Page 4 THE WAYVrsVII T t1 TVfnTTXTrr rvTiTT x jxu u 11 x ii Ai rjrjii I " "' -. - - TUT - -.aiiiit i I Miss Carmpn Pfltrcr. 1 I to, newest W 4 " ' 1 T iSST B'WMA 4 creation of the V CrtA$ra SW&'Jrf 6- -nt...c Laboratory of f ' . . SLW gjVj Northwestern University. Mrs. . 1 PsljjN " 1 and Fred Inbau le-,rned I fegggmm. ' i J" the detector doesn't lie- ! - l nn5C1.r, ' " but the Baron ... Well' . - . 1 ffl ROOSEVELT S man A ; & , V .. v Talks to Nation Col. Lo-.m .fT " "J-S""" "s-'iS-ssta3 1; McHenry Howe, the Prrtt. f fV'f dent'8 secrcViry, has L;un ! - a: ? 'Wpl -v1 8h a series of Sunday n.aiit na il ' L 'L? ? ' tionwide b.-c-dasts in w.i.-h LftfV a ' f ' M'llS ' F4 he dlcusses frankly the in m f" -m 'm JWs-'sL terec'.ing prob'oms confront i't'$&V V l'P''- i'-'SJ P-- Ing the nation. Walter Ti up.. iWXlk iSllr J6ai,? bu" "ducts the intc-.-.s.-. few Sl- m P f I3" D e ' a " o Kferf. J Average Ame, .can C,;,zc. .'m?&4 wiyiSi;, Rabbit to a ip -' &&0wJL, ErJr4 J. P MORGAN and LAMONT at the Senate Hear,n3T.,e Colossus of Td recent rjt' I oanktng with his almost e(; , ny ed recent'y- K'Wl--'' f I well known partner conferring in ''STnlSiHII Kfet-' "im i '1 ? the Senate committee chamber. " g f' f .CSii jj iVlH I A?!! Ilyij 1933 BATHING GIRLS- I '"-4,,ijJI l"' XI-i"l'f;llfiIS A 9rouP of Catalina Is- VBl -t" tiU 0lff5S ViVII ,and society debs giving ' ' ' f an informal exh.bit10n of 1 --'-(fvMi Ul- "IJiM 1 new bathing suit styles 1 -h"-, VJ being worn at the smart "8$ ' i'mlliC3 I II resorts. All the suits are k -v - Wm-I, llW backless, and some have ' W s f kerchief tops. v-:-:: A: lv!o!C TRANSLATED INTO COLOR Newest product HELEN LEE DOHERTY of foe C.-.mden research laboratories which translates daughter of Henry L i.jsic :,-,.- colored light interpreting the mood ot the Doherty. Is one of the ..; ., , va" oco l"c uulur U1 our own V0lce ana fev women In diplomatic i ma u.4tft symphonic or azz composition. E. B. service abroad, as assistant to Mrs. Ruth Bryan .C';.un3 r of tne RCA Victor Company, is Owen, Minister to Denmark. Miss Doherty is i , W' necrianisTi he developed and which widely travelled, a fluent linguist and a student win us a. ti. -eveaa .worW' rir. of international law. Fawes Are To Be Found At STERCHTS No. fi College Street IN STERCIirS BONDED TIKES YOU GET 1st. First line quality, bark-' ed by the same Factory Guarantee as evty - FIRST line tire. lad. STFRCHI S WRITTEN I()M) against accidental injuries tor 12, 13 and - IS' months.'" ;Jrd. "V .Discount I- Other sizes at equ; I 'rices. riy Tia'C'K TIRKS. :in x r, SIS. 1.1 . . i Pair, 10 I'iv Tlil'CK '1 IRKS. :V (! . . . .s;j().7.-, in pair . tH'b IWDKR TRKAD. loOxl (Inmdcd 12 months) . .Sfi.M. S Ply t'XDKR TRKAD. ir,o x 21 (bonded ir, months) SS.7S . S I'ly sri'KR TIRKS. Mr, x 1) (bonded IS months) Sill.:!;, . .S7.H. ii Ply I'XDKR TRKAD, 17-1 x 1'.) (bonded 12 niontlb C Ply UNDER TRKAD, .-)2o x IS (bonded 12 month.) (i Ply UNDER TRKAD, 300 x 1!) (bonded 12 month.) . SS.i)!) . . .$7.99. . .in Pairs. . . . in Pairs. . . . in Pairs. . . .in Paii-s. . . .in Pairs. . . . in Pairs. ... or ('ash. illy Low . S.'!.-).Sl . S39.().") . .$1:1.27 .SI 7.02 . .$20.2; .S17.IS SI."). 19 Sterchi's Bonded Tubes, when purchased with a casing, will he sold at a discount of Percent Wall Pa nar Enough to paper an en- dji QO ?y mi i aper tjre room for as Jow as $ i . j RED ROOM PRICES, Tp to $9. 18 0 0 f (fOOO Choice of 300 Patterns 3) 1 .OZ S 1 .OZ JbZ.ZO KITCHEN ROOM PRICES, Cp t ,! Q (hn $6.06, Choice of 130 Patterns 31.0Z tbl.OU JZ.Zo Livinff and Diningroom Prices, A i ja Art oq d0 TA Up to $33.8 1,300 Patterns M.t)U JbZ.Zo 3Z. 7 U TOIELY PAINT SUGGESTIONS 5,Ua"tf,er,I.IoU?e Paint' por ffaK ?2-7S Four HoU1, Enamel, per gal. . . .S3 P at Wall Paint, per gal 2.33 Four Hour Varnish Stain, per gal"." '. 3:15 Floor Enamel, per gal. ... 2.9S . Furniture Varnish, pint size 3S Gloss Wall Enamel, per gal 3.21 Rapid Cote Auto Enamel, pint si?e 6S S TERCHTS NO. 6 COLLEGE STREET ASHEVILLE MISS CarmPn pAttarenn vAfnn I " " - "wu ICIUIUCU tU nome in ureensboro Sunday after spending a lew days here as the guest of Mr. Lee Davis at the home of his Drotner, Mr. (i rover Davis. rvirs. k. f. Walker, Mrs. A. H. v nners, and little Betty Mae Withers spent the week-pnrl in South Carolina as the guests of rela tives. Miss Alice Stringfield' had as her oAfigh PoTnt MlSS JuHa HayS Mr. Andrew Hillm-,! v,,,,. ,.t j I .w,e, a weeK-s vi.sit to Mr. Joe Sloan t JK THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 193. Dr. an1 Mrs Tfpllu Flmn.. children of Baleigh arrived last Wed nesday for a visit to Mrs. Elmore's parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. McDowell. Dr. Elmore returned to Raleierh Mondav Vmt- Mrs. Plmn. children will spend most of the sum-here. Miss Henript.ta T left Mondav mornincr affor a few days here with her mother, Mrs. nugn ixve. Mr. Sam Welch and Mr Dnrse" Lynch of Raleitrh guest- of the former'.-; aunt. Mrs- J. Howell Way. Mis Hattie Silo, b roam n L - the commeilcement exercises a:;'l ern Carolina Teachers Coiled week. Mrs. Ruth Williams Eotha, who h been at Weaver College for the v " year, is the 2-uest of hpr Tom Lee, Jr. and Mrs. Lee at theKirt" patrick Apartments. ' '"' Mr. Albert New, who is a s-u,'t.. at the University of North Caru'-a has arrived to spend the sumnn-"v-cution. Mr. New attended the V-- mencement exercises and final ,i;ir' ..'. at the close of school. 1 -Vr. W V. Norman of Griffin, Geor Ka .joined Mrs. Norman a; the Hotel ayne-ydle Friday for a week-end y-Mt. He returned to his home Sun- , el f l!,d,Jt;1l..FerKusfn arrived last wek from Uins.ton-Salem to spend th" summer vacation. Mis, is a member of the faculty of Salem l oJlegc, Mr. "f'hfk" r 4,o e n.f r- , c JL ""), ueorgia 'r.ved last Friday to speend a two weeks vacation with his parents. Mr and Irs. W. J Lee, at their home on the rairview Road. nIis Louise Stringfield attended the final dances at Asheville School' fop noys on last Fridav evenings. She was accompanied on both occasions by Mrs. Andrew Moore Prederick Marsh, who is a student i at Danville' Military School, has ar r:ved to spend the summer wth his grannmotner. .Mrs. h. S. Horrold i - j Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Thomas, of St. i Peter-burg, Florida, have arrived to I ;pend the summer in Wavnesville I ;-nd are guests at Davista Terrace, the home of Mr. and Mrs. John LeRoy Davis. Mr. Jeffrey Freeman, who received his A. B. degree at Western Carolina Teachers College at Cullowheo last week, is at home for the summer A Mr. Carl Underwood arrived Sat urday from N. C. State College at Raleigh, where he has completed his freshman year in Agricultural Economic-. Mr. Underu-nnrl u-a nl,Wrl a member of the Alpha Chi Beta fra- ternity. 1 CARD OF THAXKS We wish to thank our many fi;. . for their sympathy and kin,ir shown us in the death of ,,n.- Also for the beautiful floral gift MR. AND MRS. JOHN KKRLE1 . Alexandre Dumas, who in answ, to the question- "How do you gr old so gracefully?'' replied," "Mada; 1 give all my time to it." The small, nervous husband w.i.- having an unpleasant interview with the large muscular cook, whom he was reprimanding on account of her iiuiiieious oreaKages. "Look 'ere," said she, "you can't frighten me I'm a 'dreadnought', that's what I am!" "Well, replied the other, looking at the heap of "broken china, "I would rather say-er that you are a de st rover.'' Suburban Courtesy Days ARE June 16-17-15-20-21 AT terchi's Ca An Sale nua Jhese five days are set aside for our many 'out-of-town customers and friends who appreciate the splendid values we are offering in this annual cash sale. . .and this same i-d will not appear in the Asheville papers until Thursday June 22, so take full ad vantage of this unusual opportunity to obtain quality home furnishings at such a small t'ost. "'.-'"' Original prices quoted are lowest .-1933 prices and special cash sale prices represent the very substantial reductions indicated from even the lowest regular prices ever offered on this quality furniture. These are only a few of the hundreds of items which are included in this store wide sale. LIVINGROOM SUITS New 3 Pc. Oak Davanette Suits" ... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . $65.00-3 Pc. Mohair Livingroom Suits , ... . . .... ... . . . .... .... $1 14.50-Maddon 2 Pc. Tapestry Suite . . . . ............ ... ' ' HEDROOM SUITS ?59.50-;i Pc. Walnut Bedroom Suite . .'. .... . . . . $98.50-1 Pc. Fine Mahogany Bedroom Suite . . . . .... $82.50-5 Pc. Twin Bed Mahogany Bedroom Suite Twenty Other Suites At Similar Low Prices DININGROOM SUITES $79.50-9 Pc. Walnut Diningroom Suite ... . . ...... $117.50-9 Pc. Walnut Diningroom Suite : .... . . . . . . .;...:" .' $119.50-9 Pc. Walnut Diningroom Suite ... . . ...... 1 ; . V. " . . , . Odd Walnut China Cabinets ............. . . . . . ' PORCH FURNITURE $12.50 Reed Extension Chair and Stool , - $1.5(1 Deck Chair ... ". . '.". . .,'.'":V"'V ."' "". ' " $1.75 Deck Chair ; ........ l ' '"''. ''." ." . $22.50-3 ;Pc. Fibre Suite; . ..... . v. . .V. . . : ' . . . . . ' : $5.75 Fibre Rockers ... . . . , . . : ;. .... . ... . ... . ; . ".-""' KITCHEN FURNITURE ; $39.50 Daisy Washington Range . . ..... .... ; . . . ... $17.50 Mary Washington Range . . . : . . . ... .. ' ' . . ' ' $1 19.50 Majestic Enamel Range with Reservoir $25.00 Enameled Kitchen Cabinet . . . ; . ' " ' V $29.50 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet ' . ' ' ' ; " r v" ' ' $39.50 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet ... .......... . . ... . ' ' ' ' Porcelain Top Tables . . , . , , . ..'""; J ' " " " ' asional ( hairs, Tables, Lamps. Rugs o.iu imie oeen reduced accordinglv. Free Deliveries-Buy Before Sales Tax Starts On July 1st. $19.75 $39.50 $69.50 $39.50 $69.50 $59.50 $55.00 $79.50 $98.50 $9.75 . $7.50 . $1.95 . $1.00 $13.95 $3.95 $21.75 $29.50 $98.50 $11.75 $19.85 $29.75 $2.95 STEKCHrS 5256 BILTMORE AVE, Quality Furniture 9 ASHEVILLE

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