V 4 In j ' .J (" 7 S 1 s it Page 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JULY HAZELWOOD NEWS Mrs. Helen Seay Slaughter of New ark, N. J. is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. T. Kobinson and other relatives here and at Franklin. Mr. ami SU -. Faibus llamni if Kiizabethton, Tenr.. are visiting the Matter's parent-, Mr an.l Mrs. John Scates. Mrs. W. C. GiililunJ returned Mon day iron) l'aco:, ,S. C. where she at tended the funeral of a nephew. . -Mit.3 Doiothy iK'weese retuir.eJ Monday from a two week's visit to her sister, Mr, Etlmdg;; Justice in Hcndersonville, N. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Buna Franklin Tuesday, July .j. a so;.. Mr. and Mrs. Shut nil Leather wood ant children and little Miss Margaret ODonnell of Detroit, Michigan ar rived the latter part of the week for a two week's visit to friends hae and ac Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. C. S, Bcniiel I of l.c noir spent the holidays with Mr. and Mis. J. It. McKlroy. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mcsser of Hazelwood Adds Another Victory By Beating Sayles :in( friends ell returned visit in For; lienning, .ittend the lun- Lenoir visited relative during the Fourth. -Miss Maigery Cam Sunday after a two Lenoir. Orion McClure of Ga. arrived Sunday t eral of his sister, Mrs. (Mln Wcs' Misses Marion Sturkey and Carolyn Jlitt of .Mcl'orniick. S. (.'. airivc.l for a visit to the former's sister, Miss B. Sturkey. Misses Ltvta an, I Tela McLcin of Topton visited their sisters. Mrs. Joe Kuykendall and Mrs. Lawrence Davi during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs- Lionel Kogers and baby of Hickory arrived Sunday to attend the funeral of the former's mother, Mrs. Ollie West. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Me hatfey, Tuesday, July 4, a son. Mrs. Mehall'ey is the former Miss Virgin ia O'Brien of Oilton, Oklahomn. Mr. and Mrs. Tyree Mehairey of High Point are visiting the hitter's Msters. Mrs. Jack Kobinson and Mrs. L. C. Waddell, during the weekend. Playing on .the Sayles diamond last Saturday, Hazelwood won a 5 to viKory over the Bleaehery boys. The fiame was hard fought from start to finish. Sayles making' two runs in the ninth frame. Putnam , niitehnd ml. ceptlonly good ball for Hazelwood allowing nine hits but keenino- them wen -eattereu throughout the game He also fanned ten men. Some dung unusual about Putnam's pitch ing was that he fanned every man that laced him, some time during the game, witn tne exception of one man Kobinson and Prevost led the batters io,. Hazelwood, each gettinir two hits lor lour tries, one of Kobinson's be ing a triple. F. Brown led the Sayles nailers wuth three out of live Hazelwood was somewhat handfc- capped with J. C. Burrcll out of the game with an injured hand, and ( uiley Price out with an injured loot. Next Saturday Hazelwood will '.ravel to Swannanoa to take on the beacon blanket makers. rf. James Newton, Jr., Died Last Saturday Jame.s Newton, Jr., four jvar old -won of Mr. am! Mrs. Jamos Xewton Brendle, died after a four month's illness Saturday, July 1, at 11:00 a. m. buddy, ;-s. he was knovMi to all his friends, was born in Rockl'ord. 111. Dec. 15, lJ2fi, and was christened a: the M. F., church there. Funeral services were held at his grandfather's home on the Balsam Koad Sunday, July 2, at 2 p. in. In terment , was' made in the family cem etery. Rev. C. L. Allen officiated.. Buddy is survived by his parents, one sister. Mary Elizabeth, and his grandparents, Mrs. Ella Muse and Mr. J. II. N. Brendle. Little llower girls were Hazel I'ar ns, Oleta McClure, Kuby, Edna and Mary Francos Ferguson, Thelma, Nellie. Mildred, and. Shirley Muse, assited by T, V. and Richard Muse, Kdwar,) I 'arris, Mable Shcolian, Maiv ye. Junior Frank in. : n tic 1 In q S.ULES Lance. 2b. 1'". Brown, Hall, lb. . . . Landers, 3b. . W. Morton, If. Kice, ss Cook, c. V. Morton, cf. . Davidson, p. . ('. Brown. (Z) Miller, (ZZ) If AB R II .5 0 1 1 1 U U 0 0 1 1 0 0 .;j .3 2 .4 .4 o .. tJ ,4 .1 .2 3 1 1 0 0 'J Lt 1 0 0 0 34 4 U 1 ( a Hits lor Hall in Oth. (ZZ) Went in for W. Morton in Cth. llAZd'JLWOOD Ali R UK LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 DIZZINESS TEN TABLES I' LAY OIL SI SO OF TOURS AM EST Much interest was shown in the bridge touranment which opened last night at the Hotel Waynesville. Sine tables of contract and two table- of auction bridge were in play Mrs. Thomas, of St. Petersburg. Flor. Ida, a guest at Da-Vista Terrace, won high score for the auction players ml he,, prize was a dress cleaned by the Wavrie-ville Laundrv. Mr. f.'lrve and Kiikpatrick and "Mrs. Thomas M. Seawell had hi?h. score -'or he contract players. Mrs. Seawell re wived a pass to the Wayncwood Theatre and Mr. Kirkpatrick was giver, a piece of potterv. contributed by Kay s Variety Store. Proceeding the tournament dir.ner wa-; served m the dining room of the hotel. This wil. be a regular feature of the tournament. No charge is made to hri life players an. I dinner is a i ved for lily cents to l1i-o ma li nn reserv: t-:on-3 before bund A special n.;ust has .xwu isitd or bridtre nlavers to arranw their utiles an.l notify Ms. W. W. Norman before each p- rly. Playing must be gin not later than Ht.'J'J o'cloc.'-:. The ne.xit regular iiartv will be held on Tuesday evening. JulvTl. On ich Friday evening another party will be held lor th hrnefit rf viitnfs and others who were not able to reg ister on the opening night. A.niong the recent arrivals at Lak unaluska are Dr. ar,l Mrs F M Quillian and children. Miss Chris tine and William Quillian. . Mr. and Mrs. Sherril Leatherwood an.l children, of Detroit, Michigan, are visitiing relatives in the city. of Mi tu, Mrs. Henrv Bridge ( h .i!otte spent the Fourth with their purer.. s. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bridges. v, ; Mr. C. W. Miller. Jr. of Lexington, K r.tuckv arrived Sunday for a week s visit to his father Havwuod s.reet. relieved by Black-Draught take Thedferd'a Blaek Draught, as I Had Been nav Inif bilious spells," writes Mr. Ci'..,s. E Stt-vcus, of Columbus, Ind. "When I spt bilious, I ffpl sleepy and tlre.l 1 .1.. Mirc noinsf mv n.-ii,. yj i.. r u,- awfullv dizzy. I know lli.it I had better take then something. tli.it I naa oener imkc buiucih.:.-.. AOr I found how good Black-Draught I si that Is what I have iwd. I giae-3 it' rids im of the bile, for I feel bet terdon't feel like I am dropping off to Bleep wery time I sit down. Thstt. to me, Is a very bad feeling. Sow vou can Oft Black-Draught in the form of a SYRUP, or Children. at his home on Miss Minnie Burgin for a week's vi-it to n lantic City, New Jersey dtiphia, Penna. left Monday lends in At and Phila- Miss Mary Barber for ilmington where cveral days as the David Sinclair. left gut- Saturday will spend t of Mrs. SOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. I'nder and by virtue of it he power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust, executed by Harrison Rogers an SOTICE 6. io 0F MAI OF SAT.F. ESTATE iyntodn: , ;-curei in, --ecLired. ti, ' ;t ,,r a- '-'i Cat.; ?3Cl -igi Mi and Mrs. Charles Lee and chil- i en. of Oviedo, Florida, arrived Tues ay and have taken a cottage on Boyd venue for the summer.' Mi Frank Hardin arrived Sunday from Tampa. Florida to spend a twt s' vacation with his parent Mrs. W. L. Hardin. wee and M wile, v ergie Kogers, to tne unaer icd Trustee, I will, therefore, sell o highest bidder for cash at the ( '(purthouse door in the town of Way nesville. N. (. . on the 7th day of August, 19.'!.). at ten o'clock, A. M., llowing described tract of land, th and icing in Haywood County, Uueen, ss. Kuykendall. c Fisher, 2b. . Robinson, lb. Wyatt, tf. Putnam, i 4 Prevost, lib. . , ,i Cox, rf. . .1 BischolT, If. ; Hazelwood .Sayles ,4 0 0 U 0 Miss Fannie Campbell anil Misses Daisy and Bes-ie Boyd left Saturday morning for a ten-day trip to Chica go to attend the World's Fair. Mrs. Arthur Schulhofer, of Wash ington, N. C is the iniesl of her father, Rev. Thurston li. I'lir-e. his home at Lake iunliwk Miss Maud Brown of Hillsboro arrived Tuesday '. o spend several days i with Mrs. John Troy at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank FeroiKim U.S. To Start Fiscal Year In Economy Mood with said conditional line ory and birch and passing and hickory to the top of tain to a stake: tain in r; ii.j- Attthoi ilios Aim To Spend One Million Dollars Less This Vt'iir niigton. - Uncle Sam sets out on a new fiscal year tomorrow wit a payroll shortened by the elimina lioii of thousands of men and women. Kven in foreign countrie- where there ai American agencies will the pinch of economy be felt, for the Democratic platform promi of n i'fi 000-0002- o j -400 -000- 8 1 -010 -002 F Rogers.. 1 he -pallbearers-" werrt mielo of the deceased. They weiv: Theo. Vance, Fred. Coiini..., Cla re.nce, and Fonslew Misc. MARRIAGE LICENSES Winners Of The Gudger Award The following High School students weie the winners of the Gudger iiwaru tor the lirst term of school end ing in J. uiuary: ' Mary Medfortl. Hunter Henrv. A blue Henry. David Matthews. Krne.-t W hois, Ji Jean Morrison. For the second term ending in June, i ne winners ewre: Abbie Henry, I. ore ne Lowe. .Mary Henry, Hunter Henry. .Mary Willie Rotha. Patricia Brandt. These students nm ti ula.tc.l on their verm-da of appreciation is due Di me interest the; schools be congrat- and a word (!uiljer for 1. i. . nc nas always shown in and school children of Mrs. Noyes C. Long, of Old If iekorv. Tennes.-ee. arrived Saturday to spend a 'month as llho guest of her narents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hnrdin - M rs. Charles E. Frazler. of AMnntsi O.i orgia, arrived Wednesday to spend' several weeks in the citv and is a guest at the Hotel LeFaine. Mr. and Mrs. Frwin Jackson nml little son. Erwtin. Jr:. of Birmrno-iinm .liaoiama nave arrived to spend sev eral weeks at Lake Juiifihiskn Mr. and Mrs K. V. Owenhv of C!iin- ton, spent Monday and Tuesdav in Waynesville as r.he guests of their itughter. .Mrs. N. M. Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie have as their guests Mr. an.i Mrs Mdvii, Hayes and daughters, Misstv Mav and Mclvin Haves, of Tfiwh lv,if ' Mrs. Franklin .Dav una 1VI Senter, who have been p-nest.s nf.Mrt R. L. Allen fop the past week, left yesterday for their home in Wnxd ton, I). (', . . - May Janies Moore, Waynesville and Lthel WriL'ht. W avfieSvillii Virgd Robinson, Vanton. an Worlev. Caitnn Marion Webb. Crabtrec Route one end. May Raithbone, Crabtree Route one. Frank Cat hey Early, Ca'nton and Lura Bell Wells, Canton. Ralph Long. Cove Creek and Leliu Parton, Hemphill. W aynesville. To those student high school making the highest aver- uge. nr. l.uilger presents with a six immlh subscription to the Waynes- vn;tv i.iorary. a reward which the you ng people seem very wo rt h-while Among, the visitors here last week were the following- .f mm r,aiiinn. Messrs. S. M. Rohinson, C W Rh Hart, Hov e Smathers. nn.l llv S mat hers. H. A cent cut in I-ederal exnedihirea hi'.s been carried abroad, too. IHU.IOX DOLL l's- LEsS I he a im is to spend a billion dol lars less in the new financial vcar lor regular running expenses. Ad ministration oflicials sav thev will hit -it he mark. In the old established dep'artmcnts nu inuepeiKlent ollices no opportu rn tics have been neglected, the bosses say, to save every nickel possible. But .-.he "save-a-nickel" tnr ivb. Vinf apply to the emergencv agencies set up to conihat the depression. In these, tne on iv limit is prospective needs. I'EHSOXXEf. HIT First to be -hard 'hit is, na'turaily persDiinel. There is the 15 per cent wage cut, already in effect three months. Then, hundreds of dismis sals are being effected, while in other hundreds-of cases the workers, though retained, will suffer add ..... . i ... . . I'"V ems uy imiKsition of furloughs. -Among those persons being dropped are employes of ."-0 years or more service, who have Wn tor pensions; men or women whose nusoands or wives also hold Govern ment jobs, and that great class whose ei vices are no longer deemed nec essary because their -woi-l- 1,, i, terminated or curtailed. 'yiti) N. ('.: lleginning on a buckeye , Rile Green's corner. near the bank of the cieek;- theriee down said creek to W. IS. Noland's corner at the mouth of a, hollow to a stake; it hen with a con ditioiial line made by W. D. Noland and T. II. Rogers to hickory; thence h c.ii1 ,,,n,l i t u ,n nl linja n tiinl.-- said birch the moun- thence up said moun. to Joe Ledford's white oak cor thence with Joe Ledford's line ng a dogwood corner of A. T. Rogers old line; thence with a condi tional line made by A. T. Rogers and Joe Led ford to a hickory on top of mountain; thence with Joe Ledford's line up the mountain to Gus Ledford's corner; thence West to a rock corner of Z. T. Ferguson and A. T. Rogers; thence S. K. to the top of a ridge to a stake; thence down the ridee to a walnut in a rock bar; thence near the creek to a walnun ; thence to the beginning.-.' Excepting, 12 feet from creek and excentinc 12 feet nn brunch or use ot road to Joe Ledford's, aid Led fowl to keep up all gates and in -. Containing foky acres, more or Ies. Kxcei);ing from the above tract of land about ten aeres heretofore sold Rile Green by the said T. Harrison Rog. rs ;s recorded in Book page :11- Record of Deeds of Haywood County, to said record reference is made for the lanil-evpnivi'm) f .h; deed ot trust. '.. ' ' Sa):, s.!0 being made pursuant to the power of sale 'ontiine. in said deed f trust, and default having been made '.in the payments as set forth in said deed of trust and being remie ::cd bv th, Via1,1. e r.;.i Of trust to .ell tho snmo This the 3rd day of Julv, "li)33 ' G. C DAVIS Ti,t.f" io. s Julv (M.1? ''1-97 NORTH CAROr.1V a COUNTY OF HAYWomi, Under and hv vtv,, and authority contained, tain deed of trust- ow -....' ' Black and wife, Lpi'I,, 's Raleigh Savings R.,,'.J"f Company. Trustep. .!,. " of trust is dated March 1 recoraea in Book 90 Havwood Conntv p:' . ' -j1 havinp- hepn rna,l .,. '' ' the indebtedness tW; " in the conditions therein undersigned substituted instrument. r?eor.k in p 480 Havwood C on Saturday, July 2'J 'i; twelve o clock noon. door at Wavnesville - offer for sale and sidi idder for cash r1.,. f. . ed property; All that certain i,; tract of land contair.ii. more or less, situate, ' in Waynesville 'Towr-i " County, North Caroli :i miles from the Town and on the Wavne : Highway, having suei; -courses and distance fully appear by relViv:y thereof, made by J. y v veyor, on the 20th d; 1920, and attached now on file with th Stock Land Bank , same being 'bounded by the State Highwav the lands of Miss M and C. A. Black; on i laids of Mrs. J. K. B West by the lands of en and Dewey Franei indentical tract of la deed from CD. Ki Nannie A. Kilgore, to date, September first, being duly recorded ino. oi, page dOb, in Register of Deeds fo ty. State of North Caru reference is made fo,. plete description and loc, Terms of sale cash an require deposit of 10'; , of the bid as his evidence This the 28th dav of Htct e-W- ecetr At 11 Ja A. "t-ga, :he-.: a- Ka-' A. Bt, uth by ind on MeCra be-in? r. a. Ki wife, 1! lee:i Bo r,f ILu .nl Court, to which re ois- rust(-f , 1 (," JOSEPH L. COcKLUli Substituted Trust; Robert Wenstein :m,l Vi,-.. W. Thompson, Attornev Ral eigh, N. C, ' No. 76 June 2S)-July iLi::-2u tri(h OF SEL'VirF hi- emi MOSS l!Y PUBLICATION NOTICE OF SALE I Mil ; OF TRUST NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Under and by virtue of, the p ', of sale Contained in a. certain if. of trust executed by George. Hnid (single) to the undersigned Trust I. will, therefore sell' 'to- the hih bidder for cash at the (Vurt H Door in the Tow n of V:n Jti HAS ftiv persons were reported lynchec in tne united States during the first six iiionins . ot the year, according (to "kutj-s released-nv . k ,m cipal of Tuskegeo Institute, nf Tin Kegee, Ala. tfeadache iiiiiimi Mllll'lll III IT, -ii nWHmiiiiiir gftitoM... M Here's Smiling Relief mrs. n: ii. jrrv.'viCK.'v PARTY FOR BR1DK Ml-. W. H. Mefrnekpn Mitnrl.inv,J t week with a lovely partv and miscellaneous, shower in honor of her niece, Mrs, A. L. F.nsW. .Tr .v,a v, - ' ' " - liv -wv- tore he., recent m,a rrinov, ,;, ii;,.. FdnaMcCraeken of OuMmn Larkspur and sivwt Ma. in. h;...f sliaile were elfewtively used in dec orating tthe home. After the honoree was presented a shower of many use ful ami .attractive gifts,, th hostess served a salad course with punch. . Sheppard Believes South Will Go Dry Morris Sheppard, of Texas, of the eighteenth amend- ne believes the "dry. south" iTpeal ot the. prohibition Senatoi co-author ment, sav; will bloc! law. . .' Stopping for brief visit in his home . ,,. en . route to VVashingiton,: the senator .said also he felt Texas wuld retain its dry status. He said he was confident thirteen " states Would vote against repeal refrain from vottng at all and keep the eighteenth Amendment in effect. - - - ' -''-.-- : . Neuralgia. Neuritis Backache Rheumatism Lumbago Sciatica Muscular Pains Periodic Pains . jum !.uiiering trom common every-day aches anrl Sparffr Ue"ssary, bVause Dales' f;...uii quickIy and unpleasant after S condition worse , usuouy uimgs reiiei in a tew minutes, 'mi .yU,-n-r nS?? any, of tHe Orders Usted above, take Dr rln HrR,m F they d0 not ve you greater rTlief in' less tune than anything lse you have used, go to your druggist and get your money back. 66 f A package of Dr. Miles' AntiPain Pills In ,r ..l; aches anrl nain!. fpSW 25 Jor 25 cents 125 for $1.00 BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO SMITH'S DRUG STORE MAIN ST. NEXT TO MASSIE'S DEPT. STORE At Smith's ou get just what jour Doctor orders, com. pounded by a Registered Druggist, jet the price to you is less at Smith's. WE FILL ANY DOCTORS PRESCRIPTION TRADE at SMITH'S and SAVE Ice Cream Special Quart 3- Flavor Packages This Week- QC End JDC north e.i;ni iva HAYWOOD COUNTY IN 'ITIK ST7PVT?Tnr cnTrnm ir i . m .. . .. u 1 . .i.-ii.i ii.n j. i. vi AN V. ' MARY MACK INMAN. Th(. defendant above named will will take notice that Summons in the above, entitled action was issued on 'th of Jury, 193;. against the defend ed. bv U O. livers, Clerk of the Superior .Court ; of Haywood County, "Inch stud action was commenced aKain-stithedPfomini. .. y,.. of obtaining a divorce from the de! fondant on Srntw,. -. , .. .ifv-rt-,i , T e,uui".is ana tnei "r't :"ani wni :take notice that -..w .eijuireu- to appear before the unlerf gneel at his office in the 0urt! house in Waynesville on the 5th day of September, 1933, and ansu-," JaI he reHerl complaint filed herein or Th tif lla!llled granted. . .t ins the ..th day of Julv, 1933 ... , r W. G. BYERS, v. - ' !eTrlVf the Superior Court. .No. .i a July 6-13-207. C on the 17th dav of 10 o'clock, A. M.; the scribed tract of land: 1 in Haywood Count v. Waynesville Township as follows: Beiiw I,o 10 of Block "A" of the len property at Hazelw and survev made bv ,1. ( April an, 1Mb-, said map ; being recorded in the oil Register of Deeds of Havw ty, N. C. Beginning at . corner of lot No. 7 an 61-70 East 50 feet to a South 14-43 East 200 feet then South 00-50 WVst i state:; thence 14-43 Wen the beginning. '. Said, sale being made by and authority contained i; trust executed by George recorded in Book 29, :aLV of deeds of trust for Haw ty and default having Iv. said deed of trust and In requested by the holder ot of trust and note therein (' sell said land. This the i June, 1933. GROVF.R l y, IW lowir.p boar. X( Mrs.' X . Haynes. :d survey (- of the od Cm- a stake.."" 'run- North tike; thence to a -take; no j1 Wit ,1c: l of .Ri.-k' (' Tr.; NOTICE 'ij'' OF ZEAL I ROPLRTY No. 74 June 15-22-'- 1 NOTICE OF EX EC I 7 l, ( n anrl kv- ... : .j. - - .. and the power tain deed of t,.. r ,: cerZ m ' ,M nay ot :u'd recorder tn I'.age -...), HaV-.vnn.l CV, STATE OF NORTH CA1M! .1 COUXTY OF HAYWOOD IN THE SUPEIMO id .OT1- o(l. Reo-ist i "-'ywood bounty to T At XCCTU 1 y Hyatt, tS3rrme,, default It I1 Ill i n i 1 . tk- ir..!..),. Pment of I having b secured therplw aA Remand having been made by the hoWer -w holders ;of the note? unon Se f ftht,P;- d--ed in will offer for a T 7i :uneigne.d terms lc " K for cah or on such itiiiis as to the intm.n,..j ,. seems nron, r . 1,arues may auetion nt '- ru,laD " a Public neville V , v"u,t,"wus ooor in Way. ntiiio, tliywood Count v VJ1. scribed rea "t.thii follw.ng de- X1!" the Town of Waynesville eiaVfonowT:re Pai'tiCUkrli R-eiv.ti, AVes't sidrNr0" the Hyatt's ami T.N Mksst ' J- R; runs N9rth 18 S W a"d to the Buel B HVatt n DUe 33, feet with Buel B HyatM liner; then,C on the -W J?1 ln.e. t-a stake thence in a W v , lain Street; Main Street 33 f.eI,yt dl.ection wit" NIXG. feet t0 the BEGIN- This June 28. 1933. A. .MASSIE. Jr id -M No. 17 June 29-July 6-13.20 Trustee. ilUKST BURGIN an GIN, Trading and .Dolus BURGIN BROTHERS VS. GRADY BURRESS an DY BURRESS. By virtue of an eM-cti : to the undersigned from .-he -r Court of -Haywood (ot:i..y.: v Carolina, in . the above -?' t action, I will on Wednesday. -day of July, 1933, at 12 oV - the Courthouse in Wayne.-M ... ; wood County, North Caro "". the highest bidder for ca.-N t said execution all the right, . interest which said Gr:u' and Mrs. Gradv Burns-. " :: ants, have in the following -real estate, to wit: Lying and being in Haywood t North Carolina, and BEGll.l a stake on Frazier Street an'! j ..;. 78 W. 135 feet to a stak1: 'i'-' 18 10' E. 400 feet to a stake; t..t N. 78 E. 45 feet to a st-c Hall-Burres.? corner; tiic-r.n t. Southerly direction a short .I'.nc -stake, to the BEGINXINO Street. Containing ?i -acu-. " or less. BEING the same land convev ' urady Burress by John Mine: wife. Julia Bnrress. l:v (Iced r.i:: to .v P9 s N. i - a Record of Deeds of Haywood Cot North Carolina. This the 8th day of Ju.ie, l'-T-J. A. LOW!-. Sheriff of Haywood County, X". No. 73 Junel5-22-29-July C A f ! ' I: CM f'M

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