THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933 THE WAYKESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE II YC SOCIETY PAGE . Local Items Society News Eleanor Bushnell, Editor - Phone 137 l,Uhiiril. Ml"- i.,.,u.,i at North J jT JS AXXOUXCED ';;.,eret to many friends in this ""; th'1 announcement of tne '' Mr Edgar James DucK "7 Mr and Mrs. E. T. Duck : MLula Gilmer Hood daugh ,nd Mrs. I, G. Hood, of ' ,'-v,t which was solemnized ' fU-fifth day of February. 'V . -nonv took place m the par. '"' ' f 'he First Methodist chutcu f're. South Carolina. ' : ucke:t is at present a W- Carolina .;t-v, tViP class of 19.51, ,x. i.-ohanical engineer sv .ure "v ;n Goldsboro. . ' "Vliun,. counle will be. at !"m. H..pital. Goldsboro. j TUU IS BIRTHDAY ..iprV HOSTESS m Betty Latham was host- number of her friend? on last hv afternoon in honor )f m?t i, i-i'thdav xwnwrai-vf: at the f mother. Mrs. J. K. f-- (i-t- gamc" i small table hold. - i.irihdav cake was placed on a dainty ice course was i' colo,.' scheme of pink and was carried out in detail in the appointments. ipA- jiresent were: Betty Barbara Ann Boyd, Hazei Ma-ion Morgan, Patsy Gwyn, n Rctlv McLean. Bobby ,yU Colkitt, Cubby White, Bil- ,vi Jack Worthington, Louise , Mark Dicus, Dot Miller - Wav, and Gene Latham. ' I.cp I-Vvguson of Jonathan was ,-! business Monday. :tt S. M. Latham and wppk-end truest s of ml Mrs. rip' WPVl Mr- J. U Latham 'Hvatt is spending th!f : v'iv as ibe guest of Mr.: and K, T. Duckett. r. II. W- Baucom and Misses ,;.:.-'h and Edith Baucom returned a fi'vm a -visit to the eastern ,m the state. Miss Elizabeth who is a student at Mere- College- i'V Raleigh, joined her lor and sister there at th? close ;c school and accompanied them to nington. i-s F.dwina McDowell, who was- a k;i' of the senior class of the nun's College of the University -Carolina this year, ha r ail home with her sister, Mis8 ion McDowell, who '.is- a student i'.e saint college. rs. J. M. Mock and Miss Mary k, Who left Sunday to attend the aieiicement exercises at Duke versify, are expected to return to accompanied by Miss Martha k, who received her A. B. degree uke this year. i-s Helen Martin spent last weok-with-her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. -Martin; Miss Martin, who was !ua;od from North Carolina Col lar Women last year will receive i dryree in dietitics at Duke Uni- :': in Durham today, : . . liv Kli'abetii McCrackon. who i- -a1 mi at .Western .-Carolina Teachers " ".'ha j arrival to s'penfi the -p'.in 'with bet- p;iiei.ts. Mr .and' 31i I'..' M .';;,' i.vii GIRL SCOUTS AXD MOTHERS ARE EX TERTAI SED j An interesting and most enjoya-1 ble affair las: week was the Mothet i and Daughter Banquet given on Hi- dav evening tor the Uin aisHits ana their mothers. The Community Club. , which sponsors the Girl Scout orgafc-j ization. assisted the girls wun too entertainment of their mothers and the banquet was held in thp Coiniuu-1 nity Club room. For the occasion the rojms weie bright with a wealth of spring tie, crs. The guests were seoated at oni long table which was heautifu'ly ar ranged with bowls of mixed flowers. Mrs W. D. Smith, Captain of the Girl Scouts, wa, mas e of ceremo Mrs lt,ii Cnlki't. resident of lilV..-. --v.. . , the Community Club, welcomed tht guests and Mijss Abbie Fay Henry re sponded for t.he Girl Scou s and Mrs. J. M.KelleO vesponde 1 for the nioth er.:. The main address of th; evening wa given by Mr. Jerre Cockett of Asi,eville, vice com cross.'; i;:cr of C:rl Scout work in this dia'ruf- Her Ulfc on the organizatin and progres, ef Girl Scout work in Ashcvillo was both instructive and ontertam-ns and was followed by a round, table ca. cussion. Other numbers on the progiam in dued short talks by the follow itnr, Abbie Fay Henry on "Fust Aid; Kathryn Martin, on "HomemakinK,' and Drama Lampkin, on "Natuie Study " Mrs H. W. Baucom and Mist Iiessie Bovd, members of the Girl Scout executive committee- spoks briefly, and Mrs. Joe Liner gave ' . .. . , , i ., ... I. 1-wifO synopsis ot tne .couc wi a A solo by Miss Iris Chat'in, aeeom- panied hv .Miss lia ureen, an n " dance by'Miss Hilda Way. were great ly enjoyed. "'Approximately fifty guests were present for the -delightful ansir Member-i of the comniittee ; frm the Community Club who helped the g"" prepare the meal and served were:. Mrs. Ben Colkitt, Mrs. Rufus Siler. Mrs Linwood Grahl.' and Mrs. Carol Bel!,- " RRIIX.i: CTA 1! HAS LXJOYAULE MEET The Monday evening Contract Club members and : sevrral other guests were delghtfully entertained thi- week by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell, For the occasion bowls of mixed flowers were arranged in the hoina An interesting game of bridge vvnt eninved at three tables. , Mrs. Roy tabic by St cards cut fo. Mrs. J: W. tractive MRS' EIRKI'A TRICK IS LUXCH EOS HOSTESS Or.e of the loveliest affairs of the .-ummer season was the luncheon giv en. Saturday by Mrs. C. F, Kim pat rick at the Hotel I.eFaine. The guests were seated at one large table, beautifully appointed in silver and crystal. A bowl of pink roses graced the center of the table and the delicate shade was further noted in the candles and the place cards which weie in th f,.:n and i c-' of pink roses. After the serving of luncheon con tract was enjoyed on, the balcony of the hotel. Attractive Dresden China baskets with major decorative fea tares of pink roses were given at each for to;) scoies. These were won by Mrs. D. D. I'errv and Mrs. J. W. nver. The guests who did not rdav 1 1. . ! -1 1 1 r a uasKei or pinK uuus. Keed received this ai- gift. The guests present were: Mrs. J. Harden Howell. Mrs. J. V. Rood, Mrs. W. F. Swift, Mrs. J. W. Seaver. Mrs. R. H Blackwell. Mrs. Kov Francis. Mrs: R. L. Lee. Mrs. K. L, Allen. Mr. Angus Craft, Mrs. M. II. Reeves. Miss Hobeivi Miller. Miss Frances Robeson, and Mrs. Drayton Terry, of Sylv. MISS I'HILI.II'S SI'OXSOR RHO. DODEXPROX REST IV A L Miss Ruth Phillips, of Charleston, South ( arolina. who is n niece of Mist Jennette Thillips of this city, hn been named snonsor to the annual rhododendron festiville in Asheville .hint1 11, 15, and 10. The South Carolina sponsor is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs Rov FhU- li;. She was maid of honor to the May queen court of "Converse College this spring. She will join with spon sors from other Southern states dur the the three days of the festival, ail to be honored at a score of events. . - I) A. I'. TO MEET X EXT WEEK The regular -monthly nieeteing of the Dorcas 'Bell Love Chapter of the Daugthers of the American Revoln .tii i'n will be held ne"xt Wednesday af ternoon . June M. at o'.HO o'clock with Mrs. J. E. Henderson at her home'. in ( anion. Miv.. 'Charles Quinlau will have the paper of. the afternoon on Histories of Colonial: and Territorial States, Miss Margaret Henderson will 'UiuuiM the . ui-ject, "The Flag." : V. I'EXTS ARRIVE FROM 11 r. C. Tlie following young piopie arrived Tuesday from Cullowhee where they are students at Western Carolina Teache,- College: Miss Fannie Fearl Fehnet, Miss Louise Five. Miss Mil died Medford. Miss Mrgaret Ash ton. Miss Willia Gay Lampkin. Miss Caroline Allison, Miss Maye Davis, an 1 Mr. Hugh Shelton. RAI'TIST MISSIOXARV SlWf.Tl TO MEET XEXT W EEK The regular quarterly evening meeting of the Woman's MisMonary Society of the Baptist church will , t be held next Tuesday evening, .u"- H, at X o'clock at Oak Bark, Ur home of Mrs. Nora Welch Asliion. MFTHOniST SOCIETY H ILL MEET 77 'ESP A 1 The regula,. monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will he hoin next Tuesday aftenioon at the church. at 3:30 o'clock MRS. QEEEX TO ATTEM O. iv'.S MEET Mr John M. Queen. Grand Ksthel of the Wavnesville chapter Order ot Fastern Star, will leave Sunday for .. ..i..n .. .,.,,., ii. ivi auonci "i meeting of the Grand I E. S. O. Canipbell and Mr, Horace Keener won theLhigh score prizes, nuci games a salad course was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs, Roy. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs.-C C. White, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Keener, Mr and Mrs: Wiley Marr. Mrs. Wib Ham Shoolbrcd, and Mr. Furney Iveji o; Asheville. vor; womex's socii.t to MEET XEXT WEEh The Young Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will ,., t ,.,vt Tuesday evening at S 'clock Hvatt. the home Mis Murgaret Mi:. A Memphis spending .Wither, Mae, at parents, 11. Withers returned to Tennessee Monday iificr bo week-en, .1 with Mrs, l I young daagl'.ter. Iio'.'y ii home of Mr :. Wi'hei r.. and Mrs. R. 1', Walker. SOCIAL AT METIIOIUST ( lll,R( 11 THIS EVEXIXC The adult women's class of th Methodist Sunday School will enter tain all nthe,. adult classes of the Sunday School at a social tbis even iinr at'7:;!0 o'clock in the dining iooni of the cbui'ch. i Mr. George Knowl-ton., of Atlanta, (borgia. i; the .guest of Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Grahl.- : '. Misses Adora and J osophiiio Holtz- law, popular yoing daughters d Mr. and Mrs. 'jack llol.claw, u Kichmiind, Virginia and summer res dents of Wavnesville, arrived "yester day to .spend the summer with their .grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Smat hers, and their nun'.. Mrs. Aiioiai Ray ne. : Miss Martha Nea!-, visiting one of .her Kingsport, Tennessee following the close of whoro she is a student day to snend the summer mother, Mrs. S. T. Neal. who has been elassmates ftt for a week Salem College will arrive to- with hei f V-if:-- YES, 87 OF OUR CLASS VOihU IHtrvi THEIR FAVORITE CIGARETTE Mr. and Mrs. J- W. Reaver return ed" Tuesday evening: from Winnsboro, South Carolina: where they spent a few days as the guests of Mrs. Sha ver's sisters, Mrs. W. H. M actio an i Mrs. R. B. Macfie. K 7 & Wb W :.:,,::ri, .nnmiMM-i I Mr - f - v U CERTAINLY' k -X " ' aWTvM XFAY COLLEGE FACULTY AXD STUDEXTS TO RE EXTERTA1X FD TODAY Mrs. T, Lenoir Gwyn will entertain th.- members of the faculty of New College this afternoon at a lovely tea at live o'clock at her home on Main saw. Fcip the occasion a profusion of garden tlowers will be used to deeoi at the home. Mrs. Gwyn will be as sisted in receiving her guests by her mother, Mrs. J. Howell Way, About twenty faculty , members are expected to be present. At the same time this afternoon i the District ( hamber of Commerce will entertain the students of Now College at tea in the Tea liiK'in at Belle Meade 'Playground. Mrs. W. B. Matthewis, secretary of the organi zation, will receive the guests. The Country Club golf course and swimming pool and tennis courts at Belle Meade Playground will also be at ibe disposal of New College stu dents and faculty today. This enter tainment iis given through' the oour. tesy of Mr. J. M. Ing and Mr. C. M. Dicus. Mr. Wayne Grahl. of Atlanta. Geor. gia, is spending a month's vacation with Ins parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Grahl. Mrs. Horace Ferguson, Miss Leatherwood. and Mr. Joe Welch, who have U-eii on a two week-' motor trip, returned to their homes Monday. On the trip they visited Mrs. Ferguson's son, Dr. C L. Ferguson at Fort Washington,. Md. and spent a few days in Baltimore, Md. as guests of Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Boone Medfo,rd, and spent sometime in Xew York City. DR. O. X. DONNAHOE POCTOI.OG1ST Specializing in t lie non-siirgiral ollice treatment ot rectal disease SUi Public Service Bldg. P110NK 1111 ASHKV1I.I.K-, N. C. Silicon' iTvoronco for the ilopiiilod is net :i inoro nititttT V5i til' hushint' tho voice, vn A far bettor ovpros- tfti jo-f sum is s inpat hclic r, th otm lit till noss for jj TiX' iioi o.m ru i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . xzy. ITS A PLEASURE TO tAKUt) OUT THE OliDCfli Ot- Aj I'tRSON ' I, ( s.v - A Da l s-"l 6Tx 1 Garrett Set Set i ui iti cca m Home Phone l-V. Main St n nesville, N. C. IS! xf'yy- ,J Fair and .ulame: Wo enjoy the distinction of sorvinj :i chiss of cus tomers t hat we hold in liijlh rot-ard. Wo aire serv-in.u- thorn with the host foods that an experienc ed yrocer can buy. We are-serving them in tho politest manner that Rood lireedin ycoulii suyost. Wo invite your next uroc er order. J. ('. ROSE Home Grocery Choice (Jrocevies I'hone SS Main St. 9t9 fff f : , VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV tiw , 0 CAMELS ARE r- C DTA I M I V POPULAR ON Mf -v CAMPUS! RfV v V NOTICE py New 4 4 J' J JJ mi ' . I bill -: vv: ; '.....,.- ,$ T. o. b. ougli net bags guard ;our clothes from wear 'i tc 4 YOUR clothe Q 'lice inside one of these tough net bags cannot possibly come in. contact with wearing surfaces in their jour u ney through the laundry. These bags are ?'m just one more reason why laundry-washed p clothes last longer aU possibility of wear 1 is completely eliminated, and they return '" to you clean, fresh and sanitary. We wash '."' only in filtered, rainsoft water heated t , sterilLzing temperatures. Laundry-washed V clothes do lastj longer and ere cleaner. LET THE LAUNDRY DO IT WaynesviUe Laundry Ltf 11 nsiv ITT 11 TV rPI "Oi-" 4- Tutoring or Special Instruction This Summer in Mathematics and English. "BE PREPARED" Thomas Reeves will be my able assist ant. Enroll now for six week's course which begins June 27th WILLIAM B. FERGUSON Tuscola Academy ilEFillEHATOi Porcelain Interior . . . Flat Top . . . Heavy Insulation . . . Multi-Powered . . . Exlreiiirly Quiet... "Elasto" FinMi... M Square Ferl of Shelf Area . . . Factory Guarantee. Massie Furniture Co. PHONE 33 .if WAVNESVILLE, N. C. 3 1 XI a&M "Call 205-We'II Do The Rest" W MM

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