THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MAY 25 O. 1h Local Girls Are Contestants In National Contest (Bo in (ftljurrft uttiaij Page 8 Wayncsville Girls Are Trying To Win A University Scholarship A judging committee of three na tionally prominent ho me economies authorities will meet in ( 'hicago on May to pick the winners in the tenth annual n uional meal story con test in which aie eiuereil the home economics students of tin- Wayncsville Township High School under tin di leetion of their instiuctor, Miss Louise Edwards. Wayncsville Kills entered in this Contest have heen attracted by the opportunities for winning a univer. sity scholarship which will go lo the writer of the be-t essay on meat in each district. At the same time, it is said, they have found that their preparation for the contest has been of much value to them in their elass 100m studies of this food product. The event is sponsored hy the National Live Stock and .Meat Hoard. High interest centers in the selec tion of the Pid.'l national champion, last year this honor went to Miss June Keopke of Klmore, Minn., her essay being on the subject, "Why We hat Meat. ' inncrs in evorv stale are to he selected in addition to the national and district winners. An nounccme:u of all winners' will be made shortly after the judges convene. The score card to be used by the judges is as follows: Subject matter of story, -10 points; method of pres entation, .'10 points; neatness, 15 points; and recipes, 15 points. It is said that students from 5.'!('i high schools in 17 states are entered in this year's contest and that more than 100,000 students have participat ed in the contest since its inception. Veterans' Craves To Be Decorated With Flags 30th (Cantinucd from Page 1) Gravis other than those in Crcir. Hill cemetery to be decorated are: Fred Mathis, Plott cemetery, Forest 1!. Moody, Jonathan'-; Creek. I ! a Jones. Delhvood cenitery. Thomas l. atherwood and Crawl'urd Ilui'icss, Maple Grove .Private Green, Iluchanan Grave yard. Keeoynition will be made to ihf memory of Killiail McCiure, who is. buried in 1' ranee... Workers Can Be Secured From The Relief Department Fred Ferguson Is Encouraged Over (hardens Thai Charily Families Have Planted v, ..w Ay , x i I Am Q- if ''A !;! ' s"? m (Asm" f iis h crash,- c, M-m. ,;-S;T WWE 'k lapsed near San Clemente, Call- 1?- f V ffit$t&hut fra - 'mmftTvt forma, carrying to destruction 3 t3fjS.--& Mayor Murphine's $50,000.00 tyfcp.. jM pi ww 'jjjjjl mansion. y- 'Tif 0 ;; 1 w . 1 M StW Wtl fy'rARM BREW Ijj Jf ' , C C .S3, C .. KIDNAPPED CHILD RETURNS! ' iii 4 Is! ;; ' i tix n Jol...- $60,000 ransom brought Peggy Mc- j h if : : ? .v , " '' t.oloiaa... Math. 10. back to parents. Police nab- ( rf . .3 ! 4 ; lcy' , 0 " ' bed Kenneth (left) and Cyril Buck, ! . ,i i f ?;' J; Talmadc brothers, and recovered the money. 1 ' : ! -, c t"2"9'a. a-. J . &f . ; a r long state exd I :: ) , W f cutives w 1 1' i !" rj es. Roosevelt to Klli " ' V.' i! fSf :- 3 ICOll 0 '-ja 3 0 . 0 1 3 I) - i 11 bill, Which 1 :iS $ ' :' .:Wj'!fe: : ? i; ii;ltf j J;- 1 would rics Mi.i, . r. j costs, increas W r? v i v 83 . v 1! rVA'.sr METHODIST CHURCH Kv. Wade Johnson, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45, classes for a! HKSS. 11 a. m., A Sunday School Day i'r -Ki'ani. 1-e .e;ue 7:15. ! m.. sennon-suoject, "The Mid ::'.ht Melody." !!A7J-:iAY()()l) rUhSUYTLIUA.X CHURCH Hev. O. C. Lundrum. Pastor. Sunday School, 10 o'clock. Morninjr servici-. 10:40 o'clock. Junior, Intermediate and Senior ' sjii'i-s, 7:15. 1 he Vacation liible School at the azlwoo(l Presbyterian church will ir.inue each afternoon this week, '.tendance is. averatfintr about. 70. :t closing; exercises will be held Sun day niffht at 7:45. A special invita tion is extended to the parents to-be present for the exercises. Mr. Sloop, who is in charge of the school, will conduct the morn;:. -vice at the church which 1 -10:40 o'clock. FIRST BAPTIST Rev. H. , Baucom, pastor J Sunday school, 9:45. W. (. . superintendent. ,5iorni:sif Wjr-hii). 1 1 :o0. 0:30 all B. Y. P. U.'s of chuu,. .. Evi nine; AVurship 8:00 o'cl . ... Mid-week prayer service 7::ju r.esday. I I'RESUYTKRl.W CHURi 11 ' Dr. K. P. Walker, pastor. BiF le School 0:45 a. ni. Sermon 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. Mid-week prayer service, Wed, day S p. m. bow colors that can only be painted by nature. The new road will mo through an area that just missed the woodman's axe, for only a few miles south of S(,co Gap and the proposed highway just outside the park area, are hun dreds of acres that have been stfip pe 1 of giant hemlock and spruce. But louie, lor nere virifin spruce ami ne lock still survive. ('rvstnl jh'nflnic irpnd tlif.if ,'lloni thrt hifrhwav jm(l thp rhinliuti (Iron and laurel dot the wayside stead of the billboards that are numerous on other highw.ivs in t state. READY FOR SIMM FU SPORTS A whale's eve view of Maureen O'Nullivan on her c(iiadane. I.ella llyanis islarls her dailv doen et .1.2. Ann St. (oorge tries pedal ping pong, and (hat's orna Ilillie going pedal iiiolormg. ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW ATTENDED BY LARGE CROWD (Continued from page 1) Fi-e.i Ferguson.- director- of relief of this county, am ounce I this wi ck that the widfar- departn-. 'nt ean--sup.-' ply Workers l'u;,!n.. tVP" of '. . i . - 1 i . . . i i uoi,. i i .ao, ihiviiiu: wi rk tn be ilone. loininai mg. ( lyde Kay. Jr.. ,., mil Anvoii,. wi.l.iii,.- ,,, ,.nm!,,v u,nt-,..- noiioraoie mention, .Miss Alice Uiim- shonb! call l:;.; an I oitli-r ' M r l:nl: 'li'i'---t". display of pielhcm-. A! ' tr,i..u , . v.; ; ...;n ' I-"'!::', cents; linesi d -olav -be glo! fan:,,, 'anvoue u-S'tli' wi.rk-H T1 '.."1,in- U,K-Vll!!, U Ti, i - ' -, , , , cenls; Inn di-plav oi c;. a ",a . '"; '!Wti!,-m. Wlih Ahvm ,, :,r,iV(;. niinia.ure bouquet. ,M rs. .1 . M. for tl'e comoen-atinn, The we!f:M- ,.,. ,, ,,,,!; iinest didav of -low. lepartiiH-iit n .- i oliim;; ,io d, wit:, i;. m. eobn b. foie.' M. it was sanl. , . ; Ulcus ?d ; honor ."dc no-nl i, oi. l.owry Mr. 't'rsj'U ;on state tiia h-- was .Weaver: b:-t i i : ' : t lo v enc)jr.;.i:i.;l lA'er gardt -ns di i lvtv. the -1 utiin j- (laulen clidi. !;..! . ; -1 : t i i : In i n ' ;d':r.'t; ei I .! v I'ainilie-s. who h.'ive. I '.'. -nian , . 1 ; : e.'i :ti.l, V-i .: .lie' lei., been' depending (in chai i:y. The ina-. :'ii' mils: most alt i ive an I nvo-! jority l - ;lii families : !ia: have been i'lactical tiii d h.uise- Billy -Phillip,, iSl ; on the ii -t c d'dmr liv-ii-iiii to iii-,- lu'-d disidily V' v. d 1 . ,.ll:.vv ,'-'. ',:,: ; . duci- fo-id uuirs- t hat wil' h.'i n them this wir.n i". :Mr, 'Ferg'uso'h stati'd.-. In M v.tbe r u-i:i . c aoproxim :t ..dy 5(11) t':;milie: t'iiat wi!l recidve help throught the welfaie di-partmeut. Fast , winter tiu r.' were as many a. 500 families during one nionth... A RKTTER WAY I think I kr:ov a oetter w.-.y When friends and neighbors gather. Than sit 'and-while the hours away In s;!ly,. frivilous chatter. ."'. furnishing an ideal drive on a mod ern highway of asphalt Which will' be of a rougher, texture than that of Highway N'o. 10 to insure against skidding-, it will furnish a never-to-be-forgotten drive f beaut v in the siuing the forests of the Ureal Smok ies will just begin to turn green which is always a .picture of rare beauty. But still liner is the summer when : II 1 In- (lowers and. trees are ill full bloom .in, I iWi Aii. I ilwm ,i-;il SIH-lll,.- '..,,..,. ....1 C.ll I , HIVII -..III I OHIO - . i : 1 "i . Jan. in lie .mi ,, i ., i 1 1,... ...i r,?. . ihuj tin mi- niiuis ui..t ne l SAFETY- FIRST- LAST- AL WAYS New York Life Insurance Co. Has been in business 88 years Has assets of two billion dollars Has paid to policyholders one bill ion dollars in dividends When you think of INSURANCE think of New York Life Insurance Go. SPECIAL KEFKESENTxVTIVES HI GH J. SLOAN Waynesville, N. C. R. I). COLEMAN, ML Canton, N. ('. l-aidlv Siler and lliisehime Swifl. .S'J; sivoiid, Antla. ( 'atli,.-. :. - ( on, rj. ''The"judges' We.:e M I . l.ylc .loiles, Aslievidc; M rs. Waller hiinitofl, ( in um; and M:s. 11: i ;-t, w.ivnes ville, . - I think I know a way to pass The stranger, in the gates ; .Without a. .-tare, for thai ah si I may have, hurt my native state. Strangvf.s judge us by the way we look ; Iri'.o thi ir open face, Our f jc: shoulij. be. an o'pen book That time, cannot erase. The welcome -'-to the ones; who come To look our section o'er, Of course we do not want the bum; . But ne do wan, the doer. And welcome they will sur-.1 expect If we can have them here. Iit's be polite, show them respect. Our town they will revere. J. M. NKWTOX, : Bluofield, Va. Question: How i many dahlia stalks should be left and how should the plants be cultivated ? Answer: Leave only one strong stalk. All others that come up from the root should be removed. All beds should have deep cultivation until the plants begin to bloom after which the' cultivation should be very shallow, a heavy straw mulch can be used in place of the shallow cultivation after blooming. Survey Of Soco (Jap Road Is Completed! - - (Continued from page 1) Jackson county. Onlv abtiut one- iouitii ot a mile, as it goes into; Chorokee., will lie in Swain county. L.xemption ol the. Soco Gap road from the reorganization committee bill in the past General Assemblv 'o prohibit construction of anv new high ways with .State funds in North Caro lina for two years, was hailed as an action of inestimable value in Jackson, Haywood, Swain, and other counties m and near thL park area. Plan lounst (.amp The proposed Hat ( reek tourist camp, which is scheduled to be the (.real Smoky Mountains National largest high country camp in the park, is located about six miles north east of Soco (lap and will be reached bv a road within the park area. The elevation of the camo site and Soco Gap is about the same. The average elevation at the proposed camp is 4,- o lU !e'.. At Cherokee, the Soco Gan road will intersect with State Highway N'o. KJi, which leads lrom Lla, an Hitrh- way No. 10, to N'ewfound Gap, on the North ( arolina-Tennessee State line and in the heart of the Great Smokies Tourists and travelers m North Carolina and many other states will welcome the completion and operating of the Soco Gap highway, besides I ' ; AT THESE FEATURES f&7 jMd : ;: : ! 1 t!'!! I ii 7 El H : : i 1 v - , '. ': -'V-' v ; ' 1 . 1.11 I 11 I Unquestionably, vou will want ! -T J U& UhIIIJ m to see Majestic FIRST. :COfn ' I iii 1 Get all that Majestic offers! 3y4.5U j l?S!lfflj 1 rf3?? ll j : Don't be content with less. : ; . jL; tT. ' " " iiiim j See the neiv models today. . RE FRIG 'ERATO RS Massie Ftirmitare Company PHONE 33 WAYNESVILLE, NY C.

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