V MB h I 1: i 4. r - c- WAYNESV1LLE, NORTH CAKOLIWA V. OO . : : , THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1933 VOL i-T T 0 - - " rr H Infpnrk fcfHfiJ V.TTnrM?!? T fWnW A Pnrkl riVFN H. BROWN Funds Available V ' - V - - WW ,J 1 ' I I 1 IIOVUIUKI IJU T - V -. III! 11U 1 II -r- V Found Guilty Of Killing His Wife ot b-aionuis North Carolina Likely To $2,000,000 For Public Work Projects v jUrv returned a verdict . Sunday rinir 01 gUUty Oi met .. in the case vx ... , chaiged vuth the muidti ol V.',a " ,i I Rrnwn. on Jun . wite. iNt'll i"" , ni-h near the oiu iee rcisuu .---lUth, nwi v tw county. Th deienuaiiL cv..- - , imt and also stated t hat he was um , , .ti nf th fatal ing. is exnected to llK'l'I I. 1 ins int thou the ve 1... int:tfl cn'.ence is expected tna w tit iv. a tur pin - . tl. riict carries me pvujr i-a-ctric cnau, ki.-.q The jury received the case a- lU.o ayn.ght after Judge Alk hai . Ipleted. hi, charge which took o 11 , on n ivhu'rl 1'' tOla hour ami m....-.- -- tn rctnrn Olle 01 the ttliec 'lie ju' ss. , .' ulicts, first degree murder, 1 .. nt IV'llI'V. . ( ..Tee muruci vi v . k There is no evidence of manslaugh ... i r the Jurors ae w-" . . The jury deliberated thirty minutes oht and took a ballot .. iv:is (i :i 11.1 C. 11 i 1 " v. i!tiV morning ac six dock and on the .. i i.n, f 1.(7 mnn. that all 1 in favor of the -.first degree v-r diet, in lavvi u " .. . r and returned their verdict to .,i,..f pnnm about lU QOOi.lv. The case was im.'ku mediately after the convening of court it 2 o clociv. '"'Evidence brought ouv dur'm? the ctse as reviewed by Jude Alley in bit J, Bt to the ju.v wa in l.art- Homer Brown and Nul1 Ll,we had kept company for a bom twoyears before, they were married last Christ- in Tennessee. Soon atiev in. marriaKe .they turned to Fines Creek and kept house lor a lew days and then separate"., sv live wi-h their respective parents. Ike Brown and Kobert Lowe. On the morning of June lOih, -Mrs. Brown accompanied her father to a tobacco field, to work, and late,- vent , r i v (.oorire to the norae ot no r,.Vv., ...... . r.i.cn and then thej smarted towards the old Lee Ferguson home . t- tv, mn Rrmvn and en caged' in a conversation with him anJ , ....... .i i t,..- r.rocn',. home. all returnuu l i-.- ? There Brown became sick and s-tai tea to vomit Liquor a amolUd on (Continued on page ) 1. V Jim i.----- Here Show A 12 Per Cent Increase Postal receipts for the quarter, ertd- June 30th showed an nuieaso ih cent over the same pernio, ui-p. in-cording to a statement made II. .. ..,.. T r. flrccn. I UMHW.-iil ' . . e increase was not oniy in uic (.f stamps and stamped pHper, also in money orders and postal ravines:. The postal savuiKs . hitrhest they have ever , been. ..Mi. :i stated. .... , incoming: mail is slightly nea. well, as the outgoing mail. According to dispatches from Wash ington, President Roosevelt, sia.eu that it is his intention to use part of the reforesta;ion fund to compitve the Great Smoky -Mountains Aauomw Paik. and to round out the piojecv such a manner as to make it a wma tide national park. This is -the first time the president has matie a uut-u statement regarding the completion of the park. For several months v. "HK'"f"" Zcbulon Weaver and others have been ninns tn eet funds ior the completion of the park. Congress- ,r BUIul wvitlt.lV ttiar hC mail I'Vtnv. - , l was of the opinion, that tunas wuu. be available, lie. has appeared fore the president a number oi times on the matter. The park service is now wolKing on plans for completing the park anu these will be submitted U the presi- ,!fmt ni an ear v date lor ms aiqiiu.. Officials have said thai at least Sfi.OOO,- 000 will be allotted :o " lina for public worKs projecis ti. iir, sia.filO national iunu ai aside for this work. The greatest single item 101 date in the appropriation is ioi struction of roads in the park. r. this purpose $2,($3o,uw -was ated, and half Ot it will ne useu roads in the North Carolina sulo of the paik the lemain.ng -i w,' iroinir to Teniu-sse side. Only 1- 000,000 was apiiropria'ed ior nation al park roads over ine enure iw t i5 (Mill '.whs allotted, i o-i phvsical improvements within th viieai niiiv'" j. ...... - . i-...... ,..iivn m for a slime .... i t,, ,,,., uiniraiii. .Highway under ine nf i . within North Carolina frosts will bi constructed at a, co?t of Sf81.:i2G. ana S:17.'?.000 is to lie spent on loiesi "." nd trails. The 1irst figure is a putt of a $10,000,000 appropruuion forest highways for the enure i "" and the second of an allotment of $1,000,000. BROWN FIRST WHITE HYWOOD MAN TO GET FIRST DEGREE VERDICT s far as The Mountaineer ..ouUl learn. Homer Brown, who was found guilty by a jury sun Jay morning for murder ot his wife, is- the first white man to H-ceive a riist dcgiee veuiict in this county. About ten or twelve years ago negro was trieo: ana iouii Ot Hist uegiee. muiv. .ctrocuted. It was also recalled ny stune old timers that long ago a negro was hung here fer a murder, before the day of electric chairs. a guilty ami Nurse's Home To Be Complete With- in Next From 15 to IS Men Are Employ, ed On $12,000 Ruilding; At Hospital Jenkins Case Goes to Jury . m 1 ft P . Lai Wednesday Atternoon 163 People From 1 WTH k llaywoort r ne xvn IncomeTax Report This Count I i'.uU VH Western North Carolina With E. n ut ion ol Runcombe The tieasury department- at Wash. iKton reported that there weiv Hm persons in Haywood county that- ! individual income tax returns ior I u vear 1SKU. From North Carolina -4.- $ persons tiled the reuums as i..... r.7-,..l with 2ti.1T!) last year. Fiftv-seven iersons from Waynes, ville are credited with sendin.r -m .e tin ns; four from ' Ha.elwood, and . from Canton. Havwood county led all other c,.tni-tu-s in Western North Carolina ou sule ,,f lUmcombe. The ,t h.1;1vi i i.i Henderson county with 11 The 12,000 Nurse's home which is being c.iected at the rear of the Hay wood County hospital is expected to be complete within .00 days, accord ing to Jerrv laner. n n.n- - I... . ...... (1,,. Unil.lilH'- iraci i"i , . ,. I' 1 . t.. iv ni. 'M Ml.l wit mu .... r i oiu ... .... .. ... . . .1. . i...:i.l,-. .hi. li:l'e i ms rat I. mi uie ououuij,, - , over 100,000 brick and gotten ttu . ., ,- .... ... i; ., c,,.! tloMi- level. tiUikling up w - , -n The iniilding, wnen cou.j.i, e. ! modern in every n-sj ect I he building was made possih.e by llu luke Foundation with .a $0,000 cash donation for the bnil-lmg. be couno furnishinu- nun thiougn me ... , .,.i , .ni.t i net on lirick oepiunneoi . , rot,, the old jail to meet a hko The building will be occupied l th.. nuics who now have rooms m the main hospital build,,. (bus mak ing more rox.n, for patu-nls. M, l.iner stati-.i l all loc. . l.th. ' .,;, material i bciu- ued m the con st , U't it'll of the bull.! n.i'.. - " I Grand Jury Makes Kepon 10 v om i Several Heconiinendatins Aie Made To Uoiirt. Justices Ol Peace To acate ( ourt House Ollices Marshall The Jenkins Charged With Murder of James Chambers .Marshall murder ot The i'ollowin Ciand Jury to for July 'term, To His Honor ;' i Ju lit Ui:t;l J; id if tile renort of lh . Alley IT llini o - llotary Convention We. the submit ;ln the July Term W, bills sann li v.. Alley: l : . .1 I ore i-esiH'i'l fully following report for lh io;: all ot in We whole A. find Ernest governor tary I tit program 1, Withers, former district of the oSth -Histriot of Ro-M-national, had a part on the ... 111., ...ill ,'1'lMU'O Ol me our. .1 1 .1 .. tvict at l-raiikiin ."." Wihc.discuwd The Uot.uian and Other International Publications. Several members of (be Wayiiesville Kotarv Club altcn,M the conlereiicc. fu(K'K. W. Winston Puts Some Pointed -'"HiV-u4:tt t,. Hiicns Oi Wayiiesville V'UIDII""'' " - ---- V ' ' . ". -'--7-7.. . .. l have caret ally considered tit before us' and disposed as possiiue. r,ii,( ib.. iiiiblic buildiiies a in goo,i shape and well kept. the t'ounty Court llou-c. we nio-i olhces aim other rooms ui excellent condition. However, W0 liiul the walls in ollices of the Justicet of the 1'eaee are abused and recom mend that the occupants of these of fice's :md proper county oII'k ials lake .steps to prevent further injur y in tht li mIsii seems that the tliMVS of the corridors and stail the- stairwavs have Hot lit during the week- and the believes that this should the night janitor hoi become permanent. The Craiid Jury ha test., Tiom sonic- taxpayer the occupancy ef olhcos in I tiU-(- bv J usl ices Of t ho t,i be re t halls and ii mopped nid Jury done by v s'ains Jenkins, charged with th James Chamber consta ble of Jonathan's Creek townsnip. u April !". l'-,;:!. weir, on trial -Monday, July IV, for his life in the superior Court hero before Judge l-eiix r.. Mlev, before an audience una nueu both' the main auditorium and tin- gallery. The entire morning was i.tKen uy in the selection of a jury from a ve nire of tl.") men who had been sum moned. At the reassembling of court after lunch, twelve jurymen with the thirteenth man occupied places ni ths box. , , Mrs. .lames Chambers, wile ot tn slain num. was the first ' witness, arm as examined by John M. Queen, th solicitor. She st tted that her husband ha, l died on the Uith of April at the ' 1 . . , u . . .1 .... I mnd Haywood I OUIHV Hospital .mo thirty-six years old. . She identihed :ho clothes that he had worn on uie ,lay lint be was killed, and they were uxiiibitcd in Court. ,1 miles Harrell. at whose store, the homicide occurred, was the second wit ncs-. nut on t1- ' '. , the Suite, he staled that lie was a brother. in law tii James' Chambers. He was ex inline,! for the Slate by (.rover C. iv-ivi-:. who is assisting Mr. Queen in ,u. pnise. iitiou. Harrell stated that i,.l. o, ; . h ;..,! i-omo to bis .store about ii tfiriirtt Show Fewer Marriages in ouuer Robert Vi Winston, -'retire e. wrote The Mouii giving' sonic: opin. has arrived at sine, v rifle to fla i in sioiioi ii pnees . ( 'omit v omniciol s take in l :. ...1... ioic several o'' unuuer, and to ago soiie Havwood Youth Cnfc At TWO Then Kills cn Charles West, 21, Fired At Wife And Companion. Then Sends Load Through t nesi Ulg 12 per vear by Th sale but i North Carolina had a total of7i3 l:',d marriages in 1! while last a .......ii im.i -This is a dec i case tlu re wei e - ' - , , ,,... of, 17, 10, or li-. !''' .-'',!:-ho state had 4 ! m irnages fo CM 1.000. while last year :the,-e were .! ' marriages for every 1-000 people in he - s ate; In the Fnited States ,n ...... .1 ...,.i X -l Ml I il.-s " V I'.i.i I tnei e .. - 1 onu tiroiile while last ........ r (i ,nnri-laces fo,- every Voam ;.;,;,le. "This state had S.O mar riages to every divorce. folloWl (iree! The (. ' . as W Firm To Be Agents For Hudson-Essex w. C. And Earl Messer Named Agents For Well Known Cars. To Open Soon W C. and Earl Messer haveb.een named as agents for Hudson-Essex Motor Company and will handle tnese cars in connection with their tire husiressi at the old Chevrolet Motor Company building at the Depot. The new motor firm will feature the Terraplane car, both .in. sales and v. , j,i;isnQl models service. aeveiai uui.. are expected within a few days and will be put on display in the snow Tooms. . , The Diamond Brand tire is also being featured by the firm. They are representatives of this district. The building will be repaired and , , :ll ls mide during several cnanges wm uc . - the next few days. A formal opening will be announced sooon. Will keep your interest on edge taNgld Funeral services were held at He-th-el church at Woodrow Sunday after noon fo,., Charles West, 2-1. who com mitted suicide by . shooting himsell through , the chest with a 12-guage -hotgun mai b. (.aidm ( ii sehiuil house on the W oo,lrow- anton t.: ii l-'hl o'clock Satur- n i i h ii i . o , . dav afternoon, shortly .after he fired upon bis 10-year ohl wile, " . ' West and her companion, l-.dward IT ) I iiayncs. , ,r Mi-s West and Haynes; only suf fered slight flesh wounds from the few shot which struck -hem. They were given first aid-treatment in C anton. M the inquest held in Canton by Dr J H W estmoreianu, jiauu.. "coroner, he- rendered ; a vnu.u j ..- i . j-,.iu,.;,nr ihe 'estrmony oi suicide iuii"o on Ldwaid Haynes, Waiter Jons, -i. and Mrs. West, Mr- (-race rie.d a, 1J and Hubcit Wil on, a 1 of thi" community m which the tatdi shooting took place. . . ,()(,k Deputy Sheriffs Hairy I-'ajl" dnd Sam Ju-tue summoned to the u . .. .... i. . ini v,f the shoot- scene louowing mk iciiw. - i. i v,.f vmir in ii nearoy me ( lscoveieu .iivj, ,,-' o , ".i.i.i ...av, , kin through his eornueiu win, " -, . Chest, i-'uaui. i):" cv,pr i .. .1 ... . inciuiiiaiinm.i. moreiaiio, , . . . t , ...u..m in entirr. here. kft immediately upon being tied. k . i..., ,;.,n i,n ivitn the to make " ""s , coroner. , iui;tnsr n-.-i : MirviViil hv his Tlal' I OUhK esi l a ...v- ems Mr. and Mrs. J Ed W;t. three cm.s n,T,i rid Frank brothers i-ui.. Bell west, auu ' . Pi'vis; AIT'S. .)iuian ..- Hmnton uerry, anu - "e.fctV ,. . .:. Vu .tOmnnV of Hu 'VreordinE to mc oert W dson at the coroner's inquest oei i " . , ,.,,,(, that West told mm waS he had heard "f" VS-linei lnokine for mm. " - 1 Vn kill him. Wilson also testuieu i" S tSdh, that he was going to iriv Havnes a r , .-. .i.,, rhrreafter. W .lon further a.u m- est "La "LrAnV -he mght before and that ne West's wile y "'"".;, n' told fired upon oa.uiuaj, Se corner's investigators - had threatened - were of Mrs. wei. 'ta cf i- .a. nH unrm iiitru)- Marv had a little lanVb, It drank some gasoline; n i then-it wawlered near a ' And since has not benzine. fin .hu) upei ior coiir! jO'l; taineer last week ons of t he v.i'.y n leoniinu' ueiid tb writing. - ' 1,1.1,,-.. Wm.stort letici 't tins time, when even wide ,n , is einlcelinir 0 a:ii.e i1 "... -r. brains for tile future, --one t ions by a friendly t i aneer. may not li,. out of place; .,, First of all, the.iv Wayiiesville shoul l delcrmiue what is lu;V s.t rone ' ., point. be ails wo. is, no y. - yal ' . ,.iitt.. mid bealtbfulness. In a word: touris, travel. Hut what sor of summer visitors'? The answer mo t he fanlilv groups and elderly pee,'-' and children, retired bankers, awye atti.v an.l navy olbcers and the hi-'l!,.u...-i-. ll-lb- Mead.e park is a. go ' i,ta, ter, W.ivtie-vilie: cannol Jmpe " S ( Coiitinu''d oil- page )) ti-r with due and proper c lights of the. cor.vv The Cou ply and sanitary ived pro s agaima the ''our Yaic; ne has been lorwarueu I 'oiiimissioiii'i's and it d : that, the Commis oper steps in tins m:it- l eooi d to t be tax paver;-, ,itiiilrratioii for the U'i;al si- ollicial.s. Il l I Home i Ti.er. ail bu-h of wli niaip wan p- ' """""" Z It .l I'AUM well kept, clean tire :!H inmates, 10 of which are women, 7 are children, h of whom are of school age and at tend school during school li-rm-. 'fhe iii mates are clean and well cared for. The fai-ni has tile following live ..i.,..l.-. si niiil.-s II coivs. 1 I ealv M beef catt le,. I I bogs and 1 .',0 chick-1 ens -all well cared for. -.The follow-(, ing provisions are at the farm, having bei-n ni-oduccil there: 4 (Ml- pounds of lacoii, KI0 bushels of corn. ,,f m-lie:it and. stack.. raised llii;; year. The following laud is under euiti vat ion : acres of coi'ii, 'J, acres ol pot a acres of cane, 12 acres, of hay1 i,f Soy beans, I acre toliac acre in guidon, all -iops ar in wi U i.-ul' i vat'-d. (rail,! Jury roeoin'mends tbal county can 1'ioss'iblv do -o Uiey i new barn ol-. tho Counly I-'arni 11 a l.ii-al ing' plan! in tnc Iloiii,-. rand Jury. wi: -lies to caimeinl l.-ind for 1 iii' eouiii' ion il which k'-pt the ...,( oun: y Home and Tin- . ininatos are properly afii- and pnivided for. the well kept and the farm well I and managed. the jail., well kept and -a!i- ind the prisoners aue,pia;ei in the afternoon on lolll icilll', -t a Veil i t n i laler returned ';' art ridges from him to si -11 hi ni iln w a pi. st- ine and rs was killed, a. -it 1,1 tliat .hoik gain and went in the chool house, : aboil! yards away inn caim the meant line, llarr let buv c; I'lls.al kins .1 alio at Cham! He the day of diort while, ti,l tried to , bir. hi' ro le staled that Jen ui him in bis store half hours .befo.ro then left liroi-lion id' the three hundred back later. Ill oil said, he had ,cn for James 'hamDer.s; tne con st abU', and Chambers had come with two or three other men. Chamber was told what . had happened, and when Jenkins came up, he went to him, placed bis band oh Jenkins' arm and tol.l him 'to consider himself under 1 i i .. I. , , li i lined rrest. jciikiiis.. mi-. i : -r.t ut his pistol and began tiling upon 1,,- ollicer, and tired live I nues. llar . I ( 'unt inued on back page I 1 st: 20 toes. 2 12 acri oi ami in line The if the build a and in ( 'ouiit v The Mr, No he has Fa rin. looked ' llotm ue.ervi. , We lin alary- led. ; We ri-commenil t ri windows bi We fin celient :',o th properly J u IV dsooKjjmmittee meo Vi)Y County Named Iy Ii.rd Haywood i met Ml I he Sup, ritrendei!1 i-ted the. -clioo) ' r six ll: I' hi. : r: iV t iii- tbai 'Si; unt y lioard tlice of the Schools tcenicfi Iim, been School Com- ,1.1 i ion ,f I' of jud iliK-ie io ii cornn i' ; a-lllelit in ni a !. tbl eve iii making loieii, has making the dotie a real pg their selef 1 and in giving sOc'-ioii.' con- Begins today on this page. lo ,MH77' CHATTER I Thcwldvva, hla.k TrnTiv..- cles poured in. They were -""' bv pu.ple ring-. She w a, lost Va v n' J . onened She wa, go.ng in o a orange world. Sre Was rid ng. ane was going some n "ou laintfii. ii-K'tri. much for you." . She was ourniiiK r . of something line -tai. " ' ' worse than fear. It flamed and cracK W upas if tood in the xn,ds trf . fire. She gaspeu as - her. .' ... "Poor darling. flt t.-. v,, oc rinsed. She leu a motion of something under her, car- her BTCdid She did not want . ... u rn.ii if her. to see the person wo r- v y She knew she was m a vehicle of some kind eoing somewiict. , . KHIU..KU1 s .iiv,rl at thp seat (.autiouy, s. Oor benra'h her, running ik ""t"- - cool leatner. an- - eves. A taxicao. cue . , t.YV'3 .... j . a lrkcon her taxicab. She gnivereu ai eyes again. - . "You're au rigm., e"1', , , .. it a. a man's voice. She hated it. She turned her head away iron, ns He said that presence A large firm he and est s . -v- " shot hand closed oer hers rnately hve ieev .I ni afraid it s oeen o..v- was tired. . v' 'T,aV She kept ner neau ionxinu" - "Poor sweet "I don't-" :: i.n..', .,iu diirline: . Shr turned and looked at the man besnle her Dark earne-t ees plumbed hers anxiously. . - His tanned face was flushed. Hi brow was damp. , ou don't wha, sweet His th n mouth was twitching bh stared at it blankly. "You don't what?" . . . ,. " s-u , ve a long rd;;:ed h w.. s'wept over h.r She was losing -m, th,nlorwa,rareadylos Hhj miliar sell was iicciii6.-.. v.. "Feling better: "Feeling better?" She searched his face Every curve one ---' , o Tl- KTioke ,9S et ranee. .v , , . as if he knew her wen. i- .- not remember him. ..... . i. . - "All rigni .., rf Who was he? His smile was tent. fvine She could not reme. n-i ........ Sow had she got there? Where had -he been before Who was he? W he was anybody? She did not even re member her own She sat straignc a.m -- . j fin'iTPTiAH. Ine loss wide open .-- T, of her identity did not matter If only : , , ., ...n tr -this hom- the couiu gei ble man. , rr. His fingers were on hers again. Her ..;. . 't in furtively. He was eyes " - . s .' , . .1 . Ml orA XI that the jail kiteh- creelied. the County Hospital in ex- eoiidition, having 4- patients. of whom are. . charity patients ; f . . lO.itieril .. :n-e w 11 cared - for and . . i treated as lar a- trie ,ianu is. able: to know. . The f; rand Jury: has Wen' informed the institution is self-supporting,:. Wo wish to commend Miss Hampom for her excellent service at this in stitution. The (irand Jury as a oooy ex the charge of His Honor, -Felix- F. Alley, feeling that it was no;, only instructive but that it Upholds the dignity and sac ledness f the laws of our country and was! an inspiration to the diand Jury arid we believe, to all who heard it. "... F. E BRANSON, I' oreman. Tuesday of l-'.dueat ion ('.',.11 nf y Mild sell for the lIl'siciKltl in i - sion. tl-e I! the; seb exercise,) good appoinl meats e lilltV service tiotis from a wide i-rllli sell!.- lion to eeriuil, ' it is.'stated iiV the comity --,. or-'int- n-leiit. Jack -M.-ssrr. that -a meet- 1 . I .- .. ii i. i i ..... ..I..,, tia.- .- ing ot an scn-i-u i ."- .seen r-Ued Friday evt-iiing in his of ; fie- - for the purpose of discussing problems that are to come ui) m the in itiagement of the-schools, He said ha: it is not for- fhc .purpose: of. :. eh c' ing teachers, -'.but. to --discuss gen Tii! school management. The following is a list ot the school ...i ... ,h st i-iel-si coinmuicenien -au-i,nnw -Mount Sterling and u atcrvilli-; . 1) McDonald, Chsrlie -Roberts. Jake Su'.on, Big ( a aloo hi i laix is I'.ibiH i Jim ( .ldwel' I H ( ahlell; Uavnesvilk W I- '- 'ft U 1- Francis, Jerrv Finer l-.ari l eiguaoii. Medford Le-ithei-wood ; ( lyde : CharliP Noland Harlev Hryson, John P.est, Thad (athex U Hmis, I ,ue ( reek: Hob Teague- M. :M.. Hirkpa uek, u man Jam. s (,ioi leigu t ii... r-,.,..v lir.tbid- ( W. (HI, IlllllUV . l-'O-sIl, ,s...s... . l,od D II Pics-, John Cafic, tu f ollowing trie reni R-Miioium the grand lury, the board of commis sioner'! in session Monday oroeroci that all offices now being occupied by the first of the month. The Weather It is probable that those commit teemen: will meet the first u week for the purpo-e (1 nam i g issu ers. - The following is the official weath r tt CtAi.ATi.nn nfflPl report or n. , -4 . I I official j Date Max 12 T6 13 Tl 14 79 15 : 78 ,16 P0 18 81 Mm 62 60 54 61 55 54 Prec 0.01 0.45 Kr.r scandal but very unt.r.ual on this Begins today pige. is a h it !? of f ' 1';! w

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