1 l wm Has Uor- Paid-in- Usance Subscribers In Haywood County Than All Weekly Sewspapers Combined THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1933 WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA VOL. XLV NO. 34 Plans Underway to Get Life Sentence For Homer Brown Slayer Of Wife Sentenced To Die In Electric Chair August ISth. Attorneys for Homer Brown, who was sentenced to die in the .-electric chair August IS for the murder of his wife in the Fines Cieek sett on ol the county, are working on papers to piescnt to Goernor J. C. B. Ehnng haus to commute his sentence to me imprisonment. , V T Hannah, -one of Brown -attorneys who was appointed by the court, told The Mountaineer Wednes day morning that all of the jurors on the case had signed the paper agreeing to life imprisonment, and that a pe tition was now in circulation in the county ana approximately 400 names had been signed to it. Charles C. Smathers and R. Hoyle Smathers of Canton assisted Mr. u,.m.oli in tho cilso. S-igsbee Parton. was sentenced to serve 15 to 20 years at nam . 4-v, ctato nvisnn at Raleigh. Parton was convicted of second degree mur der for lihe killing; of Ulenn ivingsmoie ht-,.uII Tnnl-ins. rnnvicted of sec IflUlSHU" ond degree murder of Deputy Sheiilt James Chambers, was seiuma-u : serve from 18 to 24 years at hard labor at the state prison. Carl Howell convicted ' of man ..i.,nn.Wnv in the death of Lee Setzev was sentenced to serve three years in prison. T. Qh,MfT .1 A Cowo. Deputy Ken ,.th T nwn and Denutv Will .Carver 'tarried Brown, Jenkins and Parton to the state prison in Raleigh Saturday night. tv, -.itiu in tVif court room was without parallel in the history of this county when Judge Felix Alley pro nounced judgment, upon the four men rW'Vrxi 'npn found cuiltv of crimes during the two weeks of Superior court. Tho nmrrt room was crowded to ca p'acity when the sentences were passed- Such a scene had never been en acted in Haywood county before, and a deep . solemnity was apparent throughout the proceedings that re quired about two hours. Judge' Alley was visibly affected when he came to pass sentence upon W the first degree murder of his wife of live months. The slaying occurred on June 10, lRst. Judge Allev said his. was a duty placed upon him of unspeakable horror to pass sentence of death upon a young man. During the whole of Judge Alley's preliminary remarks, the condemned man sat stolidly in a chair, except for the moment when he was asked to stand and hold up his right hand, and when he was asked from the bench it he had anything to say why sentence of death should not lie passed upon him. He shook his head amidst the almost breathless still of. the room. Judge Alley entreated the prisoner to turn from his wicked thoughts and ways and seek pardon from a higher tribunal- As tne junge this, his eyes were moist, , Horse Show To Be Held Friday All-Day 'Festival To Be Staged At Belle Meade Play ground An all-day program, featuring ja horse show, golf and tennis exhibi tions, archery contents a dance and cabiret will be staged near Gaines ville Friday by Miss. -Virginia. Welch, instructor in ttnnis. riding, swim ming at the Belle Meade playgrounds, near Hazelwood, and manager of the Smokywayne Riding club . The day's -activities . will begim at 9:30 o'clock Friday morning with a enni and inter-camp swimming meet. r- T.rtn hi ho A at 3 o clock me iiuiscrni"' "... . in the atternoon. ,-t.mij - . $2 each, and each woman entering a v, will ha o-iven a handsome riding I crop and each man, a tie clasp. The horse show will be open to to hunters and horses in gaited classes. . .. A new -sand-clay ring will be ready by tn day, IMi-s WTelch said, 'and at least tU hores are expected to be entered. There will be an inter-camp achery contest at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and at 5 o'clock an exhibition golf match will be staged. At 9:30 o'clock in the evening, a dance will be held at the Wavnesville Golf and Country club, with 'Nick Laney and his Buke University ochestra playing. A cab aret will be presented at the country club at 10:30 o'clock, the pupils of the Moffat school of the danc staging the floor show. Mis5 Virginia Stevens, of Houston, Tex.. is one of the out-of-state en tries in the horse show- A number of Asheville horsemen and horsewom en are expected to enter their mounts. Girl Is In Serious Condition Alter Auto Accident Young Girl Is Barely Alive Suf fering From Fractured Skull Miss Mildred Waits, l,Vyear.M ,i,i,tr ,,r Mr iiitl Mrs. Lasconi Watts of South Hominy. was up-'ii"' it nnmi Yidnesdav to be barely alive nt tho Havwood County Hospital where 'she is suffering from ;i fra '- lured skull which she receive-.! Sun day night on highway No. It) atom i miles east of Canton. I H Holder was said to have been the 'drive,, of the car which - : u -k Mis Watts as she was- waning on the highway. A,.,..i..,i;ti..- to SherilV J; A. l.owe who has made an investigation, the injured girl was walking on the wrong side of the road anil was struck in the back by the passing car. Mr. Holder's six-war-old son sustained a fractured jaw bone and other paint ui injuries when he fell from the car to the pavement. Mr. Holde,. said that he iie.ueveu his son had opened the door anil fell nut. and that' it was the door which struck Miss Wat .-. Sheriff Lowe stated he. was not able hi learn verv much about the circum stances, and that no arrests, h id been made Wednesday noon. Information On Farm Loans To Be Given In Count Jarvis II. Allison, Appraiser, To 3Ieet Farmers Twice A Week : Jarvis II. Allison, appraiser and. secretary of the Waynesvilie I district of the National Farm .Loan Associa tion, announced that he would he at the .Chamber -of Commerce in Can ton each Thursday and at the court house in Waynesvilie each Saturday to explain the d.ilieretit features whereby farmers may obtain loans from the Federal Land Hank, During the hist session of Congress an act was passed known as the emer. gency act which set aside two hun dred million dollars to be loaned to farmers of the n'ation. These loans will bear foil,, and one-half pei cent interest, and the principle is payable on installment after .5 years if the borrower so elects. Mr. Allison makes an appraisal of the farm for the association and .sub mits it to the bank. Then an ap praiser from the bank in Columbia is sent here to make an apprasial, -and if both appraisals are satisfactory, a 50 per cent loan is made, based on the value of the farm between 1U05 and 1011. Under the emergency act an addi tional 25 per cent loan may be secured if the security . warrants', -such a loan up to $5,000.00. .'..' There arc 12 banks in the country serving the different section. This is part of the third district with the bank located at Columbia. The dis trict is composed of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. The territory served by. Mr. Allison comprises Haywood and Jackson coun ties. Massie's Sale To Begin On Friday The annual mid-summer clearance sale at Massie's Department Store will begin Friday morning and con tinue until August 12th, 'according to an advertisement in this paper this wecK. Mr. Massie has stressed the fact that with the advance of merchan dise prices he does not expect to be able to offer such price, again. Auction Sale To Begin Saturday Young's Jewelry Store will begin their auction sales Saturday night of this week, according to their adver- ticpmont in fnrlflv'c nnrwir The merchandise will be-offered at auction land sold to the highest diamonds, watches, silverware and art goods. and souviners will be given away free. cRABTREE MAN KILLS BROTHER Jim Southerland In Jail Here Fur Killing His Brother William Jim stout her land. 40. shot and kill ed his brother, William Southerland, 4S. about o'clock ednesday morn ing at the termer's home on cruDtree-, after tho two had engaged in a dis pute over family matters. The deceased was shot in the left side with a shot gun. About d0 shot entered the body and he died in about hve minutes within 100 yards of where h wn-a shot Jim Sowtherland surrendered to Carl Sutton who brought him to fthonll J. A. Lowe- Sherill Lowe Coroner Dr. West mmciaml left immediately for the scene to make an investigation. Southerland told Sheriff Lowe he shot his brother. There were three eye witues.-e, to the fatal shooting- the iucoa.-ed is survived by his w.ie and tour children. l'lineral services were to have, been In ,il VYediii.-dav afternoon at Crab- Beautv Pageant Staged At High School Last Night Miss Adera Holtclaw won the title ol "Miss i'YlH'sville" lust niulit at the lieauiv ragcani. .Si:. reprt.st'iited Hie I'ledmonl Hotel t W t -1 1 n r s 1 1 a y Afternoon) T i'lavili' Pi'i ire ant ,-iionsured oy in. , nu-i-i i.-.i :i Legion of this city. Wiiifti in'ilur t- the state-wide ni'.vtiv.i'iit Ih r'ou jrhout the state, in wiiii-h tin- winner will l;e given the lit U ..1 "Mi-- Wayni'svilli'," a loving i- ;;i ami a '.trip to WrightsVille Heaeh i ) compete' tor the' slate title of ".Mi-;s Noita Carolina," will be held Wednesday -'night, (last night) at the higliM-hool -'auditorium.' (In: of town judge- are: selieduled to pick the best looking from the 50 local girls who have been entered into tin, -linw and renresentintr the local limitless lii'ins and professional busi ness men of the city. The list , of entries and who they represent, according to the program, is as follows: : Standard Service Station-Mrs. Rich ard Barber. Massie Dept. StoreMrs. IUlph Pre- vost . Denton' Hardware Store Mai'v Mock Jellcrsnn htainlanl Ins. CO. KUM Hotha. Smith's Drug Store Margaret Ray. M n s Hi 1 1, M in tiu .vjinur : Leilbetter. , . Ik-I's (i u-an-i Ford Dealer Tilli Rotba. Vi'.iyne-ville ' Mountaineer Eleanor Dushiieri. Hm '.''in' Iii other. -Maude Terrell. Hot. : (ioi'iion -Martha -Noal. Wa) ;:ii-vi'p Laundry Jewel Hipp Kaf;!f " and '10c Store Louise Moody. Hi.i i- In- ( o - Mi - Li vkr ; Turg'in. '''.:" M'a!!-i.i- !': lee trie (.'o C'arolyn Hyatt. McK.'V-' I 'barmaid Mary Alice Ilia lock. Swil :'s D.tirv Mrs. 'loin Lee, Jr. HayV.-H,d I'riiU Shi.p Mrs. Hugh .Viassie. - -Fri-v.usoJi. (iroeery Co. Roselyn Ray. Ale., .nder's Drug Store- Florence Russell. C. E. Ray's Sons Virginia f'ampbell. .loe Morinino M rs. A. II Wither--. M.i i I uiiiiIuk Co M ly L nma -Massie. V a ( ( afe Cl.id-.s Ditu- Sl'tid-r-f-ru-rett Furniture Co. Ellen I Killinn. LeFaine Hotel Louise Stringfield V.avne'VHio Ice l o. hdna tiarreu .v V Store Virginia elch. Hiiini'iin,! (JnrnfP C nrmen l'lott. American Fruit Stand Margaret As iton. Snmt.Ti-v Hnrber Shnn 11a Green Royal Ice Cream farlor i'.lizatxitn TTenrv. Pmmio f learners Josenhine l'lott, Havnesviiie i'h-arraacy Josepnine "Cabe. f:entral Service Station Mrs. Hugh VurVnll Ruth Ray's Beauty Shop Edna Mc- - k a v Waynes:vil!e Boob Store Mrs. R. H McCracken Clothing Co. Wilda I rawffin . Hotel Waynes,ville Josephine Davis Hotel f lertmont Adora Hoitzciaw PRDFFSSIOM A T R Dr. J. F. Abel Mrs. Launston Har- riin Dr. N. F. Lancaster Mrs, S. P. Gay Dr. u. K. i'acigett, tisie bmatners Dr. S. F. Uay Marie Flott. Dr. N. M. Medford Frances Burgin- MANUFACTURERS England-Walton Co., Inc. Eileen Fisher. -Unagusta Mfg. Co. Susie Fisher. SPONSORS Community Club Mrs. G. N. Colkitt. Woman's Club Iris Chafin Civic League Margaret Terrell. Music Club Mrs. Paul Hyatt. D. A. R Mary Ashworth Barber. (Continued cn page eight) '.-,"....-' .':-'-...-. New Head of W- C. T. U. ft- SV- s Mrs Mr It. Wise .siiiilh of Pes Moines. Iowa, was elected national lroxltlent of the Wimian's ( linstlan Teniperanee union al lis convention In Milwaukee. She succeeds Mrs. Kiln Hoole. To Collect Sales Tax Uiu'mT New Uni- jvm Thin New Schedule Kll'ective August First, Accord inn; Mux well's Killing ( ,:,. ii!,i'.'. -aic ta I ax si hcdiib.'. H'ei live :Vugii-t 1. was announced by 'ini:imis.-.imler of Revenue A. a. Maxwell to replace, the four-schedule plan ty which tlii Sta,ti' -ha-.-collected the three pi cent -a!e- levy 'luring July. "The lisi' of a M'l ies !' cia dll'e: lias been eonl'u .iiig . and lia,s made uui fiii-m it v n.f ul siivance and lirac lice, dillicult," Mr. Maxwell said in atiiroilijciiv!' the ''..change in method by which tl; tax will be pas'sed n to consumer:-. .VKir .S'( UKin l.K The new schedule, applying to all retail merchants, follows: Less than 10 cents, no tax. Ton cents to 35 cents, one cent. Thirty-six cents to 70 cents, two cents. -,ii,.'.. -SI. 05. a straight- three" per cent tax will be applied, fractious 'to be e-ovemed by major 1 faction.-. The new schedule gives the pur chaser us0 of a cumulative rule on purchases' during one trading period while in,,!,... I be . ii v sclH'iluU ,i w is denied- "Denial , 1 tins - . .. . . riKfit to the customer in liia.ny cases rer.ultiMl ,ii tax cbarges ot live ami six l,cr ci nt when -the total in-ircli-i.se; were enough to ap.!y a straiglit r, e per cent ;a-: .Mi: -Maxwell :'. I). (). K. K. Club Is Snonsoriim Special Entertainment A barn, d mce tntertaiiiment featur-'- ,, ,.,.i-.Orv . store will lie held' at the e!eii:crit ;iy school here next Wednes- d:,y. night under, the aus-i.ce- ol ine D O K. K Club ot this ciiy. Theie will he' uspcCial- selections in- cluditig dancing, singing and radio u-tist with instruments. : . . , . One of the main features will , be theountry store whirh will give vv-av merchandise donated by... mer chants of the city- , A small admi-sion will be cnargeu tn tho entc'itairimi.-n- which will be gin at 8::i0 o'clock, K. ,. STEVENS GETS GOOD WHEAT YIELD p T t(v,.ns. of Iron Dull, report ed to The Moutaineor that he was not competing in potato growing wnn u:.. ,l,K,.,. II T.. Brown, who gets ilia i woi l u big yields from his crops, bull that he had established a goou reeoni growing wheat. From an acre and a fourth he got forty-six and a half bushels of wheat. v ,i,i,, lit tVii,. is :a record that will -to,-,,! fnr snmc time;. So far as has been reported Mr. Brown claims champion potato grower aim .-. S evens the champion wneai giowci POTPOURRI Whalebone Whalebone is really not bone at all but "plates of hair which hang from tire roof of the mouth" and utilized to strain out the nfaute water creatures which pass with in. About 000 bones are in each head A ton of such material, valued at ten to fifteen thousand dollars, is taken from each animal. . 153J WMlern Newspaper Union. ii M. H. Bowles Named Superintendent of Waynesvilie Schools Highway 281 Might Be Improved, Says Chairman Jefl'ress Highway Chairman Is llonelul Of (Jetting l't'doial Funds I)r Project . H. ,li :; ir- . chairman of the state bie-bw-av commission, is hopeful of getting fund- from the federal govern ment to improve highway througn I'isgah Nation'd Forest, according to a letlei' reci'ived' by Noah ollUuwell. .octvt-'ti v of tlie Hendefsonville 'Cham ber- of ('oinnii'rcc .Mr. J,-lfivs' letter to Mr. llnllowell reads 'as follows: "I received yours, of the thirteenth iiiili i ,'l'ei.,.iii'e t,i nindviiiL' Federal funds to .surface Route 2S-1 through the I'isgah rorest. . "We lire apiilviiur to the federal Cova't-nmon! for a special road and I ... i i.i ., ; ., n 1 1 ... ,, I .1 III lll'l't l ll III. 1. Ill I'l'l.llll II. !.,..,! fore (hi- State lias recciveii very little special 1'oroM funds, but I am hope ful we will be able to-get a' larger', al lotment and applv it 'to this p1 trtictilar road. It will cost .about i?50tU)00 to improve this road from Rrevard to the tup of the iiiountam and surface it and 1 ',uu hopeful we can make a start on Ihe project " This project referred to in the let ter above is the highway from Way nesvilie to Drevard via I'isgtih Na tional Fori si. ..and is recognized as one nf t he nio-1 inipoit tnt routes to Way-. nesVille froni the south, as it would connect (bis city directly with Ci-eiti-ville- Anilersiiii. Auifiista. and other southern cities. Civic, organizations both here an in : Brevard and 1 lendersonvi lie have been working diligently I'm" some tinie on this project. Official-Dairy.. Grades Announced I;. Minion, Saniliiry Olliccr Of County Makes His Report K. I,. Hinton stuiilary oflicer for II a v wnoii I'litin.y aniiinmci'd yesterday be nllicial graib I-. dairi's (if th county. They wre : (rade "A" -Waynesvil! W. F Swift, J. I0. l'erguson. S. J. Moody. Jarvis II- Allison. VV. C- Me( racken. Cradi' "D" W.iynesvill S. H Keller. I), c. urpm. .1 M I'alni'-r. (irale A" Canton: M. -A: Osliorni'. W. J. Siiialhers .J. F. .Mann. J. E. Henderson. Mrs. J. K. Seller-:, I. F. Worley. CJrade ' D" ( anton: P. I.. Duekett. .J. B Smathers. W. M. (,'oraan. . '. C. Smathers. Fifth Sunday Meet ing Will He Held At Cove C r e e k The regular Fifth Sunday Baptist meeting will be ht'.d at the Coc ( ieek Baptist church next Sunday with the general -ubje(t "The Kind of Revi val That We Need,'' being discussed by outstanding, laymen and Pastors of -the county.. The program which btgins at :J;av is as follows: A. M. 9:S-0 to 10:30, Sunday School. 10:130 to 10:40, Devotional, Emman uel Wvtt. 1C 10 to 11:00, A Revival that will nu-alnil lis. W G Bvprs. 11:00 to 11:20, A Revival-that" will help us to realize our responsibilties, Gay Chambers. 11:20 to 12:00, Sermon, Rev. P. C Hicks. 12:00 to 1:30,: Dinner on ground P. M. 1:30 to 1:'40. Devotional, C. R. Evans. 1:40 to 2:00, A Revival that will unite us, C. F. Owen. 2:00 to 2:20, A Revival that will bring uq back to our first love, R. P McCracken. 2:20 to 2:40, A Revival that will help us to reach and utilize our re sponsibilities, Jack Messer. 2:40to 3:00, Open Discussion. Former Principal Of Elementary School Succeeds H. I). Hunn As Superintendent M. II. Bowles was appointed super intendent of the Waynesvilie lownship Schools, .ny the newly eiecieu scnooi board here Tuesday night at which time, teachers lor the new district were named. .Mr. Bowles succeeds B. 1). Bunn. who has been superin tendent for the past two years. Ihe meeting ot the .-ehoul UoarJ Tuesday night w;is their !ir.-t oUieial meeting since their appointment last week. Quite a few changes were made in in teaching' uinks. The policy of th l.ioard, one ollicial st-ited was to till all vacancies as far as possible with Hay. wood county teachers Without hurting the efficiency of the school system. A not he . fact taken into1, consideration was whether or not niore-'.han one mi inbi r of a family w.u teaching and if the linancial condition of the fam ily depended on the teacher's salary. The board met again Wednesday morning ami made 'i-ov- ..! ,.,' t.ic ...ipiiihtiiien's. i lie board wa- ii nan i ill, his in every decision, it: was said. Tln-re yet ..'remain.-.'- olio vacancy to be tilled. That is principal of th Kleiiit nt i ry .Sclniol. Mr. . Bowled staled that, the -' principal - for this sehiiol would be -IKIilied VV i hi 11 the next ten days- The ' 1'ii.ll'nwiiig i.: the ollicial li:-t of aii)ioiiii in'-, lit : V. VM'-SVll.l.E -DISTRICT High School ' lb.' I ... M. II.. Suierintci!deiil. i:,.!v en. I :: ,1.. I'rin. and A! . h Boy,!, Ile-sie- Eng.- and Math. I 'nt i ,i -!., :M rs. ,1 . ('..Science Ki ll: It .'.h,. .1 l.imii; 1. j :;c'r.- Latin and :M.' 1 .Alien, "AV. ('-. History. : Slanicy- (iiatv Albright. Biolegy ii hd I'liysics. Weal lierbv. ('.irleton. Civic and i'. !: Hyatt, Mar;raret- Engli.-h. Crockett, Nancy Jane. -'English. Freeman, Jell no D.. English. ' (-.'raig.. Ethel, ( 'ommercial. .Mock, Martha Jeanct'te. French and :ng: Smith. W. D., yvgrieuiiure. . Edwards. Louise, Home Economies. Hatcher. Charlotte, Music. .Jones Lucy Tate. History. . East Waynesvilie 'Reeves-. Thomas, I'rm 7th. McCracken, W . L bth. I'dinet. l''aniiie Pe.arlj 5th.' . Ileniy. Elizabeth.-- 1th. Crawford. M hired -Lirrl. l'atfcisoh. Eula, 2nd. Leilbetter, Annie l'lott, fit Lake Junaluska Francis. James ll.irley, Prill. Rathbone. Flora Etta. .'Ah ' Rogers, Louisa,' lth. Moore, St.e)hanie. 2nd. (Jueen, 'Mrs. Sam, 1st, Central Elementary Terrell, M-iude- Uh. Vi nr i hoi. Mr.;. Ova I'attersoii, 5th. Davis, Mary Ruby 4th. Liner- Mrs. Dobrnydar Fisher, 0th Robeson, Fr.'ita i Urd. -; llaifild- Lois. 2nd. -K!ri! at i ;!.- Annie D., 1st. HaKenvo-od-I!, .J. i'aul. Brin. 7:h. ,. .'L'ea.th'e'-r.W'tiod.; .Mainye Love, 3rd." Garner, Frances, 6th. KnigHt. Mrs- -Sam, 5th. ;; Stringfield, Mary. ,V.b. . Crawford, Wilda.- 1th Burgm. Margaret. 4th. . ; Fincher, Fred 1st and 2nd. Rathbone, Mary, 2nd. . : Leatherwood, Evt i'.- 1st. Morrow, Maye Burr. 1st., . Saunook l'ergu.son, Frank, I'lin- 5-.0. . Fi-lui Elene 3-1 , Davis. Pauline Noland, 1-2. Allen's ( reek Fngiwm, Mi- I rank, Prin. Bright, Edna, 1st. .'' f'ole. Eva Price, 2nd. . Dellwood (win ( h u lie F , Prin. 5-7. Teague- Bonnie, 3-4. . , Boyd. Edna. 1-2. i'eachtree Ml( r, ck- n rrn-t C , Crades 1-7. Maggie Rogers, Win- Norvall, 5-7. Campbell, Nell, 3-4. Setzer E5UUe Hvde, 1-2. Rock Hill Boyd, Julius Jackson, 6-7. Leatherwood. JIary Lou, 4-5. Medford. Louisa, .2-3. Davis, Mae, 1. Hemphill Owen, Robert E., 4-7. Cagle Goulon, 1-3. Upner Cove Creek Bird luw Belle, Gradtt 1 7. Wavnesville -( Negro) Patton thahe P, Pr,n 8-9 Love Ida V. 4-7 Howell, Marion Kemp, 1-3. Mr. Bowie in a formal statement Wednesday said: (Continued on page eight) IB n- r i ') i z- : t i .H 1 ' it- 1 rs : I i I 1. ,11 ' 1 r-1 r (1 v