wmmm my Has .ov Paid-in-Advance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All Weekly Newspapers Combined WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA VOL. XLV NO. 30 THURSDAY, Jl'NE 29, 19:$: II II l J.MI I ilTI VI IM 1 M 1"V "III I1H.X f Kl III! tW. IIHillli ..-i' IkUil II III IIMIVll'V I r J I IIMl IMPIIH VI 3. 1 H BRIEF NEWS ITEMS 'fire destroys plast Fire destroyed the finishing department- storage and manufacturing nluit of the Novelty Manufacturing Cmminv at Thoniasville Sunday. !,a mage was estimated at $20,000. IF1FL WORKER TEACHES S. S. CLASS 15 v a two to one margin vote, the Men's Bible elass of the Limcstone . Mvi'f Methodist church of Uaffney, defined to accept the resignation of II Swirik as teacher. Swink was receii'lv appointed elector for repeal of the 18th amendment. 1 XVKFKGH AND WIFE TO FLY Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh and hi- wife, plan to fly from New York to (Jmiiland within the next two or .hive weeks. From Greenland the ilight will probably be extended across ihe Atlantic to Iceland and Denmark. yorxa womax killed Mis Kathleen barren, 17, was fatally injured and two young men seriously injured when an automobile lontaini'ng six people crashed with a iai near Washington, N.C. w n t-hoik on: cosily V Scott McBridge, general super intendent of the Anti-Saloon league, -aid that the stay-at-home vote in 12 states which have approved re peal of the eighteenth amendment -duld hay? prevented that result. Pr. McBrido said the vote was less than one-third the total vote and less ban -10 per "cent of that cast in the Jut general election. COX VICT KILLED Ilium Frye, of High Point, serv ing live to seven years for alleged hkrhvyay robbery, was shot to . death in an attempt to escane from state liiison farm. S20.000.000 IS WILLED A 20,000.000 trust fund to be used without restrictions Tor the benolit of humanity," was established in the will of the' late Horace J. Rackman. multi-millionaire philanthropist it was learned when his will was filed for probate in Detroit this week. RIGS BY LOSES J Oil R. W. Rigsby, former city manager of Asheville and Charlotte, who has recently been employed at Washington in the organization of vast public works, lost his job, according to an article in the Charlotte News yester day. H was reported that Mr. Rigsby w;u working for a salary of between .97.000 and $9,000 a year. ( W A.' KlLLhl) I HOLDl l -William K. Tennell, cashier of the Lacrosse. Intl., State Bank, was killed lv: one of five bandits who attempted to rob the bank. No loot was gotten by the bandits as the safe was locked. U'O.IM.Y DROWXS IX LAKE Mrs. Rebecca Ranson Duncan, 5G, dean of women for Montreal Normal School at Montreal, was found drowned in the lake Monday. Coroner Carroll of Buncombe county said it was a clear case of suicide. She had been despondent for sometime, it was loported. AL SMITH GETS DEGREE Alfred Emanuel Smith, who obtain ed his early schooling in the college of hard knocks, was honored last week by the country's oldest institu tion of higher learning, when Harvard University conferred upon him the degree of doctor of laws. W. W. N. C. Cafe In stalls New Service Equipment Here C. A. George, owner of W. W. N. C. Cafe, announced yesterday that he is having installed this week a special counter in the front of his cafe in which he will keep all kinds of salads, imported : cheeses, and meats of the style sold in delicatessens. The counter will have electric re frigeration and will be located at the front of his place of business and can 1e observed easily from the street. The salads and cooked foods will be prepared by the cafe chef, it was stated. The food will be retailed or served to customers at the cafe- Week-End Events At Lake Junaluska Rev. L. B. Hayes presuming elder of the Waynesville District, will deliv . er the sermon at the 11 o'clock ser vice at the auditorium at Lake Ju naluska next Sunday morning. On Saturday at the 11 o'clock ser Wallace, The Magician, will give an entertainment at the auditorium. Chas. E. Ray, Jr., Enters Business With Brother Here Was Chief Engineer of Depart ment cf Conservation and Development Chas E. Ray, Jr., who for eight years has served in an engineering capacity and as chief engineer of the division of Water Resources and En gineering of the Department of Con servation and Development, has re signed from that post and is return ing to Waynesville. his home, where he will enter into business with his brother, J. iltord Kay, m the mer cantile firm of C. E. Ray's Sons, one of the largost department stores west of Asheville. Mr. Ray stated yesterday that he wanted to begin his duties at the store this week, but that he could not leafe his office in Chapel Hill for about a '.week, as the man to take his posi tion had not been named. "I'm glad to be back in Waynes ville, ami I intend to take an active part in civic affairs,'' he stated. Mr. Ray tirst went into the service of the Conservation Department in a subordinate capacity in the summer of 1!2,! while a student at the Uni versity of North Carolina. He re ceived a degree in Engineering from the University in 11)2:"), and contin ued oil a part-time basts for two years while doing graduate work. After completing further work at the University, Mr. Ray became prin cipal .-assistant, engineer under Thorn dike Saville,- nationally known engin eer and former professor of hydraulic engineering at the University of North Carolina, who now holds a sim ilar position with New 'York Uni versity,' Mr. Kay -wasadvanced' to the position of chief engineer in Sep Urr.ber. 'lil.'!2, 'following the' resigna tion of Mr. Saville. According to' lliicc.or 1 larreb-ou. Mr. Hay has filled hi-; -position with lie highest dygioc of nrol'tciency -and hi- progressiva ideas and program have distinguished hint in his pro rission. Several constructive features tiitioduced by Mr. Ray, the director continued, including the enlargement of . studies of salinity of waters of North Carolina's upper sounds, ob taining cooperation of the U; S. Coast Guard in beach erosion studies, and broadening the scope of studies of industrial-waters of the 'State, mark the tenure of office of the chief engineer. He has had -'occasion' to maintain numerous- contacts with cooperating municipal and federal officials. Com menting on his resignation, the Chief Hydraulic Engineer of the U. S. ( ologu il feuiuy, Mi ( t.iovti, writing from Washington said: "Please1 accept my congratulations and best wishes for your success. However. I regret most sincerely to lose you as a cooperating official with the State Department of Conservation and Development not only because of our pleasant relations in the past but also on account of your enterprising and progressive attitude in regard to the work; Li you resignation I feel that the Department: of Conserva tion and Development will suffer a severe Toss. However, I hope that the State will continue to benefit from your services in other capacities and that the Survey will not be divorced from your personal interests." The Water Resources and Engin eering Division, of: which Mr. Ray has been in charge, is concerned with varied engineering activities hugely relating to the water resources of the St it loimal projects of woik have included, stream gaging in coopera tion with the U. S. Geological Survey; power studies; hydraulic investiga tions including rainfall, evaporation, etc.; coastal studies , in cooperation with the State Board of Health; in dustrial water studies in cooperation with institutions of the State, land draining; and related activities. From time to time, the Division has served in engineering capacities for various State agencies. Particularly it has had charge of rehabiliating the eight mile levee protecting Caledonia Pris on Farm from Roanoke River. floods. The mercantile firm rwith which Mr Ray will be associated was formed bv his father about forty years ago. It operates eight departments which in addition to being designed to meet the needs of the Waynesville commu nity including Hazelwood and Lake Junnaluska. operates particularly to meet the varied needs of the substan tial rural population of Haywood and adjoining counties. $2,766 Is Spent In Haywood For Relief Work During May Raleigh. A total of $1,0 13.666 was spent for relief purposes throughout North Carolina during the month of Ma v. according to statistics made pub lic by the Governor's Office of Relief. This sunt is approximately $50,000 les, or about five per cent, of the $1,001,855 spent during April and nearly 23 per cent less than the $1,323,346 spent during March. In this county $2,766 was spent in May; . t To Perform Here ( APT. 1U BK PKHKINS Captain Perkins To Perform Here iHitidf old Artist To Do Many Stunts For The Fiililu1 1 hat Seem Impossible Captain Rube- Perkins, who does things while blindfolded that many pioplo could' not do under anv-circumstance's, will t'e in this city next week-end to prove to the public how "easy" it is to do things under all conditions. Walking ' around the edge of the i-'irsi National liank building while blindfolded is one of the many feats be plans to do during his .'exhibit ion here. T-'iviiH!' checker.. With !'vo people at ...ice while 'bliiu'lfobled is ancttior of h- - thiioi's' ho -delightf in. :., it is i , ported- thai lie M-ldom .. lo,-- -e a gnl.lC el' rheclo-r-- 'llldel' sue! comli i;oi)s. do, s not. carry a card - showing ;hat he is -a iio.'llihe,- of the J,arbcr's uiiioii: 'but never! heless he will shave n nuin, although be will have on his u.ual 'heavy blindfoold. r.-ipiain Perkins is expected to ar rive Tn're the first of tluv weidi aiid at that time Will have his program dotinitcly arranged and a complete announcement will he made in next week's paper. Letters For Local Delivery Will Be Carried For 2 Cents New Postage Kate Hecomes Kf- fevtive Saturday. Authorities Helieve Revenue Will 15c Increased The recent nrder for a two-cent postage .rate, on "local maii will be come effective mi Saturday, according to an announcement by postal au thorities. . T. 1.. (ireen, local postmaster, stated that any letter which is sent to any person getting his mail at the local post office, either in box, by carrier or rural carrier, would be carried for. two cents. Any mail going from the local post officer. 'and through another post 'office will have to have the usual three-cent postage. It is the belief of postal authorities that this new rate, will increase post age revenue, and then, too, the prin cipal involved is that it does not seem that a letter beinb delivered, to a neighbor should cost as much as one mailed to a city- thousands of miles nwav, it was explained. Work On County Budget To Begin Witih Few Days Commissioners Meet Here To morrow For Last Day As Equalization Board The. board of county commissioners are scheduled to complete their work as a board of equalization on Friday of this week when thev meet at the coseurt house to hear the tax payers of Waynesville Township. Members of the board announced that the number of complaints for ad justments were far less than expect ed. Just a small umber have thus far appeared before the board. It is thought that the board will bring back approximately $22,500,000 in assessments when they, complete their work. With this figure or what ever amount they bring back, they will begin at once in making out the budget for the coming year. It is expected that it will take several days before: the budget will be complete, and the tax rate for next year an nounced. One member of the board stated that the coming year will be the great est tax year, as there are more debts coming due than any other year. Fourth Of July Celebration I s Planned For Lake Fireworks, Tennis, (iolf, Flay And Twenty-Five l'ieee lkind Will Ue Featured A lull program of events has been planned tor the Fourth of July at Lake .luanluska. This program has been arranged for the entertainment of the large number of visitors and Hsidents who arc expected to spend the holiday at the Southern Assem bly tl rounds. Beginning in the morning at 10 o'clock a golf tournament will lie held at the .lunaluska tiolf Course. At the -ame timt. tennis matches will start on the courts adjoining the bath house. In the afternoon swimming and divitnr contests will feature the program at the bath house. Kvevy Uxly is invited to enter all tourna ments and contestants compete for the prizes-which will be awarded the winners- In t ho evening an of fireworks will bo t ion. At S o'clock a ,", elaborate tin added lisplay ail rac- ,'t ( omedv will bt presented at students of th tbi' auditorium by 1'uke 1' Diversity Summer School. Music will b0 furnished throughout, the day by a twenty-live piece bam' W Acres Potatoes Pass The Certified Inspection Tests ppioini.ilcl :.(l(ll) ISusliels of Yumlu'i' One I'ofaloes Fv ! 1 1 In ( rop w one, i tat, th.T with W liobl, of pe at i O 1 ol l ,SS I '-' Siiilih c Id lim y i e n Co ! ili i en lirlo the n tb, i U-i in f .1 icon 1 1 !a- - Th" t , ,'t a ! n iimbi, r of acre's ill I he lo holds was about. MO ;o res, accord ing :o M r. Sin il h If is believed that at least .o.ooo bushels of number one potatoes will tie produced from this number -of of acres. With the .exception of two fields, the notatois bob-in g to members of the vocational 'agriculture buys. Vcrliii Campbell has 1-2 acres, bind Allien. Howell has o acres, and the remainder ' of the ?!0 acres 'belong to boys. M r, N i- w c i,i' t plans to ''return to Haywood County in July and make further in-pectioiis of the fields. In the meantime Mr. Smith is completing several inspections ami giving certi fied grades. The following .fields passed inspec tion: Kugoiie l-'iancis . A i t Ini r Francis, Katelil!' I Vo (irange. !'. I.. Leopard. : High School I'lot.. Joe- Davis. J noes i; arret.. i.uidus Allen Paul lirowning. Albert Howell. (iilnle,. ( 'aid well. : Walter l'lott. Ned Moody. Matt Reiner. .' Veiiin ( 'amiibell... Ram Sale At Clyde On 15th Slated To Be Biggest To Date W. 1). Smith, vocational director of Waynesville ''township., made--'an ap peal to the ..farmers, of the county in regard to the ram sale at Clyde on July 15. Mr. - Smith's -statement is as. fol lows; .'.:.- "Farmers, give a little attention to vKir registered rams that vou plan to sell. I'lan now. to be at Clyde on Saturday, July ,15. This should be the biggest sale in our history. The stock pens at Clyde , will be ready. "With the opening of the market in Asheville. good lambs can be sold profitably. Therefore., get a good ram to head your flock at this sale. Homecoming Day To Be Held By Hazel wood Presbyterians The Hazelwood Presbyterian Church will observe Sundav, July 8, as Home Coming Day. A splendid program for the day is being arrange ed- This will include dinner and an afternoon program. Invitation will be sent to present and former members living in other communities to spend the day in Ha zelwood. Many summer visitors will also be invited. It is hoped also that every local member of the church will "be present on that day. Various committees are being ap pointed to look after details. Commissioners To Retain Sanitary Office In County Inspector Has Not Been Named. Towns and State Appropri ate Funds For Work Tht board of commissioneis while in session in Canton Tuesday as an equalization boird, unanimously agreed to retain the office of the county sanitary inspector. The in spector was not named at 'he meet ing, but will likely bo named on the first Monday. F. 1.. Hinton is the present inspector. A i.irg" number of petitions from the civic organizations and business men of this cry were presented by Mrs. Helen ('. Matthews, secretary of tin; Mist riot Chamber of 'Commerce., 1 lelegat ieiis frcin Canton and other towns also appeared before the com missioners in behalf of the work. Che commissioner stated that it see mod that practically everyone;, fa vored the r.'laiaiag of the otlice. Arrangements have been rj.ule with the city officials of Canton and Way nesville whereby each town will pay approximately So HI a year !i the work. Hryson City has agree 1 to pay "J00 and there is a possibility that Fianklin a, id Sylva will ' make m appropriation. The state nay- '.!." ,, , ,1 ..I' l,t. ,,.,,( ,,,:,.,,,! 1- cure,! locally. With all these f u nils, the eoiintv will havo a small pan t o b,.,r i ho member of the hoard .at '! Larie Crowds Are Attendir.j1; Popti Dr. ales Is l!rmiMH Miri ii't.' .less;ii!os. pli'ii;li(l Music Is ! cal lire .'The ci ov . i l-ia-ve ! com m r, o ' n-,-da ily at t lie reviv l sei ioe bo h began la-I Sunday niornme- 'wi.li Hi-. K to ale .. oi l.oiii- ill,-, e-'ii-ibictHig ! he ..'-oryiceC- It it ec'i-'i ed fh ,t 'I'lv auditorium of the llapti -i ehuii'h will be taxed' to capaoily af ter ' toivighl. - Two -.eivici's ,-uo 'being held ;lcli. day, one in ;he inornings at 10 o.' -lock and e-ieli evening, at H '(('clock. A cho'n comnosed of aboul IS or 'SO voices and accompanied by .liine 1 'of for al tlie organ . -md Miss Kliza belh llaiiceiii a! the piano. Tbi1 music ia bi e'i iiiie of the features of t he meld ing, Mr. V.-i'o. aiiiioiinced !lie following sermon -subji it - .-for the i'einaiiiler of the lueC'liilg. wliicb will I'onlinue Ibroiigb Sunday evening: Thursdav evening. "I''.ither of 'I'lu I'rodigal." 1 b'riday nioining, "Tin- I leant it tide's. " l-'riday -v:riing:, "The ('o,t of l!e- fusal.' ! No sorvices Sat u rday. Sil.nilay uiortiing. " I ' Ml'iiHilled Pur-, poses." Sunday evening, "Tli .ludginont Mav." Mr. Vales made a special invita tion 1o the older people to b" pros i nt Sunday inoihing. although the sirvico will not lie ju-n for thenn it will be a uii'ssiige of eai-ou rageiiu nt, lie s-ated, ; Four Men And (iO Callous Of Liquor Captured Tuesday Revenue 'officers intid,, a capture Tuesday night (if 00 gallons: of. litpior in the Fines ("reek section . of the county, and placed' four men under arrost,.;ind brofjghf them to the countv ink ' The men wore Howard Henipliilh DeWi y W'hittaker. f)tt Hramlett and If any Snyder. , The men were trans porting the li(ii'tr from Tennessee it was said. . The federal officers linking the cap ture .we're: 1'anks, Foihes aiid Dowey Cook. Bee Expert Is Cominjif Here Ree keepe.s take notice. Mr. ('. L. Sams, our, state apiarist, Will, be in Havwood coiinty for two or three meetings. Friday. Julv 7, at 2 p. m. at Frank. Sotzers at' Maggie, Satur day, Julv 8. 10-Off a m. at Central Flementarv school building. Mr, Sams is the outstanding Ihp. special ist of the South. It will fx? profita ble for everyone who keeps bees to be at one of these meetings. CORN IN LOCAL PATCH HAS TASSELS AND SILKS R. D. Bunn probably holds the re cord for having the first corn tassels and silks this yea,, in Havwood coun tv. or at least he is the first to report the maturity of corn. Mr. Bunn's patch of corn had tas sels and silks last Friday, and is now almost a week old. i Three Percent Sales Tax Goes Into Effect Sat. Local Merchants Have Meet ing Here And Discuss Methods of Collect ing Tax Wednesday night approximate- :;.") merchants from Way nosville. Hazel wood, Clyde and sui lvunding territory mef in the eommissioirer's ronm a tin court house to 'discuss the thf'.v per cent sales tax which w ill go :n , , tl'ect at ni, doight Friday. A representative group of ,he mor chants attended' the state c n p.t . ,:i at Winston Salem this week a'ld heard Commissioner'' of ivevonuo M.ivweil discuss ihe methods uherei' Co- sales tax (nay bo. collected. It made i. ( p. tional with the merchants of which they saw lit to use, ami it wa- lor ibis purpose that tile' nn-elio-: as he! i. in an elfort t decide on on, way to coilec! the l a. The I'loi. Cm; -cailHol .ibso! b i he tax ; i,, oil ' o)i:e: mils' pa v "it. according u, .. - i'a - j l:' ' 1 lar wllh !l i 'ei-a! b,.-; 'nieinhers ,-f ohaio 01! .lioinierl of the niethoii ihi-:i ;,r., jus, Ihe matter was left open :,, ,-a-j 'merchant until the special iiiccin at the court hou-e M"iida nig;;;. 1 1 w as 1 he goilortil behe!', how c thal all linns .handling cio ,-:,.e V ollid i!lelu,!e t in- t a x ' ill wi-' :. IH 'piice.of the uii.iehaad.se .jie ; a-- : lie .tax- i; Mow i,-liide I on ga-oian ou pay Ihe iolal , os; ,X lh.e: go,.'. I- I ,l;t w i . ho-iii tiu-i o ,!n"i!g ai-iy d ' -in.- - i !'!! -lioole; ' I'l.o ol he.l- 111-, ! " ,1 Vi.' ;; ''!., U be a .ed by': lie dc g. ,, o"C !,oi -1 ii o ,1 hey - .id', I ': hv t. -, ',-: ' o i, oil i , ; , no in i . i , I in- Cx w ii. ,- ,!-.-- ;oao, , -i i-,- ,.;o'-i I t "1 1 - ' I be Ml, 1 -, -ii.lllli.: 0, . ii-o OPI. : '. ,u: j o'n e.-H. i.i , it, ill. ! '-i !, ia ,ina be- a tew , xein n; i-, ,'n 1 I i our i he o ale's l ax. Tin sb "vbude: , 1 ' "i!iee. ',. . i-a,'.oiiue. ' .' ii.b!i.: '" --'. b.o.il b-'!-.-. (Ton !', ini-.i'. nneai. bi'-i, ii-db, ii-obo os, sail, sugar.. ..otlb.o A b '..fa: m pro i u e ---old' .b.. , ,,. .pi o din r o)- 1, , !'a i'n ily a I'e , x ill at e. be ih, IX. bill than- ll : .. . ilia i- be :;:a'i-' aiiCe, new form of es. pn "I"-! :-,a . ' to i.i! ioM W 'il i ., s,: ; f ': inal , i .see'i.'o.ono a- v i a . :.:. "' ' -, p, , . ed . i-n co la i in .ba!a-;i, mg !, be !::;.: e:,, be lg,-i, v, hich , :,IC a , , e -W H I.i -o :gill n.olll 1-i's - -b.-.lb ' e: I'll. New Tire Shop To Open On Saturday W. .'C';' Mi seer and his brother. ICarl Mossei-, aniiouiicod this week the opining of tin- Smoky .-.Mountains l iie Shop in ihe i ock building: at the dfpot vvhieli was formerly occupied by ( hevrolet Motor-. Company. Th(Y now firm' .are dealers for Diamond tiles and tubes, together with a gen eral ' line" of .Miller accessories. 'The new place of business will be oiened Saturday, it .was annotinecd. Mr. Mebser stated general, tire re pairing ..would be done. Horse Racing Js Favored By Poik County Citizens : .-Voters of Polk ei unty T.k - I ,y v,i; "d. to "iiil favoring Inn -e racing with p :it i-mutual betting. Polk coun ty voted On the .same bib! that w;as pa-s-ed during the last hours of theleg islature which also .pertains to Hay wood county Five-counties were named in the bill, but to ditto Polk county is the, only me to hold an election, Pasquotank county will have an i bv ion in July, while plans for aii election iii Meliow' ell county have been abandoned. No. action has been taken, in tbis county or New Hanover countv. HO RD TO ht ( 7CA Within the next !() (lavs, trie Home Loan Hank hoard hopes to have the Home owner's .Corporation going to the relief of mortgaged burdi red per. sons all over the country, according, to Washington news. . The Weather The following is the official weather re-port of S. H. Stevenson,, official weather observer for waynesvote: Date Max Min Prec 21 01 53 22 . 89 " 57 23 ' CI 24 83 C2 0.7S 25 . 81 03 0.19 2C SI 62 0.07 27 .-' ' 87 -.'-. - -' 5 -..' 28 c 87 U

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