Page 8 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933 Hazelwood Downs Bleacherites, 17-3 (Continued from pape 1) and Burrell also collected three hits ach. "Curley" Price was back in the game and hit two triple lor three tries. Rice and V. Morton led Saylea bit ters, getting three safeties each. Hazelwood will play Beacon Mills on the local field Saturday at 3:30. HAZELWOOD AB RUE Glen Wyatt, If 2 1 0 Fisher, 2b 5 2 3 1 Bun ell. ss 5 2 3 0 Robinson, lb. ... 5 ' ' 0 A. Wyatt, cf 4 1 3 i) Price, c I 2 ? Proves:, 3b 3 2 1 0 Putnam, p .5 2 2 0 K.;ykendall, rf - 4 I '' 0 Powers, (Z), p 1 0 'J 0 41 17 21 1 SAYLES Landreth, 3b. . McAbee, 2b. . . J. Cook. c. W. Morton, if. . Rice. V. Morton, cf. . . E. Cook, lb. .. Kma, If Brown, 15. Davison. (7.. p. :o pitch in Sth. AB R H E 5 0 0 0 5 ,0 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 3 0 4 1 1 0 .3 0 10 ... .3 il 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 .... 1 0 0 0 'ii. p io i o 38 3 13 1 (Z) Went in for Connor in 7th (ZZ) went in for Brown in 6th. (ZZZ) Went in for Cook in 0:h c-vw 000201 003 Hazehvoo.l 010-030-1300 JV101: ORDER VSITED AMERI CA X MEM AX ICS Mil-. every Tuesday night at S o'clock- All visiting Juniors are welcome to all meetings. Way nesvjlle Council No. 373. Waynesville Council No. 373, metin the lodge room over the First Na tional Bank in regular session Tues day, May 30. S n. m- Officers -were , elected for the ensuing term of six months, as follows: W. H. Burgin, Councilor; E It. Eiisley, Vice Coun cilor; John Boyd, Assistant Recording Secretary; Hardy Liner, Jr.- Chap lain; To'.n Smith. "Warden; Clarence Barnes,' Conductor; Sum Galloway, Outside Sentinel; J. II. Barnes, Inside Sentinel. The other officers continuing in office for the year were; J. R. Boyd, Trucs( o ; W. T. Meliall'cy, Treasurer ; V. A. Burgin, Financial Seereary, and W. A. (irahl. Recording Secretary. A band of musicians were present and furnished delightful music. They were Clarence Barnes, harmonica; Gudger Davis, 1 guitar; Arthur Shc-han- banjo; Jim Shchan, violin. The music vas greatly enjoyed. . The Wayncsville Junior Order has a membership of 260. PAT- Medium Sort Of In-Between. Tariffs" Needed, 10-Year-Old Girl Tells Roosevelt Eat and Be Yourself. How our Meals Affect Wir Character and Ii position Is Belated by a Distinguished Scientist in T he A miincan Weekly, Iho Magazine Distributed With Next Sunday's Baltimore American. Buy our Copy From oiir Favorite News dealer or Newsboy. PHILADELPHIA W hat lO-ycar-old Anne Caner thinks this country needs i. "medium sort of in-between taritl's," and she's the proud possessor of documentary .evidence, that the Roosevelt Administration agrees with her. : Tariff-, which she has reading about in school, kept A 'ire awake nights m, she wrote to President Roosevelt about them. -She .'received a reply May 22 ft oin Sidney . Morgan, secr.o Uiiy of the Tarilf Commission, calling hi r a irood citizen and telling her lot.- about the vexing pnddem. I he letter "was -accompanied o a stack of books and pamphlets whi'.-h Arine intends to read "as soon as I .et a dictionary." Tolling Anne that her 'medium sort of in-between" taritl's are "just what we are all l.oking for," Secretary Moryan -aiu losing sleep over the subject is "nothing to, be alarmed about." "Many older people have had the same experience," "ho wrote. Anne's letter, which neither of her parents knew she had written, began: "I am 10 years old ami I'm in the :!t'th grade. 'At the school I go to we have weeklyreaders. Ill one of them I read about tariffs. "I haven't slept very well because they're all I can think of.: Now I 11 begin. If we have high tariffs, busi ness will become worse. On the other ' h:ind, if we have . low tariffs every country will be trading and . things LEGAL BLANKS for SALE AT The Mountaineer Office Deeds of Trust Chattel Mortgages Warranty Deeds State Warrants Civil Summons will In- better, but! Soon the countries wild lie 'wanting to trade but can';, why? Because they all will have. the same things to There! What will be done then'.' Bt!--ine-s will be ,rso than ever. "I think medium sort of -in-bet sve; -i. tarics ought to, lie had.'.' What dy you ihiiik? ( Via may think this letter th funniest thing in th; world rut f mean business. ) "Your humble.' "rva u.r . "Anne ' 'an.-. . 'I', S. Hoping to hear vou in the future." . Cinnamon Toati is Tea-Time Variation By Jane Rogers "Doesn't that soprano have a large repertoire " "Yes. ami tnat dress she has en makes it look worse." Copper Weekly. Relax Tense "NERVES" t -'v.'..' -t ' .v'.'- M .e?:A .-VSV1 WHEN a frieiul cr two drops Ii unannounced and informally at tea time, do not be alarmed it the cookie jar is empty and tli- cako box vacant. Cinnamon toast Js one of the most delicious accom paniments to the hospitab'a afternoon cup of tea and the materials f o t it are always In. the kitchen. Sugar, too, in x highly efilcient quick enorcy food and tl;p ctveet browned coating will Kiipply frcsii vigor for the re?t of tho day'B work. If tlio children arc at home, cin namon toast with a t'lsis o" uihk will mp.le a wholesome and nour- Isliing afternoon snack, and they'll iove it. This is the w-ay I have always made it: Cinnamon Toast Cut and toast slices of bread.' Spread them with butter and1 'sprinkle generously with a mixture cf .cinnamon and sugar two -tablespoons of cinnamon to the cup of sugar. Tlace the slices in the oven close to the flame. When the sugar has melted r and bubbles, slightly, remove the toast from the; oven and cut. off the crusts. I Los.i of . Sleep, Crankiness, Headache, Neuralgia, Indiges tion . a : i cl Fatigue-' arc common Jesuits of over-work and nerve train. ; Miss Ruth. Sheets, a charming Michigan school' teacher says: "1 7:iv .taken your Nerv ine during my college work end d hen l cict those lierv- oils .'is after a hard day's tt :v!' ; ;.. Tain sending 'my moth c . -!r me I o you. Will yo.ii .pi-ate 'send her a trial ' ;")ncK':;;v';" - ' Kola.': your tense nerves with tho ''same re liable-medicine Miss; Sheets found so effective.. Get it at yenr drug store. Large bctile $1.00 Small 2jc. Money back if you arc not, . satisfied. Western Railroad Ready To Try Out Motor Train To Do 110 Miles An Hour CHICAGO. With a revolutionary type of railroad train borrowing its design from the airplane -nd the streamline automobile, and capable of a top speed of 110 miles an hour and a sustained speed of 90 miles, the Union Pacific Railroad hopes to win back lost traffic to the rails. In plans announced today this rail road verified rumors extant for some time that the I'il people were putting their heads together to develop some thing radically new in the .vay of equipment, and that the new train has been developed to the point, it wa- said in the announcement, where its construction can begin at once and i: can be put into service within six months. The whole train, which nm-isU of lhre cars hinged together into a long tubular rocket-shaped train which ' k.. like it is nade of one piece, is described as weghing no more than a regular type Pullman car. Its con. struction is to be of aluminum or a light-weight stainless steel, the shape streamlined to avoid unnecessary wind1 resistance so maximum speed can be attained at minimum effort. A 600-horse-pr,wer internal combustion en gine, located in the front car. will give the power. Completely equipped with modern roller bearings and with liberal use oT rubber in the trucks and probab'y a new type of resilient wheel, ths train is designed to ride smoother than anything yet known. Being complete ly sealed, cooled in summer and warm ed in winter by an air conditioning system, it will furnish travel comfort par excellence. Present plans' do not include sleep ing facilities, although they will be included in trains to be designed later, i' ir said- The first tiain is to lie uvo on daylight runs on parts of the Chi cago to California route. To get the full .effects of streamil.. ing, which is carried to a further t. tent than has ever been attempted either in this country or Europe, ac cording to the announcement, all de vices such as headlights, tail lights whistles, hells, etc.. are reeofscv'l into the body, and windows are flush with the t rain. MARRIAGE LICENSES Although there are three ci. there are but four sets of truck-. r at the front and one at the rea- S" two others in between the co thus saving weight and r. ; cost of maintenance. A Laxative that costs only ltf or less a dose NEXT TIME you need medii i:. to act on the bowels, try Th- ; fnH'o rtl.iel--nmui:ht. It l.rii.. quick relief and is priced wi-:..; . reach of all. Iilack-Draught ; I one of the least expensive lav.. 1 tives that you can find. A 25-e- :. package contains L'o or more cos. -Refreshing relief from constipa tion troubles for only a cent c : less a dose that's why thousand of men and women prefer Th.ji; ford's Black-riraugbt. MAKE THIS 25c TEST I , I Physic the bladder as you would t: bowleg. Drive out impurities and e cessive acids that cause irritation burning and frequent desire. Get a 25c test box of BU-KETS, the bladder physic, from any drug store. After four days if your are not relieved of getting up nights go back and get your money. BU-KETS, containing buchu leaves, juniper oil, etc., aet pleasant and effectively, on the blad der similar to castor oil on the bow If you are bothered with backache, leg' pains caused from bladder diso! ders you arP bound to feel better aft this cleansing and you get your reg.. lar sleep. "The Waynesville Pharmacy, sa BURETS is a best seller." adv Harrison Hall, Canton and Mabel Hoglan, Canton. ; Fred L. Medford, Crabtrce and Pauline . Davis, Crabtrce. Ueyd P. Holland, and Mrs, Vivian Gragg,. Canton.;. XOTICE The 'partnership' heretofore exist ing between W. C. Russ and P. D. Deaton, owner of the Waynesville Printing Company, was dissolved May 2.'J.' 1933. . W. C. RUSS. Want Ads FOR m BAT ttf REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jeifeivon E' Owens, trustee, to North. Carolina .Mortgage Co., 1 lot, Beaverdam township.- J, A. McGee and -wife to Blanche Haley Prcssley, 5 lots, Beaverdam township. L. C. Clark and wife to A, II, Dot son, 2 lots. Beaverdam. Glenn Moore and wife to Bob Clark, and wife, tract, Beaveram. I rank Nichols and wife to James Swangcr, 1 lot, Beaverdam. Ion A. Venture, Inc., to Ada M. I"c::enrod. 1 lot, Beaverdani. A. V- Jpyner and wife to W. G. Cole and wife, 1 lot, Beaverdam. J. R. Sheffield and wife to A. C. Grant and wife, 2 tracts, Pigeon township, B; H. and W. J. Blaylock and wife to H. E, Blaylock and wife, '7.34 acres, Pigeon township. J. R. Carswell and wife to Ellis Setzer and wife, 1 acres, Waynes ville township. Samuel C. and Virginia Welch to A. J. Rose, 3-4 acre, Waynesville township. Harold S. Graham and wife to J. W, Ray, 1 lot, Waynesville township. Ellen Messer to Alice Bramlett, 40 ocres, White "Oak township. FOR SALE A 7-Room furnished bunga low and three and one-ninth acres of level cleared land. Lo cated on Highway No. 10. at Hazelwood where railroad crosses highway. Outbuildings and house thoroughly painted. Nice lawn, lots of shrubbery and young fruit trees. Double rock garage, and a 130 foot drilled well at porch with double-action pump. This is a real buy. If inter ested see or write S. S. L. Smith Owner Waynesville Route One ALK-One Buick 0 Touring .-nr. '--A 1 condition. New tires. Bargain. See C. N- Allen, Hazel wood o,. call -IS. June2c Renew Your Health By Purification Any. physician will tell you tl.:,; "Perfect Purification of the Svstoi. is Nature's Foundation of Perl'. Health." Why not rid. yourself . ' . ch'rouic ailments that are nn.. r liiining your vitality? Purify y- entire system by taking a them.: ;'! course of CaUit'abs, once" or tv.l,, a week for several weeks and 'S -how Nature rewards you w:'". health. Calotabs purify the blood by a : voting the liver, kidneys, Bteiu-i and bowels. In 10 cts. and 3"i c!-. packages. All- dealers. . '(Adv. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go It you feel sour and sank and the worM liinka punk, don't swallow a lot of sa!--. mineral water, oil, laxative candy or chew.: .: jam and expect them to make you sudLkr-J., sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can't do it.'They only move th. bowels anda mere movement doesn't c t a the cause. The reason for ya'ur'down-and-ml' feeling is your liver. It should .pour out tw pounds of liquid bile into your bowels' daily If this bile is not flowing. freely, your f- doesn't digest. It just decays in the bow, !. (ias bloats up your stomach. You havv a thick, bad fats' and your breath is- fou sk'in rfu-n h;-aks out in blemishes. Your lie. ;'.!,, s and you fiHfl down end out. Your wl:,. system poisoned. It- takes those pood, old CARTE; I ITTLB L1VKR 1'iLl.S to Ret thess p .unds of bile flowing freely and make v f,.,4 "up and up." They contain wonder;.,, harmless, gentle vegetable extracts. amaziT vt i,.-n it comes to making the bile tlow frcii - But don't a?k for liver pill. 'Ask for Tarter Little l.iver I'ills. Look for the name Cart. -I.ittl,! Liver Pills on the red lab.-!. Keent ... oihstitute. 25c at all stores- l'.'.ll ("- M-' Bring Out The Beauty 1 of Your Woodwork WITH- PEE GEE! VARNISH I t ' : 4- 4 4- 4 II ..,jBMrt. FLOOR VARHCH This Varnish gives you a durable clean finish that brings out the beauty and saves the surface of your woodwork. Pee Gee Brushes Standard P E E GEE Brushes are vulcanized in rubber to prevent shedding. The brush real painters prefer. Waynesville Hardware Company R. G. COFFEY, MGR. fhone 71 Main Street 5- 4- J. 4 i " i