mm mm Has More Paid-ln-AJvance Subscribe In Hay wood County Than All UVfvUy Sewspapers Combined mmm ') ""n I i. irui 1 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA T1UUSDAY jink J. ltm frOLlt MURDER TRIED IN JUNE !ui!,,e R.lix"AlUTo Hold July Term Of Criminal Court Here On 10th I WELFARE HEAD dock- i -n'i) rttl th Four muvtKT carf - . f the July criminal term, of Su cort for this county which con T,,h 10th and will come up foi ,anesJui r Allev. who -,, v., l.i Vi . first cuun ---- unt; Tin-h., appointment .n Jan Lliaary. , ... -, The murder cases are: jarbuui .- 7, for the alleged slaying or i u tv Sherilt James -,imiiiuo rreek- Sigffsbee i'arura, ior u feS ,1 muili'r of Gknn K.ngsnior in K. tuck township; Homer Brow for '"he alleged shooting with a shot " .wife on a lonely trail ni R. mtk township; and Sam 1! ,o ,k and Claud Stamey, for the -l.inR of Tye Cathey in Pigeon township. ,, . . ,.i..,x ..i homicide case m 1 IHTe 1- aiaw w)lilh Carl and Guy Howell, brothers,'cd fo, the alleged slaying ', I s,tor when the latter was :,, .i .. v,irhwnv at Dellwood i-1 HU on 6- j - , . ..i i. crushed bv a truck al- V ii.. .i..:n In ,irw nf the Howells, a,,,... ,-, thnt wn draw some days 1 lie .1 . . . i- j i. .nfir Ainmuinnprs to l'u ov me 1"""" - - , at the Julv term are a 1 ir-t week, Clyde township 1 . T vxin rvt"i n I. n t Catiiov, c J. ," , stllmN. j Snjlcr J. W uks , i p r. Nohinson, and aM ,'" ,i ' Wavtipsviilo. F. I. Roll- , in W D Blavlo.k Malt McTioK, , irmw.t Fitzgerald; Beav-erdam. C . N. u,,,lt, C Tayloi, S H M.llci, i.l Walt Amnions; Fast I' oik, K- A. in l-iion . W Rogois 11 M I , Mm. I. on 1HKT, .1 A. Fark; Fh.s Creek. ('. V. Fulbriptht, .Robert llivnc- I R- Gilford; and Ivy UU, ! I carpenter. Clyde. J. Jones, A. lieavei (lain, v. i- "u'i t . . ,11 ...... T r. Tl rlummiin; w . I . riviin; imr I . Davis .V -N. Aoiman, Williams, Crabtree, R. C 1 i-t Folk, Lime, C 1 aw fold Styles; Iron Duff,- Guy Chain , md lute Oak Allen Dais Ornhans' Concert Tomorrow Night mm Potato Fields Will lASHEVlLLE BAR Be Inspected Today I HONORS JUIMIE AnH Tomorrow Here r rAA ali.ii !j NEW Sl'l'EKlNTENDENT j HOMER MENRY Who was former county supeni& tendent of Education , was nnmu heul of the welfare work of tne coun ty by the board of commissioners lit a recent meeting held hen- Mr. Henry, by virtue of his office has beeo head of the work lor sometime. erve )W Waynesville Won IVnnis Match From Canton Saturday Mr. Niswoner And . 1). Miuth lo Make Inspection I or Certihcd eed V. D- Smith, head ot the depart ment of wveational agriculture m Wavnesville township higli ?chool. an nounced that 11. U. iMsswongor, oi tne extensuvi division ot ihe stale de- oartnient ot arguulture will spfnd todav and tomorrow here inspecting potato holds with a view ti cei tltica tion of seed potatoes from tin yearV crop. Mr. Smih said that potato farmers had been in the habit ot buying then seed potatoes fronnMaine or some oth c,. Northern state, but it had now l,..,.n ,lmnnsti'ated that a nood grade of seed potatoes can Ik- grow i m Ha. .,.,w .vnniiv that llavwooi couniv ,,, iiviifliii-i- ;i variety that will bo in . i . demand a soon us larniers can oe- iin to nrodm-i' them in suilieient Quantities to put them upon the ma.k The outlook now is for a tme pota to crop probably the best in sevorni years iT there is no long orougin. mi ill visit the notato tarms or a manv of them a he will bo able ,lnrniiT i Vi 1 mie be W' ill be I'l the coun ty- with a view to locking over the farms and Unding out how malny certified 'seed potatoes n ay be grown ;.. tVi, .iiMiitv. or how many f.irmei;. lwi nelf, (d 111 oduee cei '.Hi. J seed. iv Smttb ! aopomnanv b :u on bis rounds. . Second week: sp- M. A. Cha It. I! HllL 0 Tin' Concert Class from the Odd Frimvs' Home at Goldsboro will ap pear in Wavnesville tomorrow even iiic, June '23, at the Wavnesville Lle mentarv. School building, at 8;30 p. m. Admission will be 25 and Ij cents. The program will be featured by limrtettvs . a chorus, and iminhers. I- is hoiied that a large audience Will lie present to hear this group and contribute to this worthy cause. ti..." w.i.nntvilk 'l ennis team dc 1 UV I,MJ.I."J". fe'ited the Canton team on tne ienc Meade courts last Saturday, winning live out of seven matches. A return engagement is. expected to be played at an eariy uue. xi match with the strong HendersonviHe umb'feated team is scheduled !"i Sat urday afternoon at the iJelle .ueaoe courts. The eores of last Saturday's match is as follows: Maxwell won over Burch, .0-2-. -2. Weathel'by won over Nichols, ..0-2. G-0. Padgett won from Bell. 6-2, 7-5. Robinson, Canton, won over IT.iyiK S, d-o. ti-4. vtn. r.intnn. won over Russ, 0-3, 0-4. : ii ,ii -,i,v Pnil,r,.tt. beat. Veto an, Bell in doul)Ies 0-2, b-,5. Weatherbv and Russ defeated Nith ls and Burcb, 0-2. G-2. l ocal Man's Spine Is drafted Willi 12-Inch Lei Hone BRIEF NEWS I T EMS Commissioner of Revenue, A. J. Maxwell, was beseiged by 100 mer chants requesting him to adopt icgu 11 iow the amount of isalus tax on each transaction in piue :'l tags, sales slips statements, or other records. : Mi. Maxwell made no decision. An iiuuncemont will be made later. It is apparent that no stamps will be used. Bad weather is interfering with 1'resideiH Roosevelt's vacation sea my. Fogs and gales held up the presidential party for a day or two. He is sailing in New England waters, two destroyers are following his 75 oot trift. Covernoi Eugene Talmage of Geor. Kia, ordered the highway departments, -he capitol and certain state property under martial law Monday, growing out. of his lengthy budget controversy witn the state highway board. Fdgar Avery, 10, of Kintson, while "iiuuiut; cabbie, J.eil ivcj wi Norfolk Southern Railroad track and was latally injured by a tram. F. E. Gardner is asking $5,000 dam ages lor injuries he is alleged to nave received when plastering in a Raleigh tbou.f n fnll TVio Tilns- V.ll JIL 111 .w f tenng cut a gash an inch and a half ong on his head.1 New Express Line Begins Operation The Skyline Service Kxpress, Int., began operation this week with their two new trucks making regular sched uled daily trips from Atlanta to Asheville. The local firm is owned and operand In W I Ma-ie I' A I uguson, and W V Biadky all will known "Wavnesville men. Two Chevrolet tractors will be-Used i u....i i, i.- Ti.w- v;in-'..viM--;l ti iu ks i.u iiaui Liit. ..v.. ... which wile built hi Iha t ind mi panv here. Headcmarters for the express eom- pany will be maintained at Massn. Rirreiiture Company, with the bus station as depot for their, cargo. Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Massie or ganized the J nk Rdbbit hnc but -old . . . . .. , 1 vi irii out their interest, several Morning Musicale To Be Given At Lake Each Friday Beginning tomorrow and continuing eacVPriday during the Puke Sum mer School term at Lake Junalu-ka there will be a Mominff .viu-ica aL 11 o'clock at the Mission nui.oi..B Auditorium. . Various artists from tne summc-i chool colony and guest ai usts V's- iting at the Lake will leaainj u,v piograms. lloth votai .mo cental music will be given. All music lovers and musi .ns "---invited to attend these Friday mom. ,.i-1i-- Mn admi-SlOl Will tC charged ant Mr. James ArUP- ha. kindly arranged to give ire eut. ---to ihe grounds to those n w-h to h'.-., the prv?' Mnssip's Sale To Begin Friday Morn. Massie's Department Store is be ginning an 8-day selling event Friday morning and rill continue through Saturday, July firt. Mr. Ma in hi-, advertisement in this paper stated that now was the opportune time to I. nl. nnrli'cA ' QE CnOds WCTC Sd- -.'-n;Tnr in nrice daily, and the three N'tlsou Calloway, of Fast W aynes v ill,. u-:is walkimr around the stioet- of town again tins week, after being ronlined to hi- bed tor six niontii, because ot an ieratlon on bis spuie. Mr. Gallowav has sutlered lrom tu. 1" rcuh.sis of the bone . fo,. ihe past iiumber of years, and last, winter he was carried to tho Jttltmor.e hospital where the small bone of Ins right leg -k i ..ikcii and crafted into hir spine ii'. the place of the infected bone. His of bis leg bone grafter info hi; : p.i.e t'lted in an effort to stop the disease.. ti,., .,-vir--ti,m on hi- siiilie necessi tate, bis being confined to his bed for ti" months, and be must now wear ;i steel brace. The steel .brace is nothing new for Mr. Galloway, as he was in a plaster cast for aliout three years. Manv of his friends told, him that be would never walk again, "but t.oi the brace which causes- him. to walk slow, his walking is not noticeable He sta'od that be bail never felt better in his life. 'Ihe 12-ineh piece of hi - left .hone grafted into bis -pine made the improvement ve-olulioiis Are Passed Com mentinv On dood Work Ot Max wood .Indue On Monday in L'ht. dune the 12th, t g banquet given by the Asheville R" Association to the members oi uie teval .ludn-ial t onterence, which was attended bv more than one hun dred members of the Asheville Bar the resolution appearing below was adopted bv a unanimous rising vote, commending the work of Judge Alley iluring the past five months. . Tirespnt .ludlTO John J. Parker, Soniur Judge ol the United St-it.-s ('nvuit court ot Appeals, and . . . . . , Judge Super of Maryland ami juugu McC ' iniick of West vurginoa, mo ncinKlx Reside., these there were- T, n,tiia t District J mines and promt nent lnwyers from nil the five states tb. Fourth l ireiilt. Judge Parker spoke at the meeting and paid the following compliment to our fellow townsman- "I am especially glad that 1 nave the opportunity on tins occasion to re new my acquaintance with my friend Felix Allev. He has olten argued ap pt lis in ouv court. Some times he icon and some times he has lost, but 1 can testify that be always arguou his cases m a lavy, r-like way. 1 .i.isScn fn mi nn record now as saying that when North Carolina included him among her Judge-, she honoieJ herself." . .. Tbn resolution commending .luifg aii.,.. rmbHshed m the Asheville in. .. Citizen, follows; Whereas, the Honorable Felix ! Alley has devoted to Ihe Sun rior Coin- of lluneoiiibe, t nun'y h-, tm.e .,,.,, ,,vil.isii,.lv sine"' .- appoint nie'd C the bench upon Ihe death of ,1,,, t-,1,. lanioiited Judge alter ly M.mip i'ihi now i aboti; to enaiplnv i,;. ,i,,n,, iu tins Ui-lnct : and. wi. .1,,,-iii,, saul neriod Judge .llov has presided over the otirU of this County with (lie utmost laiim ...... t ... x- , I i irii I V : I t M 1 ability : and has i., ,-..,-v a tnriipv at. the Dar .....i ......, ,.,msi. lireseiiieo 10 ni tent ion. patient ami painstaking toii- i i:.. .,.,.1 iv,L- iv,,ri.-p,i unt in nirlv to the cm! that all -matters pending in the Court might be disposed or speeu :i 11 -,,,( lr 11V US M I I - J , ...i i nimrc ,s the Hunromw .Mill U1V 111,1...-.,,- County Bar desire to express tnetr appreciation for these eminent ser- 'x' .!.. ii f I.,, ii re .iilved. that ii,., ituneombe County Association dHs hereby record its thanks to JmlfTe mi .. tl,,. fMilbful. lust and con sidernte seivices which he has rcn lored. and does" extend to him its Hood wishes in bis work m othei lts iricts in this State, ami bespeak-, his long continual ion upon the Rein h. P,e it further resolved mat imt s,,liin.. be spread upon our mm I O vs an,) given to the press. xstt v 0bc HAYWOOD'S LEGISLATORS Ih r -1 Rev. J. P. Harris, of, Beaufort, en tered his nulnit Sundav morning without his coat- Many men in his longregation took theirs off when the minister set the example. The preacn-1 vancing in a"' i ,,y imnosed er said he did it for comfort and not per cent sales tax would be imposed . . . t i :-;r Til V fir!T.. to start anything. Senator Robert R. Reynolds an nounced this week that he "will make "an active fight, but not necessarily lead" the battle for the wets in the coming election when the state votes on repeal of the 18th amendment. beginning . f In the advertisement a uuh.uw -items are listed, and in the sxore there will be found hundreds of other items of equally good buys. Miss Blanch Joy Hyatt of Asheville visited friends here Sunday. 1 .1 t ameer, a (ill in the last S With Senator Fra , f In U lai u ( yi.-v atih: v Friends of State Senator U. I unci- of W ivnr-ulk whoiiKntlv returned from the session of the. Gen eral Assembly, point with pnoe iu .- Ani.i.otiro nvnrrram ot leei.-l- lion that, he sponsored and assisted , in carrying through the h-gislativc-hopper. . - In -peaking of the uu it -i-ion turbulent in a sense but construc tive in manv.wa-ys, Mr. I raneis .men tioned srv.ial piccr, of kgislatio.i that he pushed -through -that ate ol substantial . benefit to the State and especially to Western North. Carolina. 'Out of the puces: of lcgi-lation that ! am the proudest of," he said. ;,. .w-if .c.f. havmir tne aKo vjm highway exempted from the opera tion of the reorganization bill of .the St ate Highway commission, a bill in which -it was sought, to halt road building in the State for the. next hierinium. It is well known thaCthe highway commis-ion bill hal In-en pa-sod, and it carried with it the provision that no knew construction project were to be undertaken for two Years. That, of course, fixed the Soco'Gap road a. a dead projec' for the next biennium." Then it was that Mr. Francis and other friends of the project got busy. C . 1. . L. vnrill- inn Illfi I I V III. till floor of the Senate, and, m his speech to that bo.Iv, painted the oest Pic ture possible of the beauties of the country through which the road runs and the advantages to the State for the eastern entrance to the National Park to be completed with a road of that kind, and asked by motion that the Soco Gap project be exempted from the operation of the bill- He obtained the unanimous consent ot the Senate, every vote being cast in favor of the exemption. In the hou.,e, Colonel J. H.Howell, representative from Haywood county, came to the rescue, and the bill went through the (Continued on page eight) week we rouuesfed W. C Allen to get for the Mmm t,h ..t whit th. Haywood S.natm md R pi s nt it ,m ,, f th (.(noal XsMinbh n mtim.w w is hid u 1 R.pi.-dUitiv, ! H How, 11, .ml th, highlit bt i..,.. ........... ...ninllVIN VVCFI' flVCIl. . futiin -hi' 11 " 1 W (J II 1 II 1 t-. i 1 i U "r ' ' - R 1 R N l1- wen PI I! SI l I II HOWl Id' v in n I iw th it It ,l n ' ,, a, th, i.dit of th. St it I ot.d f , tin g. m i il - th s t it ud I i lo pel -I Harden Howell- rcpre. entaiiy, - - . ... ' . 11. 1 ,...-(. V ... i ',,v v,'.i K ti i iii n v in tae i,,i, of the la t I.gislature. which down in history, as one oi epochal in the h.-toiy of lie explained that, he did ,.. ,-..t,, fj.'r a safes tax. -hat ,,1 to it, but i n It. u b.-i- inilli' the- most the Stat a not want lie AVt.nt to R .1, ago opt)" he saw no other way out. Colon, I Howell, who, about tin cq weeks atro. returned from Raleigh, said that his. purpose in becoming; .a ,ndu!ati foi the I' g's' ltl'r, w.H tli.-it he might be ol service, to his con.. tituents in reducing tr.e hurdeu oi taxation and assist in tmiing a way. to economize in governmental expen ditures "To some extent I did that, and realized both of my objectives," he continued. Colonel Howell pointed out that it i very haaal for a member of the Lcg ii ituu to put through his views in ihe form of laws in he General A s,mbK "The f ict 1-, i'l liw- are the result of compromise, and nobody niav expect to nave his own way anouc anything among a body of men like tn," .ncmbtr, of the State Legisla ture" he added. F,u Havwood county s representa tive did have some local laws passed that the average taxpayer will ap plaud him for- He reduced thesala rv of the tax collector about 2o per cent Ho put Haywood county be fiseal control act, eliminated the county auditor as treasurer and made it ) that anv ban m Haywood coun ty may come the depository by or der of the county commtssienerE. He also decreased the salary of the coun ty auditor from $2,400 a year to $1,800 and reduced the shen.t s mileage n 10 -o 5 cents per mile in the trans portation of prisoners. Cut courtesy Asheville Citizen. .1,4 'K Mi ATesser will nssllllle his dimes July first as county superintendent of education, succeeding it inner Henry. Two Stills Are Cantnred By Hay wood Officials i'l,., lierilV's ilenarl ment made two still captures this week. On Sunday niubt deputy sberitl ill ( arver and Hi t ry l'lott . Sam .lust ice and i opsin i.i., l,.,vl,,v eantured a ,',0-gal Ion still in He.averdani ..township.. No arresfs were niaile,. I he opei atoi oi .I,., still was near when the e.iiitilii wa -made, but iiKl'le a quick ge.-aw.ay -;l,e.-itr I mm and ,lohn Iverley e;ip lured : S-gallon --till in a car ill , I-,,, .Av The slid .was beiiif iv.ansiniteil m th,. car when the capture was iiiaih'. J wo young. 1i.i;n ran I'reiii I lie scene, hut a man aim I ov were arrested. ( anion Police Find Bullet Holes In Car Canton police are seeking clue a to the theft early Sunday morning oi a Chevrolet coich nclonging to 111. l.rl G. Barefoot which was .stolen from bis garage sometime after midnight Saturday, 'the au'.Jiiiobile is a l'.ol model and l.,l I i,n riven' Iv repainted. 111... f..l- was stolen without the use of switch key- by an ..experience and .,pccni b, ink no. uccordilie; lu ofhi el s. It is believed that the persons who abiuiil.'mcd a ISKi2 model ( lievlolet ,,r . i....i ... 1, ...... Uiliii',luu Coactl ill WfcSI, iiitliyil neat aie the ones who made a get-a-way .. ;,i, In- Ifiirelnol's ante. I lie t hev- i,,lef. found' in West i anton by State ll,l,wav I'atrolman A,, lb Smart, hav! : i Lull, ,t hnle-. in '.he driver a id., of to car. M-l,.. ,..i ,, rnnnisted oi llviiaillllu I'u-ies. oil can- .old shoes, soap, and ..ii,,,,- .ntirles whnb indicated that Hie machine had previously been in ii... .,-:.ii,ii o1 in m limners ui .in ,,.-.. h'old -up men. The .abiiiidoned ear i....... ., K,.tii,-i-v irense lann iJarien I 1 1 I i i i i . i i - count I' w i mil id, i ibh l imagiu .;i , ,1,.. liiulv nn, was operated 0 ilDUUI tin- 'J J ' a straight ' 'hook-up-without twitcn It is thought. -thac the persons who abandoned the car watched .in. nan r..,.. ,lfn-,. ti In mime 1 then aft, he retired for the nighl made a W awav with his aiitom.ohi.le-. . s Thouffht That County Will Have 5 School Districts New Districts Are lo He An- nounied liv I nM Ol ,lulv. Is Heliet Oi Messer Messer. recently nanie.i .-a pel - intir.dent of education ot Haywood Hintv. stated yesterday in the course an interview with tin- paper, that ,s the n-enern! belief that. Haywood ountv will not have but tour school listriets outside of (anion, alter the late oflicials redistrict -Ju county. which is i-xnectod to be sometime within the next, two weeks. Havwniiil eonntv is now divided mto :.'! sch.Hil districts, outside ol ( anton. "The board of education of this ountv did not recommend that the county be redistricted. but it was stated that authorities require, I it," Mr. .Messer stated. Fnt i'l the districts are announced, and just what territory they com- . . i ,i . i . . 1 : . prise, the school ooar.l lor ine ms t ritt cannot be named. It is thought . - . ' 1 i that the districts and territories win be announced in time for the hoard to name the school district boards on the first Monday m July. Last vear the average attendance for white school child'n for six months, outside of ( anton, wa- .,,077. The Canton district was 1.!I0. Mr. Si (-roan, ? Canton Farmer, Is Buried On Tuesday Had Lived In ( inintv .since AN ar l.elweeii I he Males. Died Ylomlav Mrs. Jane ('arson, Buried At Clyde Hundreds of persons attended th funeral service for Mrs. Jrr. - a, son -.- 7.1 it th,. Civile Rantist i uuiiK, " ' . i nit ,.i.....l, C.,l,n, nrte'rnoon a: .laid o'clock with the Rev. R. 7". -McCrack ,.frr.;nrin,r P.iifiaf was in h , ... m .......... Clvd,. cemetery. Mrs. 1 oung ok Saturday. Active pallbearers were:. Larr' Cagle, Simons Downs, Otti.s. Freeman. Charles Brooks. Horace Sentelle, and Devon Medforrl. Honorary pallbears included the officers of the Clyde churches, oftlce-rs of the Bank of Clyde, professional and business, men of Clvde, and town officials. The flower girls were: "ahy iu' t "li nen, Jessie Chambers. Hilda Cham bers. Katherine West, Idella Downs, Wiley Sentelle, Kitty Sentelle, Mary Kate Penland Svbil Anderson, Lucile Rrooks. Enwma Brooks, Annie Mc Cracken. Louise McCracken, Bernar dino Mooney, Ruth Medford, Willie Francis, Heisn Rogers, and Grace Rogers. l , i .if .i n v,. I a rme i'. men at imoii Monoay al Ins no. ne near nmon .!- an illness -.C several ni.mith-; ,r lirocan was horn m Givetivilu, ( .. ano .moved to llavwooi count;. li.riiH, Hie W:if llcrivorii ttie State.-. lie -was a nicniber of the Anion 1'laiiis Mel.h.odis! Kpiscupal churcii. South. r on a .TTs. Sii rvivmg are his widow, one -on, . . .... . . , . . be Rev. Holland tirogan. or , aiii 'ii, iPuie'ef-prs. Mrs .1. F. Mann, of anion. Mrs. D Walker, of Charlotte, lr- lne;- I'erguson. ol Siiokaile, Wash., and Johnnie Grogan, ol . ,. , -1 ,.. ... Ol he iv canton; stx granucniiuren. ., i at grandchildren, "aim one gieal eat grandchild. The funeral service was held I u- dav afternoon at 3 o clock at t he ri..Mi Plains Methodist church with W. II. Pie s, the Rev. W. I . 'ritnev. ami the Key. CA . ncnton bciaiinu. Ad ivc p.illbcarer.- weie: ,Ity, c H,en efh Grogan, Paul Grogan Doyj 'i i- in e, Kenneth llipps. and t rauk rogan. 1 1 oiiorarv pallbearers were. L '.rooks. Asbury Yarberry. W.K. An-. ersoii, (leorge Cat hey, Joe MiIIpi. 'olomhUK Smatbelts Will ( lark, J. I . Holland. Frank Mann, J. Ii. M am. V I! Branilett. Dan conVIl. . Alsic C6rde.ll, John Mann. Clayton Fih, ... . . . , . . . ' i ., j ( ,1a n I'l,' -s. James ..ore, v rom v.uic. v.ami. Smatliers, insou AVoiley. s Woods. Bill Morris, - ( harles ... , . i -.... i uii-tord. Mloherf w imams, joe "8- liurn, liar:.-, IV- by- 1. Ablerson, Marit niickett: Will Hipp.-, Tom Hipp K i- Led ford, Kine-d Broyles, t,,i,.i i.,,-v,-n..(irr. .ester Johnson. Luthe,- Scruggs, Charleii Fish, .Benson Fhil- n-s, f'haiies .King, James Henderson. W II Henderson, T rank (ogPua ii, J-evs-Brown." Joe Lawrence, Joe Duck , tt, D M Pui lev, Hailey William W P, illi-, Chaih - I a i- iiv Minn II i-tings Webb, Gmvir (lev enger, C S- Christopher, W ill John-. son, Ollie Stamey, Corbet! Wright Dr W- C- Johnson, Charles; Briggs, and 1 Vaughn. Wade Matthews Dies Of Typhoid F e v e r Wade Ma' thews, nbotit "i'. d.-d a, the Haywood County Hospital , la-t Saturday night. Mr Matthews was an emidove of a lumlier company in ( ruso. Ic ....t ramp til with typhoid and Jiej '.hue ,lavs later, Mists Martha W av returned Monday, from Jefferson City, Tennessee 'where she spent several davs as the guest of Mr and Mis R R !, 1' Mi Jane W hite. who acconipatiieil MisS. Wav to. Jefferson City, is remaining. for a longer visit. . Hradlev -Davis To Open Office In Canton Soon Bradley-Daviq Company have leas ed part of the building in Canton Occupied by the Canton Chamber of Commerce and will open a general insurance and real estate office m that place on July 1st. Mr Bradley and Mr Davis will alternate between their Waynesville and Canton offices. The following is the official weather report of S. H. . Stevenson, oflicia! wiathei obseryeL for Waym-vllc Date Max Min ' 1", fi' 3 10 ' 79 40 17 . '- 83 ' oi . . IS 85 '1 19 , 89 "6 : 20 .7 . The WeatheA j