Page 4 THURSDAY, MAY Fair Uniform LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 WVn.T7 TTC3 3 ar..j Mr. F. C. Maxwell had '.! guests .a.-.t wt-ek-er.j at ".heir l: the Kirkpatrick Apartments .-iter's parent:- Mr. and Mrs. .'I xvi-)l. of HemJer-onville. Mis.- Fay Kiipitnck -ptr.t Sur.- iay at her .vjrr.e lr. Hendf-rHonviiie. u- t 'I r. ariij I;. A. Teagu were A :v,r- M.; : w I Mr. ar.d M;.-. I 'jock Kr:-;l;y of rapt. :.r(1 Mr-. L. E. Perry of x.I'a- v;.jv.-. friend, h-re .Satur iay. A.-r.evllie. owner, of Camp Dellwood. -'.oped i:: Wuvtu-.-vilie Friday en route to tr.e camp ar.d visited Mrs. f'.-rryV -i ter, Mr-. Frank r't-rtruson. Mr. T Xorris of C:;K -nm:! Monday in Wavr.fcsviiie. M r. i. J. Kerr of ' an -.vj- a Wayne-vi::,. , i-itor Monday.. An;onr the visitor.- here from Clyde ihi.- week was Mr. I). M. Ca!e. Or. I-'. M. Uavi. f Cant.-.': wa- a Waynesvilie visitor Monday. Mr. Charles B. McCracken wa, here tnrr. Fines f.'reek Monday. ir. i jyje j;ay ma.le trip t i Salisbury .Sunday :u-iness in the city U .. ... -I. ii . ,. . ii. ' imiit;- Aiien ot lrattree -pent 1 ue.iday in town. . Mr. Jimmie fJeaton of Canton was a Wynecvjlie visitor Wednesday. Mr. Glenn Moore w on business - Tuela Mr. Rob' Clark of Cantor, .-p.-nt Tuesday in town. Mr Charles C. Smather- ,.f Cm tor. wa, hi-i-e on ou-ine-s Tuesday. Mr . Paul Hyatt r -tjrne! Tu-.-uay altei j ten-day .vi-it to her i utile in Kator.ton Ceortria. Mr; Doyle Jjrive.- S:t;'.l; Vir L';n. i w ,., tfj.-st f Mr. an I Mr-. 1 ar-., ;i. f- y lu-t week. M : IF Me --. Caldw-ll from ( a ) U -" 1 . nad a lu r true.: Sjnliy h"r -i-tei, Mr- W'.T of Andrews. Jarvi- Pilnier and Jarvi wt-.-e anions trv- v;itrs uluochce Saturday. . Mi-s Johnnie Ru-sell has returne.l from . visa to her uncle, Mr. Turner Holland, at his home in Andrew- Mr-. Charlie Mea-e of Canton was the uue-t ,..f her sister, Mr-. Mattie i ayne, ,lU 1 ist Frida- nd Mi. Ferguson. Mr. Milas Ferguson, who is a stu dent at Louis burg College in Louis burg, arrived Tuesday to spend the ,-ummer with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fergu-on. f Mrs. W. L. Hardir. returned yester day from Old Hickory, Tennessee where she spent the past week as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Noyes Long and -Mr. Long. Mr. Donald Dunham, owner and manager of the Dunham House, ar rived Saturday from St. Augustine, Florida to put the hotel in readiness for summer guests. He expects to open the hotel by June first. Misses Maude and Eunice Chaplin and their mother, Mrs. Chaplin, of Wesloyan College- Macon. Georgia, will arrive early in June and will spend the summer at the Kirkpatric Apartments. ' Mrs. Adora Rayne returned to her home here yesterday after a two week-' visit in Richmond, Virginia. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs Jack Holtzclaw, of Richmond,' who will spend ten days at her sum nie. home at Hal -am. Mr-. H ,W. fiaucom and daughter. M;ss Edith Bau.rom. left last Thur--day f ,r a several day.s visit in Dan ville, Virginia and Lumberton. They will also go to Raleigh next Sunday to attend the commencement exr. rein's at Meredith College. Mi-- L,u:a Thaikston, who .has "'V- visiting her aunts. M sses Kstell, .! f I,....-,,;., l-m.. . . , , , ." .at tneir nome in n .no..e tor the ,,a.t thm. wJf,ks V 1 : 'if.,.', i.. . '. it' ' I'd c ' i i u Herman Hiilman wearing the new police uniform at A Century of frog re f hicago's Hi;;:: World'. Fair. The outfit con-ists of a red coat and b:t:e ,trou-e:s similar to that of the northwest mounted nolice iVer-K. and .Satur Mi el Mr.,. Roy Ciiine.el: and Mr. Riy ' obie spent la-t week-end at the ( aiti) iell's ciiiiin a M'aggi" I ! '.Rev W'at.viir (). G.e.;de ...n ' ;,.;.' Jimmie Govle, of Spencer .w.-re V, iv-' ne-vi:l.. vi-.itor- Moi.d.i . Mi - H -!. Ram-ey the hous-" guest this' v La a i , M. Kirov. ' and M,--. Grady ; R,,y,J aI1j i'n have moved from their home '''e La-,- , the Hotel v e ,. .. i . . i 'is. eivo. ".Me ve l.-l' OM h..l,A A- Dr. R, E Flack, Well Known Here Passes Dr. R. H. Flack, .",1. we!; known in this, section, died at his home ' 'in Memphis, Tenn.. Tuesday following a stroke of. aiiooh xy. Dr. Flack was widely known a-' a tubercL'losi- sjie.ia-it-t and a foriju r member of Wake forest Medical School faculty. He will be remembered a. U-.r.g the secretary of Congressman V. T. Crawford during his last term in Among the visitor- in day w.r.j Mr. Hoy! Mr. Janie- K. Hendeiv W( Mr-, R, f l 'ant'.n I' .J - i iv. -iii'ti :; Hag- .. Mi- a:..t,. -.-per.if of Ml: - Mr wer, g i.atkvm. Mr. : Vllllil ( UO.t ill ' win . ; . Fain,-. H.pos and Mi - . Hipp Wa manage u i rriet e note! is nnv.- ;,r,t ., ' -u;:': -'- 'he form., opea- : ''. o until June fif-t. - I NORTH CAROFIXA Mi-- MiMred DiKv. of ( har!e-ton HAYWOOD COl'N'TV ve-: irg;i;ia was the gue-- of her uncie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Then racket' si-vcri.! day-- last week. (In Sunday Mis- Dil!v accom panied Mi-s Mary Penland M.-f ra.d; en -to: Spartanburg South ri(r,-,H.)a 'V'1'-;''' 'h"' ;"'' Vi-:tir.g the'r imeie. ,' ,1: J..!: rol.l:; i. l;. II I V. - e Mot er, Jr. P'ur;:tri Georgia wher,- ay- visring lie'- i-m- '"'-' 'I- Mr-. WAV, Xornian. ;' - "wa'- ac ,.!:o,:o i. ! home by Mi's. '''' a" , wi!:-''. i-l; ; Mr, and Mrs. ' -ohn t few dav- before ito. .., Hole' W-ayn-v-;:., viu re ' 'vi!! - -; en I the jMiiiio-. a'i-l little -!' I! 'ia An,- !,yd, who has 'a-en ' ; '';.'.'. he nont, M v Kdwin Hn j-, : - j;.. D'--.i u;-, Ge; .vjI i .' P;m))y Dav Will Ri1 Held Saturday iVO ti c l or i i: i i i:i I: I.1(TI( IN 'IilM SUPERIOR COURT Mis, I,, W. Lath. i end go, Lathar.i at I i: ; . v.o ii rhaii ( Mr. a: ;i;r ,o n(. - " ' A . . K A. Mr. W.I Hayw,. we; e v0ek--l-. ': Mrs. J. I icn 't" M Mrs. W. C G a' Dafntoft'. of Cantoi Spring Flower Show -f e Community ,lub Tur-dav .' t0ioe(l I 0 ;;. ;! aniti.'m e;;-e!H liy Iradb-y, rornmahdi!-; of the P' - f .'. He A inerii'i.n I.f "vday. May 27,, ha - '', des- i I' ' D i u Tl" lee' i n"'1- f"'-'."f til; ' ,cn! no-t will wear . j .fh'-. uopj.v as 'lie -individual w.'V of Mr.-. snowirg respec' an ! remembrance fr thel '' dead who f-t i tl: World War tht. :,,i;l ';'':" to the ide ds f..r which tney gave their lives. . ommanoer Rradlev fite 1 the Mrs. Margaret. Moody returned to ' ,)! P'1'' w"ul'! t'e , offered for sale or, her home Saturday ,- a'fte.- a week's ' th', strlvN ty the wc,-...., , ; the to her daughter, Mrs. Mebane. at ! '(''in. t-1-''"!1 auxiliary p ml the monr-y her home in Ashevile, . le'cived will go to relieve needy vet- ' '' ' - ; j : a"s and their families. ' Me.-i .s. II. A. Osborne and Homer I . A it tZ pi'Vf VJ Buncombe Jurors np A. J. GREEN' Vs. ESTHER GRETN. The defendant alove named wiil take notice that summons w::- ;--ued again-; the defendan'., ir. the, ;ibove entitled action 'on the '24 th dav of May. 'lf:::i by W. G. Hyers, (derk of the Superior'.-Court for an ' ...bsolut" divorce on statutory grounds, which -amnions is returnable before said Clerk of the Curt on t ho -22nd dav of .luiie. l;r:;;;, when and'uheiv the de f' ndatit j.. require I ti :;pne'ar: and answer or demur to the comidaint or tire r, lief demanded'-will 'be gr.ured. This .12 1th day ,,f M y. lf:;;;. w. g. i:vi:rs. Clerk of the Superior-. Court. X... o: -May 2o-.!une l-s-io. . iere Wednesday..- Miss Sue Curtis of. Cantor- I get ting along nicely - after an (meroa'on for appenoicitis at the Haywood County Hospitol this week: Praise Jud?e Alley Jul .r., w.v scrvied 1. ist week at "he May criminal term of superior court oi i.uniomiic- county. dratted reolu A' k Mr,. RausLon CVunplx-i;. under- I l"'n J"':"s'ni-' Judge 1-elix E. Allev .. went an operation for appendicitis I f"'r' fV" at,"?'' "xvn t a'nd at the Havwood Countv Hospital th;- I -P " '-''"''V .defendants who appeared wk Ho .sjmproMni u-1 w ithout (oun-c i I , , I W- ' Pennell. one f the iuror-s. -Mi-' ,n I Mr U- r. i- i- was-named cn.urman an,J .oesented t u " r, lullJ'-- -nl tfe ri-oljt,on- in p n (ou,t to Jalgt son, Mr. Walter Braddock. arrived Allev. ' last Friday from Daytona Beach and' The lurors set out that the govcr will sitend the summer ,u their hon.e ' no" to be commended -in' apmdn4 on Mam street. mg Judge Alley to the superior court o bench and that he was very on-;ider- Mrs.- George Ward and Mr- G. Lylp tf Jurr"'s who aPPca''I in his Jones of AsheviHe were W aynesville ,v .-i,1.i. ui,,. ; ... . . . vis, tors Tuesday an 1 attended the rf Flower Show sponsored by the Com- especially to those who are without ! munity Club. j counsel" the resolution aid Dr Miles' NERVINE Did the work" says Miss Ghvar WHY DO.VT YOU TRY IT? After more than tlireo mnnik of suffering from a nervous ail ment, Miss Glivar us-ed Dr Miles' Nervine which gave her such splendid results that she wrote us an enthusiastic letter. 1 you suffer from "Nerves." If you lie awake nights, .start .at sudden noises, tire easily, are erankp, blue and pdgcty, your nerves are probably out of order. Quiet and rcl;:- them with the same medicine that "did the work" for this Colorado girl. Whether your "Nerves" have troubled you for hours or for years, you'll find this time-, tested remedy effective At' Drug Stores 25c and $1.00. M.r-l.TIIWJI MONEY M ay Never Buy As Much Again Inflation isn't just around the corner . . . it's here . . . right on top of us. It means cheaper dollars and a higher scale of prices ... our advice is BUY NOW AND GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY. Men's Department STRAW HATS Newest Shapes . , . straws . . . weaves . . . colors ... we have vour size . 49c to $3.00 INCLUDING STETSONS SUMMER UNDERWEAR Athletic styles in colors . . . cool and comfortable . . . stock up now ... 25c to 69c PANAMA HATS Genuine Panama ... the style . . . shape and feeling you want . . . $2.50 to $5 INCLUDING STETSONS SPORT SHOES In black and white, two-tone tans, and others. Solid comfort, and most styl ish .. . Complete our Outfit With A Pair ... $2.95 to $4.95 Cooper's Shorts & Shirts The name is enough . . . but the comfort t. ese garments give will delight you . . . j- what summer davs demand . . 35c to 49c We'll Save You Money On that suit $9.95 to $22.50 BATHING SUITS For Men, Women and Children. All the latest shies and colors. New stock. Including the famous Jantzen Line now priced at 49c to $3.95 Ladies' Department Nellv Don WASH DRESSES .Iut received a new shipment of these loe!y di esses . . . the newest thing yet shown ... $1.50 to $7.95 SUMMER GLOVES -We have the style and color you'll heed lor jour summer outfit . 95c to $1.95 BLOUSES .These must be seen to be appreciated .... just what you need to meet these hot days ahead ... 49c to $1.95 Large Stock Of SUMMER SHOES In white, blonds and combination All sty les. heels, and sizes ... Be smai . . . be comfortable . . . see the M ,w now at . . . S1.95 to $4.95 SUMMER HATS In our ready -lo-wear department ou"l! find a new hat that'll add much to your comfort and appearance, at ... 49c to $4.95 Entire Stock Of SPRING COATS REDUCED If you ever sought a bargain, see these $1.95 to $16.95 Buy Now Before Prices Advance More C E. RAY'S SONS Department Store i

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