Slurs Paid-in- Jiaics iu nrib.-rs In Haywood County Than All U wkly .eus papers Combined NO. 28 WAVNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Til l' US DAY. Jl'NK 15. XOL. XLV EQUALIZATION homas Price To JO RD TO BEGIN j Spend Most Of II Ls )ITIES TUESDAY I Time At f amp Here Creels World's Fair Queen 'inUi!'- 1 Announced. pl..i '.t- Of Taxp.ue'-. 5e Heard Coin-To Has Resigned rOvecuiive Position With Lnrgt Ftailroad 1 Compatsv m of county commission . -tdute the board ot equal , ei hegiii their duties next r.rii capacity and hear 1 i, -.. .- ,,f taxpayers in the I , ... v ' -hips of the county, and . -m'v adjustments where I . i- be an adjustment. " j. .. , ,,..:ntcd out that those who , -"jr-rirs to make must apnea,. , ('.- .. . board when it meet m ti'. -p-hip i" which the property .. ,.i special day has been I'H'eting in the townships and lin's for that community will m ,,n the (lav designated for .-. -hips. r , ir,i will he at the designated 1 nine o'clock each day. ': -.-hedulc as made by the hoard . follows: ) .-. township.- June 20, at Bethel Ufii school. ,. .-, K,,rk township, June 20, ti:,l High School. ( v.-il township. June 20, Bethel ilich School. , v Hill. June 21, Dellwood School. ,.,iathan 's Creek, June 21, Dell ,vood School. ataloocheo, June 21, Dellwood fcchool ., . , l. i,,,.. Creek. June 22, Fines High School. , White .Oak. June 22, Fines Creek Mich School. Crahtree. June 2:?, Crabtree Post Office. A Iron Pun", June 23, Crabtree Post Office. rtrt il.. 1 TT' 1. O..Vl ( 'vtic .i une 20, -tyne mgn- Roaveilam. June Canton or of Commerce. Wavii.-sville. June 29-30, -. Court Ih.u-o. . . C C Francis, tax supervisor for jr-n wood county, has been named as H t k -to the board of equalization. Sonic weeks ago the board of com missioners met and ordered a hori ronfal cut in real estate valuation of ton per cent. This step was taken after much discussion of whether a ho, ioii'.-U cut or a revaluation would i.c- the botter plan. After a mass meeting and a general discussion, the timizonlal cut method was decided upon. . With the ten per cent relief, it U expected -that -this -will eliminate a Inn"- number of taxpayers from mak ing a complaint to the board when her meet (luring the next two weeks. Wav :u-t cn h t n M r. '. lhomu nesviiie ' completei s l'usi lo -e n. Anions: . Price h i nt -o that la'do m r and has spending Pric, 1! 11 1 1(1 winn s ,i n n most who is one 01 ooosters, has vemeiits e Moun Veinetns heat ing bo com as int. i in pr tailed a .imp may as well need his sum 'ir. ion hi time here n has Mi Trie iuture. Mr. Price reciiillv retired as seere tarv ot the I n ion Pacific t ,om )ianv anil alter traveling over prac tically all the world give. '.his sec tion as ins idea (d a paradise on earth." lie has a host ot inends m this section who are delighted to know that he expects to make this his that he exnects to make his home here. Mr. Price has taken an interest in this section and has done a great deal of pood in the community. For the past few years he has given a monthly allowance to Allen's Creek school to provide hot soup lor each pupil. The New York Evening Post the following to say regarding Price's retircment: Thomas. Trice. secretary of Union Pacific, who entered railroad service as secrtary of the late E. H. Harriman. today announced his re tirement on pension. Through the retirement of Mr. Price' financial community loses the active service of the man who was undoubtedly more familiar with "he details of the turbulent career of the late railroad financier than any one other than members of the Harriman famiW. Born and educated in England, Mr, Price first became associated with the Urlan Pacific in 1!07 as chief clerk and assistant to the president. After the death of Mr. Harriman. ho was elected secretary of the Unjoin Pacific Company, the position he held until retirement today. In auuuion, ne was ' secretary and a director of a number of the Union Pacific subsidiaries. 4 &".A . :, : -sf i . . . V C 'V 'i -. . -v s ; xs.-- ,,v I v v Joe Shackford. Wins Honors At Duke Joe Shackford, class of '34, Duke I nivci'sity. who has returned here for in- vacation, has made a hnc record at '.lie University. He is president elect of the student body, member of ne track squad, retiring president of he juinoj. class, member of Thombs, honorary athlete order, member of l!eta Omega Sigma, honorary sopho more order, member of Onncron Del' a Kappa, member of National ! e:olorshm fratpmitv. memher of Pi Kappa Alpha social fraternity, and was recently tapped as a Red Friar, an order that selects the seven most oiu-tamling men in the junior class each year. . Mr. Shackford is nepliew of James Atkins, receiver and manager of the I.akiv Junaluska Methodist assembly, and is to be employed this sumrncr at 'he laKe in the capacity of life guard. -It is a grandson of the late Bishop J. mas A'.kins. Anderson in hicag lasler todicra winner ot A I James ( enturv K ailev Progre; shown here as Queen contest , College Makes Awards To l lu et Ha v wood Poi-p II. Arlhur Osliorne Aiui I Mlfl Woio l'ii'i"Ud n 1 l C or! il-.caU's .Monda' aFRANK W. MILLER NAMED ON STATE HIGHWAY B0A!U) (.ofi nor l-'lu niulutii. '! ili'i Or. wl. i lv(.'.lllMl,l i i d 1 U- I1U'- greeting Lillian II. l-U 1 Miss t v an t'hadl prosel 1 orn u N.M 111 1 it h Ai Osb an ( ,lo Ul 11. Wi! r i. Addisoi Ulllbus t lilt1 u I a 001 1 this lire 111! t or .1. I i: WI 1 he hoi loll 111 give 11 I l lML' O allv to In it t icu : i aw be i rv ii so. -non. Ugh; lor turo and markei mi n m th horn I t Koe, a nioii hav ii rv 'j'lllt lo divt'i uin-ot. . were meri- bv the c at its s. Mon- l!i(iwn si rviccs ho State t minded lie ( had of his itied ag rafes lo unity LV am n last ! h i-: r; ' the ;.n, lionrge mei.tioned to ecutive dtrec public works There' ha.d iiiation as .Miller, pio: nan. :,s a nu public wo i Saturday . aiipointinein tuidav aiu tcleiihoiie. 's- :o leapi highwav-pn.son Poll. 1(1 ist. wa lor ot the h depart ment. been qune a to whom n: Hav- cenniH--. Milkr oin the on over .left the p, 'inted head oparinient, i nad been named c. rhwav and n Idi Field SocoGap Road To Be Complete Nov. 1 C- A- Ragland. contractor for the Soco (iap road, now has two strm shovels at work on the road. One is at Dellwood and the other at the uprer end of the road. The Dellwood Baptist church and several other buildings have already been moved and quite a bit of grading has been completed on the road. Several concrete bridges have bsen constructed along: the new route, also. 'Work has been progressing nicely and it i- the plan of the contractor to have the road completed by No vember first. TWO STATE APPOINT MENTS ARE MADE OVER THE SAME TELEPHONE Mrs Allen Noland, 99-Years Old, Was Buried Saturday Was Oldest Person In County. Survived I?y Law. Number Of Relatives Funeral services wd'e held Satur day afternoon tor Mrs. Allen No-land- of Crabtree. who would have been one hundred years old on the 12th dav of next December. Mrs. No land was the oldest person in Haywood county at the time of her death, which occurred on Thursday, Juno-M-h after a lingering illness of several months. Mrs. Noland died at the home of her son, John Noland, at Crabtree. with whom she had lived for a number of years. Mrs. Noland joined the Crabtree Baptist church when she was 1,r years of age. She had been a continuous mpmhn- since and it. was from that church that the funeral services were held. Rev. Forest Ferguson, pastor of the Baptist church and Rev. Mr. Mighfill of the Moth" list church, ,,.,lM.tof1 t-Vir fiinprnl services. la in the ( rabtree I'ark Sign Is Being Painted This Week Sign paiinters began work Tuesday a lettering the huge sign at Mam "ul Depot streets. The sign will have i black background and white letters. riie main arch of the sign will iave two rows of letters. They are 1 he C.reat Smoky Mountains Na tional i-ark." The arrow which will suspended underneath will bear -'.o words. "Eastern Entrance." A benefit show was given yesterday to raise funds to complete paying for '' e sign. Anyone wishing to donate towards the sign should see Mrs. Love the City Hall or Oscar Briggs. Dayis-Calhoun, local sign painters, 'e doing the painting on the sign. BAPTIST REVIVAL . Bi ginning Sunday, June 2a, Dr. vvle Yates, f Louisville, Ky., will hegin an eight-day revival meeting at 'ae First Baptist church. Dr. Yntes is one of the youngest nid most prominent preachers in the SoJthern Baptist Convention, and his srrvice. are in great demand. Rev. H W. Baucom stated yesterday. It s expected that a large crowd will attend all of the services, which will he held twice each day. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McClure spent the week-end in Black Mountain as ne guests of relatives. It is rather unusual that the two recent appointments made by Govern er J C. B. Ehnnghaus .of Haywood men should be made over the same phone. This is exactly what happen e according to C. A. George, owner of W. W. N C. Cafe over whose phone Judge Felix Alley receive" notice of his appointment, and also that of Frank W. Miller last Satur day afternoon, when he received the appointment as a member of the state highway prison commission. WILLI A V FLO IV HK HUTS MEDICAL DECREE William Sloan, who graduated vesterdav at Vanderbilt University Medical School, Nashville, Tenn., and received his medical degree, is ex pected to arrived today for a brief visit to his father. Mr- Hugh Sloan, Dr. Sloan received his A. R. degree at Duke University. Durham, be fore entering the medical school where he has been a .student for the past four years. He has made an outstanding record in both univer sities. Thi, summer he Will go 10 n Viosnital in Peoria, Illinois and be gin his internship. METHODIST HAVIXG TREASURE -.. HUNT The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, is now on a Treasure Hunt. Hidden and forgo; ten in out of the wav places are of d breast-pins, rings, cuff buttons, spectacle frames, chains, spoons, and other articles of gold, silver, platinum, and preous, stones. Bv giving these you will help to keep m'issionaries in the field of labor- Everv article given will be sent to the Board of Missions .; and .proceeds will be divided between the general board and the Woman's Council. Please bring yoi;r contribution next Sunday morning to the church service. torment was made cemetery. Mrs Ferguson was kmown. as " ilnt Caroline." and was one of the V,sf tnnwn rdizons of the county. he is survived hv six children, Mrs. I P Queen. Waynesville; Mrs. K. W.Iand. Wavnesville; Mrs. W. T. Davis. Cove Creek; Mrs. .1. R. Silver, ronton - .T W Nolnnd. Crabtree: and W;ide TL Noland, Wavnesille, former county auditor. She is also survived hv 35 grand children; 70 great grand children, and 20 great-great grand childr.M, meat of whom live in Haywood county. C. E. Ray's Sons Store Being Re modeled Inside Grocery Department Ueins Re painted And Stock Being Re-Arranged Workmen this week completed the first of a series of interior improve ments in C. E. Ray's Sons Depar ment Storo here. The grocery de partment has been repainted and dec orated and several improvements in the display of merchandise. Several counters have been moved out and extra space provided for the customers to help serve themselves. J. W. Ray announced that addi tional work would heg:n .-oon in re moving the stairway from its present location to the other side of the store, thus giving additional space to the grocery' department. Display counters and racks have been erected in the center of the grocery department for fresh fruit3 and vegetables- ine improvement are in keeping with the latest fixtures and arrangements now being used in large cities. MRS. MATTHEWS REPREEWS COUNTY AT FESTIVAL Mrs. W. B. Matthews is attending the Rhododendron Festival in Ashe ville this week as official represen tative of Haywood couity. Mrs. Matthews has been given a desk at the Asheville Chamber of Commerce and will furnish information regard ing Haywood county to the visitors at the festival, Haywood County Day To Be Observ ed Sunday. June 18 Over 20(1 Students are Enrolled At Like .liinalu-slva hum mer School Approximately 1HKI studen's have enrolled at (he ,1 mialuska Rummer Sobool winch is alhliated yvitii Duke Uiiiversity, an, which opene I dav morning. Opening ..d the school i.. an impoi t a -it event m the summer program at Pake Junaluska which will be otli ciallv luuru:licil...a;iih the observance of Haywood County Day, Sunday, June 1S More than 1.00(1 persons are expected to attend this ovent. All of Haywood county is invited :(') attend the son ices and to hi .pig lunch and spend the day on the grounds' No admission will be chaig ed to enter the grounds. Mr. James Atkins ha, extended a welcome to alb Dr o . ("handler., who needs no introduction in Haywood County, will deliver the sermon at ihe 11 o'clock sei-dce Dr. Howard Bement, presi dent of Asheville School for Boys, will jrjve -the address at . S o'clock in the evening Special music consisting ot a male quartet and dueet will be "iven at both services. Of further interest .is the announce ment made by -Mr. aikius yest.-Mm.v -a' flic installation of a machine, foi vo-odvicine- sound pictures in the -au ditorium at the Lake. '1 he first pic hue. which will be shown there Sat urday evening, is Will Rogers in "Too t. i Tirl. " All Toefurps shoWll I'lUSV lO '!". J' ....... . : .i, n,i,i;tr.T-iiim tVii season wnl be ill lie: oiiii,.u..w... sound. Smith's Drugstore Onens Today. With Many Special Prices Modern Drug Store To He Ope rated Iiy Dr. .1. M. Smith In Howell Building Smith's Drug Store. Waynesville's rew drug store, will -have, a three-day opening, beginning today, aeeoiding to Dr J M- Smith, owner, who was h'-re thi week making. plans for the opening date and sale. The hew business-, located in the D. Howell building next to Massie's Departmeent Store, ha- beep, re modeled and repainted for the new concern. The large stork of drugs and accessories has been arranged "nd everything is in readiness for the opening 'todav. The; soda . fountain pnninment was delayed in getting here, but has been installed and is in operation. In addition to the regular lines, a modern prescription .department .will b, maintained. Dr F O Garren, registered druggist Jof Asheville, wil be in charge of this department. C. M Jarrett. formerly of Canton, will ac in the capacity of saTesman. Mi "A Butcher, local young lady, will work at the soda fountain. The baleonv which occupies the rear of the building will be used as an ice cream parlor. Tables aond borths have been installed, and are painted in a light cream color afford ing a cool atmosphere. All fountain drinks and ice cream will be served, but not any beer, according to Dr. Smith. A delivery service will be rendered. Special prices for the three opening days are announced in a large ad vertisement on page eight of this paper. imtable freight facilities was also award. Senator Brown in 1 Mi I at Rockingham. Richmond t ountv, and comes horn a line of .distinguished ancestry. The industry from which he collected about So.tlOO an his first successful attempt to grow the strawberries; now provides an income of from $000,000 to StCi)O.O(K) a year to the l.midlHuirn section. The award to Mr. Osborne Mind his two sisters was in recognition ot their ellorts to promote the production and use ,vt pure bred dairy catUe in the mountains of estern ( arolina. The line inherited the old home place of 2-10 acres some 20 years ago. Kiivm a pearly equipped mountain farm, it has liee'i) -developed into a lirst-class dairy farm known over the State fot its pure bred Guernseys and fo,- its d'er. ilitv and yields. The O, borne I iih i run primarily by the fwo ;ti,-u l.ti i ri'i-eives the executryi- planning of the brother. Mr. Arthur Osborne is well Known lor ins nnei ligent knowledge of agriculture and for bis leadership 111 ('""l" ' ''!! ie larni eiitmpri-es, The two cortllH-ates weie presented by President K. C. HrooKs n me rc cnmmendatioii of the School of AgP- culture. J. L, Stringfield Is Named Head Of Police Department Most 01' City Employees Are Retained Hy Hoard 01 Aldermen t ot spec-(uneni'H- ipoiii. to the 1 1 1 i.l the naining the suspense o! I'. bringhalls would liie'liwav-prison pai-t, ot Mr. .letlress broke several weeks. A. J. Maxwell was reappointed ooni-nii-Moner ol revenue-. lie has held tin- ofhee tor a number ol years. Mi Miller was born in Haywood count c October .. is"-!, the son l the lale Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Miller, of Wavnesville. lie was educated in the YA a ne.syille high school and at I cm- it v college, now Puke university. In ls'.l'.t he became deputy ilcrk of. :i:e Haywood countv superior court, ervintr in lha: re. pae. -v ... .. ..lis. lie was treasurer of the town ol Wavnesville five years, was alder man tour years, and postmaster here ( lght and a hall years, ho was chairman id county board ot election serving as United Js;!u- i r. Mr. Mi" M' r. char.oi- .laint's I,. St i ingtield. f police, of W ayne vil!e. ncr that position again ionic- in retirement for th I oral month.1 apnonted by last week, nv several, illllel elnel will take odav, alter e past -I'V- Mr. Strmtificld was the board ol aldermen This latlice was sought lor and had been the topic of much discussion durn -,r the p -st few week Mr St ringlield succeeds Fred Caldwell, who has he'd tho ;.ost for several niont hs. At a moi ling several week'- ago J H Way was nanied Mayor pro tern bv Mayor . B. Atkin on. Other employes (if tie- .town- ap pointed at the .same meeting are: Mrs. Hugh Love, re-elected town 'hi k, O -I, Bnggs. su perintend enl. of the water department ; S. H. Stev(son. re-eleeted suierntendent of electric lights and fire chief; J. R. 1' or five year.--the Haywood and is onimis ow "IIH do i' ' nasi r, aaiuiK i- ile'l Is. II lie Wi stern ol til, oaierce, Jar. II North V. d i i i and oier t arohn.i cMly i-onimittee it approach ,v Moiintaiii named at a in Nashville, d the advisory i - see alley a on the - to the Great national ar and meeting held re 'leiin., as i inem coiiiinr. tee ot tho s.sociahoi). Ben Kerley, 20, Is Victim Of An Amo Accident Vrrj 11 cn iverky, and M : s. John nesviiie. Was I oe cemetery -JO-year-old son ol Mr. Kcrley. ol hast Waj oiliaed at the KateliO bundav ahernooii, iol- ilii'eral icrviees held at tile iv 1'ev 11. W. Haucotii, pastor ! list Baptist church, assisted 1' rank l.catherwood. and keV , prwiii. pas:or ol tin Rat ol Morgan, s re-eleeted city llenrv Gaddv. huildi.t:' smmd A Mitrhdl, son. re-elected trea-urer attorney; n pector to G. C; I ergu- UnOSTFIVS ci.rr. TO MEET The Haz hold their tonight at erian Hut lWood '. '. r' ( lub will regular monthly meeting 7 o'doek p' the Presbv- at Hazelwood Those in charge of the meeting an nounced that a good supper, a visit ing speaker, together with fine string band' music would be features of 'he evening' jirogram. I'.lliLE SCHOOL .COMMENCE MEXT SET FOR FRIDAY NIGHT Friday night at X o'clock, the chih ,ir.n who bnve been attending the dai'v vacation Bible School at the Baptist church will give a program at the Baptist church. An example of wha1 thev have been studying for the past two weeks will be given. The public is invited to attend. lie Hai ti and took won; ul l!r in an aftti'- b.iwmg home of the bv Rev. I Immas eve church- Kerlev was a inenibcr Id! I -He Rapt ist chun in :id ive part- in the liurch. "i ounr Kerb v wa- injured .utoinobi e accident late I' i tday al , . i l I t noon near tlie ! isli llatcnery a; - in. lie died at the Haywood County Hospital Saturday atteinoon about 1 ii clock. Kerloy and -Mack Miller, also ol V .lynosvillc, were returiiiiig to Way. 11 -Mile, 1 Mini Hayesville in a stiip down" .Mode ford, and when ihe s ia-iniu' gear broke the car boc-amo unniaiiageable and ran nil the Inghwaj uo a r I Ol OW il't ll iH.e. was not iniured but na il zed tei ii eiiitiankiiierit i from the car . pavement, i racl was not in inn hv the accident Kerb v was and til Mean Lii ing hi. il. but i that In ;ulJ. so eild it til 'lb Willi, biaiugh v. when in ail to flu he linger' d ; or .1 ack of v was i p i"tr I 11 hours. vci vi palH earei s Im.-t. J.-ck Peath' rweo.,, I an! (ol. be.vav, Frvvin I.eai bet v. " i. 1 . : Siii Hikle. and Carl I ndei vo"d. Homer Brown Bound To Court Charged With Wife's Murder Young Haywood . Farmer Is Al leged To Have Killed Wife ON Last Saturday MISS RAY IS ROTARY SPONSOR AT FESTIVAL Miss Rosalyn Riv. attractive daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rav. was selected, by the Wavnesville Rotary Club a sponsor of the club at the Rhododendron Festival in Asheville this week. Miss Rav, with sponsors enrtinn rode on the Asheville I wife near the home of Rotary Club float in the Floral Parade parents. Mr. anJ Mrs. yesterday morning. The Rotary i and shot at her w ith a . sponsors "were also guests of honor load entered her -oJi at 'a luncheon given by the Asheville shoulder. The cminlv h club following the parade yesterday, j children. Homer Frown, r farmer i f t r,e Fines ( reek section, of t; county. was boun to court wrlimi! bad. Wed nesday morning .charged. with the murder of hi- wife, whom he is aleged to have,, shot la c Saturday afternoon near tnei.r home -about 2." wiles form Way-ne-ville. The a r.fe. was made. 1 e rn Mag - rat' Tr " D I , ri;J- M". Blown !, d -hii' ..V' reaci-.iing the hospital her". No m- pet 's inquest va deeni'-'d la ri --a j B'-own wn arrested ain 1e Wavnesyibe immediately sl-ootinr. lie i.- sai.l to !r: v M CO lis P- wr I.. I .owe, V The rear the two smll

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