"V THURSDAY, MAY 25,1933 V THE WAY NESVILLE MOU NTA1XEEH PAGE FIVE Society News ETY PAGE ... h?cal m i terns Eleanor Bushnell, Editor Phone 137 SOCi RTI IS HOXORED AT vV "" PARTY Fl:zabeth Martin, whose mar. vil"' b an interesting event in Vi' honored last Thursday . with a lovely party ami -how",- Riven by the members - ..Y su-inna We?ley Bible Class of .." M.".h.)list church, of which she -.'member, at :he home of Mrs. MY., it- Johnson. ., - ri,-e and P'K ana wmu. ' : " vere arranged throughout Cm.-to carry ut a color scheme ' .;!u and white. This motif , noted in the refreshments vVh were served during the -ven- ' in feature of the entertain- The mam teatuie ,Pddine . .. a lorn . , presented by a group of w risen i u.,lav) Elemeii- Vr.'ii from me " hm.l In a menu contfst . I, ride JU's. tiuwrn tne uimt .,o,l winners. i'-lee Jr. were , , 1 ', ..... ,w ved from a ESr'-yMbs; Eva Lather- WW'd.' . , , Mar- Th.-c P VNVr L B. w, Wade jomiou", - -M.HughMasne. Mrs. R L. Mis Tom Lee. Jr., Mrs. Hu ( . , ;' t!r' Mrs. Charles Burgin. Mrs. r: uU- Mrs. Lester Burgm, Mrs. s .. .: M.-i YA acenfeld, Mrs. ; y, "Vl v. Mr,. Carl Boutwell .' 'Wilford Ray, Mrs. M.H. Bowles. ' Fr inces Robeson. Miss Gussie M-u-.in. Miss' Elizabeth Henry, Miss t L,iltherwood. Miss Edna McKay. Mi-. Margaret Hyatt, Jand Misses i..,;-y and Harriet Boyd. ,;(,VV AliRIV REPORTED Lh r HOTEL LEFAIXE Am,,', the recent guests regis ered ... . iL.te LeFaine are the to low -J Ik merit of Walker mV, Katheime Buckkv of . ltu lu.B Ha, Mi A H Du rMl llt Biooklnu Miss I B Gunville Ga , Mr II C ! Mford. of Washington. D. I-.; Mi. HMgland. Miss Victoria Adcotk, f I ..uisburg, N. C; and the following w .... here to attend the meeting '"h u'nth district Medical Society: , r t.i.nson Di Hugh Ravi- w 11,11 ot KnoNvnMe ,l',.m I Ril 11111 .V1,, ,, , , HUcgh l)r 1' V , n Sunnmuni Di I H Mm .. t hniel Hill; Dr. and Mi-. W- H Robertson, of Burnsville; and iir. mid Mrs. S. A. King, of Knox. ,;".(. Tennessee.. :H 'Mix'Mintho Ann Weld, of Roan k Viru'ini:.. who i's a senior '.n ComOn-e C.U-i!,: spent a few days here last a., k" with Mi-scs Mary and Alice Suiiigiield. She returned to Con Suturdav accompanied by the Mii Siringfield. Mr- Aaron l re v - :md Mr. Dave I elmet. who spent ih. w.-ek--nl in Spartanburg. Mr an-i Mrs. W. C. Kourk and !;!;!ren of Kllenboro are spending .ik guilts cf Mi- Rouik mi Mi in.l Mi- C Bluk i- lii ir home on the Pigeon Koad. Mr. ..ml Mrs. Hugh Massie and daughter.' Mary Ann. left .Sun- iuy ..!..y motor for a -week mo t r ti'ili to, various cities in North .. Mi iviwavd IFirding. of New Y.k '.State is . -pending several days ':,! (ieorgiait. Mr.. Harding canio .Way.r.esville to visit his niece and ;.);r. Katherine arid Tolii Hill. ' luuise Rotha, who is a mem- ! if. the faculty of the Salisbury ....!.. arrived last week to spend -tininier with her parents. Mr. '1 Mr. Harry Rotha. Mi I lc Oi i 1) of Ch n- luttv a: .iy.ed last Saturday: for a visit " .tv.-ir -laughter. Miss Nancv Orms ;': Mrs. Ornisby.s aunt, Mrs. i D 1 ic it The Gtoignn id Mi- ( S Knkpi n k t 1 'laughters. Misses Cathervn and ' : "( t's Kirkpatrick of Salisbury - . as several dav's last week at iin-ir .-' at Lake Junalu-ka. . w . "i. an.l Mrs. Sam l'lott have as iruest Miss Una Plott. who is -: 'w.vr of the faculty of the Old School. ...v- ; .W".k the visitors h?re from Can ! last week were Messrs. T. A. W H Hen It i -on S M Rob - and R. K. Sentelle, Jr. I-rank Campbell of canton week-end guest of Mr. and etner at their home in Dell- M- : 1 . har!e Padgett had as his - - on Sunday of his parents. Mr. ' Ir-. .( . K. Padgett, and his sis- Padgett, of Forest City. .. .'. Oliver Shelton smmt several " - as: week m Asheville as the -. of her sister-in-law. Mrs. .-''' :! Il.vd . . . i . , ..- L. Brown was here from .' 'i- last week. . v.-,Ir-.W .H.Terrell of Clyde was aj 'tsMlle visitor last week. CO TO EUROPE j i. Murphy, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphy, and a .-tudent at the Univtrsity. h.ts been chosen as one I i f four members of the Carolina Salon Ensemble who vvdl go 10 Europe this summer on the S. S. Tu.-cania -of the Cutuird 1 ne. They w.i; ccnsiitut.- the ship's orchestra. Th following account is from the Jui: iar lite:. L'iiivci-ity publica tion: "To sail to Europe, and to be paid for it in the bargain, is the lucky fate .if DirtctOi' Thor Johnson and four members of the Carolina Salon En s iiibl.'. Those accompanying John, son, all Carolina students in his or chcstia, are Dan Field. Herbert llazelnun, Harry Lee Knox, and John Murphy. They will leave New York Harbor July 8. The five play ers on the Tuscania represent only a small part of the entire Salon En semble, only those who can play more than one instrument being chosen for the trip. Ih return for theij- services as mu sicians these boys will receive free passage to 1. 11 d from Europe. 'ihor Martin Johnson is l'J years old. He is at present a junior in ihe University. He directs the Carolina Salon Ensemble, plays violin ill Car olina Symphony orche State Symphony, and dent of the band. Herbert Hazelman. ville and is recognizee . ii ing composers. He stra and in the is vice-presi- is from Ashe as one of the is a suphomorti ri d ij also 19. .John Murphy, 17 year old fresh man, also does some composing. He has appeared as a string bass soloist with the Ensemble and is publicity manager of the orchestra. Dan I leld. In. has appeared :u y'. l:i; cellist, He is from Grcensbci'3. HO.lM.V.s' VIA l! HAS IX TE REST ISC MEETIXO The monthly meeting of the Wo man's Club was held on Thursday aiternoon at the Hotel avnesville, vi:n Mrs. (. . b. Kirkpatrick. presid ing. Mrs. R. V. Walker. Mrs. Frank Ferguson, Miss Louise Edward's and .diss Ethel Craig were associate hostesses for the occasion. . Much interest centered around the announcement that the next ' meeting in June would be a social gathering 'and would take the form of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the organiza tion of the women's club, which is the oidest federated club in town. The affair will be held' lit the home of Mrs. k. N. Barber. The following com mittee relative to the tea were ap pointed: ' place and arrangement. chairman. Mrs. R. N. harbor: enter- t nnment. Mrs. C. 11. McDowell: re-fie-l'.meiits, Miss Robena Miller; Mrs; l.aiuiston Hardin, and Mrs. S. P. Oav: music, .Mrs. Henry Foy; invitations. Mrs.. Harden Howell. For the ' Dahlia Show, which is an muia! event -ponsored by the club, held each August and attended by hundred's of visitors the following will bi' in charge; general chairman. Mrs. ('. F. Kirkpatrick;' correspondent. Mrs. Frank Ferguson; place and tables, .Airs. John Oaiocn and Airs. R. H. Hlackwell; 'placing exhibits, Mi.-s Ro'iena Miller; silver offering, Mi;.-. S. P. Gay ami .Mrs. Lauri-toir Hardin; l'i'ci ptio'n, M i'.-'.- R, P. Waiker Mrs, H- V. Iiaucom andMrs. L, B. Hayes; prizes. Mrs. V.'. I . Morrison, and Mr-, John N; Shoolbred. . I''or the second annua! quilt show wjlieh "is .also sponsored by the club, Airs. John Queen was made, chairman. Mrs. (. H. McDowell, who repre sented'' the club ;it the state federa tion nieeting in Raleigh, gave a most interesting report of the meeting. Miss Robena Miller stated that: Mis. Charles Thomas of Waynesviilc. but formally , of New. Bern, gave.': the .first contribution to the . Sallie Southall Cotton loan fund which is one of the major activities of the -tate work. Mrs. Kirkpatrick introduced Miss Mary 'Margaret Smith- emergency demonstration agent of Haywood county, who spoke briefly of the work she will 'undertake in the county. Mrs. W. T-Crawford had the paoer of the afternoon, "Stories of O'Hcnry and-Memorial Awards," in which ;'he gave in a most dtdightful mann ) the style and outstanding . features of this famous author. ,.....: USUl M,Hf)MII illL (,R Dl T1 hT 11 , The following . invitation was re ceived by The Aldunhaineer from Miss Edwina McDowell. n mher. df tne senior class of . W. C. of. U. N. ('.: The Faculty and Senior Class of Tne Woman - College '-of the . University of North Carolina. . invite you to be present .. at the Forty-first Annual Commencemtnt. June third to fifth nineteen hundred; and. thirty-three Greensboro. Miss McDowell is the daughter of Dr and Mrs. C. H. McDowell. Mr. end. Mr.. Joe Graves. Mr. Ira Thackston. and Mr. i r.ink Kinsey spent last Sunday in Brvson City. JOHS MURPHY WILL ELllBETH REEVES IS PARTY HOSTESS Miss F.iizabeth Kiwes enteitained last Wednesday afternoon with a lovely children's party honoring her little cousin. Ruth Arminda Turner, on her ninth birthday. After playing games on the lawn the children were invited into the dining room which was decorated with a quantity of spring flowers to carry out a color siheme of pink and white. A love'y birthday cake, which was made by Mrs. lleorge PLott. an aunt of the honorei'. held central place on the table- The little guests were the honoroe and Poily Francis. Maggie Liner, Dan Moore. Johnny McAllison, Mary Charles Leatherwood. Lucia Allison, Joseph Allison, Tyree McCratken. Frances Turner. Calcic Threlkeld. Ruth Moss, Camelia Mo-s, Joseph Simon. Maude Katherine Jones, Cor inne Alley. Mary Ann Tunier, John Reeves. Rifus Reeves and little Reeves Carver. tfW..' .l.7 MRS:, DAVIS ARE PARTY HOSTS A delightful affair last week w-s the party given on Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Grove-.- C. Dvis at their home on Walnut st'.cet. Quantities of flowers from tne garden of the hostess weiv used throughout tlie home and a color motif of yellow and biu- was effec tively used in the party appointments. The guests were enter'.aiac.l during tlie evening with a jig-.-aw puzzle routed in which Dr. ::i-d Mrs. Robert Stretcher were declared winners and were pre sent el attractive jr'.zos. Mr .'in! Mr-. Davis were .;- ..tid ! re. cetvin:' their guests by Mi's S. P (iav ami Mrs. J. R. Hipps The' guest list included: Dr. and Mis. N. M, Medford. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Walker, Mr and Mrs. C. M Dicus. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Haves. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker. Dr. and Mrs. Rob ert Sirotener. .Dr. and Mrs. W-ide Johnson. Dr. and Mrs S. IV (Jay Mr. ami Mrs. J k. Hipps. Mr. and Mrs. Lee hramlett. Mr. and Mrs. W D. Bramlett. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Queen, and Mrs. S. T Neil Miss Margaret Asliton. ttudvnt at . C . 1. ( .. spent last week-end with her mother, Mrs. H.F. Ashton. and hail as her guest one of her class mates. Miss Jessie Higdon. ot Irank lin. - i; bAMtU bUKE I APPEAL TO ME v " THEV :"! .: '-'1 S rvnruriir r T' . v A 14 jfrw m Tff .'rii -jj mn CAMEL'S' costlier tobatca RUTH RAY'S DRESS AND BEAU'I Y SHOP Schulhofler- 1-iuildin.g Next lo ( 'hambe.r ol ( ommerce- Beinnin? Friday, May 2(th and con tinuing through Mav We offer a number of our dresses at the following re duced i) rues: $16.50 dresses reduced to $13.85 $12.50 dresses reduced to 9.85 $ 9.85 dresses reduced to 8,00 COME IN AND MIE M)l 11 sKLE( I ION KWllA Visit eur Heautv Shop for anv work desired. We specially, invite your attention to our ringlet-end Eugene I'erma nents and facials. lor night appointments call 1 l i. K A N T KIN I Prevents runs. sna)js. breaks in silk, ravon and .chiffon hosierv-r-or lingerie One treatment lasts life of article One trial and you are convinced Guaranteed- 2."c : Guaranteed , . Mail Orders Appreciated v. M. IJurton. State Distributor, KAN I Kl N 17 Havwood Street Asneville. N. ( . I MRS. LOXC AM) MRS S1LER RE- CEl E I1LET RIPIIOXS .Mrs. J. M. Long of Ha'.tehvood was :;wanied t'r.e blue ribbon for the most j . utifu'. foimai garden and Mrs. ; K .:fus Siier received the blue ribbon j f.-r tiu mi)?-, attractive rock garden I : i: Sunday when a number of i Waynesville gardens were open to I'tae puMtc. Red riboits which donated second ; i . cc were givm to Mrs. Hary Hall for th" formal garden ami Mrs. J. P. ! Dicus for the rock garden. Honora j b!e meiition went to Mrs G. F. i.isf.on for her form ! garden and Mrs. F. E. AiKr. for her rock garden. The exhibit of gardens was spon 'red y the Garden Department of the Community Club and approxi--.nnte'.v one hundred flower lovers took advantag' of the opoortunity to view their 'loveliness. Gardens of the fol lowing were open: Mrs. Long, Mrs. Siier, Mrs. J. P. Dicus. Mrs. F. E. Alley. Mrs. Harry Hall, Mrs. G- F. Boston, and Mrs. Clayton Walker. Judges were Mrs. Ben Colkit'. Miss Nancy Killian, and Mrs. L. M. Riche. son. POPPY SALE S:iturd:iy, May 27, will lie National Poppy Day, the day set aside for the annual sale of the flower which rop-re.-ent- to the nation the valor ami patriotism of the bovs who wore the khaki. " Anurica's (lower of patriotic le membrance will be offered for sale on the streets of Waynesv'lle by a corps of young girls who will repre sent the American Legion Auxiliary of Haywood l'ost No. 17 Buv a lioiinv and belli I he di-abled "buddies" and their families. HOTEL II AYXESVII.LE TO llOl.O I FORMAL OI'EXIXC I n, i I,,., .i , , ... , i ne uiotei aviivsMiie w in tie torniallv opened on next lhursdav. June 1. A ica and open house will lie held in the afternoon from 1 to ii o clock to which the public is cordially in vi, ed. Mrs. tiiadv liovd manager of the hotel, will be assisted in re ceiving the guests bv Mrs . . Norman ot Gnfbn, Georgia. At S o'clock in the evening of the same dav Mr. and Mr-. Gradv Bovd will entertain with a bridge party to which -'approximately forty guests will lie invited. J mmmm LKE MORE f TOBACCO 5 .'i 1 f 4 V - - i : ..m-" do taste belter s5far : i .1 .-H'lXC PARTY AT I'ISCAHi CREEK A most enjoyable camping party ; was held last week-end at the camp I'll Pisgah Creek a: the foot of Pis gah Mountain. In the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Carol Bell. Mr. and Mrs. F E. Dobbins, of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell, and little Misses Carol Louise Bell and Doris Colkitt. XOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF U AYXESVII.LE LIHRARY To the stockholders of Waynesville Library Association, Inc.: You will take notice that the regular ennual inciting of the stockholders of the Waynesville Library Association will be held at the library building in Waynesville. N. C, at ten o'clock on Tuesday, June (5. l'Joo. when and where otlioers anil directors of said association will be elected and other business transacted as may come be fore said body. Alice C. Quintan, Secretary. Mr. George Rotha and Mr. June Smathers spent last week-end at Lake Lure ass the guests of friends. m A thins so priieless Vj as service cannot be Qfl iTAj iven a money valu ik at ion. Our service is never permitted to vary regardless tf the funeral's cost. fv i Garrett 5fei Funeral I Home Phone 1-W Main SI ? m Wajnesvilte, N. C, ... Announcing .1 ... The Opening Of "Belle Meade Playground" Waynesville's Recreational Center ON THURSDAY, JUNE 1st Swimming Pool lfhHs,nRl, l'l;";V-'n ! '.(lull Seasim I Klicl .; ( liild-.vS. Ivalb Sitils l'ir Kenl cir Sale. Season tiekels ,u sule by Mrs. S. I. Neil I. Mrs. I on ry I .re. Miss Gladys I Mr us.. Mis. Kliabetli Meredith and ( .'. K. V rat lielby . Tennis Courts P 13 rv.... I tea Jtoom Open Day and Sunday 1 Winners In Naming Contest 1st. M A KGAKKT HAKIMS 2nd. AKA STACY WU. HI KN .frd. M.SIK SNVDKK tlh. .1. V. WEST--- Judues:' Misses .Mildred -( rawford. and Ida Jean Jtrown and Krv. Wade Johnson. I want to thank all those taking: part in the contest, and wish that each of you could have won. C. M. DK I S .'-''''' '-. -"'' -...''- J': - BRING THE FAMILY OUT TO Belle Meade Playground and ENJOY OUR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES UR- will club May Mrs. Joseph E. Johnson. A full at:?nd is requested. unco Dr. and Mrs. J.K. McCrack 't. hav. mnvid from their home on Mai.i scvet to the Hotel Waynesville wiier,. they vil! spend the sumnur. WHEN YOU 6ET MOL.D CP IK) Q-OOOTmiNCi HAMjOMTOIT!J ' . . S WHEN you (ind a gro cery shop that pleases your judgment and your sense of the litness of things, it's a good habit to stick to -purchasing your foods in a place that is Fair and Square. We invite your continued patronage. J.C.ROSE Home Grocery Choice (J roperies I'h one SS Main St. K A'l KS Day, Kir per hour per rourl Mubl, uill be aiilioniicrd later. K rrvt liiim Gocd To I'at and Drink Open Srvrn Days A Week. Night Week Days P. M. Til ? MUSIC CLUi; TO MEET SAT DAY The Waynesville Music Club hold '.he last meeting for the year on next Saturday afternoon, 127. at ." o'clock, a: the home of A i I V

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