Has More Paid-in- Xd.ame Suhirihsrs In Haywood County fhan All it'tvA; Atfu-suvi Lumbimd NO. Ti WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Till RSI) AY, JI NK S, I w Summer Schoo To V in At Junaluska AiturdayMormng N()IMMlha.7el UeinjjMdde ' " iiNM.od Teachers li. ( liilils Announces -Tunual session of the :: Summer School, affiliated Fniversity, wm f -k i next Saturday, ac "v. announcement made "),-. 15. G. Chillis, di ived here several days V;,. arrangements for the ;.,), for Haywood County -ii be held in the Mission i'm i o'clock until 5 o'elocK 'lav Registration for all d 'us will be held Friday and ' begin Saturday morning. "View cuurses, such as liter.a ' rammer grade teachers and hool music are now being : was announced. ,lim.r school management is ;ui that all Haywood toun , avail themselves of the op ' to attend the school this twit ion is called to the notice . in this issue, that no extra harp? will be made for any -cachei'S, regardless of their pt to teaching positions for L.o.e l'-'';l . ' i .: I not", till !. - Bu on 'I '--' otla- New Drug Store Extra Large Strawberries Are Grov n To Open Soon B (Jcorsje W. Justice Near Wa nesville Two Additional Trains Will Be Put In Service Dr. I 0. (iarren. 01 Asheville. Arrives lo Assume C haru'e Of New Place Dr. K. O. tlurrii: arrived hev this week to assume active charge Smith's Drug Store which is schedul ed to open within the next few days if the remainder uf the equipment ai lives. Dr. Canon event's here from Ashe ville; where he has .been connected with Smith's lrug Store for the past t years. He will be assisted by ('. M. Jarrett, of Canton, who has been with the Martin Drug Store Company there for the past 7 years. The store will handle general lines of drugs and serve fountain drinks. A prescription department tinder the m'anagriicnt of Djr. (iarren will be maintained. 115 Pounds Of Wool Is Sheared From 11 Hampshire Sheep Mr. Justice dnms -7-1 o-( Jnai t I Jerries On Acre And Half l'tiuh After. ;vi ;,:y ear- i pencil. o, lit, -rue W. Justice. i:v ..ti iFvi:- way No. 2s I has learned In w ;v, raise sti awberries so large that it only takes to fill a quart basket. Some of the berries measu:ed a. most loir inches in circumference, and had a flavor superior u the average berry. Last Friday night when Mr. Justice btoaght in a load of his tine berries to the American F:un Stand, who handles, exclusively Mr. Justice's berries, a large crowd fathered to see the largo berries as they were un loaded. Not. all of the berries weir as large as those of the L'7-to-a -quart size, Irmvever, but they all looked mighty good. The .Mountaineer was piesented with the prize basket, ami during; too few minutes that, it took Mr. Justice New Schedule W ill Enable Round 'Trips Dailv To Asheville Beginning Sunday, th'e Southern Railway will put on an extia train between Asheville and liryson City, tlius giving- to this section .four t mills daily instead of the present schedule of t wo. The new train w?.) ar: he in Way nes villi' from -liryson fit! about S o'e'rock . Knslorn Standard Time, and will return from Asheville about six o'clock that afternoon. The present schedule id' the train ai riving here f rom Asiieville about 10:2(1 and the one I'rvm Murphy at to tell how he produced such large I- clock will not no cuangcd ar me berries Felix Stovall had a , hance to , present, it was i,('o. sell the basket a half dozen times. ) The new schedule v. :ll etiahle m but we had other uses ' for the j; tors arriving ni Asheville to come on berries. When the basket was weigh- out to Waynesvillc and other points . .... :.' t i ,i,. I without navinir to soend the night :n Ci. H. Met racken, local mail carrier , ,,...,,,,.. .,, .,.,.,..(.,,. m,,m.s Asheville. It will also enable aym and stock raiser, reported tins weeK ( , ' , ; .,...... ,,.. ... that he got 11 Daily Paper Beiiu; 'Published Here District ( 'ha in her 01 ( omnierce Is l'ulilhinu Daily l or avnesville I Jem Liner diets Contract For New Nurse's Home Here - n U'ayiie-r die ha a dad.. 'iei To 1 he folks here ;ii row n ; ii news, as tVr the pas; vi i k t been receiving' copies of oil" world's smallest dailies -which i liubllshe,! bv the Wa vnos.v ille 1 t'hambcr of Common c. The paper is printed daily at 1 o'civik, and is distributed .,! legul.r city daily sly I,, by carrier boys under the supervision of lite circulation manager. Walter liraddot k. being edited c.i clary of tin t iln nif i i e, a iii T,, iliiH . ' 1 K l & r. X E W S ITEMS " Mir .iil i-c ValiJr ,.,i tlijv Sehmelinir are 'or their 15-round light at stadium. New York, tonight, .: n,,,v,,,.v aiding the role ".''' ci- A crowd of (50,000 is .-.nYcd tr, pav a-buut !JiiOO,()00 to see ite li'dit. l'iiHh fighters are said to k' i Tine condition. The , betting odds 'vi ere irr favor of Schmeling. norted this weeK pounds of wool from 11 sheep. This is an average of about eight and a half pounds per sheep The average i five pounds. Mr. McCracken's (lock is composed of last year's lambs and are of the Hampshire breed. Li d by overwhelming anti-prohibi-t!ir strength in the Chiciigo area, i'i in, ,;" . Tuesday became the ninth state vi.te for repeal of the ISth am- nicndim-nt. Mr -insti,-.. evuects 1 eel over It . .Vllle pCMple to spi'lld 11 llllV ill A He (100 quarts f berries from his acrejville and return on ihe train, where and a half natch this vear. he savs. this lias been impossible because ol half pounds per sheep. -Ius( ,)(AV ht, ,,,.,,,1!,,., ..j, p,,,, h.v. ;only one train each way daily, s usually about tour or. ,,..,-.i-i ,,,,, i,,, ,i,,i;nii.,lv le-u-ne,! l'ixnerimental coach fares ol one alllroiigh he stated that he' bought a and one-hull' cents per mile are now wo in -out field about ill! veais ago, 1 i" elt'ccl , and w ill be ... it iimed on t ho .... i i.i . ' .,.,;..a,r, .,. i .... I new schedule. Mr. . 1.1 llelilllts. as- .ULLl .ll.lL 1I1S lie I U 11 I ' I S I.IUISCU .'.I 11. ,N land tolil him he had a white elephant sistant general passenger agent in- t. : . 1 1 . e... : , .. . i . . ..I. . . ' i, 111 n, 'iwl s i anus, nil I s i-.n u i i t. . .... eleiihant it looks as if it is more of a gold in inc. "For 20 years l have been -experimenting:-with strawberries, and I have juH found oui hov. to grow 1 1 : 1 1 . ' Mr. Justice said. "There are en.iiigh vdd worn lield-- in Haywood f c.mti tlmt if they were p; iHieily plain. , I in si lawberries they would - ' ,i..luce ellollL'll to pay tile ;ae- i r, ,-,,,, j i rniei s. ! ,u i inn: ! lariiter. wull f .' I tei'i vol-',, ii take.- gel Tl.e naiier is managed by the S. . triei t'haiubt r of Helen t". .Matthews. "The response from the public has been most grat if mg ," M is. Matthews reported yesti'i'day. Noted Writer Is Spending Vacation Writing Book Here Judge Rohcrt N . Winston. Once In This District, Works On Hook On l.ee .hi.! listen. distri. one ' , .1 Benefit Show Is To Be Given Wed. liecuuse s'ome pledges made for the erection of file sign at Main t reet and Depot street has net been paid, Mr. liriggs has made arrangement s with .1 .K. Massie to put on a sjaa- ai Wednesdav night at the VYaynewood t heat re at Which I o.ln( iiioin ... i . ...:n ,i.i ' Rules Governing Work For Veterans Officially Given lb .1' fir Two 17-vear-old Boy Scouts were drowned at Marshall Tuesday while ;V v were Irving to learn to swim in the French Uroad" River. The boys wire Stephen B. Roberts and Fields lialmmhe. rim., ('nods, wi bo raisc-i towards completion of the sign. ",Jr. Massie is donating the use. ol the .' theatre; and it is expectixl that a large attendance will attend h see "India- Speaks" with Richard Halli burton as the star player. nd Indiana Tuesday became the tent h slat, . ;. vote in favor of repeal of the eighteenth amnieridment. The Reconstruction Finance Corpor :iii..n linen nut horized to loan i h:h;i $.".11,000,000 with which to buy i F. S. Wheat. .lininiie Mattein, American round-!-!!c-v..rld: tlier 'took--' oft' in Siberia tucsday inorntng.: The Texan pilot was ever 10 hours behind the record set bv fust and Gatty oil their round, vh.- 'world- flight. Ma: tern was o-l manges ahead of the record when he i'aivded" ..in Moscow, V d sevvices were held Tues day -for 1M-. and Mrs. T. W. Deyton, in,' Spruce Pine.. Mrs, Deyton. was fatally w-eunded bv Dr. Deyton. who ,.;!., en ended his own life. The. acts wei- attributed to despondency oyer ..:..;' ..health and to the. fact that Dr. Jttyton was. crazed by drink. Wa nesville Tennis team Lost Friday .. f r the second tiine this scaswn the Wavnesyiije tennis team was defeated by., the strong Cullowhee. team,. The .loci! i layers split with the visitors last Friday on the Belle. Meade. Tlay-groi.-nd - courts in double matches, with l.i'r,, t'adgett and Maxwell, winning tiver Ikichiman and Sutton, 7-5,0-4, wh:1- ..Messer and, Haynes dropped their set t6 Bowman and Heddwri, 7-5. - -.;, .".--,"' "'---'--i -1 . : I'adgett took his. match from I'-e.' Ifichanan in two sets, 6-4,6-2. -Maxw-f)!! disiilnvftfl n rpal nnmehack iifbt-.dropping ..his first, set ; to Guy Sute.n, and won the last .two. Their 51 u ts 1 b, 6-4, 6-4. fach Weatherby Ito-ok his first set t'ii'm Ronald Redden, but failed on the conHliaek and lost 2-6, 9-7, 6-1. , . F'.yde Bowman, the left handed cit'h all kinds of cuts, won over Mes- " if r (t-S 7 r. Tiul Lvdav defeated Edwtn Haynes nft,. 11.. - . TT I '-.e i in ft? sets oi see-sawiiiK. iitf w-r, ('-;!, 4-6, 6-2. I yd ay doubled up for the sixth ,1 , j.uMhee player who was unable to i ' and defeated Ru?s 6-2, 6-4. ARCH IS PAINTED , Tne, huge arch which was . erected 'flst week at the corner of Depot and 7 1 fleets leceived its first o"f oi. paint yesterday. : It is. expected hut, the sign paanters will letter the f-tn with:n the next few davs. A "rge arrow with the words "Eastern enhance" pointing down Depot street dl be put in place also, Mr. Briggs stated. ." -'.'" -V- Miss Mildred McCracken has ar rived from Dttke University to speud the summer vacation. Mr. R. D. Liner, otV Bulfalo, South Carniina was a, Wayne? yille visitor last week. .Mi-: Don Hyatt and Mrs. Lee Davis left last Saturday fif attend the enm mencement exercises at Duke I ni versity. in Dur'nani. . vi . Mi s. 11. K. Adams of ! Tampa, Florida have 'arrived to spend the summer at their eottt.ge at. i-aiu Junaluska. .Mis Harriet Morrison has arrived iv, ii-., V,vni:m's Colleu'e of the Uni versity of North iarulina to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Morrison, at their home at Lake Junaluska. Mrs. M. D. Dunlap ami son, RoUciT Hunt Dunlap, of Athens, Georgia ar rived last Saturday for a : visit to Mr and Mrs. V. D. Smith. Mr. Dun lap, who is a former college chum 01 Mr. Smith, arrived Tuesday to spend several days. - jiss Theima McElhannon, who is a student at Western Carolina Teachers Ys.,11,,,.,, ,i u' Denmark. .Dean of e..uite, - - .' , , Women, arrived yesterday to. visit the foimci'b iskr, Mrs u i) annul, and Mr. Smith. : Messrs: Ton Brown , and Von Rhinehart attended the state .conven tion of Disabled American Veterans in Winston-Salem last week as rep resentatives of the local organization. : Mis, Babbie Way arrived last week from 'Salem College in Wtnston-Sa-Jem to snend the summer vacatm with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wav. . Miss Gehreete McCullins and At Torn nnfl Temnle Snyder, who wile guests of Mis William Shoo! bred foi sevtral days last v,ti k mi Sunday for their, home in Salisbury. -Mrs. Philip Stowadl returned to her home in : . Ashev. le,. -Monday ,af er spending the week-end he.e a , tne guest of Mrs. William Shooll-tel at her home in Jtazeiwui-c , ...i -Oo.irrott Jr. left yes- ;ir. Lliaiies, , - . ter.lay to attend Mimmer sc ,ool at the Univers.ty ol ieunestt ... -ville, after spending a week vaca tion with Mrs. Badgett and smgll son here. Dr and Mrs. Eugc- Ward, who were en route from Richwood.W est Virginia to Their new home in Gains Mlle Georgia, sapped in a nesville last Fndav and were guest, ol Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ward. Mis Elsie Smathers returned to her home Sundav after a week's visit to Mis Eleanor Todd Moffitt m Ashe ville. - t .in.', up early and not i t he sum goes down. The nrost follows don't like ! h Mr; ,1 us! ice has the "Ida lot' berry. This is one of !o' the oldest commercial on the niarket, he stated. I While .Mr. Just ice is no; ji'st . . .in .- of s - )'a whe rries . county he does j i ha p- lea size of berry.. Ienr. I'ra 'of the largest grower.-- in Ih wiien tj'iiuhle is brand Ihe elid'.-i I 1 llt'l'! C '.1: arh ised ! s w e K . . lection an c I he vet , ill. Mow, I lie rule-; -0 Ve .1 1 1 hu : h I eiirollineiit of eteraie ans ,. Mliirj-eiit .of. i 1 n t m .! loll work '.I fi nil.; ill 111 I'll-111. il llu -. oin ua . i i - thi l,IHiii-.iii:irf -. ar. M r. mark .lu ti, Jllst iierrii this leached h Friday f oi purled. It was tile idea of M hundreds of quails of he shipped from here ; year to the South t'ar.eina lie sfat'd thai a tiumhor ol I had stopped at Iri- fann . yiiiir ;. 1-erri. s fur t ile .-out hern market i :. is not Known p. otit bei r-v last t hat must be lib-d F. uggi'sloil (hiit vel niake aniili.-at ion ly. Major K iiMiec III le (line i. na.'ki't .- . w litlr there are ,' as much I -hi' a.-! e Mr. -histiei will in: crop this -. ear. r. it ,- erois .that v. nl brim" m I cash as he w ill rei ei ve f l oin and a half. Xl'ter taking- a few nictar hei'l-ies, it wav decided t,, what; flavor th-e'v had ver.v -a . I'ac- tory, indeed but our eyesight larger, than Mir berry eanaeitv i tli'V cr.'lselA if veterans t m -tafe is O.'.O. AH ape'', at Fine F2". :.nd i c-.an- walitini i i lia; ( Inn' do so w it limit IF. well can Ii- found at hl.s n t lie Ma-eliic .'I'enipli'; All veterans a-; refe. re.. those w-h.i saw :' ice w it h llie foiees ,-i.f lite Fiet'd Slaves . 1 11 1' foi.owini'- pi rinds: Wo ld Wyi. April '. F.'l , I-'-1- S p.-. n il nie .1, an, A p ril .:' I .ille 1 II : ll l l ect i .lu.lv e. F'U'lF co F ' ,. d it ion , July !.",, itiii::. . Fel.eli.-n. .Inn Aiitilicat ion I ,ii .M a j. . r I ii .w ei i. .;l era n s Win. meet fill i-i nii'i.F- and who m pint il lie Robert presiding indge oi' tin. Way l,es iFe -peiid'H" s writ inp anot lur m' In., lives i f great S,.'i' 'i " i he F working or. no , Hubert K. Fee, This I the nress ah. ml the lit Judge AN inst-oii still t hat h. : .if ed to remain here until ! 1 i.i ' stro'w I lie is delighted wit ll W.i-ynesA die v icini! y and hu,; ':-ied many ch . since his la-l iimi iiei e yeai -lie lield coiiii .a ihe . , - -1 1 i n coin in I s : ami is:'-, o it ,!,.,. er I:.1 i , in Wnviies-villo. .r in ei i ii: w file 11 the liid Ol Sld.OOd Suhmittt'd 1 or Main iiuiklir.o. Work I o Hi'Uiu .Moiul;i .Moiniit.o Jerry Finer, local i-o:!t 1 act e-. w;i awrn .ied the cent ! act for buila.rg t iie .sl'',ii'll modern brick nurses a,. ate at the Haywood County Hospital acre this week. Mr. Liner's bid was i. itl. '.nQ i'..r t lu-- main building. Work is to bo trin Monday morning and is scheduled to ly completed in : ' "l Aink ing days. 11. J. Hyatt was awarded the plumb ing and heating contract for S1.70H and also the electrical Contract for $:Sa(. .Tht' home will be built in the rear of the hospital, and is being built with the aid of '.$6,000 from Duke Foun dation. Thi' county is putting up a like amount in materials- and labor. I'he labor Used for excuvations was done with workers from the relief depart nicny. and 100,000 brick from the old jail will be used for founda tion wank. A U00-foot n.ck retaining ha- been built and water lines installed, and iw cry thing is ill readiness for actual const met um urn the building to begin Monday nu'Vning. It is understood that all local labor will lie Use.t ... :lv job..; Tu,sc(Ia Aca(ieiii , Closes First Year's Work Wednesday being oil I esigned o are a rule. 1 irg I he o J ul, . iM'th ' A fie r i ill's, he I es pracl.c. of ship wilh ll A vcivk in I leatli .Iridg - w-th S-. cock 1 ll: i tile .bench, till ttid : etui lied to , fi. Lining a pni; lie ( I.IS . I ll,i I '. rgh. Alter -Mr. W'lit-ii w I'll I : it oi: I iriggs. l'.i Fhiii StliS t Mom.C !,s to , Foxei n. ma . A ii gti si August o. he I: ti: of I I Wa Tweive Vea Is ago be 1 et I I cd I' l-ieil I he pi. -let ice of law and. wein lo V a il ingl on, D. ('. From I Here die wc ril i ( 'hapol 1 1 ill and n! er. d t In- Fnici sily, where I.e wii.to llie article en iitii d, "A I'-'i es lnnaii A-'aiii 'At S i I . " Thin article roioie.F llllliil Jlllhl I-'!' flout I lie larger papei an-1 ma f . .: i h ,-. At the univeiMly he ,-t In I ill play w rif ing, ' journali:- in and biography. Shortly a I'tei-ai ; v :ng at I'liepel 1 1 it I he wrote anot lier t'ani'i;i- art icle, ' lr.v, ,,MM, j,(j Free s Free Spec, h," I'll is a i t i, le liiceivd much i oiiiiiii'ii' I'i.mii the pro--, received 1 1 ''' 1 "u'-' h"ut 1 he nation. ! One .if Ids ouislaiiiUng; be .graph le f dlow in:1 ! no,, tie,. ,,'C A ndi-eic .loliiisioi. A eoii iiliiiiit a prop :,,( -ibis is In the local liliiai'v. and o ei:- pii pared a poluatioii maybe con-1 ,.; almost w.on out d'roui . n .making side I mas to bell Anoliier of hi- hooks i life of .lell'ersoii I la vis With I hi- subject. "Fron nd W'ig Stan, tioiiit. I h Several An' Alicadv Km oiled l or Next Wtirs School. Mr. Toimison st;i(es. i-.':glii tiide'ii- linisheil I hor , is' w ! i. ; "i neoia Acadi'iuy W e In. sd.'.y in.-'i'.iii I lllls . el.id.ni1: t lie j,- .' y i o. :l;o to ni itirnlion whl.-li wa- e--ialili. hod i. ! i' la'- t fall by W ill.a.l: IF t'ci gas-on. AI,'. fei-'fiisoii jtaied thai af 'n.'e.i-glv .:.!." i n i'oi1 iilioil had -Hoi hi en w ii :a t he had wished., : lie .o ua 1 1 1 y of wm!; d-ii". h.', 'lie. - I intents at. ten. line all ;,.e' ..'-.- lei i I), en iu..,-i gratil:yi!ii,.: I'lan- .ire jinderw ay.;- lio- an eiilarg.'-iiieu! :'o; ni vt ear. 'Ih.ee heini: se . air oiy . ,,: -I:. 'd for :el year's, wo "L, lie tat ed-. '."'..'''' Tin -' a.ieti: -; al tending I'n -'-o:'.! A. :e.io all eai. .olid i;.i:iiplet m .'... 't i, fi ii i"f i . ... 1 1 . -e ..!: I b .be i ' I ,i .v. e, l. iiiieth Stalil. ('arson Saanger. l;:i;,e.,' .he; ;., ,l ilV Caldwell, Alar, . ii iF I'raiki n. Sa ar St riiij' li.-iii a'i i .Miiigorei llyalt. A 1 1 u inl.r r of t lit.-., yeai '- .1.. -'- iii Ii lid 'i resume f heir ,-i ud'r . j a "1 net fall wit li t lie inst il ut ion. I lie tablished Jlio. F. M ayes of Crab! i'ce, spent shipping in .Waynesvillc. Mr. C. C. Kidgc i.f Jaekoon'., Creek is visiting relatives in the county. Air. D. I. L. Smathers of Clyde u:a - Wayncsyillg visitor last week, .: Rev: T. G. Highfiil of Crabtree -spent last Friday in town. : . ; M'r.. Earl Ferguson . of Junuvhau was here, on busines.s last week. Mr.. J. F. Justice was here from 1'igeon Friday. . Mrs. r: Saturday Miss Peart Justice of Crabtree was a Way nesville visitor last week. Among the visitors here from Jona than last week was Mr. James league Mrs. C. J. Davis, of Ferhdina, Florida has arrived at the Lake for the summer. Mrs F W Mp-'ii and Mr R Messer of C rabtree spent last t n day shopping in AVayfiesville. : ..Mr, Charles Russell arrived Satur day from akp Forest to spend ihe summer vacation a; home: Tilehard Buckner, who been with a riding Academy in Macon. Georgia during the winter, is at- home for a visit to his-, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Buckner. Mr and Mrs. Homer Henry have as their guest the former's bro;hf:r. Mr Rowe Henry, who is a member of the faculty of the Hyde County Schools. Little Miss Beatrice and "William Day, of Washington. D, C. accom panied by the governess, will arrive Monday to spend the summer with their aunt, Mrs. K. Lllen. Mrs. Charles R. Thomas visited friends in Skyland Tuesday. the ou above. 1. Seivice in the aniied foiees the United States during' war. L'. lloiioi aide discharge froni . service. d. A etci-an is. uueinploy ed. . 1. 'i ier.-in is a: citizen Of the F'n Slates. .: .",' I'jrv's'ical lifni'ss.' d. ;(ood character. oi. a i Hist i nt I - i w..; I which I. sfali ie.l from II Tla wa hi" ell I 'lliull jlig'h'y t 'n it c i! II inl ol Dl L I Mill) I Ml 11 1 S .17.7.'- Mr. Lenoir Saunders left Tuesday for bio home. in. Haygood,. South Carolina after a week's visit . W his aunt,, Mrs. Arthur Meade, and Mr. Meade, Miss Virginia Welch returned Sat urday from ' .Raleigh where she spent a' Week irs t lie guest of her aunt, Mrs. ( luirles J. l'arker. .Miss Frances Rose has returned' t her homo after a vveek's visit to her cousins, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Rus.e, at their home in Gastonia. .Mr. Jack Phillips, who is a student at Georgia I ech. has -arrived -ta tyn4 the summer vacation at home. Mrs. J: T. Murphy returned Sat urday after a week's viu ui .Chap) Hill and Greensboro, Rev and Mrs: II. W. Baucom have as their quests Mrs- Baucom's niece and nephew, Carolyn, Eugene ; and Harrv J. Langston. Mr- John Murphy, student at the University of North Carolina, will arrive today to spend a lew wccks with his parents.. Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Murphv, before sailing for Europe with the! Carolina Salon Ensemble. Mr- Sam Welch of the State Bank ing' Department, Raleigh, spent last week-end hero as the guest of his aunt. Mrs- J. Howell Way. Mr C Mizell of Thomasville spent last week-end at his home here. Mis Mattie Kirkpatnck of Nash ville, Tennessee arrived last week to spend the summer at her cottage at Lake Junaluska. "Tuesday, nigh'.. . All' ivb iting welcome to all Wa vne.sVil le The regular no etli.g v. . held d ue-, day evetiing ii'; S. p. in,, June i'.:i:. A goodly numbei- were j f sent and the. routine busiies was transacted,:, . This i-ouncil is fortunate in iiaviiig among its active membership home of the leading citizens of Wayiiesville ;iml, this sei'viim of Haywood county.. Professor 1!.. 1). Dunn Superintend Cnt uf" schools, is one of them. lie wa.- present at this meeting and was called upon for a speech,... Ho spoke most interestingly of his recent trip to Washington; when he attended the Southern Baptist - Cpnveiitiom Degree work was discussed. Ml. W. R. Phillip.- was elected captain ol the degree team with Mr. Alf C. Arrington, first I lieutenant. It wa decided that at the next reg ular meeting Tuesday, 8 p. m., June l.'ith. the degree team will be fully or, gamzed and the meeting will be de voted to nractice work. The follow ing meeting. June 20th, .degress will be given. The council now has several candidates in waiting. Let them take notice and be on hand June 20th. The Junior Order is very strong all over North Carolina. That is true in Havwood county where there are four large, active councils -at Can ton. Clyde, Bethel and Waynesville. Some of the Waynesville members attended recently a great meeting m Canton where national speakers were heard- Also the Waynesville Coun cil was delighted to have a visit from the Clyde Council; they did some fine degree work. I laze! wood Dei eats Beacon Mills VIA) ; '!'.: Ilazelwoiid Ball ( dull : defeated ll.ai'iin Mills Saturday in a loosely I'niiglit game oi'i the lla;'.elw.,o;l dia iiii.iKl. Putnam for llaehvnod iasteo tlic ontire game, wdiiii' Hall for lieacon was relieved by Smith., who was later relieved l.y fjarley io'. HofTi. sides .were on a hitting -pree, Heaeuii getting 1:7,. while Hazehvood got - id. Dull g the heavy hitting- for l!, a ciin was it'vey with fbur out of five tries, while V'allineourt aiid Fox haC flirei' each- Practically all the boys fur Hazelyvood hit, while T'isher, CoX II). .i .'..Siiii,' Price and Kuylvendai! tied for two bits each. "Curley" Price !:;td a perfect day a4 the, bat, getting thi.e-i' walks and two, hilj nut of five trills do the n'atte. Saturday., of -.this week Har.clwood' will dravol to; Tryou io engage in. cumliat with the Tryon-Fyr :CluB.:' HE A (.'OX . II. Fox, ill) i. . , Valli.ncoui t ss. . I.i vy, If,. , '.'.'. Ilryanl. '2b. . . . Morggn. If. , , F.ilwards, e. -. ' i . Smith, rf. n. . . IIu it. powers, rf. HalF p. . . Ste ven-i-n. t'.l . Young, i A rf. II VZI I ODD Fox, If ..: .,: Fisher. 2b. V ,'. Burrell. ss. . . . Robinson., lb, . Wya'.t. c . , . Price., c; .. . . I'icvo I1 Putnam, p.;, . . . Kuvkendall. rf. I AI l:yio: " Mil! : i: h I" 5 2 ii 11,2 a d . t U 1 11. 2 ".!')" :, n l u ii ; o ,o . y oF 1 ,2 ,0 0 0 ii (i .0 il .."' n u il - At . " 2' 0 ,-io t . ii ; ii i: h n b 2 2 o ') 0 2 1 1 1 1 o 4 1,2 0 .41.00 2 2 2 tv - 2 1 0 -.210 ,12 1 ol 12 li 2 Mn: Floyd Ritch and a group ot . frieiuls from Gastonia wetf week-end euc-sts .it t'-e hem- of Mr and Mr S. II.Keller.