zol 11: Ph "li re; tw sh in be ec be th e 11 e in ei ei tr ai si C ol x ai tl (i 1 J IV E I ( ! 1 1 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PA 11 AZ Th ular 11, 1 in tl John rend The the injr -son lock and Till T hU byte The the ITS iste Tin lor evr Oh'. 'i' tuti this chil arc the tea Mr cJii sen 11. ahr Ulmmtauirrr Published By THE WAYNES VILLE HUNTING ( O. Phone 137 , Mam .Street Wavnesville, N. C. W. r. juss P. H. UKATON' .Managing Editor General .Manager i x co ... !fk projects I iM!e a large sum of money for Mr. Roosevelt's Ur BUYS 101AL I lejoie.statio: plan. Reforestation is not setting j 119 l? (i I? V V A P out trees n, the name would indicate. Jt is rathe! a measure to prevent fires so that th lands t-an re seed themselves. There i- a tre- THLRSDAY, APRIL 20, i ir 1 Year 0 -Month. 3 Month.- Uivners Published Ferv Thursday M,I!S Rll'l TON If VI KS iub-'-rip;.,; jaab:i- in as.anfe mcndous h ss in the public lands of this country .e Fn'e.iM at the ;,o-: ufi.v u Wv.-a- si-v ,,., Class .Mail Ma tier, a- p dor the A.-t of March ;;.l.s70, X :u, I JIl liSDAV, APRII, JO. I i.!:; $2.00 1.25 .;.; ded un . I'.il!. A lili.UON (H-T TI1K BUDGET When the Democratic l';..i U piedcd itself lit the Chicago -convention last .lime to :i per cent reduction in-federal expenditure,- tli" kep tics smiled.' It sounded like just aiedher poli ticians' proniise. good only until election. And e.ni-Kl. lien .ir.-Iii.Heveli as I'residen; d his dei.lai a! ion about balanc Jig -lu mp t.'lT To fe'n tw Ko Mi "T v hi I. ( o:-v (n KcOllllilll oi)i) interest c!l;0't''e blon-in a . ah t lie -kept ies.' S po!!i!ed ollt i the public t M'lt'-)" ; I- e;u' that is causeo be fires i;; oui' new Smoky Mountains National i ' . : ... i .. i. .... .on niL-.s in wth out every year. Kejor stall' n of the Smoky Mountains means tout roads w.iil be b'lilt through it so that firefighters can reach the fire readily and light it. We are told that there are large areas in those mountains where - :i iio man has ever placed foot. The-e fa.-tness-i s will be opened up to allow the liiefight.-r.s to ( r.ter. These load.- will also be laid out ; the i' uefit of the sightseer. The Great Smokies ' lord the grandest mountain views in this part f J hi' world but the places are now inaccessible, lo the average sightseer. Reforestation has '" ( ,: with' removing grown .timber a: well a ! .;! cting the young timber. Much timber can be removed iVom the forest every year without harm to (he forest. The grown timber will be feinoycd and sold. The young timber will take ibe place of the old. After a Tonst is ,,J)( r.od up . with roads, telephone,, road houses and 'Meb'i paths it will grow eiioun timber to eoie ihau pay lo;- its i!j)keep. Jiist. at this Hoys Working Under W. I). Smith Accomplisji Much During Year. 24 Years Ano HAYWOOD '"""') C'rack-n. Messrs. Hugh Ab-1. R0 I Osborne. ( evc ani mri ,j ... Roy Piou, of Canton, JaiVe Hv Joe Turbyfill, Thurman Willi'm ' .' Tom Campbell. M : . , T ... T . I -' -naiy .uooay enterraiiw.-j , . her friends with " ', party Friday night. ' Hi ilanl I CO i an 700.OOD.OI Kl i, iiire; lie i oilf lied. A .-' rc jief !-ti! - i'emaindei-li'-r '-led lo cell! .-C'Tle- th .on thai ;-Jmii lor Itie a; toy alio ija'.'y '', iollion going annually v. v ed' equally inviolable. Mo; o:' t he .S ,(J0I; OifO.OO) budge; w;: . "''-sent ial" .-.ervice.-. To c;p '", jh ed i!ti)i.i-,.-,ibe, Vet it appt ar-now that, saving of more -than $ 1 ,00O,0()),im)I) are in sight. Half of this was obtained by tlie reduction in iiensions and federal salaries. Another $2-)!),-i- exjiecie.l from dejiartmental i:eorga-nization.- The rest is u be picked up hei-e and there, some even from the 'untouchable army and navy appropriations.- While some of these savings are 'prospective and mav not be realized, there is hope for even further economies. This is. a remarkable achievement. It changes .the whole outlook for the 1-nited States. It undergirds the credit of the Government Hut more than that it proves that the Govern-' ment is master m its own house. With that proof established it becomes possible to under take vast programs of economic recover v, pro grams which were impossible so long as the federal power was m subjection to the political pressure of minorities. This demonstration of mastery is of even more value than the savings which prove it. It is true that projects now proposed, such as the spending of $2:J0,()(J0,000 for naval build ing, public works programs to lessen-unemployment, farm aid, and mortgage relief, will ab sorb huge sums. Yet a large part of the total will not be required within the next year or two Moreover, many of these protects should be self-liquidating in large degree. To that extent it is legitimate to leave them out of the budget for current running expenses. This is. not a mere matter of transferring money from one pocket of Uncle Sam's trousers to another. For even should new expenditures wipe out the greater pait of the saingN the money involved promises to be more usefully employed. It will be more likely to stimulate' buying and encourage the restoration of busi ness. Thus government cconomv will be not hoarding but wiser use of funds. It is therefore important that care be tak en to insure wise spending in the new direc tions. And it is even more important that the -Government resist any political or unchecked spending. For then its most valuable saving that of public confidence would be lost. Christian Science Monitor. -oie the United State '; ''h "' "H'' i-tiiona! forests more i h.eaply tnan '''- G'me'in the last ipiarter of a century. It will give work to many thousand men who are !";'. ill". Norlli .Carolina' will profit iunnen-' 1 'abb' by ii, 'fh,. Great Shii.kv I'ail; wi ,;. ' "b am.! thousands of peopi.- .will c.,r. from every pari of-the couiii.ry io : e;- it . They Mill come by train and by auto and will spend much money in the state. Chttrity ;tnd Children. 1 . U. 1). Smith, instiueae- i.-, v , -a - .tional agriculture of the Wavnesville ' ! township hijrh school, has made a pre- ' linnnary le.port of the Utk done i; ' ! '-' tt.(,:,;tr...nt ,u ,now nea-n- it, . ' :xty boy.-- in the ii .'and they will hav, end of the - school in the field and l;i Anions the pen .'arm ami li vi-sturi-, lowiny: coin jnojc! potatoes, !; : yui-k, '-; bees, It; calve.-., 1 ; arid -to.-.: beet.-', ! :.;. winK u ek '" '"''' '' " i-'; ax,, ha.iell.--. , butcher knives 14; kitchen cabinet o. churn lids, ;;; shotyun -lock, 1 . h;x for rnu-kens. 1; ipuiltinfr frame 1'J: Riaftmy wax, 10 Am.u; bee hivi ""mni-- vices, 1; p;(.tu;.t. ,-rami, i 1; writing boaxN, ;;. t,ok (.at,s . "an.-. 1 ; stools, :;; dan naii boxes, 10; ,intr!( h.,,n.. , i..,i. i ; ( ......wh. .-, i , veaai- cnest, j , ! Mr. Smith estimates his' work On :-0c year With si.xtv bovs in tt,,, ,t(. ranmem as bciny very at j.-faet -,rv ne of t-lie prnjerts not menti nicl in the loreyoin- list i, -he buildinc f Mie Win k slioii. which - , i ea.n.v ii-t vocaiional -('lion! he I of in I I I ' the rile of April 22. liUl.) US!3Shlff!S?H G.v. Kitchen will a-ion-.-- th, j nfc I rfH L':'" f-'' iday -norniny. The Kum- L(.t4.,. l0 t e ,,. lh'- :- "i J'"- I ;'"'"jCK',,t',1.:) ex.fc,vls;. ,vl11 -g Uci - Kdito,- Mountaineer "' Thc-r,- arel";1 and close I- r.day. An mn Wh u ,e:t . , payment this year! ' i l"'-y '-m will be rendered. fMa., Fa.lt, complete i bv the I ' 'I'-wei! W ay, one of ay:ie- . i-L '(,r v ve":'-"c '"' year 112 je-oji-ct- h:.lU'f .' y.f'.y kno'.wi and -i.Ii-; ,", . ; ,'.',,''.'.''"''' '"' in the -hop. j po;, ii-iiii-'. retfiv ci a nieriteil com- , ."".l,,?'.,.." ':' : !- i or.oo ; I'b:i ('.: this week when a eommi-.-r :" ''," ,' "p 1"''1 ' -: '' o-i-- ;l- '.,,!: -'-'a- :c hin fr.-:o (h,v. Kitchen C - ih," '-n i-i'e " i"''"f .jV-.'V'! ' ' ' - i'K .')!!.-, .5; ..(,,.,. I Uouv.! i t lleaith. -e-.oen.s o: ...... v: , e ... ,,,, . , . y '; chick-, 2; ben-. I Mi-, Millie MoKhrov and Mr. , f, I'"'"';1 "PP-vuM.:.,... t . in the shop, the'j baries f x w(:lt. married Sundav f;',., ' '" ,', VI l-i , fy;"' :!i b:-(-n roiiio!,--.,-,!- venoo- A.,.: If, in t,..' r,...n.. Ate . m. i; ( , L. Atkm.si..;, 'J'. - ',- r-b( :v,- and friend-. After 'oe' .1M ' M:':C- '" t-V- - bee Mr. and Mrs. Cox "''I ,,"'umi IVvas. ' ' -;!- ' ' : ;s" ';"-" th v. Ht,., Mis-. Xa-M't!.- June- and jjue.-t, M: j. '" ' , "' -: --i-b' intt-ndvif arah Kidridt;,- have o-turned froic - .-n-ent .nayo.-ami . ar.l a inree dav- outing a- Suyar !,,;! i'- ! ' v'lf l'd May,,. - . " .tiiv.ii.-..ii, ami ..uar.j , in-n. it Mvsser, .1. -M - ; !ld Mrs. Mark l!n.,n, pick liry-on City, have been visirii;.. ind' Mrs. ,J ,K. Poem. this. -week' 'all. ii-!'! irtlltui i bad been :'p ii t ment T! th.. I. Mr. William Dale, Jr. day for her noim- ir, ( '. ,lur after a visit to hi-r p ,ren Mrs. J. W. Howies. -t.s- M. A .lure- invite, '!' her little !': a n r- ; , ,h, ! i.raf h r sir'hi! iv Sata: d eft Thur. l.ia. Te: ; , ( r. nari o C j- i 1'. X. Massie. ren Kaosier After Hatching Season Vlt in ili-pai 1 mi I In. pen-e. The t .'- eoLintv i or, -f e,H 1 there- ne to the HASIISR FOR THE l'AIMF:ii The much talked about proposals Cor r'u. linancing farm mortages and reducing interest charges are before congress The idea behind these proposals is that the fall in the market value of the produce the fainter -has to sell if he has any, and if he'cci sell it at all is making him pay practically double, when meastued bv the amount ol pro duce required .to pay it. Whether the argument is fair to all con cerned may not be absolutely certain, but that is the vvav economists and statisticians figuie it out; and ceitainlj as far as figures go it is correct as it concerns the farmer. And so the president wants all present farm moi tgages amortized at 4 1-2 per t ent instead of 7 pei cent, which has been a quite general rate. As a measure of relief this will undoubted ly help those whom it is intended to help. Hut it can be only help. If it is expected to cure an thing there is going to be a lot of disappoint ment. And it is the sort of thing that will take from -one hand and put in the other. The hope of real benefit can be only that it may strike a better balance. Rock Hill (S C) Herald. en in is -lone i ., ,;-h!o to provide the llere-.-;, i j be boy- of the depaMmei and their fathers can '''-;":". .-o-l, U'l il Mr. Sioitk, ;L,i,; -"? mil ! ur:ii:--!:e ! it, wh ; i i'be .-iHte inspection. . ii ay wood School , Masters Club To j Suspend Meetings ('!ul Will Reorganize At I5egin i.njf Of School Year For U'ar ':.'5-':5l. h'.?te-s tin. (l-ntnir r I.-a..ei: Mel!.. It., v. , ae ilarndd, C la - .b.fidvti v . Fo-le.' I b!!,, .: I IV'i baiohinir sea - .. 'tanged fun;; a : i.t do-'k ami ,ml are de-ired by th e- that the 'ma; c.'ed t-, .-cj;arat. y S. Hearstyn.-, -XV laailtry dep.. however., tile i sea Jo r, ic li Jr. . I th' se ll.iiif l.il.i.; w . ' ;"v :f:i' tiwner's standar i i'.,. i . ... i ii.. . i , . , . ''' i'i oreeninjr anility sh oi'S be discarded. If the birds are behnv stand;. rd- they will be a dead ox pen-, dilrine'' the nerioil lh..,- ...... i. - . -: ...... nie 1'M'iiueine ,. en., oie ,, fftumv to the owner. Sometimes i, l(the M.ur.erns necessary to remove the males' be Lrives the neo i.iK-r, ; i, i: i. , . pie a semi-weekly news service. u C i.1' Vaynesville. is. full of Methodist U iU " .iV ' wW: . v...... ,,v..s i av son i' ' if ha.- a;. , , , iie'wspaiii rs. The l-hit M ed lie - day morn inj.; ''riday afteriiiKin. T i-ii id. liinri.i vo - un-'t.i-da Diim-tei-s and prominent laymen this week on account of .lie .Missionary conference. His .many friends will be jda-l to learn that Mv. F rank Miller is ra;dt,l tecoverintf his health and 'wilt soon he afde to be out . - s.juii, v,e- sir hie roosters, however, and no ad equate place to keep them, it mifTTi! he well to build summer 'range houses These are constructe dat low cost and' will answer the purpose very well. In removinc the mule hir,U i. ;. well to keep in mind that eggs from - ORCHARDS IN HLOOM During the past few weeks the newspapers of North and South Carolina have been carry ing advertisements and news articles about the famous-Magnolia '.'Gardens' of Charleston. Be cause of this extensive publicity, the Gardens are visited annually by thousands and their beauty is known from coast to coast. Here in Haywood County we have some thing that would place Waynesville in the same position as, Charleston, and that is the apple orchards in bloom at this time of the year. Where would you go to find a "more beautiful sight than the orchards near Waynesville when they are in full bloom with the mountains form ing a back ground ? Neither words nor pictures can describe the scenes. i Some day-we'll realize that the orchards in Haywood county count for more than just for the high quality fruit gathered from them. THK MOTE AND THE REAM Once in a while we like to sit and think and, like someone has said, we sometimes iust sit but, anyway, the other day vve were just checking up, and, as it is human to find fault, vve were wondering why so and so did so and so and vve found ourselves criticising where criti cism might have been unmerited. After mus ing for awhile and finding fault with the other fellows, somehow we got to checking tin on our- self, and the more we checked, the bigger the beam got, so we decided to quit musing and get to work. All of which reminds us that we can never know what vve would do under given cir cumstances unless, or until we are placed in those circumstances Palmetto (Fla.) News. 1 he Haywood County School Master-M rub was organized in September ,!;;;- '"!' the present school year of ..-and :i;;. The meeting v were held monthly. All principals and super intendents were eligible to join the flub. I raftically every county in the state has such an organization I he following were members' of the Haywood flub: K. J. Robeson, I'resi 'b'tit; li. ). I!nn u,,,.,,i i. Cannon. ( ' C It 1 nomas I-a-wm, Paul Crogan, T I. I chance t Kevelle, X. W. Rogers, Jule Iiovd .1 night. t aul lieam, M. H. Howies. X r- w Onit,. ,.,,, t w . nai.. i, , .,-' 1 " ii .yiie.Hni:e oova uamci, j. iiiutey 1' raneis. I h Sunt A Hi l:'"k , ..'siison, party guen by M,s, C.aee Plott at p i., , ... i,u.t, in-i eounirv nome at I-iot' ( mJL. ? V'1 H I Wh.uhead,! J Those attending were M,s.e OPyt Mo,;; Con to. J'.. dWM" J Isoone, Iva Ouenbv. ,-,,, Su , F,ht ,,":"".' "l , Ailams. i-aul.ne and Jo.cnhne Mc ,, " nc neia iiunng the year. Six were held in Waynes ville at the LeFaine Hotel and two w. ' anu.n. Although Waynesville is the center, vve decided to hold two meetinL's in the Hio-h v,.i,i .,!.. ae canton, since '.that system had more teachers to join 'than an,. iL in ine county. Prowftms - nf o.,i;l , - -Mu-awtiiiii inierest aim proiessional growth were arrang ed. On several occasions outside ar,'t,rs wer invited. Our Senator and Repiesentat.ve, Hon Rov Fianeis ancl Major Howell were with us just .v .v...M,K lur ivaieign. iney were made honorary mumKnrt ;..:.., im .in ueu u. aueuu any time they ate in town .r,i.so mi. vv .: I Mlllth A. ture teacher in the W ,.nmai.; ne., ;,u,u,,i fiecteci an Honorary mem her. The , . o v. 'vuooi jt-ar will o'un6:i ,ra e tht' "1('et'n(?s of the uoi .misters c.iuo. A reorgani7a tion will be called for early in the stuuiu jrar cj,w, tii;w. H I) BUNN, Secietaiv his Darents. Dr. iind Mrs. .1. Tl. Wjiv He returned Tuesdav to D.tvo'H j r'l lege. Forewarned is fiii-ai-incl T.!,,lio with big hats are asked to leave them at nome next Monday night, or come to the academy nreniirPfl in tnt-n ili.,i. off during the minstrel show. There is nothimr to sit behind a big hat when a show is going on in front. Vve are assueil tn at even a little man" will h--0 i iee the fun next Monday days after the malo hhvi ha. w. ' moved. A teitile egg will stdit m cuhation at a temperature of 70 de grees and in a few days the embryo chifk will begin development. Such eggs are objectionable. Another economy measure to put into practice after the hatching sea son is over, is that of spring culling. I'eed costs about $1,80 a hundred pounds now and it will, cost about 8 or S) cetits to nrnd 11i"r nnn rl'wnn .. these should sell for at least 14 cents a do.en if the producer is to make a fan- profit. Therefore, Dearstyne jxiintt, out that every economy is need, ed to make the flock pay in summer ''Mv fiance travn n .. .. , , , " guinea iug tor my birthday." What! Have you seen if" BE OPTIMISTIC But Remember You Can't Keep Your Chin Up With Run-Down Heels! Bring Your Shoe Repairing To THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP MAIN ST. E. T. Duckett, ProD. Ntaxr WESTERN UNION DANGEROUS Within the past three weeks, two Haywood County officers have been shot by men under the influence of liquor while the officers were trying to preform their duty and arrest the men. One of these shootings proved fatal, while the other officer was saved by the steel door in his car. A person under the influence of liquor and carrying a firearm, or driving a car is just plain dangerous. FIELD DAY OBSERVED BY RATCLIFF GRANGE IF YOU GET UP NIGHTS i i : The wreck of the mighty airship Akron, cost this nation the lives of 74 of our navy's 'finest men. The ship can be replaced for $5, 000,000, but the gallant men cannot be replaced for any price. It is men like the ones who perished on the Akron that We look to in time of war to protect our nation. Fild dav j, v. u ij, LnV Hill. '"ff Covp Grano. Wrln'a,rin-.. : held day exercises in the planting oi potatoes on the ground of the for- llitT iva C If1 ATP fiPhnnMinn CrtV that was rpppntlir nni, i i. ffaraere and ehurrh nnrnnc tu - :-- r"'ri3, j. crop oi potatoes will be cultivated by the grane-e and rhnrcli ir;nfi.. 'W. D. Smith onH on nf iJ'i..... ..I - ------ . i v"c wys oi the department of vocational agri- J.U.I.UIC w me waynesville township inKii auiiuoi. assisted in the planting. Changes Mind In Suicide TWniicui He Had Banked $68 1 Mike Konlfntol -fft,T-.: -r Tim - i.vj-oiA, Ul flllS. IjUrC, WAS trrii n tr r, mnA . . . IT 1 i "e leaved off the Manchester Bridge into the llhlA Wll.ua 1 1. .1 v'"u "". uui tnangea nis mind and swam for shore. A ru-ll.Q n nim out. Arraigned for disorderly s.,utv, was asKeu. Why did you change your mind? He said: I "On the way down I remembered I --f . A- ? .'a just explain that you're giving himf that he'll grow up to be a useful 80 that this drug Jr. is g Alexander's Drug Store PHONES 5354 kv o in me DanK nve years ago -.1