9. Page 4 Mr. And Mrs VV T ir THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 19 TUP IT A Vltnntrir r - . .-,. . . t I 1 rn V II J .H iVIl II MVT I WTD ' ' -r-V .. 1 . T1. -Li.! !. 1 ineir mh Wedding Anniversary Sat. I I I BI"HMMMMBaBHi III - . I 111 Fairview quiet way at thpir hn a rofiH iiiii A .i.Tr,, : 1 1 .. et ..... ..., tfttjuL-avjuc. .- uruay evening, the 50th anniversary of then- wedding All of their child ren weie present at the home to par ticipate ,n the pleasures of the int-r-esting evens. Mr. and Mrs. Lee have been receiving the congratulations of thei,. tnends from many section of the state. Both 'Mr. and Mrs. Lee came I':,,::,! amine.- that uie well known and honored in Hnnv.u.,1 , Fair Rooster much t.i d0 this pai I ill Mrs. Lee, was Mai pa of William f'n line U dauy lit u.min 1 i;unt y pi ars . rear! which cumin erie inai with the early Noel!) Carol in who. before he el l.hineha.t, llll ;ii-h:i ( an 1 11111 v ina 1 1 a lau; Mai y "at . 1 . 11 1 the 'ill a i gam:-who. iuenlly in the h 'ca and tpiai te W.is a mcmbe turn of name Olds of .lite! Ade an I-a.-the ap the s of 01: anpoir. iris mt tire 'Uiny seat ee'.. forel came n liu 1 ;u Him f the in l.in'i bum c.o air v d by lix a let ion nun of ll of t 1 plat 7 i: an. I laa Haywood man iage .William 1 111 is::i, i'aille, -dnugme granddaughter Mary A ii lne- i i''or many year '.Villain Reinh hoste. ., of the 1 near where i lie stand.-. Mis, I tl'S. ,,n her I'alli- from Lincoln county, Jacob Keinhai I. (tlie ".' the naniM was a Revolution and lived "In county. His son, i'i t'.'sl, and ruim . a few vears :i ft ci- hi-. Lcbekah livrd in 1st I inhardt , their son, was horn ltd rnaii ie I Marv Adeline LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 CLIjJ wo mux to ATTK' COX. VEXT10X IX RAl.EIdH Ml... li. h. Barber, district presi dent of .'ederated Clubs, will g0 to '"--t ueeiv 10 attentl the an nua! convention of the State Feder lion 01 Women's Clubs, May ;i 4, and ' -Mrs. ( . )L Mclmwell, of thy Wo ' ,;l ' ' lul'. will also fro to the eon '' ' : !o r. present the president of ' ' Ml-:,. C. F. Kirkpatrick. Oe I".' three federated club- a. vat -ville. the ( M a's ''lua, ininuinity at d the flub Civi: Li-i Lh W. L ir j. .Jt Wayne Iiattle a Hollinian l!;:t IS b of ittV was she and ardt, wei Jattle lion W aynesville ll 1 in 1 1 LI The 1 laiy lb 'Inn -li already World's Mary ,n: J '1 t - oiiali appear.' eyes tl autil'ul opened w yai'.ed o-er onstructeil at. Lair erounds. be amoiif;-' th es of lilmdoin of pretty in Wollde! e marcels ( 'hicaj-o's I-ovely fammi. iVlio will host that tel in at. band and dood now that '( il. nia .il urn I- alic ' Wiiliam Thorn. r.Y Culpepper Lee ty Lee, wa , bid n stead or- .Lmal h in';: ( va a in M's-nant and tanner, and eai ni the period . fallowing the War I 1. ween ilia Mates, lie moved to Way nescil e and became one of the lead "Ijr niercr.aiii,: of (lie plac . Iinbib the im-'reantiie spirit of 'hi father. .VI I 11 i..,ee eau;, neeame ;i student o busi ness in its eery day asnec'.. Intuitiv Disi. v . 01 r. (;0ai Of 'l.jjOO By Mn I, Almost Certain J. i-'ei; Cordi ie Ji.'iv lla.din. Jr. J. Liner K. Moruan ' K. Jollies lb Reeve-- .oian, drs. VV. T. CruwL Muder-(iai rett Lurn Co I he .Palmer House (Mr- 'larrett Sherl iirs Studio Mrs. J. li. McCowen Jloardin House Irs.. 11. H I'lott ) J. I '. Abel ll. (b Colfev d 2Mb 1 .CO 2.00 2.00 LOO 1 ,01) LOU M.OO 1 .00 5.00 League, have not been definite! nouneed. According stat th an. (Bo to (Elturdt Bmxbu op. k SL ( lie A- ( ( ','i 111 .foil i,. W opinion tinile.pl one.; in:; 'it ion an 1 n I from visitors. Mile District i- dedicating -:ram of: a irrealer siiiri tlllolli;- it l'ap-e I ) H-e, unity of leal lied Lorn his l'.itl) n, he himsed' becana- on successful merchanis i Ie and VVestei.ii Worth t Mr. I r, an 'of th U i v 11 oil lla becam late S. ,1 at the time ictively em Later, he r. as il wa ami in that ly h later most nesvi 'At' the an'f of 21 deputy sheiiif -under th Sh.dt n, wha was sheriff in which position he was ployed for about a yeai was made chief of 1'olice. called then, town marshal 'pod; ion .distinguished himself in the enfoicement of law and bring-in about pood order in the town. After serv .n;r as -town niarsha! fei about . two years, he resiuneil to In come a merchant, the business he u ambitious to be'frin for a lone- time bi fore. For about .'10 years he serve Haywood county as a t.ood b man. building up a business establish nient 111 V ayne.iyilie second to imiu wet .of Asheville. During that time he served bis town as mayor ami al derman. Kntered Politics In IS!l I i.ntereii politics in loin, he won the nomination', and. election to tin Jower branch, of the. General Assem hly, and sened for two terms. He w as;ain elec'.ea in . l'JOS and served. 111 the session of Doii. In Lilt), he w fiTi a memoer or the Worth 'aro lina Corporation Commission, 'and wa re-elected in I'.llli. 11)22. and t!l:s term as i-oi p.n ation commissioner the loii4--t by several years in the history' of the State. Only one otlici person, it is claimed, in 'the Lnitud States has sewed longer than Mr. Lee wn a State Corporation cdm mission, and he i - Cone: ai Harvey 11. Hannah, of Tennessee. Mr. Lee has. been a leading Deain orat in the councils of h:s paity in North Carolina, since be fir-a .iit',.i-,-.,i politics in lSi)i, t'our four years; lu; was chairman of the jay wood' county Demociatic ex,e-u.tive committee, four years as. chairman of. the eeciiiive .committee, of the tenth Conirressirmai district, and' for several years a mem ber of the. State Demorialic executive' inynmittee. ilis home ihi the Faieeiew iioaii. about two mile:, f 1 nil. 'VV.ayhes.vi lie, is I Mi' or me most beam ttuf spots in I Haywood county. Lu lu iino- tlie "pur- vnase price a lew years aso and the buildings and. other improvements that he has put on it, he has spent more than ' $30,000 in. makinj;- one if the most nearly complete and comfoi:table 2ionies. in this part of North ' trolin:i. Married In 1SS ! On April 22, HX",, he mariied .Mary Adeline Battle Rhineliari ( tlie re.-ent spelling of the name) 1 he children. who were all here with theif parents, are as follows: W illiam Henry Lee who was educated at the Lmte I .state Ixaval Arademv. Annaivnlis I,l rm E , , ...v.,,. Vj which he graduated in liHH;, and 'ive.n . Kin h ,i,-.'k . I opmeiir neonle ressively advertising the entile o brill"- il within Ho. I.,, ,a e oiit-dde world. lirin-iiiK more tourists and cunven- ns to tlie section- ..iilii .-.,!., dional -facilities ami .ii-e,,n,,l-,t;,,.... Hlel e.xteiid'-lie- ,,veie oo-uil,l ..,,,. ( ..,,' .t.hose who come.' 1 osteritif',' community (level Old beautitii iil inn V-ss is; I. in Li- f:i inii.jw .,,,,1 ..(,...1 With ma ik-rd inn' ..,,,1 ,, i : l s . . ms. 1 .. inu-unr 111 or-developing new in W.es, and eveiy other constructive itf.do pionvote better feelinjr, better Hess, and better times for all of P''ople in all of the area lie personnel of the 0)llicial Hoard the elected oflicer.s of the Waynes Kisinct Chamber of C.m takes this oonorl unit , t, , , T. -, v i'J -ALi-uu ineir niceie thanks to each .-oul ,.,,,. I of the member.:. n..V.,,u ., i i,. - v.- Haines anil ine mounts Dledirei! bv then, iv.ll,,.., i . ... i..uun i 1 1 1 J i i uie. inose liiem kuv .in.l n, i n"ii ( ill.- K ll ine (oniniiiiiitv ni iw, c,ii.... ii. . ; luin-M possiioie i.' i.ieiou on ineir part; : no.-e siiDseribitifi bv Wedi,,..,!,, v ..... l I - -....r on niiiui ei: lierokee Auto Co Shop (ins 1 1 III- t ho T, and Jeff , Cabe Ann Deo.,, laid R. Lain, My Larbe.- Sin Join Lee, Jr. I' "in l.eaiheruood M;. wcariiiL'-en ' lb Hall I. I) Ioil i. Denton , M. Lon-;- Waynesville I J' is. Atkins FeiK-Uson Croi-siy Jb Atkinson ' Friend '' 'iay . " ' A Friend W, I.. Lamokiii co ' nuens liarber I .il M,. C. V. I!,.:i 11. (L Stone Aithur Philli,,.. l oin ellniariu IL L. Lee H. StovalF: Ft.: C. Ferguson H. Caldwell f'avisfa Terrace K. Hensley Waynesville Pharmacy U. Stretcher ' W f. Rainer M. (I. Staniey ..L. HriKjrs .... ''s. I). M. Simon M IK Mc(,u lis Id UnKht ' J. 1. -(.Oman V F. Nobcck V. P. Loudermilk "iss Ada Calhoun Alarian U. Lacker S. Han-obi W . liauconi idhv Dims Uukj R- IF Rlackvvell F hy .... Inalieid Co:. xne ranK ot-midsmpman. and has m eif through the ranks ot ensie.ii- I.ieu- p tenant junior grade, lieutenant senior grade, l eutenant commander, and .! commander, he was commander of the U S Whtne ir 1 1S an I latci a .; chief oflicer of the torpedo boat dc i strover Honetson, in which he won .distinction, and was decorated bv the ( British government for distinguished V rvice, he married Gertrude ( ohrtau! oJ Milwaukee; Robert Lowcrv Lee, who married Nellie Dvcr, of Danvdle i Vu tfinia; Clarine, who married es Jey Dickey, of Sweetwater, Tenm; 'Anna, who marned , Willis Smith, of Jtaieign; trrac-.;, wno marneri John Harney, of Elizabeth (atv; Lvelvn. t Vho- married Cameron Lewis, of - Charleston, W. Va.; Bessie, who mar : ried Leo Page, of Raleigh; Willliam Thomas, Jr., who married Leona Wil. i bams, of Waynesville. and resides t here; and Charles Alton who lives in Macon. Ga. ;V ay.nrsville Lanntin- J. C. 'recrell m Alexamlei. Fart-in liros. Abel's (laiaint. S. 11. Lushnell . F. Swift ( .1.. ciiahi . ,.;.r. A examli-r's ...... Iledwi, k A. Love " Mis, M. L'ayne ...J, s'assie Kuril Coi ,- . j 1 aid Hyatt ' .. . Felix Stovall '.-J T'aviil Fn.lc-w, ,,d Farmer's Federation ''''. lb Smith K. l'ai swell :.. : Jarcis Palnrer a.iivis Allison ' '' Ivii kpat' ick Fs. ('. F. Kirkpatrick V.. Dicus .. . ihmh Loirei s I. W. IL.AtJ 'hi is Ceorge . F. ('. lLlL-bes . '"" I'. F. Weath !)-. I'iios St A Fiiend Henry i- (tibson Martin Flee! .1. . ose I. K. Drake :1 Adger Hoa.-. Heien C. Maitiiews" -i Mrsi (Lover Davis : ' K- Liner .,: AV-sii. Fergus-oil ; Will Lea'.iierwood , Mis., Lou Si) vert horn Maria L. Mitchell Mrs. .. pa,i. "yl Al iss Flizabeth . Katherine fi.-w Mi Si Garrett Keev M T .viis. J. r . Del.acv M Mc Ifoi J Uoy Phil Los :.; ; " Winnie Kirkpatrick i li W L K i kp it nek F. L. Bucknei. Hardy Liner. Jr. Mi- JLi ( I m. r, j, I lllld Inn lH. . h . Lancaster Mrs. IL. V l.ontr Flietol ' . .- . Mi hired Cra wf oj-d Z'Z i S. L. (.onatser Mrs. Ada Palmer Mi- I limh K Ro-e I Went, 7 J. M. Arwood K. 1. Sawver I I P.Iah ( k H. P. Campbell J. ( . Krouser 4 II T Unght ( W. McLautrhlin h. K. ( hambers Jim Kav ...,; oops . V t - ..$15.00 a 10.00 r) 00 - 5.00 . io;oo . 10.00 J0.00 5.00 .1 .00 5.00 2.00 1 .00 10.00 10.00 .1,00 5.00 ,10.00 .'1.00 1 .00 5.00 lO.Oa 1,(10 10.110 s i .(ki 5.00 .5.00 2,00 5.00 2.00 1,00 LOO 5.00 1,1)0 5.00 5.00 10.011 1.00 LOO LOO , .1.00 1.00 - LOO : loo 5.0(1 . 5.00 - 1.00 - LOO - 5.00 1 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 .1.00 1.00 i LOO 1 00 1.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5 00 5.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 l 1.00 1.00 'V. A. liarber, Jr Klward Glavisch C.7 Mis. J. L, stninn-CinM " Kn 1 Kl( l(Ul W IL Owen Mrs. Jim K'Mli,.,, Hr. J. If. r c.., ..i T7" . . ,..-11 l.dwin Haynes 'I V I i i i lack War Mr.-. VV 't lil.ii.I.Tr" Jr. Sam S( i-iii,ri;i.i 7 U II M ( , w" L. Uueen Mark F. Il.-inn.if, Mrs. I C I,', ,i,.. Mrs; ILinlon u o - ... i. v Mrs. II. c. i.-in,ii,i,. Mis. Harry Rotha' JJ'.e i.inganiore J 1 W (- I i in, j!'.'iy Hyatt : Fell iiouen apt. (Lai. 'I'lott""'' H. Xic'nd-; : M. J. McCracken -W. I. Lee, Sr 7 'il M diner I . I., (twvn Joe Welch :I'."""""""T Ruiord Rogers ' '- F. Chane- oil!) Moone." F. lle.,,1,.. J -'----r Me,l!'or, 'l!;t,,.s,',' ; -ois. Sain t.ueen James .Voland : an toy J I Io 1 . Swayngin W VV Mau 11- 1). Moodv " "''" Mis. ( has. F. .uinian A fraud I'. N. C.-.il,lw.,ll II n lit I mi W. Haines 1' rani. liurress Henry Hames Mark (irnstv I'loyd Hurges MV 1 Ui, Ji L.. Council . lhad Uv.il? '"" H I Ray Acme R;!hiv,( r. I rank f.)r.rmnv, T . A. Mltel.f.ll " & T Serue Station JL Stevenson Mis VV I Mrtl t, IVnnl, It i ; ' .f.UO ' .'I. UKVI8 o rn Ijaw.ood Supplv to " 00 rfngland-VUlton Co 00 A un, " BOO H. A. Whitner i n) James R. MePl Joe Davis - F-dna McKay ----...." 2 00 l1- C. Compton o nn J. "W. Colkett i " c n viicn & co"::::::: 5 oof .'Il-Rav S I'harmnfr inn Sam Knight -.-.. .-ZZ2- 2 00 A. D. Murray -........... i 00 . 5.00 5.00 1.00 - - 5.00 -. 1 .00 - 5.00 -. 5.00 --- 2.00 5.00 . 1 .00 :s.uo . 5.00 2.00 - 1.00 - 2.00 - 5.00 .'5.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 1 5.00 - 2.00 . . 2.00 1.00 . 5.00 - 5.01 1.00 - LOO 1.00 . 5.00 :i.oo s LOO - 2.00 . 5.00 . 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2 00 2 00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2 50 5.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 1.00 LOO I LOO 5.00 1.00 Mrs. J. M II, ,( .: ......... I .. . i ... pirMuum, this will ce one oi 141 ft"- l aim ..psr prin , iir 1 1, ,.-, ' ' 1 1 ' . la- i in the state- The n roc ram she balanced, comnriserl of a - e.v oi interests that will appea -i c:tib woman. The speak'ei ii' to be -uin -e 1 and their are timely and forward loof-im. on the program will be: Mr J- l'ogge;t of Washington g iierai headquarters ; Hi ocn oj t:e I niver.-itv of i'i i: lr .1 Ili,- u,-.,a. ' lo.-u aetK,- ernct ''t" ill jiartmi ut of education " ' man, coii-tiltan; in pei a. J'uke Liuversity- l)i (i-.ve. of Chapel Hill; M net. eh iirim: , ,. I, j-oo, i.eparunent of the g.-neral fed i'KBSBYTEKIAX Rev. li. P. Walker, pastor Sabbath School it 1 reachini' hv th Mt,. n Sermon .subject: "Our ll, Crace." Endeavor 7 n m pray, service Wednes Subject: "Why Study th !u . h FIRST BAPTIST Re. ll. . Baucom, pastor Sunday school, 9:t5 r Ai uperiniendent. ' ' "H't' W is-hio. i -oi) 0:0ail li. V. P. U.'s of church me,. --J" e emng worship. ...iu-.v.e W'ayer service 7:30 c es da v. hH HbAM) iJAPTiST in pi ogre.- , ; t'owds are a d the inte I I Christian Endeavur 7 n m i i . i s -wii-wie: day S p. m. i ... ; 1 .-.iinis : i .. s. , . 1 . " 'CMva: i- - ti i'i K.ST VKTHODIST - ;'.' hu.ch. I.a,w. , u-n ';!-- each evening-, f ,, L'v- Jonnson,' Pastor. . '-"-'"'"- a, every service. Tl- - SjI1'J-'' ''""J !'.r. classes for all I ! ''"''.fr K (:h'1: 'v H.,in , a'..':-- " P-wwk. I'lam go.ael messH,,,. Seimon .ubiec;. it a. m -'jn brought each day. File i ml I ijiemisn. " I-. . i ' 1 1 c a to atieiai. .1 i.ea;;ue meeting 7 ...J.ifk, I ,. ; is. ?: 'T! :UTrt' . ! m ' balCh :iU,?t' .t the Fpi-er. e -' '"" negleeted to b.'ne: nu,' nine . .. .'' l'"H'k m'xl. n-.iv - r . ' ' - ' l; '"''' -I Al, -,,i i.. . 1, 1-. ,.- of the child r, ;,', 'mm,. -,.; t. ..i " " u' 1 ."''a- 1"'"!- JKiSHV liev., 1 '..' "'one -see w- je-re.'a,, v.-.!-. ' 1 -vv , jn, C A I SliS iSllllltr ehih Mr VV T T ... t'1-' I e , .111. .111,1 j I ". .ee. ; 11 i- ; , 1 o.lce called to oia.ll .-, e -i Mrs. John Ti ,., ,,,:.:.... , l1' u ,. . 1 V"1 t It'-, and I Fcr;-u.son -J1- aM ' ' -' - a. : cn 1- ; eceived ff I 'ho t-iim.-iv ,,r '' . , 'anment for a new ; .. . .1Jru u federatio., 1 Mr James Harden How, !, ha, reJ u n lti turned ;0 the L'niversi;-,- f Vorn! " ive .Suii.iav m: I Carolina ofter sn,,.,i;,,,.. ,t by her dan. --;,! ' ' 1. . vacation l.r., " '' " " - " ' . -V-h',vor:b JJariier, aod will f" ' ' ' M'''i;l by an,l Tuesday will, rela- Accoiding t m,v. ,.,.,.,,,., , ,. ' " l('- A '.. t!a. co. t'icnds here Rt.v. AL.ert New who i- !' j 'she and Miss Lasber will vi.it MyrtJ, Heach con vale cLigfrnh A7 I.OXC "ctk.end in ' l)ilLu-.r l"L ."m'!!"..;'1;"' . I i ! . II -MisandMr. Iue K,n,,id. V fJ Q ; y - Susie Fislie, ,pt.,t iast W(Hk. XllO ; ' A-lieyilb, as guest of Miss I " y ''- Reed 1 as as hk e-ne- h at. a. h ,m - on Woo' . y Heights. Ml ll': 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 LOO 2.50 LOO 1.00 1 .00 5.00 2.00 LOO 2.0O .1,00 2.50 5.00 J"'i intendint in L reenshoro. Among the recreational features planned for - he women will 1 x.' a tea at the e 1 mansion hv courtc-v ..." .i,.s I'.riringliaus on Thur On Friday afternoon garden party at the homi -VI rs. I-,. C. IL-ooks an the convention will be (;u Lamjuf t on Friday t.Vl ,,, -His. IJ;ir;ier yill 1 conipanieil SL'XOUs '.'.v.'vr . wwn ' ' ".i"io I.Eds Tiie Senior i',ay. Daddv Long I o-s tr'.ven at the Waynesville Tow,,. In, High School auditorium Friday nigh- o, u:v ,ul;U :miins- .went, th cnnmencemeii: program. ' toa.v useit wit. a hnisned and sn.o Production, aeing a credit to any h school. .I,, e .ipening scene with tie. children pnecnung the -.orphans appealed to -e . . .ojiainy o( Uu. al i(,lu.l:, jm oi niaiely. I'h..' 1 a 1a: :. .. . ,.; . toooLt 'e ali i ive came -o ni" in the charming portrayal ol ' nay. .J,,,, Davis' charac ei ..a.-i; 11 o . ere I.ll..i .. , - .... . , iiun-uiii 1VIIH1' ve o .ii,, !.,, t t . . -. -".o.n one experienced in un.11.es and 1 1 1 tlo theatre work ui.-a inacKston obivi.,l m... i..:..u .1. a;....., . .... "-?-" "v ..K..iuii,. vuner liiembers of ' vvn,) iK'oeil their support t( play were: Hnttie Sib... 1,' ...... i i i . t.-. ;. .. y armen I'lott, Hattie Swavn- Ki.u, '-ouise .viooly, Mary (;iec Fergu- -ni. nurus bummcrow, and Glenn vvau. , cuter (treenwood, Virginia Aison, . ranees RoseVirginia Rus- sen, i'1-iima .anib n vvni; ,,,. m I ,, ' iiie.ni A Ll 1 II.. I Jean Morrison. Mutt i..a.,..;. ir.-i 1 . ' . tvu-iici . iiima i.'.er, Anna I li,..,....i . ...i , . . .......... ,, ilM, 1 au, i. avis. Kvery ' inember of the cast did remarkabh- acting tor high school students and rec. ivtd -incei-e praise from the larre. audience 1 he success of the play should be .ununited in a large measure to Miss Fefsey Lane Quinlan, director. .. ; Tlie .sen. or class lb's for tiie past tiiree years have been given under he direction of Miss .Quinlan and have been outstanding-"amateur productions. Special mention should also be made 7. l,n -MKt manager, who is one of the most important members of any production. Harry Hremlle preformed this duty most capably. h. d.. I aid the the I Jim, h ni, or. Wot. Wilkinson of . cville. M sis. R. S. Com:in .,.,.1 - tice of Canton .w. v.-..,.v,....:'o . , ...v . . ,i, 11 -, v oie Lois oatuniay. Mi Creek Frida v Charles H. McCraci was a VVayne-ville lu- visi- en of Fine . visitor last SewhiL. tail. 11 ii.,. ..1. . "etauons, crochet- ng, mending- by hour piwel arr:;fa:.r ton Apt., Ihgeon Street. 1 S 1 I UK SMI JlL.h milkcous Ptuc nable. . V. T. Shelton. Mi igain . J. M after a Moody is abl-' brief illness l;.st to oil' week. Mr. John U Kh,ml.- ..c .i..-.i. l,u.;.i , 1 uiyue. spent J way here on business. ; Mr. Y. C, Jamna nf t?;; ... . 1 . hire on business nf .ni. ... . , 1. Mi pent ( liUduni (I hitc Saturday in Waynesville. 0 ik Medfc Mr. J. ll, (iossett ....i, i c . - " ... nil. 1 1 on I rami Satnrt?... v Mr. Dee Clark of wj.it,, : here on business lat- ...a,, I, 5.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 1 00 1.00 '.'-1.00 LOO 1.00 LOO 1.00 LOO 1 00 1 00 1.00 .2,50 2 00 5.00 1.00 ' 1.00 LOO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1 00 5.00 1.00 5.00 2 00 . Miss Sarah Osborne, of Spartan ourgn. 3outn Carolina, who has been ceacning m the Canton schools thi jear. is snetu ine- a fen- .inc., 1,,..... .. " -' ".. 1 1 .1 cousin, Miss .Mary Tl I 1 eopie in Worway use a combinatibn toothbrush and mouth wash atomizer that sprays as the. teeth are brushed Niiis.is.m UIT (XK Jo establish . and. conduct Raw- Mlle, Hazelwood, Counties of South Jackson, and Swain. Steady ' w0r is tin fctiil earning .2, weekij and intitase p.dly Hu,tler Mmiku ,outi do $5 000 annua Hintss, Some estabhshetl JO year laply immediately gnin.r age. ot CUnation. rfii. i.&, P; I dutrits, Riehm v J).r)mij ' win. JNC- Mail in Germany is handled so fa, that they installed refrigerating SVs tems in the undf.r(.-ro,,i,.l ...1 . . ' vent overheating. "' p, " The smallest ' k-iim.-n ( lectron. It IS lie; 1 1 1. ..-1 f ,,,1 1,.,, ' . 1 billion of them to ,,i,il-. .-,. 0 billion ounce. her thy guest of Kirkpatrick. Mr, Jam 'S (la U-.;' Fniversity of tcr spending the . bis paiea's, Mr. . hii rn. ''.'i has rfturnrd Aorth Carolina af. pring vacation with and Mrs. John M Mr. Tliomas Stringfleld, who is - unent 111 the medical school of the nntl 1 ot iNoith Caiol 1a ha- ie tut i,l to ( hapil Hill alter spul .ing uie. .-pi nig noimays at home. ol, 1). t. Chapman, of Ivnoxville inne.-see, former ehairm.m f ti, t. . . . .. V L L 1, : oiau. 1 ari. Commission, and Mrs oapman, were among the guests at toe inner i.eraine this week ....:. Jutlge W ill Smathers and two voting -.... T T .. 1 t - . '. . . ' - 11. ami wen, ot Atlantic C'ilv New Jn-i ue epicted to ami to daj for a visit to the former's par nK Hi , Mi- B I Sma hei- Mi Mu IvnvpiMitk ietj n(; 10 ui honu h.t wetk aftr a i -it to htr luoth.i Mi O Kirkpitruk, and Mis. Kirkpatrick at their home in Cnarlotte. .. Mi J ( Pdtiitk and Mi- I iirgu-on icturned jesteidu from .j.aieign Where 1 hev u-im, AJ,.n,).,.. .. attentl a statwide meeting of welfare tiaiUI. ' It you Where It.; 'h: re ytti intend to make good a good idea to ni.ik,. are. Plants Baltimore. Marglobe, Red Beauty. Sweet. Potato plants-Tr umph I'o.toRuo, ,N,nsv ;iltll 1 Big Stem Jest y ,11 .mope, 00? Cabbage plants-Charleston, Jersey Succession ami Copenhagen, Mark et Onion plants-White and Yol vv Bermuda, all 5()c per 1000 Apr, -6.i;-20-27 any--gooti 101 MJ om, unt Hai'lwood. ()Hn. s.nif In di.dibi u" f11 ic e.lisement. 'PI".V' Mimn :iinof nr. "T - . Vll Ll". Keys near may have and pay- v - - ' . Now! AND USE Among the visitors hum (Vo... r,.,i. tie la-t week veie the following M.ms J L alke!. V J Met nrl. rr" n-l y , ,1Vn fH'Oy. Hugh I5t.t 1.1. .NO anil, nnil P.l.,.( . ...... in'.i L 1'it V IS .Mrs. . Willix SmitJi ,n,l ., ie:ii:;. Jr. returned to their home in 'Rale igh t'UIH .1 V il (T ?. TOUT . - o -..:..- . T. - ......-. iiMi.au ine lormers parents, Mr. and Mr. VV T i.ee. lLu! -.'urr ful' Krown ostrich weights about ..00 pounds and is about eight feet tall. - f And You'll Get A BETTER JOB Waynes Hard, Company - .."lit- a 1 . , , . . Mam Street I I- I- f ' 4 'I 1 1- 1- 1 1 i- i ' I