THE A N- NhJSYILLfc M0UNTA1XEKH Page 3 THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1933 ft TY PAGE Local Items Society News o o Eleanor Bushneil, Editor Phone 137 SOCIE 0 AT , ,f tt sllwks to C. .'.; v. ri.i.v s c.i'i; mf.lts Will Hvalt, dts'riet u-nt O.i -. i hurray aiternoon ho tV,aff.!, a -e .,1 t. i - l... , of the .re.a.n;;tati.iii at a la';;.;',;:. vx-'A la: Fri.iay noon a. tho .. , e,r. Legion ' her ,U'M I'' ;. of Mrs. Hyatt address was " '. ., . i. ( m t'. ili raev.'' She naive Observe Golden vv . u :..e.- t.l.e was l.oltl at tile Hotel ..-.raiia, u;ii tin.' following hostess--.'.-; Mi.-. W . I. .U.ttthews. Mr.-. llonui' iieni, ar.i Mrs. - It. C l.ituk-ley. s-jWtjij; p'.u.i added a cheerful dec v.:a;:w -v '- tin- Uvi-;g tw:n. Tne i .It., i T. . ' .. .li4...K,iim rit ihi way ... t-rtr was pvi-liul o 01 .mi-, v . i . k , f'Mfft'-ratv ilajr came t, W aiK-pt- k:;,.: atrus., the . pre.-toen.. In itn. 1 1,.; different riaw that were tr-t :..;.... Mr-. S. 1". Gay. M i -. Jim j . .me t.f -he :nst famous A:ig: Kiu-tht a.- m ..rciaiy. "h" Viv-H'nted thi' Andrews chapter! U w:.s ...t.-l to jriw & toward tho ' -h, Confederal,, lliip and also tfave . u- outhai! Cotton Loan lund ot , na1' one and a United States ilap: tht, State '.delation. It was also -de. " "American Lejrion to he left in lUle.l to donate i"- for beaut n yir.j,- the il hu a token of tnetr appro-: , llUlt nllU-e grounds and t-.'.ou to t.u. iVun'oi'Mrs. Hyatt's work in the j Wa 110 -ville 1 listrict Chamocr of fom-ni'.'-mii'ation, each member of the An. j meiee. rows chapter presented her a choice ; Mrs. V. 15. Matthews, the secretary ,, u.... Hmw .arden. ! ,.- m . ,1 triet Chamber of Commerce. i u ail in r " r - - ,11., . lii. .'.viit UH' woris aueauj i""'- Ills j ltl:..,id the work already accom s'f'VOAf CLASS AI FACULTY bv this recent ortranizatio " ' ETt:HTAI'El AT A LUX- ana fuvUier outlined the iletinito plan 1 'r,'i:'j , ,1 .v. . :..i.. ...;tii tin i-t ASDKR'S 1 tha. the otlicials hope with the to The faculty and senior class of the 1H.ration 0( the people of this sec V ivnesville lownsinp in.n . --v" were mo.-t delightfully honored Tu-s. u., 1 It. (1 T Alnvnndnr ilav alternoou u f. . when thev were treated to their choice of drinks and refreshments at Alex ander's Drug Store. ; week the faculty ot the Ha neiwood Klementary School were cuet of Alexander's, on Wednesday, the V.'avnesville Elementary teachers ,n Thursday and the Ea-t Wayne-ville teachers on Friday. The entertainment ot ttachers ana seniors at Alexander's is an r.nnual event at commencement, this . beintt ;he tenth year they have been honored in this way. MAR1UAGK A.XSOI SCI " The marriaire uf Mrs. Cora -diller . . Mi- c.,m I. Fra'iiiaii was 1 OUOK to 1 announce 1 last week. The ceremony took place in Greenville, Sout 1 .1, ro i;n ,,n Sei)te'.!iler .r, l'.KS'i. WILL MLi'.T FRIDAY tu.. Diie-hters of the Con- in. 1 .i-.'iLiv - . federacy will hold tlu ir Mav meeting tomorrow afternoon, May !V. with .Mi's. Ltan Ivillian, at .'LliO o'clock, .Mr. and Mrs. Angus ('. Craft and infant son, who snet the witner 111 Danville. Virinia and iieidsville, ar rived Sunday to spend the summer am! are guests at the Hotel LeFaine. Mr, Craft is manager ef the Hotel Cordon which will lie opened about the lir.-t.ot lu"' . .Mrs R. N.Barliev ; nd "Miss .Mary liarbi r left Monday for a three weeks' vi-it in the eastern part of the sCite. Mrs; Barber, who is district presi dent of the Federation of Women's Clubs, is attending the annual state . convention of that organization in Kaleit'h this week. 1 M;-. A. II. Wither- anil suiali daughter. Betty -Mae, who have been visiting -the former's parents, Or. ann Mrs. R, l Walker, left, yfrU'l'day to spent', two wvvia "' itl) .tt rs, W it In 1 : aunt-. Mrs. .1. S.' M -CriViick.. South. Carolina and .Mrs. E. V. o. EI .11 urray it) Augusta, Georgia. Mis. R. H. Bk'.ekw. 1!. Mi. ('rover Davis, aiid Mrs, C H. .McDowell left yesterday :for Raleigh:' where they leore.-ent tile Woman s .um at turn to put into eltect aunng tne com ing months. Mrs. Grover Davis was elected as a delegate to represent the club at the stat.' convention in Raleigh the ensu ing week. Mrs. R. N. Barber, who by virtue of Iter office as the district president, will also attend the con vention was elected an alternate to Mrs. Davis. Mrs. C. H. McDowell will also attend, as tho president's ap-leen-c.' Mrs. H. D. Bonn was elected 1 ., .1 ,,,1 il,., nel:l i'.s 1110 ueicnaii' hi .mi.... . ..,.neeiit i,.n in Richmond. 1. . ti i .1... " " " - Va., fitim May 2:-:-2C, with Mrs. K. N !J .:w as her alternate. Mr . Grover Davis had 'the paper ot of the afternoon, her -ubjeel hcing, "DcVtcctive tint! Ingenuity Stories." She reviewitl the outstanding detective, stories ami writers .:. ml tlis ctis ed the distinction between the two types of ..stories. She read Oman Doyle's "A K.udy in hcariet ana oui. lihed the methods of tho author in an interesting manner, .!i.- Ida dean ..Brown, aecom.pat.ied bv Mr-. Iloiace Keener, sang two , 1. 1, :.,v..,l selections, w nicn weie mum 1 .., '.V Moon Song" :ind "1 LoV' You." Din ing the social hour the h. .-loses served lea and accessories. Among tire el the-' al'ternoen were: SI,-, .j.uhs 1'aimor. Mrs. Kli Mc(iee, ...' T. L. Bianiiei,, Mrs. David Simons Mi'.', 'l eague, ami Mrs. .l:tmtv Ivillian. 1 ive( 1- v Miv 1 I XX . . (-. on:i - i s.i..'t' tei v . !-:i:r Miss M ,rl!ia Xeai. daietiite: Mi -. S. 1 . ; a!, w as die-, a a et' !'.-.. -iil.l. lit . :l S .le::;a C .'.:. u t taiv ,iart in the Mar, Dan.a . . ae 01 t.i.. 1 iiV:. in t'K' y- 1 .. Y:'' '' lev- b'-'i Sat a day. !i-s Maiy Adam- Ward of A-h. v;'l.-. w ho i- al- . a at. SaUm ;.u. May Quei-n who wa- crowned Sat. ui .i .v afterr.ooii. x.xx& SsT x X XXX X X VX xx- x X. x,xA x XXVX. , Wx XX m-xSX xxx xxx xisS. X XX XX X X x xx x ---Xxixx-xxx X X XXO X XX X xClxXX. 1 w 1 PREPARE .ir. A. (,' tlshorn,. of Clyde was here en bu-t".e-s Monday. Mr. .lame- 'I'eague of .lo' s.ic.t Moiiilav in town. Mr. Chai-le- Moody was amon;.; the; visitors here f I'eia Cecil Monday. 1 1 i Mis- c'b -aoclh Henry spoilt last j weck-i nd with friends in Sylva. I-OK VOl K Hl'SlNKSS 1TTIKK lli.r co'lice bor.ii oIV.t oul-of-? : i; -tia'ei l., a rei'l home under - tla a . !s inn ei Mrs. . !'. I'.lanlon urite lor lull .ictaiU ,t nc -11m-111 it rales. Jun i" SC nouraphic ."1 Months Sl.t7.oo-- I allien Kcnm Hoard, junior Vcioiinting li Months S I (). I nil ion Room Board, limit. r Sicrctarial 7 Months. S I !i2.."id I n il ion Room Board. ('( 111 plot e Commercial III Months S27." '1 11 it ion Room Board. BLANTON'S BUSINESS COLLEGE ASI1KY1LLE --t al ( e.i:lc v Ashevillo I iti.on Mr. and Mr-. W. T. l ae. who eo'tb'atted their g.dden .welding, anniver saiy 011 Ai! 1 22. at thi.r hame on the Fairview Raad. Mr. lav has sei ve.l the' state for many yens a- a legislator and memb." of the tr.te Corpora tion ( ommis-ioii. , Mr. A. D. Down YV; n- svil'e i-'t: -r Mi !' ( w.t -t wi'ek. Yi'gitna i'. arts. "i '. at I a.' iwiti '.'. vi ek-e:ul w.-l'i hi e,v:r: ;p an 1 Mrs. !. F. ' in. Mi-- '0. . Velille - I M a-s: M a. lent at 11 a, last eats, Mr. M W ll.'l rue.-, e Mrs. Ro et; St: - her fiek fiam ;. 1 1 a day . ; !al friends ail Win t n-S nil W'il-on Mills. in t o 1 M i-s ( 'harlot te; Hat. her a'l of .music- 1:1. tile , :',y.k l h h -Scia. d . -r t ; ' f ':iy for be liaaie in ,Dunl)..v. Mr-. Cbaile'; la tf: ' o i . '"X sun. '( itarie . n .'iii'io'd S.:n it: 1 '' :"' '' visit of tw.i ur:'i. - to al. ' : 1'tf. it'. K11 .'.i!le. Tonne-sea: ' A n .- ;v ' tiit -, viji . o' town ho t week Were tie f"'l .wig'' ''i"l!i C; litotlt VA) X!:S I .'i-V U7.YS ll(- ( ': A T ST A 1 L 1 OI.I.L(,h W idiant New. -01. of Rev. and Mr Al 11 1 X. w. a iiinn 1 .1 Civil engit. ia l ine at X. C Stale Collogo. has been named "Siint I'at" '.;' I ho cnginn'i- 111.1: schoo: for lit:.:!-".'!. The honor i, : lie ivo : ought alt one tin the eamim by o iguiceriii.; ;'.u- a not iiiih iii'sie nat .a- t lit . waie. a- "Saint I ':. : and : be out stamiintr stmieal eiigam'.-r tl. 1 .... , l,aa make - .him ore -ideii ol h Fiigbieer- I'uii.-ib govt rnm:r ; ;v , 1' . ,110 111 el.ii;'.iiieeling aeuvuie.-. '.' M r . A .1 . Ga 1 nor and M iss Frances r ha- o evotial to their home on 1 ;.i t.,- pending the winter at 'Kb rick A part until . Plaza Theatre toil ,; , X. la. Wrier. I. wlm is a meni 1 of aha fa lib:.' af tin Wayue-vdle To-a irsiiip H igh School, left yesterday io 'o. a: ,11 A ' rd-ei.i. ..... ',, 1,1.1 Ml Mosrs. t '. F. Uvat' . S. a . Ki'' ti ; on lilS'i h'K 1 '"-' ' I .- ; ,, - . .'A YA.y. Will . Hvalt, district director .111. of. the Fm.ed naugllters 01 tne vi.,. feoerncy, presnled t:t the dtstri meeting, of the -organizat ...n held in Franklin y. stctdny at the. beautiru. hii top hotel, -Rogers ...Hall." Mrs. (. R. Martin, district seereaary. al.-o attend al the meeting. : vijs, Nancy Killian of the Wa.vnea vil a ebapter 'made the ri sponse 1 ': . " , ... t .. M I '.I i l the address 01 welcome 100 '' ,,aaa a Sri''"le -Other ineinbeis ail tl'.e ll-y - n, chapter who intended the nice.- ! !.,.. . were Airs. U- -Vi . 1. . in tient.Mfa. X'-d,'e Garreti, M,a. i. -Queer.-. Mrr. ' '.( igc , ''llll a ah- . C. F. K.irki-.a; 1 Tho main add1 t'-s 0. l!:e M ;.: . I :u.o s ..... i!f .11 I - ,ti lie. .Ir. : e li Mart an left 'fie. 1 fto$l l iti 111 & wm rmwrtwrnr ASH FA ILLE, N. C. TI ESDAY, MAY Hth. UkUZl jE.CON.CiRT ORCHESTRA IN WIDITION I H FR F. WILL HK A SI'LKN DID I FA I I RF. RICH RF M ITNKK .Mlc NKHIT T.u- t; , i-'i; for a we; k- fit to lo-f -1 -tor, ! A. W. Lynch, and M r. Lym h at i'.(,tr hme in' Forest City. . .M rs. R. '(.'., lot., o t 1 I he'. ;.-y ami. an1' ''' al oi';.';itt! oil 1 1 a. Air . I. II Da !-! .-hi s I'lait:,' meloael' aif b f a-uiay, left ye.-t .-fa ia Wmstnii Snlem.- V. V-aaao o-' .o.'it.o ,1 oie lina tlivisien, program:' cousi The t tf;al.n.d'. or music it .1 ,.,.,-to the Slat-a,rt-. the c ine tt..ii.t'... . . . Ftd ra b.n -if Women's Club-. Mr -i ., ,.i.iul(1 ,10:0 discussion on n Dr.',..t-v,-Vl w ill nlso visit he,- daughter, I ;,' .; . i ( V W'e Can .vrott-e . t t -t: ,1 i. - 1v .1 1 eh- ... , i,,,. ( Mrs. Jamts Michaels, a -c .dr. aels at thcir heme in D-fcam. " . Mifs: tXancy Criicitett, who is memtifar of the faculty of the W'ay-ne.-.vil'.e Town-hip High - School, left yosteniay to spend the sunrmer with her ..parents-. Rev, end Mrs. S. II. Crockett, at their homo m lyranklin. .yajy we: - ; Airs. S T. .N't til and iMrs. (ioorge ' Ward. -I Ashevillo. returned Tuesday from' W'instoiuSalem where they '?pent several days visiting their -laughters, Mi- Martha Xeal and -' Miss .Mary . Adams Warn, s'.udet-.ts a. Saltan Col lege. ". - .. :' - ' - . - ; Mrs lUulah K. Fnslcy. mat.agt r of Sin: r r ill's Studio,' has returned from Birmingham, Alabama where she at tended th? Southeastern -Phfrtopraiihtc Convention held at the Thomas-Jefferson Hotel. aApril 2 and 27. . . . Mis ilanie Tucker, who hasv been teaching in the Hazelvvood . Elementary o. .1... . .v... nnst few. vears, is leav- Olliatn i-o 1 .. . - - v 1 ; ing unity to spend the summer , .'her mreivUc Rer. and , -. Airs. r. ':. Tucker.; at their. home in Lincdlnton., ; '. '. ,. 'Mrs.- Thomas Alexander and . Mis.s Olive" Henderson, who are connected ...L .1,. "Yittr Srhnni" of Columbia Willi Lllf. ,'i" , 1 University at Springdale- are , guests a: tho Hotel l.eraine. ;a ' : , ;-. ' Miss Mabel Clark, a student at W. C T C. at Cullowhee" spent last week end at her home in White Oak. She had as her guest Miss Aleen Scurry , of Georgetown, : South. Carolina. Mis Will;n Gav Lamnkin has re turned to W. C. T. C. at Cullowhee after spending the week-end with her parents. "M r. and M rs. W. L- Lam pkm. 11 (Htt- Organization. .. SLXIORS II A VI- I'H'SiC Tito : s.-nior' ti..-- of the to high school.- enioyeda a 'picnic Frid.iv evening :vt the camo o CiK.rlcs la. Qninatit. 'Sna ity : en tile I'igee-M - river.: Chape; o tli-s ;:et--e- lobn ' w-j . ... ,v,clt.. ad ,Mi '-t."-tn ;l'-1 i- lt- a I'. . .. n .' I .was ."a.,-,',.,, .a-a .. - .- .. "! "; ,.' i a t'. C - a ; ;-,aa-e:i! Wl, a' " - I a.-o- aioa. r. 'VI . ;'C i- '. bt"a. . . '' to1' j '". - i '. .' .. .:.': a atav. ' "-''j : - '. ' .,. - - a a - .'J - I . 1 . du --e'a ' -1 Ilea, v a tf ' r: ..' - a,, - ; Mv. aa X'. .V-ia :'V ;'.."'. ;;jaa'!.:7 '.;:. .'-.';: : - and M r '. S K ia; a a.a .. ' ' JVV M-e t i -I wee,- n'iAl;.: ' : ' '" ' : ' Mv; :'.- , -v ,a,.-t, fa'air-n'. ' (iVO . : ' - .; A K. iCirkoatiaia; ''d M-c -'ami !'an'-'i waa'a; ttfe-f a f Mis-. M a' . :"-' -a'- ' ' China iK'flft- sor- vice Makes ns murt' i t'Ay netti i utirlh.v ol' the t nlidence )liued in. -JVn 1 i FoneraS : I : "Style : : '. a:.-.-..a-. a j HeisdtjUiti'ters' tis b , tt f -''rien!s. I ,ir isui ions iiate" Ciiitiiiecl the lal est . stales-a M the most ioiiipieli'iisie st - a lections ni good iiiiiiifine ill I . V....11, 1... . 'I'll.. . I'M l I II , .11 . .. t ,11 .. .Till solid MimiIc Sliperior (ilality lleilrooin suit 01 j "((in. 11 Stock" nieces. Select line, suitable., to your own us' I r. iii .-lioire ol I'.eds. anil i s ..!....(. ..I .It-'t ti .-.. .1 and iceesMirv pieces. ' .-' -'1 i s r .n l i ; 1 i. ' i 'J m: .v I'lieno :-. 7,7 a iie- me, tjy 'fj ' '' 1 S2SS -t '- c f A Suits km mM New ChMiiiiinn: u ! t-: 'i':'".!t' ''" '" ill hi.rifc! !v;iior. I I KM'H UK ASIbfA il l ' ..a I KKlv Divl.iVlvKSKS ' ( (II l.ld.K S I R" lab ' k-'tid..' Ano-tp tho vis-it ir- Way tvr.M !h' M tidav were Ab-ssr., -I. L. V- :. ,u,, a. c. Wat!:er:of ''. Mo- rs' .1. M. I':.'-. '' '' ;'.' a',1:-C..-o io-a. of Crab' ie-.aa-a:,'!aaa-!ai clay i-i W'ayne-vil'.t . ". v a Mp- R: R. -T' rau-vn 01 rabtr. c spent. Saturdiiy shopping in'a vilba: "'' - M R N. Ha: left 'I hi; Aii-s l-e.-sie Itovd. Mr-. Theotlore Mc Craeken, Mrs. 3. C, Rose, M r. (jt'orge Wright, and; Mr. Carleton Hoatherby. Al embers uf the class, who at tended weret Miss R, Ray, Missv Jean Mor rison: Miss .Carmen 1'h.C, Miss v tr ...!: -t!,.uiV. At Us Futrenia N'elstiii. liiaui . t.u.o.v., 1 ni-- . r.-i;.,i,tl, Shpcliiin. Altss .Alar-( .Ulsrs ou.titti..i . jorie: Campbell, .Miss; Hattta- Mb't' Freeman, Miss Mary Glee Ferguson Miss Frances Rose, and Mi-s i.- tn-a Tiiackst:.i!. and Hugh Moody. Harry l.'.r. i.tlle. Uewty l'atton, Ray Rurgitn Forter ureenwopo, a.u. . a vv- ,. , ry. -r;.,, row. Matt Ketn. r, I'aubDaVis, (den a nus.ness u in .hi -oj). h ., . . Wyatt; an-l Robert Ury. a ; ...a a,,, ,.1. re. ihmt:'r T.T7I Wna-neaviiis.: vis it o:- la-t aA-e-k. HOSI l:SS All s: Ruf us Siler entertained tlva members of her card club with a bea.u tifully appointed luncheon on Friday. Yellow 'and pink tulip-...made . a pleasing conibinatio.n of .flowers, which were attractively arranged, through- nut- -he divine rooms. . , After rthe serving of luncheon .the guests clayed contract. ' The guest list, include Mrs. Jack Wpv. Mrs. R. L. Lee, Mrs. AV. K Swift- Mrs. H. B- Atkins, Mrs. Jo seph Graves, Mrs. -T,'-.- Lenoir. Owyn, Aliss'Xancy Killian, Mis, Alics Quin-ir-n7 Mrs. Jerry Coikitt, Mrs. .1 P. Dictts,. Mrs a Eugene Carter, and Mr. AYiiliam Smathers of Asheyille. BAT tl E a ' Tc f '' : V 'v i ej.e 0 Edwin Kiiifhtt'i- -of Clyde . was a busitb' s Fi i'bny. v.-as r:-ro from Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jones, who have spent the winter at the Clevewill Apartments, left yesterday for their home in Voodstock, New "iork. Mr. W.W. Uayn- tdyde Friday. ' I ': Mr. W.'A. Moore was among; tne vi.d.ot- here from rteon iasi acv... . . Air-. G. R. Fergusaai of . Fine-f CrttLk 1 wa, ; AYavne-vd'.e. visitor Saturmty. a AH., Elsie Davis returned to her home Tuesday from the Haywood County Hoiuital where she underwent ari operation for appendicitis two weeks ago. '-'Mr. Hannah. J. Row oil of Cecil -.vj a visitor in Watynesville lt wee.:. ' ' : ' Mr. Buforvl Fergu-on of CpvArcv y:? here vri businers Saturday. '". Rev. R. A. Sentelle of Pigetn among the visitors in town last week. .--''..-'. a- " Mr W H. Henderson was here from i Cinton last week. We ai e l ully prepared to .tiett the demands for the highest type of foods. Oiu- slc. k is kept moving so fast that is insures f,' c-hhhess. Everything about out' store is fresh except our service that is polite. This is the store where courtesy waits up on vou reverv need. J C. ROSE Home Grocery Choice Groreries Phone 88 Main St. -' Vi'-il the i:e..u!f- Vut S' ' " - .' . ' - " ut a V ') UiUV l: ill Oil int. ". . r j Uri'ttdwiis. '"iitii-trairts in ''''."'"aZti '.J:v ---::-',. '' ;,f, .in,;' k t ivtitlit ionetl :yzr-.r: ;::, - L,! j. u in! iti i t Hif M rue and ; '- ;-' :""':' ':'i- :: ):!:. FOR WA INEWOOBTHE W ILL ROGERS AXI) ALL ' C T is (,NK.':')i'.. TIS MOST PGl'l LA!t UhS- ,; K ATM Alt ! NET I EPIURX A I H()1 !S I Si i Y 0 IS I S TAK A ROMANCE OF COMEDY DRAMA TitATAVILL PLEASE AI.I- THE SIGN -'GF'11IE'K0?-S; ALSO COMEDIES AND NOVEl iiKS i I j .