t ' . .... THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JUN j5 , Miss Anne Albright arrived from High Point last week for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Albright, before going to New York where 'he will this summer complete her work for a Master's decree from Columbia University. Mi.;-? Albright n .v nld'.. the posiC ,n of Dean cf the Hiyht School of High Point. Mrs. Plato Miller, of Lincolnton, arrived yesterday and has rented a cottage at Lake Junaluska where she will spenj six weeks. She was ac companied by her daughter, Mis. Robert McCIean and three children, and her son, Robert Miller, and his Mrt and Mrs, S. p.Saltterthwait and Miss Barbara Haviland 'arrived last week from' Atlanta, Georgia for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Withers. k Mrs. John Little and son, Jcbn u of-Charlotte are spending th h here as the guests' of X 'fe' uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mr-- r v Massie. LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 friend V,- pv r.-J, ' -Ua' tna Weal nas a' r guest '"Misg Frances Moody of th. Farm f3,spending some time Mrs. D. M. Beaty and son, Dwight Beaty, Jr., of Charlotte spent sev eral days with Mrs. I5eaty's parents, Air. and Mrs. M. F. AJbripht. last Wfcck. Thev were nccoronnnipd ,c LinJ'n,;; rn "mle' a". Mls Vi- Nail of Kingsport. Dr. and Mrs. W. I. Cranford, of of Durham, have arrived at Lake Jun:iluska to spend the summer. Miss Anne Albright had as her are t" ! l guests last week-end Misses Meek d I.aurene Beard of Cornolm. ami Mr. .1'inn rarker of .Murf reesboro. Mr. and Mrs, 14. I.. Witfffins and iVUv and Bobby Miss Meek Beard and Mr. INrki r children. Miss !' members of the Hiirh Point Hie-h OPENING SALE 3 BIG DAYS i(., , ' -"oirow nitfjiins. have arrived Irom .Macon, wff h L Wi SPtrUl everal wec'ks OeorKia to spend the summer at their with her Krandparents. hum u Lake Junaiu.ka. School faculty. Miss Emma Louise Dotson. of Iron. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 16, 1 Dulf received her Utah school dinlo ma on her seventeenth birthday,. June 1J- : J ! I IF TRAIN TRAVEL BARGAIN FARE Saturday, July 15th., 1 !).. Saturday, August !9th., 19.!:! Ret urn Jiniit Sunday following date of salt', unless extend ed. $6.00 Norfolk, Va. AND RETURN Including- Seven hour Cruise on Sparkling Chesapeake Hay, Sunday, June 11, July Hi and Aug. 20th. KKDl ( IJI) KOI M) TRIP PULLMAN FAKES The aboe fare applies from all stations in Western Nortji Carolina. Limit on the-sv tickets will he extended for a period rot exceeding five days on payment of $1 per day for each day extended. Reduced fare tickets must be secured hefore hoarding train. Purchase railway and pullman tickets in advance. See your nearest agent for details or address, R. H. I )e BUTTS, Asst. General Pass. Agt. Asheville, N. C. COULD YOU LEND ME A BIME ? No ONE would think of . running across to a neighbor several times a day to ask, "Could you lend me a dime, please?" Of course, borrowing the use of a neighbor's tele phone is not exactly like borrowing money, because it doesn't cost your neighbor anything extra for your call except the interruption or possible inconvenience. Neighbors may borrow freely from each other and remain friendly, so long as each is careful to return the loan in full measure. When you borrow the use of a tele phone you are getting something you can't return. When you have to borrow your neighbor's telephone it shows you really ought to have o;ie of your own. When you consider the convenience, comfort and satisfaction that a telephone provides, you will probably agree that in trying to do without a telephone you an: sacrificing too much for the few. pennies saved. Why wni; longer? Order your telephone today. Southern Rell Telephone and Telegraph Ai Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Griftin, who have spent the past month at the Hotel LeFaine. left vesterday for their ho'ii,. in ilavan'i. Cuba- Mi-. Anhus Blake an, mother, Mr.. M. A. Biackwoud. of Davtona P-ach. Florida and Mrs. I. C. Curtis of ()!! npe, -Florida, have i rnVd to spend tli i:io,r:hs at the' Hotel I.e. Faine. They will he pleasant! v re in, inherni here win ) they have -pent th.1 na'.t eiirt.t rummer. Mr. James A.. Hill. Lexington, st-ite in-p. cti.r - f lluil.lin.r and Loan A -soi-i it ions, is spending ten d-iv-" in U aynesvil!,. and is u !jui' at the Ilnt.H LcFaH-. 'Mr. ,T. Di wey I lor eit. industrial eommHsioner of. Kaleitfh, va a 'week end vi-dtor. in Waynesvilie. Mr. Horselt expei- to return with his family .the lirst of July for a mon-liV visit. Prof- and Mrs. F. K. Aldridire an. children. Miss Maria and Julian Ald ridge, have arrived from Durham to spend the summer at their home at Lake Junaluska. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith and pruests, Mrs. M. D. Dunlap. Robert Hunt Dunlap, and Miss Velma McElhannon, attended the Rhodo dendron Festival in Asheville yesterday. Miss Kathcrinn Hade-elf nf TJi.-V. wood, West Virginia, is spending a lew. days here as the jyuest of Mis? Jewel Hipps Mrs. W. J. Clardv. of VittshuV and two children. Flervnor and Billy, nave arrived to spend thesummci with Mr. Hardy's parents, Dr. am Mrs. W. I. Tranford,. at Lake Juna- lu.'ka n K U mJk edJb MAIN STREET NEXT TO MASSIK DEPT. STOKE WAYNESVILLE, N. a. NOTICE Tutoring or Special Instruction This Summer in Mathematics and English. "BE PREPARED" Thomas Reeves will be my able assist ant. Enroll now for six week's course which begins June 27th. WILLIAM B. FERGUSON Tuscola Academy Mi-ses Caroline and Louise Wills of Memphis' are quests at Chestnut Miss Kt.hel Dawkins arrived last week from Candor lii snoml tlio nm. nn r with her sister, Mrs. Joe Howell, and Mr. Howell. Mr. Collins Mclnncs returrn.il to his honie Sund trip to Kentucky. Mr. Bill Pitt, of Moruanton, ac companied by his roommate from Harvard University, arrived last niight and is the guest of Miss Adora Holt.claw at. the home of her aunt. Mrs. Adora Rayne. M iss Holtzclaw will accompany Mr. Pitt to Moruanton today for a few days' visit. Miss Flizabeth Henry is spending a few weeks in High Point as the guest of her sister. Mrs. Charlo Bvi ami Mr. Bvnl. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Domett, of High Point, were week-end guests of Mrs. Dogge't's sister,. .Mrs, Woodson 'Jones, at:, Mr. Jones. i: Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Cav and Dr. and .Mrs. Djibert. Stretc'r attends the Floral Parade of the Rhedoden dron Festival in Asheville. yesterday Mr. William N'cw i.i expected to arrive todaV from Si Ci!!,,r., ;n IvaliMgh to spend the summer 'vaca tion with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Albert New. Rev. II. W. Baueoni. Mixsns Fli-zn. bth and Edith Tyner Baueom, and their cuests. Misses Tnrnlino anrl Jean Lantrston. Peti. T ntimM- mi n ugn hdward Tyner, attended the i riorai I'aradn o thn Khnimionlr.n in Asheville yesterday, M iss Lllen Cox of Winsfon-nlr.m arrived Tii(sdav for i vAi-0 visit in Waynesvilie, She is a guest at tne nonin of Mov nm iir tt w waucom, .. Mrs. Harlev- Ferp-nsnn nn,i r! ters. .Misses Adell and Virginia 1-cr- guson, and son, Mr. Harley Fergu son, Jr., are expectptl to arrived today irom iew iirpan? to cnn tir. cni mer at the Ferguson home on Hay- woou street. ... Mrs. Frank D. Knnt nf Atlor-fa. Geortria. is the p-uest f ATr n f Kiilian. Mrs. Hunt is :he wife of one of Wavesville't fnrmor rian ministers and has a host of, menus in tne city who will leatn wun pleasure ot her visit hero. . Miss Juanita Weavo. nrriwol la.- r 1'iuuv irom Her honw in HAninn icxas to sneni a few davs witk Vior mother. Mrs. J. T. Vnir of nome in ilazelwood. Mrs. Thomas Prico artA vnfVni- . u.,,1 Ullftlltl and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kilburn, of -ew jersey arrived Toesday to join Mr. Price at his snmmpf rnmr, iicKsione -uountam. . Mrs. Oliver Shelton is spending a few dav in AsheviHn th!a wnnL- Vio guest of relatives and is attending:) - sl.oo Pin: --" .1. I 11 I 'l Wl P.( iTTT ( MA 77c 1 IE mm f).-im i m Bin m 1 1, i i.a . kmJ$ ;i,)f 0 , nu, ' ": HM Mine-. al Oi! . . . ,r,9c I A g I '!' P " U o! 1 n, - j.,t I I 'uart .!i!k of Mat'-nesia e I I ?:.) Pint Pure 23s. ' od Liver Oil lift.' ft?n1 ty ...... . AWM hv Asp!r,n.......l2c ; 4 J, Size Sal- pJiM ll.pali. a l'l. f55 "IUM sjl f'"- S.vru;) I'epsin .1!k- f I -( size L..ax. 1 7eli ll .I , i nn lil-M-k ifc!gay I I si n.. .'.'' t 1 - -gl IU-AMPOI.KS , R-SJ! fl l-M. C. I.. (J. .ot, 1 1 ntC PREPARATION? if I CARDLT . J I LC rlmMenthlri V signalling m r icAi FREE IB CAMAY LAVA ", i. IB .. ... i::-y;. - c-.jrv ' I : for m RAIili I AT SMITH'S IB 'm I .'iaw." 1 I II lit ''L tii sl.no Pint-PLPSODKXT 69c pen ga J-oi: TIIK IMilCE (JF Si.0 I.avte LLSTKRI.NE 79c 25c Vicks AN TI SEPTIC 10c 1 H L CRI-iAM CON KS For 5c Any Fountain Drink Le Cream Sundae Etc BRIM; A FRIEND TWO SERV ED FOR THE PRICE OF ONE ICE CREAM 20c PINT ALL FLAVORS 2 Pints For 20c TOILETRIES 63c Perfection (old or Van Cream .t 50j Jertf-ens Lotion ) .(( AIL Purpose Talcum -jh.- 7-jc Glovers Manyi- Medicine .11. SI. 00 Lucky TiK'e- Hair Tonic (itr 75c Noxzema Skin t ream 4'V Lotv Powder V ith Pertume fix.- 75c b itch Shampoo Hi. With Fitch Hair O FREE CUT PRICES (IV EVE RYTHINi ; EVERYDAY AT SMITH'S r pi 11 Smith's Policy It is the policy of Smith's DrujJ Store; to buy for cash direct from the manufacturer at the best cash prices and to sell to y;)U for cash pivinjj you the best quality merchandise at the low est possible prices. AVe invite your help and suK?estiorfs in order to serve you better YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED AT SMITH'S Playing Cards j 39c Available in B rid g c a n i Pinochle decks; liricn finish w;r!i modernj s 1 1 calorcd bic'.s. An exqeptional value. . . . Heavy Weight TURKISH TOVVPf Q Accept one FREE with each bottle of Mulsified C0C0ANUT OIL SHAMPOO 60c MULSIFI ED 35cTURKISriTOWEl 95c VALUE BOTH FOR 49C FREE T1 r-l i nree r Jovers Acquaintance Package CONTAINING TRIAL SIZES OF Three Flower Perfume Three Flovert Face Povder and Three floerranitling Cream FREE With Each Purchase of 50c or more as long as they last Cet Yours EARLY tooth paste listeriNe i;u I PAN A ... .17.- PEIJECO .. . .-!::. TODEXT. ile SQUIBB . 1 7 PEPSODENT DR. WEST 17. I-OR HAM'S . .J! S. T. o7 :i!i. POST 2:1 LOYNS P. W. 21 SAVE AT SMITH'S: $1.50 LYDIA PINKHAM 98c $1.50 UPJOHN CITCO CARBONATE 9Sc $1.00 LARGE NUJOL . . . . . . 69c $1.25 S. S.S. TONIC . 89c 60c CALF. FIG SYRUP . . . . 39c 25c BLACK-DRAUGHT ... .15c 65c DRYCO iq. 75c DEXTRI-MALTOSE ; : :64c $1.00 OVALTINE LARGE .69c LB. CHOC MALTED MILK 44c Two 25c tubes Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream. Colgate tooth brush. Quality guaranteed . . VALUE . 50 50 Will.amc" SOc Williams : Aqua Velva . . . . . 33c 35c Palnioiive Shaving Cream 23c ustenne Shaving . Cream . 00. ' 65c Large 1 warbasol 4 jf iviennens Shaving Stock uo a 7blg dollar value for 49c 3-'.BIG' DAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY JUNE 15-16-17 QC301?fflo :SGSDC3 3 BIG DAYS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY JUNE 15-16-17 MAIN STREET NEXT TO MASSIE DEPT. STORE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. ne xnoaoaenaron f estival.

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