THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1933 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 SOCIETY PAGE Local Items Society i- o o o e News Eleanor Bushnell, Editor Phone 137 4 if ! CLUB CELEBRATES -.77 4-V.Vl KKSAKl . outstanding event among the :.c't. Wa the :ea given Thurs. 'i-rivion bv the Woman's Club home of Mr,'. R. N. Barber 'i'v was to celebrate the ioth uv of the organization of ljh which enjoys r,he distinction the oldest federated group wn and the th the state rd oldest federated 1.SS CRAIG IS BRIDGE HOSTESS lovelv social event last week was he bridge party given on Weu:ie-da evening bv Miss hthel l rugs at "Blink Bonnie," the home f Mrs. B. J. Sloan. F'fjr tables were assembled for contract in '.he. living rooms which were attractively decorated with siimmpr dowers. A color note of yel low and green was noted in the tallies and the delightful salad course which WVman's Club was organized was served at the conclusion of the rl, home of Mrs. K. U Allen " , ji! f 1JU with the late beloved (.'inline Kellar as the hrst pres 'and who eied m that C-ipac-.' r vl vears- The club was ted ... in itu!) and it seemed most. - t0 have as one of the honored on the happy occasion Miis team Iell G.ih-n who was , :. AUrt f-i'vf fwtarntirvn when tion- tor a iuui--i ui w.j Woman's Club nas Decn responsioic for countless worthwhile civic move Triers ami projects and its members ha-c been prominent community The guests were greeted in the re-..-tion hall by Mrs. John N. Shool- m,i Mrs.- R- H.BLackweu. nere id white flowers combining the colors were used with pleasing HIGH OFFICERS RECEIVE In the drawing room, which was v feUtim-d in bowls of red and '..V roses, stood the receiving line h the following: Mrs. R. N. Barber, . district president; Mrs. C. F, K"kpatrick, retiring phesident of the V man's Club, Mrs. Howard Ethe r iigo- of Asheville, second vice-presi-o' the stafe federation, Miss '. rgarrt Lovell Gibson, past state . ,dent Mrs E L McKee, former . i.L.nt- Mrs. O. H. Tillet. of 4r.iVfv, rd'.iring district president the following presidents of the Mr D M. Killian, a char--. , member.' Mrs. J. Harden Howell, H McDowell, also a charter mher and Mrs. N. M. Medford, Mrs. ivei- Davis, the newy elected presi- ,'t the followinir charter meni- Mi- II C I indsley Mrs E. Mhn, Mr. E S Harrold, M.s Ui.. Ector, and Mrs. I. J. Brown. ; the dining r-oom Miss Rooena Her received. She was assisfted in vi'ng l.y Mrs. Launston Hardin, . 5r (lay. Mrs. Tom, Jr., - Mary Barber, and Miss Edwina 1 1. ivi-ni i iii.rn white flowers were 1 with a decorative, note of sil significant of. the twenty-fifth iv.versary. The central table was i h : ! .( and cut work ft, and was centered by a large lite cake placed on a silver fan ,... on,! tnnned bv a smful ver basket of white flowers. Around l,i. '.i.m nrrnncod 2.') taicr ,i ,,.;u h .i1vor rihhotl. Ait one end the table was a smaller birthday ,a ums nnt. bv the member the receiving line, with Mrs. B.11- mltt-incr first 3 it 3 happy u'idence that it was also her W and cike-. w( re IV V; i yed from a ta'd ver and flowers. love!.' with a -ace Ml origs of icd fc ong ierf: :her L PROGRAM PRODUCED i luring the afternoon ... a . delightful nrntrl'.am was ETlVen W'lah tWO ii .,,1,. e: hxt Mrs Richard Barber bv Mr- RDbert St retcher. "Berceuse" by d'Ambrosib im.i "From the Cane Break," a group .i tit .. i ir: v. ha. Mr. 'H mi V-Marsn v iwi- Wnshina-ton. D. C accom ,v Mrs. W. L. Matney, a group : i,v Mrs T, E. (ireen. accom by Miss Nancy Killian.: and o-rrinn '"of sflllffs hv MisS. Mil- d Crawford. Several hundred guests called dur- jr.g the hours from 4.. to. o. wiui in,m cJ.i women, motoring irom .neaioy o ..'.-. , Among the out-oA-town gue-ts , were, aside from those, pre- vniouslv . mentioned., . Mrs.. George . )shovrie of Asheville, president of I'icu-ict:' number two, "Mrs. Lloyd J aT ;u:. Mrs. Gilmer Welch, both of 'uvillc, Mrs. I. .Grady Burton, of Vi;auchula, Fla., Mrs. E. R .('. Miles, vf Durham,, Mrs. 11. E. Elmore, of gn, Mis R L Ovind and Mis. n uton Tcrrv of Sylva, Mrs W. F Quilliah, of Nashville, Tenn-, , Miss 1 m Tuckei, of Tdimville, Va , Mi-. I W. Michaels, of Durham, . Mrs. Iliirm- T? Vrohn nf TCnnsa.s CltV, Mrs. I r Ganctt, of Reidsville, Mrs. Joel 1 Wilkin- of Andrews, Mri Franklin Day. and Mrs. James Senior, of New V-.rk City. ' ' . '"'.s UUL MXRRIL MR II R TtV llf'XDL'ICKS Announcement has been made of the .marriage of Miss Edith Mull (to Mi H,im J Hendnckson Saturday, . . 'mho 9.1 1Q'?'? of Plnvn'h. Cienrs-ia Ine voung couple was accompanied 'o fknton hv Mr- V F Heiidiicks( f Savannah. Georgia. Miss Carnvie Estcs. and Mr Tut.her Curtis. Tho Viriiln io itV, rlnilcVitev of Mr and Mrs J. R. Mull of Hazelwood. Mr. Hendricks is the son of Mr. and Mr, C L Hendricks and i at pres ent connected with The Royle Pilking ton Company at Hazelwood. . Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks will leave on the fifteenth of this month for a Wedding trip to s out era points: -., ADGER HOUSE HAS SEW SUM MER GUESTS Recent arrivals at ithe Adger House are: Mrs. Louis Snedigar, of Miami Reach. Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Roundtree and children, of Charlotte; Miss Julia Moncure and Miss Florence hitman, of Houston, Texas. i?ame High score prize a double deck of cards, was presented to Miss .Alice Quinlan and Miss Nancy Killian re ceived a copv of "Tony's Scrap Book," as the low score gift. The invited gue;ts were: Dr. and Mr J R. McCracken, Mr. and trs- l I.. Prevost. Mr. and Mrs. C. t. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J. W. Seaver, Mr. and Mrs- Angus Craft and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cratt, Miss aiarjone Mitchell, of Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Isa bel! Rice of Worcester. Mass.. Mis Alice Quinlan. Miss Nancy Killian, m,. M H Rpeves. Miss Shelby Semmes, Miss Eleanor Bushnell. Mr. Jimmie Neal, Mr. Hen Moan. u. Wallace Blackwell, and Mr. UUgn Sloan. TERhSTIG t 1 h 7 s REPORT- Kl) AT RELLE Mr. AVE Social events at Belle Meade Tea p.n t.w thi. nnut week have been featured bv dancing, bridge parties. and dinner partiei. Bridge wa played at ttve tables yesterday afternoon at the regular urn,,la v nnrt.v. Hostesses were: Mrs W. F. Swift. Mrs. K. L. Uce, Mrs J F Abel, Mrs. Tucker, of Lake Junaluska. and Miss Adora Holtz claw- Tln entire day Tuesday was do. voted to festivities celebrating ithe i.i,,,.u, ,,f .ink- The main events A VW w.i " , were a tea dance in the afternoon ami a dinner in the evening. Ernie h.a-- siii.1 h .s "Silver Slippers lurmsueu " 14 . - . . , 1 L tX f ,iw c fnr ,rhe ancp ana auouo ims ,.,,,il.K 'iiitended. Mr. David telniet tv for dinner and ni gut-t- wcie Ml s Loui-e Hill mi Aurelia Sharp, and .ir. ana .'n. Earl Smith, all of Canton. On last Saturday af:ernoon Mrs. V V. Doutt. of Canton enieriameu two tables of bridge in honor of Mrs. Nat Haiiirick, ot Kuthertordivjii. liti guests besides the honoree wjre. aii. V R Crute, Mrs. lshl raimei, n. 1' Cline. Mrs. Brownell, Mrs. .u Branson, Mrs. Eskrulge. and Mis. ft. Liner. High score prize went to h- eiutc and Ul" liJnu lk N " presented a guest s prize. This evening the louKh square dance will be held tor Square, uante. lub members and their f riends, inis weekly event has proven to he oni oi the most popular and entertaining uatuies at me lea J.j uim i- .u wavs attended by a large crowd. l-PllSl VISSI0AR SULll.lX TO MEET The regular monthly meeting of the Baptist Woman's Missionaiy Society wili be held next luesuay afternoon, July 11. at 3:30 o clock, at the church. HI il M RIH 1 S RLPORl I D AT THE PIE DM OS T a v,.i verent, arrivals at the Piedmont Hotel are: Mr. and Mrs. U f Atlanta, Georgia; nL t it i!i,it of Tuscaloosa. Ala and Mr. 'and Mrs.: Harry Simpson and daughter, of Miami, Fla. WEEKS ARRIVALS REPORTED AT JOSES FARM The week's arrivals at the Jones Farm are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. R. C Foland ana Russell Foland, of Jacksonville, Florida; Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Bragean and l'aul Bragean. and Mr. Norwal Marr, of St. Peters burg. Honda; Mrs. J. L. Bucksdale, Jr., and Jimmie Bucksdale. and Mr. B. V. Mitchell, of Mnanu, Florida. DIXXER-DAXCE AT GORDOX IS HRILUA.XT EVEXT A large and enthusiastic crowd at. tended the dinner-dance which mark ed the formal opening ot the Gordon Hotel Tuesday evening. John Lewis and his orchestra furn ished music for the dance and held sway until the early morning after the Fourth. Approximate! v torty couples had dinner at the hotel proceeding the dance. The largest dinner party of the evening was a Dutch treat com posed of: Dr. and Mrs. V 1' . Lan caster, Miss Helen l'eck. Mr. K. F. Mclntvre, Mr. and Mrs, Bryant Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles BadgiMt, Mr and Mrs. Tom Lee, Dr. and Mrs. S. 1'. Gav. and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ward. Another Dutch partv was com posed ot : Miss Virginia Welch, Mr. Jimmie Neal. and Mrs. Jerry Colkitt. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bar ber, Jr., Mis Adora Holtzclaw, Mr. Ed Romfh. and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Masie. Miss Margaret Rav, Mr. William ( arson- Mr Frank Hardin, and Mr. an.i Mrs. Wiley Marr were at one table- Miss Mary kirkpatrick. Mr. J. Richard Gerringor, Miss Virginia Campbell, and Mr. Janie Boyd occu pied a :able tor four. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt and Mr. and Mrs. C- F. Kirkpatrick were at another table. MR H RIthR I ThKTlS 1 IS TORS Mrs Richard Barber. Jr. was hos tess at a charming affair on Wednes day afternoon when she entertained at bridge m honor of Miss Shelby Semmes. of Chicago, guest of Dr. anil Mrs ,j. K. .vicl racKen, Mrs. nou- rt Woodward, ot Columbia, who is pending the summer with Mr. Wood ward's parents, at the Adger House, and Miss Virginia Davis, ot Decatur, Georgia, who is the guest, of hoi uilt Mrs. dradv Boyd. of briirht summer How- eix were used a. decoration ior uie (fair After a reries of interesting DIWLRPUtl) 17 JOMFARU Mr. and . Mrs. Ellis A. Yost, of w i rt ,.i n ( wt it ho-t- at a .lelightf ul dinner last 1 hursday even ing, entertaining at ine -t."'- ',vr n number of thei r ; 1 rienas, w "u are spending the summer in Asheyille. Covers were laid tor tne ioiiowin. Mr.: , and Mrs. A o-i't., - Judge Jonn o. arker, of Charlotte; Judge and. .u.- dliott Noachcolt.; of lluntinirton. West Virginia ; Judge :-n .ui -- .v. Sopor, of Baltimore, Md,.; fr. aim Mr- L I. Yost, Miss Dorothy Jack-1 on and Mi L I! Jack-on of A-he-ville; and Mr. Claud W. -Dean, of Richmond, Virginia. , ' i:uni I s n tin.o Ruth Ratcliff , Was hostess at . , J? ... I hinc riUn t il a charming nuoi""1.' C,mo last Sunday, entertaining at. her home in Ratcliff Cove. .. ' : A feature of the afternoons eptei taihment was the watermelon cutting LcluiiiiviiL , V,o hostess on the lawn, aiuer '';"'";, .'- , and her guests motored to, oeue -hc Playground for .swimming. Mi-: Ratcliff's guests ..were: . Miss Mane Swayng.m Mi- hcimc Co'lin-. and Miss Be-ie Swayngim, all of Chde; Mi. Ernest : McC.ackcn, of Lake Junaluska. and Mr. U.nton Me.iford. of Clyde. . ; , m i hir an n tractive . iri.e was awarded to the holder of the high score. 1 lie hostess also prescne hu-elv hnndkerchiels to Mrs. Wood ward and Miss Semmes and guest towel to Miss Davis. The gucs,U present were: Mr. Woodward. Miss Semmes, Miss Davis, Mrs S. P. Gay, Mrs. Tom Lee, Jr., Mrs W. W. Norman. Mrs. Wilson Baron, Mrs. J. R. McCracken, and Mrs. Hilli n,i Atkin- Mi-, Josephine Dims of Decatur, Georgia, joined the group for tea. ..'. Vlsi LDP I' lil'(0 ,lrjOI f COUSIN V Edith fvner Bavicom enter tained a,', a most enjoyable party on Mondity evening honoring her cousin, M r. Eugene I.angston, of Danville, Virginia, on his sixteenth birthday anniversary.' Mr. . Langston and his sister, Miss Caroline, Langstcii, are house gue-r'ts of the liaucoins. A':: rat; iv, '. :at''ini- of mixed summer flower were used for the affair. Games anil contests furnished amusement throughout the evening .v.-,i ili.-, prinel-i'idiriL' feature a re- . ' '.' . . .i fi' shmg ice course was .-eren. , Those : i. re-en' were ",he gue-t of honor and Misses Caroline Langston. Marv Pcniand McCracken. Frances Pose.-Margaret and Lois Dicus, and Mt- i- Rov Wall-, Paul Dai- Joe Edwards.. Frank, and Glen it Mr. Langston received a number of .attractive gift-. . HOUSE PARTY FOR MISS SEM MES Dr and Mis. J. R. McCracken en tertained delightfully last week-end with a house partv at the Semmes home in Chestnut Park, in honor of their guest. Miss Shelby Semnnv, of C hicago. On Saturday eveninir several addi tional guests joined the group for dancing which was one feature of ahe '! . . - t- 1 .... week-if ul entertainmeni. ainmay afternoon a number of others joined the week-end party for tea. Six tnends ot the hosts anil honoree were members of the partv from Saturday until Sunday evening. I.EGIOX AUXILIARY TO MEET The regular monthly mewing id the American Legion Auxiliary will be held nest Monday aiternoon, July 10, nt 4 o'clock at the Hotel LeFaine. Hostesse, for this meeting will be Mrs D D Alley. Mrs Roy Campbell. at 1 M rs. Hurst Burgin. HOTEL GORDOX HAS XEU Si M. MER GUESTS Summer visitors reported at the Hotel Gordon are as follows; Mr. Leo C Tolman. of Jacksonville. Ha.; Mrs ,1. B. Chestnut, of Savannah, Ga - Mi-s Maud Cox and .Miss W U- helmina Tate, of Ruthergordton ; Mrs. I'harUv Handlemau and Misses l!ci- trude Tilly and Maurice Handleman. id" New Orleans, La.; Mrs. B. W. Moselev and Miss Frances Moselcy. of Greenville, N. C; Mrs. Walter C. Biwn, of Burlington; Mr. Irving Roth, of New Orleans, La. Baron and Baroness Von Below, of Washington, 1). C will arrive today to spend the summer. MRS. WITHERS WILL SlXU AT CHURCHES SUXDA) F.milv Marsh Withers, soprano, of Washington, D. C, will he guest soloist at the First Pre-hyterian ciiurcn ai the morning services next Sunday, Julv !. She will sing. ' Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace,' by Oley Speaks. At eight o'clock the same evening Mrs Withers will be guest soloist at -.he' Methodi-t church. Mi md Mi- Jjik W i.p i id thiee children letlt Wednesday for their home in Sylvester, (ieorgi.i, after a ink's i-it to Mi an 1 Mi Jame, Atkins. TmU Sent!-, of W niston- Salem and Miss Dell K'ng- of Leaks ..;n., .,rnvl . Mniidnv . to sneml 11 wuk i- i u-t- of Mi- M iithi Ni il at the Clevewil! A'pantmetit s. Mr and Mrs. Frank Albright and on . imiiiiv who had neon visum il,,,;,. nni'i.nk returned to Charlotte Sn.hirinv .nei'oimianied hv Mr. Marion Bridges who returned Sunday. Mr, Bob 'Woodward' returned to his home in Columbia, South Carolina after snondmtr the week-end ,. iii, M,s Woodward and his parent m- .n,i Mra if W Woodward, at ill i . m the Adger House. M .r Ualnh and Aaron l'revosl and Mr. FrantU Massie returned Saturday from Chicago where they went to";i':tend the Furniture Market i-iiid the World'.- Fair. .Mrs, W'iison Baron had as her eue-ts!at the Adger House last week end her aunt. Mrs. M innic Collins, of Columbia, South Carolina, an.) hi r eoirdn, - M iss Sara Wilson, .d' M iami. Florida. Mrs. Ix'Slie G. lhom and daughter. Mi s Martha lhom, and Mr Allord Noble have roturned to their home in Richmond, V lrginia after spending the week-end wr;h Mrs. 1 bom s sister, Mrs. James L. Stringtield- iwid Mr. Stringheld. Miss Helen .Martin let t yesterday to spend a tew davs in Asheville as the guest ot her brother. Mr. Sydney Martin. On Saturday Mt-ss Martin will go to Bennettsville. South Car- ohnt where she luu a position as die tician in the Marlboro tounty Hospital. .Mrs Joseph Johnson returned Sat urday irom Raleigh where she spent a week as the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Cameron Reynolds, and Mr. Reynolds. She was aecompuiined home bv her son, Mr. Johnnie Johnson, of Llr.abethton, who spent the week-end and the Fourth with his parents. Mrs Alfred Anderson, of Mena, Arkansas, Mr. and Mrs. William (iarrison. ot West Asheville, and Miss Eleanor Garrison ot C anton visited friends in W avnesville Sunday. Mrs- Anderson and inlaiii daughter are visiting the torniers parents, Mr. and Mrs W .C. Garrison, in I anion. Mr and Mrs Roger Pittman and two children, Hetty Joe and Martha, of Barnesville, will arrive today to spend the summer with Mrs. Pirtt- man s sister, Mrs. It. . naucoiu, ami Mr Baucom. Mr. Baucom and Miss Klrnhi'th Baucom. w ho have been vis- Mr C. F. Keves of l visitors here Owen and anion were this week. Mrs E. L. among th Mi W. L. Hardin arrived Sunday from Washington D. ( ., to spend the summer at his home here. Mrs. John lor a week's and Mrs. Fnmk Troy of Durham is visit to her parents here . Mr. Ferguson. iting in the i accompanied nesvilk'. astern part of the Pntmans t In to state Wav Among the visitor- here from Fines ( reek Monday were Messrs. thus. B. McCracken and Thomas Rogers. Mr. Hubert F. Lee. of Atlanta, ed- i',o,. of ' Dixie Business," was a guest at the Hotel Gordon last week-end. Mr A. K. Kirkpatrick. ot Mebane, was a week-end guest ot Miss Mary Mock at he,, home on Havwood street. Mr- Forderiok Love of Richmond, lrginia spent, last week-end and the Fourth with his mother. Mrs. Hugh Ijove. Piol I 111 ver arrived at I the stinimer. Erby Hudson, of Vandorbilt ltv, Nashville. Tennessee, hast ako Junaluska o spend Mr. Mctiee 1 orter. of Bii Alabama, is the guest of Dr Thomas S.ringtield at then Walnut street., . and Mrs. Ii.mi.i (in Among the vi tree Monday Roger-. J. B. J I, Walker i oi - hiu were Mi Best. J. B. t rom - i -J a mi Ci ih I. F. . and M r II B Lvdbetter was here en business Monday. Hunt liailev ot urd.-iv in the city. Canton spent Sat- Mi on bu W. due l!.-t i Monday f .Civile was here Miss 1 visitor Mr. D W a vne :iizabeth lingers of Clyde was in the cilv Monday. C. ( iville lark of visitor White Oak Monday. was M r T homas a visitor in it hi Terrell of: Pig. citv Monday. Mr. J. A. Collins of Clyde Wavnesvilie visitor Saturday. Mr W. .1. McCrarv ot Mountain was in town Mojidi Mt vllle. vi-it to Mi "ProsH'Ct." . Ge'org arrived e W Tavlor Monday for i. Charles .f M lew Ki res - d iyV Quinlan at 1 1 viler Mis spent Pearl lulurilay stiee )ping Crab' reo town. Air. Glen Boyd of here oil business the Hi Joivaithan Was st of the week. Mrs (i. K. l'erguson of 'reek spent Monday shopping in nesvilli Mr. A. (.!.. 1 (Ink of W hit! iness Monday. Fiiiet W i C aldwin. .111,1 Mi Oak were ln'iv on bus Mr. ( M onda y W ( in the aldwell city. hi' Cly'de' spent 1ISS Mi,, Mr. Hull Withers phi .., Tennessee spending the wee Withers and litlb Mae. at. the home parer.; Di Mi -gin, i; Hotel Rev Mi( t ville i I II ; .spei W'avi i: i' 'rken idiiig. th .sville. A m; 'in ricus, mer ei.r. the MeCrai Hi' Clyde s Sal unlay n and were ss Loi; aynes MR. SHOOLBRED HONORS rrnRWA VISITORS Honoiing Mrs Allen McC ean of Tampa Honda, and Mrs. S .n.fred Baker, of Orlando, Honda, Mis William Shoolbred entertained today with a knely bridge luncheon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs l. A. Black, at Sunny C0ve Orchard. Summer flowers in bright shades were effee'ively used as decorations for the home. The luncheon table was centered with an exquisite mixed flowers. In the afternoon , in.mi iwn tables. Driage was fij" - : rfu. in.indpd onlv a few cloe friends of the guesits of honor. Ml LI HOSORS MIS SEMMES M' s S'lelby. Semmes,. of f.'hieago, . . . . it.. guest of Dr.. and Mrs. .1. iv. ' - Ciackenv who has : been ex en.-ii. entertained during her visit in the n;4'..,io: Vinnnreil on last, Monday af ternoon, with a charming, bridge party, given by Mis- Nancy Killian. . .Cut flowers from the'. garden of t10 hostess formed a bright ''background for the rooms wherein the tables were arranged. High score prize .was. won by Mrs- Ben Colkitt and the hostess presented ' attractive . guests'., prizes Hp; Miss Semmes and Mrs. Richard Bar ber. Jr.. recent, bride. At the con clusion of the games an ice course m- -ered The ho-tt- wa- a-itefl in receiving her guests by M r-. - f. S-,vif- and Mrs. Jim Killian. Those invited were: Miss Semmes, Mr J R McCracken, Mrs. S. P. Gay, Mrs Robert Setretchor, Miss Wilda r ia fold Mi- Hull Wither-, Mis? Mrs. Alvin V ard, Mi-. Dorothv I ane, Mi- Maiy String- field. Miss Eleanor Bushnell, .Mrs. m. ti r,.-io0 Mr William Shoolbred, M Ron Cnlkitt. Mrs, Jerry Colkitt, ai . r r,;--n TTarHin. Jr., Mrs. Richird"Barbei Jr, Miss Marv Bar t. ivtw rntva Rell Mrs. F rank UCl, ,'113. A.ttiW . ..... tn ir; Rofcov T.nnA Ouinlan. ana Mrs- Hugh Massie. Mrs Winifred Baker, of Orlando, A M A C. Mclean, of Tampa, arrived last Wednesday d tho summer with their parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. F- Abel a1: their home on Love Lane. returned to .Meni yesterdiiy.', after -end with Mrs. daughter. I ''. J of Mrs. Withers ;n, ' AI IS. K V M'l . Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Stretche,. and the hitter's mother, M rs. Lulu Vy.yAo of W'Msmi Mills, who h ive been visit ing Dr. and -Airs. Robert Stretcher 'f.r,. the past , tell days, are leaving fodav l'r a visiit (o relatives in Ohio. Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell of Clinton, arrived last Thursday and is spend ing a week at -the H"tl LeFame W i ss Anne Seawel 1. Who accom pa n ted her mother rien,l the luska. io W summer at ('amp , will Juna- Mr. ' .lustiee from (' j i ' I N I'l'o ; iitrei i nd am mong. the Saturday Mrs. 'visitor! bei'i SUMftlElt FOODS YOUR FAMILY ENJOY 2 1 u 23c 10c 10c 15c 20c 25c 35c WILL ! icsh Hem, HlCV I'lilkt'S Lihl)"'.s ("nlilonua siMN.vni 1 can yellow ( liny, PKU'IIIvs Ilein ( ooked sp.;iiktti foi 11 viil .srnrlel, l"-o.. SARD INKS I'juilic 1 1 I isll Siiied Luncheon TON 111 I K. per 11). ( omplete line ol Liplon's, llo.Kii and Chaso-Sanlxirn's Teas and Coflees J. C. ROSE Home Grocery Choice (.roi-crics 'hone 88 Main St. . J Mi gia spent Norman at W W orman of (.rifbn. (reor- ast week-end with .his, the Hotel Wavnesvilie. ; 1 l "Willi caicfiil liitiuls and loving- hearts W(i lay (tur ticad away i o sleep. : . ri . must Hi'sf ni iiviile Iheii- (111 - I I 1 1 ' 1 1., I I L . . . ' L ...... , ,.. .;,.,- Sf.rn.w lakes llie time tn weep." Garrett Funeral Home . .... ' . A I..:.. w' rhVi. e 1 -N anesviue, . . -' '.i-i PS SUPERSENSITIVE V N( 11 KO MATIC ROLL 1 ILM Recently the Eastman Kodak Company Wnt us, for trial, three rolls of their newest Kodak Film. Using it in an ordinary kodak, we got Rood snap shots on a tloud da. This is much faster than the new speedy verachronie film and is sensitive to red and ellow. It is just the film for mountain views and cloud effects. We Now Carry This Film In Stock. SMOKY MOUNTAIN PHOTOS CO. at the Aiken Gift Shop CAMELS ARE THE BEST-FLAVORED CIGARETTES I EVER SMOKED YES-ITS THE TOBACCO THAT COUNTS At LJJ. mi f accQo