r i ... ; r I 'l-.tl ( . lar.J a r t X-.. iti;. l.V W -t . -uU'.hei-t-'; ih;-n.ce t'tr: tr a .-.(-;i;rf xv-n :. t; Ka,-- Ill ornc-r (f tb :".! '15. -.iv-- jjHURSDAY, MAY 2 1933 THE WAYKESVILLE MOQNTAINEEK Page T ati 2..1 i. Si- j New Auditorium at Jr. Order Home l T r O'1 increase in Number Seeking Relief In April MARRIAGE LICENSES - Haywood County Ranks 2Sth In State In Decrease Over Previous Month toiKm:e Vbove is pictured the beautiful new Sam F. Vance auditorium. of the National Jr Order Home, at Lexington, wnicn win oe iormanv prt- ntcd to the National Council by North Carolina Juniors on May 30th. JUNIORS TO PRESENT VANCE AUlillUlUUlH Al LALfNUIUrV xercies at National Junior Order Home on May 30th; Plans Are For All-North Carolina Day, Graham to Speak 1 lAi'iir'on. Mav 24. Juniors ot jtfth Carolina will on luesaay, jiay "10h formallv present the handsome Vw Sim F. Vance auditorium, high Ar..! building and gymnasium, re cert'v ( impleteil at the Junior Order jj-.,ti. "-i' Orphans Home here, to the Na- -na' Council of the Order in v hat iiXeeted to be one of thebigge-t : in Juniorism in the State ;n v veins- an- for- the presentation and ac Ytwc of the structure will make . M'-North Carolina day. The ..II J'.... 1. - lilli,.r ..f ling rt'.is paiu iui us . :'n Carolina through small asse-s- vrr a nei iuu ui ui .1 it Nortn North i a l - , Carolina Carolina ft n.-i.. designed ny ,..,;...! built bv a A . uinir Carolina lab-),- and itr :ar a . i ,i . . .1 ..... t t-('J possible, liirii'iiia i ij C Si-k, ot Warsaw, s..ue -j-r--i!or, will jiresiile at the exercise. . i.ii,iin.r will be nres.'i UM ta. the ... -i t... t t H-inilin. i n .1 Lounen oy llievanl, state councdi-r. It wil tfcented on behalf of the National im.l b I tha.l . I: H.ew . ident of Meredith College ual . v.,t;.,Mi I ''iiiin'ilor oi illi. wno 'S . ..... Urder- Cruet aiunes.-, ui -'-e . he made by A. H. Grah.nn, : f Jillsbon). : lieu.'n.m s-'-' - th Carolina, wno win e i" x (,umu P H(od SMt u.m sr,.,et of banks, who is a.o Mate of the Order, i ne e.M t-- levcn oclitck in -ire I as.uier 1 begin at for tin wt ot in over :-n;i - .-ifternoim will be '.'Pn itiun and inspection of the build and grounds of the Hoiw: At I'cl.ock, the Junior Home baseaall ill e ngage in a ball game. nek in the evening a pro interest to. Juniors will be the new auditorium, pre tty Charles W- fsnyuer, Salem, pu.-t state counciioi. Wilmeth- of Philadelphia, Council secretary, will do ve i- an address and trviv ' I , ! interesting feiitures. The new building is named in honor -;-,, V- Vane.'- of Kcrnersville, ho for forty years has devoted hmi !f untiringly to the work of Juniors North Carolina, serving in his m st ite secretary. Ot semi- ign, the buildiivt i; a mio.;. Harmonizing in construe- architceture with omei at the plant, is the k?t moilemism for institutions type. The large auditorium it 'over 1-000 and contains a dunked bv dressing room:-. aritv -nia) de; i autv. !1 age, stage . will be belli many, ol . , ii 7,,-mal activities, of trie . Hmr siich exercises ,is are !iiilatiin for May "Oth. im will also be available luMie nue.ing of -North i s ,a. h as State ,-t nu etings. and is i-ii intensively, in ;h i ast wing high- school i vnnstruction i : wimr are a : :-.". ts UiiMtr.it iv.. .V) :i; in- on the grounc in: economic: and --' departments file- latest e in The for Carolina Council and expected to this respect. of the building 'are class rooms ot up- knd design, in. s tutlv hall: and ;l I i kt .ht ; floor are domestic fully equipped miiitnu nt of such ,(le- merit's.: To the rear ot- tne.-e did uvmnasium, -55 by 100 fett. hi a lequite f cilitu- foi iial dtvelopment of the Horn? nu. The building is f t n'iuition, has 2'.,000 feet of snaee- and cost etruippc-d, . S10U, Kaeh Junior in North t arolma 2 IH over a neriod of thre2 - in the erection of the fine me- . M.Shuford is superintendent of ii-nu- and has ably directed its i , since constructii.-i ot the plant :. in re some years ago. There . -w 2.t0 children in the Home. 12 f SS50.000.00, a t.iu! campus of 25. acres, and Plans are that of the home ds of 2l0 acres, u.timate capacity !e. 1 000 children. : : u-arJs of Juniors, their families : nends from every part of North . i. ; are expected to be present ne presentation. Centrally lo i tne Home is easi'v m reach -f Junior of the state, paved vays converging into Lexington very, direction. Spring has -'"' its mantle on the Home cam and the place has never been ' autiful. It is the hope of the e on presentation that eveiy 'ii in the State will be repre d by one or more member at Beer Revenue In State Not Large Raleigh, N. C. Furthe itr.n: ovenients are indicate,! in the percentage of N'i rtii Carolina .n,i: vi.lua'.s who are dependent upon re lief, according to statistics given out bv the (iove:nor' Ortico of Relief. lu:ing the month of March. SlO.liM m.iividuals were aided as compare! with t'lito.odo in April, a decrease from 25 percent of the entire populati t. to a little more than 21 per cent. These figures are computed on the basis of 5 persons to the family, plus the number of non-fami'.y poisons aided. During April lMS.OMl families were aide.) and T.StiS non-family per sons dating March, a decrease of about lti per cent. The number of destitute persvms aided in Haywood county during April together with the percentage of the population, as compared with March, follows: March 2S.8; Apiil 15.1). This County ranked 2,Sth in the State $18,000 Has Keen 'Collected By State On Beer Revenue, Ofiicial Saws. SmilixiXliarlie S&9 RALEIGH. The revenue collect cd so f:.r by the -tate department ofj revenue from beer amounts to only ?4S.S;!S and has been derived almost exclusively from the sale of distrib utors' licenses to wholesalers and retailors- and to salesmen, according to figures just made public by C. Stedman Thomas, deputy coiiinus doner of revnue. Of this total of $4S.S:18 collected so far, ?42-S7S has been derived entirely from the sale of dealers license and only So.'.iCi from the state tax on beer itself. Thompson explained. This amount was collected entirely from unli censed distributors bringing beer into the state from other states, and hence was collected as the beer was br. light in. Mr. Thompson pointed out. Since the tax collected on the sale of leer at the rat? of $." a barrel 1 and 1 cent a bottle, is hot due and col lectable until 10 days after the close of the month for which the tax is due there . will no way of knowing how much this tax amounts to until after June 10. Thompson said. ''Under the state beer rtTjuTation law. the retailors-must buy from li-cen-ei distributors ami the distribu tors must be bonded to a -sure the pay ment of the tax to-'the state, which they collect from the retailers in the purchase price of the beer," Thomp son said. "The law also provides that-this .'tax shall be paid by the 10th of each month for the preceding month. So the distributors have until June 10 before they wil! have to pay the stat? tax. on the beer so! , with the exception of. the amount w col lect, here and there, from unlicensed distributors.' Since there '..s absolutely r. way ) cst'mate the amount' of .beer or the amount of tax collected dn beer - il 1 so far in North Caneina. Thomp. so.i would not attempt to inak- my istimate as to the amunt of revenue that will be derived 'from the sale of ate.'. He believes that most ' of the :iov:ise,s for ;lv distribu' i t,i and sale of beer hay? already been sold. : ;ie exercise here. While -food ami . l'r.'shm-.mts will be sold at the' Home uii-ng th-.day. those attending are urged to bring their own luncbe- and t i spend' the entire day. The pe p!e of Lexington join the officials ami children at the Home in eXteiiiling an .vilation to every North Car-.'diif.iin 1.) raiticipate in tile over's of : : he ty here. WTK silent man never makes any1 promises Ke ca' keep' FOR SALE A 7-Room furnished bunga low and three and one-ninth acres of level cleared land. Lo cated on Highway No. 10. at Ha.elvvood where railroad crosses highway. Outbuildings and house thoroughly painted. Nice lawn, lots of "shrubbery and young fruit trees. Double rock garage, and a 1.50 foot drilled well at porch with double-action pump. This is a real buy. If inter ested see or write S. S. L. Smith Owner Vvaynesville Route One GLAD I OLA Planting Time We have any color you desire 50 varie ties to select from GOOD BLOOMING SIZE BULBS Doz. Bulbs 60 Bulbs 350 Bulbs 25c $1.00 $5.00 Expert Planting Service Reasonable 1 Kirchhoff's Gladiola Farms SEE OR WRITE W. L. BOYD LAKE JUNALUSKA, N. C. Wil: Smathers and Ellen Louise, coii red. both of Cant-on. Wiley Cald vei!. ef Crabtree and Mattie Souther !.:r..i. of L-ciester. John C .ement, of Maggie and Virginia McKr.tire. of Canton. a: Truck Turned Oyer Near Clyde Tuesday 'S -':v.i time Tuesday .. truck loaded '..th acid wood cn r.m:e to Canton maiie the t u r n ,,a : Morgan's this side of Clyde, and There were three ocVU- ' 'he tint k, but none of them !iiure,i, it was reported. None of :h names of the occupants ".' the truck, or the owner could be 'aimed h-re yesterday. The truck was damaged considerably Ills eke.!- w ARVXn.ASCE MAKE THIS 25c TEST I've never owned a Pierce Arrow, Nor a tine ten tube radio. I've never had a diamond ring Nor the dress suit I wante 1 so. Wines or champagne in profusi on Were never intended for me. Abundance such as these, sometimes A man's drer.ms often be. lUit these are things I have haul: H'.ue Aprils, all gold with sun. Tasty tiout caught from mountain brooks. Deep sleep when my work was done. A friend's cheerful word when 1 was blue. ISesr of all 1 did not miss A little b've of the right kind And luscious lips to kiss. What else can a man do. I ask, Wi h abundance other than this? Physic the bladder as you would the bow.es. Drive out impurities and ex cessive acids that cause irritation burning and frequen desire. Get a 25c test box of BU-KETS, the bladder physic, from any drug stoie. After four days if your are not relieved of getting up nights go back and get I your money. HL'-lvETS, containing ! i,n ..Km !., -'.,.- .,o -..to .-..v,,u lll('l.-t 1U, VII.,, i.lLCl pleasant and effectively on the blad-doj- similar to castor oil on the bowels. If you art' bothered with backache, or leg pains caused from bladder disor ders you aiv bound to feel better after this cleansing and you get your regu lar sleep. "The Waynesville Pharmacy, says lU'KETS is a best seller." adr. Miss Edith Long left yeMavda..- for re hntor.d- Virginia where she will l it her aunt, Mrs. S L. ' omlinson. Before returning to her home at I.:ik Jum.luska Mi-s Long will also visit, in V ashington, D. C. "What did that traffic officer say you?" "1 don't know," answered Mr. uiggins. "1 was so busy saying e , sir.' that I couldn't hear him." Want Ads FOR SALE One Huiek f. Touring car. A 1 condition. Now tires. Iiargain. See C. N Allen, Hazel-wood- or call -IS. June2c Ambition the Curse of Mankind? Read the Conclusions Drawn by a Distinguished Scientist in an Article in The American Weekly, tfce Maga zine Distributed with Next Sunday's Baltimore American. Buy Your Copy from Your Favorite Newsboy or News, dealer. Use This Laxative made from plants Thedford'a Br. ack-Dravoht la made from plants that grow In the ground, like the garden vegetables you eat at every meal. N ATI' KK has put into these plums an active nie.lleliio (lint stimulates the tumvls to net Ju-jt as Nature put' the tna-ti-rl.ils that sustain your body Into the vi'etahte fooils you eat. In Hlack-nrauntit you have n tmtu rnl laxative, free from aynthi'tle Inora. Its use does not make you havi- to ilepeml on cathartic ehemli'iil tiroes to K''t thi- liowels to net daily. .Vote now cum ort fthck-l)rtiutht irt the form of i SYHUI'. for Ciiii.liituN. Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the System is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are under milling your vitality? Purify your entire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs, once, or twice n week for several weeks and see how Nature rewards you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by acti vating the liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels. In .10 cts. aud 35 cts. packages. All dealers. (Adv.) SUMMER SCHOOL Will Open Monday All Those Desiring To Take Courses Are Reiiested Get In Touch With Me At Once 'GEOMETRY LATIN ALGEBRA Mrs. Kellell To WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go If you ftx'l sour and flunk and the world l.ioka punk, don't swallow a lot of salts, tmni'ral water, oil, laxattvt randy or chewing Kum and expert them to make you suddenly swtt and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they ran't do it. They only move the Imwt'la andn nuro movement doesn't Ret at the cause. The reaaon for your down-and-out ft'eling ia your livwr. It should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile U not Mowing freely, your food dotiii' t digest. It juMt decays in the bowels; (us hi o& La up your stomach. You have a thtrk, bad tate and your breath is foul, kin often breaks Out in bUmishea, V'our head uclien and you feci down and out. Your whlf Hystcro is poisoned. It taken those gootl, old CARTER'S l.ITTLK l.IVKK 1MLUS to get thtaa t7.-) pounds of bite (lowing freely and make you lei:! "up and up." They contain wonderfu' hurmlifts, gt'iittr vegetable extracts, amuzir. when it cornea to making the bilo Ilow freely Hut don't BHk forliverpill. Ask for barter's Little J.ivef l'llla, look for the name Carter Little Liver Tills on the red label. Henent a substitute 2 Sc. at all atorea. 11.1K M. Co. It List Your Properfy and Give in Your Poll DURING MA Y A f mm, Ity Will Be Imposed AH property owners and taxpayers in Haywood County are required to return to the List Taker for Taxation for the year 1933 all the Heal Estate Personal Property, etc., which each one shall own on the first day of April or shall be required to tfive in then. AH male persons between the affes of 21 and 50 years are to list their poll during the same time. All persons who own property and fail to list it and all who are liable for a poll tax and fail to give themselves in will be deemed guilty of a misdemean or and upon conviction fined or imprisoned. CHAS. C. Tax FRANCIS, Supervisor, i i '." i I it .1' I !

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