;r '!r!:::!i,r thr.N;!!w';t was latany. .;"; ;,.-. sho ,,r, ( onslabli ai'' but only slightly injureti. The board of Counly I ommis sioners, Thursday allerncmn oid- cred that a horizontal cut ol M percent 1k made on real estate m Haywood County, instead ol re valuation, either ol which was noiessarv according to an ait reccnllv' passed by the (.ene.al VsMemblv. This makes a reduc tion of $1,800,000 in the assess ed vnluf ' i-- ' ,lu count v. . .. .1 nr.... C. M. Dicus, president ol tne v, -nesville istHct: Chamto .of .( m merce. announced this, weeV hat a drive was underway to -r , tions to the support of the newly, oi lanize g. cup Those m charge re aniiiu h v"i - vn, Vifinn most port that the response -." :i(.b! ' :..ith' Ratifying. : : , . , , W 4th boys and girls will g The subscriptions are being taken tKe cVets - which', are sehpduled to. with the understanding- that t $l000 approximately tw'ohour : . e is not subscribed before May first that foii0wmg schools w 1 iornp.i the Pledges will not be collected. ,1V h meet fo!. the banner. g'N J?. ,; SltPSuount ,is. pled,,then. work. o6ster.s fjmb of ) will begin, along the .hnesjpr jyhic nesvme, East W aynesrVle I;ake ;)un the organization ; was o,i'o- , nua Hazeiwoou, an,. , was said. esident of the With a three:. sion .Wednesday i ma.le a record Conference, .,,.,1 ;i hidf-hou. morning, thf for .. rapid and icielj go" Officers Capture 2 Stills In County Sheriff J A. Lowe one night last -weA captured a :H)-ga!lon still m West Fork, section of the; county.. No. arrests were made.,.Thrce oj four, gal lons of whiskey was destroy. d am! ,i larce uuanviiy oi ci. Vi!l Carver made a similar raid, in i ; the Fines Creek, section, anil captured a 15-gallon still. ; . " I ....... t-ij nl'KH IM I) ON ll.iS I.J .'1. . . . .- Miss Eloise Davis,, bookkeeper C. E. Ray's .Sons ' Department o -: was operated oil about 2.'p'cloek ,Wed nesday morning for appendrntis s ..Davis had a sudden attack .shorty ; before closing tinTuesday She wa. rti.shed , to tne , 'nul'i'' ,"""-",. Davis was reported .soing very, nicely: Wednesday. m Kb. vTMusnn7Ro vim. Mi Fied Saunder- wno -t- tated on lat week 't the - Applications For Crop Loans Must Be Filed By 20th for ted the Farmers: who desire -to apply seed and f ertilTzer loan s a re i -'- ,.. . u.-nV Fpreuson - at to see -yii. iia..,. Court House at or.ce ' , - il application i...- .... . ington by. the' ::"-he - .Ann. Th will require the applications; to be hi 1,1 at nU s - MILIM- ,-''.. !.':..l:VK-.r.( rvis'ir Hev. Ll 15. Hayes To Preach !. la- ' " , ... v. ,vi,,.t lllLf. I" . ri? S -ri.,h:-- 1- red I i c , .u,,,v ( bina were the .principal, s.-eak. . . The conference onv ned ..aVt,o clock wSesda',.rn.in,v1n;i1; service, during wh.-Ji ' ; ' . : ministered by, the, Kev l . l .)hnsoh, ,.,f; Waynesv!lle. th . ISied! " feature, '.vie u-: add"- . J !Manget,.nd.thei;::;nirlng(i.b ton Metno.i.st i ...u. --. ,n in1 !naPS' . :- The entertainment co,,,...--.. - ,.:..-Ti'ui :iindav h . ii.,. ,.ii,,r(.h has handled the , . inret v-r - ap."- - ..fTective method, liesun.in ih .quarterly homes -to ,whK.n, ui-.y. . , u Sunday-., moi-ntng. .. vs- v . , , lu., wf the the - 3. o'clock in the ae. r"- ....,.,'. ,,.f To, the rresuyveio,,. A local attorney was conf nmted th week with the new law pertaining foreclosures of mortgages or deets i , , when he began fo.vclosure pa o flings for a client in Jackson can- fonSosure PitP- we,'e return. , ... with the following attached: .... v ... i o r ' -' .. , ,!.... i,v,i.,.i.l.isiires ot . Ait. Act. tfiaV'R . ' ,r. i M., I Deeds t.f Trust. i.)M.i. .11", - ciui County. . , V,,r Genera! ::;As-e,nhly of N-rtl Ciirolina d" enact: . . : Section 1. Tha, in all ca es ,,i , . ,.r ,.,,vt.'ai'e- or. dei-d- fn,st, .whebhcr su.-n: MM. ., . ,d,r.Wra.'.-, ,ur liout-i- i-'-i".--'--- -rv ......,,1.1 . i ,i I r,i t 1 . . t ' l 1 '-" ' 1 commisnmer iiPM- M . u ))V the court may contiou. n : Vl..; from the iiaie o , report or otber pn-ce: ........ , ' I. '.'.: ' Thi-- shall, itpply to . ,j l,-,1' ':e in force and ellec Vf; ,:riv,m d:-.te of :.ts;rat, Garbage Truck To Make Rounds niuay And 1 o m o r r u v, O -car V. I'.'iggs- superu. emleni streets- and water . . ; . nounced that the gaiamKe - ; collect all garnage -re-'- on 'Ihursoay ano x : , U is not sary t" not.iy tin .lc p; as the trucks w,H nm 'ehedaled rounds and f ', IHo-e placed on the curb, , J he Utuu. f'h town are , urged to coepe ii with.those in,t-har.,iU.d help cieo up the town.; . l wav pointed out during the mcet ine 'that ;i revaluilt ion would est the coiintv ;iiproMiuaieiy o.,..--.. last one cost over $1,-00. An mvesU tration'.of ine.iuality eases would cost onlv about half this liguie, it was liointeil nut. The board also took the' position that-it, has been six years since there has been a revaluation ol real estate i the coi.nl v a.v I that everyone know just wh.t their p.iiperty is nssesstH, whereas if a new revaluation wo , :. ,. i.i .v.. cm vears before many people would know just what their property was assessed. I The commissioners will sit as an (..purlizat ion board from the 1H h oi June until th- Mrd ol duly, and w Shear all cases where there is not lotpiality in present i.ssesmeilts. The horizontal cut, it was stateil. would dualize real estate With per sonal P.'.i-ty. -hich hi.s deprecia ed i value to ill lea-', 1 !" 1 ''' 'b'"n- the iiast year. J f.t year 'there was approximately IS million dollars of ,eal estatt- on the tax books, and 7. nnUi"'! I ' iiiial property. Tl. new tax rate has not been set but it is believed it will-oe -' owe,- than the prcseiu i. " - - Tie sentiment ol citizens wa.-, Win.', ne want enualizaf ' l' vas promised by the con.m isso.it , , At ti.e .mass meet i ,ik of ta.xpJ.y.-j'S held here Tuesday morning at thi ..resent at o oim . " ,, i pnsii.i . i.o,, o .ivwood revaluation -oi n'" . VountV, More than a scoie N.'V- ..... ,i- - " i ..... . , i . . . lion (litieiemiv l hairniiin A Hyatt d ''for S. fit i ;;. AiJ ionflict r-.:v.e;tl"'d laws uWtl clause rwith this statue during the life of are thi'1' statue.- ' S' ction he ; .., and h-ld the -n.r;-t!y con,-:-- f Mt 7mn church ,and at s. a KrouP 0 "i "the Methodist the T. This act snail , t..i fin.. . 'n;h l v iUthi the 27th day limi-r-, - ' . , , , i ;:,.-,u- of the act passed 1 til , v enihly. .- ',',: " ,'.' . --.'. (cprcsentatives. u'.. -Ii, .express then- view.; questions. l'lactieally s h i j was represeiite:l. , -j hose lilSO" M 1 .is .. t: the fact that,". ".they much propeily was a hih' tn : to.r loW.VaiK put oh the same valuat. , -. .i . eviiiUat.mil U -horizontal cut -tiite I icosl the , chinty a ' iiiiix'e a ieva.iuat!',.ii. ,.-m jnot; a go.") tHM '- !n -' y-'' '.' for- bad." ' , 'riioetieial -,-htimeii in"' wits, however. n,r although tho,-e Ma-iV:: f-i.i,(;,ved appUi'e-; al;' .. -'. , it.. ote on- it. " '1 he T-tnv-ujrl. tht'curtey oV K,lrHu . .......,,( ..... ure--snow v.. .- . t... if. ii ... "I ... r....,l . -I 1,,.,-e Wednesday to raise t ,:!. to -be erected, acros, Tbxart a.hountS-aisetl could not ho leained bid ore -going V. lv ',,: . e'-;rge , -nort ed t hat a itlla;ct.,i'y.- w.---r . ' . .- 1, township anil to asVj ; evil .tuck' 'i.b; tiat.ii.il. bfli'-vcd' oi.. ritlier -t' I '..;.; should 1 ...rt 'ciasis. -1 ho .ui:l asking f- hi.! hat t WOLIl'l .'niey t : nice' IJKNKIT I '-HOW (.IMN wa tin said-iv.-.riz ''fl: Ijeinti : :'"T-h.ai ; Hoard". HI aluatloi! reir tut i.;tt a i cut ; in-- , f or agtim-- Ml sl'MOMM' TO E ii km) hlhk sllil) There vis no oolitic? rolumhia. the District liectricl will hold annual music contest atunhcy 1.0 c April 22 aVlhe nign ss' o-. iunv. this district .inclucles uJ-I c tics west of Asheville and t ip -,-U participating will be Franklin, toil ("itv, Canton., and. Aaym This contest -is: the , pfehn.m:.ry . . N-...' r'tivo mil sraie conn. iCiecn-hoio, April 2.--b-Ms, I'nrdiallv invited. . ,. t .. :ni toi"- )illV ;oois I ri'lic' ." for t ' in ,, Stickers: Priniecl:By;' ;jt in Tlio 'public, lid: pit Tne- for-a-iv i.'CK Wi'-ii K'n'oxville. :hcnl xvillv-":V::u riiited .ri .'Mi.evica:. bcstitle;. thi-',;so-... Siiniplys ' to fhiC,-.- a:; ...V- rt,'Kitkl.-ftir. appenmcttis,;wh. rrr . , .-quarterly-' o..me.ren.-ea. ; ; ,.,f t .oium,. , ; : - j i , . . . 1 . ,, .' I County nospua xV rr . ,.a(,h 7orttde:terdabvho.pyl.ttn.,-e-- rcn& p , , I churches

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